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@@ -24,14 +24,17 @@
  #include "precompiled.hpp"
  #include "memory/metaspace/counters.hpp"
  #include "memory/metaspace/freeBlocks.hpp"
+ #include "memory/metaspace/metablock.hpp"
  //#define LOG_PLEASE
  #include "metaspaceGtestCommon.hpp"
  using metaspace::FreeBlocks;
+ using metaspace::MetaBlock;
  using metaspace::SizeCounter;
  #define CHECK_CONTENT(fb, num_blocks_expected, word_size_expected) \
  { \
    if (word_size_expected > 0) { \

@@ -41,201 +44,23 @@
    } \
    EXPECT_EQ(fb.total_size(), (size_t)word_size_expected); \
    EXPECT_EQ(fb.count(), (int)num_blocks_expected); \
- class FreeBlocksTest {
-   FeederBuffer _fb;
-   FreeBlocks _freeblocks;
-   // random generator for block feeding
-   RandSizeGenerator _rgen_feeding;
-   // random generator for allocations (and, hence, deallocations)
-   RandSizeGenerator _rgen_allocations;
-   SizeCounter _allocated_words;
-   struct allocation_t {
-     allocation_t* next;
-     size_t word_size;
-     MetaWord* p;
-   };
-   // Array of the same size as the pool max capacity; holds the allocated elements.
-   allocation_t* _allocations;
-   int _num_allocs;
-   int _num_deallocs;
-   int _num_feeds;
-   bool feed_some() {
-     size_t word_size = _rgen_feeding.get();
-     MetaWord* p = _fb.get(word_size);
-     if (p != nullptr) {
-       _freeblocks.add_block(p, word_size);
-       return true;
-     }
-     return false;
-   }
-   bool deallocate_top() {
-     allocation_t* a = _allocations;
-     if (a != nullptr) {
-       _allocations = a->next;
-       check_marked_range(a->p, a->word_size);
-       _freeblocks.add_block(a->p, a->word_size);
-       delete a;
-       DEBUG_ONLY(_freeblocks.verify();)
-       return true;
-     }
-     return false;
-   }
-   void deallocate_all() {
-     while (deallocate_top());
-   }
-   bool allocate() {
-     size_t word_size = MAX2(_rgen_allocations.get(), _freeblocks.MinWordSize);
-     MetaWord* p = _freeblocks.remove_block(word_size);
-     if (p != nullptr) {
-       _allocated_words.increment_by(word_size);
-       allocation_t* a = new allocation_t;
-       a->p = p; a->word_size = word_size;
-       a->next = _allocations;
-       _allocations = a;
-       DEBUG_ONLY(_freeblocks.verify();)
-       mark_range(p, word_size);
-       return true;
-     }
-     return false;
-   }
-   void test_all_marked_ranges() {
-     for (allocation_t* a = _allocations; a != nullptr; a = a->next) {
-       check_marked_range(a->p, a->word_size);
-     }
-   }
-   void test_loop() {
-     // We loop and in each iteration execute one of three operations:
-     // - allocation from fbl
-     // - deallocation to fbl of a previously allocated block
-     // - feeding a new larger block into the fbl (mimicks chunk retiring)
-     // When we have fed all large blocks into the fbl (feedbuffer empty), we
-     //  switch to draining the fbl completely (only allocs)
-     bool forcefeed = false;
-     bool draining = false;
-     bool stop = false;
-     int iter = 25000; // safety stop
-     while (!stop && iter > 0) {
-       iter --;
-       int surprise = (int)os::random() % 10;
-       if (!draining && (surprise >= 7 || forcefeed)) {
-         forcefeed = false;
-         if (feed_some()) {
-           _num_feeds++;
-         } else {
-           // We fed all input memory into the fbl. Now lets proceed until the fbl is drained.
-           draining = true;
-         }
-       } else if (!draining && surprise < 1) {
-         deallocate_top();
-         _num_deallocs++;
-       } else {
-         if (allocate()) {
-           _num_allocs++;
-         } else {
-           if (draining) {
-             stop = _freeblocks.total_size() < 512;
-           } else {
-             forcefeed = true;
-           }
-         }
-       }
-       if ((iter % 1000) == 0) {
-         DEBUG_ONLY(_freeblocks.verify();)
-         test_all_marked_ranges();
-         LOG("a %d (" SIZE_FORMAT "), d %d, f %d", _num_allocs, _allocated_words.get(), _num_deallocs, _num_feeds);
- #ifdef LOG_PLEASE
-         _freeblocks.print(tty, true);
-         tty->cr();
- #endif
-       }
-     }
-     // Drain
-   }
- public:
-   FreeBlocksTest(size_t avg_alloc_size) :
-     _fb(512 * K), _freeblocks(),
-     _rgen_feeding(128, 4096),
-     _rgen_allocations(avg_alloc_size / 4, avg_alloc_size * 2, 0.01f, avg_alloc_size / 3, avg_alloc_size * 30),
-     _allocations(nullptr),
-     _num_allocs(0),
-     _num_deallocs(0),
-     _num_feeds(0)
-   {
-     CHECK_CONTENT(_freeblocks, 0, 0);
-     // some initial feeding
-     _freeblocks.add_block(_fb.get(1024), 1024);
-     CHECK_CONTENT(_freeblocks, 1, 1024);
-   }
-   ~FreeBlocksTest() {
-     deallocate_all();
-   }
-   static void test_small_allocations() {
-     FreeBlocksTest test(10);
-     test.test_loop();
-   }
-   static void test_medium_allocations() {
-     FreeBlocksTest test(30);
-     test.test_loop();
-   }
-   static void test_large_allocations() {
-     FreeBlocksTest test(150);
-     test.test_loop();
-   }
- };
  TEST_VM(metaspace, freeblocks_basics) {
    FreeBlocks fbl;
    MetaWord tmp[1024];
    CHECK_CONTENT(fbl, 0, 0);
-   fbl.add_block(tmp, 1024);
+   MetaBlock bl(tmp, 1024);
+   fbl.add_block(bl);
    CHECK_CONTENT(fbl, 1, 1024);
-   MetaWord* p = fbl.remove_block(1024);
-   EXPECT_EQ(p, tmp);
+   MetaBlock bl2 = fbl.remove_block(1024);
+   ASSERT_EQ(bl, bl2);
    CHECK_CONTENT(fbl, 0, 0);
- TEST_VM(metaspace, freeblocks_small) {
-   FreeBlocksTest::test_small_allocations();
- }
- TEST_VM(metaspace, freeblocks_medium) {
-   FreeBlocksTest::test_medium_allocations();
- }
- TEST_VM(metaspace, freeblocks_large) {
-   FreeBlocksTest::test_large_allocations();
- }
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