4523 Node *lock_mask = _gvn.MakeConX(markWord::lock_mask_in_place);
4524 Node *lmasked_header = _gvn.transform(new AndXNode(header, lock_mask));
4525 if (LockingMode == LM_LIGHTWEIGHT) {
4526 Node *monitor_val = _gvn.MakeConX(markWord::monitor_value);
4527 Node *chk_monitor = _gvn.transform(new CmpXNode(lmasked_header, monitor_val));
4528 Node *test_monitor = _gvn.transform(new BoolNode(chk_monitor, BoolTest::eq));
4530 generate_slow_guard(test_monitor, slow_region);
4531 } else {
4532 Node *unlocked_val = _gvn.MakeConX(markWord::unlocked_value);
4533 Node *chk_unlocked = _gvn.transform(new CmpXNode(lmasked_header, unlocked_val));
4534 Node *test_not_unlocked = _gvn.transform(new BoolNode(chk_unlocked, BoolTest::ne));
4536 generate_slow_guard(test_not_unlocked, slow_region);
4537 }
4539 // Get the hash value and check to see that it has been properly assigned.
4540 // We depend on hash_mask being at most 32 bits and avoid the use of
4541 // hash_mask_in_place because it could be larger than 32 bits in a 64-bit
4542 // vm: see markWord.hpp.
4543 Node *hash_mask = _gvn.intcon(markWord::hash_mask);
4544 Node *hash_shift = _gvn.intcon(markWord::hash_shift);
4545 Node *hshifted_header= _gvn.transform(new URShiftXNode(header, hash_shift));
4546 // This hack lets the hash bits live anywhere in the mark object now, as long
4547 // as the shift drops the relevant bits into the low 32 bits. Note that
4548 // Java spec says that HashCode is an int so there's no point in capturing
4549 // an 'X'-sized hashcode (32 in 32-bit build or 64 in 64-bit build).
4550 hshifted_header = ConvX2I(hshifted_header);
4551 Node *hash_val = _gvn.transform(new AndINode(hshifted_header, hash_mask));
4553 Node *no_hash_val = _gvn.intcon(markWord::no_hash);
4554 Node *chk_assigned = _gvn.transform(new CmpINode( hash_val, no_hash_val));
4555 Node *test_assigned = _gvn.transform(new BoolNode( chk_assigned, BoolTest::eq));
4557 generate_slow_guard(test_assigned, slow_region);
4559 Node* init_mem = reset_memory();
4560 // fill in the rest of the null path:
4561 result_io ->init_req(_null_path, i_o());
4562 result_mem->init_req(_null_path, init_mem);
4564 result_val->init_req(_fast_path, hash_val);
4523 Node *lock_mask = _gvn.MakeConX(markWord::lock_mask_in_place);
4524 Node *lmasked_header = _gvn.transform(new AndXNode(header, lock_mask));
4525 if (LockingMode == LM_LIGHTWEIGHT) {
4526 Node *monitor_val = _gvn.MakeConX(markWord::monitor_value);
4527 Node *chk_monitor = _gvn.transform(new CmpXNode(lmasked_header, monitor_val));
4528 Node *test_monitor = _gvn.transform(new BoolNode(chk_monitor, BoolTest::eq));
4530 generate_slow_guard(test_monitor, slow_region);
4531 } else {
4532 Node *unlocked_val = _gvn.MakeConX(markWord::unlocked_value);
4533 Node *chk_unlocked = _gvn.transform(new CmpXNode(lmasked_header, unlocked_val));
4534 Node *test_not_unlocked = _gvn.transform(new BoolNode(chk_unlocked, BoolTest::ne));
4536 generate_slow_guard(test_not_unlocked, slow_region);
4537 }
4539 // Get the hash value and check to see that it has been properly assigned.
4540 // We depend on hash_mask being at most 32 bits and avoid the use of
4541 // hash_mask_in_place because it could be larger than 32 bits in a 64-bit
4542 // vm: see markWord.hpp.
4543 Node *hash_mask = _gvn.intcon(UseCompactObjectHeaders ? markWord::hash_mask_compact : markWord::hash_mask);
4544 Node *hash_shift = _gvn.intcon(UseCompactObjectHeaders ? markWord::hash_shift_compact : markWord::hash_shift);
4545 Node *hshifted_header= _gvn.transform(new URShiftXNode(header, hash_shift));
4546 // This hack lets the hash bits live anywhere in the mark object now, as long
4547 // as the shift drops the relevant bits into the low 32 bits. Note that
4548 // Java spec says that HashCode is an int so there's no point in capturing
4549 // an 'X'-sized hashcode (32 in 32-bit build or 64 in 64-bit build).
4550 hshifted_header = ConvX2I(hshifted_header);
4551 Node *hash_val = _gvn.transform(new AndINode(hshifted_header, hash_mask));
4553 Node *no_hash_val = _gvn.intcon(markWord::no_hash);
4554 Node *chk_assigned = _gvn.transform(new CmpINode( hash_val, no_hash_val));
4555 Node *test_assigned = _gvn.transform(new BoolNode( chk_assigned, BoolTest::eq));
4557 generate_slow_guard(test_assigned, slow_region);
4559 Node* init_mem = reset_memory();
4560 // fill in the rest of the null path:
4561 result_io ->init_req(_null_path, i_o());
4562 result_mem->init_req(_null_path, init_mem);
4564 result_val->init_req(_fast_path, hash_val);