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Print this page

224   size_t commit = MAX2(min_bytes, preferred_bytes);
225   commit = MIN2(commit, uncommitted);
226   assert(commit <= uncommitted, "sanity");
228   if (!_vs->expand_by(commit, false)) {
229     log_error(cds)("Failed to expand shared space to " SIZE_FORMAT " bytes",
230                     need_committed_size);
231     MetaspaceShared::unrecoverable_writing_error();
232   }
234   const char* which;
235   if (_rs->base() == (char*)MetaspaceShared::symbol_rs_base()) {
236     which = "symbol";
237   } else {
238     which = "shared";
239   }
240   log_debug(cds)("Expanding %s spaces by " SIZE_FORMAT_W(7) " bytes [total " SIZE_FORMAT_W(9)  " bytes ending at %p]",
241                  which, commit, _vs->actual_committed_size(), _vs->high());
242 }
245 char* DumpRegion::allocate(size_t num_bytes) {
246   char* p = (char*)align_up(_top, (size_t)SharedSpaceObjectAlignment);

247   char* newtop = p + align_up(num_bytes, (size_t)SharedSpaceObjectAlignment);
248   expand_top_to(newtop);
249   memset(p, 0, newtop - p);
250   return p;
251 }
253 void DumpRegion::append_intptr_t(intptr_t n, bool need_to_mark) {
254   assert(is_aligned(_top, sizeof(intptr_t)), "bad alignment");
255   intptr_t *p = (intptr_t*)_top;
256   char* newtop = _top + sizeof(intptr_t);
257   expand_top_to(newtop);
258   *p = n;
259   if (need_to_mark) {
260     ArchivePtrMarker::mark_pointer(p);
261   }
262 }
264 void DumpRegion::print(size_t total_bytes) const {
265   log_debug(cds)("%s space: " SIZE_FORMAT_W(9) " [ %4.1f%% of total] out of " SIZE_FORMAT_W(9) " bytes [%5.1f%% used] at " INTPTR_FORMAT,
266                  _name, used(), percent_of(used(), total_bytes), reserved(), percent_of(used(), reserved()),

335 void ReadClosure::do_u4(u4* p) {
336   intptr_t obj = nextPtr();
337   *p = (u4)(uintx(obj));
338 }
340 void ReadClosure::do_int(int* p) {
341   intptr_t obj = nextPtr();
342   *p = (int)(intx(obj));
343 }
345 void ReadClosure::do_bool(bool* p) {
346   intptr_t obj = nextPtr();
347   *p = (bool)(uintx(obj));
348 }
350 void ReadClosure::do_tag(int tag) {
351   int old_tag;
352   old_tag = (int)(intptr_t)nextPtr();
353   // do_int(&old_tag);
354   assert(tag == old_tag, "old tag doesn't match");
355   FileMapInfo::assert_mark(tag == old_tag);
356 }
358 void ReadClosure::do_region(u_char* start, size_t size) {
359   assert((intptr_t)start % sizeof(intptr_t) == 0, "bad alignment");
360   assert(size % sizeof(intptr_t) == 0, "bad size");
361   do_tag((int)size);
362   while (size > 0) {
363     *(intptr_t*)start = nextPtr();
364     start += sizeof(intptr_t);
365     size -= sizeof(intptr_t);
366   }
367 }
369 void ArchiveUtils::log_to_classlist(BootstrapInfo* bootstrap_specifier, TRAPS) {
370   if (ClassListWriter::is_enabled()) {
371     if (SystemDictionaryShared::is_supported_invokedynamic(bootstrap_specifier)) {
372       const constantPoolHandle& pool = bootstrap_specifier->pool();
373       if (SystemDictionaryShared::is_builtin_loader(pool->pool_holder()->class_loader_data())) {
374         // Currently lambda proxy classes are supported only for the built-in loaders.

224   size_t commit = MAX2(min_bytes, preferred_bytes);
225   commit = MIN2(commit, uncommitted);
226   assert(commit <= uncommitted, "sanity");
228   if (!_vs->expand_by(commit, false)) {
229     log_error(cds)("Failed to expand shared space to " SIZE_FORMAT " bytes",
230                     need_committed_size);
231     MetaspaceShared::unrecoverable_writing_error();
232   }
234   const char* which;
235   if (_rs->base() == (char*)MetaspaceShared::symbol_rs_base()) {
236     which = "symbol";
237   } else {
238     which = "shared";
239   }
240   log_debug(cds)("Expanding %s spaces by " SIZE_FORMAT_W(7) " bytes [total " SIZE_FORMAT_W(9)  " bytes ending at %p]",
241                  which, commit, _vs->actual_committed_size(), _vs->high());
242 }
244 char* DumpRegion::allocate(size_t num_bytes, size_t alignment) {
245   // Always align to at least minimum alignment
246   alignment = MAX2(SharedSpaceObjectAlignment, alignment);
247   char* p = (char*)align_up(_top, alignment);
248   char* newtop = p + align_up(num_bytes, (size_t)SharedSpaceObjectAlignment);
249   expand_top_to(newtop);
250   memset(p, 0, newtop - p);
251   return p;
252 }
254 void DumpRegion::append_intptr_t(intptr_t n, bool need_to_mark) {
255   assert(is_aligned(_top, sizeof(intptr_t)), "bad alignment");
256   intptr_t *p = (intptr_t*)_top;
257   char* newtop = _top + sizeof(intptr_t);
258   expand_top_to(newtop);
259   *p = n;
260   if (need_to_mark) {
261     ArchivePtrMarker::mark_pointer(p);
262   }
263 }
265 void DumpRegion::print(size_t total_bytes) const {
266   log_debug(cds)("%s space: " SIZE_FORMAT_W(9) " [ %4.1f%% of total] out of " SIZE_FORMAT_W(9) " bytes [%5.1f%% used] at " INTPTR_FORMAT,
267                  _name, used(), percent_of(used(), total_bytes), reserved(), percent_of(used(), reserved()),

336 void ReadClosure::do_u4(u4* p) {
337   intptr_t obj = nextPtr();
338   *p = (u4)(uintx(obj));
339 }
341 void ReadClosure::do_int(int* p) {
342   intptr_t obj = nextPtr();
343   *p = (int)(intx(obj));
344 }
346 void ReadClosure::do_bool(bool* p) {
347   intptr_t obj = nextPtr();
348   *p = (bool)(uintx(obj));
349 }
351 void ReadClosure::do_tag(int tag) {
352   int old_tag;
353   old_tag = (int)(intptr_t)nextPtr();
354   // do_int(&old_tag);
355   assert(tag == old_tag, "tag doesn't match (%d, expected %d)", old_tag, tag);
356   FileMapInfo::assert_mark(tag == old_tag);
357 }
359 void ReadClosure::do_region(u_char* start, size_t size) {
360   assert((intptr_t)start % sizeof(intptr_t) == 0, "bad alignment");
361   assert(size % sizeof(intptr_t) == 0, "bad size");
362   do_tag((int)size);
363   while (size > 0) {
364     *(intptr_t*)start = nextPtr();
365     start += sizeof(intptr_t);
366     size -= sizeof(intptr_t);
367   }
368 }
370 void ArchiveUtils::log_to_classlist(BootstrapInfo* bootstrap_specifier, TRAPS) {
371   if (ClassListWriter::is_enabled()) {
372     if (SystemDictionaryShared::is_supported_invokedynamic(bootstrap_specifier)) {
373       const constantPoolHandle& pool = bootstrap_specifier->pool();
374       if (SystemDictionaryShared::is_builtin_loader(pool->pool_holder()->class_loader_data())) {
375         // Currently lambda proxy classes are supported only for the built-in loaders.
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