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@@ -85,17 +85,18 @@
              .shouldMatch(ALWAYS("klass.* ResolvedConstantsBar app => ResolvedConstantsFoo app"))
              // Always resolve reference when a class references a super interface
              .shouldMatch(ALWAYS("klass.* ResolvedConstantsApp app => java/lang/Runnable boot"))
+ /** premain allows static method pre-resolution
              // Without -XX:+AOTClassLinking:
              //   java/lang/System is in the boot loader but ResolvedConstantsApp is loaded by the app loader.
              //   Even though System is in the vmClasses list, when ResolvedConstantsApp looks up
              //   "java/lang/System" in its ConstantPool, the app loader may not have resolved the System
              //   class yet (i.e., there's no initiaited class entry for System in the app loader's dictionary)
              .shouldMatch(AOTLINK_ONLY("klass.* ResolvedConstantsApp .*java/lang/System"))
+ **/
            // Field References ---
              // Always resolve references to fields in the current class or super class(es)
              .shouldMatch(ALWAYS("field.* ResolvedConstantsBar => ResolvedConstantsBar.b:I"))
              .shouldMatch(ALWAYS("field.* ResolvedConstantsBar => ResolvedConstantsBar.a:I"))

@@ -122,13 +123,14 @@
              // Should resolve references to own non-static method (private or public)
              .shouldMatch(ALWAYS("method.*: ResolvedConstantsBar ResolvedConstantsBar.doBar:"))
              .shouldMatch(ALWAYS("method.*: ResolvedConstantsApp ResolvedConstantsApp.privateInstanceCall:"))
              .shouldMatch(ALWAYS("method.*: ResolvedConstantsApp ResolvedConstantsApp.publicInstanceCall:"))
+ /** premain allows static method pre-resolution
              // Should not resolve references to static method
              .shouldNotMatch(ALWAYS("method.*: ResolvedConstantsApp ResolvedConstantsApp.staticCall:"))
+ **/
              // Should resolve references to method in super type
              .shouldMatch(ALWAYS("method.*: ResolvedConstantsBar ResolvedConstantsFoo.doBar:"))
              // Without -XX:+AOTClassLinking App class cannot resolve references to methods in boot classes:

@@ -146,18 +148,20 @@
          // Indy References ---
          if (aotClassLinking) {
+ /** premain allows Old classes to be linked
              out.shouldContain("Cannot aot-resolve Lambda proxy because OldConsumer is excluded")
                 .shouldContain("Cannot aot-resolve Lambda proxy because OldProvider is excluded")
                 .shouldContain("Cannot aot-resolve Lambda proxy because OldClass is excluded")
                 .shouldContain("Cannot aot-resolve Lambda proxy of interface type InterfaceWithClinit")
                 .shouldMatch("klasses.* app *NormalClass[$][$]Lambda/.* hidden aot-linked inited")
                 .shouldNotMatch("klasses.* app *SubOfOldClass[$][$]Lambda/")
                 .shouldMatch("archived indy *CP entry.*StringConcatTest .* => java/lang/invoke/StringConcatFactory.makeConcatWithConstants")
                 .shouldNotMatch("archived indy *CP entry.*StringConcatTestOld .* => java/lang/invoke/StringConcatFactory.makeConcatWithConstants");
+ **/
      static String ALWAYS(String s) {
          return "cds,resolve.*archived " + s;
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