< prev index next > src/hotspot/share/interpreter/oopMapCache.cpp
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class MaskFillerForNative: public NativeSignatureIterator {
uintptr_t * _mask; // the bit mask to be filled
int _size; // the mask size in bits
+ int _num_oops;
void set_one(int i) {
+ _num_oops++;
i *= InterpreterOopMap::bits_per_entry;
assert(0 <= i && i < _size, "offset out of bounds");
_mask[i / BitsPerWord] |= (((uintptr_t) 1 << InterpreterOopMap::oop_bit_number) << (i % BitsPerWord));
void pass_object() { set_one(offset()); }
MaskFillerForNative(const methodHandle& method, uintptr_t* mask, int size) : NativeSignatureIterator(method) {
_mask = mask;
_size = size;
+ _num_oops = 0;
// initialize with 0
int i = (size + BitsPerWord - 1) / BitsPerWord;
while (i-- > 0) _mask[i] = 0;
void generate() {
+ int num_oops() { return _num_oops; }
bool OopMapCacheEntry::verify_mask(CellTypeState* vars, CellTypeState* stack, int max_locals, int stack_top) {
// Check mask includes map
VerifyClosure blk(this);
set_mask_size(mh->size_of_parameters() * bits_per_entry);
// fill mask for parameters
MaskFillerForNative mf(mh, bit_mask(), mask_size());
+ _num_oops = mf.num_oops();
void OopMapCacheEntry::fill(const methodHandle& method, int bci) {
// Flush entry to deallocate an existing entry
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