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134   product(bool, UseExtendedLoadAndReserveInstructionsPPC64, false, DIAGNOSTIC,\
135           "Use extended versions of load-and-reserve instructions.")        \
136                                                                             \
137   product(bool, UseRotateAndMaskInstructionsPPC64, true, DIAGNOSTIC,        \
138           "Use rotate and mask instructions.")                              \
139                                                                             \
140   /* Trap based checks. */                                                  \
141   /* Trap based checks use the ppc trap instructions to check certain */    \
142   /* conditions. This instruction raises a SIGTRAP caught by the      */    \
143   /* exception handler of the VM.                                     */    \
144   product(bool, UseSIGTRAP, true,                                           \
145           "Allow trap instructions that make use of SIGTRAP. Use this to "  \
146           "switch off all optimizations requiring SIGTRAP.")                \
147   product(bool, TrapBasedICMissChecks, true, DIAGNOSTIC,                    \
148           "Raise and handle SIGTRAP if inline cache miss detected.")        \
149                                                                             \
150   product(bool, TraceTraps, false, DIAGNOSTIC,                              \
151           "Trace all traps the signal handler handles.")                    \
152                                                                             \
153   develop(bool, ZapMemory, false,                                           \
154           "Write 0x0101... to empty memory. Use this to ease debugging.")   \
155                                                                             \
156   /* Use Restricted Transactional Memory for lock elision */                \
157   product(bool, UseRTMLocking, false,                                       \
158           "Enable RTM lock eliding for inflated locks in compiled code")    \
159                                                                             \
160   product(bool, UseRTMForStackLocks, false, EXPERIMENTAL,                   \
161           "Enable RTM lock eliding for stack locks in compiled code")       \
162                                                                             \
163   product(bool, UseRTMDeopt, false,                                         \
164           "Perform deopt and recompilation based on RTM abort ratio")       \
165                                                                             \
166   product(int, RTMRetryCount, 5,                                            \
167           "Number of RTM retries on lock abort or busy")                    \
168           range(0, max_jint)                                                \
169                                                                             \
170   product(int, RTMSpinLoopCount, 100, EXPERIMENTAL,                         \
171           "Spin count for lock to become free before RTM retry")            \
172           range(0, 32767) /* immediate operand limit on ppc */              \
173                                                                             \
174   product(int, RTMAbortThreshold, 1000, EXPERIMENTAL,                       \
175           "Calculate abort ratio after this number of aborts")              \
176           range(0, max_jint)                                                \
177                                                                             \
178   product(int, RTMLockingThreshold, 10000, EXPERIMENTAL,                    \
179           "Lock count at which to do RTM lock eliding without "             \
180           "abort ratio calculation")                                        \
181           range(0, max_jint)                                                \
182                                                                             \
183   product(int, RTMAbortRatio, 50, EXPERIMENTAL,                             \
184           "Lock abort ratio at which to stop use RTM lock eliding")         \
185           range(0, 100) /* natural range */                                 \
186                                                                             \
187   product(int, RTMTotalCountIncrRate, 64, EXPERIMENTAL,                     \
188           "Increment total RTM attempted lock count once every n times")    \
189           range(1, 32767) /* immediate operand limit on ppc */              \
190           constraint(RTMTotalCountIncrRateConstraintFunc,AfterErgo)         \
191                                                                             \
192   product(intx, RTMLockingCalculationDelay, 0, EXPERIMENTAL,                \
193           "Number of milliseconds to wait before start calculating aborts " \
194           "for RTM locking")                                                \
195                                                                             \
196   product(bool, UseRTMXendForLockBusy, true, EXPERIMENTAL,                  \
197           "Use RTM Xend instead of Xabort when lock busy")
199 // end of ARCH_FLAGS

134   product(bool, UseExtendedLoadAndReserveInstructionsPPC64, false, DIAGNOSTIC,\
135           "Use extended versions of load-and-reserve instructions.")        \
136                                                                             \
137   product(bool, UseRotateAndMaskInstructionsPPC64, true, DIAGNOSTIC,        \
138           "Use rotate and mask instructions.")                              \
139                                                                             \
140   /* Trap based checks. */                                                  \
141   /* Trap based checks use the ppc trap instructions to check certain */    \
142   /* conditions. This instruction raises a SIGTRAP caught by the      */    \
143   /* exception handler of the VM.                                     */    \
144   product(bool, UseSIGTRAP, true,                                           \
145           "Allow trap instructions that make use of SIGTRAP. Use this to "  \
146           "switch off all optimizations requiring SIGTRAP.")                \
147   product(bool, TrapBasedICMissChecks, true, DIAGNOSTIC,                    \
148           "Raise and handle SIGTRAP if inline cache miss detected.")        \
149                                                                             \
150   product(bool, TraceTraps, false, DIAGNOSTIC,                              \
151           "Trace all traps the signal handler handles.")                    \
152                                                                             \
153   develop(bool, ZapMemory, false,                                           \
154           "Write 0x0101... to empty memory. Use this to ease debugging.")

156 // end of ARCH_FLAGS
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