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*** 84,10 ***
--- 84,11 ---
  #include "runtime/vmThread.hpp"
  #include "sanitizers/leak.hpp"
  #include "utilities/align.hpp"
  #include "utilities/bitMap.inline.hpp"
  #include "utilities/defaultStream.hpp"
+ #include "utilities/macros.hpp"
  #include "utilities/ostream.hpp"
  #include "utilities/resourceHash.hpp"
  ReservedSpace MetaspaceShared::_symbol_rs;
  VirtualSpace MetaspaceShared::_symbol_vs;

*** 1163,23 ***
            // Set up compressed Klass pointer encoding: the encoding range must
            //  cover both archive and class space.
            address cds_base = (address)static_mapinfo->mapped_base();
            address ccs_end = (address)class_space_rs.end();
            assert(ccs_end > cds_base, "Sanity check");
!           // We archived objects with pre-computed narrow Klass id. Set up encoding such that these Ids stay valid.
!           address precomputed_narrow_klass_base = cds_base;
!           const int precomputed_narrow_klass_shift = ArchiveHeapWriter::precomputed_narrow_klass_shift;
!           CompressedKlassPointers::initialize_for_given_encoding(
!             cds_base, ccs_end - cds_base, // Klass range
!             precomputed_narrow_klass_base, precomputed_narrow_klass_shift // precomputed encoding, see ArchiveHeapWriter
!             );
! #else
!           CompressedKlassPointers::initialize (
!             cds_base, ccs_end - cds_base // Klass range
            // map_or_load_heap_region() compares the current narrow oop and klass encodings
            // with the archived ones, so it must be done after all encodings are determined.
  #endif // _LP64
--- 1164,29 ---
            // Set up compressed Klass pointer encoding: the encoding range must
            //  cover both archive and class space.
            address cds_base = (address)static_mapinfo->mapped_base();
            address ccs_end = (address)class_space_rs.end();
            assert(ccs_end > cds_base, "Sanity check");
!           if (INCLUDE_CDS_JAVA_HEAP || UseCompactObjectHeaders) {
!             // The CDS archive may contain narrow Klass IDs that were precomputed at archive generation time:
!             // - every archived java object header (only if INCLUDE_CDS_JAVA_HEAP)
!             // - every archived Klass' prototype   (only if +UseCompactObjectHeaders)
!             //
!             // In order for those IDs to still be valid, we need to dictate base and shift: base should be the
!             // mapping start, shift the shift used at archive generation time.
!             address precomputed_narrow_klass_base = cds_base;
!             const int precomputed_narrow_klass_shift = ArchiveBuilder::precomputed_narrow_klass_shift();
!             CompressedKlassPointers::initialize_for_given_encoding(
!               cds_base, ccs_end - cds_base, // Klass range
+               precomputed_narrow_klass_base, precomputed_narrow_klass_shift // precomputed encoding, see ArchiveBuilder
!           } else {
+             // Let JVM freely chose encoding base and shift
+             CompressedKlassPointers::initialize (
+               cds_base, ccs_end - cds_base // Klass range
+               );
+           }
            // map_or_load_heap_region() compares the current narrow oop and klass encodings
            // with the archived ones, so it must be done after all encodings are determined.
  #endif // _LP64

*** 1230,11 ***
  //  use_archive_base_addr address is false, this base address is determined
  //  by the platform.
  // If UseCompressedClassPointers=1, the range encompassing both spaces will be
  //  suitable to en/decode narrow Klass pointers: the base will be valid for
! //  encoding, the range [Base, End) not surpass KlassEncodingMetaspaceMax.
  // Return:
  // - On success:
  //    - total_space_rs will be reserved as whole for archive_space_rs and
--- 1237,11 ---
  //  use_archive_base_addr address is false, this base address is determined
  //  by the platform.
  // If UseCompressedClassPointers=1, the range encompassing both spaces will be
  //  suitable to en/decode narrow Klass pointers: the base will be valid for
! //  encoding, the range [Base, End) and not surpass the max. range for that encoding.
  // Return:
  // - On success:
  //    - total_space_rs will be reserved as whole for archive_space_rs and
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