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 54   assert(FKind::is_instance(f), "");
 55   if (FKind::interpreted) {
 56     return frame(f.sender_sp(), f.sender_pc(), f.interpreter_frame_sender_sp());
 57   }
 59   intptr_t* sender_sp = f.sender_sp();
 60   address sender_pc = f.sender_pc();
 61   assert(sender_sp != f.sp(), "must have changed");
 63   int slot = 0;
 64   CodeBlob* sender_cb = CodeCache::find_blob_and_oopmap(sender_pc, slot);
 65   return sender_cb != nullptr
 66     ? frame(sender_sp, sender_sp, nullptr, sender_pc, sender_cb, slot == -1 ? nullptr : sender_cb->oop_map_for_slot(slot, sender_pc))
 67     : frame(sender_sp, sender_pc, sender_sp);
 68 }
 70 void FreezeBase::adjust_interpreted_frame_unextended_sp(frame& f) {
 71   // nothing to do
 72 }

 74 inline void FreezeBase::relativize_interpreted_frame_metadata(const frame& f, const frame& hf) {
 75   intptr_t* vfp = f.fp();
 76   intptr_t* hfp = hf.fp();
 77   assert(f.fp() > (intptr_t*)f.interpreter_frame_esp(), "");
 79   // There is alignment padding between vfp and f's locals array in the original
 80   // frame, because we freeze the padding (see recurse_freeze_interpreted_frame)
 81   // in order to keep the same relativized locals pointer, we don't need to change it here.
 83   // Make sure that monitors is already relativized.
 84   assert(hf.at_absolute(ijava_idx(monitors)) <= -(frame::ijava_state_size / wordSize), "");
 86   // Make sure that esp is already relativized.
 87   assert(hf.at_absolute(ijava_idx(esp)) <= hf.at_absolute(ijava_idx(monitors)), "");
 89   // top_frame_sp is already relativized
 91   // hfp == hf.sp() + (f.fp() - f.sp()) is not true on ppc because the stack frame has room for
 92   // the maximal expression stack and the expression stack in the heap frame is trimmed.
 93   assert(hf.fp() == hf.interpreter_frame_esp() + (f.fp() - f.interpreter_frame_esp()), "");

333 // Fast path
335 inline void ThawBase::prefetch_chunk_pd(void* start, int size) {
336   size <<= LogBytesPerWord;
337   Prefetch::read(start, size);
338   Prefetch::read(start, size - 64);
339 }
341 // Set back chain links of fast thawed frames such that *sp == callers_sp.
342 // See https://refspecs.linuxfoundation.org/ELF/ppc64/PPC-elf64abi.html#STACK
343 template <typename ConfigT>
344 inline void Thaw<ConfigT>::patch_caller_links(intptr_t* sp, intptr_t* bottom) {
345   for (intptr_t* callers_sp; sp < bottom; sp = callers_sp) {
346     address pc = (address)((frame::java_abi*) sp)->lr;
347     assert(pc != nullptr, "");
348     // see ThawBase::patch_return() which gets called just before
349     bool is_entry_frame = pc == StubRoutines::cont_returnBarrier() || pc == _cont.entryPC();
350     if (is_entry_frame) {
351       callers_sp = _cont.entryFP();
352     } else {

353       CodeBlob* cb = CodeCache::find_blob_fast(pc);
354       callers_sp = sp + cb->frame_size();
355     }
356     // set the back link
357     ((frame::java_abi*) sp)->callers_sp = (intptr_t) callers_sp;
358   }
359 }
361 // Slow path
363 inline frame ThawBase::new_entry_frame() {
364   intptr_t* sp = _cont.entrySP();
365   return frame(sp, _cont.entryPC(), sp, _cont.entryFP());
366 }
368 // === New Interpreted Frame ================================================================================================================
369 //
370 // ### Non-Interpreted Caller (compiled, enterSpecial): No Overlap
371 //
372 //     Heap Frame `hf`                                   `hf` gets copied to stack _without_ overlapping the caller

463 //    e   |                      |                     |----------------------|
464 //    w   |----------------------|                     | Stack Args           |
465 //        | frame::java_abi      |<- unext. SP / SP    | (if any)             |
466 //    F   ========================                     |----------------------|
467 //    r                                                | frame::java_abi      |<- caller's SP
468 //    a                                                ======================== / new frame's FP
469 //    m                                                |                      |   (aligned)
470 //    e                                                |                      |
471 //                                                     |----------------------|
472 //                                                     | frame::java_abi      |<- unext. SP / SP
473 //                                                     ========================
474 //
475 //  If the new frame is at the bottom just above the ContinuationEntry frame then the stackargs
476 //  don't overlap the caller either even though it is compiled because the size is not
477 //  limited/known. In contrast to the interpreted caller case the abi overlaps with the caller
478 //  if there are no stackargs. This is to comply with shared code (see e.g. StackChunkFrameStream::frame_size())
479 //
480 template<typename FKind> frame ThawBase::new_stack_frame(const frame& hf, frame& caller, bool bottom) {
481   assert(FKind::is_instance(hf), "");
483   assert(is_aligned(caller.fp(), frame::frame_alignment), "");
484   assert(is_aligned(caller.sp(), frame::frame_alignment), "");
485   if (FKind::interpreted) {
486     // Note: we have to overlap with the caller, at least if it is interpreted, to match the
487     // max_thawing_size calculation during freeze. See also comment above.
488     intptr_t* heap_sp = hf.unextended_sp();
489     const int fsize = ContinuationHelper::InterpretedFrame::frame_bottom(hf) - hf.unextended_sp();
490     const int overlap = !caller.is_interpreted_frame() ? 0
491                         : ContinuationHelper::InterpretedFrame::stack_argsize(hf) + frame::metadata_words_at_top;
492     intptr_t* frame_sp = caller.unextended_sp() + overlap - fsize;
493     intptr_t* fp = frame_sp + (hf.fp() - heap_sp);
494     // align fp
495     int padding = fp - align_down(fp, frame::frame_alignment);
496     fp -= padding;
497     // alignment of sp is done by callee or in finish_thaw()
498     frame_sp -= padding;
500     // On ppc esp points to the next free slot on the expression stack and sp + metadata points to the last parameter
501     DEBUG_ONLY(intptr_t* esp = fp + *hf.addr_at(ijava_idx(esp));)
502     assert(frame_sp + frame::metadata_words_at_top == esp+1, " frame_sp=" PTR_FORMAT " esp=" PTR_FORMAT, p2i(frame_sp), p2i(esp));
503     caller.set_sp(fp);
504     frame f(frame_sp, hf.pc(), frame_sp, fp);
505     // we need to set the locals so that the caller of new_stack_frame() can call
506     // ContinuationHelper::InterpretedFrame::frame_bottom
507     // copy relativized locals from the heap frame
508     *f.addr_at(ijava_idx(locals)) = *hf.addr_at(ijava_idx(locals));
510     return f;
511   } else {
512     int fsize = FKind::size(hf);
513     int argsize = hf.compiled_frame_stack_argsize();
514     intptr_t* frame_sp = caller.sp() - fsize;
516     if ((bottom && argsize > 0) || caller.is_interpreted_frame()) {
517       frame_sp -= argsize + frame::metadata_words_at_top;
518       frame_sp = align_down(frame_sp, frame::alignment_in_bytes);
519       caller.set_sp(frame_sp + fsize);
520     }
522     assert(hf.cb() != nullptr, "");
523     assert(hf.oop_map() != nullptr, "");
524     intptr_t* fp = frame_sp + fsize;
525     return frame(frame_sp, frame_sp, fp, hf.pc(), hf.cb(), hf.oop_map(), false);
526   }
527 }
529 inline intptr_t* ThawBase::align(const frame& hf, intptr_t* frame_sp, frame& caller, bool bottom) {
530   // Unused. Alignment is done directly in new_stack_frame() / finish_thaw().
531   return nullptr;
532 }
534 inline void ThawBase::derelativize_interpreted_frame_metadata(const frame& hf, const frame& f) {
535   intptr_t* vfp = f.fp();
537   // Make sure that monitors is still relativized.
538   assert(f.at_absolute(ijava_idx(monitors)) <= -(frame::ijava_state_size / wordSize), "");
540   // Make sure that esp is still relativized.
541   assert(f.at_absolute(ijava_idx(esp)) <= f.at_absolute(ijava_idx(monitors)), "");
543   // Keep top_frame_sp relativized.
544 }

546 inline void ThawBase::patch_pd(frame& f, const frame& caller) {
547   patch_callee_link(caller, caller.fp());
548   // Prevent assertion if f gets deoptimized right away before it's fully initialized
549   f.mark_not_fully_initialized();
550 }

552 //
553 // Interpreter Calling Procedure on PPC
554 //
555 // Caller                                   Resized Caller before the Call                New Callee Frame
556 //
557 //   - SP/FP are 16 byte aligned.           - The unused part of the expression stack     - The caller's original SP is passed as
558 //     Padding is added as necessary.         is removed                                    sender SP (in R21_sender_SP) also by
559 //   - SP is _not_ used as esp              - Slots for the callee's nonparameter locals    compiled callers. It is saved in the
560 //     (expression stack pointer)             are added.                                    ijava_state::sender_sp slot and
561 //   - Has reserved slots for the           - The large ABI is replaced with a minimal      restored when returning.
562 //     maximal expression stack               ABI.                                          This removes a c2i extension if there
563 //   - Has a larger ABI section on          - The original SP was saved in                  is one.
564 //     top that is required to call           ijava_state::top_frame_sp slot.             - ijava_state::sender_sp will be set
565 //     C++ code                               From there it is restored as SP _after_       as the caller's unextended sp when
566 //                                            returning from a call. This reverts the       iterating stack frames
567 //                                            resizing described above. It is also          (see frame::unextended_sp() and
568 //                                            required to undo potential i2c extensions     frame::sender_for_interpreter_frame())
569 //                                            if the calle should be compiled.
570 //                                          - Note that unextended SP < SP
571 //                                            is possible on ppc.

 54   assert(FKind::is_instance(f), "");
 55   if (FKind::interpreted) {
 56     return frame(f.sender_sp(), f.sender_pc(), f.interpreter_frame_sender_sp());
 57   }
 59   intptr_t* sender_sp = f.sender_sp();
 60   address sender_pc = f.sender_pc();
 61   assert(sender_sp != f.sp(), "must have changed");
 63   int slot = 0;
 64   CodeBlob* sender_cb = CodeCache::find_blob_and_oopmap(sender_pc, slot);
 65   return sender_cb != nullptr
 66     ? frame(sender_sp, sender_sp, nullptr, sender_pc, sender_cb, slot == -1 ? nullptr : sender_cb->oop_map_for_slot(slot, sender_pc))
 67     : frame(sender_sp, sender_pc, sender_sp);
 68 }
 70 void FreezeBase::adjust_interpreted_frame_unextended_sp(frame& f) {
 71   // nothing to do
 72 }
 74 inline void FreezeBase::prepare_freeze_interpreted_top_frame(frame& f) {
 75   // nothing to do
 76   DEBUG_ONLY( intptr_t* lspp = (intptr_t*) &(f.get_ijava_state()->top_frame_sp); )
 77   assert(*lspp == f.unextended_sp() - f.fp(), "should be " INTPTR_FORMAT " usp:" INTPTR_FORMAT " fp:" INTPTR_FORMAT, *lspp, p2i(f.unextended_sp()), p2i(f.fp()));
 78 }
 80 inline void FreezeBase::relativize_interpreted_frame_metadata(const frame& f, const frame& hf) {
 81   intptr_t* vfp = f.fp();
 82   intptr_t* hfp = hf.fp();
 83   assert(f.fp() > (intptr_t*)f.interpreter_frame_esp(), "");
 85   // There is alignment padding between vfp and f's locals array in the original
 86   // frame, because we freeze the padding (see recurse_freeze_interpreted_frame)
 87   // in order to keep the same relativized locals pointer, we don't need to change it here.
 89   // Make sure that monitors is already relativized.
 90   assert(hf.at_absolute(ijava_idx(monitors)) <= -(frame::ijava_state_size / wordSize), "");
 92   // Make sure that esp is already relativized.
 93   assert(hf.at_absolute(ijava_idx(esp)) <= hf.at_absolute(ijava_idx(monitors)), "");
 95   // top_frame_sp is already relativized
 97   // hfp == hf.sp() + (f.fp() - f.sp()) is not true on ppc because the stack frame has room for
 98   // the maximal expression stack and the expression stack in the heap frame is trimmed.
 99   assert(hf.fp() == hf.interpreter_frame_esp() + (f.fp() - f.interpreter_frame_esp()), "");

339 // Fast path
341 inline void ThawBase::prefetch_chunk_pd(void* start, int size) {
342   size <<= LogBytesPerWord;
343   Prefetch::read(start, size);
344   Prefetch::read(start, size - 64);
345 }
347 // Set back chain links of fast thawed frames such that *sp == callers_sp.
348 // See https://refspecs.linuxfoundation.org/ELF/ppc64/PPC-elf64abi.html#STACK
349 template <typename ConfigT>
350 inline void Thaw<ConfigT>::patch_caller_links(intptr_t* sp, intptr_t* bottom) {
351   for (intptr_t* callers_sp; sp < bottom; sp = callers_sp) {
352     address pc = (address)((frame::java_abi*) sp)->lr;
353     assert(pc != nullptr, "");
354     // see ThawBase::patch_return() which gets called just before
355     bool is_entry_frame = pc == StubRoutines::cont_returnBarrier() || pc == _cont.entryPC();
356     if (is_entry_frame) {
357       callers_sp = _cont.entryFP();
358     } else {
359       assert(!Interpreter::contains(pc), "sp:" PTR_FORMAT " pc:" PTR_FORMAT, p2i(sp), p2i(pc));
360       CodeBlob* cb = CodeCache::find_blob_fast(pc);
361       callers_sp = sp + cb->frame_size();
362     }
363     // set the back link
364     ((frame::java_abi*) sp)->callers_sp = (intptr_t) callers_sp;
365   }
366 }
368 // Slow path
370 inline frame ThawBase::new_entry_frame() {
371   intptr_t* sp = _cont.entrySP();
372   return frame(sp, _cont.entryPC(), sp, _cont.entryFP());
373 }
375 // === New Interpreted Frame ================================================================================================================
376 //
377 // ### Non-Interpreted Caller (compiled, enterSpecial): No Overlap
378 //
379 //     Heap Frame `hf`                                   `hf` gets copied to stack _without_ overlapping the caller

470 //    e   |                      |                     |----------------------|
471 //    w   |----------------------|                     | Stack Args           |
472 //        | frame::java_abi      |<- unext. SP / SP    | (if any)             |
473 //    F   ========================                     |----------------------|
474 //    r                                                | frame::java_abi      |<- caller's SP
475 //    a                                                ======================== / new frame's FP
476 //    m                                                |                      |   (aligned)
477 //    e                                                |                      |
478 //                                                     |----------------------|
479 //                                                     | frame::java_abi      |<- unext. SP / SP
480 //                                                     ========================
481 //
482 //  If the new frame is at the bottom just above the ContinuationEntry frame then the stackargs
483 //  don't overlap the caller either even though it is compiled because the size is not
484 //  limited/known. In contrast to the interpreted caller case the abi overlaps with the caller
485 //  if there are no stackargs. This is to comply with shared code (see e.g. StackChunkFrameStream::frame_size())
486 //
487 template<typename FKind> frame ThawBase::new_stack_frame(const frame& hf, frame& caller, bool bottom) {
488   assert(FKind::is_instance(hf), "");
490   assert(is_aligned(caller.fp(), frame::frame_alignment), PTR_FORMAT, p2i(caller.fp()));
491   // caller.sp() can be unaligned. This is fixed below.
492   if (FKind::interpreted) {
493     // Note: we have to overlap with the caller, at least if it is interpreted, to match the
494     // max_thawing_size calculation during freeze. See also comment above.
495     intptr_t* heap_sp = hf.unextended_sp();
496     const int fsize = ContinuationHelper::InterpretedFrame::frame_bottom(hf) - hf.unextended_sp();
497     const int overlap = !caller.is_interpreted_frame() ? 0
498                         : ContinuationHelper::InterpretedFrame::stack_argsize(hf) + frame::metadata_words_at_top;
499     intptr_t* frame_sp = caller.unextended_sp() + overlap - fsize;
500     intptr_t* fp = frame_sp + (hf.fp() - heap_sp);
501     // align fp
502     int padding = fp - align_down(fp, frame::frame_alignment);
503     fp -= padding;
504     // alignment of sp is done by callee or in finish_thaw()
505     frame_sp -= padding;
507     // On ppc esp points to the next free slot on the expression stack and sp + metadata points to the last parameter
508     DEBUG_ONLY(intptr_t* esp = fp + *hf.addr_at(ijava_idx(esp));)
509     assert(frame_sp + frame::metadata_words_at_top == esp+1, " frame_sp=" PTR_FORMAT " esp=" PTR_FORMAT, p2i(frame_sp), p2i(esp));
510     caller.set_sp(fp);
511     frame f(frame_sp, hf.pc(), frame_sp, fp);
512     // we need to set the locals so that the caller of new_stack_frame() can call
513     // ContinuationHelper::InterpretedFrame::frame_bottom
514     // copy relativized locals from the heap frame
515     *f.addr_at(ijava_idx(locals)) = *hf.addr_at(ijava_idx(locals));
517     return f;
518   } else {
519     int fsize = FKind::size(hf);
520     int argsize = FKind::stack_argsize(hf);
521     intptr_t* frame_sp = caller.sp() - fsize;
523     if ((bottom && argsize > 0) || caller.is_interpreted_frame()) {
524       frame_sp -= argsize + frame::metadata_words_at_top;
525       frame_sp = align_down(frame_sp, frame::alignment_in_bytes);
526       caller.set_sp(frame_sp + fsize);
527     }
529     assert(hf.cb() != nullptr, "");
530     assert(hf.oop_map() != nullptr, "");
531     intptr_t* fp = frame_sp + fsize;
532     return frame(frame_sp, frame_sp, fp, hf.pc(), hf.cb(), hf.oop_map(), false);
533   }
534 }
536 inline intptr_t* ThawBase::align(const frame& hf, intptr_t* frame_sp, frame& caller, bool bottom) {
537   // Unused. Alignment is done directly in new_stack_frame() / finish_thaw().
538   return nullptr;
539 }
541 inline void ThawBase::derelativize_interpreted_frame_metadata(const frame& hf, const frame& f) {
542   intptr_t* vfp = f.fp();
544   // Make sure that monitors is still relativized.
545   assert(f.at_absolute(ijava_idx(monitors)) <= -(frame::ijava_state_size / wordSize), "");
547   // Make sure that esp is still relativized.
548   assert(f.at_absolute(ijava_idx(esp)) <= f.at_absolute(ijava_idx(monitors)), "");
550   // Keep top_frame_sp relativized.
551 }
553 inline intptr_t* ThawBase::push_cleanup_continuation() {
554   frame enterSpecial = new_entry_frame();
555   frame::common_abi* enterSpecial_abi = (frame::common_abi*)enterSpecial.sp();
557   enterSpecial_abi->lr = (intptr_t)ContinuationEntry::cleanup_pc();
559   log_develop_trace(continuations, preempt)("push_cleanup_continuation enterSpecial sp: " INTPTR_FORMAT " cleanup pc: " INTPTR_FORMAT,
560                                             p2i(enterSpecial_abi),
561                                             p2i(ContinuationEntry::cleanup_pc()));
563   return enterSpecial.sp();
564 }
566 inline void ThawBase::patch_pd(frame& f, const frame& caller) {
567   patch_callee_link(caller, caller.fp());
568   // Prevent assertion if f gets deoptimized right away before it's fully initialized
569   f.mark_not_fully_initialized();
570 }
572 inline void ThawBase::patch_pd(frame& f, intptr_t* caller_sp) {
573   assert(f.own_abi()->callers_sp == (uint64_t)caller_sp, "should have been fixed by patch_caller_links");
574 }
576 //
577 // Interpreter Calling Procedure on PPC
578 //
579 // Caller                                   Resized Caller before the Call                New Callee Frame
580 //
581 //   - SP/FP are 16 byte aligned.           - The unused part of the expression stack     - The caller's original SP is passed as
582 //     Padding is added as necessary.         is removed                                    sender SP (in R21_sender_SP) also by
583 //   - SP is _not_ used as esp              - Slots for the callee's nonparameter locals    compiled callers. It is saved in the
584 //     (expression stack pointer)             are added.                                    ijava_state::sender_sp slot and
585 //   - Has reserved slots for the           - The large ABI is replaced with a minimal      restored when returning.
586 //     maximal expression stack               ABI.                                          This removes a c2i extension if there
587 //   - Has a larger ABI section on          - The original SP was saved in                  is one.
588 //     top that is required to call           ijava_state::top_frame_sp slot.             - ijava_state::sender_sp will be set
589 //     C++ code                               From there it is restored as SP _after_       as the caller's unextended sp when
590 //                                            returning from a call. This reverts the       iterating stack frames
591 //                                            resizing described above. It is also          (see frame::unextended_sp() and
592 //                                            required to undo potential i2c extensions     frame::sender_for_interpreter_frame())
593 //                                            if the calle should be compiled.
594 //                                          - Note that unextended SP < SP
595 //                                            is possible on ppc.
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