1 /*
  2  * Copyright (c) 2019, 2025, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  4  *
  5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
  7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
  8  *
  9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 13  * accompanied this code).
 14  *
 15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 18  *
 19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
 21  * questions.
 22  *
 23  */
 25 #include "logging/log.hpp"
 26 #include "memory/metaspace.hpp"
 27 #include "oops/compressedKlass.inline.hpp"
 28 #include "runtime/globals.hpp"
 29 #include "runtime/java.hpp"
 30 #include "runtime/os.hpp"
 31 #include "utilities/debug.hpp"
 32 #include "utilities/formatBuffer.hpp"
 33 #include "utilities/globalDefinitions.hpp"
 34 #include "utilities/ostream.hpp"
 36 int CompressedKlassPointers::_narrow_klass_pointer_bits = -1;
 37 int CompressedKlassPointers::_max_shift = -1;
 39 address CompressedKlassPointers::_base = (address)-1;
 40 int CompressedKlassPointers::_shift = -1;
 41 address CompressedKlassPointers::_klass_range_start = nullptr;
 42 address CompressedKlassPointers::_klass_range_end = nullptr;
 43 narrowKlass CompressedKlassPointers::_lowest_valid_narrow_klass_id = (narrowKlass)-1;
 44 narrowKlass CompressedKlassPointers::_highest_valid_narrow_klass_id = (narrowKlass)-1;
 46 #ifdef _LP64
 48 size_t CompressedKlassPointers::max_klass_range_size() {
 49   // We disallow klass range sizes larger than 4GB even if the encoding
 50   // range would allow for a larger Klass range (e.g. Base=zero, shift=3 -> 32GB).
 51   // That is because many CPU-specific compiler decodings do not want the
 52   // shifted narrow Klass to spill over into the third quadrant of the 64-bit target
 53   // address, e.g. to use a 16-bit move for a simplified base addition.
 54   return MIN2(4 * G, max_encoding_range_size());
 55 }
 57 void CompressedKlassPointers::pre_initialize() {
 58   if (UseCompactObjectHeaders) {
 59     _narrow_klass_pointer_bits = narrow_klass_pointer_bits_coh;
 60     _max_shift = max_shift_coh;
 61   } else {
 62     _narrow_klass_pointer_bits = narrow_klass_pointer_bits_noncoh;
 63     _max_shift = max_shift_noncoh;
 64   }
 65 }
 67 #ifdef ASSERT
 68 void CompressedKlassPointers::sanity_check_after_initialization() {
 69   // In expectation of an assert, prepare condensed info to be printed with the assert.
 70   char tmp[256];
 71   os::snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "klass range: " RANGE2FMT ","
 72       " base " PTR_FORMAT ", shift %d, lowest/highest valid narrowKlass %u/%u",
 73       RANGE2FMTARGS(_klass_range_start, _klass_range_end),
 74       p2i(_base), _shift, _lowest_valid_narrow_klass_id, _highest_valid_narrow_klass_id);
 75 #define ASSERT_HERE(cond) assert(cond, " (%s)", tmp);
 76 #define ASSERT_HERE_2(cond, msg) assert(cond, msg " (%s)", tmp);
 78   // There is no technical reason preventing us from using other klass pointer bit lengths,
 79   // but it should be a deliberate choice
 80   ASSERT_HERE(_narrow_klass_pointer_bits == 32 || _narrow_klass_pointer_bits == 19);
 82   // All values must be inited
 83   ASSERT_HERE(_max_shift != -1);
 84   ASSERT_HERE(_klass_range_start != (address)-1);
 85   ASSERT_HERE(_klass_range_end != (address)-1);
 86   ASSERT_HERE(_lowest_valid_narrow_klass_id != (narrowKlass)-1);
 87   ASSERT_HERE(_base != (address)-1);
 88   ASSERT_HERE(_shift != -1);
 90   const size_t klass_align = klass_alignment_in_bytes();
 92   // must be aligned enough hold 64-bit data
 93   ASSERT_HERE(is_aligned(klass_align, sizeof(uint64_t)));
 95   // should be smaller than the minimum metaspace chunk size (soft requirement)
 96   ASSERT_HERE(klass_align <= K);
 98   ASSERT_HERE(_klass_range_end > _klass_range_start);
100   // Check that Klass range is fully engulfed in the encoding range
101   const address encoding_start = _base;
102   const address encoding_end = (address)(p2u(_base) + (uintptr_t)nth_bit(narrow_klass_pointer_bits() + _shift));
103   ASSERT_HERE_2(_klass_range_start >= _base && _klass_range_end <= encoding_end,
104                 "Resulting encoding range does not fully cover the class range");
106   // Check that Klass range is aligned to Klass alignment. Note that this should never be
107   // an issue since the Klass range is handed in by either CDS- or Metaspace-initialization, and
108   // it should be the result of an mmap operation that operates on page sizes. So as long as
109   // the Klass alignment is <= page size, we are fine.
110   ASSERT_HERE_2(is_aligned(_klass_range_start, klass_align) &&
111                 is_aligned(_klass_range_end, klass_align),
112                 "Klass range must start and end at a properly aligned address");
114   // Check _lowest_valid_narrow_klass_id and _highest_valid_narrow_klass_id
115   ASSERT_HERE_2(_lowest_valid_narrow_klass_id > 0, "Null is not a valid narrowKlass");
116   ASSERT_HERE(_highest_valid_narrow_klass_id > _lowest_valid_narrow_klass_id);
118   Klass* const k1 = decode_not_null_without_asserts(_lowest_valid_narrow_klass_id, _base, _shift);
119   if (encoding_start == _klass_range_start) {
120     ASSERT_HERE_2((address)k1 == _klass_range_start + klass_align, "Not lowest");
121   } else {
122     ASSERT_HERE_2((address)k1 == _klass_range_start, "Not lowest");
123   }
124   narrowKlass nk1 = encode_not_null_without_asserts(k1, _base, _shift);
125   ASSERT_HERE_2(nk1 == _lowest_valid_narrow_klass_id, "not reversible");
127   Klass* const k2 = decode_not_null_without_asserts(_highest_valid_narrow_klass_id, _base, _shift);
128   ASSERT_HERE((address)k2 == _klass_range_end - klass_align);
129   narrowKlass nk2 = encode_not_null_without_asserts(k2, _base, _shift);
130   ASSERT_HERE_2(nk2 == _highest_valid_narrow_klass_id, "not reversible");
132 #ifdef AARCH64
133   // On aarch64, we never expect a shift value > 0 in standard (non-coh) mode
134   ASSERT_HERE_2(UseCompactObjectHeaders || _shift == 0, "Shift > 0 in non-coh mode?");
135 #endif
136 #undef ASSERT_HERE
137 #undef ASSERT_HERE_2
138 }
139 #endif // ASSERT
141 // Helper function: given current Klass Range, Base and Shift, calculate the lowest and highest values
142 // of narrowKlass we can expect.
143 void CompressedKlassPointers::calc_lowest_highest_narrow_klass_id() {
144   address lowest_possible_klass_location = _klass_range_start;
146   // A Klass will never be placed at the Encoding range start, since that would translate to a narrowKlass=0, which
147   // is disallowed. Note that both Metaspace and CDS prvent allocation at the first address for this reason.
148   if (lowest_possible_klass_location == _base) {
149     lowest_possible_klass_location += klass_alignment_in_bytes();
150   }
151   _lowest_valid_narrow_klass_id = (narrowKlass) ((uintptr_t)(lowest_possible_klass_location - _base) >> _shift);
153   address highest_possible_klass_location = _klass_range_end - klass_alignment_in_bytes();
154   _highest_valid_narrow_klass_id = (narrowKlass) ((uintptr_t)(highest_possible_klass_location - _base) >> _shift);
155 }
157 // Given a klass range [addr, addr+len) and a given encoding scheme, assert that this scheme covers the range, then
158 // set this encoding scheme. Used by CDS at runtime to re-instate the scheme used to pre-compute klass ids for
159 // archived heap objects.
160 void CompressedKlassPointers::initialize_for_given_encoding(address addr, size_t len, address requested_base, int requested_shift) {
161   if (len > max_klass_range_size()) {
162     stringStream ss;
163     ss.print("Class space size and CDS archive size combined (%zu) "
164              "exceed the maximum possible size (%zu)",
165              len, max_klass_range_size());
166     vm_exit_during_initialization(ss.base());
167   }
169   // Note: While it would be technically valid for the encoding base to precede the start of the Klass range,
170   // we never do this here. This is used at CDS runtime to re-instate the scheme used to precompute the
171   // narrow Klass IDs in the archive, and the requested base should point to the start of the Klass range.
172   assert(requested_base == addr, "Invalid requested base");
174   // Remember Klass range:
175   _klass_range_start = addr;
176   _klass_range_end = addr + len;
178   _base = requested_base;
179   _shift = requested_shift;
181   calc_lowest_highest_narrow_klass_id();
183   // This has already been checked for SharedBaseAddress and if this fails, it's a bug in the allocation code.
184   if (!set_klass_decode_mode()) {
185     fatal("base=" PTR_FORMAT " given with shift %d, cannot be used to encode class pointers",
186           p2i(_base), _shift);
187   }
189   DEBUG_ONLY(sanity_check_after_initialization();)
190 }
192 char* CompressedKlassPointers::reserve_address_space_X(uintptr_t from, uintptr_t to, size_t size, size_t alignment, bool aslr) {
193   alignment = MAX2(Metaspace::reserve_alignment(), alignment);
194   return os::attempt_reserve_memory_between((char*)from, (char*)to, size, alignment, aslr);
195 }
197 char* CompressedKlassPointers::reserve_address_space_for_unscaled_encoding(size_t size, bool aslr) {
198   const size_t unscaled_max = nth_bit(narrow_klass_pointer_bits());
199   return reserve_address_space_X(0, unscaled_max, size, Metaspace::reserve_alignment(), aslr);
200 }
202 char* CompressedKlassPointers::reserve_address_space_for_zerobased_encoding(size_t size, bool aslr) {
203   const size_t unscaled_max = nth_bit(narrow_klass_pointer_bits());
204   const size_t zerobased_max = nth_bit(narrow_klass_pointer_bits() + max_shift());
205   return reserve_address_space_X(unscaled_max, zerobased_max, size, Metaspace::reserve_alignment(), aslr);
206 }
208 char* CompressedKlassPointers::reserve_address_space_for_16bit_move(size_t size, bool aslr) {
209   return reserve_address_space_X(nth_bit(32), nth_bit(48), size, nth_bit(32), aslr);
210 }
212 void CompressedKlassPointers::initialize(address addr, size_t len) {
214   if (len > max_klass_range_size()) {
215     stringStream ss;
216     ss.print("Class space size (%zu) exceeds the maximum possible size (%zu)",
217               len, max_klass_range_size());
218     vm_exit_during_initialization(ss.base());
219   }
221   // Remember the Klass range:
222   _klass_range_start = addr;
223   _klass_range_end = addr + len;
225   // Calculate Base and Shift:
227   if (UseCompactObjectHeaders) {
229     // This handles the case that we - experimentally - reduce the number of
230     // class pointer bits further, such that (shift + num bits) < 32.
231     assert(len <= (size_t)nth_bit(narrow_klass_pointer_bits() + max_shift()),
232            "klass range size exceeds encoding, len: %zu, narrow_klass_pointer_bits: %d, max_shift: %d", len, narrow_klass_pointer_bits(), max_shift());
234     // In compact object header mode, with 19-bit narrowKlass, we don't attempt for
235     // zero-based mode. Instead, we set the base to the start of the klass range and
236     // then try for the smallest shift possible that still covers the whole range.
237     // The reason is that we want to avoid, if possible, shifts larger than
238     // a cacheline size.
239     _base = addr;
241     const int log_cacheline = exact_log2(DEFAULT_CACHE_LINE_SIZE);
242     int s = max_shift();
243     while (s > log_cacheline && ((size_t)nth_bit(narrow_klass_pointer_bits() + s - 1) > len)) {
244       s--;
245     }
246     _shift = s;
248   } else {
250     // Traditional (non-compact) header mode
251     const uintptr_t unscaled_max = nth_bit(narrow_klass_pointer_bits());
252     const uintptr_t zerobased_max = nth_bit(narrow_klass_pointer_bits() + max_shift());
254 #ifdef AARCH64
255     // Aarch64 avoids zero-base shifted mode (_base=0 _shift>0), instead prefers
256     // non-zero-based mode with a zero shift.
257     _shift = 0;
258     address const end = addr + len;
259     _base = (end <= (address)unscaled_max) ? nullptr : addr;
260 #else
261     // We try, in order of preference:
262     // -unscaled    (base=0 shift=0)
263     // -zero-based  (base=0 shift>0)
264     // -nonzero-base (base>0 shift=0)
265     // Note that base>0 shift>0 should never be needed, since the klass range will
266     // never exceed 4GB.
267     address const end = addr + len;
268     if (end <= (address)unscaled_max) {
269       _base = nullptr;
270       _shift = 0;
271     } else {
272       if (end <= (address)zerobased_max) {
273         _base = nullptr;
274         _shift = max_shift();
275       } else {
276         _base = addr;
277         _shift = 0;
278       }
279     }
280 #endif // AARCH64
281   }
283   calc_lowest_highest_narrow_klass_id();
285   // Initialize klass decode mode and check compability with decode instructions
286   if (!set_klass_decode_mode()) {
288     // Give fatal error if this is a specified address
289     if (CompressedClassSpaceBaseAddress == (size_t)_base) {
290       vm_exit_during_initialization(
291             err_msg("CompressedClassSpaceBaseAddress=" PTR_FORMAT " given with shift %d, cannot be used to encode class pointers",
292                     CompressedClassSpaceBaseAddress, _shift));
293     } else {
294       // If this fails, it's a bug in the allocation code.
295       fatal("CompressedClassSpaceBaseAddress=" PTR_FORMAT " given with shift %d, cannot be used to encode class pointers",
296             p2i(_base), _shift);
297     }
298   }
299 #ifdef ASSERT
300   sanity_check_after_initialization();
301 #endif
302 }
304 void CompressedKlassPointers::print_mode(outputStream* st) {
305   st->print_cr("UseCompressedClassPointers %d, UseCompactObjectHeaders %d",
306                UseCompressedClassPointers, UseCompactObjectHeaders);
307   if (UseCompressedClassPointers) {
308     st->print_cr("Narrow klass pointer bits %d, Max shift %d",
309                  _narrow_klass_pointer_bits, _max_shift);
310     st->print_cr("Narrow klass base: " PTR_FORMAT ", Narrow klass shift: %d",
311                   p2i(base()), shift());
312     st->print_cr("Encoding Range: " RANGE2FMT, RANGE2FMTARGS(_base, encoding_range_end()));
313     st->print_cr("Klass Range:    " RANGE2FMT, RANGE2FMTARGS(_klass_range_start, _klass_range_end));
314     st->print_cr("Klass ID Range:  [%u - %u) (%u)", _lowest_valid_narrow_klass_id, _highest_valid_narrow_klass_id + 1,
315                  _highest_valid_narrow_klass_id + 1 - _lowest_valid_narrow_klass_id);
316   } else {
317     st->print_cr("UseCompressedClassPointers off");
318   }
319 }
321 #endif // _LP64