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1182   }
1183   Node* conv = _gvn.transform( new ConvI2LNode(offset));
1184   Node* mask = _gvn.transform(ConLNode::make((julong) max_juint));
1185   return _gvn.transform( new AndLNode(conv, mask) );
1186 }
1188 Node* GraphKit::ConvL2I(Node* offset) {
1189   // short-circuit a common case
1190   jlong offset_con = find_long_con(offset, (jlong)Type::OffsetBot);
1191   if (offset_con != (jlong)Type::OffsetBot) {
1192     return intcon((int) offset_con);
1193   }
1194   return _gvn.transform( new ConvL2INode(offset));
1195 }
1197 //-------------------------load_object_klass-----------------------------------
1198 Node* GraphKit::load_object_klass(Node* obj) {
1199   // Special-case a fresh allocation to avoid building nodes:
1200   Node* akls = AllocateNode::Ideal_klass(obj, &_gvn);
1201   if (akls != nullptr)  return akls;
1202   Node* k_adr = basic_plus_adr(obj, oopDesc::klass_offset_in_bytes());
1203   return _gvn.transform(LoadKlassNode::make(_gvn, nullptr, immutable_memory(), k_adr, TypeInstPtr::KLASS));
1204 }
1206 //-------------------------load_array_length-----------------------------------
1207 Node* GraphKit::load_array_length(Node* array) {
1208   // Special-case a fresh allocation to avoid building nodes:
1209   AllocateArrayNode* alloc = AllocateArrayNode::Ideal_array_allocation(array);
1210   Node *alen;
1211   if (alloc == nullptr) {
1212     Node *r_adr = basic_plus_adr(array, arrayOopDesc::length_offset_in_bytes());
1213     alen = _gvn.transform( new LoadRangeNode(nullptr, immutable_memory(), r_adr, TypeInt::POS));
1214   } else {
1215     alen = array_ideal_length(alloc, _gvn.type(array)->is_oopptr(), false);
1216   }
1217   return alen;
1218 }
1220 Node* GraphKit::array_ideal_length(AllocateArrayNode* alloc,
1221                                    const TypeOopPtr* oop_type,
1222                                    bool replace_length_in_map) {

3647   // put in an initialization barrier
3648   InitializeNode* init = insert_mem_bar_volatile(Op_Initialize, rawidx,
3649                                                  rawoop)->as_Initialize();
3650   assert(alloc->initialization() == init,  "2-way macro link must work");
3651   assert(init ->allocation()     == alloc, "2-way macro link must work");
3652   {
3653     // Extract memory strands which may participate in the new object's
3654     // initialization, and source them from the new InitializeNode.
3655     // This will allow us to observe initializations when they occur,
3656     // and link them properly (as a group) to the InitializeNode.
3657     assert(init->in(InitializeNode::Memory) == malloc, "");
3658     MergeMemNode* minit_in = MergeMemNode::make(malloc);
3659     init->set_req(InitializeNode::Memory, minit_in);
3660     record_for_igvn(minit_in); // fold it up later, if possible
3661     Node* minit_out = memory(rawidx);
3662     assert(minit_out->is_Proj() && minit_out->in(0) == init, "");
3663     // Add an edge in the MergeMem for the header fields so an access
3664     // to one of those has correct memory state
3665     set_memory(minit_out, C->get_alias_index(oop_type->add_offset(oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes())));
3666     set_memory(minit_out, C->get_alias_index(oop_type->add_offset(oopDesc::klass_offset_in_bytes())));
3667     if (oop_type->isa_aryptr()) {
3668       const TypePtr* telemref = oop_type->add_offset(Type::OffsetBot);
3669       int            elemidx  = C->get_alias_index(telemref);
3670       hook_memory_on_init(*this, elemidx, minit_in, minit_out);
3671     } else if (oop_type->isa_instptr()) {
3672       ciInstanceKlass* ik = oop_type->is_instptr()->instance_klass();
3673       for (int i = 0, len = ik->nof_nonstatic_fields(); i < len; i++) {
3674         ciField* field = ik->nonstatic_field_at(i);
3675         if (field->offset_in_bytes() >= TrackedInitializationLimit * HeapWordSize)
3676           continue;  // do not bother to track really large numbers of fields
3677         // Find (or create) the alias category for this field:
3678         int fieldidx = C->alias_type(field)->index();
3679         hook_memory_on_init(*this, fieldidx, minit_in, minit_out);
3680       }
3681     }
3682   }
3684   // Cast raw oop to the real thing...
3685   Node* javaoop = new CheckCastPPNode(control(), rawoop, oop_type);
3686   javaoop = _gvn.transform(javaoop);

1182   }
1183   Node* conv = _gvn.transform( new ConvI2LNode(offset));
1184   Node* mask = _gvn.transform(ConLNode::make((julong) max_juint));
1185   return _gvn.transform( new AndLNode(conv, mask) );
1186 }
1188 Node* GraphKit::ConvL2I(Node* offset) {
1189   // short-circuit a common case
1190   jlong offset_con = find_long_con(offset, (jlong)Type::OffsetBot);
1191   if (offset_con != (jlong)Type::OffsetBot) {
1192     return intcon((int) offset_con);
1193   }
1194   return _gvn.transform( new ConvL2INode(offset));
1195 }
1197 //-------------------------load_object_klass-----------------------------------
1198 Node* GraphKit::load_object_klass(Node* obj) {
1199   // Special-case a fresh allocation to avoid building nodes:
1200   Node* akls = AllocateNode::Ideal_klass(obj, &_gvn);
1201   if (akls != nullptr)  return akls;
1202   Node* k_adr = basic_plus_adr(obj, Type::klass_offset());
1203   return _gvn.transform(LoadKlassNode::make(_gvn, nullptr, immutable_memory(), k_adr, TypeInstPtr::KLASS));
1204 }
1206 //-------------------------load_array_length-----------------------------------
1207 Node* GraphKit::load_array_length(Node* array) {
1208   // Special-case a fresh allocation to avoid building nodes:
1209   AllocateArrayNode* alloc = AllocateArrayNode::Ideal_array_allocation(array);
1210   Node *alen;
1211   if (alloc == nullptr) {
1212     Node *r_adr = basic_plus_adr(array, arrayOopDesc::length_offset_in_bytes());
1213     alen = _gvn.transform( new LoadRangeNode(nullptr, immutable_memory(), r_adr, TypeInt::POS));
1214   } else {
1215     alen = array_ideal_length(alloc, _gvn.type(array)->is_oopptr(), false);
1216   }
1217   return alen;
1218 }
1220 Node* GraphKit::array_ideal_length(AllocateArrayNode* alloc,
1221                                    const TypeOopPtr* oop_type,
1222                                    bool replace_length_in_map) {

3647   // put in an initialization barrier
3648   InitializeNode* init = insert_mem_bar_volatile(Op_Initialize, rawidx,
3649                                                  rawoop)->as_Initialize();
3650   assert(alloc->initialization() == init,  "2-way macro link must work");
3651   assert(init ->allocation()     == alloc, "2-way macro link must work");
3652   {
3653     // Extract memory strands which may participate in the new object's
3654     // initialization, and source them from the new InitializeNode.
3655     // This will allow us to observe initializations when they occur,
3656     // and link them properly (as a group) to the InitializeNode.
3657     assert(init->in(InitializeNode::Memory) == malloc, "");
3658     MergeMemNode* minit_in = MergeMemNode::make(malloc);
3659     init->set_req(InitializeNode::Memory, minit_in);
3660     record_for_igvn(minit_in); // fold it up later, if possible
3661     Node* minit_out = memory(rawidx);
3662     assert(minit_out->is_Proj() && minit_out->in(0) == init, "");
3663     // Add an edge in the MergeMem for the header fields so an access
3664     // to one of those has correct memory state
3665     set_memory(minit_out, C->get_alias_index(oop_type->add_offset(oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes())));
3666     set_memory(minit_out, C->get_alias_index(oop_type->add_offset(Type::klass_offset())));
3667     if (oop_type->isa_aryptr()) {
3668       const TypePtr* telemref = oop_type->add_offset(Type::OffsetBot);
3669       int            elemidx  = C->get_alias_index(telemref);
3670       hook_memory_on_init(*this, elemidx, minit_in, minit_out);
3671     } else if (oop_type->isa_instptr()) {
3672       ciInstanceKlass* ik = oop_type->is_instptr()->instance_klass();
3673       for (int i = 0, len = ik->nof_nonstatic_fields(); i < len; i++) {
3674         ciField* field = ik->nonstatic_field_at(i);
3675         if (field->offset_in_bytes() >= TrackedInitializationLimit * HeapWordSize)
3676           continue;  // do not bother to track really large numbers of fields
3677         // Find (or create) the alias category for this field:
3678         int fieldidx = C->alias_type(field)->index();
3679         hook_memory_on_init(*this, fieldidx, minit_in, minit_out);
3680       }
3681     }
3682   }
3684   // Cast raw oop to the real thing...
3685   Node* javaoop = new CheckCastPPNode(control(), rawoop, oop_type);
3686   javaoop = _gvn.transform(javaoop);
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