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 72 inline uint8_t stackChunkOopDesc::flags() const         { return jdk_internal_vm_StackChunk::flags(as_oop()); }
 73 inline void stackChunkOopDesc::set_flags(uint8_t value) { jdk_internal_vm_StackChunk::set_flags(this, value); }
 75 inline uint8_t stackChunkOopDesc::flags_acquire() const { return jdk_internal_vm_StackChunk::flags_acquire(as_oop()); }
 77 inline void stackChunkOopDesc::release_set_flags(uint8_t value) {
 78   jdk_internal_vm_StackChunk::release_set_flags(this, value);
 79 }
 81 inline bool stackChunkOopDesc::try_set_flags(uint8_t prev_flags, uint8_t new_flags) {
 82   return jdk_internal_vm_StackChunk::try_set_flags(this, prev_flags, new_flags);
 83 }
 85 inline int stackChunkOopDesc::max_thawing_size() const          { return jdk_internal_vm_StackChunk::maxThawingSize(as_oop()); }
 86 inline void stackChunkOopDesc::set_max_thawing_size(int value)  {
 87   assert(value >= 0, "size must be >= 0");
 88   jdk_internal_vm_StackChunk::set_maxThawingSize(this, (jint)value);
 89 }

 91 inline oop stackChunkOopDesc::cont() const                {
 92   if (UseZGC && !ZGenerational) {
 93     assert(!UseCompressedOops, "Non-generational ZGC does not support compressed oops");
 94     // The state of the cont oop is used by XCollectedHeap::requires_barriers,
 95     // to determine the age of the stackChunkOopDesc. For that to work, it is
 96     // only the GC that is allowed to perform a load barrier on the oop.
 97     // This function is used by non-GC code and therfore create a stack-local
 98     // copy on the oop and perform the load barrier on that copy instead.
 99     oop obj = jdk_internal_vm_StackChunk::cont_raw<oop>(as_oop());
100     obj = (oop)NativeAccess<>::oop_load(&obj);
101     return obj;
102   }
103   return jdk_internal_vm_StackChunk::cont(as_oop());
104 }
105 inline void stackChunkOopDesc::set_cont(oop value)        { jdk_internal_vm_StackChunk::set_cont(this, value); }
106 template<typename P>
107 inline void stackChunkOopDesc::set_cont_raw(oop value)    { jdk_internal_vm_StackChunk::set_cont_raw<P>(this, value); }
108 template<DecoratorSet decorators>
109 inline void stackChunkOopDesc::set_cont_access(oop value) { jdk_internal_vm_StackChunk::set_cont_access<decorators>(this, value); }

149   HeapWord* end = start + stack_size();
150   return (HeapWord*)p >= start && (HeapWord*)p < end;
151 }
153 inline bool stackChunkOopDesc::is_flag(uint8_t flag) const {
154   return (flags() & flag) != 0;
155 }
156 inline bool stackChunkOopDesc::is_flag_acquire(uint8_t flag) const {
157   return (flags_acquire() & flag) != 0;
158 }
159 inline void stackChunkOopDesc::set_flag(uint8_t flag, bool value) {
160   uint32_t flags = this->flags();
161   set_flags((uint8_t)(value ? flags |= flag : flags &= ~flag));
162 }
163 inline void stackChunkOopDesc::clear_flags() {
164   set_flags(0);
165 }
167 inline bool stackChunkOopDesc::has_mixed_frames() const { return is_flag(FLAG_HAS_INTERPRETED_FRAMES); }
168 inline void stackChunkOopDesc::set_has_mixed_frames(bool value) {
169   assert((flags() & ~FLAG_HAS_INTERPRETED_FRAMES) == 0, "other flags should not be set");
170   set_flag(FLAG_HAS_INTERPRETED_FRAMES, value);
171 }

173 inline bool stackChunkOopDesc::is_gc_mode() const                  { return is_flag(FLAG_GC_MODE); }
174 inline bool stackChunkOopDesc::is_gc_mode_acquire() const          { return is_flag_acquire(FLAG_GC_MODE); }
175 inline void stackChunkOopDesc::set_gc_mode(bool value)             { set_flag(FLAG_GC_MODE, value); }
177 inline bool stackChunkOopDesc::has_bitmap() const                  { return is_flag(FLAG_HAS_BITMAP); }
178 inline void stackChunkOopDesc::set_has_bitmap(bool value)          { set_flag(FLAG_HAS_BITMAP, value); }
180 inline bool stackChunkOopDesc::has_thaw_slowpath_condition() const { return flags() != 0; }
182 inline bool stackChunkOopDesc::requires_barriers() {
183   return Universe::heap()->requires_barriers(this);
184 }
186 template <stackChunkOopDesc::BarrierType barrier, ChunkFrames frame_kind, typename RegisterMapT>
187 void stackChunkOopDesc::do_barriers(const StackChunkFrameStream<frame_kind>& f, const RegisterMapT* map) {
188   if (frame_kind == ChunkFrames::Mixed) {
189     // we could freeze deopted frames in slow mode.
190     f.handle_deopted();
191   }
192   do_barriers0<barrier>(f, map);
193 }

195 template <class StackChunkFrameClosureType>
196 inline void stackChunkOopDesc::iterate_stack(StackChunkFrameClosureType* closure) {
197   has_mixed_frames() ? iterate_stack<ChunkFrames::Mixed>(closure)
198                      : iterate_stack<ChunkFrames::CompiledOnly>(closure);
199 }
201 template <ChunkFrames frame_kind, class StackChunkFrameClosureType>
202 inline void stackChunkOopDesc::iterate_stack(StackChunkFrameClosureType* closure) {
203   const SmallRegisterMap* map = SmallRegisterMap::instance;
204   assert(!map->in_cont(), "");
206   StackChunkFrameStream<frame_kind> f(this);
207   bool should_continue = true;
209   if (f.is_stub()) {
210     RegisterMap full_map(nullptr,
211                          RegisterMap::UpdateMap::include,
212                          RegisterMap::ProcessFrames::skip,
213                          RegisterMap::WalkContinuation::include);
214     full_map.set_include_argument_oops(false);

216     f.next(&full_map);
218     assert(!f.is_done(), "");
219     assert(f.is_compiled(), "");
221     should_continue = closure->do_frame(f, &full_map);
222     f.next(map);
223     f.handle_deopted(); // the stub caller might be deoptimized (as it's not at a call)
224   }
225   assert(!f.is_stub(), "");
227   for(; should_continue && !f.is_done(); f.next(map)) {
228     if (frame_kind == ChunkFrames::Mixed) {
229       // in slow mode we might freeze deoptimized frames
230       f.handle_deopted();
231     }
232     should_continue = closure->do_frame(f, map);
233   }
234 }
236 inline frame stackChunkOopDesc::relativize(frame fr)   const { relativize_frame(fr);   return fr; }
237 inline frame stackChunkOopDesc::derelativize(frame fr) const { derelativize_frame(fr); return fr; }
239 inline void* stackChunkOopDesc::gc_data() const {
240   int stack_sz = stack_size();
241   assert(stack_sz != 0, "stack should not be empty");
243   // The gc data is located after the stack.

264 inline BitMap::idx_t stackChunkOopDesc::bit_index_for(OopT* p) const {
265   assert(is_aligned(p, alignof(OopT)), "should be aligned: " PTR_FORMAT, p2i(p));
266   assert(p >= (OopT*)start_address(), "Address not in chunk");
267   return p - (OopT*)start_address();
268 }
270 inline intptr_t* stackChunkOopDesc::address_for_bit(BitMap::idx_t index) const {
271   return UseCompressedOops ? (intptr_t*)address_for_bit<narrowOop>(index) : (intptr_t*)address_for_bit<oop>(index);
272 }
274 template <typename OopT>
275 inline OopT* stackChunkOopDesc::address_for_bit(BitMap::idx_t index) const {
276   return (OopT*)start_address() + index;
277 }
279 inline MemRegion stackChunkOopDesc::range() {
280   return MemRegion((HeapWord*)this, size());
281 }
283 inline int stackChunkOopDesc::relativize_usp_offset(const frame& fr, const int usp_offset_in_bytes) const {
284   assert(fr.is_compiled_frame() || fr.cb()->is_safepoint_stub(), "");
285   assert(is_in_chunk(fr.unextended_sp()), "");
287   intptr_t* base = fr.real_fp(); // equal to the caller's sp
288   intptr_t* loc = (intptr_t*)((address)fr.unextended_sp() + usp_offset_in_bytes);
289   assert(base > loc, "");
290   return (int)(base - loc);
291 }
293 inline address stackChunkOopDesc::usp_offset_to_location(const frame& fr, const int usp_offset_in_bytes) const {
294   assert(fr.is_compiled_frame(), "");
295   return (address)derelativize_address(fr.offset_unextended_sp()) + usp_offset_in_bytes;
296 }
298 inline address stackChunkOopDesc::reg_to_location(const frame& fr, const RegisterMap* map, VMReg reg) const {
299   assert(fr.is_compiled_frame(), "");
300   assert(map != nullptr, "");
301   assert(map->stack_chunk() == as_oop(), "");
303   // the offsets are saved in the map after going through relativize_usp_offset, so they are sp - loc, in words
304   intptr_t offset = (intptr_t)map->location(reg, nullptr); // see usp_offset_to_index for the chunk case

 72 inline uint8_t stackChunkOopDesc::flags() const         { return jdk_internal_vm_StackChunk::flags(as_oop()); }
 73 inline void stackChunkOopDesc::set_flags(uint8_t value) { jdk_internal_vm_StackChunk::set_flags(this, value); }
 75 inline uint8_t stackChunkOopDesc::flags_acquire() const { return jdk_internal_vm_StackChunk::flags_acquire(as_oop()); }
 77 inline void stackChunkOopDesc::release_set_flags(uint8_t value) {
 78   jdk_internal_vm_StackChunk::release_set_flags(this, value);
 79 }
 81 inline bool stackChunkOopDesc::try_set_flags(uint8_t prev_flags, uint8_t new_flags) {
 82   return jdk_internal_vm_StackChunk::try_set_flags(this, prev_flags, new_flags);
 83 }
 85 inline int stackChunkOopDesc::max_thawing_size() const          { return jdk_internal_vm_StackChunk::maxThawingSize(as_oop()); }
 86 inline void stackChunkOopDesc::set_max_thawing_size(int value)  {
 87   assert(value >= 0, "size must be >= 0");
 88   jdk_internal_vm_StackChunk::set_maxThawingSize(this, (jint)value);
 89 }
 91 inline uint8_t stackChunkOopDesc::lockStackSize() const         { return jdk_internal_vm_StackChunk::lockStackSize(as_oop()); }
 92 inline void stackChunkOopDesc::set_lockStackSize(uint8_t value) { jdk_internal_vm_StackChunk::set_lockStackSize(this, value); }
 94 inline ObjectMonitor* stackChunkOopDesc::objectMonitor() const       { return (ObjectMonitor*)jdk_internal_vm_StackChunk::objectMonitor(as_oop()); }
 95 inline void stackChunkOopDesc::set_objectMonitor(ObjectMonitor* mon) { jdk_internal_vm_StackChunk::set_objectMonitor(this, (address)mon); }
 97 inline oop stackChunkOopDesc::cont() const                {
 98   if (UseZGC && !ZGenerational) {
 99     assert(!UseCompressedOops, "Non-generational ZGC does not support compressed oops");
100     // The state of the cont oop is used by XCollectedHeap::requires_barriers,
101     // to determine the age of the stackChunkOopDesc. For that to work, it is
102     // only the GC that is allowed to perform a load barrier on the oop.
103     // This function is used by non-GC code and therfore create a stack-local
104     // copy on the oop and perform the load barrier on that copy instead.
105     oop obj = jdk_internal_vm_StackChunk::cont_raw<oop>(as_oop());
106     obj = (oop)NativeAccess<>::oop_load(&obj);
107     return obj;
108   }
109   return jdk_internal_vm_StackChunk::cont(as_oop());
110 }
111 inline void stackChunkOopDesc::set_cont(oop value)        { jdk_internal_vm_StackChunk::set_cont(this, value); }
112 template<typename P>
113 inline void stackChunkOopDesc::set_cont_raw(oop value)    { jdk_internal_vm_StackChunk::set_cont_raw<P>(this, value); }
114 template<DecoratorSet decorators>
115 inline void stackChunkOopDesc::set_cont_access(oop value) { jdk_internal_vm_StackChunk::set_cont_access<decorators>(this, value); }

155   HeapWord* end = start + stack_size();
156   return (HeapWord*)p >= start && (HeapWord*)p < end;
157 }
159 inline bool stackChunkOopDesc::is_flag(uint8_t flag) const {
160   return (flags() & flag) != 0;
161 }
162 inline bool stackChunkOopDesc::is_flag_acquire(uint8_t flag) const {
163   return (flags_acquire() & flag) != 0;
164 }
165 inline void stackChunkOopDesc::set_flag(uint8_t flag, bool value) {
166   uint32_t flags = this->flags();
167   set_flags((uint8_t)(value ? flags |= flag : flags &= ~flag));
168 }
169 inline void stackChunkOopDesc::clear_flags() {
170   set_flags(0);
171 }
173 inline bool stackChunkOopDesc::has_mixed_frames() const { return is_flag(FLAG_HAS_INTERPRETED_FRAMES); }
174 inline void stackChunkOopDesc::set_has_mixed_frames(bool value) {
175   assert((flags() & ~(FLAG_HAS_INTERPRETED_FRAMES | FLAG_PREEMPTED)) == 0, "other flags should not be set");
176   set_flag(FLAG_HAS_INTERPRETED_FRAMES, value);
177 }
179 inline bool stackChunkOopDesc::is_preempted() const         { return is_flag(FLAG_PREEMPTED); }
180 inline void stackChunkOopDesc::set_is_preempted(bool value) { set_flag(FLAG_PREEMPTED, value); }
181 inline bool stackChunkOopDesc::preempted_on_monitorenter() const   { return objectMonitor() != nullptr; }
183 inline bool stackChunkOopDesc::has_lockStack() const         { return is_flag(FLAG_HAS_LOCKSTACK); }
184 inline void stackChunkOopDesc::set_has_lockStack(bool value) { set_flag(FLAG_HAS_LOCKSTACK, value); }
186 inline bool stackChunkOopDesc::is_gc_mode() const                  { return is_flag(FLAG_GC_MODE); }
187 inline bool stackChunkOopDesc::is_gc_mode_acquire() const          { return is_flag_acquire(FLAG_GC_MODE); }
188 inline void stackChunkOopDesc::set_gc_mode(bool value)             { set_flag(FLAG_GC_MODE, value); }
190 inline bool stackChunkOopDesc::has_bitmap() const                  { return is_flag(FLAG_HAS_BITMAP); }
191 inline void stackChunkOopDesc::set_has_bitmap(bool value)          { set_flag(FLAG_HAS_BITMAP, value); }
193 inline bool stackChunkOopDesc::has_thaw_slowpath_condition() const { return flags() != 0; }
195 inline bool stackChunkOopDesc::requires_barriers() {
196   return Universe::heap()->requires_barriers(this);
197 }
199 template <stackChunkOopDesc::BarrierType barrier, ChunkFrames frame_kind, typename RegisterMapT>
200 void stackChunkOopDesc::do_barriers(const StackChunkFrameStream<frame_kind>& f, const RegisterMapT* map) {
201   if (frame_kind == ChunkFrames::Mixed) {
202     // we could freeze deopted frames in slow mode.
203     f.handle_deopted();
204   }
205   do_barriers0<barrier>(f, map);
206 }
208 template <typename OopT, class StackChunkLockStackClosureType>
209 inline void stackChunkOopDesc::iterate_lockstack(StackChunkLockStackClosureType* closure) {
210   if (LockingMode != LM_LIGHTWEIGHT) {
211     return;
212   }
213   int cnt = lockStackSize();
214   intptr_t* lockstart_addr = start_address();
215   for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) {
216     closure->do_oop((OopT*)&lockstart_addr[i]);
217   }
218 }
220 template <class StackChunkFrameClosureType>
221 inline void stackChunkOopDesc::iterate_stack(StackChunkFrameClosureType* closure) {
222   has_mixed_frames() ? iterate_stack<ChunkFrames::Mixed>(closure)
223                      : iterate_stack<ChunkFrames::CompiledOnly>(closure);
224 }
226 template <ChunkFrames frame_kind, class StackChunkFrameClosureType>
227 inline void stackChunkOopDesc::iterate_stack(StackChunkFrameClosureType* closure) {
228   const SmallRegisterMap* map = SmallRegisterMap::instance;
229   assert(!map->in_cont(), "");
231   StackChunkFrameStream<frame_kind> f(this);
232   bool should_continue = true;
234   if (f.is_stub()) {
235     RegisterMap full_map(nullptr,
236                          RegisterMap::UpdateMap::include,
237                          RegisterMap::ProcessFrames::skip,
238                          RegisterMap::WalkContinuation::include);
239     full_map.set_include_argument_oops(false);
240     closure->do_frame(f, map);
242     f.next(&full_map);
243     if (f.is_done()) return;

245     should_continue = closure->do_frame(f, &full_map);
246     f.next(&map);

247   }
248   assert(!f.is_stub(), "");
250   for(; should_continue && !f.is_done(); f.next(map)) {
251     if (frame_kind == ChunkFrames::Mixed) {
252       // in slow mode we might freeze deoptimized frames
253       f.handle_deopted();
254     }
255     should_continue = closure->do_frame(f, map);
256   }
257 }
259 inline frame stackChunkOopDesc::relativize(frame fr)   const { relativize_frame(fr);   return fr; }
260 inline frame stackChunkOopDesc::derelativize(frame fr) const { derelativize_frame(fr); return fr; }
262 inline void* stackChunkOopDesc::gc_data() const {
263   int stack_sz = stack_size();
264   assert(stack_sz != 0, "stack should not be empty");
266   // The gc data is located after the stack.

287 inline BitMap::idx_t stackChunkOopDesc::bit_index_for(OopT* p) const {
288   assert(is_aligned(p, alignof(OopT)), "should be aligned: " PTR_FORMAT, p2i(p));
289   assert(p >= (OopT*)start_address(), "Address not in chunk");
290   return p - (OopT*)start_address();
291 }
293 inline intptr_t* stackChunkOopDesc::address_for_bit(BitMap::idx_t index) const {
294   return UseCompressedOops ? (intptr_t*)address_for_bit<narrowOop>(index) : (intptr_t*)address_for_bit<oop>(index);
295 }
297 template <typename OopT>
298 inline OopT* stackChunkOopDesc::address_for_bit(BitMap::idx_t index) const {
299   return (OopT*)start_address() + index;
300 }
302 inline MemRegion stackChunkOopDesc::range() {
303   return MemRegion((HeapWord*)this, size());
304 }
306 inline int stackChunkOopDesc::relativize_usp_offset(const frame& fr, const int usp_offset_in_bytes) const {
307   assert(fr.is_compiled_frame() || fr.cb()->is_runtime_stub(), "");
308   assert(is_in_chunk(fr.unextended_sp()), "");
310   intptr_t* base = fr.real_fp(); // equal to the caller's sp
311   intptr_t* loc = (intptr_t*)((address)fr.unextended_sp() + usp_offset_in_bytes);
312   assert(base > loc, "");
313   return (int)(base - loc);
314 }
316 inline address stackChunkOopDesc::usp_offset_to_location(const frame& fr, const int usp_offset_in_bytes) const {
317   assert(fr.is_compiled_frame(), "");
318   return (address)derelativize_address(fr.offset_unextended_sp()) + usp_offset_in_bytes;
319 }
321 inline address stackChunkOopDesc::reg_to_location(const frame& fr, const RegisterMap* map, VMReg reg) const {
322   assert(fr.is_compiled_frame(), "");
323   assert(map != nullptr, "");
324   assert(map->stack_chunk() == as_oop(), "");
326   // the offsets are saved in the map after going through relativize_usp_offset, so they are sp - loc, in words
327   intptr_t offset = (intptr_t)map->location(reg, nullptr); // see usp_offset_to_index for the chunk case
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