1 /*
  2  * Copyright (c) 1997, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
  4  *
  5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
  7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.
  8  *
  9  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 10  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 11  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 12  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
 13  * accompanied this code).
 14  *
 15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
 16  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
 17  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
 18  *
 19  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
 20  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
 21  * questions.
 22  *
 23  */
 25 #ifndef SHARE_OOPS_OOP_HPP
 26 #define SHARE_OOPS_OOP_HPP
 28 #include "memory/iterator.hpp"
 29 #include "memory/memRegion.hpp"
 30 #include "oops/compressedKlass.hpp"
 31 #include "oops/accessDecorators.hpp"
 32 #include "oops/markWord.hpp"
 33 #include "oops/metadata.hpp"
 34 #include "oops/objLayout.hpp"
 35 #include "runtime/atomic.hpp"
 36 #include "utilities/globalDefinitions.hpp"
 37 #include "utilities/macros.hpp"
 38 #include <type_traits>
 40 // oopDesc is the top baseclass for objects classes. The {name}Desc classes describe
 41 // the format of Java objects so the fields can be accessed from C++.
 42 // oopDesc is abstract.
 43 // (see oopHierarchy for complete oop class hierarchy)
 44 //
 45 // no virtual functions allowed
 47 // Forward declarations.
 48 class OopClosure;
 49 class PSPromotionManager;
 50 class ParCompactionManager;
 52 class oopDesc {
 53   friend class VMStructs;
 54   friend class JVMCIVMStructs;
 55  private:
 56   volatile markWord _mark;
 57   union _metadata {
 58     Klass*      _klass;
 59     narrowKlass _compressed_klass;
 60   } _metadata;
 62   // There may be ordering constraints on the initialization of fields that
 63   // make use of the C++ copy/assign incorrect.
 64   NONCOPYABLE(oopDesc);
 66   inline oop cas_set_forwardee(markWord new_mark, markWord old_mark, atomic_memory_order order);
 68  public:
 69   // Must be trivial; see verifying static assert after the class.
 70   oopDesc() = default;
 72   inline markWord  mark()          const;
 73   inline markWord  mark_acquire()  const;
 74   inline markWord* mark_addr() const;
 76   inline void set_mark(markWord m);
 77   static inline void set_mark(HeapWord* mem, markWord m);
 78   inline void set_mark_full(markWord m);
 79   static inline void release_set_mark(HeapWord* mem, markWord m);
 81   inline void release_set_mark(markWord m);
 82   inline markWord cas_set_mark(markWord new_mark, markWord old_mark);
 83   inline markWord cas_set_mark(markWord new_mark, markWord old_mark, atomic_memory_order order);
 85   // Returns the prototype mark that should be used for this object.
 86   inline markWord prototype_mark() const;
 88   // Used only to re-initialize the mark word (e.g., of promoted
 89   // objects during a GC) -- requires a valid klass pointer
 90   inline void init_mark();
 92   inline Klass* klass() const;
 93   inline Klass* klass_or_null() const;
 94   inline Klass* klass_or_null_acquire() const;
 95   // Get the klass without running any asserts.
 96   inline Klass* klass_without_asserts() const;
 98   void set_narrow_klass(narrowKlass nk) NOT_CDS_JAVA_HEAP_RETURN;
 99   inline void set_klass(Klass* k);
100   static inline void release_set_klass(HeapWord* mem, Klass* k);
102   // For klass field compression
103   static inline void set_klass_gap(HeapWord* mem, int z);
105   // Size of object header, aligned to platform wordSize
106   static int header_size() {
107     if (UseCompactObjectHeaders) {
108       return sizeof(markWord) / HeapWordSize;
109     } else {
110       return sizeof(oopDesc)  / HeapWordSize;
111     }
112   }
114   // Returns whether this is an instance of k or an instance of a subclass of k
115   inline bool is_a(Klass* k) const;
117   // Returns the actual oop size of the object in machine words
118   inline size_t size();
120   // Returns the size that a copy of this object requires, in machine words.
121   // It can be 1 word larger than its current size to accomodate
122   // an additional 4-byte-field for the identity hash-code.
123   //
124   // size: the current size of this object, we're passing this here for performance
125   //       reasons, because all callers compute this anyway, and we want to avoid
126   //       recomputing it.
127   // mark: the mark-word of this object. Some callers (e.g. G1ParScanThreadState::do_copy_to_survivor_space())
128   //       need to use a known markWord because of racing GC threads that can change
129   //       the markWord at any time.
130   inline size_t copy_size(size_t size, markWord mark) const;
131   // Special version to deal with scratch classes in CDS. There we allocate
132   // temporary scratch classes (which are skeleton versions of InstanceMirrorKlass,
133   // which represent java.lang.Class objects in the CDS archive). At that point, we
134   // don't know whether or not the final archived version will be hashed or expanded,
135   // and therefore we allocate them in the special state not-hashed-but-expanded.
136   // When creating the final copy of those objects, we either populate the hidden hash
137   // field and make the object 'expanded', or we turn it back to 'not-hashed'
138   // and reduce the object's size. We do this by providing a separate method for CDS
139   // so that we don't affect GC performance.
140   inline size_t copy_size_cds(size_t size, markWord mark) const;
142   // Sometimes (for complicated concurrency-related reasons), it is useful
143   // to be able to figure out the size of an object knowing its klass.
144   inline size_t base_size_given_klass(markWord m, const Klass* klass);
145   inline size_t size_given_mark_and_klass(markWord mrk, const Klass* kls);
147   // type test operations (inlined in oop.inline.hpp)
148   inline bool is_instance()    const;
149   inline bool is_instanceRef() const;
150   inline bool is_stackChunk()  const;
151   inline bool is_array()       const;
152   inline bool is_objArray()    const;
153   inline bool is_typeArray()   const;
155   // type test operations that don't require inclusion of oop.inline.hpp.
156   bool is_instance_noinline()    const;
157   bool is_instanceRef_noinline() const;
158   bool is_stackChunk_noinline()  const;
159   bool is_array_noinline()       const;
160   bool is_objArray_noinline()    const;
161   bool is_typeArray_noinline()   const;
163  protected:
164   inline oop        as_oop() const { return const_cast<oopDesc*>(this); }
166  public:
167   template<typename T>
168   inline T* field_addr(int offset) const;
170   template <typename T> inline size_t field_offset(T* p) const;
172   // Standard compare function returns negative value if o1 < o2
173   //                                   0              if o1 == o2
174   //                                   positive value if o1 > o2
175   inline static int  compare(oop o1, oop o2) {
176     void* o1_addr = (void*)o1;
177     void* o2_addr = (void*)o2;
178     if (o1_addr < o2_addr) {
179       return -1;
180     } else if (o1_addr > o2_addr) {
181       return 1;
182     } else {
183       return 0;
184     }
185   }
187   // Access to fields in a instanceOop through these methods.
188   template<DecoratorSet decorators>
189   oop obj_field_access(int offset) const;
190   oop obj_field(int offset) const;
192   void obj_field_put(int offset, oop value);
193   void obj_field_put_raw(int offset, oop value);
194   void obj_field_put_volatile(int offset, oop value);
195   template<DecoratorSet decorators>
196   void obj_field_put_access(int offset, oop value);
198   Metadata* metadata_field(int offset) const;
199   void metadata_field_put(int offset, Metadata* value);
201   Metadata* metadata_field_acquire(int offset) const;
202   void release_metadata_field_put(int offset, Metadata* value);
204   jbyte byte_field(int offset) const;
205   void byte_field_put(int offset, jbyte contents);
207   jchar char_field(int offset) const;
208   void char_field_put(int offset, jchar contents);
210   jboolean bool_field(int offset) const;
211   void bool_field_put(int offset, jboolean contents);
212   jboolean bool_field_volatile(int offset) const;
213   void bool_field_put_volatile(int offset, jboolean contents);
215   jint int_field(int offset) const;
216   void int_field_put(int offset, jint contents);
218   jshort short_field(int offset) const;
219   void short_field_put(int offset, jshort contents);
221   jlong long_field(int offset) const;
222   void long_field_put(int offset, jlong contents);
224   jfloat float_field(int offset) const;
225   void float_field_put(int offset, jfloat contents);
227   jdouble double_field(int offset) const;
228   void double_field_put(int offset, jdouble contents);
230   address address_field(int offset) const;
231   void address_field_put(int offset, address contents);
233   oop obj_field_acquire(int offset) const;
234   void release_obj_field_put(int offset, oop value);
236   jbyte byte_field_acquire(int offset) const;
237   void release_byte_field_put(int offset, jbyte contents);
239   jchar char_field_acquire(int offset) const;
240   void release_char_field_put(int offset, jchar contents);
242   jboolean bool_field_acquire(int offset) const;
243   void release_bool_field_put(int offset, jboolean contents);
245   jint int_field_relaxed(int offset) const;
246   void int_field_put_relaxed(int offset, jint contents);
247   jint int_field_acquire(int offset) const;
248   void release_int_field_put(int offset, jint contents);
250   jshort short_field_acquire(int offset) const;
251   void release_short_field_put(int offset, jshort contents);
253   jlong long_field_acquire(int offset) const;
254   void release_long_field_put(int offset, jlong contents);
256   jfloat float_field_acquire(int offset) const;
257   void release_float_field_put(int offset, jfloat contents);
259   jdouble double_field_acquire(int offset) const;
260   void release_double_field_put(int offset, jdouble contents);
262   address address_field_acquire(int offset) const;
263   void release_address_field_put(int offset, address contents);
265   // printing functions for VM debugging
266   void print_on(outputStream* st) const;         // First level print
267   void print_value_on(outputStream* st) const;   // Second level print.
268   void print_address_on(outputStream* st) const; // Address printing
269   void print_name_on(outputStream* st) const;    // External name printing.
271   // printing on default output stream
272   void print();
273   void print_value();
274   void print_address();
276   // return the print strings
277   char* print_string();
278   char* print_value_string();
280   // verification operations
281   static void verify_on(outputStream* st, oopDesc* oop_desc);
282   static void verify(oopDesc* oopDesc);
284   // locking operations
285   inline bool is_locked()   const;
286   inline bool is_unlocked() const;
288   // asserts and guarantees
289   static bool is_oop(oop obj, bool ignore_mark_word = false);
290   static bool is_oop_or_null(oop obj, bool ignore_mark_word = false);
292   // garbage collection
293   inline bool is_gc_marked() const;
295   // Forward pointer operations for scavenge
296   inline bool is_forwarded() const;
297   inline bool is_self_forwarded() const;
299   inline void forward_to(oop p);
300   inline void forward_to_self();
302   // Like "forward_to", but inserts the forwarding pointer atomically.
303   // Exactly one thread succeeds in inserting the forwarding pointer, and
304   // this call returns null for that thread; any other thread has the
305   // value of the forwarding pointer returned and does not modify "this".
306   inline oop forward_to_atomic(oop p, markWord compare, atomic_memory_order order = memory_order_conservative);
307   inline oop forward_to_self_atomic(markWord compare, atomic_memory_order order = memory_order_conservative);
309   inline oop forwardee() const;
310   inline oop forwardee(markWord header) const;
312   inline void unset_self_forwarded();
313   inline void reset_forwarded();
315   // Age of object during scavenge
316   inline uint age() const;
317   inline void incr_age();
319   template <typename OopClosureType>
320   inline void oop_iterate(OopClosureType* cl);
322   template <typename OopClosureType>
323   inline void oop_iterate(OopClosureType* cl, MemRegion mr);
325   template <typename OopClosureType>
326   inline size_t oop_iterate_size(OopClosureType* cl);
328   template <typename OopClosureType>
329   inline size_t oop_iterate_size(OopClosureType* cl, MemRegion mr);
331   template <typename OopClosureType>
332   inline void oop_iterate_backwards(OopClosureType* cl);
334   template <typename OopClosureType>
335   inline void oop_iterate_backwards(OopClosureType* cl, Klass* klass);
337   inline static bool is_instanceof_or_null(oop obj, Klass* klass);
339   // identity hash; returns the identity hash key (computes it if necessary)
340   inline intptr_t identity_hash();
341   intptr_t slow_identity_hash();
342   inline bool fast_no_hash_check();
344   // Initialize identity hash code in hash word of object copy from original object.
345   // Returns true if the object has been expanded, false otherwise.
346   inline void initialize_hash_if_necessary(oop obj);
347   // For CDS only.
348   void initialize_hash_if_necessary(oop obj, Klass* k, markWord m);
350   // marks are forwarded to stack when object is locked
351   inline bool     has_displaced_mark() const;
352   inline markWord displaced_mark() const;
353   inline void     set_displaced_mark(markWord m);
355   // Checks if the mark word needs to be preserved
356   inline bool mark_must_be_preserved() const;
357   inline bool mark_must_be_preserved(markWord m) const;
359   inline static bool has_klass_gap() {
360     return ObjLayout::oop_has_klass_gap();
361   }
363   // for code generation
364   static int mark_offset_in_bytes()      { return (int)offset_of(oopDesc, _mark); }
365   static int klass_offset_in_bytes()     {
366     assert(!UseCompactObjectHeaders, "don't use this with compact headers");
367     return (int)offset_of(oopDesc, _metadata._klass);
368   }
369   static int klass_gap_offset_in_bytes() {
370     assert(has_klass_gap(), "only applicable to compressed klass pointers");
371     if (UseCompactObjectHeaders) {
372       return base_offset_in_bytes();
373     } else {
374       return klass_offset_in_bytes() + sizeof(narrowKlass);
375     }
376   }
378   static int base_offset_in_bytes() {
379     return ObjLayout::oop_base_offset_in_bytes();
380   }
382   // for error reporting
383   static void* load_oop_raw(oop obj, int offset);
384 };
386 // An oopDesc is not initialized via a constructor.  Space is allocated in
387 // the Java heap, and static functions provided here on HeapWord* are used
388 // to fill in certain parts of that memory.  The allocated memory is then
389 // treated as referring to an oopDesc.  For that to be valid, the oopDesc
390 // class must have a trivial default constructor (C++14 3.8/1).
391 static_assert(std::is_trivially_default_constructible<oopDesc>::value, "required");
393 #endif // SHARE_OOPS_OOP_HPP