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*** 431,17 ***
  inline void Assembler::mftb(Register d )          { emit_int32(MFTB_OPCODE  | rt(d)); }
  // Introduced with Power 8:
  // Data Stream Control Register
  inline void Assembler::mtdscr(Register s1)        { emit_int32(MTDSCR_OPCODE | rs(s1)); }
  inline void Assembler::mfdscr(Register d )        { emit_int32(MFDSCR_OPCODE | rt(d)); }
- // Transactional Memory Registers
- inline void Assembler::mftfhar(Register d )       { emit_int32(MFTFHAR_OPCODE   | rt(d)); }
- inline void Assembler::mftfiar(Register d )       { emit_int32(MFTFIAR_OPCODE   | rt(d)); }
- inline void Assembler::mftexasr(Register d )      { emit_int32(MFTEXASR_OPCODE  | rt(d)); }
- inline void Assembler::mftexasru(Register d )     { emit_int32(MFTEXASRU_OPCODE | rt(d)); }
- // SAP JVM 2006-02-13 PPC branch instruction.
  // PPC 1, section 2.4.1 Branch Instructions
  inline void Assembler::b( address a, relocInfo::relocType rt) { emit_data(BXX_OPCODE| li(disp( intptr_t(a), intptr_t(pc()))) |aa(0)|lk(0), rt); }
  inline void Assembler::b( Label& L)                           { b( target(L)); }
  inline void Assembler::bl(address a, relocInfo::relocType rt) { emit_data(BXX_OPCODE| li(disp( intptr_t(a), intptr_t(pc()))) |aa(0)|lk(1), rt); }
  inline void Assembler::bl(Label& L)                           { bl(target(L)); }
--- 431,11 ---

*** 1046,25 ***
  inline void Assembler::vpmsumw(  VectorRegister d, VectorRegister a, VectorRegister b) { emit_int32( VPMSUMW_OPCODE | vrt(d) | vra(a) | vrb(b)); }
  // Vector Permute and Xor (introduced with Power 8)
  inline void Assembler::vpermxor( VectorRegister d, VectorRegister a, VectorRegister b, VectorRegister c) { emit_int32( VPERMXOR_OPCODE | vrt(d) | vra(a) | vrb(b) | vrc(c)); }
- // Transactional Memory instructions (introduced with Power 8)
- inline void Assembler::tbegin_()                                { emit_int32( TBEGIN_OPCODE | rc(1)); }
- inline void Assembler::tbeginrot_()                             { emit_int32( TBEGIN_OPCODE | /*R=1*/ 1u << (31-10) | rc(1)); }
- inline void Assembler::tend_()                                  { emit_int32( TEND_OPCODE | rc(1)); }
- inline void Assembler::tendall_()                               { emit_int32( TEND_OPCODE | /*A=1*/ 1u << (31-6) | rc(1)); }
- inline void Assembler::tabort_()                                { emit_int32( TABORT_OPCODE | rc(1)); }
- inline void Assembler::tabort_(Register a)                      { assert(a != R0, "r0 not allowed"); emit_int32( TABORT_OPCODE | ra(a) | rc(1)); }
- inline void Assembler::tabortwc_(int t, Register a, Register b) { emit_int32( TABORTWC_OPCODE | to(t) | ra(a) | rb(b) | rc(1)); }
- inline void Assembler::tabortwci_(int t, Register a, int si)    { emit_int32( TABORTWCI_OPCODE | to(t) | ra(a) | sh1620(si) | rc(1)); }
- inline void Assembler::tabortdc_(int t, Register a, Register b) { emit_int32( TABORTDC_OPCODE | to(t) | ra(a) | rb(b) | rc(1)); }
- inline void Assembler::tabortdci_(int t, Register a, int si)    { emit_int32( TABORTDCI_OPCODE | to(t) | ra(a) | sh1620(si) | rc(1)); }
- inline void Assembler::tsuspend_()                              { emit_int32( TSR_OPCODE | rc(1)); }
- inline void Assembler::tresume_()                               { emit_int32( TSR_OPCODE | /*L=1*/ 1u << (31-10) | rc(1)); }
- inline void Assembler::tcheck(int f)                            { emit_int32( TCHECK_OPCODE | bf(f)); }
  // Deliver A Random Number (introduced with POWER9)
  inline void Assembler::darn(Register d, int l /* =1 */) { emit_int32( DARN_OPCODE | rt(d) | l14(l)); }
  // ra0 version
  inline void Assembler::lwzx( Register d, Register s2) { emit_int32( LWZX_OPCODE | rt(d) | rb(s2));}
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