< prev index next > test/hotspot/jtreg/compiler/jvmci/jdk.vm.ci.code.test/src/jdk/vm/ci/code/test/TestHotSpotVMConfig.java
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public final long handleDeoptStub = getFieldValue("CompilerToVM::Data::SharedRuntime_deopt_blob_unpack", Long.class, "address");
public final int maxOopMapStackOffset = getFieldValue("CompilerToVM::Data::_max_oop_map_stack_offset", Integer.class, "int");
public final int heapWordSize = getConstant("HeapWordSize", Integer.class);
+ // Check field with intx declaration is the same as int64_t.
+ public final int heldMonitorCountOffset = getFieldOffset("JavaThread::_held_monitor_count", Integer.class, "int64_t");
public final boolean ropProtection;
private Boolean initNmethodEntryBarrierConcurrentPatch(Architecture arch) {
Boolean patchConcurrent = null;
if (arch instanceof AArch64 && nmethodEntryBarrier != 0) {
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