< prev index next > src/hotspot/share/oops/compressedKlass.hpp
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class Klass;
// If compressed klass pointers then use narrowKlass.
typedef juint narrowKlass;
- const int LogKlassAlignmentInBytes = 3;
- const int KlassAlignmentInBytes = 1 << LogKlassAlignmentInBytes;
- // Maximal size of compressed class space. Above this limit compression is not possible.
- // Also upper bound for placement of zero based class space. (Class space is further limited
- // to be < 3G, see arguments.cpp.)
- const uint64_t KlassEncodingMetaspaceMax = (uint64_t(max_juint) + 1) << LogKlassAlignmentInBytes;
// For UseCompressedClassPointers.
class CompressedKlassPointers : public AllStatic {
friend class VMStructs;
friend class ArchiveBuilder;
+ // Tiny-class-pointer mode
+ static int _tiny_cp; // -1, 0=true, 1=false
+ // We use a different narrow Klass pointer geometry depending on
+ // whether we run in standard mode or in compact-object-header-mode (Lilliput):
+ // In Lilliput, we use smaller-than-32-bit class pointers ("tiny classpointer mode")
+ // Narrow klass pointer bits for an unshifted narrow Klass pointer.
+ static constexpr int narrow_klass_pointer_bits_legacy = 32;
+ static constexpr int narrow_klass_pointer_bits_tinycp = 22;
+ static int _narrow_klass_pointer_bits;
+ // The maximum shift we can use for standard mode and for TinyCP mode
+ static constexpr int max_shift_legacy = 3;
+ static constexpr int max_shift_tinycp = 10;
+ static int _max_shift;
static address _base;
static int _shift;
// Together with base, this defines the address range within which Klass
// structures will be located: [base, base+range). While the maximal
static char* reserve_address_space_X(uintptr_t from, uintptr_t to, size_t size, size_t alignment, bool aslr);
static char* reserve_address_space_for_unscaled_encoding(size_t size, bool aslr);
static char* reserve_address_space_for_zerobased_encoding(size_t size, bool aslr);
static char* reserve_address_space_for_16bit_move(size_t size, bool aslr);
- DEBUG_ONLY(static void assert_is_valid_encoding(address addr, size_t len, address base, int shift);)
+ // Returns the highest address expressable with an unshifted narrow Klass pointer
+ inline static uintptr_t highest_unscaled_address();
+ static bool pd_initialize(address addr, size_t len);
+ #ifdef ASSERT
+ // For sanity checks: Klass range
+ static address _klass_range_start;
+ static address _klass_range_end;
+ // For sanity checks: lowest, highest valid narrow klass ids != null
+ static narrowKlass _lowest_valid_narrow_klass_id;
+ static narrowKlass _highest_valid_narrow_klass_id;
+ static void calc_lowest_highest_narrow_klass_id();
+ static void sanity_check_after_initialization();
+ #endif // ASSERT
+ template <typename T>
+ static inline void check_init(T var) {
+ assert(var != (T)-1, "Not yet initialized");
+ }
static inline Klass* decode_not_null_without_asserts(narrowKlass v, address base, int shift);
static inline Klass* decode_not_null(narrowKlass v, address base, int shift);
static inline narrowKlass encode_not_null(Klass* v, address base, int shift);
+ // Initialization sequence:
+ // 1) Parse arguments. The following arguments take a role:
+ // - UseCompressedClassPointers
+ // - UseCompactObjectHeaders
+ // - Xshare on off dump
+ // - CompressedClassSpaceSize
+ // 2) call pre_initialize(): depending on UseCompactObjectHeaders, defines the limits of narrow Klass pointer
+ // geometry (how many bits, the max. possible shift)
+ // 3) .. from here on, narrow_klass_pointer_bits() and max_shift() can be used
+ // 4) call reserve_address_space_for_compressed_classes() either from CDS initialization or, if CDS is off,
+ // from metaspace initialization. Reserves space for class space + CDS, attempts to reserve such that
+ // we later can use a "good" encoding scheme. Reservation is highly CPU-specific.
+ // 5) Initialize the narrow Klass encoding scheme by determining encoding base and shift:
+ // 5a) if CDS=on: Calls initialize_for_given_encoding() with the reservation base from step (4) and the
+ // CDS-intrinsic setting for shift; here, we don't have any freedom to deviate from the base.
+ // 5b) if CDS=off: Calls initialize() - here, we have more freedom and, if we want, can choose an encoding
+ // base that differs from the reservation base from step (4). That allows us, e.g., to later use
+ // zero-based encoding.
+ // 6) ... from now on, we can use base() and shift().
+ // Called right after argument parsing; defines narrow klass pointer geometry limits
+ static void pre_initialize();
+ static bool tiny_classpointer_mode() { check_init(_tiny_cp); return (_tiny_cp == 1); }
+ // The number of bits a narrow Klass pointer has;
+ static int narrow_klass_pointer_bits() { check_init(_narrow_klass_pointer_bits); return _narrow_klass_pointer_bits; }
+ // The maximum possible shift; the actual shift employed later can be smaller (see initialize())
+ static int max_shift() { check_init(_max_shift); return _max_shift; }
+ // Returns the maximum encoding range that can be covered with the currently
+ // choosen nKlassID geometry (nKlass bit size, max shift)
+ static size_t max_encoding_range_size();
// Reserve a range of memory that is to contain Klass strucutures which are referenced by narrow Klass IDs.
// If optimize_for_zero_base is true, the implementation will attempt to reserve optimized for zero-based encoding.
static char* reserve_address_space_for_compressed_classes(size_t size, bool aslr, bool optimize_for_zero_base);
// Given a klass range [addr, addr+len) and a given encoding scheme, assert that this scheme covers the range, then
// structures outside this range).
static void initialize(address addr, size_t len);
static void print_mode(outputStream* st);
- static address base() { return _base; }
- static size_t range() { return _range; }
- static int shift() { return _shift; }
+ // Can only be used after initialization
+ static address base() { check_init(_base); return _base; }
+ static size_t range() { check_init(_range); return _range; }
+ static int shift() { check_init(_shift); return _shift; }
+ // Returns the alignment a Klass* is guaranteed to have.
+ // Note: *Not* the same as 1 << shift ! Klass are always guaranteed to be at least 64-bit aligned,
+ // so this will return 8 even if shift is 0.
+ static int klass_alignment_in_bytes() { return nth_bit(MAX2(3, _shift)); }
+ static int klass_alignment_in_words() { return klass_alignment_in_bytes() / BytesPerWord; }
static bool is_null(Klass* v) { return v == nullptr; }
static bool is_null(narrowKlass v) { return v == 0; }
// Versions without asserts
static inline Klass* decode_without_asserts(narrowKlass v);
static inline Klass* decode_not_null(narrowKlass v);
static inline Klass* decode(narrowKlass v);
+ static inline narrowKlass encode_not_null_without_asserts(Klass* k, address narrow_base, int shift);
static inline narrowKlass encode_not_null(Klass* v);
static inline narrowKlass encode(Klass* v);
+ #ifdef ASSERT
+ // Given a Klass* k and an encoding (base, shift), check that k can be encoded
+ inline static void check_valid_klass(const Klass* k, address base, int shift);
+ // Given a Klass* k, check that k can be encoded with the current encoding
+ inline static void check_valid_klass(const Klass* k);
+ // Given a narrow Klass ID, check that it is valid according to current encoding
+ inline static void check_valid_narrow_klass_id(narrowKlass nk);
+ #endif
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