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Print this page

217   }
218 }
220 void InterpreterOopMap::print() const {
221   int n = number_of_entries();
222   tty->print("oop map for ");
223   method()->print_value();
224   tty->print(" @ %d = [%d] { ", bci(), n);
225   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
226     if (is_dead(i)) tty->print("%d+ ", i);
227     else
228     if (is_oop(i)) tty->print("%d ", i);
229   }
230   tty->print_cr("}");
231 }
233 class MaskFillerForNative: public NativeSignatureIterator {
234  private:
235   uintptr_t * _mask;                             // the bit mask to be filled
236   int         _size;                             // the mask size in bits

238   void set_one(int i) {

239     i *= InterpreterOopMap::bits_per_entry;
240     assert(0 <= i && i < _size, "offset out of bounds");
241     _mask[i / BitsPerWord] |= (((uintptr_t) 1 << InterpreterOopMap::oop_bit_number) << (i % BitsPerWord));
242   }
244  public:
245   void pass_byte()                               { /* ignore */ }
246   void pass_short()                              { /* ignore */ }
247   void pass_int()                                { /* ignore */ }
248   void pass_long()                               { /* ignore */ }
249   void pass_float()                              { /* ignore */ }
250   void pass_double()                             { /* ignore */ }
251   void pass_object()                             { set_one(offset()); }
253   MaskFillerForNative(const methodHandle& method, uintptr_t* mask, int size) : NativeSignatureIterator(method) {
254     _mask   = mask;
255     _size   = size;

256     // initialize with 0
257     int i = (size + BitsPerWord - 1) / BitsPerWord;
258     while (i-- > 0) _mask[i] = 0;
259   }
261   void generate() {
262     iterate();
263   }

264 };
266 bool OopMapCacheEntry::verify_mask(CellTypeState* vars, CellTypeState* stack, int max_locals, int stack_top) {
267   // Check mask includes map
268   VerifyClosure blk(this);
269   iterate_oop(&blk);
270   if (blk.failed()) return false;
272   // Check if map is generated correctly
273   // (Use ?: operator to make sure all 'true' & 'false' are represented exactly the same so we can use == afterwards)
274   const bool log = log_is_enabled(Trace, interpreter, oopmap);
275   LogStream st(Log(interpreter, oopmap)::trace());
277   if (log) st.print("Locals (%d): ", max_locals);
278   for(int i = 0; i < max_locals; i++) {
279     bool v1 = is_oop(i)               ? true : false;
280     bool v2 = vars[i].is_reference()  ? true : false;
281     assert(v1 == v2, "locals oop mask generation error");
282     if (log) st.print("%d", v1 ? 1 : 0);
283   }

302   }
303 }
305 void OopMapCacheEntry::deallocate_bit_mask() {
306   if (mask_size() > small_mask_limit && _bit_mask[0] != 0) {
307     assert(!Thread::current()->resource_area()->contains((void*)_bit_mask[0]),
308       "This bit mask should not be in the resource area");
309     FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(uintptr_t, _bit_mask[0]);
310     debug_only(_bit_mask[0] = 0;)
311   }
312 }
315 void OopMapCacheEntry::fill_for_native(const methodHandle& mh) {
316   assert(mh->is_native(), "method must be native method");
317   set_mask_size(mh->size_of_parameters() * bits_per_entry);
318   allocate_bit_mask();
319   // fill mask for parameters
320   MaskFillerForNative mf(mh, bit_mask(), mask_size());
321   mf.generate();

322 }
325 void OopMapCacheEntry::fill(const methodHandle& method, int bci) {
326   // Flush entry to deallocate an existing entry
327   flush();
328   set_method(method());
329   set_bci(checked_cast<unsigned short>(bci));  // bci is always u2
330   if (method->is_native()) {
331     // Native method activations have oops only among the parameters and one
332     // extra oop following the parameters (the mirror for static native methods).
333     fill_for_native(method);
334   } else {
335     OopMapForCacheEntry gen(method, bci, this);
336     if (!gen.compute_map(Thread::current())) {
337       fatal("Unrecoverable verification or out-of-memory error");
338     }
339   }
340 }

217   }
218 }
220 void InterpreterOopMap::print() const {
221   int n = number_of_entries();
222   tty->print("oop map for ");
223   method()->print_value();
224   tty->print(" @ %d = [%d] { ", bci(), n);
225   for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
226     if (is_dead(i)) tty->print("%d+ ", i);
227     else
228     if (is_oop(i)) tty->print("%d ", i);
229   }
230   tty->print_cr("}");
231 }
233 class MaskFillerForNative: public NativeSignatureIterator {
234  private:
235   uintptr_t * _mask;                             // the bit mask to be filled
236   int         _size;                             // the mask size in bits
237   int         _num_oops;
239   void set_one(int i) {
240     _num_oops++;
241     i *= InterpreterOopMap::bits_per_entry;
242     assert(0 <= i && i < _size, "offset out of bounds");
243     _mask[i / BitsPerWord] |= (((uintptr_t) 1 << InterpreterOopMap::oop_bit_number) << (i % BitsPerWord));
244   }
246  public:
247   void pass_byte()                               { /* ignore */ }
248   void pass_short()                              { /* ignore */ }
249   void pass_int()                                { /* ignore */ }
250   void pass_long()                               { /* ignore */ }
251   void pass_float()                              { /* ignore */ }
252   void pass_double()                             { /* ignore */ }
253   void pass_object()                             { set_one(offset()); }
255   MaskFillerForNative(const methodHandle& method, uintptr_t* mask, int size) : NativeSignatureIterator(method) {
256     _mask   = mask;
257     _size   = size;
258     _num_oops = 0;
259     // initialize with 0
260     int i = (size + BitsPerWord - 1) / BitsPerWord;
261     while (i-- > 0) _mask[i] = 0;
262   }
264   void generate() {
265     iterate();
266   }
268   int num_oops() { return _num_oops; }
269 };
271 bool OopMapCacheEntry::verify_mask(CellTypeState* vars, CellTypeState* stack, int max_locals, int stack_top) {
272   // Check mask includes map
273   VerifyClosure blk(this);
274   iterate_oop(&blk);
275   if (blk.failed()) return false;
277   // Check if map is generated correctly
278   // (Use ?: operator to make sure all 'true' & 'false' are represented exactly the same so we can use == afterwards)
279   const bool log = log_is_enabled(Trace, interpreter, oopmap);
280   LogStream st(Log(interpreter, oopmap)::trace());
282   if (log) st.print("Locals (%d): ", max_locals);
283   for(int i = 0; i < max_locals; i++) {
284     bool v1 = is_oop(i)               ? true : false;
285     bool v2 = vars[i].is_reference()  ? true : false;
286     assert(v1 == v2, "locals oop mask generation error");
287     if (log) st.print("%d", v1 ? 1 : 0);
288   }

307   }
308 }
310 void OopMapCacheEntry::deallocate_bit_mask() {
311   if (mask_size() > small_mask_limit && _bit_mask[0] != 0) {
312     assert(!Thread::current()->resource_area()->contains((void*)_bit_mask[0]),
313       "This bit mask should not be in the resource area");
314     FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(uintptr_t, _bit_mask[0]);
315     debug_only(_bit_mask[0] = 0;)
316   }
317 }
320 void OopMapCacheEntry::fill_for_native(const methodHandle& mh) {
321   assert(mh->is_native(), "method must be native method");
322   set_mask_size(mh->size_of_parameters() * bits_per_entry);
323   allocate_bit_mask();
324   // fill mask for parameters
325   MaskFillerForNative mf(mh, bit_mask(), mask_size());
326   mf.generate();
327   _num_oops = mf.num_oops();
328 }
331 void OopMapCacheEntry::fill(const methodHandle& method, int bci) {
332   // Flush entry to deallocate an existing entry
333   flush();
334   set_method(method());
335   set_bci(checked_cast<unsigned short>(bci));  // bci is always u2
336   if (method->is_native()) {
337     // Native method activations have oops only among the parameters and one
338     // extra oop following the parameters (the mirror for static native methods).
339     fill_for_native(method);
340   } else {
341     OopMapForCacheEntry gen(method, bci, this);
342     if (!gen.compute_map(Thread::current())) {
343       fatal("Unrecoverable verification or out-of-memory error");
344     }
345   }
346 }
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