< prev index next > src/hotspot/share/gc/shenandoah/shenandoahGenerationalFullGC.cpp
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assert((_from_region->bottom() <= cast_from_oop<HeapWord*>(p)) && (cast_from_oop<HeapWord*>(p) < _from_region->top()),
"Object must reside in _from_region");
assert(_heap->complete_marking_context()->is_marked(p), "must be marked");
assert(!_heap->complete_marking_context()->allocated_after_mark_start(p), "must be truly marked");
- size_t obj_size = p->size();
+ size_t old_size = p->size();
+ size_t new_size = p->copy_size(old_size, p->mark());
uint from_region_age = _from_region->age();
uint object_age = p->age();
bool promote_object = false;
if ((_from_affiliation == ShenandoahAffiliation::YOUNG_GENERATION) &&
(from_region_age + object_age >= _tenuring_threshold)) {
- if ((_old_to_region != nullptr) && (_old_compact_point + obj_size > _old_to_region->end())) {
+ if ((_old_to_region != nullptr) && (_old_compact_point + new_size > _old_to_region->end())) {
_old_to_region = nullptr;
if (_old_to_region == nullptr) {
if (_empty_regions_pos < _empty_regions.length()) {
if (promote_object || (_from_affiliation == ShenandoahAffiliation::OLD_GENERATION)) {
assert(_old_to_region != nullptr, "_old_to_region should not be nullptr when evacuating to OLD region");
+ size_t obj_size = _old_compact_point == cast_from_oop<HeapWord*>(p) ? old_size : new_size;
if (_old_compact_point + obj_size > _old_to_region->end()) {
ShenandoahHeapRegion* new_to_region;
log_debug(gc)("Worker %u finishing old region " SIZE_FORMAT ", compact_point: " PTR_FORMAT ", obj_size: " SIZE_FORMAT
", &compact_point[obj_size]: " PTR_FORMAT ", region end: " PTR_FORMAT, _worker_id, _old_to_region->index(),
assert(new_to_region != _old_to_region, "must not reuse same OLD to-region");
assert(new_to_region != nullptr, "must not be nullptr");
_old_to_region = new_to_region;
_old_compact_point = _old_to_region->bottom();
+ obj_size = _old_compact_point == cast_from_oop<HeapWord*>(p) ? old_size : new_size;
// Object fits into current region, record new location, if object does not move:
assert(_old_compact_point + obj_size <= _old_to_region->end(), "must fit");
shenandoah_assert_not_forwarded(nullptr, p);
ShenandoahHeap::increase_object_age(p, from_region_age + 1);
} else {
ShenandoahHeap::increase_object_age(p, from_region_age);
+ size_t obj_size = _young_compact_point == cast_from_oop<HeapWord*>(p) ? old_size : new_size;
if (_young_compact_point + obj_size > _young_to_region->end()) {
ShenandoahHeapRegion* new_to_region;
log_debug(gc)("Worker %u finishing young region " SIZE_FORMAT ", compact_point: " PTR_FORMAT ", obj_size: " SIZE_FORMAT
", &compact_point[obj_size]: " PTR_FORMAT ", region end: " PTR_FORMAT, _worker_id, _young_to_region->index(),
assert(new_to_region != _young_to_region, "must not reuse same OLD to-region");
assert(new_to_region != nullptr, "must not be nullptr");
_young_to_region = new_to_region;
+ obj_size = _young_compact_point == cast_from_oop<HeapWord*>(p) ? old_size : new_size;
_young_compact_point = _young_to_region->bottom();
// Object fits into current region, record new location, if object does not move:
assert(_young_compact_point + obj_size <= _young_to_region->end(), "must fit");
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