1 /*
  2  * Copyright (c) 2001, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  4  *
  5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
  7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
  8  *
  9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 13  * accompanied this code).
 14  *
 15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 18  *
 19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
 21  * questions.
 22  *
 23  */
 25 #include "precompiled.hpp"
 26 #include "gc/parallel/objectStartArray.inline.hpp"
 27 #include "gc/parallel/parallelArguments.hpp"
 28 #include "gc/parallel/parallelInitLogger.hpp"
 29 #include "gc/parallel/parallelScavengeHeap.inline.hpp"
 30 #include "gc/parallel/psAdaptiveSizePolicy.hpp"
 31 #include "gc/parallel/psMemoryPool.hpp"
 32 #include "gc/parallel/psParallelCompact.inline.hpp"
 33 #include "gc/parallel/psPromotionManager.hpp"
 34 #include "gc/parallel/psScavenge.hpp"
 35 #include "gc/parallel/psVMOperations.hpp"
 36 #include "gc/shared/gcHeapSummary.hpp"
 37 #include "gc/shared/gcLocker.inline.hpp"
 38 #include "gc/shared/gcWhen.hpp"
 39 #include "gc/shared/genArguments.hpp"
 40 #include "gc/shared/locationPrinter.inline.hpp"
 41 #include "gc/shared/scavengableNMethods.hpp"
 42 #include "gc/shared/suspendibleThreadSet.hpp"
 43 #include "logging/log.hpp"
 44 #include "memory/iterator.hpp"
 45 #include "memory/metaspaceCounters.hpp"
 46 #include "memory/metaspaceUtils.hpp"
 47 #include "memory/universe.hpp"
 48 #include "nmt/memTracker.hpp"
 49 #include "oops/oop.inline.hpp"
 50 #include "runtime/cpuTimeCounters.hpp"
 51 #include "runtime/handles.inline.hpp"
 52 #include "runtime/java.hpp"
 53 #include "runtime/vmThread.hpp"
 54 #include "services/memoryManager.hpp"
 55 #include "utilities/macros.hpp"
 56 #include "utilities/vmError.hpp"
 58 PSYoungGen*  ParallelScavengeHeap::_young_gen = nullptr;
 59 PSOldGen*    ParallelScavengeHeap::_old_gen = nullptr;
 60 PSAdaptiveSizePolicy* ParallelScavengeHeap::_size_policy = nullptr;
 61 PSGCAdaptivePolicyCounters* ParallelScavengeHeap::_gc_policy_counters = nullptr;
 63 jint ParallelScavengeHeap::initialize() {
 64   const size_t reserved_heap_size = ParallelArguments::heap_reserved_size_bytes();
 66   ReservedHeapSpace heap_rs = Universe::reserve_heap(reserved_heap_size, HeapAlignment);
 68   trace_actual_reserved_page_size(reserved_heap_size, heap_rs);
 70   initialize_reserved_region(heap_rs);
 71   // Layout the reserved space for the generations.
 72   ReservedSpace old_rs   = heap_rs.first_part(MaxOldSize);
 73   ReservedSpace young_rs = heap_rs.last_part(MaxOldSize);
 74   assert(young_rs.size() == MaxNewSize, "Didn't reserve all of the heap");
 76   PSCardTable* card_table = new PSCardTable(heap_rs.region());
 77   card_table->initialize(old_rs.base(), young_rs.base());
 79   CardTableBarrierSet* const barrier_set = new CardTableBarrierSet(card_table);
 80   barrier_set->initialize();
 81   BarrierSet::set_barrier_set(barrier_set);
 83   // Set up WorkerThreads
 84   _workers.initialize_workers();
 86   // Create and initialize the generations.
 87   _young_gen = new PSYoungGen(
 88       young_rs,
 89       NewSize,
 90       MinNewSize,
 91       MaxNewSize);
 92   _old_gen = new PSOldGen(
 93       old_rs,
 94       OldSize,
 95       MinOldSize,
 96       MaxOldSize,
 97       "old", 1);
 99   assert(young_gen()->max_gen_size() == young_rs.size(),"Consistency check");
100   assert(old_gen()->max_gen_size() == old_rs.size(), "Consistency check");
102   double max_gc_pause_sec = ((double) MaxGCPauseMillis)/1000.0;
104   const size_t eden_capacity = _young_gen->eden_space()->capacity_in_bytes();
105   const size_t old_capacity = _old_gen->capacity_in_bytes();
106   const size_t initial_promo_size = MIN2(eden_capacity, old_capacity);
107   _size_policy =
108     new PSAdaptiveSizePolicy(eden_capacity,
109                              initial_promo_size,
110                              young_gen()->to_space()->capacity_in_bytes(),
111                              GenAlignment,
112                              max_gc_pause_sec,
113                              GCTimeRatio
114                              );
116   assert((old_gen()->virtual_space()->high_boundary() ==
117           young_gen()->virtual_space()->low_boundary()),
118          "Boundaries must meet");
119   // initialize the policy counters - 2 collectors, 2 generations
120   _gc_policy_counters =
121     new PSGCAdaptivePolicyCounters("ParScav:MSC", 2, 2, _size_policy);
123   if (!PSParallelCompact::initialize_aux_data()) {
124     return JNI_ENOMEM;
125   }
127   // Create CPU time counter
128   CPUTimeCounters::create_counter(CPUTimeGroups::CPUTimeType::gc_parallel_workers);
130   ParallelInitLogger::print();
132   return JNI_OK;
133 }
135 void ParallelScavengeHeap::initialize_serviceability() {
137   _eden_pool = new EdenMutableSpacePool(_young_gen,
138                                         _young_gen->eden_space(),
139                                         "PS Eden Space",
140                                         false /* support_usage_threshold */);
142   _survivor_pool = new SurvivorMutableSpacePool(_young_gen,
143                                                 "PS Survivor Space",
144                                                 false /* support_usage_threshold */);
146   _old_pool = new PSGenerationPool(_old_gen,
147                                    "PS Old Gen",
148                                    true /* support_usage_threshold */);
150   _young_manager = new GCMemoryManager("PS Scavenge");
151   _old_manager = new GCMemoryManager("PS MarkSweep");
153   _old_manager->add_pool(_eden_pool);
154   _old_manager->add_pool(_survivor_pool);
155   _old_manager->add_pool(_old_pool);
157   _young_manager->add_pool(_eden_pool);
158   _young_manager->add_pool(_survivor_pool);
160 }
162 void ParallelScavengeHeap::safepoint_synchronize_begin() {
163   if (UseStringDeduplication) {
164     SuspendibleThreadSet::synchronize();
165   }
166 }
168 void ParallelScavengeHeap::safepoint_synchronize_end() {
169   if (UseStringDeduplication) {
170     SuspendibleThreadSet::desynchronize();
171   }
172 }
173 class PSIsScavengable : public BoolObjectClosure {
174   bool do_object_b(oop obj) {
175     return ParallelScavengeHeap::heap()->is_in_young(obj);
176   }
177 };
179 static PSIsScavengable _is_scavengable;
181 void ParallelScavengeHeap::post_initialize() {
182   CollectedHeap::post_initialize();
183   // Need to init the tenuring threshold
184   PSScavenge::initialize();
185   PSParallelCompact::post_initialize();
186   PSPromotionManager::initialize();
188   ScavengableNMethods::initialize(&_is_scavengable);
189 }
191 void ParallelScavengeHeap::update_counters() {
192   young_gen()->update_counters();
193   old_gen()->update_counters();
194   MetaspaceCounters::update_performance_counters();
195   update_parallel_worker_threads_cpu_time();
196 }
198 size_t ParallelScavengeHeap::capacity() const {
199   size_t value = young_gen()->capacity_in_bytes() + old_gen()->capacity_in_bytes();
200   return value;
201 }
203 size_t ParallelScavengeHeap::used() const {
204   size_t value = young_gen()->used_in_bytes() + old_gen()->used_in_bytes();
205   return value;
206 }
208 bool ParallelScavengeHeap::is_maximal_no_gc() const {
209   // We don't expand young-gen except at a GC.
210   return old_gen()->is_maximal_no_gc();
211 }
214 size_t ParallelScavengeHeap::max_capacity() const {
215   size_t estimated = reserved_region().byte_size();
216   if (UseAdaptiveSizePolicy) {
217     estimated -= _size_policy->max_survivor_size(young_gen()->max_gen_size());
218   } else {
219     estimated -= young_gen()->to_space()->capacity_in_bytes();
220   }
221   return MAX2(estimated, capacity());
222 }
224 bool ParallelScavengeHeap::is_in(const void* p) const {
225   return young_gen()->is_in(p) || old_gen()->is_in(p);
226 }
228 bool ParallelScavengeHeap::is_in_reserved(const void* p) const {
229   return young_gen()->is_in_reserved(p) || old_gen()->is_in_reserved(p);
230 }
232 bool ParallelScavengeHeap::requires_barriers(stackChunkOop p) const {
233   return !is_in_young(p);
234 }
236 // There are two levels of allocation policy here.
237 //
238 // When an allocation request fails, the requesting thread must invoke a VM
239 // operation, transfer control to the VM thread, and await the results of a
240 // garbage collection. That is quite expensive, and we should avoid doing it
241 // multiple times if possible.
242 //
243 // To accomplish this, we have a basic allocation policy, and also a
244 // failed allocation policy.
245 //
246 // The basic allocation policy controls how you allocate memory without
247 // attempting garbage collection. It is okay to grab locks and
248 // expand the heap, if that can be done without coming to a safepoint.
249 // It is likely that the basic allocation policy will not be very
250 // aggressive.
251 //
252 // The failed allocation policy is invoked from the VM thread after
253 // the basic allocation policy is unable to satisfy a mem_allocate
254 // request. This policy needs to cover the entire range of collection,
255 // heap expansion, and out-of-memory conditions. It should make every
256 // attempt to allocate the requested memory.
258 // Basic allocation policy. Should never be called at a safepoint, or
259 // from the VM thread.
260 //
261 // This method must handle cases where many mem_allocate requests fail
262 // simultaneously. When that happens, only one VM operation will succeed,
263 // and the rest will not be executed. For that reason, this method loops
264 // during failed allocation attempts. If the java heap becomes exhausted,
265 // we rely on the size_policy object to force a bail out.
266 HeapWord* ParallelScavengeHeap::mem_allocate(
267                                      size_t size,
268                                      bool* gc_overhead_limit_was_exceeded) {
269   assert(!SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "should not be at safepoint");
270   assert(Thread::current() != (Thread*)VMThread::vm_thread(), "should not be in vm thread");
271   assert(!Heap_lock->owned_by_self(), "this thread should not own the Heap_lock");
273   // In general gc_overhead_limit_was_exceeded should be false so
274   // set it so here and reset it to true only if the gc time
275   // limit is being exceeded as checked below.
276   *gc_overhead_limit_was_exceeded = false;
278   HeapWord* result = young_gen()->allocate(size);
280   uint loop_count = 0;
281   uint gc_count = 0;
282   uint gclocker_stalled_count = 0;
284   while (result == nullptr) {
285     // We don't want to have multiple collections for a single filled generation.
286     // To prevent this, each thread tracks the total_collections() value, and if
287     // the count has changed, does not do a new collection.
288     //
289     // The collection count must be read only while holding the heap lock. VM
290     // operations also hold the heap lock during collections. There is a lock
291     // contention case where thread A blocks waiting on the Heap_lock, while
292     // thread B is holding it doing a collection. When thread A gets the lock,
293     // the collection count has already changed. To prevent duplicate collections,
294     // The policy MUST attempt allocations during the same period it reads the
295     // total_collections() value!
296     {
297       MutexLocker ml(Heap_lock);
298       gc_count = total_collections();
300       result = young_gen()->allocate(size);
301       if (result != nullptr) {
302         return result;
303       }
305       // If certain conditions hold, try allocating from the old gen.
306       result = mem_allocate_old_gen(size);
307       if (result != nullptr) {
308         return result;
309       }
311       if (gclocker_stalled_count > GCLockerRetryAllocationCount) {
312         return nullptr;
313       }
315       // Failed to allocate without a gc.
316       if (GCLocker::is_active_and_needs_gc()) {
317         // If this thread is not in a jni critical section, we stall
318         // the requestor until the critical section has cleared and
319         // GC allowed. When the critical section clears, a GC is
320         // initiated by the last thread exiting the critical section; so
321         // we retry the allocation sequence from the beginning of the loop,
322         // rather than causing more, now probably unnecessary, GC attempts.
323         JavaThread* jthr = JavaThread::current();
324         if (!jthr->in_critical()) {
325           MutexUnlocker mul(Heap_lock);
326           GCLocker::stall_until_clear();
327           gclocker_stalled_count += 1;
328           continue;
329         } else {
330           if (CheckJNICalls) {
331             fatal("Possible deadlock due to allocating while"
332                   " in jni critical section");
333           }
334           return nullptr;
335         }
336       }
337     }
339     if (result == nullptr) {
340       // Generate a VM operation
341       VM_ParallelGCFailedAllocation op(size, gc_count);
342       VMThread::execute(&op);
344       // Did the VM operation execute? If so, return the result directly.
345       // This prevents us from looping until time out on requests that can
346       // not be satisfied.
347       if (op.prologue_succeeded()) {
348         assert(is_in_or_null(op.result()), "result not in heap");
350         // If GC was locked out during VM operation then retry allocation
351         // and/or stall as necessary.
352         if (op.gc_locked()) {
353           assert(op.result() == nullptr, "must be null if gc_locked() is true");
354           continue;  // retry and/or stall as necessary
355         }
357         // Exit the loop if the gc time limit has been exceeded.
358         // The allocation must have failed above ("result" guarding
359         // this path is null) and the most recent collection has exceeded the
360         // gc overhead limit (although enough may have been collected to
361         // satisfy the allocation).  Exit the loop so that an out-of-memory
362         // will be thrown (return a null ignoring the contents of
363         // op.result()),
364         // but clear gc_overhead_limit_exceeded so that the next collection
365         // starts with a clean slate (i.e., forgets about previous overhead
366         // excesses).  Fill op.result() with a filler object so that the
367         // heap remains parsable.
368         const bool limit_exceeded = size_policy()->gc_overhead_limit_exceeded();
369         const bool softrefs_clear = soft_ref_policy()->all_soft_refs_clear();
371         if (limit_exceeded && softrefs_clear) {
372           *gc_overhead_limit_was_exceeded = true;
373           size_policy()->set_gc_overhead_limit_exceeded(false);
374           log_trace(gc)("ParallelScavengeHeap::mem_allocate: return null because gc_overhead_limit_exceeded is set");
375           if (op.result() != nullptr) {
376             CollectedHeap::fill_with_object(op.result(), size);
377           }
378           return nullptr;
379         }
381         return op.result();
382       }
383     }
385     // The policy object will prevent us from looping forever. If the
386     // time spent in gc crosses a threshold, we will bail out.
387     loop_count++;
388     if ((result == nullptr) && (QueuedAllocationWarningCount > 0) &&
389         (loop_count % QueuedAllocationWarningCount == 0)) {
390       log_warning(gc)("ParallelScavengeHeap::mem_allocate retries %d times", loop_count);
391       log_warning(gc)("\tsize=" SIZE_FORMAT, size);
392     }
393   }
395   return result;
396 }
398 // A "death march" is a series of ultra-slow allocations in which a full gc is
399 // done before each allocation, and after the full gc the allocation still
400 // cannot be satisfied from the young gen.  This routine detects that condition;
401 // it should be called after a full gc has been done and the allocation
402 // attempted from the young gen. The parameter 'addr' should be the result of
403 // that young gen allocation attempt.
404 void
405 ParallelScavengeHeap::death_march_check(HeapWord* const addr, size_t size) {
406   if (addr != nullptr) {
407     _death_march_count = 0;  // death march has ended
408   } else if (_death_march_count == 0) {
409     if (should_alloc_in_eden(size)) {
410       _death_march_count = 1;    // death march has started
411     }
412   }
413 }
415 HeapWord* ParallelScavengeHeap::allocate_old_gen_and_record(size_t size) {
416   assert_locked_or_safepoint(Heap_lock);
417   HeapWord* res = old_gen()->allocate(size);
418   if (res != nullptr) {
419     _size_policy->tenured_allocation(size * HeapWordSize);
420   }
421   return res;
422 }
424 HeapWord* ParallelScavengeHeap::mem_allocate_old_gen(size_t size) {
425   if (!should_alloc_in_eden(size) || GCLocker::is_active_and_needs_gc()) {
426     // Size is too big for eden, or gc is locked out.
427     return allocate_old_gen_and_record(size);
428   }
430   // If a "death march" is in progress, allocate from the old gen a limited
431   // number of times before doing a GC.
432   if (_death_march_count > 0) {
433     if (_death_march_count < 64) {
434       ++_death_march_count;
435       return allocate_old_gen_and_record(size);
436     } else {
437       _death_march_count = 0;
438     }
439   }
440   return nullptr;
441 }
443 void ParallelScavengeHeap::do_full_collection(bool clear_all_soft_refs) {
444   // The do_full_collection() parameter clear_all_soft_refs
445   // is interpreted here as maximum_compaction which will
446   // cause SoftRefs to be cleared.
447   bool maximum_compaction = clear_all_soft_refs;
448   PSParallelCompact::invoke(maximum_compaction);
449 }
451 // Failed allocation policy. Must be called from the VM thread, and
452 // only at a safepoint! Note that this method has policy for allocation
453 // flow, and NOT collection policy. So we do not check for gc collection
454 // time over limit here, that is the responsibility of the heap specific
455 // collection methods. This method decides where to attempt allocations,
456 // and when to attempt collections, but no collection specific policy.
457 HeapWord* ParallelScavengeHeap::failed_mem_allocate(size_t size) {
458   assert(SafepointSynchronize::is_at_safepoint(), "should be at safepoint");
459   assert(Thread::current() == (Thread*)VMThread::vm_thread(), "should be in vm thread");
460   assert(!is_stw_gc_active(), "not reentrant");
461   assert(!Heap_lock->owned_by_self(), "this thread should not own the Heap_lock");
463   // We assume that allocation in eden will fail unless we collect.
465   // First level allocation failure, scavenge and allocate in young gen.
466   GCCauseSetter gccs(this, GCCause::_allocation_failure);
467   const bool invoked_full_gc = PSScavenge::invoke();
468   HeapWord* result = young_gen()->allocate(size);
470   // Second level allocation failure.
471   //   Mark sweep and allocate in young generation.
472   if (result == nullptr && !invoked_full_gc) {
473     do_full_collection(false);
474     result = young_gen()->allocate(size);
475   }
477   death_march_check(result, size);
479   // Third level allocation failure.
480   //   After mark sweep and young generation allocation failure,
481   //   allocate in old generation.
482   if (result == nullptr) {
483     result = allocate_old_gen_and_record(size);
484   }
486   // Fourth level allocation failure. We're running out of memory.
487   //   More complete mark sweep and allocate in young generation.
488   if (result == nullptr) {
489     do_full_collection(true);
490     result = young_gen()->allocate(size);
491   }
493   // Fifth level allocation failure.
494   //   After more complete mark sweep, allocate in old generation.
495   if (result == nullptr) {
496     result = allocate_old_gen_and_record(size);
497   }
499   return result;
500 }
502 void ParallelScavengeHeap::ensure_parsability(bool retire_tlabs) {
503   CollectedHeap::ensure_parsability(retire_tlabs);
504   young_gen()->eden_space()->ensure_parsability();
505 }
507 size_t ParallelScavengeHeap::tlab_capacity(Thread* thr) const {
508   return young_gen()->eden_space()->tlab_capacity(thr);
509 }
511 size_t ParallelScavengeHeap::tlab_used(Thread* thr) const {
512   return young_gen()->eden_space()->tlab_used(thr);
513 }
515 size_t ParallelScavengeHeap::unsafe_max_tlab_alloc(Thread* thr) const {
516   return young_gen()->eden_space()->unsafe_max_tlab_alloc(thr);
517 }
519 HeapWord* ParallelScavengeHeap::allocate_new_tlab(size_t min_size, size_t requested_size, size_t* actual_size) {
520   HeapWord* result = young_gen()->allocate(requested_size);
521   if (result != nullptr) {
522     *actual_size = requested_size;
523   }
525   return result;
526 }
528 void ParallelScavengeHeap::resize_all_tlabs() {
529   CollectedHeap::resize_all_tlabs();
530 }
532 void ParallelScavengeHeap::prune_scavengable_nmethods() {
533   ScavengableNMethods::prune_nmethods_not_into_young();
534 }
536 void ParallelScavengeHeap::prune_unlinked_nmethods() {
537   ScavengableNMethods::prune_unlinked_nmethods();
538 }
540 // This method is used by System.gc() and JVMTI.
541 void ParallelScavengeHeap::collect(GCCause::Cause cause) {
542   assert(!Heap_lock->owned_by_self(),
543     "this thread should not own the Heap_lock");
545   uint gc_count      = 0;
546   uint full_gc_count = 0;
547   {
548     MutexLocker ml(Heap_lock);
549     // This value is guarded by the Heap_lock
550     gc_count      = total_collections();
551     full_gc_count = total_full_collections();
552   }
554   if (GCLocker::should_discard(cause, gc_count)) {
555     return;
556   }
558   while (true) {
559     VM_ParallelGCSystemGC op(gc_count, full_gc_count, cause);
560     VMThread::execute(&op);
562     if (!GCCause::is_explicit_full_gc(cause) || op.full_gc_succeeded()) {
563       return;
564     }
566     {
567       MutexLocker ml(Heap_lock);
568       if (full_gc_count != total_full_collections()) {
569         return;
570       }
571     }
573     if (GCLocker::is_active_and_needs_gc()) {
574       // If GCLocker is active, wait until clear before retrying.
575       GCLocker::stall_until_clear();
576     }
577   }
578 }
580 void ParallelScavengeHeap::object_iterate(ObjectClosure* cl) {
581   young_gen()->object_iterate(cl);
582   old_gen()->object_iterate(cl);
583 }
585 // The HeapBlockClaimer is used during parallel iteration over the heap,
586 // allowing workers to claim heap areas ("blocks"), gaining exclusive rights to these.
587 // The eden and survivor spaces are treated as single blocks as it is hard to divide
588 // these spaces.
589 // The old space is divided into fixed-size blocks.
590 class HeapBlockClaimer : public StackObj {
591   size_t _claimed_index;
593 public:
594   static const size_t InvalidIndex = SIZE_MAX;
595   static const size_t EdenIndex = 0;
596   static const size_t SurvivorIndex = 1;
597   static const size_t NumNonOldGenClaims = 2;
599   HeapBlockClaimer() : _claimed_index(EdenIndex) { }
600   // Claim the block and get the block index.
601   size_t claim_and_get_block() {
602     size_t block_index;
603     block_index = Atomic::fetch_then_add(&_claimed_index, 1u);
605     PSOldGen* old_gen = ParallelScavengeHeap::heap()->old_gen();
606     size_t num_claims = old_gen->num_iterable_blocks() + NumNonOldGenClaims;
608     return block_index < num_claims ? block_index : InvalidIndex;
609   }
610 };
612 void ParallelScavengeHeap::object_iterate_parallel(ObjectClosure* cl,
613                                                    HeapBlockClaimer* claimer) {
614   size_t block_index = claimer->claim_and_get_block();
615   // Iterate until all blocks are claimed
616   if (block_index == HeapBlockClaimer::EdenIndex) {
617     young_gen()->eden_space()->object_iterate(cl);
618     block_index = claimer->claim_and_get_block();
619   }
620   if (block_index == HeapBlockClaimer::SurvivorIndex) {
621     young_gen()->from_space()->object_iterate(cl);
622     young_gen()->to_space()->object_iterate(cl);
623     block_index = claimer->claim_and_get_block();
624   }
625   while (block_index != HeapBlockClaimer::InvalidIndex) {
626     old_gen()->object_iterate_block(cl, block_index - HeapBlockClaimer::NumNonOldGenClaims);
627     block_index = claimer->claim_and_get_block();
628   }
629 }
631 class PSScavengeParallelObjectIterator : public ParallelObjectIteratorImpl {
632 private:
633   ParallelScavengeHeap*  _heap;
634   HeapBlockClaimer      _claimer;
636 public:
637   PSScavengeParallelObjectIterator() :
638       _heap(ParallelScavengeHeap::heap()),
639       _claimer() {}
641   virtual void object_iterate(ObjectClosure* cl, uint worker_id) {
642     _heap->object_iterate_parallel(cl, &_claimer);
643   }
644 };
646 ParallelObjectIteratorImpl* ParallelScavengeHeap::parallel_object_iterator(uint thread_num) {
647   return new PSScavengeParallelObjectIterator();
648 }
650 HeapWord* ParallelScavengeHeap::block_start(const void* addr) const {
651   if (young_gen()->is_in_reserved(addr)) {
652     assert(young_gen()->is_in(addr),
653            "addr should be in allocated part of young gen");
654     // called from os::print_location by find or VMError
655     if (DebuggingContext::is_enabled() || VMError::is_error_reported()) {
656       return nullptr;
657     }
658     Unimplemented();
659   } else if (old_gen()->is_in_reserved(addr)) {
660     assert(old_gen()->is_in(addr),
661            "addr should be in allocated part of old gen");
662     return old_gen()->start_array()->object_start((HeapWord*)addr);
663   }
664   return 0;
665 }
667 bool ParallelScavengeHeap::block_is_obj(const HeapWord* addr) const {
668   return block_start(addr) == addr;
669 }
671 void ParallelScavengeHeap::prepare_for_verify() {
672   ensure_parsability(false);  // no need to retire TLABs for verification
673 }
675 PSHeapSummary ParallelScavengeHeap::create_ps_heap_summary() {
676   PSOldGen* old = old_gen();
677   HeapWord* old_committed_end = (HeapWord*)old->virtual_space()->committed_high_addr();
678   HeapWord* old_reserved_start = old->reserved().start();
679   HeapWord* old_reserved_end = old->reserved().end();
680   VirtualSpaceSummary old_summary(old_reserved_start, old_committed_end, old_reserved_end);
681   SpaceSummary old_space(old_reserved_start, old_committed_end, old->used_in_bytes());
683   PSYoungGen* young = young_gen();
684   VirtualSpaceSummary young_summary(young->reserved().start(),
685     (HeapWord*)young->virtual_space()->committed_high_addr(), young->reserved().end());
687   MutableSpace* eden = young_gen()->eden_space();
688   SpaceSummary eden_space(eden->bottom(), eden->end(), eden->used_in_bytes());
690   MutableSpace* from = young_gen()->from_space();
691   SpaceSummary from_space(from->bottom(), from->end(), from->used_in_bytes());
693   MutableSpace* to = young_gen()->to_space();
694   SpaceSummary to_space(to->bottom(), to->end(), to->used_in_bytes());
696   VirtualSpaceSummary heap_summary = create_heap_space_summary();
697   return PSHeapSummary(heap_summary, used(), old_summary, old_space, young_summary, eden_space, from_space, to_space);
698 }
700 bool ParallelScavengeHeap::print_location(outputStream* st, void* addr) const {
701   return BlockLocationPrinter<ParallelScavengeHeap>::print_location(st, addr);
702 }
704 void ParallelScavengeHeap::print_on(outputStream* st) const {
705   if (young_gen() != nullptr) {
706     young_gen()->print_on(st);
707   }
708   if (old_gen() != nullptr) {
709     old_gen()->print_on(st);
710   }
711   MetaspaceUtils::print_on(st);
712 }
714 void ParallelScavengeHeap::print_on_error(outputStream* st) const {
715   this->CollectedHeap::print_on_error(st);
717   st->cr();
718   PSParallelCompact::print_on_error(st);
719 }
721 void ParallelScavengeHeap::gc_threads_do(ThreadClosure* tc) const {
722   ParallelScavengeHeap::heap()->workers().threads_do(tc);
723 }
725 void ParallelScavengeHeap::print_tracing_info() const {
726   AdaptiveSizePolicyOutput::print();
727   log_debug(gc, heap, exit)("Accumulated young generation GC time %3.7f secs", PSScavenge::accumulated_time()->seconds());
728   log_debug(gc, heap, exit)("Accumulated old generation GC time %3.7f secs", PSParallelCompact::accumulated_time()->seconds());
729 }
731 PreGenGCValues ParallelScavengeHeap::get_pre_gc_values() const {
732   const PSYoungGen* const young = young_gen();
733   const MutableSpace* const eden = young->eden_space();
734   const MutableSpace* const from = young->from_space();
735   const PSOldGen* const old = old_gen();
737   return PreGenGCValues(young->used_in_bytes(),
738                         young->capacity_in_bytes(),
739                         eden->used_in_bytes(),
740                         eden->capacity_in_bytes(),
741                         from->used_in_bytes(),
742                         from->capacity_in_bytes(),
743                         old->used_in_bytes(),
744                         old->capacity_in_bytes());
745 }
747 void ParallelScavengeHeap::print_heap_change(const PreGenGCValues& pre_gc_values) const {
748   const PSYoungGen* const young = young_gen();
749   const MutableSpace* const eden = young->eden_space();
750   const MutableSpace* const from = young->from_space();
751   const PSOldGen* const old = old_gen();
753   log_info(gc, heap)(HEAP_CHANGE_FORMAT" "
754                      HEAP_CHANGE_FORMAT" "
755                      HEAP_CHANGE_FORMAT,
756                      HEAP_CHANGE_FORMAT_ARGS(young->name(),
757                                              pre_gc_values.young_gen_used(),
758                                              pre_gc_values.young_gen_capacity(),
759                                              young->used_in_bytes(),
760                                              young->capacity_in_bytes()),
761                      HEAP_CHANGE_FORMAT_ARGS("Eden",
762                                              pre_gc_values.eden_used(),
763                                              pre_gc_values.eden_capacity(),
764                                              eden->used_in_bytes(),
765                                              eden->capacity_in_bytes()),
766                      HEAP_CHANGE_FORMAT_ARGS("From",
767                                              pre_gc_values.from_used(),
768                                              pre_gc_values.from_capacity(),
769                                              from->used_in_bytes(),
770                                              from->capacity_in_bytes()));
771   log_info(gc, heap)(HEAP_CHANGE_FORMAT,
772                      HEAP_CHANGE_FORMAT_ARGS(old->name(),
773                                              pre_gc_values.old_gen_used(),
774                                              pre_gc_values.old_gen_capacity(),
775                                              old->used_in_bytes(),
776                                              old->capacity_in_bytes()));
777   MetaspaceUtils::print_metaspace_change(pre_gc_values.metaspace_sizes());
778 }
780 void ParallelScavengeHeap::verify(VerifyOption option /* ignored */) {
781   // Why do we need the total_collections()-filter below?
782   if (total_collections() > 0) {
783     log_debug(gc, verify)("Tenured");
784     old_gen()->verify();
786     log_debug(gc, verify)("Eden");
787     young_gen()->verify();
789     log_debug(gc, verify)("CardTable");
790     card_table()->verify_all_young_refs_imprecise();
791   }
792 }
794 void ParallelScavengeHeap::trace_actual_reserved_page_size(const size_t reserved_heap_size, const ReservedSpace rs) {
795   // Check if Info level is enabled, since os::trace_page_sizes() logs on Info level.
796   if(log_is_enabled(Info, pagesize)) {
797     const size_t page_size = rs.page_size();
798     os::trace_page_sizes("Heap",
799                          MinHeapSize,
800                          reserved_heap_size,
801                          rs.base(),
802                          rs.size(),
803                          page_size);
804   }
805 }
807 void ParallelScavengeHeap::trace_heap(GCWhen::Type when, const GCTracer* gc_tracer) {
808   const PSHeapSummary& heap_summary = create_ps_heap_summary();
809   gc_tracer->report_gc_heap_summary(when, heap_summary);
811   const MetaspaceSummary& metaspace_summary = create_metaspace_summary();
812   gc_tracer->report_metaspace_summary(when, metaspace_summary);
813 }
815 CardTableBarrierSet* ParallelScavengeHeap::barrier_set() {
816   return barrier_set_cast<CardTableBarrierSet>(BarrierSet::barrier_set());
817 }
819 PSCardTable* ParallelScavengeHeap::card_table() {
820   return static_cast<PSCardTable*>(barrier_set()->card_table());
821 }
823 void ParallelScavengeHeap::resize_young_gen(size_t eden_size,
824                                             size_t survivor_size) {
825   // Delegate the resize to the generation.
826   _young_gen->resize(eden_size, survivor_size);
827 }
829 void ParallelScavengeHeap::resize_old_gen(size_t desired_free_space) {
830   // Delegate the resize to the generation.
831   _old_gen->resize(desired_free_space);
832 }
834 HeapWord* ParallelScavengeHeap::allocate_loaded_archive_space(size_t size) {
835   return _old_gen->allocate(size);
836 }
838 void ParallelScavengeHeap::complete_loaded_archive_space(MemRegion archive_space) {
839   assert(_old_gen->object_space()->used_region().contains(archive_space),
840          "Archive space not contained in old gen");
841   _old_gen->complete_loaded_archive_space(archive_space);
842 }
844 void ParallelScavengeHeap::register_nmethod(nmethod* nm) {
845   ScavengableNMethods::register_nmethod(nm);
846 }
848 void ParallelScavengeHeap::unregister_nmethod(nmethod* nm) {
849   ScavengableNMethods::unregister_nmethod(nm);
850 }
852 void ParallelScavengeHeap::verify_nmethod(nmethod* nm) {
853   ScavengableNMethods::verify_nmethod(nm);
854 }
856 GrowableArray<GCMemoryManager*> ParallelScavengeHeap::memory_managers() {
857   GrowableArray<GCMemoryManager*> memory_managers(2);
858   memory_managers.append(_young_manager);
859   memory_managers.append(_old_manager);
860   return memory_managers;
861 }
863 GrowableArray<MemoryPool*> ParallelScavengeHeap::memory_pools() {
864   GrowableArray<MemoryPool*> memory_pools(3);
865   memory_pools.append(_eden_pool);
866   memory_pools.append(_survivor_pool);
867   memory_pools.append(_old_pool);
868   return memory_pools;
869 }
871 void ParallelScavengeHeap::pin_object(JavaThread* thread, oop obj) {
872   GCLocker::lock_critical(thread);
873 }
875 void ParallelScavengeHeap::unpin_object(JavaThread* thread, oop obj) {
876   GCLocker::unlock_critical(thread);
877 }
879 void ParallelScavengeHeap::update_parallel_worker_threads_cpu_time() {
880   assert(Thread::current()->is_VM_thread(),
881          "Must be called from VM thread to avoid races");
882   if (!UsePerfData || !os::is_thread_cpu_time_supported()) {
883     return;
884   }
886   // Ensure ThreadTotalCPUTimeClosure destructor is called before publishing gc
887   // time.
888   {
889     ThreadTotalCPUTimeClosure tttc(CPUTimeGroups::CPUTimeType::gc_parallel_workers);
890     // Currently parallel worker threads in GCTaskManager never terminate, so it
891     // is safe for VMThread to read their CPU times. If upstream changes this
892     // behavior, we should rethink if it is still safe.
893     gc_threads_do(&tttc);
894   }
896   CPUTimeCounters::publish_gc_total_cpu_time();
897 }