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 246       assert(phase->C->get_alias_index(t) == phase->C->get_alias_index(t_adr), "correct memory chain");
 247     }
 248   }
 249   return result;
 250 }
 252 static Node *step_through_mergemem(PhaseGVN *phase, MergeMemNode *mmem,  const TypePtr *tp, const TypePtr *adr_check, outputStream *st) {
 253   uint alias_idx = phase->C->get_alias_index(tp);
 254   Node *mem = mmem;
 255 #ifdef ASSERT
 256   {
 257     // Check that current type is consistent with the alias index used during graph construction
 258     assert(alias_idx >= Compile::AliasIdxRaw, "must not be a bad alias_idx");
 259     bool consistent =  adr_check == nullptr || adr_check->empty() ||
 260                        phase->C->must_alias(adr_check, alias_idx );
 261     // Sometimes dead array references collapse to a[-1], a[-2], or a[-3]
 262     if( !consistent && adr_check != nullptr && !adr_check->empty() &&
 263                tp->isa_aryptr() &&        tp->offset() == Type::OffsetBot &&
 264         adr_check->isa_aryptr() && adr_check->offset() != Type::OffsetBot &&
 265         ( adr_check->offset() == arrayOopDesc::length_offset_in_bytes() ||
 266           adr_check->offset() == oopDesc::klass_offset_in_bytes() ||
 267           adr_check->offset() == oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes() ) ) {
 268       // don't assert if it is dead code.
 269       consistent = true;
 270     }
 271     if( !consistent ) {
 272       st->print("alias_idx==%d, adr_check==", alias_idx);
 273       if( adr_check == nullptr ) {
 274         st->print("null");
 275       } else {
 276         adr_check->dump();
 277       }
 278       st->cr();
 279       print_alias_types();
 280       assert(consistent, "adr_check must match alias idx");
 281     }
 282   }
 283 #endif
 284   // TypeOopPtr::NOTNULL+any is an OOP with unknown offset - generally
 285   // means an array I have not precisely typed yet.  Do not do any
 286   // alias stuff with it any time soon.

 928     for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof offsets / sizeof offsets[0]; i++) {
 929       if (offset == offsets[i]) {
 930         return true;
 931       }
 932     }
 933   }
 935   return false;
 936 }
 937 #endif
 939 //----------------------------LoadNode::make-----------------------------------
 940 // Polymorphic factory method:
 941 Node* LoadNode::make(PhaseGVN& gvn, Node* ctl, Node* mem, Node* adr, const TypePtr* adr_type, const Type* rt, BasicType bt, MemOrd mo,
 942                      ControlDependency control_dependency, bool require_atomic_access, bool unaligned, bool mismatched, bool unsafe, uint8_t barrier_data) {
 943   Compile* C = gvn.C;
 945   // sanity check the alias category against the created node type
 946   assert(!(adr_type->isa_oopptr() &&
 947            adr_type->offset() == oopDesc::klass_offset_in_bytes()),
 948          "use LoadKlassNode instead");
 949   assert(!(adr_type->isa_aryptr() &&
 950            adr_type->offset() == arrayOopDesc::length_offset_in_bytes()),
 951          "use LoadRangeNode instead");
 952   // Check control edge of raw loads
 953   assert( ctl != nullptr || C->get_alias_index(adr_type) != Compile::AliasIdxRaw ||
 954           // oop will be recorded in oop map if load crosses safepoint
 955           rt->isa_oopptr() || is_immutable_value(adr),
 956           "raw memory operations should have control edge");
 957   LoadNode* load = nullptr;
 958   switch (bt) {
 959   case T_BOOLEAN: load = new LoadUBNode(ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, rt->is_int(),  mo, control_dependency); break;
 960   case T_BYTE:    load = new LoadBNode (ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, rt->is_int(),  mo, control_dependency); break;
 961   case T_INT:     load = new LoadINode (ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, rt->is_int(),  mo, control_dependency); break;
 962   case T_CHAR:    load = new LoadUSNode(ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, rt->is_int(),  mo, control_dependency); break;
 963   case T_SHORT:   load = new LoadSNode (ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, rt->is_int(),  mo, control_dependency); break;
 964   case T_LONG:    load = new LoadLNode (ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, rt->is_long(), mo, control_dependency, require_atomic_access); break;
 965   case T_FLOAT:   load = new LoadFNode (ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, rt,            mo, control_dependency); break;
 966   case T_DOUBLE:  load = new LoadDNode (ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, rt,            mo, control_dependency, require_atomic_access); break;
 967   case T_ADDRESS: load = new LoadPNode (ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, rt->is_ptr(),  mo, control_dependency); break;

2455         // constant oop => constant klass
2456         if (offset == java_lang_Class::array_klass_offset()) {
2457           if (t->is_void()) {
2458             // We cannot create a void array.  Since void is a primitive type return null
2459             // klass.  Users of this result need to do a null check on the returned klass.
2460             return TypePtr::NULL_PTR;
2461           }
2462           return TypeKlassPtr::make(ciArrayKlass::make(t), Type::trust_interfaces);
2463         }
2464         if (!t->is_klass()) {
2465           // a primitive Class (e.g., int.class) has null for a klass field
2466           return TypePtr::NULL_PTR;
2467         }
2468         // (Folds up the 1st indirection in aClassConstant.getModifiers().)
2469         return TypeKlassPtr::make(t->as_klass(), Type::trust_interfaces);
2470       }
2471       // non-constant mirror, so we can't tell what's going on
2472     }
2473     if (!tinst->is_loaded())
2474       return _type;             // Bail out if not loaded
2475     if (offset == oopDesc::klass_offset_in_bytes()) {
2476       return tinst->as_klass_type(true);
2477     }
2478   }
2480   // Check for loading klass from an array
2481   const TypeAryPtr *tary = tp->isa_aryptr();
2482   if (tary != nullptr &&
2483       tary->offset() == oopDesc::klass_offset_in_bytes()) {
2484     return tary->as_klass_type(true);
2485   }
2487   // Check for loading klass from an array klass
2488   const TypeKlassPtr *tkls = tp->isa_klassptr();
2489   if (tkls != nullptr && !StressReflectiveCode) {
2490     if (!tkls->is_loaded())
2491      return _type;             // Bail out if not loaded
2492     if (tkls->isa_aryklassptr() && tkls->is_aryklassptr()->elem()->isa_klassptr() &&
2493         tkls->offset() == in_bytes(ObjArrayKlass::element_klass_offset())) {
2494       // // Always returning precise element type is incorrect,
2495       // // e.g., element type could be object and array may contain strings
2496       // return TypeKlassPtr::make(TypePtr::Constant, elem, 0);
2498       // The array's TypeKlassPtr was declared 'precise' or 'not precise'
2499       // according to the element type's subclassing.
2500       return tkls->is_aryklassptr()->elem()->isa_klassptr()->cast_to_exactness(tkls->klass_is_exact());
2501     }
2502     if (tkls->isa_instklassptr() != nullptr && tkls->klass_is_exact() &&
2503         tkls->offset() == in_bytes(Klass::super_offset())) {

2529   Node* x = LoadNode::Identity(phase);
2530   if (x != this)  return x;
2532   // Take apart the address into an oop and offset.
2533   // Return 'this' if we cannot.
2534   Node*    adr    = in(MemNode::Address);
2535   intptr_t offset = 0;
2536   Node*    base   = AddPNode::Ideal_base_and_offset(adr, phase, offset);
2537   if (base == nullptr)     return this;
2538   const TypeOopPtr* toop = phase->type(adr)->isa_oopptr();
2539   if (toop == nullptr)     return this;
2541   // Step over potential GC barrier for OopHandle resolve
2542   BarrierSetC2* bs = BarrierSet::barrier_set()->barrier_set_c2();
2543   if (bs->is_gc_barrier_node(base)) {
2544     base = bs->step_over_gc_barrier(base);
2545   }
2547   // We can fetch the klass directly through an AllocateNode.
2548   // This works even if the klass is not constant (clone or newArray).
2549   if (offset == oopDesc::klass_offset_in_bytes()) {
2550     Node* allocated_klass = AllocateNode::Ideal_klass(base, phase);
2551     if (allocated_klass != nullptr) {
2552       return allocated_klass;
2553     }
2554   }
2556   // Simplify k.java_mirror.as_klass to plain k, where k is a Klass*.
2557   // See inline_native_Class_query for occurrences of these patterns.
2558   // Java Example:  x.getClass().isAssignableFrom(y)
2559   //
2560   // This improves reflective code, often making the Class
2561   // mirror go completely dead.  (Current exception:  Class
2562   // mirrors may appear in debug info, but we could clean them out by
2563   // introducing a new debug info operator for Klass.java_mirror).
2565   if (toop->isa_instptr() && toop->is_instptr()->instance_klass() == phase->C->env()->Class_klass()
2566       && offset == java_lang_Class::klass_offset()) {
2567     if (base->is_Load()) {
2568       Node* base2 = base->in(MemNode::Address);
2569       if (base2->is_Load()) { /* direct load of a load which is the OopHandle */

 246       assert(phase->C->get_alias_index(t) == phase->C->get_alias_index(t_adr), "correct memory chain");
 247     }
 248   }
 249   return result;
 250 }
 252 static Node *step_through_mergemem(PhaseGVN *phase, MergeMemNode *mmem,  const TypePtr *tp, const TypePtr *adr_check, outputStream *st) {
 253   uint alias_idx = phase->C->get_alias_index(tp);
 254   Node *mem = mmem;
 255 #ifdef ASSERT
 256   {
 257     // Check that current type is consistent with the alias index used during graph construction
 258     assert(alias_idx >= Compile::AliasIdxRaw, "must not be a bad alias_idx");
 259     bool consistent =  adr_check == nullptr || adr_check->empty() ||
 260                        phase->C->must_alias(adr_check, alias_idx );
 261     // Sometimes dead array references collapse to a[-1], a[-2], or a[-3]
 262     if( !consistent && adr_check != nullptr && !adr_check->empty() &&
 263                tp->isa_aryptr() &&        tp->offset() == Type::OffsetBot &&
 264         adr_check->isa_aryptr() && adr_check->offset() != Type::OffsetBot &&
 265         ( adr_check->offset() == arrayOopDesc::length_offset_in_bytes() ||
 266           adr_check->offset() == Type::klass_offset() ||
 267           adr_check->offset() == oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes() ) ) {
 268       // don't assert if it is dead code.
 269       consistent = true;
 270     }
 271     if( !consistent ) {
 272       st->print("alias_idx==%d, adr_check==", alias_idx);
 273       if( adr_check == nullptr ) {
 274         st->print("null");
 275       } else {
 276         adr_check->dump();
 277       }
 278       st->cr();
 279       print_alias_types();
 280       assert(consistent, "adr_check must match alias idx");
 281     }
 282   }
 283 #endif
 284   // TypeOopPtr::NOTNULL+any is an OOP with unknown offset - generally
 285   // means an array I have not precisely typed yet.  Do not do any
 286   // alias stuff with it any time soon.

 928     for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof offsets / sizeof offsets[0]; i++) {
 929       if (offset == offsets[i]) {
 930         return true;
 931       }
 932     }
 933   }
 935   return false;
 936 }
 937 #endif
 939 //----------------------------LoadNode::make-----------------------------------
 940 // Polymorphic factory method:
 941 Node* LoadNode::make(PhaseGVN& gvn, Node* ctl, Node* mem, Node* adr, const TypePtr* adr_type, const Type* rt, BasicType bt, MemOrd mo,
 942                      ControlDependency control_dependency, bool require_atomic_access, bool unaligned, bool mismatched, bool unsafe, uint8_t barrier_data) {
 943   Compile* C = gvn.C;
 945   // sanity check the alias category against the created node type
 946   assert(!(adr_type->isa_oopptr() &&
 947            adr_type->offset() == Type::klass_offset()),
 948          "use LoadKlassNode instead");
 949   assert(!(adr_type->isa_aryptr() &&
 950            adr_type->offset() == arrayOopDesc::length_offset_in_bytes()),
 951          "use LoadRangeNode instead");
 952   // Check control edge of raw loads
 953   assert( ctl != nullptr || C->get_alias_index(adr_type) != Compile::AliasIdxRaw ||
 954           // oop will be recorded in oop map if load crosses safepoint
 955           rt->isa_oopptr() || is_immutable_value(adr),
 956           "raw memory operations should have control edge");
 957   LoadNode* load = nullptr;
 958   switch (bt) {
 959   case T_BOOLEAN: load = new LoadUBNode(ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, rt->is_int(),  mo, control_dependency); break;
 960   case T_BYTE:    load = new LoadBNode (ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, rt->is_int(),  mo, control_dependency); break;
 961   case T_INT:     load = new LoadINode (ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, rt->is_int(),  mo, control_dependency); break;
 962   case T_CHAR:    load = new LoadUSNode(ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, rt->is_int(),  mo, control_dependency); break;
 963   case T_SHORT:   load = new LoadSNode (ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, rt->is_int(),  mo, control_dependency); break;
 964   case T_LONG:    load = new LoadLNode (ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, rt->is_long(), mo, control_dependency, require_atomic_access); break;
 965   case T_FLOAT:   load = new LoadFNode (ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, rt,            mo, control_dependency); break;
 966   case T_DOUBLE:  load = new LoadDNode (ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, rt,            mo, control_dependency, require_atomic_access); break;
 967   case T_ADDRESS: load = new LoadPNode (ctl, mem, adr, adr_type, rt->is_ptr(),  mo, control_dependency); break;

2455         // constant oop => constant klass
2456         if (offset == java_lang_Class::array_klass_offset()) {
2457           if (t->is_void()) {
2458             // We cannot create a void array.  Since void is a primitive type return null
2459             // klass.  Users of this result need to do a null check on the returned klass.
2460             return TypePtr::NULL_PTR;
2461           }
2462           return TypeKlassPtr::make(ciArrayKlass::make(t), Type::trust_interfaces);
2463         }
2464         if (!t->is_klass()) {
2465           // a primitive Class (e.g., int.class) has null for a klass field
2466           return TypePtr::NULL_PTR;
2467         }
2468         // (Folds up the 1st indirection in aClassConstant.getModifiers().)
2469         return TypeKlassPtr::make(t->as_klass(), Type::trust_interfaces);
2470       }
2471       // non-constant mirror, so we can't tell what's going on
2472     }
2473     if (!tinst->is_loaded())
2474       return _type;             // Bail out if not loaded
2475     if (offset == Type::klass_offset()) {
2476       return tinst->as_klass_type(true);
2477     }
2478   }
2480   // Check for loading klass from an array
2481   const TypeAryPtr *tary = tp->isa_aryptr();
2482   if (tary != nullptr &&
2483       tary->offset() == Type::klass_offset()) {
2484     return tary->as_klass_type(true);
2485   }
2487   // Check for loading klass from an array klass
2488   const TypeKlassPtr *tkls = tp->isa_klassptr();
2489   if (tkls != nullptr && !StressReflectiveCode) {
2490     if (!tkls->is_loaded())
2491      return _type;             // Bail out if not loaded
2492     if (tkls->isa_aryklassptr() && tkls->is_aryklassptr()->elem()->isa_klassptr() &&
2493         tkls->offset() == in_bytes(ObjArrayKlass::element_klass_offset())) {
2494       // // Always returning precise element type is incorrect,
2495       // // e.g., element type could be object and array may contain strings
2496       // return TypeKlassPtr::make(TypePtr::Constant, elem, 0);
2498       // The array's TypeKlassPtr was declared 'precise' or 'not precise'
2499       // according to the element type's subclassing.
2500       return tkls->is_aryklassptr()->elem()->isa_klassptr()->cast_to_exactness(tkls->klass_is_exact());
2501     }
2502     if (tkls->isa_instklassptr() != nullptr && tkls->klass_is_exact() &&
2503         tkls->offset() == in_bytes(Klass::super_offset())) {

2529   Node* x = LoadNode::Identity(phase);
2530   if (x != this)  return x;
2532   // Take apart the address into an oop and offset.
2533   // Return 'this' if we cannot.
2534   Node*    adr    = in(MemNode::Address);
2535   intptr_t offset = 0;
2536   Node*    base   = AddPNode::Ideal_base_and_offset(adr, phase, offset);
2537   if (base == nullptr)     return this;
2538   const TypeOopPtr* toop = phase->type(adr)->isa_oopptr();
2539   if (toop == nullptr)     return this;
2541   // Step over potential GC barrier for OopHandle resolve
2542   BarrierSetC2* bs = BarrierSet::barrier_set()->barrier_set_c2();
2543   if (bs->is_gc_barrier_node(base)) {
2544     base = bs->step_over_gc_barrier(base);
2545   }
2547   // We can fetch the klass directly through an AllocateNode.
2548   // This works even if the klass is not constant (clone or newArray).
2549   if (offset == Type::klass_offset()) {
2550     Node* allocated_klass = AllocateNode::Ideal_klass(base, phase);
2551     if (allocated_klass != nullptr) {
2552       return allocated_klass;
2553     }
2554   }
2556   // Simplify k.java_mirror.as_klass to plain k, where k is a Klass*.
2557   // See inline_native_Class_query for occurrences of these patterns.
2558   // Java Example:  x.getClass().isAssignableFrom(y)
2559   //
2560   // This improves reflective code, often making the Class
2561   // mirror go completely dead.  (Current exception:  Class
2562   // mirrors may appear in debug info, but we could clean them out by
2563   // introducing a new debug info operator for Klass.java_mirror).
2565   if (toop->isa_instptr() && toop->is_instptr()->instance_klass() == phase->C->env()->Class_klass()
2566       && offset == java_lang_Class::klass_offset()) {
2567     if (base->is_Load()) {
2568       Node* base2 = base->in(MemNode::Address);
2569       if (base2->is_Load()) { /* direct load of a load which is the OopHandle */
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