87 lengthOffsetInBytes = typeSize - VM.getVM().getIntSize();
88 } else {
89 lengthOffsetInBytes = typeSize;
90 }
91 return lengthOffsetInBytes;
92 }
94 // Accessors for declared fields
95 public long getLength() {
96 boolean isUnsigned = true;
97 return this.getHandle().getCIntegerAt(lengthOffsetInBytes(), VM.getVM().getIntSize(), isUnsigned);
98 }
100 public long getObjectSize() {
101 ArrayKlass klass = (ArrayKlass) getKlass();
102 // We have to fetch the length of the array, shift (multiply) it
103 // appropriately, up to wordSize, add the header, and align to
104 // object size.
105 long s = getLength() << klass.getLog2ElementSize();
106 s += klass.getArrayHeaderInBytes();
107 s = Oop.alignObjectSize(s);
108 return s;
109 }
111 public static long baseOffsetInBytes(BasicType type) {
112 long typeSizeInBytes = headerSizeInBytes();
113 if (elementTypeShouldBeAligned(type)) {
114 VM vm = VM.getVM();
115 return vm.alignUp(typeSizeInBytes, vm.getVM().getHeapWordSize());
116 } else {
117 return typeSizeInBytes;
118 }
119 }
121 public boolean isArray() { return true; }
123 public void iterateFields(OopVisitor visitor, boolean doVMFields) {
124 super.iterateFields(visitor, doVMFields);
125 }
126 }
87 lengthOffsetInBytes = typeSize - VM.getVM().getIntSize();
88 } else {
89 lengthOffsetInBytes = typeSize;
90 }
91 return lengthOffsetInBytes;
92 }
94 // Accessors for declared fields
95 public long getLength() {
96 boolean isUnsigned = true;
97 return this.getHandle().getCIntegerAt(lengthOffsetInBytes(), VM.getVM().getIntSize(), isUnsigned);
98 }
100 public long getObjectSize() {
101 ArrayKlass klass = (ArrayKlass) getKlass();
102 // We have to fetch the length of the array, shift (multiply) it
103 // appropriately, up to wordSize, add the header, and align to
104 // object size.
105 long s = getLength() << klass.getLog2ElementSize();
106 s += klass.getArrayHeaderInBytes();
107 if (VM.getVM().isCompactObjectHeadersEnabled()) {
108 Mark mark = getMark();
109 if (mark.isExpanded()) {
110 // Needs extra 4 bytes for identity hash-code.
111 s += 4;
112 }
113 }
114 s = Oop.alignObjectSize(s);
115 return s;
116 }
118 public static long baseOffsetInBytes(BasicType type) {
119 long typeSizeInBytes = headerSizeInBytes();
120 if (elementTypeShouldBeAligned(type)) {
121 VM vm = VM.getVM();
122 return vm.alignUp(typeSizeInBytes, vm.getVM().getHeapWordSize());
123 } else {
124 return typeSizeInBytes;
125 }
126 }
128 public boolean isArray() { return true; }
130 public void iterateFields(OopVisitor visitor, boolean doVMFields) {
131 super.iterateFields(visitor, doVMFields);
132 }
133 }