28 #include "asm/assembler.inline.hpp"
29 #include "opto/c2_MacroAssembler.hpp"
30 #include "opto/compile.hpp"
31 #include "opto/intrinsicnode.hpp"
32 #include "opto/output.hpp"
33 #include "opto/subnode.hpp"
34 #include "runtime/stubRoutines.hpp"
35 #include "utilities/globalDefinitions.hpp"
37 #ifdef PRODUCT
38 #define BLOCK_COMMENT(str) /* nothing */
39 #define STOP(error) stop(error)
40 #else
41 #define BLOCK_COMMENT(str) block_comment(str)
42 #define STOP(error) block_comment(error); stop(error)
43 #endif
45 #define BIND(label) bind(label); BLOCK_COMMENT(#label ":")
47 void C2_MacroAssembler::fast_lock(Register objectReg, Register boxReg,
48 Register tmp1Reg, Register tmp2Reg, Register tmp3Reg) {
49 // Use cr register to indicate the fast_lock result: zero for success; non-zero for failure.
50 Register flag = t1;
51 Register oop = objectReg;
52 Register box = boxReg;
53 Register disp_hdr = tmp1Reg;
54 Register tmp = tmp2Reg;
55 Label object_has_monitor;
56 // Finish fast lock successfully. MUST branch to with flag == 0
57 Label locked;
58 // Finish fast lock unsuccessfully. slow_path MUST branch to with flag != 0
59 Label slow_path;
61 assert(LockingMode != LM_LIGHTWEIGHT, "lightweight locking should use fast_lock_lightweight");
62 assert_different_registers(oop, box, tmp, disp_hdr, flag, tmp3Reg, t0);
64 mv(flag, 1);
66 // Load markWord from object into displaced_header.
67 ld(disp_hdr, Address(oop, oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes()));
87 // Initialize the box. (Must happen before we update the object mark!)
88 sd(tmp, Address(box, BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes()));
90 // Compare object markWord with an unlocked value (tmp) and if
91 // equal exchange the stack address of our box with object markWord.
92 // On failure disp_hdr contains the possibly locked markWord.
93 cmpxchg(/*memory address*/oop, /*expected value*/tmp, /*new value*/box, Assembler::int64,
94 Assembler::aq, Assembler::rl, /*result*/disp_hdr);
95 beq(disp_hdr, tmp, locked);
97 assert(oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes() == 0, "offset of _mark is not 0");
99 // If the compare-and-exchange succeeded, then we found an unlocked
100 // object, will have now locked it will continue at label locked
101 // We did not see an unlocked object so try the fast recursive case.
103 // Check if the owner is self by comparing the value in the
104 // markWord of object (disp_hdr) with the stack pointer.
105 sub(disp_hdr, disp_hdr, sp);
106 mv(tmp, (intptr_t) (~(os::vm_page_size()-1) | (uintptr_t)markWord::lock_mask_in_place));
107 // If (mark & lock_mask) == 0 and mark - sp < page_size, we are stack-locking and goto label locked,
108 // hence we can store 0 as the displaced header in the box, which indicates that it is a
109 // recursive lock.
110 andr(tmp/*==0?*/, disp_hdr, tmp);
111 sd(tmp/*==0, perhaps*/, Address(box, BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes()));
112 beqz(tmp, locked);
113 j(slow_path);
114 }
116 // Handle existing monitor.
117 bind(object_has_monitor);
118 // The object's monitor m is unlocked iff m->owner == nullptr,
119 // otherwise m->owner may contain a thread or a stack address.
120 //
121 // Try to CAS m->owner from null to current thread.
122 add(tmp, disp_hdr, (in_bytes(ObjectMonitor::owner_offset()) - markWord::monitor_value));
123 cmpxchg(/*memory address*/tmp, /*expected value*/zr, /*new value*/xthread, Assembler::int64,
124 Assembler::aq, Assembler::rl, /*result*/tmp3Reg); // cas succeeds if tmp3Reg == zr(expected)
126 // Store a non-null value into the box to avoid looking like a re-entrant
127 // lock. The fast-path monitor unlock code checks for
128 // markWord::monitor_value so use markWord::unused_mark which has the
129 // relevant bit set, and also matches ObjectSynchronizer::slow_enter.
130 mv(tmp, (address)markWord::unused_mark().value());
131 sd(tmp, Address(box, BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes()));
133 beqz(tmp3Reg, locked); // CAS success means locking succeeded
135 bne(tmp3Reg, xthread, slow_path); // Check for recursive locking
137 // Recursive lock case
138 increment(Address(disp_hdr, in_bytes(ObjectMonitor::recursions_offset()) - markWord::monitor_value), 1, tmp2Reg, tmp3Reg);
140 bind(locked);
141 mv(flag, zr);
142 increment(Address(xthread, JavaThread::held_monitor_count_offset()), 1, tmp2Reg, tmp3Reg);
144 #ifdef ASSERT
145 // Check that locked label is reached with flag == 0.
146 Label flag_correct;
147 beqz(flag, flag_correct);
148 stop("Fast Lock Flag != 0");
149 #endif
151 bind(slow_path);
152 #ifdef ASSERT
153 // Check that slow_path label is reached with flag != 0.
154 bnez(flag, flag_correct);
155 stop("Fast Lock Flag == 0");
156 bind(flag_correct);
157 #endif
158 // C2 uses the value of flag (0 vs !0) to determine the continuation.
159 }
161 void C2_MacroAssembler::fast_unlock(Register objectReg, Register boxReg,
162 Register tmp1Reg, Register tmp2Reg) {
237 // Check if the entry lists are empty.
238 ld(t0, Address(tmp, ObjectMonitor::EntryList_offset()));
239 ld(tmp1Reg, Address(tmp, ObjectMonitor::cxq_offset()));
240 orr(t0, t0, tmp1Reg);
241 beqz(t0, unlocked); // If so we are done.
243 // Check if there is a successor.
244 ld(t0, Address(tmp, ObjectMonitor::succ_offset()));
245 bnez(t0, unlocked); // If so we are done.
247 // Save the monitor pointer in the current thread, so we can try to
248 // reacquire the lock in SharedRuntime::monitor_exit_helper().
249 sd(tmp, Address(xthread, JavaThread::unlocked_inflated_monitor_offset()));
251 mv(flag, 1);
252 j(slow_path);
254 bind(unlocked);
255 mv(flag, zr);
256 decrement(Address(xthread, JavaThread::held_monitor_count_offset()), 1, tmp1Reg, tmp2Reg);
258 #ifdef ASSERT
259 // Check that unlocked label is reached with flag == 0.
260 Label flag_correct;
261 beqz(flag, flag_correct);
262 stop("Fast Lock Flag != 0");
263 #endif
265 bind(slow_path);
266 #ifdef ASSERT
267 // Check that slow_path label is reached with flag != 0.
268 bnez(flag, flag_correct);
269 stop("Fast Lock Flag == 0");
270 bind(flag_correct);
271 #endif
272 // C2 uses the value of flag (0 vs !0) to determine the continuation.
273 }
275 void C2_MacroAssembler::fast_lock_lightweight(Register obj, Register box,
276 Register tmp1, Register tmp2, Register tmp3) {
277 // Flag register, zero for success; non-zero for failure.
278 Register flag = t1;
280 assert(LockingMode == LM_LIGHTWEIGHT, "must be");
281 assert_different_registers(obj, box, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, flag, t0);
283 mv(flag, 1);
285 // Handle inflated monitor.
286 Label inflated;
287 // Finish fast lock successfully. MUST branch to with flag == 0
288 Label locked;
289 // Finish fast lock unsuccessfully. slow_path MUST branch to with flag != 0
290 Label slow_path;
292 if (UseObjectMonitorTable) {
293 // Clear cache in case fast locking succeeds.
294 sd(zr, Address(box, BasicLock::object_monitor_cache_offset_in_bytes()));
295 }
297 if (DiagnoseSyncOnValueBasedClasses != 0) {
298 load_klass(tmp1, obj);
299 lbu(tmp1, Address(tmp1, Klass::misc_flags_offset()));
300 test_bit(tmp1, tmp1, exact_log2(KlassFlags::_misc_is_value_based_class));
301 bnez(tmp1, slow_path);
332 // Try to lock. Transition lock-bits 0b01 => 0b00
333 ori(tmp1_mark, tmp1_mark, markWord::unlocked_value);
334 xori(tmp3_t, tmp1_mark, markWord::unlocked_value);
335 cmpxchg(/*addr*/ obj, /*expected*/ tmp1_mark, /*new*/ tmp3_t, Assembler::int64,
336 /*acquire*/ Assembler::aq, /*release*/ Assembler::relaxed, /*result*/ tmp3_t);
337 bne(tmp1_mark, tmp3_t, slow_path);
339 bind(push);
340 // After successful lock, push object on lock-stack.
341 add(tmp3_t, xthread, tmp2_top);
342 sd(obj, Address(tmp3_t));
343 addw(tmp2_top, tmp2_top, oopSize);
344 sw(tmp2_top, Address(xthread, JavaThread::lock_stack_top_offset()));
345 j(locked);
346 }
348 { // Handle inflated monitor.
349 bind(inflated);
351 const Register tmp1_monitor = tmp1;
352 if (!UseObjectMonitorTable) {
353 assert(tmp1_monitor == tmp1_mark, "should be the same here");
354 } else {
355 Label monitor_found;
357 // Load cache address
358 la(tmp3_t, Address(xthread, JavaThread::om_cache_oops_offset()));
360 const int num_unrolled = 2;
361 for (int i = 0; i < num_unrolled; i++) {
362 ld(tmp1, Address(tmp3_t));
363 beq(obj, tmp1, monitor_found);
364 add(tmp3_t, tmp3_t, in_bytes(OMCache::oop_to_oop_difference()));
365 }
367 Label loop;
369 // Search for obj in cache.
370 bind(loop);
378 bnez(tmp1, loop);
379 // Cache Miss. Take the slowpath.
380 j(slow_path);
382 bind(monitor_found);
383 ld(tmp1_monitor, Address(tmp3_t, OMCache::oop_to_monitor_difference()));
384 }
386 const Register tmp2_owner_addr = tmp2;
387 const Register tmp3_owner = tmp3;
389 const ByteSize monitor_tag = in_ByteSize(UseObjectMonitorTable ? 0 : checked_cast<int>(markWord::monitor_value));
390 const Address owner_address(tmp1_monitor, ObjectMonitor::owner_offset() - monitor_tag);
391 const Address recursions_address(tmp1_monitor, ObjectMonitor::recursions_offset() - monitor_tag);
393 Label monitor_locked;
395 // Compute owner address.
396 la(tmp2_owner_addr, owner_address);
398 // CAS owner (null => current thread).
399 cmpxchg(/*addr*/ tmp2_owner_addr, /*expected*/ zr, /*new*/ xthread, Assembler::int64,
400 /*acquire*/ Assembler::aq, /*release*/ Assembler::relaxed, /*result*/ tmp3_owner);
401 beqz(tmp3_owner, monitor_locked);
403 // Check if recursive.
404 bne(tmp3_owner, xthread, slow_path);
406 // Recursive.
407 increment(recursions_address, 1, tmp2, tmp3);
409 bind(monitor_locked);
410 if (UseObjectMonitorTable) {
411 sd(tmp1_monitor, Address(box, BasicLock::object_monitor_cache_offset_in_bytes()));
412 }
413 }
415 bind(locked);
416 mv(flag, zr);
417 increment(Address(xthread, JavaThread::held_monitor_count_offset()), 1, tmp2, tmp3);
419 #ifdef ASSERT
420 // Check that locked label is reached with flag == 0.
421 Label flag_correct;
422 beqz(flag, flag_correct);
423 stop("Fast Lock Flag != 0");
424 #endif
426 bind(slow_path);
427 #ifdef ASSERT
428 // Check that slow_path label is reached with flag != 0.
429 bnez(flag, flag_correct);
430 stop("Fast Lock Flag == 0");
431 bind(flag_correct);
432 #endif
433 // C2 uses the value of flag (0 vs !0) to determine the continuation.
434 }
436 void C2_MacroAssembler::fast_unlock_lightweight(Register obj, Register box,
437 Register tmp1, Register tmp2, Register tmp3) {
569 // Check if the entry lists are empty.
570 ld(t0, Address(tmp1_monitor, ObjectMonitor::EntryList_offset()));
571 ld(tmp3_t, Address(tmp1_monitor, ObjectMonitor::cxq_offset()));
572 orr(t0, t0, tmp3_t);
573 beqz(t0, unlocked); // If so we are done.
575 // Check if there is a successor.
576 ld(tmp3_t, Address(tmp1_monitor, ObjectMonitor::succ_offset()));
577 bnez(tmp3_t, unlocked); // If so we are done.
579 // Save the monitor pointer in the current thread, so we can try
580 // to reacquire the lock in SharedRuntime::monitor_exit_helper().
581 sd(tmp1_monitor, Address(xthread, JavaThread::unlocked_inflated_monitor_offset()));
583 mv(flag, 1);
584 j(slow_path);
585 }
587 bind(unlocked);
588 mv(flag, zr);
589 decrement(Address(xthread, JavaThread::held_monitor_count_offset()), 1, tmp2, tmp3);
591 #ifdef ASSERT
592 // Check that unlocked label is reached with flag == 0.
593 Label flag_correct;
594 beqz(flag, flag_correct);
595 stop("Fast Lock Flag != 0");
596 #endif
598 bind(slow_path);
599 #ifdef ASSERT
600 // Check that slow_path label is reached with flag != 0.
601 bnez(flag, flag_correct);
602 stop("Fast Lock Flag == 0");
603 bind(flag_correct);
604 #endif
605 // C2 uses the value of flag (0 vs !0) to determine the continuation.
606 }
608 // short string
609 // StringUTF16.indexOfChar
28 #include "asm/assembler.inline.hpp"
29 #include "opto/c2_MacroAssembler.hpp"
30 #include "opto/compile.hpp"
31 #include "opto/intrinsicnode.hpp"
32 #include "opto/output.hpp"
33 #include "opto/subnode.hpp"
34 #include "runtime/stubRoutines.hpp"
35 #include "utilities/globalDefinitions.hpp"
37 #ifdef PRODUCT
38 #define BLOCK_COMMENT(str) /* nothing */
39 #define STOP(error) stop(error)
40 #else
41 #define BLOCK_COMMENT(str) block_comment(str)
42 #define STOP(error) block_comment(error); stop(error)
43 #endif
45 #define BIND(label) bind(label); BLOCK_COMMENT(#label ":")
47 void C2_MacroAssembler::fast_lock(Register objectReg, Register boxReg,
48 Register tmp1Reg, Register tmp2Reg, Register tmp3Reg, Register tmp4Reg) {
49 // Use cr register to indicate the fast_lock result: zero for success; non-zero for failure.
50 Register flag = t1;
51 Register oop = objectReg;
52 Register box = boxReg;
53 Register disp_hdr = tmp1Reg;
54 Register tmp = tmp2Reg;
55 Label object_has_monitor;
56 // Finish fast lock successfully. MUST branch to with flag == 0
57 Label locked;
58 // Finish fast lock unsuccessfully. slow_path MUST branch to with flag != 0
59 Label slow_path;
61 assert(LockingMode != LM_LIGHTWEIGHT, "lightweight locking should use fast_lock_lightweight");
62 assert_different_registers(oop, box, tmp, disp_hdr, flag, tmp3Reg, t0);
64 mv(flag, 1);
66 // Load markWord from object into displaced_header.
67 ld(disp_hdr, Address(oop, oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes()));
87 // Initialize the box. (Must happen before we update the object mark!)
88 sd(tmp, Address(box, BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes()));
90 // Compare object markWord with an unlocked value (tmp) and if
91 // equal exchange the stack address of our box with object markWord.
92 // On failure disp_hdr contains the possibly locked markWord.
93 cmpxchg(/*memory address*/oop, /*expected value*/tmp, /*new value*/box, Assembler::int64,
94 Assembler::aq, Assembler::rl, /*result*/disp_hdr);
95 beq(disp_hdr, tmp, locked);
97 assert(oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes() == 0, "offset of _mark is not 0");
99 // If the compare-and-exchange succeeded, then we found an unlocked
100 // object, will have now locked it will continue at label locked
101 // We did not see an unlocked object so try the fast recursive case.
103 // Check if the owner is self by comparing the value in the
104 // markWord of object (disp_hdr) with the stack pointer.
105 sub(disp_hdr, disp_hdr, sp);
106 mv(tmp, (intptr_t) (~(os::vm_page_size()-1) | (uintptr_t)markWord::lock_mask_in_place));
107 // If (mark & lock_mask) == 0 and mark - sp < page_size, we are stack-locking and goto label
108 // locked, hence we can store 0 as the displaced header in the box, which indicates that it
109 // is a recursive lock.
110 andr(tmp/*==0?*/, disp_hdr, tmp);
111 sd(tmp/*==0, perhaps*/, Address(box, BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes()));
112 beqz(tmp, locked);
113 j(slow_path);
114 }
116 // Handle existing monitor.
117 bind(object_has_monitor);
119 // The object's monitor m is unlocked iff m->owner == nullptr,
120 // otherwise m->owner may contain a thread id, a stack address for LM_LEGACY,
121 // the ANONYMOUS_OWNER constant for LM_LIGHTWEIGHT.
122 //
123 // Try to CAS m->owner from null to current thread id.
124 add(tmp, disp_hdr, (in_bytes(ObjectMonitor::owner_offset()) - markWord::monitor_value));
125 Register tid = tmp4Reg;
126 ld(tid, Address(xthread, JavaThread::lock_id_offset()));
127 cmpxchg(/*memory address*/tmp, /*expected value*/zr, /*new value*/tid, Assembler::int64,
128 Assembler::aq, Assembler::rl, /*result*/tmp3Reg); // cas succeeds if tmp3Reg == zr(expected)
130 // Store a non-null value into the box to avoid looking like a re-entrant
131 // lock. The fast-path monitor unlock code checks for
132 // markWord::monitor_value so use markWord::unused_mark which has the
133 // relevant bit set, and also matches ObjectSynchronizer::slow_enter.
134 mv(tmp, (address)markWord::unused_mark().value());
135 sd(tmp, Address(box, BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes()));
137 beqz(tmp3Reg, locked); // CAS success means locking succeeded
139 bne(tmp3Reg, tid, slow_path); // Check for recursive locking
141 // Recursive lock case
142 increment(Address(disp_hdr, in_bytes(ObjectMonitor::recursions_offset()) - markWord::monitor_value), 1, tmp2Reg, tmp3Reg);
144 bind(locked);
145 mv(flag, zr);
146 if (LockingMode == LM_LEGACY) {
147 inc_held_monitor_count();
148 }
150 #ifdef ASSERT
151 // Check that locked label is reached with flag == 0.
152 Label flag_correct;
153 beqz(flag, flag_correct);
154 stop("Fast Lock Flag != 0");
155 #endif
157 bind(slow_path);
158 #ifdef ASSERT
159 // Check that slow_path label is reached with flag != 0.
160 bnez(flag, flag_correct);
161 stop("Fast Lock Flag == 0");
162 bind(flag_correct);
163 #endif
164 // C2 uses the value of flag (0 vs !0) to determine the continuation.
165 }
167 void C2_MacroAssembler::fast_unlock(Register objectReg, Register boxReg,
168 Register tmp1Reg, Register tmp2Reg) {
243 // Check if the entry lists are empty.
244 ld(t0, Address(tmp, ObjectMonitor::EntryList_offset()));
245 ld(tmp1Reg, Address(tmp, ObjectMonitor::cxq_offset()));
246 orr(t0, t0, tmp1Reg);
247 beqz(t0, unlocked); // If so we are done.
249 // Check if there is a successor.
250 ld(t0, Address(tmp, ObjectMonitor::succ_offset()));
251 bnez(t0, unlocked); // If so we are done.
253 // Save the monitor pointer in the current thread, so we can try to
254 // reacquire the lock in SharedRuntime::monitor_exit_helper().
255 sd(tmp, Address(xthread, JavaThread::unlocked_inflated_monitor_offset()));
257 mv(flag, 1);
258 j(slow_path);
260 bind(unlocked);
261 mv(flag, zr);
262 if (LockingMode == LM_LEGACY) {
263 dec_held_monitor_count();
264 }
266 #ifdef ASSERT
267 // Check that unlocked label is reached with flag == 0.
268 Label flag_correct;
269 beqz(flag, flag_correct);
270 stop("Fast Lock Flag != 0");
271 #endif
273 bind(slow_path);
274 #ifdef ASSERT
275 // Check that slow_path label is reached with flag != 0.
276 bnez(flag, flag_correct);
277 stop("Fast Lock Flag == 0");
278 bind(flag_correct);
279 #endif
280 // C2 uses the value of flag (0 vs !0) to determine the continuation.
281 }
283 void C2_MacroAssembler::fast_lock_lightweight(Register obj, Register box,
284 Register tmp1, Register tmp2, Register tmp3, Register tmp4) {
285 // Flag register, zero for success; non-zero for failure.
286 Register flag = t1;
288 assert(LockingMode == LM_LIGHTWEIGHT, "must be");
289 assert_different_registers(obj, box, tmp1, tmp2, tmp3, tmp4, flag, t0);
291 mv(flag, 1);
293 // Handle inflated monitor.
294 Label inflated;
295 // Finish fast lock successfully. MUST branch to with flag == 0
296 Label locked;
297 // Finish fast lock unsuccessfully. slow_path MUST branch to with flag != 0
298 Label slow_path;
300 if (UseObjectMonitorTable) {
301 // Clear cache in case fast locking succeeds.
302 sd(zr, Address(box, BasicLock::object_monitor_cache_offset_in_bytes()));
303 }
305 if (DiagnoseSyncOnValueBasedClasses != 0) {
306 load_klass(tmp1, obj);
307 lbu(tmp1, Address(tmp1, Klass::misc_flags_offset()));
308 test_bit(tmp1, tmp1, exact_log2(KlassFlags::_misc_is_value_based_class));
309 bnez(tmp1, slow_path);
340 // Try to lock. Transition lock-bits 0b01 => 0b00
341 ori(tmp1_mark, tmp1_mark, markWord::unlocked_value);
342 xori(tmp3_t, tmp1_mark, markWord::unlocked_value);
343 cmpxchg(/*addr*/ obj, /*expected*/ tmp1_mark, /*new*/ tmp3_t, Assembler::int64,
344 /*acquire*/ Assembler::aq, /*release*/ Assembler::relaxed, /*result*/ tmp3_t);
345 bne(tmp1_mark, tmp3_t, slow_path);
347 bind(push);
348 // After successful lock, push object on lock-stack.
349 add(tmp3_t, xthread, tmp2_top);
350 sd(obj, Address(tmp3_t));
351 addw(tmp2_top, tmp2_top, oopSize);
352 sw(tmp2_top, Address(xthread, JavaThread::lock_stack_top_offset()));
353 j(locked);
354 }
356 { // Handle inflated monitor.
357 bind(inflated);
359 const Register tmp1_monitor = tmp1;
361 if (!UseObjectMonitorTable) {
362 assert(tmp1_monitor == tmp1_mark, "should be the same here");
363 } else {
364 Label monitor_found;
366 // Load cache address
367 la(tmp3_t, Address(xthread, JavaThread::om_cache_oops_offset()));
369 const int num_unrolled = 2;
370 for (int i = 0; i < num_unrolled; i++) {
371 ld(tmp1, Address(tmp3_t));
372 beq(obj, tmp1, monitor_found);
373 add(tmp3_t, tmp3_t, in_bytes(OMCache::oop_to_oop_difference()));
374 }
376 Label loop;
378 // Search for obj in cache.
379 bind(loop);
387 bnez(tmp1, loop);
388 // Cache Miss. Take the slowpath.
389 j(slow_path);
391 bind(monitor_found);
392 ld(tmp1_monitor, Address(tmp3_t, OMCache::oop_to_monitor_difference()));
393 }
395 const Register tmp2_owner_addr = tmp2;
396 const Register tmp3_owner = tmp3;
398 const ByteSize monitor_tag = in_ByteSize(UseObjectMonitorTable ? 0 : checked_cast<int>(markWord::monitor_value));
399 const Address owner_address(tmp1_monitor, ObjectMonitor::owner_offset() - monitor_tag);
400 const Address recursions_address(tmp1_monitor, ObjectMonitor::recursions_offset() - monitor_tag);
402 Label monitor_locked;
404 // Compute owner address.
405 la(tmp2_owner_addr, owner_address);
407 // CAS owner (null => current thread id).
408 Register tid = tmp4;
409 ld(tid, Address(xthread, JavaThread::lock_id_offset()));
410 cmpxchg(/*addr*/ tmp2_owner_addr, /*expected*/ zr, /*new*/ tid, Assembler::int64,
411 /*acquire*/ Assembler::aq, /*release*/ Assembler::relaxed, /*result*/ tmp3_owner);
412 beqz(tmp3_owner, monitor_locked);
414 // Check if recursive.
415 bne(tmp3_owner, tid, slow_path);
417 // Recursive.
418 increment(recursions_address, 1, tmp2, tmp3);
420 bind(monitor_locked);
421 if (UseObjectMonitorTable) {
422 sd(tmp1_monitor, Address(box, BasicLock::object_monitor_cache_offset_in_bytes()));
423 }
424 }
426 bind(locked);
427 mv(flag, zr);
429 #ifdef ASSERT
430 // Check that locked label is reached with flag == 0.
431 Label flag_correct;
432 beqz(flag, flag_correct);
433 stop("Fast Lock Flag != 0");
434 #endif
436 bind(slow_path);
437 #ifdef ASSERT
438 // Check that slow_path label is reached with flag != 0.
439 bnez(flag, flag_correct);
440 stop("Fast Lock Flag == 0");
441 bind(flag_correct);
442 #endif
443 // C2 uses the value of flag (0 vs !0) to determine the continuation.
444 }
446 void C2_MacroAssembler::fast_unlock_lightweight(Register obj, Register box,
447 Register tmp1, Register tmp2, Register tmp3) {
579 // Check if the entry lists are empty.
580 ld(t0, Address(tmp1_monitor, ObjectMonitor::EntryList_offset()));
581 ld(tmp3_t, Address(tmp1_monitor, ObjectMonitor::cxq_offset()));
582 orr(t0, t0, tmp3_t);
583 beqz(t0, unlocked); // If so we are done.
585 // Check if there is a successor.
586 ld(tmp3_t, Address(tmp1_monitor, ObjectMonitor::succ_offset()));
587 bnez(tmp3_t, unlocked); // If so we are done.
589 // Save the monitor pointer in the current thread, so we can try
590 // to reacquire the lock in SharedRuntime::monitor_exit_helper().
591 sd(tmp1_monitor, Address(xthread, JavaThread::unlocked_inflated_monitor_offset()));
593 mv(flag, 1);
594 j(slow_path);
595 }
597 bind(unlocked);
598 mv(flag, zr);
600 #ifdef ASSERT
601 // Check that unlocked label is reached with flag == 0.
602 Label flag_correct;
603 beqz(flag, flag_correct);
604 stop("Fast Lock Flag != 0");
605 #endif
607 bind(slow_path);
608 #ifdef ASSERT
609 // Check that slow_path label is reached with flag != 0.
610 bnez(flag, flag_correct);
611 stop("Fast Lock Flag == 0");
612 bind(flag_correct);
613 #endif
614 // C2 uses the value of flag (0 vs !0) to determine the continuation.
615 }
617 // short string
618 // StringUTF16.indexOfChar