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*** 24,10 ***
--- 24,11 ---
   * @test
   * @summary Dump time resolutiom of constant pool entries.
   * @requires vm.cds
+  * @requires vm.cds.supports.aot.class.linking
   * @requires vm.compMode != "Xcomp"
   * @library /test/lib
   * @build ResolvedConstants
   * @run driver jdk.test.lib.helpers.ClassFileInstaller -jar app.jar ResolvedConstantsApp ResolvedConstantsFoo ResolvedConstantsBar
   * @run driver ResolvedConstants

*** 40,93 ***
  public class ResolvedConstants {
      static final String classList = "ResolvedConstants.classlist";
      static final String appJar = ClassFileInstaller.getJarPath("app.jar");
      static final String mainClass = ResolvedConstantsApp.class.getName();
      public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
!         // dump class list
          CDSTestUtils.dumpClassList(classList, "-cp", appJar, mainClass)
              .assertNormalExit(output -> {
                  output.shouldContain("Hello ResolvedConstantsApp");
          CDSOptions opts = (new CDSOptions())
              .addPrefix("-XX:ExtraSharedClassListFile=" + classList,
                         "-cp", appJar,
            // Class References ---
              // Always resolve reference when a class references itself
!             .shouldMatch("cds,resolve.*archived klass.* ResolvedConstantsApp app => ResolvedConstantsApp app")
              // Always resolve reference when a class references a super class
!             .shouldMatch("cds,resolve.*archived klass.* ResolvedConstantsApp app => java/lang/Object boot")
!             .shouldMatch("cds,resolve.*archived klass.* ResolvedConstantsBar app => ResolvedConstantsFoo app")
              // Always resolve reference when a class references a super interface
!             .shouldMatch("cds,resolve.*archived klass.* ResolvedConstantsApp app => java/lang/Runnable boot")
!             // java/lang/System is in the root loader but ResolvedConstantsApp is loaded by the app loader.
-             // Even though System is in the vmClasses list, when ResolvedConstantsApp looks up
-             // "java/lang/System" in its ConstantPool, the app loader may not have resolved the System
-             // class yet (i.e., there's no initiaited class entry for System in the app loader's dictionary)
-             .shouldMatch("cds,resolve.*reverted klass.* ResolvedConstantsApp .*java/lang/System")
            // Field References ---
              // Always resolve references to fields in the current class or super class(es)
!             .shouldMatch("cds,resolve.*archived field.* ResolvedConstantsBar => ResolvedConstantsBar.b:I")
!             .shouldMatch("cds,resolve.*archived field.* ResolvedConstantsBar => ResolvedConstantsBar.a:I")
!             .shouldMatch("cds,resolve.*archived field.* ResolvedConstantsBar => ResolvedConstantsFoo.a:I")
!             // Do not resolve field references to child classes
!             .shouldMatch("cds,resolve.*archived field.* ResolvedConstantsFoo => ResolvedConstantsFoo.a:I")
!             .shouldMatch("cds,resolve.*reverted field.* ResolvedConstantsFoo    ResolvedConstantsBar.a:I")
-             .shouldMatch("cds,resolve.*reverted field.* ResolvedConstantsFoo    ResolvedConstantsBar.b:I")
!             // Do not resolve field references to unrelated classes
!             .shouldMatch("cds,resolve.*reverted field.* ResolvedConstantsApp    ResolvedConstantsBar.a:I")
!             .shouldMatch("cds,resolve.*reverted field.* ResolvedConstantsApp    ResolvedConstantsBar.b:I")
            // Method References ---
              // Should resolve references to own constructor
!             .shouldMatch("cds,resolve.*archived method .* ResolvedConstantsApp ResolvedConstantsApp.<init>:")
              // Should resolve references to super constructor
!             .shouldMatch("cds,resolve.*archived method .* ResolvedConstantsApp java/lang/Object.<init>:")
              // Should resolve interface methods in VM classes
!             .shouldMatch("cds,resolve.*archived interface method .* ResolvedConstantsApp java/lang/Runnable.run:")
              // Should resolve references to own non-static method (private or public)
!             .shouldMatch("archived method.*: ResolvedConstantsBar ResolvedConstantsBar.doBar:")
!             .shouldMatch("archived method.*: ResolvedConstantsApp ResolvedConstantsApp.privateInstanceCall:")
!             .shouldMatch("archived method.*: ResolvedConstantsApp ResolvedConstantsApp.publicInstanceCall:")
              // Should not resolve references to static method
!             .shouldNotMatch(" archived method CP entry.*: ResolvedConstantsApp ResolvedConstantsApp.staticCall:")
              // Should resolve references to method in super type
!             .shouldMatch(" archived method CP entry.*: ResolvedConstantsBar ResolvedConstantsFoo.doBar:")
!             // App class cannot resolve references to methods in boot classes:
              //    When the app class loader tries to resolve a class X that's normally loaded by
              //    the boot loader, it's possible for the app class loader to get a different copy of
              //    X (by using MethodHandles.Lookup.defineClass(), etc). Therefore, let's be on
              //    the side of safety and revert all such references.
!             //
!             //    This will be addressed in JDK-8315737.
-             .shouldMatch("reverted method.*: ResolvedConstantsApp java/io/PrintStream.println:")
-             .shouldMatch("reverted method.*: ResolvedConstantsBar java/lang/Class.getName:")
!             // Should not resolve methods in unrelated classes.
!             .shouldMatch("reverted method.*: ResolvedConstantsApp ResolvedConstantsBar.doit:")
            // End ---
  class ResolvedConstantsApp implements Runnable {
      public static void main(String args[]) {
          System.out.println("Hello ResolvedConstantsApp");
--- 41,121 ---
  public class ResolvedConstants {
      static final String classList = "ResolvedConstants.classlist";
      static final String appJar = ClassFileInstaller.getJarPath("app.jar");
      static final String mainClass = ResolvedConstantsApp.class.getName();
+     static boolean aotClassLinking;
      public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
!         test(false);
+         test(true);
+     }
+     static void test(boolean testMode) throws Exception {
+         aotClassLinking = testMode;
          CDSTestUtils.dumpClassList(classList, "-cp", appJar, mainClass)
              .assertNormalExit(output -> {
                  output.shouldContain("Hello ResolvedConstantsApp");
          CDSOptions opts = (new CDSOptions())
              .addPrefix("-XX:ExtraSharedClassListFile=" + classList,
                         "-cp", appJar,
+         if (aotClassLinking) {
+             opts.addPrefix("-XX:+AOTClassLinking");
+         } else {
+             opts.addPrefix("-XX:-AOTClassLinking");
+         }
            // Class References ---
              // Always resolve reference when a class references itself
!             .shouldMatch(ALWAYS("klass.* ResolvedConstantsApp app => ResolvedConstantsApp app"))
              // Always resolve reference when a class references a super class
!             .shouldMatch(ALWAYS("klass.* ResolvedConstantsApp app => java/lang/Object boot"))
!             .shouldMatch(ALWAYS("klass.* ResolvedConstantsBar app => ResolvedConstantsFoo app"))
              // Always resolve reference when a class references a super interface
!             .shouldMatch(ALWAYS("klass.* ResolvedConstantsApp app => java/lang/Runnable boot"))
! /** premain allows static method pre-resolution
+             // Without -XX:+AOTClassLinking:
+             //   java/lang/System is in the boot loader but ResolvedConstantsApp is loaded by the app loader.
+             //   Even though System is in the vmClasses list, when ResolvedConstantsApp looks up
+             //   "java/lang/System" in its ConstantPool, the app loader may not have resolved the System
+             //   class yet (i.e., there's no initiaited class entry for System in the app loader's dictionary)
+             .shouldMatch(AOTLINK_ONLY("klass.* ResolvedConstantsApp .*java/lang/System"))
+ **/
            // Field References ---
              // Always resolve references to fields in the current class or super class(es)
!             .shouldMatch(ALWAYS("field.* ResolvedConstantsBar => ResolvedConstantsBar.b:I"))
!             .shouldMatch(ALWAYS("field.* ResolvedConstantsBar => ResolvedConstantsBar.a:I"))
!             .shouldMatch(ALWAYS("field.* ResolvedConstantsBar => ResolvedConstantsFoo.a:I"))
+             .shouldMatch(ALWAYS("field.* ResolvedConstantsFoo => ResolvedConstantsFoo.a:I"))
!             // Resolve field references to child classes ONLY when using -XX:+AOTClassLinking
!             .shouldMatch(AOTLINK_ONLY("field.* ResolvedConstantsFoo => ResolvedConstantsBar.a:I"))
!             .shouldMatch(AOTLINK_ONLY("field.* ResolvedConstantsFoo => ResolvedConstantsBar.b:I"))
!             // Resolve field references to unrelated classes ONLY when using -XX:+AOTClassLinking
!             .shouldMatch(AOTLINK_ONLY("field.* ResolvedConstantsApp => ResolvedConstantsBar.a:I"))
!             .shouldMatch(AOTLINK_ONLY("field.* ResolvedConstantsApp => ResolvedConstantsBar.b:I"))
            // Method References ---
              // Should resolve references to own constructor
!             .shouldMatch(ALWAYS("method.* ResolvedConstantsApp ResolvedConstantsApp.<init>:"))
              // Should resolve references to super constructor
!             .shouldMatch(ALWAYS("method.* ResolvedConstantsApp java/lang/Object.<init>:"))
              // Should resolve interface methods in VM classes
!             .shouldMatch(ALWAYS("interface method .* ResolvedConstantsApp java/lang/Runnable.run:"))
              // Should resolve references to own non-static method (private or public)
!             .shouldMatch(ALWAYS("method.*: ResolvedConstantsBar ResolvedConstantsBar.doBar:"))
!             .shouldMatch(ALWAYS("method.*: ResolvedConstantsApp ResolvedConstantsApp.privateInstanceCall:"))
!             .shouldMatch(ALWAYS("method.*: ResolvedConstantsApp ResolvedConstantsApp.publicInstanceCall:"))
+ /** premain allows static method pre-resolution
              // Should not resolve references to static method
!             .shouldNotMatch(ALWAYS("method.*: ResolvedConstantsApp ResolvedConstantsApp.staticCall:"))
+ **/
              // Should resolve references to method in super type
!             .shouldMatch(ALWAYS("method.*: ResolvedConstantsBar ResolvedConstantsFoo.doBar:"))
!             // Without -XX:+AOTClassLinking App class cannot resolve references to methods in boot classes:
              //    When the app class loader tries to resolve a class X that's normally loaded by
              //    the boot loader, it's possible for the app class loader to get a different copy of
              //    X (by using MethodHandles.Lookup.defineClass(), etc). Therefore, let's be on
              //    the side of safety and revert all such references.
!             .shouldMatch(AOTLINK_ONLY("method.*: ResolvedConstantsApp java/io/PrintStream.println:"))
!             .shouldMatch(AOTLINK_ONLY("method.*: ResolvedConstantsBar java/lang/Class.getName:"))
!             // Resole resolve methods in unrelated classes ONLY when using -XX:+AOTClassLinking
!             .shouldMatch(AOTLINK_ONLY("method.*: ResolvedConstantsApp ResolvedConstantsBar.doit:"))
            // End ---
+     static String ALWAYS(String s) {
+         return "cds,resolve.*archived " + s;
+     }
+     static String AOTLINK_ONLY(String s) {
+         if (aotClassLinking) {
+             return ALWAYS(s);
+         } else {
+             return "cds,resolve.*reverted " + s;
+         }
+     }
  class ResolvedConstantsApp implements Runnable {
      public static void main(String args[]) {
          System.out.println("Hello ResolvedConstantsApp");
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