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CDS_DUMP_FLAGS = -Xmx128M -Xms128M
# Helper function for creating the CDS archives for the JDK and JRE
# Param1 - VM variant (e.g., server, client, zero, ...)
! # Param2 - _nocoops, or empty
define CreateCDSArchive
! $1_$2_DUMP_EXTRA_ARG := $(if $(filter _nocoops, $2),-XX:-UseCompressedOops,)
! $1_$2_DUMP_TYPE := $(if $(filter _nocoops, $2),-NOCOOPS,)
# Only G1 supports dumping the shared heap, so explicitly use G1 if the JVM supports it.
$1_$2_CDS_DUMP_FLAGS := $(CDS_DUMP_FLAGS) $(if $(filter g1gc, $(JVM_FEATURES_$1)),-XX:+UseG1GC)
ifeq ($(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS), windows)
CDS_DUMP_FLAGS = -Xmx128M -Xms128M
# Helper function for creating the CDS archives for the JDK and JRE
# Param1 - VM variant (e.g., server, client, zero, ...)
! # Param2 - _nocoops, _coh, _nocoops_coh, or empty
define CreateCDSArchive
! $1_$2_COOPS_OPTION := $(if $(findstring _nocoops, $2),-XX:-UseCompressedOops)
! # enable and also explicitly disable coh as needed.
+ ifeq ($(call isTargetCpuBits, 64), true)
+ $1_$2_COH_OPTION := -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions \
+ $(if $(findstring _coh, $2),-XX:+UseCompactObjectHeaders,-XX:-UseCompactObjectHeaders)
+ endif
+ $1_$2_DUMP_EXTRA_ARG := $$($1_$2_COOPS_OPTION) $$($1_$2_COH_OPTION)
+ $1_$2_DUMP_TYPE := $(if $(findstring _nocoops, $2),-NOCOOPS,)$(if $(findstring _coh, $2),-COH,)
# Only G1 supports dumping the shared heap, so explicitly use G1 if the JVM supports it.
$1_$2_CDS_DUMP_FLAGS := $(CDS_DUMP_FLAGS) $(if $(filter g1gc, $(JVM_FEATURES_$1)),-XX:+UseG1GC)
ifeq ($(OPENJDK_TARGET_OS), windows)
ifeq ($(call isTargetCpuBits, 64), true)
$(foreach v, $(JVM_VARIANTS), \
$(eval $(call CreateCDSArchive,$v,_nocoops)) \
+ ifeq ($(BUILD_CDS_ARCHIVE_COH), true)
+ $(foreach v, $(JVM_VARIANTS), \
+ $(eval $(call CreateCDSArchive,$v,_coh)) \
+ )
+ $(foreach v, $(JVM_VARIANTS), \
+ $(eval $(call CreateCDSArchive,$v,_nocoops_coh)) \
+ )
+ endif
# src.zip
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