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38     public final boolean useCompressedOops = getFlag("UseCompressedOops", Boolean.class);
39     public final boolean useCompressedClassPointers = getFlag("UseCompressedClassPointers", Boolean.class);
41     public final long narrowOopBase = getFieldValue("CompilerToVM::Data::Universe_narrow_oop_base", Long.class, "address");
42     public final int narrowOopShift = getFieldValue("CompilerToVM::Data::Universe_narrow_oop_shift", Integer.class, "int");
44     public final long narrowKlassBase = getFieldValue("CompilerToVM::Data::Universe_narrow_klass_base", Long.class, "address");
45     public final int narrowKlassShift = getFieldValue("CompilerToVM::Data::Universe_narrow_klass_shift", Integer.class, "int");
47     public final int classMirrorHandleOffset = getFieldOffset("Klass::_java_mirror", Integer.class, "OopHandle");
49     // Checkstyle: stop
50     public final int MARKID_DEOPT_HANDLER_ENTRY = getConstant("CodeInstaller::DEOPT_HANDLER_ENTRY", Integer.class);
51     public final int MARKID_FRAME_COMPLETE = getConstant("CodeInstaller::FRAME_COMPLETE", Integer.class);
52     public final int MARKID_ENTRY_BARRIER_PATCH = getConstant("CodeInstaller::ENTRY_BARRIER_PATCH", Integer.class);
53     public final long handleDeoptStub = getFieldValue("CompilerToVM::Data::SharedRuntime_deopt_blob_unpack", Long.class, "address");
55     public final int maxOopMapStackOffset = getFieldValue("CompilerToVM::Data::_max_oop_map_stack_offset", Integer.class, "int");
56     public final int heapWordSize = getConstant("HeapWordSize", Integer.class);

58     public final boolean ropProtection;
60     private Boolean initNmethodEntryBarrierConcurrentPatch(Architecture arch) {
61         Boolean patchConcurrent = null;
62         if (arch instanceof AArch64 && nmethodEntryBarrier != 0) {
63             Integer patchingType = getFieldValue("CompilerToVM::Data::BarrierSetAssembler_nmethod_patching_type", Integer.class, "int");
64             if (patchingType != null) {
65                 // There currently only 2 variants in use that differ only by the presence of a
66                 // dmb instruction
67                 int stw = getConstant("NMethodPatchingType::stw_instruction_and_data_patch", Integer.class);
68                 int conc = getConstant("NMethodPatchingType::conc_data_patch", Integer.class);
69                 if (patchingType == stw) {
70                     patchConcurrent = false;
71                 } else if (patchingType == conc) {
72                     patchConcurrent = true;
73                 } else {
74                     throw new IllegalArgumentException("unsupported barrier sequence " + patchingType);
75                 }
76             }
77         }

38     public final boolean useCompressedOops = getFlag("UseCompressedOops", Boolean.class);
39     public final boolean useCompressedClassPointers = getFlag("UseCompressedClassPointers", Boolean.class);
41     public final long narrowOopBase = getFieldValue("CompilerToVM::Data::Universe_narrow_oop_base", Long.class, "address");
42     public final int narrowOopShift = getFieldValue("CompilerToVM::Data::Universe_narrow_oop_shift", Integer.class, "int");
44     public final long narrowKlassBase = getFieldValue("CompilerToVM::Data::Universe_narrow_klass_base", Long.class, "address");
45     public final int narrowKlassShift = getFieldValue("CompilerToVM::Data::Universe_narrow_klass_shift", Integer.class, "int");
47     public final int classMirrorHandleOffset = getFieldOffset("Klass::_java_mirror", Integer.class, "OopHandle");
49     // Checkstyle: stop
50     public final int MARKID_DEOPT_HANDLER_ENTRY = getConstant("CodeInstaller::DEOPT_HANDLER_ENTRY", Integer.class);
51     public final int MARKID_FRAME_COMPLETE = getConstant("CodeInstaller::FRAME_COMPLETE", Integer.class);
52     public final int MARKID_ENTRY_BARRIER_PATCH = getConstant("CodeInstaller::ENTRY_BARRIER_PATCH", Integer.class);
53     public final long handleDeoptStub = getFieldValue("CompilerToVM::Data::SharedRuntime_deopt_blob_unpack", Long.class, "address");
55     public final int maxOopMapStackOffset = getFieldValue("CompilerToVM::Data::_max_oop_map_stack_offset", Integer.class, "int");
56     public final int heapWordSize = getConstant("HeapWordSize", Integer.class);
58     // Check field with intx declaration is the same as int64_t.
59     public final int heldMonitorCountOffset = getFieldOffset("JavaThread::_held_monitor_count", Integer.class, "int64_t");
61     public final boolean ropProtection;
63     private Boolean initNmethodEntryBarrierConcurrentPatch(Architecture arch) {
64         Boolean patchConcurrent = null;
65         if (arch instanceof AArch64 && nmethodEntryBarrier != 0) {
66             Integer patchingType = getFieldValue("CompilerToVM::Data::BarrierSetAssembler_nmethod_patching_type", Integer.class, "int");
67             if (patchingType != null) {
68                 // There currently only 2 variants in use that differ only by the presence of a
69                 // dmb instruction
70                 int stw = getConstant("NMethodPatchingType::stw_instruction_and_data_patch", Integer.class);
71                 int conc = getConstant("NMethodPatchingType::conc_data_patch", Integer.class);
72                 if (patchingType == stw) {
73                     patchConcurrent = false;
74                 } else if (patchingType == conc) {
75                     patchConcurrent = true;
76                 } else {
77                     throw new IllegalArgumentException("unsupported barrier sequence " + patchingType);
78                 }
79             }
80         }
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