< prev index next > src/hotspot/cpu/riscv/stubGenerator_riscv.cpp
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return start;
+ address generate_cont_preempt_stub() {
+ if (!Continuations::enabled()) return nullptr;
+ StubCodeMark mark(this, "StubRoutines","Continuation preempt stub");
+ address start = __ pc();
+ __ reset_last_Java_frame(true);
+ // reset the flag
+ __ sb(zr, Address(xthread, JavaThread::preempting_offset()));
+ // Set sp to enterSpecial frame and then remove it from the stack
+ __ ld(sp, Address(xthread, JavaThread::cont_entry_offset()));
+ Label preemption_cancelled;
+ __ lbu(t0, Address(xthread, JavaThread::preemption_cancelled_offset()));
+ __ bnez(t0, preemption_cancelled);
+ // Remove enterSpecial frame from the stack and return to Continuation.run()
+ SharedRuntime::continuation_enter_cleanup(_masm);
+ __ leave();
+ __ ret();
+ __ bind(preemption_cancelled);
+ __ sb(zr, Address(xthread, JavaThread::preemption_cancelled_offset()));
+ __ la(fp, Address(sp, checked_cast<int32_t>(ContinuationEntry::size() + 2 * wordSize)));
+ __ la(t0, ExternalAddress(ContinuationEntry::thaw_call_pc_address()));
+ __ ld(t0, Address(t0));
+ __ jr(t0);
+ return start;
+ }
#undef __
#define __ this->
void generate_continuation_stubs() {
// Continuation stubs:
StubRoutines::_cont_thaw = generate_cont_thaw();
StubRoutines::_cont_returnBarrier = generate_cont_returnBarrier();
StubRoutines::_cont_returnBarrierExc = generate_cont_returnBarrier_exception();
+ StubRoutines::_cont_preempt_stub = generate_cont_preempt_stub();
void generate_final_stubs() {
// support for verify_oop (must happen after universe_init)
if (VerifyOops) {
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