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@@ -419,11 +419,13 @@
    *field_addr = value;
  size_t ArchiveHeapWriter::copy_one_source_obj_to_buffer(oop src_obj) {
    assert(!is_too_large_to_archive(src_obj), "already checked");
-   size_t byte_size = src_obj->size() * HeapWordSize;
+   size_t old_size = src_obj->size();
+   size_t new_size = src_obj->copy_size_cds(old_size, src_obj->mark());
+   size_t byte_size = new_size * HeapWordSize;
    assert(byte_size > 0, "no zero-size objects");
    // For region-based collectors such as G1, the archive heap may be mapped into
    // multiple regions. We need to make sure that we don't have an object that can possible
    // span across two regions.

@@ -440,11 +442,11 @@
    address from = cast_from_oop<address>(src_obj);
    address to = offset_to_buffered_address<address>(_buffer_used);
    assert(is_object_aligned(_buffer_used), "sanity");
    assert(is_object_aligned(byte_size), "sanity");
-   memcpy(to, from, byte_size);
+   memcpy(to, from, old_size * HeapWordSize);
    // These native pointers will be restored explicitly at run time.
    if (java_lang_Module::is_instance(src_obj)) {
      update_buffered_object_field<ModuleEntry*>(to, java_lang_Module::module_entry_offset(), nullptr);
    } else if (java_lang_ClassLoader::is_instance(src_obj)) {

@@ -576,10 +578,11 @@
    address buffered_addr = requested_addr_to_buffered_addr(cast_from_oop<address>(requested_obj));
    oop fake_oop = cast_to_oop(buffered_addr);
    if (UseCompactObjectHeaders) {
+     assert(fake_oop->mark().narrow_klass() != 0, "must not be null");
    } else {
    if (src_obj == nullptr) {

@@ -588,18 +591,23 @@
    // We need to retain the identity_hash, because it may have been used by some hashtables
    // in the shared heap.
    if (!src_obj->fast_no_hash_check()) {
      intptr_t src_hash = src_obj->identity_hash();
      if (UseCompactObjectHeaders) {
-       fake_oop->set_mark(markWord::prototype().set_narrow_klass(nk).copy_set_hash(src_hash));
+       markWord m = markWord::prototype().set_narrow_klass(nk);
+       m = m.copy_hashctrl_from(src_obj->mark());
+       fake_oop->set_mark(m);
+       if (m.is_hashed_not_expanded()) {
+         fake_oop->initialize_hash_if_necessary(src_obj, src_klass, m);
+       }
+       assert(!fake_oop->mark().is_not_hashed_expanded() && !fake_oop->mark().is_hashed_not_expanded(), "must not be not-hashed-moved and not be hashed-not-moved");
      } else {
+       DEBUG_ONLY(intptr_t archived_hash = fake_oop->identity_hash());
+       assert(src_hash == archived_hash, "Different hash codes: original " INTPTR_FORMAT ", archived " INTPTR_FORMAT, src_hash, archived_hash);
      assert(fake_oop->mark().is_unlocked(), "sanity");
-     DEBUG_ONLY(intptr_t archived_hash = fake_oop->identity_hash());
-     assert(src_hash == archived_hash, "Different hash codes: original " INTPTR_FORMAT ", archived " INTPTR_FORMAT, src_hash, archived_hash);
    // Strip age bits.
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