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 387       handle->release(Universe::vm_global());
 388       remove(ptr);
 389     }
 390   }
 391 };
 393 void HeapShared::add_scratch_resolved_references(ConstantPool* src, objArrayOop dest) {
 394   if (SystemDictionaryShared::is_builtin_loader(src->pool_holder()->class_loader_data())) {
 395     _scratch_references_table->set_oop(src, dest);
 396   }
 397 }
 399 objArrayOop HeapShared::scratch_resolved_references(ConstantPool* src) {
 400   return (objArrayOop)_scratch_references_table->get_oop(src);
 401 }
 403 void HeapShared::init_scratch_objects(TRAPS) {
 404   for (int i = T_BOOLEAN; i < T_VOID+1; i++) {
 405     BasicType bt = (BasicType)i;
 406     if (!is_reference_type(bt)) {
 407       oop m = java_lang_Class::create_basic_type_mirror(type2name(bt), bt, CHECK);
 408       _scratch_basic_type_mirrors[i] = OopHandle(Universe::vm_global(), m);
 409     }
 410   }
 411   _scratch_java_mirror_table = new (mtClass)MetaspaceObjToOopHandleTable();
 412   _scratch_references_table = new (mtClass)MetaspaceObjToOopHandleTable();
 413 }
 415 // Given java_mirror that represents a (primitive or reference) type T,
 416 // return the "scratch" version that represents the same type T.
 417 // Note that if java_mirror will be returned if it's already a
 418 // scratch mirror.
 419 //
 420 // See java_lang_Class::create_scratch_mirror() for more info.
 421 oop HeapShared::scratch_java_mirror(oop java_mirror) {
 422   assert(java_lang_Class::is_instance(java_mirror), "must be");
 424   for (int i = T_BOOLEAN; i < T_VOID+1; i++) {
 425     BasicType bt = (BasicType)i;
 426     if (!is_reference_type(bt)) {
 427       if (_scratch_basic_type_mirrors[i].resolve() == java_mirror) {

 557   }
 559   oop class_data = java_lang_Class::class_data(orig_mirror);
 560   java_lang_Class::set_class_data(m, class_data);
 561   if (class_data != nullptr) {
 562     bool success = archive_reachable_objects_from(1, _dump_time_special_subgraph, class_data);
 563     assert(success, "sanity");
 564   }
 566   if (log_is_enabled(Info, cds, init)) {
 567     ResourceMark rm;
 568     log_debug(cds, init)("copied %3d field(s) in aot-initialized mirror %s%s%s", nfields, ik->external_name(),
 569                          ik->is_hidden() ? " (hidden)" : "",
 570                          ik->is_enum_subclass() ? " (enum)" : "");
 571   }
 572 }
 574 static void copy_java_mirror_hashcode(oop orig_mirror, oop scratch_m) {
 575   // We need to retain the identity_hash, because it may have been used by some hashtables
 576   // in the shared heap.

 577   if (!orig_mirror->fast_no_hash_check()) {

 578     intptr_t src_hash = orig_mirror->identity_hash();
 579     if (UseCompactObjectHeaders) {
 580       narrowKlass nk = CompressedKlassPointers::encode(orig_mirror->klass());
 581       scratch_m->set_mark(markWord::prototype().set_narrow_klass(nk).copy_set_hash(src_hash));

 582     } else {
 583       scratch_m->set_mark(markWord::prototype().copy_set_hash(src_hash));

 584     }
 585     assert(scratch_m->mark().is_unlocked(), "sanity");
 587     DEBUG_ONLY(intptr_t archived_hash = scratch_m->identity_hash());
 588     assert(src_hash == archived_hash, "Different hash codes: original " INTPTR_FORMAT ", archived " INTPTR_FORMAT, src_hash, archived_hash);
 589   }
 590 }
 592 static objArrayOop get_archived_resolved_references(InstanceKlass* src_ik) {
 593   if (SystemDictionaryShared::is_builtin_loader(src_ik->class_loader_data())) {
 594     objArrayOop rr = src_ik->constants()->resolved_references_or_null();
 595     if (rr != nullptr && !ArchiveHeapWriter::is_too_large_to_archive(rr)) {
 596       return HeapShared::scratch_resolved_references(src_ik->constants());
 597     }
 598   }
 599   return nullptr;
 600 }
 602 void HeapShared::archive_strings() {
 603   oop shared_strings_array = StringTable::init_shared_strings_array(_dumped_interned_strings);
 604   bool success = archive_reachable_objects_from(1, _dump_time_special_subgraph, shared_strings_array);
 605   // We must succeed because:
 606   // - _dumped_interned_strings do not contain any large strings.
 607   // - StringTable::init_shared_table() doesn't create any large arrays.
 608   assert(success, "shared strings array must not point to arrays or strings that are too large to archive");

 387       handle->release(Universe::vm_global());
 388       remove(ptr);
 389     }
 390   }
 391 };
 393 void HeapShared::add_scratch_resolved_references(ConstantPool* src, objArrayOop dest) {
 394   if (SystemDictionaryShared::is_builtin_loader(src->pool_holder()->class_loader_data())) {
 395     _scratch_references_table->set_oop(src, dest);
 396   }
 397 }
 399 objArrayOop HeapShared::scratch_resolved_references(ConstantPool* src) {
 400   return (objArrayOop)_scratch_references_table->get_oop(src);
 401 }
 403 void HeapShared::init_scratch_objects(TRAPS) {
 404   for (int i = T_BOOLEAN; i < T_VOID+1; i++) {
 405     BasicType bt = (BasicType)i;
 406     if (!is_reference_type(bt)) {
 407       oop m = java_lang_Class::create_basic_type_mirror(type2name(bt), bt, true, CHECK);
 408       _scratch_basic_type_mirrors[i] = OopHandle(Universe::vm_global(), m);
 409     }
 410   }
 411   _scratch_java_mirror_table = new (mtClass)MetaspaceObjToOopHandleTable();
 412   _scratch_references_table = new (mtClass)MetaspaceObjToOopHandleTable();
 413 }
 415 // Given java_mirror that represents a (primitive or reference) type T,
 416 // return the "scratch" version that represents the same type T.
 417 // Note that if java_mirror will be returned if it's already a
 418 // scratch mirror.
 419 //
 420 // See java_lang_Class::create_scratch_mirror() for more info.
 421 oop HeapShared::scratch_java_mirror(oop java_mirror) {
 422   assert(java_lang_Class::is_instance(java_mirror), "must be");
 424   for (int i = T_BOOLEAN; i < T_VOID+1; i++) {
 425     BasicType bt = (BasicType)i;
 426     if (!is_reference_type(bt)) {
 427       if (_scratch_basic_type_mirrors[i].resolve() == java_mirror) {

 557   }
 559   oop class_data = java_lang_Class::class_data(orig_mirror);
 560   java_lang_Class::set_class_data(m, class_data);
 561   if (class_data != nullptr) {
 562     bool success = archive_reachable_objects_from(1, _dump_time_special_subgraph, class_data);
 563     assert(success, "sanity");
 564   }
 566   if (log_is_enabled(Info, cds, init)) {
 567     ResourceMark rm;
 568     log_debug(cds, init)("copied %3d field(s) in aot-initialized mirror %s%s%s", nfields, ik->external_name(),
 569                          ik->is_hidden() ? " (hidden)" : "",
 570                          ik->is_enum_subclass() ? " (enum)" : "");
 571   }
 572 }
 574 static void copy_java_mirror_hashcode(oop orig_mirror, oop scratch_m) {
 575   // We need to retain the identity_hash, because it may have been used by some hashtables
 576   // in the shared heap.
 577   assert(!UseCompactObjectHeaders || scratch_m->mark().is_not_hashed_expanded(), "scratch mirror must have not-hashed-expanded state");
 578   if (!orig_mirror->fast_no_hash_check()) {
 579     intptr_t orig_mark = orig_mirror->mark().value();
 580     intptr_t src_hash = orig_mirror->identity_hash();
 581     if (UseCompactObjectHeaders) {
 582       // We leave the cases not_hashed/not_hashed_expanded as they are.
 583       assert(orig_mirror->mark().is_hashed_not_expanded() || orig_mirror->mark().is_hashed_expanded(), "must be hashed");
 584       Klass* orig_klass = orig_mirror->klass();
 585       narrowKlass nk = CompressedKlassPointers::encode(orig_klass);
 586       markWord mark = markWord::prototype().set_narrow_klass(nk);
 587       mark = mark.copy_hashctrl_from(orig_mirror->mark());
 588       if (mark.is_hashed_not_expanded()) {
 589         scratch_m->initialize_hash_if_necessary(orig_mirror, orig_klass, mark);
 590       } else {
 591         assert(mark.is_hashed_expanded(), "must be hashed & moved");
 592         int offset = orig_klass->hash_offset_in_bytes(orig_mirror);
 593         assert(offset >= 8, "hash offset must not be in header");
 594         scratch_m->int_field_put(offset, (jint) src_hash);
 595         scratch_m->set_mark(mark);
 596       }
 597       assert(scratch_m->mark().is_hashed_expanded(), "must be hashed & moved");
 598       assert(scratch_m->mark().is_not_hashed_expanded() || scratch_m->mark().is_hashed_expanded(), "must be not hashed and expanded");
 599     } else {
 600       scratch_m->set_mark(markWord::prototype().copy_set_hash(src_hash));
 601       DEBUG_ONLY(intptr_t archived_hash = scratch_m->identity_hash());
 602       assert(src_hash == archived_hash, "Different hash codes: original " INTPTR_FORMAT ", archived " INTPTR_FORMAT, src_hash, archived_hash);
 603     }
 604     assert(scratch_m->mark().is_unlocked(), "sanity");

 605   }
 606 }
 608 static objArrayOop get_archived_resolved_references(InstanceKlass* src_ik) {
 609   if (SystemDictionaryShared::is_builtin_loader(src_ik->class_loader_data())) {
 610     objArrayOop rr = src_ik->constants()->resolved_references_or_null();
 611     if (rr != nullptr && !ArchiveHeapWriter::is_too_large_to_archive(rr)) {
 612       return HeapShared::scratch_resolved_references(src_ik->constants());
 613     }
 614   }
 615   return nullptr;
 616 }
 618 void HeapShared::archive_strings() {
 619   oop shared_strings_array = StringTable::init_shared_strings_array(_dumped_interned_strings);
 620   bool success = archive_reachable_objects_from(1, _dump_time_special_subgraph, shared_strings_array);
 621   // We must succeed because:
 622   // - _dumped_interned_strings do not contain any large strings.
 623   // - StringTable::init_shared_table() doesn't create any large arrays.
 624   assert(success, "shared strings array must not point to arrays or strings that are too large to archive");
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