1 /*
  2  * Copyright (c) 2000, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  4  *
  5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
  7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
  8  *
  9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 13  * accompanied this code).
 14  *
 15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 18  *
 19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
 21  * questions.
 22  *
 23  */
 28 #include "runtime/globals_shared.hpp"
 29 #include "utilities/vmEnums.hpp"
 31 class fileStream;
 33 //
 34 // Declare all global flags used by the JVMCI compiler. Only flags that need
 35 // to be accessible to the JVMCI C++ code should be defined here.
 36 //
 37 #define JVMCI_FLAGS(develop,                                                \
 38                     develop_pd,                                             \
 39                     product,                                                \
 40                     product_pd,                                             \
 41                     notproduct,                                             \
 42                     range,                                                  \
 43                     constraint)                                             \
 44                                                                             \
 45   product(bool, EnableJVMCI, false, EXPERIMENTAL,                           \
 46           "Enable JVMCI")                                                   \
 47                                                                             \
 48   product(bool, EnableJVMCIProduct, false, EXPERIMENTAL,                    \
 49           "Allow JVMCI to be used in product mode. This alters a subset of "\
 50           "JVMCI flags to be non-experimental, defaults UseJVMCICompiler "  \
 51           "and EnableJVMCI to true and defaults UseJVMCINativeLibrary "     \
 52           "to true if a JVMCI native library is available.")                \
 53                                                                             \
 54   product(bool, UseJVMCICompiler, false, EXPERIMENTAL,                      \
 55           "Use JVMCI as the default compiler. Defaults to true if "         \
 56           "EnableJVMCIProduct is true.")                                    \
 57                                                                             \
 58   product(bool, JVMCIPrintProperties, false, EXPERIMENTAL,                  \
 59           "Prints properties used by the JVMCI compiler and exits")         \
 60                                                                             \
 61   product(bool, BootstrapJVMCI, false, EXPERIMENTAL,                        \
 62           "Bootstrap JVMCI before running Java main method. This "          \
 63           "initializes the compile queue with a small set of methods "      \
 64           "and processes the queue until it is empty. Combining this with " \
 65           "-XX:-TieredCompilation makes JVMCI compile more of itself.")     \
 66                                                                             \
 67   product(bool, EagerJVMCI, false, EXPERIMENTAL,                            \
 68           "Force eager JVMCI initialization")                               \
 69                                                                             \
 70   product(bool, PrintBootstrap, true, EXPERIMENTAL,                         \
 71           "Print JVMCI bootstrap progress and summary")                     \
 72                                                                             \
 73   product(intx, JVMCIThreads, 1, EXPERIMENTAL,                              \
 74           "Force number of JVMCI compiler threads to use. Ignored if "      \
 75           "UseJVMCICompiler is false.")                                     \
 76           range(1, max_jint)                                                \
 77                                                                             \
 78   product(intx, JVMCIHostThreads, 1, EXPERIMENTAL,                          \
 79           "Force number of C1 compiler threads. Ignored if "                \
 80           "UseJVMCICompiler is false.")                                     \
 81           range(1, max_jint)                                                \
 82                                                                             \
 83   NOT_COMPILER2(product(intx, MaxVectorSize, 64,                            \
 84           "Max vector size in bytes, "                                      \
 85           "actual size could be less depending on elements type")           \
 86           range(0, max_jint))                                               \
 87                                                                             \
 88   NOT_COMPILER2(product(bool, ReduceInitialCardMarks, true,                 \
 89           "Defer write barriers of young objects"))                         \
 90                                                                             \
 91   product(intx, JVMCIEventLogLevel, 1, EXPERIMENTAL,                        \
 92           "Event log level for JVMCI")                                      \
 93           range(0, 4)                                                       \
 94                                                                             \
 95   product(intx, JVMCITraceLevel, 0, EXPERIMENTAL,                           \
 96           "Trace level for JVMCI")                                          \
 97           range(0, 4)                                                       \
 98                                                                             \
 99   product(intx, JVMCICounterSize, 0, EXPERIMENTAL,                          \
100           "Reserved size for benchmark counters")                           \
101           range(0, 1000000)                                                 \
102                                                                             \
103   product(bool, JVMCICountersExcludeCompiler, true, EXPERIMENTAL,           \
104           "Exclude JVMCI compiler threads from benchmark counters")         \
105                                                                             \

106   product(intx, JVMCINMethodSizeLimit, (80*K)*wordSize, EXPERIMENTAL,       \
107           "Maximum size of a compiled method.")                             \
108           range(0, max_jint)                                                \
109                                                                             \
110   product(ccstr, JVMCILibPath, NULL, EXPERIMENTAL,                          \
111           "LD path for loading the JVMCI shared library")                   \
112                                                                             \
113   product(ccstr, JVMCILibDumpJNIConfig, NULL, EXPERIMENTAL,                 \
114           "Dumps to the given file a description of the classes, fields "   \
115           "and methods the JVMCI shared library must provide")              \
116                                                                             \
117   product(bool, UseJVMCINativeLibrary, false, EXPERIMENTAL,                 \
118           "Execute JVMCI Java code from a shared library "                  \
119           "instead of loading it from class files and executing it "        \
120           "on the HotSpot heap. Defaults to true if EnableJVMCIProduct is " \
121           "true and a JVMCI native library is available.")                  \
122                                                                             \
123   NOT_COMPILER2(product(bool, UseMultiplyToLenIntrinsic, false, DIAGNOSTIC, \
124           "Enables intrinsification of BigInteger.multiplyToLen()"))        \
125                                                                             \
126   NOT_COMPILER2(product(bool, UseSquareToLenIntrinsic, false, DIAGNOSTIC,   \
127           "Enables intrinsification of BigInteger.squareToLen()"))          \
128                                                                             \
129   NOT_COMPILER2(product(bool, UseMulAddIntrinsic, false, DIAGNOSTIC,        \
130           "Enables intrinsification of BigInteger.mulAdd()"))               \
131                                                                             \
132   NOT_COMPILER2(product(bool, UseMontgomeryMultiplyIntrinsic, false, DIAGNOSTIC, \
133           "Enables intrinsification of BigInteger.montgomeryMultiply()"))   \
134                                                                             \
135   NOT_COMPILER2(product(bool, UseMontgomerySquareIntrinsic, false, DIAGNOSTIC, \
136           "Enables intrinsification of BigInteger.montgomerySquare()"))
138 // end of JVMCI_FLAGS
142 // The base name for the shared library containing the JVMCI based compiler
143 #define JVMCI_SHARED_LIBRARY_NAME "jvmcicompiler"
145 class JVMCIGlobals {
146  private:
147   static fileStream* _jni_config_file;
148  public:
150   // Returns true if jvmci flags are consistent. If not consistent,
151   // an error message describing the inconsistency is printed before
152   // returning false.
153   static bool check_jvmci_flags_are_consistent();
155   // Convert JVMCI experimental flags to product
156   static bool enable_jvmci_product_mode(JVMFlagOrigin);
158   // Returns true iff the GC fully supports JVMCI.
159   static bool gc_supports_jvmci();
161   // Check and turn off EnableJVMCI if selected GC does not support JVMCI.
162   static void check_jvmci_supported_gc();
164   static fileStream* get_jni_config_file() { return _jni_config_file; }
165 };
--- EOF ---