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2323     and_(R0/*==0?*/, current_header, temp);
2324     // If condition is true we are cont and hence we can store 0 as the
2325     // displaced header in the box, which indicates that it is a recursive lock.
2326     std(R0/*==0, perhaps*/, BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes(), box);
2328     if (flag != CCR0) {
2329       mcrf(flag, CCR0);
2330     }
2331     beq(CCR0, success);
2332     b(failure);
2333   }
2335   // Handle existing monitor.
2336   bind(object_has_monitor);
2337   // The object's monitor m is unlocked iff m->owner is null,
2338   // otherwise m->owner may contain a thread or a stack address.
2340   // Try to CAS m->owner from null to current thread.
2341   addi(temp, displaced_header, in_bytes(ObjectMonitor::owner_offset()) - markWord::monitor_value);

2342   cmpxchgd(/*flag=*/flag,
2343            /*current_value=*/current_header,
2344            /*compare_value=*/(intptr_t)0,
2345            /*exchange_value=*/R16_thread,
2346            /*where=*/temp,
2347            MacroAssembler::MemBarRel | MacroAssembler::MemBarAcq,
2348            MacroAssembler::cmpxchgx_hint_acquire_lock());
2350   // Store a non-null value into the box.
2351   std(box, BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes(), box);
2352   beq(flag, success);
2354   // Check for recursive locking.
2355   cmpd(flag, current_header, R16_thread);
2356   bne(flag, failure);
2358   // Current thread already owns the lock. Just increment recursions.
2359   Register recursions = displaced_header;
2360   ld(recursions, in_bytes(ObjectMonitor::recursions_offset() - ObjectMonitor::owner_offset()), temp);
2361   addi(recursions, recursions, 1);
2362   std(recursions, in_bytes(ObjectMonitor::recursions_offset() - ObjectMonitor::owner_offset()), temp);
2364   // flag == EQ indicates success, increment held monitor count
2365   // flag == NE indicates failure
2366   bind(success);
2367   inc_held_monitor_count(temp);
2368   bind(failure);
2369 }
2371 void MacroAssembler::compiler_fast_unlock_object(ConditionRegister flag, Register oop, Register box,
2372                                                  Register temp, Register displaced_header, Register current_header) {
2373   assert(LockingMode != LM_LIGHTWEIGHT, "uses fast_unlock_lightweight");
2374   assert_different_registers(oop, box, temp, displaced_header, current_header);
2375   Label success, failure, object_has_monitor, notRecursive;

2402              /*current_value=*/current_header,
2403              /*compare_value=*/box,
2404              /*exchange_value=*/displaced_header,
2405              /*where=*/oop,
2406              MacroAssembler::MemBarRel,
2407              MacroAssembler::cmpxchgx_hint_release_lock(),
2408              noreg,
2409              &failure);
2410     assert(oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes() == 0, "offset of _mark is not 0");
2411     b(success);
2412   }
2414   // Handle existing monitor.
2415   bind(object_has_monitor);
2416   STATIC_ASSERT(markWord::monitor_value <= INT_MAX);
2417   addi(current_header, current_header, -(int)markWord::monitor_value); // monitor
2418   ld(temp,             in_bytes(ObjectMonitor::owner_offset()), current_header);
2420   // In case of LM_LIGHTWEIGHT, we may reach here with (temp & ObjectMonitor::ANONYMOUS_OWNER) != 0.
2421   // This is handled like owner thread mismatches: We take the slow path.
2422   cmpd(flag, temp, R16_thread);

2423   bne(flag, failure);
2425   ld(displaced_header, in_bytes(ObjectMonitor::recursions_offset()), current_header);
2427   addic_(displaced_header, displaced_header, -1);
2428   blt(CCR0, notRecursive); // Not recursive if negative after decrement.
2429   std(displaced_header, in_bytes(ObjectMonitor::recursions_offset()), current_header);
2430   if (flag == CCR0) { // Otherwise, flag is already EQ, here.
2431     crorc(CCR0, Assembler::equal, CCR0, Assembler::equal); // Set CCR0 EQ
2432   }
2433   b(success);
2435   bind(notRecursive);
2436   ld(temp,             in_bytes(ObjectMonitor::EntryList_offset()), current_header);
2437   ld(displaced_header, in_bytes(ObjectMonitor::cxq_offset()), current_header);
2438   orr(temp, temp, displaced_header); // Will be 0 if both are 0.
2439   cmpdi(flag, temp, 0);
2440   bne(flag, failure);
2441   release();
2442   std(temp, in_bytes(ObjectMonitor::owner_offset()), current_header);

2507     bind(push);
2508     // After successful lock, push object on lock-stack.
2509     stdx(obj, R16_thread, top);
2510     addi(top, top, oopSize);
2511     stw(top, in_bytes(JavaThread::lock_stack_top_offset()), R16_thread);
2512     b(locked);
2513   }
2515   { // Handle inflated monitor.
2516     bind(inflated);
2518     // mark contains the tagged ObjectMonitor*.
2519     const Register tagged_monitor = mark;
2520     const uintptr_t monitor_tag = markWord::monitor_value;
2521     const Register owner_addr = tmp2;
2523     // Compute owner address.
2524     addi(owner_addr, tagged_monitor, in_bytes(ObjectMonitor::owner_offset()) - monitor_tag);
2526     // CAS owner (null => current thread).

2527     cmpxchgd(/*flag=*/flag,
2528             /*current_value=*/t,
2529             /*compare_value=*/(intptr_t)0,
2530             /*exchange_value=*/R16_thread,
2531             /*where=*/owner_addr,
2532             MacroAssembler::MemBarRel | MacroAssembler::MemBarAcq,
2533             MacroAssembler::cmpxchgx_hint_acquire_lock());
2534     beq(flag, locked);
2536     // Check if recursive.
2537     cmpd(flag, t, R16_thread);
2538     bne(flag, slow_path);
2540     // Recursive.
2541     ld(tmp1, in_bytes(ObjectMonitor::recursions_offset() - ObjectMonitor::owner_offset()), owner_addr);
2542     addi(tmp1, tmp1, 1);
2543     std(tmp1, in_bytes(ObjectMonitor::recursions_offset() - ObjectMonitor::owner_offset()), owner_addr);
2544   }
2546   bind(locked);
2547   inc_held_monitor_count(tmp1);
2549 #ifdef ASSERT
2550   // Check that locked label is reached with flag == EQ.
2551   Label flag_correct;
2552   beq(flag, flag_correct);
2553   stop("Fast Lock Flag != EQ");
2554 #endif
2555   bind(slow_path);
2556 #ifdef ASSERT
2557   // Check that slow_path label is reached with flag == NE.

2672     // Recursive unlock.
2673     std(recursions, in_bytes(ObjectMonitor::recursions_offset()), monitor);
2674     crorc(CCR0, Assembler::equal, CCR0, Assembler::equal);
2675     b(unlocked);
2677     bind(not_recursive);
2679     Label release_;
2680     const Register t2 = tmp2;
2682     // Check if the entry lists are empty.
2683     ld(t, in_bytes(ObjectMonitor::EntryList_offset()), monitor);
2684     ld(t2, in_bytes(ObjectMonitor::cxq_offset()), monitor);
2685     orr(t, t, t2);
2686     cmpdi(flag, t, 0);
2687     beq(flag, release_);
2689     // The owner may be anonymous and we removed the last obj entry in
2690     // the lock-stack. This loses the information about the owner.
2691     // Write the thread to the owner field so the runtime knows the owner.
2692     std(R16_thread, in_bytes(ObjectMonitor::owner_offset()), monitor);

2693     b(slow_path);
2695     bind(release_);
2696     // Set owner to null.
2697     release();
2698     // t contains 0
2699     std(t, in_bytes(ObjectMonitor::owner_offset()), monitor);
2700   }
2702   bind(unlocked);
2703   dec_held_monitor_count(t);
2705 #ifdef ASSERT
2706   // Check that unlocked label is reached with flag == EQ.
2707   Label flag_correct;
2708   beq(flag, flag_correct);
2709   stop("Fast Lock Flag != EQ");
2710 #endif
2711   bind(slow_path);
2712 #ifdef ASSERT

2323     and_(R0/*==0?*/, current_header, temp);
2324     // If condition is true we are cont and hence we can store 0 as the
2325     // displaced header in the box, which indicates that it is a recursive lock.
2326     std(R0/*==0, perhaps*/, BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes(), box);
2328     if (flag != CCR0) {
2329       mcrf(flag, CCR0);
2330     }
2331     beq(CCR0, success);
2332     b(failure);
2333   }
2335   // Handle existing monitor.
2336   bind(object_has_monitor);
2337   // The object's monitor m is unlocked iff m->owner is null,
2338   // otherwise m->owner may contain a thread or a stack address.
2340   // Try to CAS m->owner from null to current thread.
2341   addi(temp, displaced_header, in_bytes(ObjectMonitor::owner_offset()) - markWord::monitor_value);
2342   Register thread_id = displaced_header;
2343   ld(thread_id, in_bytes(JavaThread::lock_id_offset()), R16_thread);
2344   cmpxchgd(/*flag=*/flag,
2345            /*current_value=*/current_header,
2346            /*compare_value=*/(intptr_t)0,
2347            /*exchange_value=*/thread_id,
2348            /*where=*/temp,
2349            MacroAssembler::MemBarRel | MacroAssembler::MemBarAcq,
2350            MacroAssembler::cmpxchgx_hint_acquire_lock());
2352   // Store a non-null value into the box.
2353   std(box, BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes(), box);
2354   beq(flag, success);
2356   // Check for recursive locking.
2357   cmpd(flag, current_header, thread_id);
2358   bne(flag, failure);
2360   // Current thread already owns the lock. Just increment recursions.
2361   Register recursions = displaced_header;
2362   ld(recursions, in_bytes(ObjectMonitor::recursions_offset() - ObjectMonitor::owner_offset()), temp);
2363   addi(recursions, recursions, 1);
2364   std(recursions, in_bytes(ObjectMonitor::recursions_offset() - ObjectMonitor::owner_offset()), temp);
2366   // flag == EQ indicates success, increment held monitor count
2367   // flag == NE indicates failure
2368   bind(success);
2369   inc_held_monitor_count(temp);
2370   bind(failure);
2371 }
2373 void MacroAssembler::compiler_fast_unlock_object(ConditionRegister flag, Register oop, Register box,
2374                                                  Register temp, Register displaced_header, Register current_header) {
2375   assert(LockingMode != LM_LIGHTWEIGHT, "uses fast_unlock_lightweight");
2376   assert_different_registers(oop, box, temp, displaced_header, current_header);
2377   Label success, failure, object_has_monitor, notRecursive;

2404              /*current_value=*/current_header,
2405              /*compare_value=*/box,
2406              /*exchange_value=*/displaced_header,
2407              /*where=*/oop,
2408              MacroAssembler::MemBarRel,
2409              MacroAssembler::cmpxchgx_hint_release_lock(),
2410              noreg,
2411              &failure);
2412     assert(oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes() == 0, "offset of _mark is not 0");
2413     b(success);
2414   }
2416   // Handle existing monitor.
2417   bind(object_has_monitor);
2418   STATIC_ASSERT(markWord::monitor_value <= INT_MAX);
2419   addi(current_header, current_header, -(int)markWord::monitor_value); // monitor
2420   ld(temp,             in_bytes(ObjectMonitor::owner_offset()), current_header);
2422   // In case of LM_LIGHTWEIGHT, we may reach here with (temp & ObjectMonitor::ANONYMOUS_OWNER) != 0.
2423   // This is handled like owner thread mismatches: We take the slow path.
2424   Register thread_id = displaced_header;
2425   ld(thread_id, in_bytes(JavaThread::lock_id_offset()), R16_thread);
2426   cmpd(flag, temp, thread_id);
2427   bne(flag, failure);
2429   ld(displaced_header, in_bytes(ObjectMonitor::recursions_offset()), current_header);
2431   addic_(displaced_header, displaced_header, -1);
2432   blt(CCR0, notRecursive); // Not recursive if negative after decrement.
2433   std(displaced_header, in_bytes(ObjectMonitor::recursions_offset()), current_header);
2434   if (flag == CCR0) { // Otherwise, flag is already EQ, here.
2435     crorc(CCR0, Assembler::equal, CCR0, Assembler::equal); // Set CCR0 EQ
2436   }
2437   b(success);
2439   bind(notRecursive);
2440   ld(temp,             in_bytes(ObjectMonitor::EntryList_offset()), current_header);
2441   ld(displaced_header, in_bytes(ObjectMonitor::cxq_offset()), current_header);
2442   orr(temp, temp, displaced_header); // Will be 0 if both are 0.
2443   cmpdi(flag, temp, 0);
2444   bne(flag, failure);
2445   release();
2446   std(temp, in_bytes(ObjectMonitor::owner_offset()), current_header);

2511     bind(push);
2512     // After successful lock, push object on lock-stack.
2513     stdx(obj, R16_thread, top);
2514     addi(top, top, oopSize);
2515     stw(top, in_bytes(JavaThread::lock_stack_top_offset()), R16_thread);
2516     b(locked);
2517   }
2519   { // Handle inflated monitor.
2520     bind(inflated);
2522     // mark contains the tagged ObjectMonitor*.
2523     const Register tagged_monitor = mark;
2524     const uintptr_t monitor_tag = markWord::monitor_value;
2525     const Register owner_addr = tmp2;
2527     // Compute owner address.
2528     addi(owner_addr, tagged_monitor, in_bytes(ObjectMonitor::owner_offset()) - monitor_tag);
2530     // CAS owner (null => current thread id).
2531     Register thread_id = tmp1;
2532     ld(thread_id, in_bytes(JavaThread::lock_id_offset()), R16_thread);
2533     cmpxchgd(/*flag=*/flag,
2534             /*current_value=*/t,
2535             /*compare_value=*/(intptr_t)0,
2536             /*exchange_value=*/thread_id,
2537             /*where=*/owner_addr,
2538             MacroAssembler::MemBarRel | MacroAssembler::MemBarAcq,
2539             MacroAssembler::cmpxchgx_hint_acquire_lock());
2540     beq(flag, locked);
2542     // Check if recursive.
2543     cmpd(flag, t, thread_id);
2544     bne(flag, slow_path);
2546     // Recursive.
2547     ld(tmp1, in_bytes(ObjectMonitor::recursions_offset() - ObjectMonitor::owner_offset()), owner_addr);
2548     addi(tmp1, tmp1, 1);
2549     std(tmp1, in_bytes(ObjectMonitor::recursions_offset() - ObjectMonitor::owner_offset()), owner_addr);
2550   }
2552   bind(locked);
2553   inc_held_monitor_count(tmp1);
2555 #ifdef ASSERT
2556   // Check that locked label is reached with flag == EQ.
2557   Label flag_correct;
2558   beq(flag, flag_correct);
2559   stop("Fast Lock Flag != EQ");
2560 #endif
2561   bind(slow_path);
2562 #ifdef ASSERT
2563   // Check that slow_path label is reached with flag == NE.

2678     // Recursive unlock.
2679     std(recursions, in_bytes(ObjectMonitor::recursions_offset()), monitor);
2680     crorc(CCR0, Assembler::equal, CCR0, Assembler::equal);
2681     b(unlocked);
2683     bind(not_recursive);
2685     Label release_;
2686     const Register t2 = tmp2;
2688     // Check if the entry lists are empty.
2689     ld(t, in_bytes(ObjectMonitor::EntryList_offset()), monitor);
2690     ld(t2, in_bytes(ObjectMonitor::cxq_offset()), monitor);
2691     orr(t, t, t2);
2692     cmpdi(flag, t, 0);
2693     beq(flag, release_);
2695     // The owner may be anonymous and we removed the last obj entry in
2696     // the lock-stack. This loses the information about the owner.
2697     // Write the thread to the owner field so the runtime knows the owner.
2698     Register thread_id = tmp2;
2699     ld(thread_id, in_bytes(JavaThread::lock_id_offset()), R16_thread);
2700     std(thread_id, in_bytes(ObjectMonitor::owner_offset()), monitor);
2701     b(slow_path);
2703     bind(release_);
2704     // Set owner to null.
2705     release();
2706     // t contains 0
2707     std(t, in_bytes(ObjectMonitor::owner_offset()), monitor);
2708   }
2710   bind(unlocked);
2711   dec_held_monitor_count(t);
2713 #ifdef ASSERT
2714   // Check that unlocked label is reached with flag == EQ.
2715   Label flag_correct;
2716   beq(flag, flag_correct);
2717   stop("Fast Lock Flag != EQ");
2718 #endif
2719   bind(slow_path);
2720 #ifdef ASSERT
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