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 319   save_bcp();
 320 #ifdef ASSERT
 321   {
 322     Label L;
 323     cmpptr(Address(rbp, frame::interpreter_frame_last_sp_offset * wordSize), NULL_WORD);
 324     jcc(Assembler::equal, L);
 325     stop("InterpreterMacroAssembler::call_VM_base:"
 326          " last_sp isn't null");
 327     bind(L);
 328   }
 329 #endif /* ASSERT */
 330   // super call
 331   MacroAssembler::call_VM_base(oop_result, noreg, last_java_sp,
 332                                entry_point, number_of_arguments,
 333                                check_exceptions);
 334   // interpreter specific
 335   restore_bcp();
 336   restore_locals();
 337 }

 339 void InterpreterMacroAssembler::check_and_handle_popframe(Register java_thread) {
 340   if (JvmtiExport::can_pop_frame()) {
 341     Label L;
 342     // Initiate popframe handling only if it is not already being
 343     // processed.  If the flag has the popframe_processing bit set, it
 344     // means that this code is called *during* popframe handling - we
 345     // don't want to reenter.
 346     // This method is only called just after the call into the vm in
 347     // call_VM_base, so the arg registers are available.
 348     Register pop_cond = NOT_LP64(java_thread) // Not clear if any other register is available on 32 bit
 349                         LP64_ONLY(c_rarg0);
 350     movl(pop_cond, Address(java_thread, JavaThread::popframe_condition_offset()));
 351     testl(pop_cond, JavaThread::popframe_pending_bit);
 352     jcc(Assembler::zero, L);
 353     testl(pop_cond, JavaThread::popframe_processing_bit);
 354     jcc(Assembler::notZero, L);
 355     // Call Interpreter::remove_activation_preserving_args_entry() to get the
 356     // address of the same-named entrypoint in the generated interpreter code.
 357     call_VM_leaf(CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, Interpreter::remove_activation_preserving_args_entry));
 358     jmp(rax);

1137           InterpreterRuntime::build_method_counters), method);
1138   movptr(mcs, Address(method,Method::method_counters_offset()));
1139   testptr(mcs, mcs);
1140   jcc(Assembler::zero, skip); // No MethodCounters allocated, OutOfMemory
1141   bind(has_counters);
1142 }
1145 // Lock object
1146 //
1147 // Args:
1148 //      rdx, c_rarg1: BasicObjectLock to be used for locking
1149 //
1150 // Kills:
1151 //      rax, rbx
1152 void InterpreterMacroAssembler::lock_object(Register lock_reg) {
1153   assert(lock_reg == LP64_ONLY(c_rarg1) NOT_LP64(rdx),
1154          "The argument is only for looks. It must be c_rarg1");
1156   if (LockingMode == LM_MONITOR) {
1157     call_VM(noreg,
1158             CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, InterpreterRuntime::monitorenter),
1159             lock_reg);
1160   } else {
1161     Label count_locking, done, slow_case;
1163     const Register swap_reg = rax; // Must use rax for cmpxchg instruction
1164     const Register tmp_reg = rbx;
1165     const Register obj_reg = LP64_ONLY(c_rarg3) NOT_LP64(rcx); // Will contain the oop
1166     const Register rklass_decode_tmp = rscratch1;
1168     const int obj_offset = in_bytes(BasicObjectLock::obj_offset());
1169     const int lock_offset = in_bytes(BasicObjectLock::lock_offset());
1170     const int mark_offset = lock_offset +
1171                             BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes();
1173     // Load object pointer into obj_reg
1174     movptr(obj_reg, Address(lock_reg, obj_offset));
1176     if (DiagnoseSyncOnValueBasedClasses != 0) {
1177       load_klass(tmp_reg, obj_reg, rklass_decode_tmp);

1224       // because we have guard pages at the end of all stacks. Hence, if
1225       // we go over the stack base and hit the stack of another thread,
1226       // this should not be in a writeable area that could contain a
1227       // stack lock allocated by that thread. As a consequence, a stack
1228       // lock less than page size away from rsp is guaranteed to be
1229       // owned by the current thread.
1230       //
1231       // These 3 tests can be done by evaluating the following
1232       // expression: ((mark - rsp) & (zero_bits - os::vm_page_size())),
1233       // assuming both stack pointer and pagesize have their
1234       // least significant bits clear.
1235       // NOTE: the mark is in swap_reg %rax as the result of cmpxchg
1236       subptr(swap_reg, rsp);
1237       andptr(swap_reg, zero_bits - (int)os::vm_page_size());
1239       // Save the test result, for recursive case, the result is zero
1240       movptr(Address(lock_reg, mark_offset), swap_reg);
1241       jcc(Assembler::notZero, slow_case);
1243       bind(count_locking);

1244     }
1245     inc_held_monitor_count();
1246     jmp(done);
1248     bind(slow_case);
1250     // Call the runtime routine for slow case
1251     call_VM(noreg,
1252             CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, InterpreterRuntime::monitorenter),
1253             lock_reg);
1254     bind(done);
1255   }
1256 }
1259 // Unlocks an object. Used in monitorexit bytecode and
1260 // remove_activation.  Throws an IllegalMonitorException if object is
1261 // not locked by current thread.
1262 //
1263 // Args:
1264 //      rdx, c_rarg1: BasicObjectLock for lock
1265 //
1266 // Kills:
1267 //      rax
1268 //      c_rarg0, c_rarg1, c_rarg2, c_rarg3, ... (param regs)
1269 //      rscratch1 (scratch reg)
1270 // rax, rbx, rcx, rdx
1271 void InterpreterMacroAssembler::unlock_object(Register lock_reg) {

1304 #endif
1305     } else if (LockingMode == LM_LEGACY) {
1306       // Load the old header from BasicLock structure
1307       movptr(header_reg, Address(swap_reg,
1308                                  BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes()));
1310       // Test for recursion
1311       testptr(header_reg, header_reg);
1313       // zero for recursive case
1314       jcc(Assembler::zero, count_locking);
1316       // Atomic swap back the old header
1317       lock();
1318       cmpxchgptr(header_reg, Address(obj_reg, oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes()));
1320       // zero for simple unlock of a stack-lock case
1321       jcc(Assembler::notZero, slow_case);
1323       bind(count_locking);

1324     }
1325     dec_held_monitor_count();
1326     jmp(done);
1328     bind(slow_case);
1329     // Call the runtime routine for slow case.
1330     movptr(Address(lock_reg, BasicObjectLock::obj_offset()), obj_reg); // restore obj
1331     call_VM_leaf(CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, InterpreterRuntime::monitorexit), lock_reg);
1333     bind(done);
1335     restore_bcp();
1336   }
1337 }
1339 void InterpreterMacroAssembler::test_method_data_pointer(Register mdp,
1340                                                          Label& zero_continue) {
1341   assert(ProfileInterpreter, "must be profiling interpreter");
1342   movptr(mdp, Address(rbp, frame::interpreter_frame_mdp_offset * wordSize));
1343   testptr(mdp, mdp);
1344   jcc(Assembler::zero, zero_continue);
1345 }

 319   save_bcp();
 320 #ifdef ASSERT
 321   {
 322     Label L;
 323     cmpptr(Address(rbp, frame::interpreter_frame_last_sp_offset * wordSize), NULL_WORD);
 324     jcc(Assembler::equal, L);
 325     stop("InterpreterMacroAssembler::call_VM_base:"
 326          " last_sp isn't null");
 327     bind(L);
 328   }
 329 #endif /* ASSERT */
 330   // super call
 331   MacroAssembler::call_VM_base(oop_result, noreg, last_java_sp,
 332                                entry_point, number_of_arguments,
 333                                check_exceptions);
 334   // interpreter specific
 335   restore_bcp();
 336   restore_locals();
 337 }
 339 #ifdef _LP64
 340 void InterpreterMacroAssembler::call_VM_preemptable(Register oop_result,
 341                                                     address entry_point,
 342                                                     Register arg_1) {
 343   assert(arg_1 == c_rarg1, "");
 344   Label resume_pc, not_preempted;
 346   push_cont_fastpath();
 348   // Make VM call. In case of preemption set last_pc to
 349   // the one we want to resume to.
 350   lea(rscratch1, resume_pc);
 351   push(rscratch1);
 352   MacroAssembler::call_VM_helper(oop_result, entry_point, 1, false /*check_exceptions*/);
 353   pop(rscratch1);
 355   pop_cont_fastpath();
 357   // Check if preempted
 358   movptr(rscratch1, Address(r15_thread, JavaThread::preempt_alternate_return_offset()));
 359   cmpptr(rscratch1, NULL_WORD);
 360   jccb(Assembler::zero, not_preempted);
 361   movptr(Address(r15_thread, JavaThread::preempt_alternate_return_offset()), NULL_WORD);
 362   jmp(rscratch1);
 364   bind(resume_pc);
 365   restore_after_resume(false /* is_native */);
 367   bind(not_preempted);
 368 }
 370 void InterpreterMacroAssembler::restore_after_resume(bool is_native) {
 371   lea(rscratch1, ExternalAddress(Interpreter::cont_resume_interpreter_adapter()));
 372   call(rscratch1);
 373   if (is_native) {
 374     // On resume we need to set up stack as expected
 375     push(dtos);
 376     push(ltos);
 377   }
 378 }
 379 #else
 380 void InterpreterMacroAssembler::call_VM_preemptable(Register oop_result,
 381                          address entry_point,
 382                          Register arg_1) {
 383   MacroAssembler::call_VM(oop_result, entry_point, arg_1);
 384 }
 385 #endif  // _LP64
 387 void InterpreterMacroAssembler::check_and_handle_popframe(Register java_thread) {
 388   if (JvmtiExport::can_pop_frame()) {
 389     Label L;
 390     // Initiate popframe handling only if it is not already being
 391     // processed.  If the flag has the popframe_processing bit set, it
 392     // means that this code is called *during* popframe handling - we
 393     // don't want to reenter.
 394     // This method is only called just after the call into the vm in
 395     // call_VM_base, so the arg registers are available.
 396     Register pop_cond = NOT_LP64(java_thread) // Not clear if any other register is available on 32 bit
 397                         LP64_ONLY(c_rarg0);
 398     movl(pop_cond, Address(java_thread, JavaThread::popframe_condition_offset()));
 399     testl(pop_cond, JavaThread::popframe_pending_bit);
 400     jcc(Assembler::zero, L);
 401     testl(pop_cond, JavaThread::popframe_processing_bit);
 402     jcc(Assembler::notZero, L);
 403     // Call Interpreter::remove_activation_preserving_args_entry() to get the
 404     // address of the same-named entrypoint in the generated interpreter code.
 405     call_VM_leaf(CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, Interpreter::remove_activation_preserving_args_entry));
 406     jmp(rax);

1185           InterpreterRuntime::build_method_counters), method);
1186   movptr(mcs, Address(method,Method::method_counters_offset()));
1187   testptr(mcs, mcs);
1188   jcc(Assembler::zero, skip); // No MethodCounters allocated, OutOfMemory
1189   bind(has_counters);
1190 }
1193 // Lock object
1194 //
1195 // Args:
1196 //      rdx, c_rarg1: BasicObjectLock to be used for locking
1197 //
1198 // Kills:
1199 //      rax, rbx
1200 void InterpreterMacroAssembler::lock_object(Register lock_reg) {
1201   assert(lock_reg == LP64_ONLY(c_rarg1) NOT_LP64(rdx),
1202          "The argument is only for looks. It must be c_rarg1");
1204   if (LockingMode == LM_MONITOR) {
1205     call_VM_preemptable(noreg,
1206             CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, InterpreterRuntime::monitorenter),
1207             lock_reg);
1208   } else {
1209     Label count_locking, done, slow_case;
1211     const Register swap_reg = rax; // Must use rax for cmpxchg instruction
1212     const Register tmp_reg = rbx;
1213     const Register obj_reg = LP64_ONLY(c_rarg3) NOT_LP64(rcx); // Will contain the oop
1214     const Register rklass_decode_tmp = rscratch1;
1216     const int obj_offset = in_bytes(BasicObjectLock::obj_offset());
1217     const int lock_offset = in_bytes(BasicObjectLock::lock_offset());
1218     const int mark_offset = lock_offset +
1219                             BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes();
1221     // Load object pointer into obj_reg
1222     movptr(obj_reg, Address(lock_reg, obj_offset));
1224     if (DiagnoseSyncOnValueBasedClasses != 0) {
1225       load_klass(tmp_reg, obj_reg, rklass_decode_tmp);

1272       // because we have guard pages at the end of all stacks. Hence, if
1273       // we go over the stack base and hit the stack of another thread,
1274       // this should not be in a writeable area that could contain a
1275       // stack lock allocated by that thread. As a consequence, a stack
1276       // lock less than page size away from rsp is guaranteed to be
1277       // owned by the current thread.
1278       //
1279       // These 3 tests can be done by evaluating the following
1280       // expression: ((mark - rsp) & (zero_bits - os::vm_page_size())),
1281       // assuming both stack pointer and pagesize have their
1282       // least significant bits clear.
1283       // NOTE: the mark is in swap_reg %rax as the result of cmpxchg
1284       subptr(swap_reg, rsp);
1285       andptr(swap_reg, zero_bits - (int)os::vm_page_size());
1287       // Save the test result, for recursive case, the result is zero
1288       movptr(Address(lock_reg, mark_offset), swap_reg);
1289       jcc(Assembler::notZero, slow_case);
1291       bind(count_locking);
1292       inc_held_monitor_count();
1293     }

1294     jmp(done);
1296     bind(slow_case);
1298     // Call the runtime routine for slow case
1299     call_VM_preemptable(noreg,
1300             CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, InterpreterRuntime::monitorenter),
1301             lock_reg);
1302     bind(done);
1303   }
1304 }
1307 // Unlocks an object. Used in monitorexit bytecode and
1308 // remove_activation.  Throws an IllegalMonitorException if object is
1309 // not locked by current thread.
1310 //
1311 // Args:
1312 //      rdx, c_rarg1: BasicObjectLock for lock
1313 //
1314 // Kills:
1315 //      rax
1316 //      c_rarg0, c_rarg1, c_rarg2, c_rarg3, ... (param regs)
1317 //      rscratch1 (scratch reg)
1318 // rax, rbx, rcx, rdx
1319 void InterpreterMacroAssembler::unlock_object(Register lock_reg) {

1352 #endif
1353     } else if (LockingMode == LM_LEGACY) {
1354       // Load the old header from BasicLock structure
1355       movptr(header_reg, Address(swap_reg,
1356                                  BasicLock::displaced_header_offset_in_bytes()));
1358       // Test for recursion
1359       testptr(header_reg, header_reg);
1361       // zero for recursive case
1362       jcc(Assembler::zero, count_locking);
1364       // Atomic swap back the old header
1365       lock();
1366       cmpxchgptr(header_reg, Address(obj_reg, oopDesc::mark_offset_in_bytes()));
1368       // zero for simple unlock of a stack-lock case
1369       jcc(Assembler::notZero, slow_case);
1371       bind(count_locking);
1372       dec_held_monitor_count();
1373     }

1374     jmp(done);
1376     bind(slow_case);
1377     // Call the runtime routine for slow case.
1378     movptr(Address(lock_reg, BasicObjectLock::obj_offset()), obj_reg); // restore obj
1379     call_VM_leaf(CAST_FROM_FN_PTR(address, InterpreterRuntime::monitorexit), lock_reg);
1381     bind(done);
1383     restore_bcp();
1384   }
1385 }
1387 void InterpreterMacroAssembler::test_method_data_pointer(Register mdp,
1388                                                          Label& zero_continue) {
1389   assert(ProfileInterpreter, "must be profiling interpreter");
1390   movptr(mdp, Address(rbp, frame::interpreter_frame_mdp_offset * wordSize));
1391   testptr(mdp, mdp);
1392   jcc(Assembler::zero, zero_continue);
1393 }
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