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*** 68,11 ***
    // hdr_size correctly and storing the array length afterwards.
    void allocate_object(
      Register obj,                      // result: Pointer to object after successful allocation.
      Register t1,                       // temp register
      Register t2,                       // temp register
!     int      hdr_size,                 // object header size in words
      int      obj_size,                 // object size in words
      Register klass,                    // object klass
      Label&   slow_case                 // Continuation point if fast allocation fails.
--- 68,11 ---
    // hdr_size correctly and storing the array length afterwards.
    void allocate_object(
      Register obj,                      // result: Pointer to object after successful allocation.
      Register t1,                       // temp register
      Register t2,                       // temp register
!     int      base_offset_in_bytes,     // elements offset in bytes
      int      obj_size,                 // object size in words
      Register klass,                    // object klass
      Label&   slow_case                 // Continuation point if fast allocation fails.
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