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*** 26,11 ***
  #include "asm/assembler.hpp"
  #include "oops/accessDecorators.hpp"
- #include "runtime/rtmLocking.hpp"
  #include "utilities/macros.hpp"
  // MacroAssembler extends Assembler by a few frequently used macros.
  class ciTypeArray;
--- 26,10 ---

*** 605,12 ***
    void push_cont_fastpath();
    void pop_cont_fastpath();
    void inc_held_monitor_count(Register tmp);
    void dec_held_monitor_count(Register tmp);
    void atomically_flip_locked_state(bool is_unlock, Register obj, Register tmp, Label& failed, int semantics);
!   void lightweight_lock(Register obj, Register hdr, Register t1, Label& slow);
!   void lightweight_unlock(Register obj, Register hdr, Label& slow);
    // allocation (for C1)
    void tlab_allocate(
      Register obj,                      // result: pointer to object after successful allocation
      Register var_size_in_bytes,        // object size in bytes if unknown at compile time; invalid otherwise
--- 604,12 ---
    void push_cont_fastpath();
    void pop_cont_fastpath();
    void inc_held_monitor_count(Register tmp);
    void dec_held_monitor_count(Register tmp);
    void atomically_flip_locked_state(bool is_unlock, Register obj, Register tmp, Label& failed, int semantics);
!   void lightweight_lock(Register obj, Register t1, Register t2, Label& slow);
!   void lightweight_unlock(Register obj, Register t1, Label& slow);
    // allocation (for C1)
    void tlab_allocate(
      Register obj,                      // result: pointer to object after successful allocation
      Register var_size_in_bytes,        // object size in bytes if unknown at compile time; invalid otherwise

*** 621,45 ***
    void incr_allocated_bytes(RegisterOrConstant size_in_bytes, Register t1, Register t2);
    enum { trampoline_stub_size = 6 * 4 };
    address emit_trampoline_stub(int destination_toc_offset, int insts_call_instruction_offset, Register Rtoc = noreg);
-   void atomic_inc_ptr(Register addr, Register result, int simm16 = 1);
-   void atomic_ori_int(Register addr, Register result, int uimm16);
-   void rtm_counters_update(Register abort_status, Register rtm_counters);
-   void branch_on_random_using_tb(Register tmp, int count, Label& brLabel);
-   void rtm_abort_ratio_calculation(Register rtm_counters_reg, RTMLockingCounters* rtm_counters,
-                                    Metadata* method_data);
-   void rtm_profiling(Register abort_status_Reg, Register temp_Reg,
-                      RTMLockingCounters* rtm_counters, Metadata* method_data, bool profile_rtm);
-   void rtm_retry_lock_on_abort(Register retry_count, Register abort_status,
-                                Label& retryLabel, Label* checkRetry = nullptr);
-   void rtm_retry_lock_on_busy(Register retry_count, Register owner_addr, Label& retryLabel);
-   void rtm_stack_locking(ConditionRegister flag, Register obj, Register mark_word, Register tmp,
-                          Register retry_on_abort_count,
-                          RTMLockingCounters* stack_rtm_counters,
-                          Metadata* method_data, bool profile_rtm,
-                          Label& DONE_LABEL, Label& IsInflated);
-   void rtm_inflated_locking(ConditionRegister flag, Register obj, Register mark_word, Register box,
-                             Register retry_on_busy_count, Register retry_on_abort_count,
-                             RTMLockingCounters* rtm_counters,
-                             Metadata* method_data, bool profile_rtm,
-                             Label& DONE_LABEL);
- #endif
    void compiler_fast_lock_object(ConditionRegister flag, Register oop, Register box,
!                                  Register tmp1, Register tmp2, Register tmp3,
-                                  RTMLockingCounters* rtm_counters = nullptr,
-                                  RTMLockingCounters* stack_rtm_counters = nullptr,
-                                  Metadata* method_data = nullptr,
-                                  bool use_rtm = false, bool profile_rtm = false);
    void compiler_fast_unlock_object(ConditionRegister flag, Register oop, Register box,
!                                    Register tmp1, Register tmp2, Register tmp3,
!                                    bool use_rtm = false);
    // Check if safepoint requested and if so branch
    void safepoint_poll(Label& slow_path, Register temp, bool at_return, bool in_nmethod);
    void resolve_jobject(Register value, Register tmp1, Register tmp2,
--- 620,21 ---
    void incr_allocated_bytes(RegisterOrConstant size_in_bytes, Register t1, Register t2);
    enum { trampoline_stub_size = 6 * 4 };
    address emit_trampoline_stub(int destination_toc_offset, int insts_call_instruction_offset, Register Rtoc = noreg);
    void compiler_fast_lock_object(ConditionRegister flag, Register oop, Register box,
!                                  Register tmp1, Register tmp2, Register tmp3);
    void compiler_fast_unlock_object(ConditionRegister flag, Register oop, Register box,
!                                    Register tmp1, Register tmp2, Register tmp3);
+   void compiler_fast_lock_lightweight_object(ConditionRegister flag, Register oop, Register tmp1,
+                                              Register tmp2, Register tmp3);
+   void compiler_fast_unlock_lightweight_object(ConditionRegister flag, Register oop, Register tmp1,
+                                                Register tmp2, Register tmp3);
    // Check if safepoint requested and if so branch
    void safepoint_poll(Label& slow_path, Register temp, bool at_return, bool in_nmethod);
    void resolve_jobject(Register value, Register tmp1, Register tmp2,
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