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 40   bool _enabled;
 41  public:
 42   PhaseTypeGuard(bool enabled=true) {
 43     if (enabled) {
 44       _mutex_semaphore.wait();
 45       _enabled = true;
 46     } else {
 47       _enabled = false;
 48     }
 49   }
 50   ~PhaseTypeGuard() {
 51     if (_enabled) {
 52       _mutex_semaphore.signal();
 53     }
 54   }
 55 };
 57 Semaphore PhaseTypeGuard::_mutex_semaphore(1);
 59 // Table for mapping compiler phases names to int identifiers.
 60 static GrowableArray<const char*>* phase_names = nullptr;
 62 class CompilerPhaseTypeConstant : public JfrSerializer {
 63  public:
 64   void serialize(JfrCheckpointWriter& writer) {
 65     PhaseTypeGuard guard;
 66     assert(phase_names != nullptr, "invariant");
 67     assert(phase_names->is_nonempty(), "invariant");
 68     const u4 nof_entries = phase_names->length();
 69     writer.write_count(nof_entries);
 70     for (u4 i = 0; i < nof_entries; i++) {
 71       writer.write_key(i);
 72       writer.write(phase_names->at(i));
 73     }
 74   }
 75 };
 77 static int lookup_phase(const char* phase_name) {
 78   for (int i = 0; i < phase_names->length(); i++) {
 79     const char* name = phase_names->at(i);
 80     if (strcmp(name, phase_name) == 0) {
 81       return i;
 82     }
 83   }
 84   return -1;
 85 }
 87 int CompilerEvent::PhaseEvent::get_phase_id(const char* phase_name, bool may_exist, bool use_strdup, bool sync) {
 88   int index;
 89   bool register_jfr_serializer = false;
 90   {
 91     PhaseTypeGuard guard(sync);
 92     if (phase_names == nullptr) {
 93       phase_names = new (mtInternal) GrowableArray<const char*>(100, mtCompiler);
 94       register_jfr_serializer = true;
 95     } else if (may_exist) {
 96       index = lookup_phase(phase_name);
 97       if (index != -1) {
 98         return index;
 99       }
100     } else {
101       assert((index = lookup_phase(phase_name)) == -1, "phase name \"%s\" already registered: %d", phase_name, index);
102     }
104     index = phase_names->length();
105     phase_names->append(use_strdup ? os::strdup(phase_name) : phase_name);
106   }
107   if (register_jfr_serializer) {
108     JfrSerializer::register_serializer(TYPE_COMPILERPHASETYPE, false, new CompilerPhaseTypeConstant());
109   } else if (Jfr::is_recording()) {
110     // serialize new phase.
111     JfrCheckpointWriter writer;
112     writer.write_type(TYPE_COMPILERPHASETYPE);
113     writer.write_count(1);
114     writer.write_key(index);
115     writer.write(phase_name);
116   }
117   return index;
118 }
120 // As part of event commit, a Method* is tagged as a function of an epoch.
121 // Epochs evolve during safepoints. To ensure the event is tagged in the correct epoch,
122 // that is, to avoid a race, the thread will participate in the safepoint protocol
123 // by doing the commit while the thread is _thread_in_vm.
124 template <typename EventType>
125 static inline void commit(EventType& event) {
126   JavaThread* thread = JavaThread::current();
127   JavaThreadState state = thread->thread_state();
128   if (state == _thread_in_native) {
129     ThreadInVMfromNative transition(thread);
130     event.commit();
131   } else {
132     assert(state == _thread_in_vm, "coming from wrong thread state %d", state);
133     event.commit();
134   }
135  }

 40   bool _enabled;
 41  public:
 42   PhaseTypeGuard(bool enabled=true) {
 43     if (enabled) {
 44       _mutex_semaphore.wait();
 45       _enabled = true;
 46     } else {
 47       _enabled = false;
 48     }
 49   }
 50   ~PhaseTypeGuard() {
 51     if (_enabled) {
 52       _mutex_semaphore.signal();
 53     }
 54   }
 55 };
 57 Semaphore PhaseTypeGuard::_mutex_semaphore(1);
 59 // Table for mapping compiler phases names to int identifiers.
 60 static GrowableArray<const char*>* cphase_names = nullptr;
 62 class CompilerPhaseTypeConstant : public JfrSerializer {
 63  public:
 64   void serialize(JfrCheckpointWriter& writer) {
 65     PhaseTypeGuard guard;
 66     assert(cphase_names != nullptr, "invariant");
 67     assert(cphase_names->is_nonempty(), "invariant");
 68     const u4 nof_entries = cphase_names->length();
 69     writer.write_count(nof_entries);
 70     for (u4 i = 0; i < nof_entries; i++) {
 71       writer.write_key(i);
 72       writer.write(cphase_names->at(i));
 73     }
 74   }
 75 };
 77 static int lookup_phase(const char* cphase_name) {
 78   for (int i = 0; i < cphase_names->length(); i++) {
 79     const char* name = cphase_names->at(i);
 80     if (strcmp(name, cphase_name) == 0) {
 81       return i;
 82     }
 83   }
 84   return -1;
 85 }
 87 int CompilerEvent::PhaseEvent::get_phase_id(const char* cphase_name, bool may_exist, bool use_strdup, bool sync) {
 88   int index;
 89   bool register_jfr_serializer = false;
 90   {
 91     PhaseTypeGuard guard(sync);
 92     if (cphase_names == nullptr) {
 93       cphase_names = new (mtInternal) GrowableArray<const char*>(100, mtCompiler);
 94       register_jfr_serializer = true;
 95     } else if (may_exist) {
 96       index = lookup_phase(cphase_name);
 97       if (index != -1) {
 98         return index;
 99       }
100     } else {
101       assert((index = lookup_phase(cphase_name)) == -1, "phase name \"%s\" already registered: %d", cphase_name, index);
102     }
104     index = cphase_names->length();
105     cphase_names->append(use_strdup ? os::strdup(cphase_name) : cphase_name);
106   }
107   if (register_jfr_serializer) {
108     JfrSerializer::register_serializer(TYPE_COMPILERPHASETYPE, false, new CompilerPhaseTypeConstant());
109   } else if (Jfr::is_recording()) {
110     // serialize new phase.
111     JfrCheckpointWriter writer;
112     writer.write_type(TYPE_COMPILERPHASETYPE);
113     writer.write_count(1);
114     writer.write_key(index);
115     writer.write(cphase_name);
116   }
117   return index;
118 }
120 // As part of event commit, a Method* is tagged as a function of an epoch.
121 // Epochs evolve during safepoints. To ensure the event is tagged in the correct epoch,
122 // that is, to avoid a race, the thread will participate in the safepoint protocol
123 // by doing the commit while the thread is _thread_in_vm.
124 template <typename EventType>
125 static inline void commit(EventType& event) {
126   JavaThread* thread = JavaThread::current();
127   JavaThreadState state = thread->thread_state();
128   if (state == _thread_in_native) {
129     ThreadInVMfromNative transition(thread);
130     event.commit();
131   } else {
132     assert(state == _thread_in_vm, "coming from wrong thread state %d", state);
133     event.commit();
134   }
135  }
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