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 103  *                 -Xms256m -Xmx256m
 104  *                 -Xbootclasspath/a:.
 105  *                 -XX:CompileCommand=dontinline,*::dontinline_*
 106  *                 -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI
 107  *                 -Xbatch
 108  *                 -XX:-DoEscapeAnalysis -XX:-EliminateAllocations -XX:+EliminateLocks -XX:+EliminateNestedLocks
 109  *                 -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:LockingMode=2
 110  *
 111  * @comment Excercise -XX:+DeoptimizeObjectsALot. Mostly to prevent bit-rot because the option is meant to stress object deoptimization
 112  *          with non-synthetic workloads.
 113  * @run driver EATests
 114  *                 -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions
 115  *                 -Xms256m -Xmx256m
 116  *                 -Xbootclasspath/a:.
 117  *                 -XX:CompileCommand=dontinline,*::dontinline_*
 118  *                 -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI
 119  *                 -Xbatch
 120  *                 -XX:-DoEscapeAnalysis -XX:-EliminateAllocations -XX:+EliminateLocks -XX:+EliminateNestedLocks
 121  *                 -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions -XX:+DeoptimizeObjectsALot
 122  *

 123  */

 124 /**
 125  * @test
 126  * @bug 8227745
 127  *
 128  * @summary This is another configuration of EATests.java to test Graal. Some testcases are expected
 129  *          to fail because Graal does not provide all information about non-escaping objects in
 130  *          scope. These are skipped.
 131  *
 132  * @author Richard Reingruber richard DOT reingruber AT sap DOT com
 133  *
 134  * @requires ((vm.compMode == "Xmixed") & vm.graal.enabled)
 135  *
 136  * @library /test/lib /test/hotspot/jtreg
 137  *
 138  * @run build TestScaffold VMConnection TargetListener TargetAdapter jdk.test.whitebox.WhiteBox
 139  * @run driver jdk.test.lib.helpers.ClassFileInstaller jdk.test.whitebox.WhiteBox
 140  * @run compile -g EATests.java
 141  *
 142  * @comment Test with Graal. Some testcases are expected to fail because Graal does not provide all information about non-escaping
 143  *          objects in scope. These are skipped.

 236         new EAMaterializeLocalAtObjectPollReturnReturnTarget()                              .run();
 237         new EAMaterializeIntArrayTarget()                                                   .run();
 238         new EAMaterializeLongArrayTarget()                                                  .run();
 239         new EAMaterializeFloatArrayTarget()                                                 .run();
 240         new EAMaterializeDoubleArrayTarget()                                                .run();
 241         new EAMaterializeObjectArrayTarget()                                                .run();
 242         new EAMaterializeObjectWithConstantAndNotConstantValuesTarget()                     .run();
 243         new EAMaterializeObjReferencedBy2LocalsTarget()                                     .run();
 244         new EAMaterializeObjReferencedBy2LocalsAndModifyTarget()                            .run();
 245         new EAMaterializeObjReferencedBy2LocalsInDifferentVirtFramesTarget()                .run();
 246         new EAMaterializeObjReferencedBy2LocalsInDifferentVirtFramesAndModifyTarget()       .run();
 247         new EAMaterializeObjReferencedFromOperandStackTarget()                              .run();
 248         new EAMaterializeLocalVariableUponGetAfterSetIntegerTarget()                        .run();
 250         // Relocking test cases
 251         new EARelockingSimpleTarget()                                                       .run();
 252         new EARelockingSimpleWithAccessInOtherThreadTarget()                                .run();
 253         new EARelockingRecursiveTarget()                                                    .run();
 254         new EARelockingNestedInflatedTarget()                                               .run();
 255         new EARelockingNestedInflated_02Target()                                            .run();

 256         new EARelockingArgEscapeLWLockedInCalleeFrameTarget()                               .run();
 257         new EARelockingArgEscapeLWLockedInCalleeFrame_2Target()                             .run();
 258         new EARelockingArgEscapeLWLockedInCalleeFrameNoRecursiveTarget()                    .run();
 259         new EAGetOwnedMonitorsTarget()                                                      .run();
 260         new EAEntryCountTarget()                                                            .run();
 261         new EARelockingObjectCurrentlyWaitingOnTarget()                                     .run();

 263         // Test cases that require deoptimization even though neither
 264         // locks nor allocations are eliminated at the point where
 265         // escape state is changed.
 266         new EADeoptFrameAfterReadLocalObject_01Target()                                     .run();
 267         new EADeoptFrameAfterReadLocalObject_01BTarget()                                    .run();
 268         new EADeoptFrameAfterReadLocalObject_02Target()                                     .run();
 269         new EADeoptFrameAfterReadLocalObject_02BTarget()                                    .run();
 270         new EADeoptFrameAfterReadLocalObject_02CTarget()                                    .run();
 271         new EADeoptFrameAfterReadLocalObject_03Target()                                     .run();
 273         // PopFrame test cases
 274         new EAPopFrameNotInlinedTarget()                                                    .run();
 275         new EAPopFrameNotInlinedReallocFailureTarget()                                      .run();
 276         new EAPopInlinedMethodWithScalarReplacedObjectsReallocFailureTarget()               .run();
 278         // ForceEarlyReturn test cases
 279         new EAForceEarlyReturnNotInlinedTarget()                                            .run();
 280         new EAForceEarlyReturnOfInlinedMethodWithScalarReplacedObjectsTarget()              .run();
 281         new EAForceEarlyReturnOfInlinedMethodWithScalarReplacedObjectsReallocFailureTarget().run();

 355         new EAMaterializeLocalAtObjectPollReturnReturn()                              .run(this);
 356         new EAMaterializeIntArray()                                                   .run(this);
 357         new EAMaterializeLongArray()                                                  .run(this);
 358         new EAMaterializeFloatArray()                                                 .run(this);
 359         new EAMaterializeDoubleArray()                                                .run(this);
 360         new EAMaterializeObjectArray()                                                .run(this);
 361         new EAMaterializeObjectWithConstantAndNotConstantValues()                     .run(this);
 362         new EAMaterializeObjReferencedBy2Locals()                                     .run(this);
 363         new EAMaterializeObjReferencedBy2LocalsAndModify()                            .run(this);
 364         new EAMaterializeObjReferencedBy2LocalsInDifferentVirtFrames()                .run(this);
 365         new EAMaterializeObjReferencedBy2LocalsInDifferentVirtFramesAndModify()       .run(this);
 366         new EAMaterializeObjReferencedFromOperandStack()                              .run(this);
 367         new EAMaterializeLocalVariableUponGetAfterSetInteger()                        .run(this);
 369         // Relocking test cases
 370         new EARelockingSimple()                                                       .run(this);
 371         new EARelockingSimpleWithAccessInOtherThread()                                .run(this);
 372         new EARelockingRecursive()                                                    .run(this);
 373         new EARelockingNestedInflated()                                               .run(this);
 374         new EARelockingNestedInflated_02()                                            .run(this);

 375         new EARelockingArgEscapeLWLockedInCalleeFrame()                               .run(this);
 376         new EARelockingArgEscapeLWLockedInCalleeFrame_2()                             .run(this);
 377         new EARelockingArgEscapeLWLockedInCalleeFrameNoRecursive()                    .run(this);
 378         new EAGetOwnedMonitors()                                                      .run(this);
 379         new EAEntryCount()                                                            .run(this);
 380         new EARelockingObjectCurrentlyWaitingOn()                                     .run(this);

 382         // Test cases that require deoptimization even though neither
 383         // locks nor allocations are eliminated at the point where
 384         // escape state is changed.
 385         new EADeoptFrameAfterReadLocalObject_01()                                     .run(this);
 386         new EADeoptFrameAfterReadLocalObject_01B()                                    .run(this);
 387         new EADeoptFrameAfterReadLocalObject_02()                                     .run(this);
 388         new EADeoptFrameAfterReadLocalObject_02B()                                    .run(this);
 389         new EADeoptFrameAfterReadLocalObject_02C()                                    .run(this);
 390         new EADeoptFrameAfterReadLocalObject_03()                                     .run(this);
 392         // PopFrame test cases
 393         new EAPopFrameNotInlined()                                                    .run(this);
 394         new EAPopFrameNotInlinedReallocFailure()                                      .run(this);
 395         new EAPopInlinedMethodWithScalarReplacedObjectsReallocFailure()               .run(this);
 397         // ForceEarlyReturn test cases
 398         new EAForceEarlyReturnNotInlined()                                            .run(this);
 399         new EAForceEarlyReturnOfInlinedMethodWithScalarReplacedObjects()              .run(this);
 400         new EAForceEarlyReturnOfInlinedMethodWithScalarReplacedObjectsReallocFailure().run(this);

1905     }
1907     public void dontinline_testMethod() {
1908         @SuppressWarnings("unused")
1909         XYVal xy = new XYVal(1, 1);     // scalar replaced
1910         XYVal l1 = inflatedLock;          // read by debugger
1911         synchronized (l1) {
1912             testMethod_inlined(l1);
1913         }
1914     }
1916     public void testMethod_inlined(XYVal l2) {
1917         synchronized (l2) {                 // eliminated nested locking
1918             dontinline_brkpt();
1919         }
1920     }
1921 }
1923 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

1925 /**
1926  * Checks if an eliminated lock of an ArgEscape object l1 can be relocked if
1927  * l1 is locked in a callee frame.
1928  */
1929 class EARelockingArgEscapeLWLockedInCalleeFrame extends EATestCaseBaseDebugger {
1931     public void runTestCase() throws Exception {
1932         BreakpointEvent bpe = resumeTo(TARGET_TESTCASE_BASE_NAME, "dontinline_brkpt", "()V");
1933         printStack(bpe.thread());
1934         @SuppressWarnings("unused")
1935         ObjectReference o = getLocalRef(bpe.thread().frame(2), XYVAL_NAME, "l1");
1936     }
1937 }
1939 class EARelockingArgEscapeLWLockedInCalleeFrameTarget extends EATestCaseBaseTarget {
1941     @Override
1942     public void setUp() {
1943         super.setUp();
1944         testMethodDepth = 2;

2120         synchronized (l0) {
2121             synchronized (l1) {
2122                 testMethod_inlined(l1);
2123             }
2124         }
2125     }
2127     public void testMethod_inlined(ForLocking l2) throws Exception {
2128         synchronized (l2) {                 // eliminated nested locking
2129             dontinline_waitWhenWarmupDone(l2);
2130         }
2131     }
2133     public void dontinline_waitWhenWarmupDone(ForLocking l2) throws Exception {
2134         if (warmupDone) {
2135             l2.wait();
2136         }
2137     }
2138 }

2140 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2141 //
2142 // Test cases that require deoptimization even though neither locks
2143 // nor allocations are eliminated at the point where escape state is changed.
2144 //
2145 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2147 /**
2148  * Let xy be NoEscape whose allocation cannot be eliminated (simulated by
2149  * -XX:-EliminateAllocations). The holding compiled frame has to be deoptimized when debugger
2150  * accesses xy because afterwards locking on xy is omitted.
2151  * Note: there are no EA based optimizations at the escape point.
2152  */
2153 class EADeoptFrameAfterReadLocalObject_01 extends EATestCaseBaseDebugger {
2155     public void runTestCase() throws Exception {
2156         BreakpointEvent bpe = resumeTo(TARGET_TESTCASE_BASE_NAME, "dontinline_brkpt", "()V");
2157         printStack(bpe.thread());
2158         @SuppressWarnings("unused")
2159         ObjectReference xy = getLocalRef(bpe.thread().frame(1), XYVAL_NAME, "xy");

 103  *                 -Xms256m -Xmx256m
 104  *                 -Xbootclasspath/a:.
 105  *                 -XX:CompileCommand=dontinline,*::dontinline_*
 106  *                 -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI
 107  *                 -Xbatch
 108  *                 -XX:-DoEscapeAnalysis -XX:-EliminateAllocations -XX:+EliminateLocks -XX:+EliminateNestedLocks
 109  *                 -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:LockingMode=2
 110  *
 111  * @comment Excercise -XX:+DeoptimizeObjectsALot. Mostly to prevent bit-rot because the option is meant to stress object deoptimization
 112  *          with non-synthetic workloads.
 113  * @run driver EATests
 114  *                 -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions
 115  *                 -Xms256m -Xmx256m
 116  *                 -Xbootclasspath/a:.
 117  *                 -XX:CompileCommand=dontinline,*::dontinline_*
 118  *                 -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI
 119  *                 -Xbatch
 120  *                 -XX:-DoEscapeAnalysis -XX:-EliminateAllocations -XX:+EliminateLocks -XX:+EliminateNestedLocks
 121  *                 -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions -XX:+DeoptimizeObjectsALot
 122  *
 123  * @bug 8324881
 124  * @comment Regression test for using the wrong thread when logging during re-locking from deoptimization.
 125  *
 126  * @comment DiagnoseSyncOnValueBasedClasses=2 will cause logging when locking on \@ValueBased objects.
 127  * @run driver EATests
 128  *                 -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions
 129  *                 -Xms256m -Xmx256m
 130  *                 -Xbootclasspath/a:.
 131  *                 -XX:CompileCommand=dontinline,*::dontinline_*
 132  *                 -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI
 133  *                 -Xbatch
 134  *                 -XX:+DoEscapeAnalysis -XX:+EliminateAllocations -XX:+EliminateLocks -XX:+EliminateNestedLocks
 135  *                 -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:LockingMode=1
 136  *                 -XX:DiagnoseSyncOnValueBasedClasses=2
 137  *
 138  * @comment Re-lock may inflate monitors when re-locking, which cause monitorinflation trace logging.
 139  * @run driver EATests
 140  *                 -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions
 141  *                 -Xms256m -Xmx256m
 142  *                 -Xbootclasspath/a:.
 143  *                 -XX:CompileCommand=dontinline,*::dontinline_*
 144  *                 -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI
 145  *                 -Xbatch
 146  *                 -XX:+DoEscapeAnalysis -XX:+EliminateAllocations -XX:+EliminateLocks -XX:+EliminateNestedLocks
 147  *                 -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:LockingMode=2
 148  *                 -Xlog:monitorinflation=trace:file=monitorinflation.log
 149  *
 150  * @comment Re-lock may race with deflation.
 151  * @run driver EATests
 152  *                 -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions
 153  *                 -Xms256m -Xmx256m
 154  *                 -Xbootclasspath/a:.
 155  *                 -XX:CompileCommand=dontinline,*::dontinline_*
 156  *                 -XX:+WhiteBoxAPI
 157  *                 -Xbatch
 158  *                 -XX:+DoEscapeAnalysis -XX:+EliminateAllocations -XX:+EliminateLocks -XX:+EliminateNestedLocks
 159  *                 -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:LockingMode=0
 160  *                 -XX:GuaranteedAsyncDeflationInterval=1000
 161  */
 163 /**
 164  * @test
 165  * @bug 8227745
 166  *
 167  * @summary This is another configuration of EATests.java to test Graal. Some testcases are expected
 168  *          to fail because Graal does not provide all information about non-escaping objects in
 169  *          scope. These are skipped.
 170  *
 171  * @author Richard Reingruber richard DOT reingruber AT sap DOT com
 172  *
 173  * @requires ((vm.compMode == "Xmixed") & vm.graal.enabled)
 174  *
 175  * @library /test/lib /test/hotspot/jtreg
 176  *
 177  * @run build TestScaffold VMConnection TargetListener TargetAdapter jdk.test.whitebox.WhiteBox
 178  * @run driver jdk.test.lib.helpers.ClassFileInstaller jdk.test.whitebox.WhiteBox
 179  * @run compile -g EATests.java
 180  *
 181  * @comment Test with Graal. Some testcases are expected to fail because Graal does not provide all information about non-escaping
 182  *          objects in scope. These are skipped.

 275         new EAMaterializeLocalAtObjectPollReturnReturnTarget()                              .run();
 276         new EAMaterializeIntArrayTarget()                                                   .run();
 277         new EAMaterializeLongArrayTarget()                                                  .run();
 278         new EAMaterializeFloatArrayTarget()                                                 .run();
 279         new EAMaterializeDoubleArrayTarget()                                                .run();
 280         new EAMaterializeObjectArrayTarget()                                                .run();
 281         new EAMaterializeObjectWithConstantAndNotConstantValuesTarget()                     .run();
 282         new EAMaterializeObjReferencedBy2LocalsTarget()                                     .run();
 283         new EAMaterializeObjReferencedBy2LocalsAndModifyTarget()                            .run();
 284         new EAMaterializeObjReferencedBy2LocalsInDifferentVirtFramesTarget()                .run();
 285         new EAMaterializeObjReferencedBy2LocalsInDifferentVirtFramesAndModifyTarget()       .run();
 286         new EAMaterializeObjReferencedFromOperandStackTarget()                              .run();
 287         new EAMaterializeLocalVariableUponGetAfterSetIntegerTarget()                        .run();
 289         // Relocking test cases
 290         new EARelockingSimpleTarget()                                                       .run();
 291         new EARelockingSimpleWithAccessInOtherThreadTarget()                                .run();
 292         new EARelockingRecursiveTarget()                                                    .run();
 293         new EARelockingNestedInflatedTarget()                                               .run();
 294         new EARelockingNestedInflated_02Target()                                            .run();
 295         new EARelockingNestedInflated_03Target()                                            .run();
 296         new EARelockingArgEscapeLWLockedInCalleeFrameTarget()                               .run();
 297         new EARelockingArgEscapeLWLockedInCalleeFrame_2Target()                             .run();
 298         new EARelockingArgEscapeLWLockedInCalleeFrameNoRecursiveTarget()                    .run();
 299         new EAGetOwnedMonitorsTarget()                                                      .run();
 300         new EAEntryCountTarget()                                                            .run();
 301         new EARelockingObjectCurrentlyWaitingOnTarget()                                     .run();
 302         new EARelockingValueBasedTarget()                                                   .run();
 304         // Test cases that require deoptimization even though neither
 305         // locks nor allocations are eliminated at the point where
 306         // escape state is changed.
 307         new EADeoptFrameAfterReadLocalObject_01Target()                                     .run();
 308         new EADeoptFrameAfterReadLocalObject_01BTarget()                                    .run();
 309         new EADeoptFrameAfterReadLocalObject_02Target()                                     .run();
 310         new EADeoptFrameAfterReadLocalObject_02BTarget()                                    .run();
 311         new EADeoptFrameAfterReadLocalObject_02CTarget()                                    .run();
 312         new EADeoptFrameAfterReadLocalObject_03Target()                                     .run();
 314         // PopFrame test cases
 315         new EAPopFrameNotInlinedTarget()                                                    .run();
 316         new EAPopFrameNotInlinedReallocFailureTarget()                                      .run();
 317         new EAPopInlinedMethodWithScalarReplacedObjectsReallocFailureTarget()               .run();
 319         // ForceEarlyReturn test cases
 320         new EAForceEarlyReturnNotInlinedTarget()                                            .run();
 321         new EAForceEarlyReturnOfInlinedMethodWithScalarReplacedObjectsTarget()              .run();
 322         new EAForceEarlyReturnOfInlinedMethodWithScalarReplacedObjectsReallocFailureTarget().run();

 396         new EAMaterializeLocalAtObjectPollReturnReturn()                              .run(this);
 397         new EAMaterializeIntArray()                                                   .run(this);
 398         new EAMaterializeLongArray()                                                  .run(this);
 399         new EAMaterializeFloatArray()                                                 .run(this);
 400         new EAMaterializeDoubleArray()                                                .run(this);
 401         new EAMaterializeObjectArray()                                                .run(this);
 402         new EAMaterializeObjectWithConstantAndNotConstantValues()                     .run(this);
 403         new EAMaterializeObjReferencedBy2Locals()                                     .run(this);
 404         new EAMaterializeObjReferencedBy2LocalsAndModify()                            .run(this);
 405         new EAMaterializeObjReferencedBy2LocalsInDifferentVirtFrames()                .run(this);
 406         new EAMaterializeObjReferencedBy2LocalsInDifferentVirtFramesAndModify()       .run(this);
 407         new EAMaterializeObjReferencedFromOperandStack()                              .run(this);
 408         new EAMaterializeLocalVariableUponGetAfterSetInteger()                        .run(this);
 410         // Relocking test cases
 411         new EARelockingSimple()                                                       .run(this);
 412         new EARelockingSimpleWithAccessInOtherThread()                                .run(this);
 413         new EARelockingRecursive()                                                    .run(this);
 414         new EARelockingNestedInflated()                                               .run(this);
 415         new EARelockingNestedInflated_02()                                            .run(this);
 416         new EARelockingNestedInflated_03()                                            .run(this);
 417         new EARelockingArgEscapeLWLockedInCalleeFrame()                               .run(this);
 418         new EARelockingArgEscapeLWLockedInCalleeFrame_2()                             .run(this);
 419         new EARelockingArgEscapeLWLockedInCalleeFrameNoRecursive()                    .run(this);
 420         new EAGetOwnedMonitors()                                                      .run(this);
 421         new EAEntryCount()                                                            .run(this);
 422         new EARelockingObjectCurrentlyWaitingOn()                                     .run(this);
 423         new EARelockingValueBased()                                                   .run(this);
 425         // Test cases that require deoptimization even though neither
 426         // locks nor allocations are eliminated at the point where
 427         // escape state is changed.
 428         new EADeoptFrameAfterReadLocalObject_01()                                     .run(this);
 429         new EADeoptFrameAfterReadLocalObject_01B()                                    .run(this);
 430         new EADeoptFrameAfterReadLocalObject_02()                                     .run(this);
 431         new EADeoptFrameAfterReadLocalObject_02B()                                    .run(this);
 432         new EADeoptFrameAfterReadLocalObject_02C()                                    .run(this);
 433         new EADeoptFrameAfterReadLocalObject_03()                                     .run(this);
 435         // PopFrame test cases
 436         new EAPopFrameNotInlined()                                                    .run(this);
 437         new EAPopFrameNotInlinedReallocFailure()                                      .run(this);
 438         new EAPopInlinedMethodWithScalarReplacedObjectsReallocFailure()               .run(this);
 440         // ForceEarlyReturn test cases
 441         new EAForceEarlyReturnNotInlined()                                            .run(this);
 442         new EAForceEarlyReturnOfInlinedMethodWithScalarReplacedObjects()              .run(this);
 443         new EAForceEarlyReturnOfInlinedMethodWithScalarReplacedObjectsReallocFailure().run(this);

1948     }
1950     public void dontinline_testMethod() {
1951         @SuppressWarnings("unused")
1952         XYVal xy = new XYVal(1, 1);     // scalar replaced
1953         XYVal l1 = inflatedLock;          // read by debugger
1954         synchronized (l1) {
1955             testMethod_inlined(l1);
1956         }
1957     }
1959     public void testMethod_inlined(XYVal l2) {
1960         synchronized (l2) {                 // eliminated nested locking
1961             dontinline_brkpt();
1962         }
1963     }
1964 }
1966 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
1968 /**
1969  * Like {@link EARelockingNestedInflated_02} with the difference that the
1970  * inflation of the lock happens because of contention.
1971  */
1972 class EARelockingNestedInflated_03 extends EATestCaseBaseDebugger {
1974     public void runTestCase() throws Exception {
1975         BreakpointEvent bpe = resumeTo(TARGET_TESTCASE_BASE_NAME, "dontinline_brkpt", "()V");
1976         printStack(bpe.thread());
1977         @SuppressWarnings("unused")
1978         ObjectReference o = getLocalRef(bpe.thread().frame(2), XYVAL_NAME, "l1");
1979     }
1980 }
1982 class EARelockingNestedInflated_03Target extends EATestCaseBaseTarget {
1984     public XYVal lockInflatedByContention;
1985     public boolean doLockNow;
1986     public EATestCaseBaseTarget testCase;
1988     @Override
1989     public void setUp() {
1990         super.setUp();
1991         testMethodDepth = 2;
1992         lockInflatedByContention = new XYVal(1, 1);
1993         testCase = this;
1994     }
1996     @Override
1997     public void warmupDone() {
1998         super.warmupDone();
1999         // Use new lock. lockInflatedByContention might have been inflated because of recursion.
2000         lockInflatedByContention = new XYVal(1, 1);
2001         // Start thread that tries to enter lockInflatedByContention while the main thread owns it -> inflation
2002         TestScaffold.newThread(() -> {
2003             while (true) {
2004                 synchronized (testCase) {
2005                     try {
2006                         if (doLockNow) {
2007                             doLockNow = false; // reset for main thread
2008                             testCase.notify();
2009                             break;
2010                         }
2011                         testCase.wait();
2012                     } catch (InterruptedException e) { /* ignored */ }
2013                 }
2014             }
2015             synchronized (lockInflatedByContention) { // will block and trigger inflation
2016                 msg(Thread.currentThread().getName() + ": acquired lockInflatedByContention");
2017             }
2018             }, testCaseName + ": Lock Contender (test thread)").start();
2019     }
2021     public void dontinline_testMethod() {
2022         @SuppressWarnings("unused")
2023         XYVal xy = new XYVal(1, 1);            // scalar replaced
2024         XYVal l1 = lockInflatedByContention;   // read by debugger
2025         synchronized (l1) {
2026             testMethod_inlined(l1);
2027         }
2028     }
2030     public void testMethod_inlined(XYVal l2) {
2031         synchronized (l2) {                 // eliminated nested locking
2032             dontinline_notifyOtherThread();
2033             dontinline_brkpt();
2034         }
2035     }
2037     public void dontinline_notifyOtherThread() {
2038         if (!warmupDone) {
2039             return;
2040         }
2041         synchronized (testCase) {
2042             doLockNow = true;
2043             testCase.notify();
2044             // wait for other thread to reset doLockNow again
2045             while (doLockNow) {
2046                 try {
2047                     testCase.wait();
2048                 } catch (InterruptedException e) { /* ignored */ }
2049             }
2050         }
2051     }
2052 }
2054 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2056 /**
2057  * Checks if an eliminated lock of an ArgEscape object l1 can be relocked if
2058  * l1 is locked in a callee frame.
2059  */
2060 class EARelockingArgEscapeLWLockedInCalleeFrame extends EATestCaseBaseDebugger {
2062     public void runTestCase() throws Exception {
2063         BreakpointEvent bpe = resumeTo(TARGET_TESTCASE_BASE_NAME, "dontinline_brkpt", "()V");
2064         printStack(bpe.thread());
2065         @SuppressWarnings("unused")
2066         ObjectReference o = getLocalRef(bpe.thread().frame(2), XYVAL_NAME, "l1");
2067     }
2068 }
2070 class EARelockingArgEscapeLWLockedInCalleeFrameTarget extends EATestCaseBaseTarget {
2072     @Override
2073     public void setUp() {
2074         super.setUp();
2075         testMethodDepth = 2;

2251         synchronized (l0) {
2252             synchronized (l1) {
2253                 testMethod_inlined(l1);
2254             }
2255         }
2256     }
2258     public void testMethod_inlined(ForLocking l2) throws Exception {
2259         synchronized (l2) {                 // eliminated nested locking
2260             dontinline_waitWhenWarmupDone(l2);
2261         }
2262     }
2264     public void dontinline_waitWhenWarmupDone(ForLocking l2) throws Exception {
2265         if (warmupDone) {
2266             l2.wait();
2267         }
2268     }
2269 }
2272 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2274 /**
2275  * Test relocking eliminated @ValueBased object.
2276  */
2277 class EARelockingValueBased extends EATestCaseBaseDebugger {
2279     public void runTestCase() throws Exception {
2280         BreakpointEvent bpe = resumeTo(TARGET_TESTCASE_BASE_NAME, "dontinline_brkpt", "()V");
2281         printStack(bpe.thread());
2282         @SuppressWarnings("unused")
2283         ObjectReference o = getLocalRef(bpe.thread().frame(1), Integer.class.getName(), "l1");
2284     }
2285 }
2287 class EARelockingValueBasedTarget extends EATestCaseBaseTarget {
2289     public void dontinline_testMethod() {
2290         Integer l1 = new Integer(255);
2291         synchronized (l1) {
2292             dontinline_brkpt();
2293         }
2294     }
2295 }
2297 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2298 //
2299 // Test cases that require deoptimization even though neither locks
2300 // nor allocations are eliminated at the point where escape state is changed.
2301 //
2302 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2304 /**
2305  * Let xy be NoEscape whose allocation cannot be eliminated (simulated by
2306  * -XX:-EliminateAllocations). The holding compiled frame has to be deoptimized when debugger
2307  * accesses xy because afterwards locking on xy is omitted.
2308  * Note: there are no EA based optimizations at the escape point.
2309  */
2310 class EADeoptFrameAfterReadLocalObject_01 extends EATestCaseBaseDebugger {
2312     public void runTestCase() throws Exception {
2313         BreakpointEvent bpe = resumeTo(TARGET_TESTCASE_BASE_NAME, "dontinline_brkpt", "()V");
2314         printStack(bpe.thread());
2315         @SuppressWarnings("unused")
2316         ObjectReference xy = getLocalRef(bpe.thread().frame(1), XYVAL_NAME, "xy");
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