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*** 7061,11 ***
--- 7061,13 ---
      // If we want, we can templatize thaw by kind, and have three different entries
      __ movw(c_rarg1, (uint32_t)kind);
+     __ set_last_Java_frame(sp, rfp, rscratch1, rscratch2);
      __ call_VM_leaf(Continuation::thaw_entry(), rthread, c_rarg1);
+     __ reset_last_Java_frame(true);
      __ mov(rscratch2, r0); // r0 is the sp of the yielding frame
      if (return_barrier) {
        // restore return value (no safepoint in the call to thaw, so even an oop return value should be OK)
        __ ldp(rscratch1, r0, Address(__ post(sp, 2 * wordSize)));

*** 7138,10 ***
--- 7140,106 ---
      return start;
+   address generate_cont_preempt_stub() {
+     if (!Continuations::enabled()) return nullptr;
+     StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines","Continuation preempt stub");
+     address start = __ pc();
+     __ reset_last_Java_frame(true);
+     // reset the flag
+     __ strb(zr, Address(rthread, JavaThread::preempting_offset()));
+     // Set sp to enterSpecial frame and then remove it from the stack
+     __ ldr(rscratch2, Address(rthread, JavaThread::cont_entry_offset()));
+     __ mov(sp, rscratch2);
+     Label preemption_cancelled;
+     __ ldrb(rscratch1, Address(rthread, JavaThread::preemption_cancelled_offset()));
+     __ cbnz(rscratch1, preemption_cancelled);
+     // Remove enterSpecial frame from the stack and return to Continuation.run()
+     SharedRuntime::continuation_enter_cleanup(_masm);
+     __ leave();
+     __ ret(lr);
+     __ bind(preemption_cancelled);
+     __ strb(zr, Address(rthread, JavaThread::preemption_cancelled_offset()));
+     __ lea(rfp, Address(sp, checked_cast<int32_t>(ContinuationEntry::size())));
+     __ lea(rscratch1, ExternalAddress((address)&ContinuationEntry::_thaw_call_pc));
+     __ ldr(rscratch1, Address(rscratch1));
+     __ br(rscratch1);
+     return start;
+   }
+   address generate_cont_resume_compiler_adapter() {
+     if (!Continuations::enabled()) return nullptr;
+     StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines", "Continuation resume compiler adapter");
+     address start = __ pc();
+     // The safepoint blob handler expects that r20, being a callee saved register, will be preserved
+     // during the VM call. It is used to check if the return pc back to Java was modified in the runtime.
+     // If it wasn't, the return pc is modified so on return the poll instruction is skipped. Saving this
+     // additional value of r20 during freeze will complicate too much the code, so we just zero it here
+     // so that the comparison fails and the skip is not attempted in case the pc was indeed changed.
+     __ movptr(r20, NULL_WORD);
+     __ leave();
+     __ ret(lr);
+     return start;
+   }
+   address generate_cont_resume_monitor_operation() {
+     if (!Continuations::enabled()) return nullptr;
+     StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines","Continuation resume monitor operation");
+     address start = __ pc();
+     const Register waiter_reg = c_rarg1;
+     __ ldr(waiter_reg, __ post(sp, 2 * wordSize));
+ #ifdef ASSERT
+     { Label L;
+       __ cbnz(waiter_reg, L);
+       __ stop("ObjectMonitor to use is null");
+       __ bind(L);
+     }
+ #endif // ASSERT
+     __ set_last_Java_frame(sp, rfp, lr, rscratch1);
+     __ mov(c_rarg0, rthread);
+     __ rt_call(CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, SharedRuntime::resume_monitor_operation));
+     __ reset_last_Java_frame(true);
+     Label failAcquire;
+     __ ldrb(rscratch1, Address(rthread, JavaThread::preempting_offset()));
+     __ cbnz(rscratch1, failAcquire);
+     // We have the lock now, just return to caller (we will actually hit the
+     // return barrier to thaw more frames)
+     // ThawBase::push_resume_monitor_operation set things up so that
+     // SP now points to {fp, lr}.
+     __ ldp(rfp, lr, Address(__ post(sp, 2 * wordSize)));
+     __ ret(lr);
+     __ bind(failAcquire);
+     __ strb(/*false*/zr, Address(rthread, JavaThread::preempting_offset()));
+     // Set sp to enterSpecial frame
+     __ ldr(rscratch1, Address(rthread, JavaThread::cont_entry_offset()));
+     __ mov(sp, rscratch1);
+     // Remove enterSpecial frame from the stack and return to Continuation.run()
+     SharedRuntime::continuation_enter_cleanup(_masm);
+     __ leave();
+     __ ret(lr);
+     return start;
+   }
    // In sun.security.util.math.intpoly.IntegerPolynomial1305, integers
    // are represented as long[5], with BITS_PER_LIMB = 26.
    // Pack five 26-bit limbs into three 64-bit registers.
    void pack_26(Register dest0, Register dest1, Register dest2, Register src) {
      __ ldp(dest0, rscratch1, Address(src, 0));     // 26 bits

*** 8406,10 ***
--- 8504,13 ---
    void generate_continuation_stubs() {
      // Continuation stubs:
      StubRoutines::_cont_thaw          = generate_cont_thaw();
      StubRoutines::_cont_returnBarrier = generate_cont_returnBarrier();
      StubRoutines::_cont_returnBarrierExc = generate_cont_returnBarrier_exception();
+     StubRoutines::_cont_preempt_stub = generate_cont_preempt_stub();
+     StubRoutines::_cont_resume_monitor_operation = generate_cont_resume_monitor_operation();
+     StubRoutines::_cont_resume_compiler_adapter = generate_cont_resume_compiler_adapter();
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