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*** 396,10 ***
--- 396,11 ---
      @IR(counts = {IRNode.LOAD_VECTOR_B, "> 0",
                    IRNode.AND_VB, "> 0",
                    IRNode.STORE_VECTOR, "> 0"},
+         applyIf = {"UseCompactObjectHeaders", "false"},
          applyIfPlatform = {"64-bit", "true"},
          applyIfCPUFeatureOr = {"avx2", "true", "asimd", "true"})
      static Object[] test1(byte[] a, byte[] b, byte mask) {
          for (int i = 0; i < RANGE; i+=8) {
              // Safe to vectorize with AlignVector

*** 704,11 ***
      @IR(counts = {IRNode.LOAD_VECTOR_S, IRNode.VECTOR_SIZE_4, "> 0",
                    IRNode.AND_VS,        IRNode.VECTOR_SIZE_4, "> 0",
                    IRNode.STORE_VECTOR, "> 0"},
!         applyIf = {"MaxVectorSize", ">=16"},
          applyIfPlatform = {"64-bit", "true"},
          applyIfCPUFeatureOr = {"avx2", "true", "asimd", "true"})
      static Object[] test10d(short[] a, short[] b, short mask) {
          for (int i = 13; i < RANGE-16; i+=8) {
              // init + offset -> aligned
--- 705,11 ---
      @IR(counts = {IRNode.LOAD_VECTOR_S, IRNode.VECTOR_SIZE_4, "> 0",
                    IRNode.AND_VS,        IRNode.VECTOR_SIZE_4, "> 0",
                    IRNode.STORE_VECTOR, "> 0"},
!         applyIfAnd = {"MaxVectorSize", ">=16", "UseCompactObjectHeaders", "false"},
          applyIfPlatform = {"64-bit", "true"},
          applyIfCPUFeatureOr = {"avx2", "true", "asimd", "true"})
      static Object[] test10d(short[] a, short[] b, short mask) {
          for (int i = 13; i < RANGE-16; i+=8) {
              // init + offset -> aligned

*** 999,10 ***
--- 1000,11 ---
      @IR(counts = {IRNode.LOAD_VECTOR_B, "> 0",
                    IRNode.LOAD_VECTOR_I, "> 0",
                    IRNode.ADD_VB, "> 0",
                    IRNode.ADD_VI, "> 0",
                    IRNode.STORE_VECTOR, "> 0"},
+         applyIf = {"UseCompactObjectHeaders", "false"},
          applyIfPlatform = {"64-bit", "true"},
          applyIfCPUFeatureOr = {"avx2", "true", "asimd", "true"})
      static Object[] test13aIB(int[] a, byte[] b) {
          for (int i = 0; i < RANGE; i++) {

*** 1015,10 ***
--- 1017,11 ---
      @IR(counts = {IRNode.LOAD_VECTOR_I, "> 0",
                    IRNode.LOAD_VECTOR_S, "> 0",
                    IRNode.ADD_VI, "> 0",
                    IRNode.ADD_VS, "> 0",
                    IRNode.STORE_VECTOR, "> 0"},
+         applyIf = {"UseCompactObjectHeaders", "false"},
          applyIfPlatform = {"64-bit", "true"},
          applyIfCPUFeatureOr = {"avx2", "true", "asimd", "true"})
      static Object[] test13aIS(int[] a, short[] b) {
          for (int i = 0; i < RANGE; i++) {

*** 1035,10 ***
--- 1038,11 ---
                    IRNode.ADD_VB, "> 0",
                    IRNode.ADD_VS, "> 0",
                    IRNode.ADD_VI, "> 0",
                    IRNode.ADD_VL, "> 0",
                    IRNode.STORE_VECTOR, "> 0"},
+         applyIf = {"UseCompactObjectHeaders", "false"},
          applyIfPlatform = {"64-bit", "true"},
          applyIfCPUFeatureOr = {"avx2", "true", "asimd", "true"})
      static Object[] test13aBSIL(byte[] a, short[] b, int[] c, long[] d) {
          for (int i = 0; i < RANGE; i++) {

*** 1070,10 ***
--- 1074,11 ---
      @IR(counts = {IRNode.LOAD_VECTOR_B, "> 0",
                    IRNode.LOAD_VECTOR_I, "> 0",
                    IRNode.ADD_VB, "> 0",
                    IRNode.ADD_VI, "> 0",
                    IRNode.STORE_VECTOR, "> 0"},
+         applyIf = {"UseCompactObjectHeaders", "false"},
          applyIfPlatform = {"64-bit", "true"},
          applyIfCPUFeatureOr = {"avx2", "true", "asimd", "true"})
      static Object[] test13bIB(int[] a, byte[] b) {
          for (int i = 1; i < RANGE; i++) {

*** 1086,10 ***
--- 1091,11 ---
      @IR(counts = {IRNode.LOAD_VECTOR_I, "> 0",
                    IRNode.LOAD_VECTOR_S, "> 0",
                    IRNode.ADD_VI, "> 0",
                    IRNode.ADD_VS, "> 0",
                    IRNode.STORE_VECTOR, "> 0"},
+         applyIf = {"UseCompactObjectHeaders", "false"},
          applyIfPlatform = {"64-bit", "true"},
          applyIfCPUFeatureOr = {"avx2", "true", "asimd", "true"})
      static Object[] test13bIS(int[] a, short[] b) {
          for (int i = 1; i < RANGE; i++) {

*** 1106,10 ***
--- 1112,11 ---
                    IRNode.ADD_VB, "> 0",
                    IRNode.ADD_VS, "> 0",
                    IRNode.ADD_VI, "> 0",
                    IRNode.ADD_VL, "> 0",
                    IRNode.STORE_VECTOR, "> 0"},
+         applyIf = {"UseCompactObjectHeaders", "false"},
          applyIfPlatform = {"64-bit", "true"},
          applyIfCPUFeatureOr = {"avx2", "true", "asimd", "true"})
      static Object[] test13bBSIL(byte[] a, short[] b, int[] c, long[] d) {
          for (int i = 1; i < RANGE; i++) {
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