< prev index next >


Print this page
@@ -53,10 +53,11 @@
  #include "runtime/frame.inline.hpp"
  #include "runtime/interfaceSupport.inline.hpp"
  #include "runtime/javaThread.inline.hpp"
  #include "runtime/jniHandles.inline.hpp"
  #include "runtime/keepStackGCProcessed.hpp"
+ #include "runtime/objectMonitor.inline.hpp"
  #include "runtime/orderAccess.hpp"
  #include "runtime/prefetch.inline.hpp"
  #include "runtime/smallRegisterMap.inline.hpp"
  #include "runtime/sharedRuntime.hpp"
  #include "runtime/stackChunkFrameStream.inline.hpp"

@@ -64,10 +65,11 @@
  #include "runtime/stackOverflow.hpp"
  #include "runtime/stackWatermarkSet.inline.hpp"
  #include "utilities/debug.hpp"
  #include "utilities/exceptions.hpp"
  #include "utilities/macros.hpp"
+ #include "utilities/vmError.hpp"
  #include "gc/z/zStackChunkGCData.inline.hpp"
  #include <type_traits>

@@ -177,10 +179,11 @@
  static void verify_continuation(oop continuation) { Continuation::debug_verify_continuation(continuation); }
  static void do_deopt_after_thaw(JavaThread* thread);
  static bool do_verify_after_thaw(JavaThread* thread, stackChunkOop chunk, outputStream* st);
  static void log_frames(JavaThread* thread);
+ static void log_frames_after_thaw(JavaThread* thread, ContinuationWrapper& cont, intptr_t* sp, bool preempted);
  static void print_frame_layout(const frame& f, bool callee_complete, outputStream* st = tty);
  #define assert_pfl(p, ...) \
  do {                                           \
    if (!(p)) {                                  \

@@ -196,31 +199,12 @@
  static void verify_continuation(oop continuation) { }
  #define assert_pfl(p, ...)
- // should match Continuation.preemptStatus() in Continuation.java
- enum freeze_result {
-   freeze_ok = 0,
-   freeze_ok_bottom = 1,
-   freeze_pinned_cs = 2,
-   freeze_pinned_native = 3,
-   freeze_pinned_monitor = 4,
-   freeze_exception = 5
- };
- const char* freeze_result_names[6] = {
-   "freeze_ok",
-   "freeze_ok_bottom",
-   "freeze_pinned_cs",
-   "freeze_pinned_native",
-   "freeze_pinned_monitor",
-   "freeze_exception"
- };
  static freeze_result is_pinned0(JavaThread* thread, oop cont_scope, bool safepoint);
- template<typename ConfigT> static inline int freeze_internal(JavaThread* current, intptr_t* const sp);
+ template<typename ConfigT, bool preempt> static inline int freeze_internal(JavaThread* current, intptr_t* const sp);
  static inline int prepare_thaw_internal(JavaThread* thread, bool return_barrier);
  template<typename ConfigT> static inline intptr_t* thaw_internal(JavaThread* thread, const Continuation::thaw_kind kind);

@@ -243,12 +227,15 @@
  template<typename ConfigT>
  static JRT_LEAF(intptr_t*, thaw(JavaThread* thread, int kind))
    // TODO: JRT_LEAF and NoHandleMark is problematic for JFR events.
    // vFrameStreamCommon allocates Handles in RegisterMap for continuations.
+   // Also the preemption case with JVMTI events enabled might safepoint so
+   // undo the NoSafepointVerifier here and rely on handling by ContinuationWrapper.
    // JRT_ENTRY instead?
    ResetNoHandleMark rnhm;
+   DEBUG_ONLY(PauseNoSafepointVerifier pnsv(&__nsv);)
    // we might modify the code cache via BarrierSetNMethod::nmethod_entry_barrier
    MACOS_AARCH64_ONLY(ThreadWXEnable __wx(WXWrite, thread));
    return ConfigT::thaw(thread, (Continuation::thaw_kind)kind);

@@ -267,11 +254,15 @@
    typedef Config<oops, BarrierSetT> SelfT;
    using OopT = std::conditional_t<oops == oop_kind::NARROW, narrowOop, oop>;
    static int freeze(JavaThread* thread, intptr_t* const sp) {
-     return freeze_internal<SelfT>(thread, sp);
+     return freeze_internal<SelfT, false>(thread, sp);
+   }
+   static int freeze_preempt(JavaThread* thread, intptr_t* const sp) {
+     return freeze_internal<SelfT, true>(thread, sp);
    static intptr_t* thaw(JavaThread* thread, Continuation::thaw_kind kind) {
      return thaw_internal<SelfT>(thread, kind);

@@ -310,29 +301,31 @@
  static oop get_continuation(JavaThread* thread) {
    assert(thread != nullptr, "");
    assert(thread->threadObj() != nullptr, "");
    return java_lang_Thread::continuation(thread->threadObj());
+ #endif // ASSERT
  inline void clear_anchor(JavaThread* thread) {
- static void set_anchor(JavaThread* thread, intptr_t* sp) {
-   address pc = ContinuationHelper::return_address_at(
-                  sp - frame::sender_sp_ret_address_offset());
+ static void set_anchor(JavaThread* thread, intptr_t* sp, address pc = nullptr) {
+   if (pc == nullptr) {
+     pc = ContinuationHelper::return_address_at(
+            sp - frame::sender_sp_ret_address_offset());
+   }
    assert(pc != nullptr, "");
    JavaFrameAnchor* anchor = thread->frame_anchor();
    ContinuationHelper::set_anchor_pd(anchor, sp);
    assert(thread->has_last_Java_frame(), "");
    assert(thread->last_frame().cb() != nullptr, "");
- #endif // ASSERT
  static void set_anchor_to_entry(JavaThread* thread, ContinuationEntry* entry) {
    JavaFrameAnchor* anchor = thread->frame_anchor();

@@ -371,15 +364,20 @@
  class FreezeBase : public StackObj {
    JavaThread* const _thread;
    ContinuationWrapper& _cont;
    bool _barriers; // only set when we allocate a chunk
-   const bool _preempt; // used only on the slow path
-   const intptr_t * const _frame_sp; // Top frame sp for this freeze
    intptr_t* _bottom_address;
+   // Used for preemption only
+   const bool _preempt;
+   frame _last_frame;
+   // Used to support freezing with held monitors
+   int _monitors_in_lockstack;
    int _freeze_size; // total size of all frames plus metadata in words.
    int _total_align_size;
    intptr_t* _cont_stack_top;
    intptr_t* _cont_stack_bottom;

@@ -395,21 +393,23 @@
    JvmtiSampledObjectAllocEventCollector* _jvmti_event_collector;
    NOT_PRODUCT(int _frames;)
    DEBUG_ONLY(intptr_t* _last_write;)
-   inline FreezeBase(JavaThread* thread, ContinuationWrapper& cont, intptr_t* sp);
+   inline FreezeBase(JavaThread* thread, ContinuationWrapper& cont, intptr_t* sp, bool preempt);
    NOINLINE freeze_result freeze_slow();
    void freeze_fast_existing_chunk();
    CONT_JFR_ONLY(FreezeThawJfrInfo& jfr_info() { return _jfr_info; })
    void set_jvmti_event_collector(JvmtiSampledObjectAllocEventCollector* jsoaec) { _jvmti_event_collector = jsoaec; }
    inline int size_if_fast_freeze_available();
+   inline frame& last_frame() { return _last_frame; }
  #ifdef ASSERT
    bool check_valid_fast_path();

@@ -427,33 +427,37 @@
    int cont_size() { return pointer_delta_as_int(_cont_stack_bottom, _cont_stack_top); }
    // slow path
    frame freeze_start_frame();
-   frame freeze_start_frame_safepoint_stub(frame f);
+   frame freeze_start_frame_on_preempt();
    NOINLINE freeze_result recurse_freeze(frame& f, frame& caller, int callee_argsize, bool callee_interpreted, bool top);
-   inline frame freeze_start_frame_yield_stub(frame f);
+   inline frame freeze_start_frame_yield_stub();
    template<typename FKind>
    inline freeze_result recurse_freeze_java_frame(const frame& f, frame& caller, int fsize, int argsize);
    inline void before_freeze_java_frame(const frame& f, const frame& caller, int fsize, int argsize, bool is_bottom_frame);
    inline void after_freeze_java_frame(const frame& hf, bool is_bottom_frame);
    freeze_result finalize_freeze(const frame& callee, frame& caller, int argsize);
    void patch(const frame& f, frame& hf, const frame& caller, bool is_bottom_frame);
    NOINLINE freeze_result recurse_freeze_interpreted_frame(frame& f, frame& caller, int callee_argsize, bool callee_interpreted);
    freeze_result recurse_freeze_compiled_frame(frame& f, frame& caller, int callee_argsize, bool callee_interpreted);
    NOINLINE freeze_result recurse_freeze_stub_frame(frame& f, frame& caller);
+   NOINLINE freeze_result recurse_freeze_native_frame(frame& f, frame& caller);
    NOINLINE void finish_freeze(const frame& f, const frame& top);
+   void freeze_lockstack(stackChunkOop chunk);
    inline bool stack_overflow();
    static frame sender(const frame& f) { return f.is_interpreted_frame() ? sender<ContinuationHelper::InterpretedFrame>(f)
                                                                          : sender<ContinuationHelper::NonInterpretedUnknownFrame>(f); }
    template<typename FKind> static inline frame sender(const frame& f);
    template<typename FKind> frame new_heap_frame(frame& f, frame& caller);
    inline void set_top_frame_metadata_pd(const frame& hf);
    inline void patch_pd(frame& callee, const frame& caller);
    void adjust_interpreted_frame_unextended_sp(frame& f);
+   static inline void prepare_freeze_interpreted_top_frame(frame& f);
    static inline void relativize_interpreted_frame_metadata(const frame& f, const frame& hf);
    void freeze_fast_copy(stackChunkOop chunk, int chunk_start_sp CONT_JFR_ONLY(COMMA bool chunk_is_allocated));
    bool freeze_fast_new_chunk(stackChunkOop chunk);

@@ -463,21 +467,21 @@
  class Freeze : public FreezeBase {
    stackChunkOop allocate_chunk(size_t stack_size, int argsize_md);
-   inline Freeze(JavaThread* thread, ContinuationWrapper& cont, intptr_t* frame_sp)
-     : FreezeBase(thread, cont, frame_sp) {}
+   inline Freeze(JavaThread* thread, ContinuationWrapper& cont, intptr_t* frame_sp, bool preempt)
+     : FreezeBase(thread, cont, frame_sp, preempt) {}
    freeze_result try_freeze_fast();
    virtual stackChunkOop allocate_chunk_slow(size_t stack_size, int argsize_md) override { return allocate_chunk(stack_size, argsize_md); }
- FreezeBase::FreezeBase(JavaThread* thread, ContinuationWrapper& cont, intptr_t* frame_sp) :
-     _thread(thread), _cont(cont), _barriers(false), _preempt(false), _frame_sp(frame_sp) {
+ FreezeBase::FreezeBase(JavaThread* thread, ContinuationWrapper& cont, intptr_t* frame_sp, bool preempt) :
+     _thread(thread), _cont(cont), _barriers(false), _preempt(preempt), _last_frame(false /* no initialization */) {
    DEBUG_ONLY(_jvmti_event_collector = nullptr;)
    assert(_thread != nullptr, "");
    assert(_thread->last_continuation()->entry_sp() == _cont.entrySP(), "");

@@ -504,28 +508,47 @@
  #if !defined(PPC64) || defined(ZERO)
    static const int doYield_stub_frame_size = frame::metadata_words;
    static const int doYield_stub_frame_size = frame::native_abi_reg_args_size >> LogBytesPerWord;
-   assert(SharedRuntime::cont_doYield_stub()->frame_size() == doYield_stub_frame_size, "");
+   // With preemption doYield() might not have been resolved yet
+   assert(_preempt || SharedRuntime::cont_doYield_stub()->frame_size() == doYield_stub_frame_size, "");
+   if (preempt) {
+     _last_frame = _thread->last_frame();
+   }
    // properties of the continuation on the stack; all sizes are in words
-   _cont_stack_top    = frame_sp + doYield_stub_frame_size; // we don't freeze the doYield stub frame
+   _cont_stack_top    = frame_sp + (!preempt ? doYield_stub_frame_size : 0); // we don't freeze the doYield stub frame
    _cont_stack_bottom = _cont.entrySP() + (_cont.argsize() == 0 ? frame::metadata_words_at_top : 0)
        - ContinuationHelper::frame_align_words(_cont.argsize()); // see alignment in thaw
    log_develop_trace(continuations)("freeze size: %d argsize: %d top: " INTPTR_FORMAT " bottom: " INTPTR_FORMAT,
      cont_size(), _cont.argsize(), p2i(_cont_stack_top), p2i(_cont_stack_bottom));
    assert(cont_size() > 0, "");
+   if (LockingMode != LM_LIGHTWEIGHT) {
+     _monitors_in_lockstack = 0;
+   } else {
+     _monitors_in_lockstack = _thread->lock_stack().monitor_count();
+   }
  void FreezeBase::init_rest() { // we want to postpone some initialization after chunk handling
    _freeze_size = 0;
    _total_align_size = 0;
    NOT_PRODUCT(_frames = 0;)
+ void FreezeBase::freeze_lockstack(stackChunkOop chunk) {
+   assert(chunk->sp_address() - chunk->start_address() >= _monitors_in_lockstack, "no room for lockstack");
+   _thread->lock_stack().move_to_address((oop*)chunk->start_address());
+   chunk->set_lockstack_size(checked_cast<uint8_t>(_monitors_in_lockstack));
+   chunk->set_has_lockstack(true);
+ }
  void FreezeBase::copy_to_chunk(intptr_t* from, intptr_t* to, int size) {
    stackChunkOop chunk = _cont.tail();
    chunk->copy_from_stack_to_chunk(from, to, size);

@@ -552,11 +575,11 @@
    assert(_thread->cont_fastpath(), "");
    DEBUG_ONLY(_fast_freeze_size = size_if_fast_freeze_available();)
    assert(_fast_freeze_size == 0, "");
-   stackChunkOop chunk = allocate_chunk(cont_size() + frame::metadata_words, _cont.argsize() + frame::metadata_words_at_top);
+   stackChunkOop chunk = allocate_chunk(cont_size() + frame::metadata_words + _monitors_in_lockstack, _cont.argsize() + frame::metadata_words_at_top);
    if (freeze_fast_new_chunk(chunk)) {
      return freeze_ok;
    if (_thread->has_pending_exception()) {
      return freeze_exception;

@@ -585,10 +608,12 @@
    // although that would require changing stackChunkOopDesc::is_empty
    if (!chunk->is_empty()) {
      total_size_needed -= _cont.argsize() + frame::metadata_words_at_top;
+   total_size_needed += _monitors_in_lockstack;
    int chunk_free_room = chunk_sp - frame::metadata_words_at_bottom;
    bool available = chunk_free_room >= total_size_needed;
    log_develop_trace(continuations)("chunk available: %s size: %d argsize: %d top: " INTPTR_FORMAT " bottom: " INTPTR_FORMAT,
      available ? "yes" : "no" , total_size_needed, _cont.argsize(), p2i(_cont_stack_top), p2i(_cont_stack_bottom));
    return available ? total_size_needed : 0;

@@ -666,11 +691,11 @@
    // in a fresh chunk, we freeze *with* the bottom-most frame's stack arguments.
    // They'll then be stored twice: in the chunk and in the parent chunk's top frame
-   const int chunk_start_sp = cont_size() + frame::metadata_words;
+   const int chunk_start_sp = cont_size() + frame::metadata_words + _monitors_in_lockstack;
    assert(chunk_start_sp == chunk->stack_size(), "");
    DEBUG_ONLY(_orig_chunk_sp = chunk->start_address() + chunk_start_sp;)
    freeze_fast_copy(chunk, chunk_start_sp CONT_JFR_ONLY(COMMA true));

@@ -695,11 +720,11 @@
      p2i((oopDesc*)chunk), chunk->stack_size(), chunk_start_sp, _cont.argsize());
    assert(chunk_start_sp <= chunk->stack_size(), "");
    assert(chunk_start_sp >= cont_size(), "no room in the chunk");
    const int chunk_new_sp = chunk_start_sp - cont_size(); // the chunk's new sp, after freeze
-   assert(!(_fast_freeze_size > 0) || _orig_chunk_sp - (chunk->start_address() + chunk_new_sp) == _fast_freeze_size, "");
+   assert(!(_fast_freeze_size > 0) || (_orig_chunk_sp - (chunk->start_address() + chunk_new_sp)) == (_fast_freeze_size - _monitors_in_lockstack), "");
    intptr_t* chunk_top = chunk->start_address() + chunk_new_sp;
  #ifdef ASSERT
    if (!_empty) {
      intptr_t* retaddr_slot = (_orig_chunk_sp

@@ -732,13 +757,28 @@
    // We're always writing to a young chunk, so the GC can't see it until the next safepoint.
    // set chunk->pc to the return address of the topmost frame in the chunk
-   chunk->set_pc(ContinuationHelper::return_address_at(
+   if (_preempt) {
+     // On aarch64/riscv64, the return pc of the top frame won't necessarily be at sp[-1].
+     // Also, on x64, if the top frame is the native wrapper frame, sp[-1] will not
+     // be the pc we used when creating the oopmap. Get the top's frame last pc from
+     // the anchor instead.
+     address last_pc = _last_frame.pc();
+     ContinuationHelper::patch_return_address_at(chunk_top - frame::sender_sp_ret_address_offset(), last_pc);
+     chunk->set_pc(last_pc);
+   } else {
+     chunk->set_pc(ContinuationHelper::return_address_at(
                    _cont_stack_top - frame::sender_sp_ret_address_offset()));
+   }
+   if (_monitors_in_lockstack > 0) {
+     freeze_lockstack(chunk);
+   }
    log_develop_trace(continuations)("FREEZE CHUNK #" INTPTR_FORMAT " (young)", _cont.hash());
    LogTarget(Trace, continuations) lt;

@@ -800,47 +840,36 @@
    return res;
  frame FreezeBase::freeze_start_frame() {
-   frame f = _thread->last_frame();
    if (LIKELY(!_preempt)) {
-     return freeze_start_frame_yield_stub(f);
+     return freeze_start_frame_yield_stub();
    } else {
-     return freeze_start_frame_safepoint_stub(f);
+     return freeze_start_frame_on_preempt();
- frame FreezeBase::freeze_start_frame_yield_stub(frame f) {
+ frame FreezeBase::freeze_start_frame_yield_stub() {
+   frame f = _thread->last_frame();
    assert(SharedRuntime::cont_doYield_stub()->contains(f.pc()), "must be");
    f = sender<ContinuationHelper::NonInterpretedUnknownFrame>(f);
    assert(Continuation::is_frame_in_continuation(_thread->last_continuation(), f), "");
    return f;
- frame FreezeBase::freeze_start_frame_safepoint_stub(frame f) {
- #if (defined(X86) || defined(AARCH64) || defined(RISCV64)) && !defined(ZERO)
-   f.set_fp(f.real_fp()); // f.set_fp(*Frame::callee_link_address(f)); // ????
- #else
-   Unimplemented();
- #endif
-   if (!Interpreter::contains(f.pc())) {
-     assert(ContinuationHelper::Frame::is_stub(f.cb()), "must be");
-     assert(f.oop_map() != nullptr, "must be");
-     if (Interpreter::contains(ContinuationHelper::StubFrame::return_pc(f))) {
-       f = sender<ContinuationHelper::StubFrame>(f); // Safepoint stub in interpreter
-     }
-   }
-   assert(Continuation::is_frame_in_continuation(_thread->last_continuation(), f), "");
-   return f;
+ frame FreezeBase::freeze_start_frame_on_preempt() {
+   assert(_last_frame.sp() == _thread->last_frame().sp(), "_last_frame should be already initialized");
+   assert(Continuation::is_frame_in_continuation(_thread->last_continuation(), _last_frame), "");
+   return _last_frame;
  // The parameter callee_argsize includes metadata that has to be part of caller/callee overlap.
  NOINLINE freeze_result FreezeBase::recurse_freeze(frame& f, frame& caller, int callee_argsize, bool callee_interpreted, bool top) {
    assert(f.unextended_sp() < _bottom_address, ""); // see recurse_freeze_java_frame
-   assert(f.is_interpreted_frame() || ((top && _preempt) == ContinuationHelper::Frame::is_stub(f.cb())), "");
+   assert(f.is_interpreted_frame() || ((top && _preempt) == ContinuationHelper::Frame::is_stub(f.cb()))
+          || ((top && _preempt) == f.is_native_frame()), "");
    if (stack_overflow()) {
      return freeze_exception;

@@ -849,20 +878,18 @@
        // special native frame
        return freeze_pinned_native;
      return recurse_freeze_compiled_frame(f, caller, callee_argsize, callee_interpreted);
    } else if (f.is_interpreted_frame()) {
-     assert((_preempt && top) || !f.interpreter_frame_method()->is_native(), "");
-     if (_preempt && top && f.interpreter_frame_method()->is_native()) {
-       // int native entry
-       return freeze_pinned_native;
-     }
+     assert(!f.interpreter_frame_method()->is_native() || (top && _preempt), "");
      return recurse_freeze_interpreted_frame(f, caller, callee_argsize, callee_interpreted);
-   } else if (_preempt && top && ContinuationHelper::Frame::is_stub(f.cb())) {
-     return recurse_freeze_stub_frame(f, caller);
+   } else if (top && _preempt) {
+     assert(f.is_native_frame() || f.is_runtime_frame(), "");
+     return f.is_native_frame() ? recurse_freeze_native_frame(f, caller) : recurse_freeze_stub_frame(f, caller);
    } else {
+     // Frame can't be frozen. Most likely the call_stub or upcall_stub
+     // which indicates there are further natives frames up the stack.
      return freeze_pinned_native;
  // The parameter callee_argsize includes metadata that has to be part of caller/callee overlap.

@@ -918,10 +945,11 @@
  // The parameter argsize_md includes metadata that has to be part of caller/callee overlap.
  // See also StackChunkFrameStream<frame_kind>::frame_size()
  freeze_result FreezeBase::finalize_freeze(const frame& callee, frame& caller, int argsize_md) {
    int argsize = argsize_md - frame::metadata_words_at_top;
+     || ContinuationHelper::Frame::is_stub(callee.cb())
      || callee.cb()->as_nmethod()->is_osr_method()
      || argsize == _cont.argsize(), "argsize: %d cont.argsize: %d", argsize, _cont.argsize());
    log_develop_trace(continuations)("bottom: " INTPTR_FORMAT " count %d size: %d argsize: %d",
      p2i(_bottom_address), _frames, _freeze_size << LogBytesPerWord, argsize);

@@ -960,10 +988,12 @@
    assert(chunk == nullptr || chunk->is_empty()
            || unextended_sp == chunk->to_offset(StackChunkFrameStream<ChunkFrames::Mixed>(chunk).unextended_sp()), "");
    assert(chunk != nullptr || unextended_sp < _freeze_size, "");
+   _freeze_size += _monitors_in_lockstack;
    // _barriers can be set to true by an allocation in freeze_fast, in which case the chunk is available
    bool allocated_old_in_freeze_fast = _barriers;
    assert(!allocated_old_in_freeze_fast || (unextended_sp >= _freeze_size && chunk->is_empty()),
      "Chunk allocated in freeze_fast is of insufficient size "
      "unextended_sp: %d size: %d is_empty: %d", unextended_sp, _freeze_size, chunk->is_empty());

@@ -1014,23 +1044,38 @@
    assert(!_barriers || chunk->is_empty(), "");
    assert(!chunk->is_empty() || StackChunkFrameStream<ChunkFrames::Mixed>(chunk).is_done(), "");
    assert(!chunk->is_empty() || StackChunkFrameStream<ChunkFrames::Mixed>(chunk).to_frame().is_empty(), "");
+   if (_preempt) {
+     frame f = _thread->last_frame();
+     if (f.is_interpreted_frame()) {
+       // Some platforms do not save the last_sp in the top interpreter frame on VM calls.
+       // We need it so that on resume we can restore the sp to the right place, since
+       // thawing might add an alignment word to the expression stack (see finish_thaw()).
+       // We do it now that we know freezing will be successful.
+       prepare_freeze_interpreted_top_frame(f);
+     }
+   }
    // We unwind frames after the last safepoint so that the GC will have found the oops in the frames, but before
    // writing into the chunk. This is so that an asynchronous stack walk (not at a safepoint) that suspends us here
    // will either see no continuation or a consistent chunk.
-   chunk->set_max_thawing_size(chunk->max_thawing_size() + _freeze_size - frame::metadata_words);
+   chunk->set_max_thawing_size(chunk->max_thawing_size() + _freeze_size - _monitors_in_lockstack - frame::metadata_words);
    if (lt.develop_is_enabled()) {
      LogStream ls(lt);
      ls.print_cr("top chunk:");
+   if (_monitors_in_lockstack > 0) {
+     freeze_lockstack(chunk);
+   }
    // The topmost existing frame in the chunk; or an empty frame if the chunk is empty
    caller = StackChunkFrameStream<ChunkFrames::Mixed>(chunk).to_frame();
    DEBUG_ONLY(_last_write = caller.unextended_sp() + (empty_chunk ? argsize_md : overlap);)

@@ -1046,17 +1091,18 @@
    assert(!empty || Continuation::is_continuation_entry_frame(callee, nullptr), "");
    frame entry = sender(callee);
-   assert(Continuation::is_return_barrier_entry(entry.pc()) || Continuation::is_continuation_enterSpecial(entry), "");
+   assert((!empty && Continuation::is_return_barrier_entry(entry.pc())) || (empty && Continuation::is_continuation_enterSpecial(entry)), "");
    assert(callee.is_interpreted_frame() || entry.sp() == entry.unextended_sp(), "");
    return freeze_ok_bottom;
+ // After freezing a frame we need to possibly adjust some values related to the caller frame.
  void FreezeBase::patch(const frame& f, frame& hf, const frame& caller, bool is_bottom_frame) {
    if (is_bottom_frame) {
      // If we're the bottom frame, we need to replace the return barrier with the real
      // caller's pc.
      address last_pc = caller.pc();

@@ -1111,12 +1157,12 @@
    Method* frame_method = ContinuationHelper::Frame::frame_method(f);
    // including metadata between f and its args
    const int argsize = ContinuationHelper::InterpretedFrame::stack_argsize(f) + frame::metadata_words_at_top;
-   log_develop_trace(continuations)("recurse_freeze_interpreted_frame %s _size: %d fsize: %d argsize: %d",
-     frame_method->name_and_sig_as_C_string(), _freeze_size, fsize, argsize);
+   log_develop_trace(continuations)("recurse_freeze_interpreted_frame %s _size: %d fsize: %d argsize: %d callee_interpreted: %d",
+     frame_method->name_and_sig_as_C_string(), _freeze_size, fsize, argsize, callee_interpreted);
    // we'd rather not yield inside methods annotated with @JvmtiMountTransition
    assert(!ContinuationHelper::Frame::frame_method(f)->jvmti_mount_transition(), "");
    freeze_result result = recurse_freeze_java_frame<ContinuationHelper::InterpretedFrame>(f, caller, fsize, argsize);
    if (UNLIKELY(result > freeze_ok_bottom)) {

@@ -1189,11 +1235,12 @@
    copy_to_chunk(stack_frame_top, heap_frame_top, fsize);
    assert(!is_bottom_frame || !caller.is_compiled_frame() || (heap_frame_top + fsize) == (caller.unextended_sp() + argsize), "");
    if (caller.is_interpreted_frame()) {
-     _total_align_size += frame::align_wiggle; // See Thaw::align
+     // When thawing the frame we might need to add alignment (see Thaw::align)
+     _total_align_size += frame::align_wiggle;
    patch(f, hf, caller, is_bottom_frame);
    assert(is_bottom_frame || Interpreter::contains(ContinuationHelper::CompiledFrame::real_pc(caller)) == caller.is_interpreted_frame(), "");

@@ -1202,48 +1249,81 @@
    caller = hf;
    return freeze_ok;
  NOINLINE freeze_result FreezeBase::recurse_freeze_stub_frame(frame& f, frame& caller) {
-   intptr_t* const stack_frame_top = ContinuationHelper::StubFrame::frame_top(f, 0, 0);
+   DEBUG_ONLY(frame fsender = sender(f);)
+   assert(fsender.is_compiled_frame(), "sender should be compiled frame");
+   intptr_t* const stack_frame_top = ContinuationHelper::StubFrame::frame_top(f);
    const int fsize = f.cb()->frame_size();
    log_develop_trace(continuations)("recurse_freeze_stub_frame %s _size: %d fsize: %d :: " INTPTR_FORMAT " - " INTPTR_FORMAT,
      f.cb()->name(), _freeze_size, fsize, p2i(stack_frame_top), p2i(stack_frame_top+fsize));
-   // recurse_freeze_java_frame and freeze inlined here because we need to use a full RegisterMap for lock ownership
-   NOT_PRODUCT(_frames++;)
-   _freeze_size += fsize;
+   freeze_result result = recurse_freeze_java_frame<ContinuationHelper::StubFrame>(f, caller, fsize, 0);
+   if (UNLIKELY(result > freeze_ok_bottom)) {
+     return result;
+   }
-   RegisterMap map(_cont.thread(),
-                   RegisterMap::UpdateMap::include,
-                   RegisterMap::ProcessFrames::skip,
-                   RegisterMap::WalkContinuation::skip);
-   map.set_include_argument_oops(false);
-   ContinuationHelper::update_register_map<ContinuationHelper::StubFrame>(f, &map);
-   f.oop_map()->update_register_map(&f, &map); // we have callee-save registers in this case
-   frame senderf = sender<ContinuationHelper::StubFrame>(f);
-   assert(senderf.unextended_sp() < _bottom_address - 1, "");
-   assert(senderf.is_compiled_frame(), "");
-   if (UNLIKELY(senderf.oop_map() == nullptr)) {
-     // native frame
+   assert(result == freeze_ok, "should have caller");
+   DEBUG_ONLY(before_freeze_java_frame(f, caller, fsize, 0, false /*is_bottom_frame*/);)
+   frame hf = new_heap_frame<ContinuationHelper::StubFrame>(f, caller);
+   intptr_t* heap_frame_top = ContinuationHelper::StubFrame::frame_top(hf);
+   copy_to_chunk(stack_frame_top, heap_frame_top, fsize);
+   patch(f, hf, caller, false /*is_bottom_frame*/);
+   DEBUG_ONLY(after_freeze_java_frame(hf, false /*is_bottom_frame*/);)
+   caller = hf;
+   return freeze_ok;
+ }
+ NOINLINE freeze_result FreezeBase::recurse_freeze_native_frame(frame& f, frame& caller) {
+   if (!f.cb()->as_nmethod()->method()->is_object_wait0()) {
+     assert(f.cb()->as_nmethod()->method()->is_synchronized(), "");
+     // Synchronized native method case. Unlike the interpreter native wrapper, the compiled
+     // native wrapper tries to acquire the monitor after marshalling the arguments from the
+     // caller into the native convention. This is so that we have a valid oopMap in case of
+     // having to block in the slow path. But that would require freezing those registers too
+     // and then fixing them back on thaw in case of oops. To avoid complicating things and
+     // given that this would be a rare case anyways just pin the vthread to the carrier.
      return freeze_pinned_native;
-   freeze_result result = recurse_freeze_compiled_frame(senderf, caller, 0, 0); // This might be deoptimized
+   intptr_t* const stack_frame_top = ContinuationHelper::NativeFrame::frame_top(f);
+   // There are no stackargs but argsize must include the metadata
+   const int argsize = frame::metadata_words_at_top;
+   const int fsize = f.cb()->frame_size() + argsize;
+   log_develop_trace(continuations)("recurse_freeze_native_frame %s _size: %d fsize: %d :: " INTPTR_FORMAT " - " INTPTR_FORMAT,
+     f.cb()->name(), _freeze_size, fsize, p2i(stack_frame_top), p2i(stack_frame_top+fsize));
+   freeze_result result = recurse_freeze_java_frame<ContinuationHelper::NativeFrame>(f, caller, fsize, argsize);
    if (UNLIKELY(result > freeze_ok_bottom)) {
      return result;
-   assert(result != freeze_ok_bottom, "");
-   assert(!caller.is_interpreted_frame(), "");
-   DEBUG_ONLY(before_freeze_java_frame(f, caller, fsize, 0, false);)
-   frame hf = new_heap_frame<ContinuationHelper::StubFrame>(f, caller);
-   intptr_t* heap_frame_top = ContinuationHelper::StubFrame::frame_top(hf, 0, 0);
+   assert(result == freeze_ok, "should have caller frame");
+   DEBUG_ONLY(before_freeze_java_frame(f, caller, fsize, argsize, false /* is_bottom_frame */);)
+   frame hf = new_heap_frame<ContinuationHelper::NativeFrame>(f, caller);
+   intptr_t* heap_frame_top = ContinuationHelper::NativeFrame::frame_top(hf);
    copy_to_chunk(stack_frame_top, heap_frame_top, fsize);
-   DEBUG_ONLY(after_freeze_java_frame(hf, false);)
+   if (caller.is_interpreted_frame()) {
+     // When thawing the frame we might need to add alignment (see Thaw::align)
+     _total_align_size += frame::align_wiggle;
+   }
+   patch(f, hf, caller, false /* is_bottom_frame */);
+   DEBUG_ONLY(after_freeze_java_frame(hf, false /* is_bottom_frame */);)
    caller = hf;
    return freeze_ok;

@@ -1262,10 +1342,12 @@
    chunk->set_max_thawing_size(chunk->max_thawing_size() + _total_align_size);
+   assert(chunk->sp_address() - chunk->start_address() >= _monitors_in_lockstack, "clash with lockstack");
    // At this point the chunk is consistent
    if (UNLIKELY(_barriers)) {
      log_develop_trace(continuations)("do barriers on old chunk");
      // Serial and Parallel GC can allocate objects directly into the old generation.

@@ -1291,10 +1373,11 @@
    if (lt.develop_is_enabled()) {
      LogStream ls(lt);
      ls.print_cr("top hframe after (freeze):");
      assert(_cont.last_frame().is_heap_frame(), "should be");
+     DEBUG_ONLY(print_frame_layout(top, false, &ls);)
    assert(_cont.chunk_invariant(), "");

@@ -1325,10 +1408,11 @@
      assert(_stack_size <= max_jint, "");
      assert(_word_size > _stack_size, "");
      // zero out fields (but not the stack)
      const size_t hs = oopDesc::header_size();
+     oopDesc::set_klass_gap(mem, 0);
      Copy::fill_to_aligned_words(mem + hs, vmClasses::StackChunk_klass()->size_helper() - hs);
      int bottom = (int)_stack_size - _argsize_md;
      jdk_internal_vm_StackChunk::set_size(mem, (int)_stack_size);

@@ -1433,10 +1517,12 @@
    assert(chunk->max_thawing_size() == 0, "");
    assert(chunk->pc() == nullptr, "");
    assert(chunk->is_empty(), "");
    assert(chunk->flags() == 0, "");
    assert(chunk->is_gc_mode() == false, "");
+   assert(chunk->lockstack_size() == 0, "");
+   assert(chunk->object_waiter() == nullptr, "");
    // fields are uninitialized

@@ -1503,10 +1589,43 @@
      ContinuationWrapper::SafepointOp so(Thread::current(), cont);
      JvmtiExport::continuation_yield_cleanup(JavaThread::current(), num_frames);
+ static void jvmti_mount_end(JavaThread* current, ContinuationWrapper& cont, frame top) {
+   assert(current->vthread() != nullptr, "must be");
+   HandleMarkCleaner hm(current);
+   Handle vth(current, current->vthread());
+   ContinuationWrapper::SafepointOp so(current, cont);
+   // Since we might safepoint set the anchor so that the stack can be walked.
+   set_anchor(current, top.sp());
+     current->rebind_to_jvmti_thread_state_of(vth());
+     JvmtiVTMSTransitionDisabler::finish_VTMS_transition((jthread)vth.raw_value(), /* is_mount */ true);
+     // If pending_jvmti_unmount_event() is true here we are in the preemption
+     // cancelled case. Since we never unmounted we don't post the mount event
+     // and just clear the pending unmount flag.
+     if (current->pending_jvmti_unmount_event()) {
+       current->set_pending_jvmti_unmount_event(false);
+     } else if (JvmtiExport::should_post_vthread_mount()) {
+       JvmtiExport::post_vthread_mount((jthread)vth.raw_value());
+     }
+     if (current->pending_contended_entered_event()) {
+       JvmtiExport::post_monitor_contended_entered(current, current->contended_entered_monitor());
+       current->set_contended_entered_monitor(nullptr);
+     }
+   clear_anchor(current);
+ }
  #endif // INCLUDE_JVMTI
  #ifdef ASSERT
  static bool monitors_on_stack(JavaThread* thread) {
    ContinuationEntry* ce = thread->last_continuation();

@@ -1515,11 +1634,12 @@
    for (frame f = thread->last_frame(); Continuation::is_frame_in_continuation(ce, f); f = f.sender(&map)) {
      if ((f.is_interpreted_frame() && ContinuationHelper::InterpretedFrame::is_owning_locks(f)) ||
-         (f.is_compiled_frame() && ContinuationHelper::CompiledFrame::is_owning_locks(map.thread(), &map, f))) {
+         (f.is_compiled_frame() && ContinuationHelper::CompiledFrame::is_owning_locks(map.thread(), &map, f)) ||
+         (f.is_native_frame() && ContinuationHelper::NativeFrame::is_owning_locks(map.thread(), f))) {
        return true;
    return false;

@@ -1532,27 +1652,25 @@
    RegisterMap map(_thread,
-   for (frame f = freeze_start_frame(); Continuation::is_frame_in_continuation(ce, f); f = f.sender(&map)) {
-     if (!f.is_compiled_frame() || f.is_deoptimized_frame()) {
+   int i = 0;
+   for (frame f = freeze_start_frame(); Continuation::is_frame_in_continuation(ce, f); f = f.sender(&map), i++) {
+     if (!((f.is_compiled_frame() && !f.is_deoptimized_frame()) || (i == 0 && (f.is_runtime_frame() || f.is_native_frame())))) {
        return false;
    return true;
  #endif // ASSERT
- static inline int freeze_epilog(JavaThread* thread, ContinuationWrapper& cont) {
+ static inline int freeze_epilog(ContinuationWrapper& cont) {
    assert(!cont.is_empty(), "");
-   // This is done for the sake of the enterSpecial frame
-   StackWatermarkSet::after_unwind(thread);
    log_develop_debug(continuations)("=== End of freeze cont ### #" INTPTR_FORMAT, cont.hash());
    return 0;
  static int freeze_epilog(JavaThread* thread, ContinuationWrapper& cont, freeze_result res) {
    if (UNLIKELY(res != freeze_ok)) {

@@ -1560,19 +1678,32 @@
      log_develop_trace(continuations)("=== end of freeze (fail %d)", res);
      return res;
    JVMTI_ONLY(jvmti_yield_cleanup(thread, cont)); // can safepoint
-   return freeze_epilog(thread, cont);
+   return freeze_epilog(cont);
- template<typename ConfigT>
+ static int preempt_epilog(ContinuationWrapper& cont, freeze_result res, frame& old_last_frame) {
+   if (UNLIKELY(res != freeze_ok)) {
+     verify_continuation(cont.continuation());
+     log_develop_trace(continuations)("=== end of freeze (fail %d)", res);
+     return res;
+   }
+   patch_return_pc_with_preempt_stub(old_last_frame);
+   cont.tail()->set_preempted(true);
+   return freeze_epilog(cont);
+ }
+ template<typename ConfigT, bool preempt>
  static inline int freeze_internal(JavaThread* current, intptr_t* const sp) {
    assert(!current->has_pending_exception(), "");
  #ifdef ASSERT
-   log_trace(continuations)("~~~~ freeze sp: " INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(current->last_continuation()->entry_sp()));
+   log_trace(continuations)("~~~~ freeze sp: " INTPTR_FORMAT "JavaThread: " INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(current->last_continuation()->entry_sp()), p2i(current));
    CONT_JFR_ONLY(EventContinuationFreeze event;)

@@ -1586,39 +1717,51 @@
    ContinuationWrapper cont(current, oopCont);
    log_develop_debug(continuations)("FREEZE #" INTPTR_FORMAT " " INTPTR_FORMAT, cont.hash(), p2i((oopDesc*)oopCont));
    assert(entry->is_virtual_thread() == (entry->scope(current) == java_lang_VirtualThread::vthread_scope()), "");
-   assert(monitors_on_stack(current) == ((current->held_monitor_count() - current->jni_monitor_count()) > 0),
+   assert(LockingMode != LM_LEGACY || (monitors_on_stack(current) == ((current->held_monitor_count() - current->jni_monitor_count()) > 0)),
           "Held monitor count and locks on stack invariant: " INT64_FORMAT " JNI: " INT64_FORMAT, (int64_t)current->held_monitor_count(), (int64_t)current->jni_monitor_count());
+   assert(LockingMode == LM_LEGACY || (current->held_monitor_count() == 0 && current->jni_monitor_count() == 0),
+          "Held monitor count should only be used for LM_LEGACY: " INT64_FORMAT " JNI: " INT64_FORMAT, (int64_t)current->held_monitor_count(), (int64_t)current->jni_monitor_count());
    if (entry->is_pinned() || current->held_monitor_count() > 0) {
      log_develop_debug(continuations)("PINNED due to critical section/hold monitor");
      freeze_result res = entry->is_pinned() ? freeze_pinned_cs : freeze_pinned_monitor;
      log_develop_trace(continuations)("=== end of freeze (fail %d)", res);
      // Avoid Thread.yield() loops without safepoint polls.
-     if (SafepointMechanism::should_process(current)) {
+     if (SafepointMechanism::should_process(current) && !preempt) {
        cont.done(); // allow safepoint
        ThreadInVMfromJava tivmfj(current);
      return res;
-   Freeze<ConfigT> freeze(current, cont, sp);
+   Freeze<ConfigT> freeze(current, cont, sp, preempt);
    assert(!current->cont_fastpath() || freeze.check_valid_fast_path(), "");
    bool fast = UseContinuationFastPath && current->cont_fastpath();
    if (fast && freeze.size_if_fast_freeze_available() > 0) {
      CONT_JFR_ONLY(freeze.jfr_info().post_jfr_event(&event, oopCont, current);)
-     freeze_epilog(current, cont);
-     return 0;
+     return !preempt ? freeze_epilog(cont) : preempt_epilog(cont, freeze_ok, freeze.last_frame());
+   }
+   if (preempt) {
+     JvmtiSampledObjectAllocEventCollector jsoaec(false);
+     freeze.set_jvmti_event_collector(&jsoaec);
+     freeze_result res = fast ? freeze.try_freeze_fast() : freeze.freeze_slow();
+     CONT_JFR_ONLY(freeze.jfr_info().post_jfr_event(&event, oopCont, current);)
+     preempt_epilog(cont, res, freeze.last_frame());
+     return res;
    log_develop_trace(continuations)("chunk unavailable; transitioning to VM");
-   assert(current == JavaThread::current(), "must be current thread except for preempt");
+   assert(current == JavaThread::current(), "must be current thread");
      // delays a possible JvmtiSampledObjectAllocEventCollector in alloc_chunk
      JvmtiSampledObjectAllocEventCollector jsoaec(false);

@@ -1694,10 +1837,11 @@
  static int thaw_size(stackChunkOop chunk) {
    int size = chunk->max_thawing_size();
    size += frame::metadata_words; // For the top pc+fp in push_return_frame or top = stack_sp - frame::metadata_words in thaw_fast
    size += 2*frame::align_wiggle; // in case of alignments at the top and bottom
+   size += frame::metadata_words; // for preemption case (see possibly_adjust_frame)
    return size;
  // make room on the stack for thaw
  // returns the size in bytes, or 0 on failure

@@ -1749,10 +1893,11 @@
    ContinuationWrapper& _cont;
    CONT_JFR_ONLY(FreezeThawJfrInfo _jfr_info;)
    intptr_t* _fastpath;
    bool _barriers;
+   bool _preempted_case;
    intptr_t* _top_unextended_sp_before_thaw;
    int _align_size;
    DEBUG_ONLY(intptr_t* _top_stack_address);
    StackChunkFrameStream<ChunkFrames::Mixed> _stream;

@@ -1767,22 +1912,29 @@
      assert (cont.tail() != nullptr, "no last chunk");
      DEBUG_ONLY(_top_stack_address = _cont.entrySP() - thaw_size(cont.tail());)
    void clear_chunk(stackChunkOop chunk);
+   template<bool check_stub>
    int remove_top_compiled_frame_from_chunk(stackChunkOop chunk, int &argsize);
    void copy_from_chunk(intptr_t* from, intptr_t* to, int size);
+   void thaw_lockstack(stackChunkOop chunk);
    // fast path
    inline void prefetch_chunk_pd(void* start, int size_words);
    void patch_return(intptr_t* sp, bool is_last);
-   // slow path
-   NOINLINE intptr_t* thaw_slow(stackChunkOop chunk, bool return_barrier);
+   intptr_t* handle_preempted_continuation(intptr_t* sp, Continuation::preempt_kind preempt_kind, bool fast_case);
+   inline intptr_t* possibly_adjust_frame(frame& top);
+   inline intptr_t* push_cleanup_continuation();
+   void throw_interrupted_exception(JavaThread* current, frame& top);
+   void recurse_thaw(const frame& heap_frame, frame& caller, int num_frames, bool top_on_preempt_case);
+   void finish_thaw(frame& f);
-   void recurse_thaw(const frame& heap_frame, frame& caller, int num_frames, bool top);
    template<typename FKind> bool recurse_thaw_java_frame(frame& caller, int num_frames);
    void finalize_thaw(frame& entry, int argsize);
    inline bool seen_by_gc();

@@ -1792,16 +1944,17 @@
    void clear_bitmap_bits(address start, address end);
    NOINLINE void recurse_thaw_interpreted_frame(const frame& hf, frame& caller, int num_frames);
    void recurse_thaw_compiled_frame(const frame& hf, frame& caller, int num_frames, bool stub_caller);
    void recurse_thaw_stub_frame(const frame& hf, frame& caller, int num_frames);
-   void finish_thaw(frame& f);
+   void recurse_thaw_native_frame(const frame& hf, frame& caller, int num_frames);
    void push_return_frame(frame& f);
    inline frame new_entry_frame();
    template<typename FKind> frame new_stack_frame(const frame& hf, frame& caller, bool bottom);
    inline void patch_pd(frame& f, const frame& sender);
+   inline void patch_pd(frame& f, intptr_t* caller_sp);
    inline intptr_t* align(const frame& hf, intptr_t* frame_sp, frame& caller, bool bottom);
    void maybe_set_fastpath(intptr_t* sp) { if (sp > _fastpath) _fastpath = sp; }
    static inline void derelativize_interpreted_frame_metadata(const frame& hf, const frame& f);

@@ -1821,11 +1974,13 @@
             && !chunk->has_thaw_slowpath_condition()
             && !PreserveFramePointer;
    inline intptr_t* thaw(Continuation::thaw_kind kind);
+   template<bool check_stub = false>
    NOINLINE intptr_t* thaw_fast(stackChunkOop chunk);
+   NOINLINE intptr_t* thaw_slow(stackChunkOop chunk, Continuation::thaw_kind kind);
    inline void patch_caller_links(intptr_t* sp, intptr_t* bottom);
  template <typename ConfigT>
  inline intptr_t* Thaw<ConfigT>::thaw(Continuation::thaw_kind kind) {

@@ -1837,11 +1992,11 @@
    assert(chunk != nullptr, "guaranteed by prepare_thaw");
    assert(!chunk->is_empty(), "guaranteed by prepare_thaw");
    _barriers = chunk->requires_barriers();
    return (LIKELY(can_thaw_fast(chunk))) ? thaw_fast(chunk)
-                                         : thaw_slow(chunk, kind != Continuation::thaw_top);
+                                         : thaw_slow(chunk, kind);
  class ReconstructedStack : public StackObj {
    intptr_t* _base;  // _cont.entrySP(); // top of the entry frame
    int _thaw_size;

@@ -1870,20 +2025,42 @@
  inline void ThawBase::clear_chunk(stackChunkOop chunk) {
+ template<bool check_stub>
  int ThawBase::remove_top_compiled_frame_from_chunk(stackChunkOop chunk, int &argsize) {
    bool empty = false;
    StackChunkFrameStream<ChunkFrames::CompiledOnly> f(chunk);
    DEBUG_ONLY(intptr_t* const chunk_sp = chunk->start_address() + chunk->sp();)
    assert(chunk_sp == f.sp(), "");
    assert(chunk_sp == f.unextended_sp(), "");
-   const int frame_size = f.cb()->frame_size();
+   int frame_size = f.cb()->frame_size();
    argsize = f.stack_argsize();
+   assert(!f.is_stub() || check_stub, "");
+   if (check_stub && f.is_stub()) {
+     // If we don't thaw the top compiled frame too, after restoring the saved
+     // registers back in Java, we would hit the return barrier to thaw one more
+     // frame effectively overwriting the restored registers during that call.
+     f.next(SmallRegisterMap::instance(), true /* stop */);
+     assert(!f.is_done(), "");
+     f.get_cb();
+     assert(f.is_compiled(), "");
+     frame_size += f.cb()->frame_size();
+     argsize = f.stack_argsize();
+     if (f.cb()->as_nmethod()->is_marked_for_deoptimization()) {
+       // The caller of the runtime stub when the continuation is preempted is not at a
+       // Java call instruction, and so cannot rely on nmethod patching for deopt.
+       log_develop_trace(continuations)("Deoptimizing runtime stub caller");
+       f.to_frame().deoptimize(nullptr); // the null thread simply avoids the assertion in deoptimize which we're not set up for
+     }
+   }
    f.next(SmallRegisterMap::instance(), true /* stop */);
    empty = f.is_done();
    assert(!empty || argsize == chunk->argsize(), "");
    if (empty) {

@@ -1907,10 +2084,22 @@
    // returns the size required to store the frame on stack, and because it is a
    // compiled frame, it must include a copy of the arguments passed by the caller
    return frame_size + argsize + frame::metadata_words_at_top;
+ void ThawBase::thaw_lockstack(stackChunkOop chunk) {
+   int lockStackSize = chunk->lockstack_size();
+   assert(lockStackSize > 0 && lockStackSize <= LockStack::CAPACITY, "");
+   oop tmp_lockstack[LockStack::CAPACITY];
+   chunk->transfer_lockstack(tmp_lockstack, _barriers);
+   _thread->lock_stack().move_from_address(tmp_lockstack, lockStackSize);
+   chunk->set_lockstack_size(0);
+   chunk->set_has_lockstack(false);
+ }
  void ThawBase::copy_from_chunk(intptr_t* from, intptr_t* to, int size) {
    assert(to >= _top_stack_address, "overwrote past thawing space"
      " to: " INTPTR_FORMAT " top_address: " INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(to), p2i(_top_stack_address));
    assert(to + size <= _cont.entrySP(), "overwrote past thawing space");
    _cont.tail()->copy_from_chunk_to_stack(from, to, size);

@@ -1925,10 +2114,11 @@
      sp - frame::sender_sp_ret_address_offset(),
  template <typename ConfigT>
+ template<bool check_stub>
  NOINLINE intptr_t* Thaw<ConfigT>::thaw_fast(stackChunkOop chunk) {
    assert(chunk == _cont.tail(), "");
    assert(!chunk->has_mixed_frames(), "");
    assert(!chunk->requires_barriers(), "");
    assert(!chunk->has_bitmap(), "");

@@ -1958,11 +2148,11 @@
      thaw_size = full_chunk_size;
      empty = true;
    } else { // thaw a single frame
      partial = true;
-     thaw_size = remove_top_compiled_frame_from_chunk(chunk, argsize);
+     thaw_size = remove_top_compiled_frame_from_chunk<check_stub>(chunk, argsize);
      empty = chunk->is_empty();
    // Are we thawing the last frame(s) in the continuation
    const bool is_last = empty && chunk->parent() == nullptr;

@@ -2014,15 +2204,74 @@
  inline bool ThawBase::seen_by_gc() {
    return _barriers || _cont.tail()->is_gc_mode();
- NOINLINE intptr_t* ThawBase::thaw_slow(stackChunkOop chunk, bool return_barrier) {
+ static inline void relativize_chunk_concurrently(stackChunkOop chunk) {
+   if (UseZGC || UseShenandoahGC) {
+     chunk->relativize_derived_pointers_concurrently();
+   }
+ #endif
+ }
+ template <typename ConfigT>
+ NOINLINE intptr_t* Thaw<ConfigT>::thaw_slow(stackChunkOop chunk, Continuation::thaw_kind kind) {
+   Continuation::preempt_kind preempt_kind;
+   bool retry_fast_path = false;
+   _preempted_case = chunk->preempted();
+   if (_preempted_case) {
+     if (chunk->object_waiter() != nullptr) {
+       // Mounted again after preemption. Resume the pending monitor operation,
+       // which will be either a monitorenter or Object.wait() call.
+       assert(chunk->current_pending_monitor() != nullptr || chunk->current_waiting_monitor() != nullptr, "");
+       ObjectWaiter* waiter = chunk->object_waiter();
+       ObjectMonitor* mon = waiter->monitor();
+       preempt_kind = waiter->is_wait() ? Continuation::freeze_on_wait : Continuation::freeze_on_monitorenter;
+       bool mon_acquired = mon->resume_operation(_thread, waiter, _cont);
+       assert(!mon_acquired || mon->has_owner(_thread), "invariant");
+       if (!mon_acquired) {
+         // Failed to acquire monitor. Return to enterSpecial to unmount again.
+         return push_cleanup_continuation();
+       }
+       chunk = _cont.tail();  // reload oop in case of safepoint in resume_operation (if posting JVMTI events).
+     } else {
+       // Preemption cancelled in moniterenter case. We actually acquired
+       // the monitor after freezing all frames so nothing to do.
+       preempt_kind = Continuation::freeze_on_monitorenter;
+     }
+     // Call this first to avoid racing with GC threads later when modifying the chunk flags.
+     relativize_chunk_concurrently(chunk);
+     chunk->set_preempted(false);
+     retry_fast_path = true;
+   } else {
+     relativize_chunk_concurrently(chunk);
+   }
+   // On first thaw after freeze restore oops to the lockstack if any.
+   assert(chunk->lockstack_size() == 0 || kind == Continuation::thaw_top, "");
+   if (kind == Continuation::thaw_top && chunk->lockstack_size() > 0) {
+     thaw_lockstack(chunk);
+     retry_fast_path = true;
+   }
+   // Retry the fast path now that we possibly cleared the FLAG_HAS_LOCKSTACK
+   // and FLAG_PREEMPTED flags from the stackChunk.
+   if (retry_fast_path && can_thaw_fast(chunk)) {
+     intptr_t* sp = thaw_fast<true>(chunk);
+     if (_preempted_case) {
+       return handle_preempted_continuation(sp, preempt_kind, true /* fast_case */);
+     }
+     return sp;
+   }
    LogTarget(Trace, continuations) lt;
    if (lt.develop_is_enabled()) {
      LogStream ls(lt);
-     ls.print_cr("thaw slow return_barrier: %d " INTPTR_FORMAT, return_barrier, p2i(chunk));
+     ls.print_cr("thaw slow return_barrier: %d " INTPTR_FORMAT, kind, p2i(chunk));
      chunk->print_on(true, &ls);
  #if CONT_JFR
    EventContinuationThawSlow e;

@@ -2032,11 +2281,11 @@
    DEBUG_ONLY(_frames = 0;)
    _align_size = 0;
-   int num_frames = (return_barrier ? 1 : 2);
+   int num_frames = kind == Continuation::thaw_top ? 2 : 1;
    _stream = StackChunkFrameStream<ChunkFrames::Mixed>(chunk);
    _top_unextended_sp_before_thaw = _stream.unextended_sp();
    frame heap_frame = _stream.to_frame();

@@ -2045,40 +2294,37 @@
      ls.print_cr("top hframe before (thaw):");
      assert(heap_frame.is_heap_frame(), "should have created a relative frame");
-   if (UseZGC || UseShenandoahGC) {
-     _cont.tail()->relativize_derived_pointers_concurrently();
-   }
- #endif
    frame caller; // the thawed caller on the stack
-   recurse_thaw(heap_frame, caller, num_frames, true);
+   recurse_thaw(heap_frame, caller, num_frames, _preempted_case);
    finish_thaw(caller); // caller is now the topmost thawed frame
    assert(_cont.chunk_invariant(), "");
    intptr_t* sp = caller.sp();
+   if (_preempted_case) {
+     return handle_preempted_continuation(sp, preempt_kind, false /* fast_case */);
+   }
    return sp;
- void ThawBase::recurse_thaw(const frame& heap_frame, frame& caller, int num_frames, bool top) {
+ void ThawBase::recurse_thaw(const frame& heap_frame, frame& caller, int num_frames, bool top_on_preempt_case) {
    log_develop_debug(continuations)("thaw num_frames: %d", num_frames);
    assert(!_cont.is_empty(), "no more frames");
    assert(num_frames > 0, "");
    assert(!heap_frame.is_empty(), "");
-   if (top && heap_frame.is_safepoint_blob_frame()) {
-     assert(ContinuationHelper::Frame::is_stub(heap_frame.cb()), "cb: %s", heap_frame.cb()->name());
-     recurse_thaw_stub_frame(heap_frame, caller, num_frames);
+   if (top_on_preempt_case && (heap_frame.is_native_frame() || heap_frame.is_runtime_frame())) {
+     heap_frame.is_native_frame() ? recurse_thaw_native_frame(heap_frame, caller, 2) : recurse_thaw_stub_frame(heap_frame, caller, 2);
    } else if (!heap_frame.is_interpreted_frame()) {
      recurse_thaw_compiled_frame(heap_frame, caller, num_frames, false);
    } else {
      recurse_thaw_interpreted_frame(heap_frame, caller, num_frames);

@@ -2104,11 +2350,11 @@
    if (num_frames == 1 || _stream.is_done()) { // end recursion
      finalize_thaw(caller, FKind::interpreted ? 0 : argsize);
      return true; // bottom
    } else { // recurse
-     recurse_thaw(_stream.to_frame(), caller, num_frames - 1, false);
+     recurse_thaw(_stream.to_frame(), caller, num_frames - 1, false /* top_on_preempt_case */);
      return false;
  void ThawBase::finalize_thaw(frame& entry, int argsize) {

@@ -2194,10 +2440,65 @@
    stackChunkOop chunk = _cont.tail();
    chunk->bitmap().clear_range(chunk->bit_index_for(start), chunk->bit_index_for(effective_end));
    assert(effective_end == end || !chunk->bitmap().at(chunk->bit_index_for(effective_end)), "bit should not be set");
+ intptr_t* ThawBase::handle_preempted_continuation(intptr_t* sp, Continuation::preempt_kind preempt_kind, bool fast_case) {
+   assert(preempt_kind == Continuation::freeze_on_wait || preempt_kind == Continuation::freeze_on_monitorenter, "");
+   frame top(sp);
+   assert(top.pc() == *(address*)(sp - frame::sender_sp_ret_address_offset()), "");
+   // Finish the VTMS transition.
+   assert(_thread->is_in_VTMS_transition(), "must be");
+   bool is_vthread = Continuation::continuation_scope(_cont.continuation()) == java_lang_VirtualThread::vthread_scope();
+   if (is_vthread) {
+     if (JvmtiVTMSTransitionDisabler::VTMS_notify_jvmti_events()) {
+       jvmti_mount_end(_thread, _cont, top);
+     } else {
+       _thread->set_is_in_VTMS_transition(false);
+       java_lang_Thread::set_is_in_VTMS_transition(_thread->vthread(), false);
+     }
+   }
+ #endif
+   if (fast_case) {
+     // If we thawed in the slow path the runtime stub/native wrapper frame already
+     // has the correct fp (see ThawBase::new_stack_frame). On the fast path though,
+     // we copied the original fp at the time of freeze which now will have to be fixed.
+     assert(top.is_runtime_frame() || top.is_native_frame(), "");
+     int fsize = top.cb()->frame_size();
+     patch_pd(top, sp + fsize);
+   }
+   if (preempt_kind == Continuation::freeze_on_wait) {
+     // Check now if we need to throw IE exception.
+     if (_thread->pending_interrupted_exception()) {
+       throw_interrupted_exception(_thread, top);
+       _thread->set_pending_interrupted_exception(false);
+     }
+   } else if (top.is_runtime_frame()) {
+     // The continuation might now run on a different platform thread than the previous time so
+     // we need to adjust the current thread saved in the stub frame before restoring registers.
+     JavaThread** thread_addr = frame::saved_thread_address(top);
+     if (thread_addr != nullptr) *thread_addr = _thread;
+     // Some platforms require the size of the runtime frame to be adjusted.
+     sp = possibly_adjust_frame(top);
+   }
+   return sp;
+ }
+ void ThawBase::throw_interrupted_exception(JavaThread* current, frame& top) {
+   ContinuationWrapper::SafepointOp so(current, _cont);
+   // Since we might safepoint set the anchor so that the stack can be walked.
+   set_anchor(current, top.sp());
+     THROW(vmSymbols::java_lang_InterruptedException());
+   clear_anchor(current);
+ }
  NOINLINE void ThawBase::recurse_thaw_interpreted_frame(const frame& hf, frame& caller, int num_frames) {
    assert(hf.is_interpreted_frame(), "");
    if (UNLIKELY(seen_by_gc())) {
      _cont.tail()->do_barriers<stackChunkOopDesc::BarrierType::Store>(_stream, SmallRegisterMap::instance());

@@ -2237,11 +2538,13 @@
-   const int locals = hf.interpreter_frame_method()->max_locals();
+   Method* m = hf.interpreter_frame_method();
+   assert(!m->is_native() || !is_bottom_frame, "should be top frame of thaw_top case; missing caller frame");
+   const int locals = m->max_locals();
    if (!is_bottom_frame) {
      // can only fix caller once this frame is thawed (due to callee saved regs)
      _cont.tail()->fix_thawed_frame(caller, SmallRegisterMap::instance());
    } else if (_cont.tail()->has_bitmap() && locals > 0) {

@@ -2254,12 +2557,12 @@
    DEBUG_ONLY(after_thaw_java_frame(f, is_bottom_frame);)
    caller = f;
  void ThawBase::recurse_thaw_compiled_frame(const frame& hf, frame& caller, int num_frames, bool stub_caller) {
-   assert(!hf.is_interpreted_frame(), "");
-   assert(_cont.is_preempted() || !stub_caller, "stub caller not at preemption");
+   assert(hf.is_compiled_frame(), "");
+   assert(_preempted_case || !stub_caller, "stub caller not at preemption");
    if (!stub_caller && UNLIKELY(seen_by_gc())) { // recurse_thaw_stub_frame already invoked our barriers with a full regmap
      _cont.tail()->do_barriers<stackChunkOopDesc::BarrierType::Store>(_stream, SmallRegisterMap::instance());

@@ -2268,11 +2571,11 @@
    DEBUG_ONLY(before_thaw_java_frame(hf, caller, is_bottom_frame, num_frames);)
    assert(caller.sp() == caller.unextended_sp(), "");
    if ((!is_bottom_frame && caller.is_interpreted_frame()) || (is_bottom_frame && Interpreter::contains(_cont.tail()->pc()))) {
-     _align_size += frame::align_wiggle; // we add one whether or not we've aligned because we add it in freeze_interpreted_frame
+     _align_size += frame::align_wiggle; // we add one whether or not we've aligned because we add it in recurse_freeze_compiled_frame
    // new_stack_frame must construct the resulting frame using hf.pc() rather than hf.raw_pc() because the frame is not
    // yet laid out in the stack, and so the original_pc is not stored in it.
    // As a result, f.is_deoptimized_frame() is always false and we must test hf to know if the frame is deoptimized.

@@ -2301,14 +2604,13 @@
    // f.is_deoptimized_frame() is always false and we must test hf.is_deoptimized_frame() (see comment above)
    assert(!f.is_deoptimized_frame(), "");
    if (hf.is_deoptimized_frame()) {
    } else if (_thread->is_interp_only_mode()
-               || (_cont.is_preempted() && f.cb()->as_nmethod()->is_marked_for_deoptimization())) {
+               || (stub_caller && f.cb()->as_nmethod()->is_marked_for_deoptimization())) {
      // The caller of the safepoint stub when the continuation is preempted is not at a call instruction, and so
      // cannot rely on nmethod patching for deopt.
-     assert(_thread->is_interp_only_mode() || stub_caller, "expected a stub-caller");
      log_develop_trace(continuations)("Deoptimizing thawed frame");
      DEBUG_ONLY(ContinuationHelper::Frame::patch_pc(f, nullptr));
      f.deoptimize(nullptr); // the null thread simply avoids the assertion in deoptimize which we're not set up for

@@ -2332,53 +2634,102 @@
  void ThawBase::recurse_thaw_stub_frame(const frame& hf, frame& caller, int num_frames) {
-   {
+   if (UNLIKELY(seen_by_gc())) {
+     // Process the stub's caller here since we might need the full map.
      RegisterMap map(nullptr,
      assert(!_stream.is_done(), "");
-     if (UNLIKELY(seen_by_gc())) { // we're now doing this on the stub's caller
-       _cont.tail()->do_barriers<stackChunkOopDesc::BarrierType::Store>(_stream, &map);
-     }
+     _cont.tail()->do_barriers<stackChunkOopDesc::BarrierType::Store>(_stream, &map);
+   } else {
+     _stream.next(SmallRegisterMap::instance());
      assert(!_stream.is_done(), "");
-   recurse_thaw_compiled_frame(_stream.to_frame(), caller, num_frames, true); // this could be deoptimized
-   DEBUG_ONLY(before_thaw_java_frame(hf, caller, false, num_frames);)
+   recurse_thaw_compiled_frame(_stream.to_frame(), caller, num_frames, true);
-   assert(ContinuationHelper::Frame::is_stub(hf.cb()), "");
+   assert(caller.is_compiled_frame(), "");
    assert(caller.sp() == caller.unextended_sp(), "");
-   assert(!caller.is_interpreted_frame(), "");
-   int fsize = ContinuationHelper::StubFrame::size(hf);
+   DEBUG_ONLY(before_thaw_java_frame(hf, caller, false /*is_bottom_frame*/, num_frames);)
    frame f = new_stack_frame<ContinuationHelper::StubFrame>(hf, caller, false);
    intptr_t* stack_frame_top = f.sp();
    intptr_t* heap_frame_top = hf.sp();
+   int fsize = ContinuationHelper::StubFrame::size(hf);
    copy_from_chunk(heap_frame_top - frame::metadata_words, stack_frame_top - frame::metadata_words,
                    fsize + frame::metadata_words);
-   { // can only fix caller once this frame is thawed (due to callee saved regs)
-     RegisterMap map(nullptr,
-                     RegisterMap::UpdateMap::include,
-                     RegisterMap::ProcessFrames::skip,
-                     RegisterMap::WalkContinuation::skip); // map.clear();
-     map.set_include_argument_oops(false);
-     f.oop_map()->update_register_map(&f, &map);
-     ContinuationHelper::update_register_map_with_callee(caller, &map);
-     _cont.tail()->fix_thawed_frame(caller, &map);
+   patch(f, caller, false /*is_bottom_frame*/);
+   // can only fix caller once this frame is thawed (due to callee saved regs)
+   RegisterMap map(nullptr,
+                   RegisterMap::UpdateMap::include,
+                   RegisterMap::ProcessFrames::skip,
+                   RegisterMap::WalkContinuation::skip);
+   map.set_include_argument_oops(false);
+   f.oop_map()->update_register_map(&f, &map);
+   ContinuationHelper::update_register_map_with_callee(caller, &map);
+   _cont.tail()->fix_thawed_frame(caller, &map);
+   DEBUG_ONLY(after_thaw_java_frame(f, false /*is_bottom_frame*/);)
+   caller = f;
+ }
+ void ThawBase::recurse_thaw_native_frame(const frame& hf, frame& caller, int num_frames) {
+   assert(hf.is_native_frame(), "");
+   assert(_preempted_case && hf.cb()->as_nmethod()->method()->is_object_wait0(), "");
+   if (UNLIKELY(seen_by_gc())) { // recurse_thaw_stub_frame already invoked our barriers with a full regmap
+     _cont.tail()->do_barriers<stackChunkOopDesc::BarrierType::Store>(_stream, SmallRegisterMap::instance());
-   DEBUG_ONLY(after_thaw_java_frame(f, false);)
+   const bool is_bottom_frame = recurse_thaw_java_frame<ContinuationHelper::NativeFrame>(caller, num_frames);
+   assert(!is_bottom_frame, "");
+   DEBUG_ONLY(before_thaw_java_frame(hf, caller, is_bottom_frame, num_frames);)
+   assert(caller.sp() == caller.unextended_sp(), "");
+   if (caller.is_interpreted_frame()) {
+     _align_size += frame::align_wiggle; // we add one whether or not we've aligned because we add it in recurse_freeze_native_frame
+   }
+   // new_stack_frame must construct the resulting frame using hf.pc() rather than hf.raw_pc() because the frame is not
+   // yet laid out in the stack, and so the original_pc is not stored in it.
+   // As a result, f.is_deoptimized_frame() is always false and we must test hf to know if the frame is deoptimized.
+   frame f = new_stack_frame<ContinuationHelper::NativeFrame>(hf, caller, false /* bottom */);
+   intptr_t* const stack_frame_top = f.sp();
+   intptr_t* const heap_frame_top = hf.unextended_sp();
+   int fsize = ContinuationHelper::NativeFrame::size(hf);
+   assert(fsize <= (int)(caller.unextended_sp() - f.unextended_sp()), "");
+   intptr_t* from = heap_frame_top - frame::metadata_words_at_bottom;
+   intptr_t* to   = stack_frame_top - frame::metadata_words_at_bottom;
+   int sz = fsize + frame::metadata_words_at_bottom;
+   copy_from_chunk(from, to, sz); // copying good oops because we invoked barriers above
+   patch(f, caller, false /* bottom */);
+   // f.is_deoptimized_frame() is always false and we must test hf.is_deoptimized_frame() (see comment above)
+   assert(!f.is_deoptimized_frame(), "");
+   assert(!hf.is_deoptimized_frame(), "");
+   assert(!f.cb()->as_nmethod()->is_marked_for_deoptimization(), "");
+   // can only fix caller once this frame is thawed (due to callee saved regs); this happens on the stack
+   _cont.tail()->fix_thawed_frame(caller, SmallRegisterMap::instance());
+   DEBUG_ONLY(after_thaw_java_frame(f, false /* bottom */);)
    caller = f;
  void ThawBase::finish_thaw(frame& f) {
    stackChunkOop chunk = _cont.tail();

@@ -2461,34 +2812,15 @@
    set_anchor_to_entry(thread, cont.entry());
+   DEBUG_ONLY(bool preempted = cont.tail()->preempted();)
    Thaw<ConfigT> thw(thread, cont);
    intptr_t* const sp = thw.thaw(kind);
    assert(is_aligned(sp, frame::frame_alignment), "");
-   // All or part of the frames have been thawed so we know they don't hold any monitors except JNI monitors.
-   assert(thread->held_monitor_count() == thread->jni_monitor_count(), "Must be");
- #ifdef ASSERT
-   intptr_t* sp0 = sp;
-   set_anchor(thread, sp0);
-   log_frames(thread);
-   if (LoomVerifyAfterThaw) {
-     assert(do_verify_after_thaw(thread, cont.tail(), tty), "");
-   }
-   assert(ContinuationEntry::assert_entry_frame_laid_out(thread), "");
-   clear_anchor(thread);
-   LogTarget(Trace, continuations) lt;
-   if (lt.develop_is_enabled()) {
-     LogStream ls(lt);
-     ls.print_cr("Jumping to frame (thaw):");
-     frame(sp).print_value_on(&ls);
-   }
- #endif
+   DEBUG_ONLY(log_frames_after_thaw(thread, cont, sp, preempted);)
    CONT_JFR_ONLY(thw.jfr_info().post_jfr_event(&event, cont.continuation(), thread);)
    log_develop_debug(continuations)("=== End of thaw #" INTPTR_FORMAT, cont.hash());

@@ -2589,11 +2921,11 @@
    if (!lt.develop_is_enabled()) {
    LogStream ls(lt);
-   ls.print_cr("------- frames ---------");
+   ls.print_cr("------- frames --------- for thread " INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(thread));
    if (!thread->has_last_Java_frame()) {
      ls.print_cr("NO ANCHOR!");
    RegisterMap map(thread,

@@ -2613,22 +2945,63 @@
      HandleMark hm(Thread::current());
      FrameValues values;
      int i = 0;
      int post_entry = -1;
-     for (frame f = thread->last_frame(); !f.is_entry_frame(); f = f.sender(&map)) {
-       f.describe(values, i++, &map);
+     for (frame f = thread->last_frame(); !f.is_first_frame(); f = f.sender(&map), i++) {
+       f.describe(values, i, &map, i == 0);
        if (post_entry >= 0 || Continuation::is_continuation_enterSpecial(f))
        if (post_entry >= show_entry_callers)
      values.print_on(thread, &ls);
    ls.print_cr("======= end frames =========");
+ static void log_frames_after_thaw(JavaThread* thread, ContinuationWrapper& cont, intptr_t* sp, bool preempted) {
+   intptr_t* sp0 = sp;
+   address pc0 = *(address*)(sp - frame::sender_sp_ret_address_offset());
+   bool use_cont_entry = false;
+   // Some preemption cases need to use and adjusted version of sp.
+   if (preempted) {
+     if (sp0 == cont.entrySP()) {
+       // Still preempted (monitor not acquired) so no frames were thawed.
+       assert(cont.tail()->preempted(), "");
+       use_cont_entry = true;
+     }
+ #if defined (AARCH64) || defined (RISCV64)
+     else {
+       CodeBlob* cb = CodeCache::find_blob(pc0);
+       if (cb->frame_size() == 2) {
+         assert(cb->is_runtime_stub(), "");
+         // Returning to c2 runtime stub requires extra adjustment on aarch64
+         // and riscv64 (see possibly_adjust_frame()).
+         sp0 += frame::metadata_words;
+       }
+     }
+ #endif
+   }
+   set_anchor(thread, use_cont_entry ? cont.entrySP() : sp0, use_cont_entry ? cont.entryPC() : nullptr);
+   log_frames(thread);
+   if (LoomVerifyAfterThaw) {
+     assert(do_verify_after_thaw(thread, cont.tail(), tty), "");
+   }
+   assert(ContinuationEntry::assert_entry_frame_laid_out(thread), "");
+   clear_anchor(thread);
+   LogTarget(Trace, continuations) lt;
+   if (lt.develop_is_enabled()) {
+     LogStream ls(lt);
+     ls.print_cr("Jumping to frame (thaw):");
+     frame(sp).print_value_on(&ls);
+   }
+ }
  #endif // ASSERT
  #include CPU_HEADER_INLINE(continuationFreezeThaw)
  #ifdef ASSERT

@@ -2645,26 +3018,31 @@
    if (callee_complete) {
      frame::update_map_with_saved_link(&map, ContinuationHelper::Frame::callee_link_address(f));
-   const_cast<frame&>(f).describe(values, 0, &map);
+   const_cast<frame&>(f).describe(values, 0, &map, true);
    values.print_on(static_cast<JavaThread*>(nullptr), st);
  static address thaw_entry   = nullptr;
  static address freeze_entry = nullptr;
+ static address freeze_preempt_entry = nullptr;
  address Continuation::thaw_entry() {
    return ::thaw_entry;
  address Continuation::freeze_entry() {
    return ::freeze_entry;
+ address Continuation::freeze_preempt_entry() {
+   return ::freeze_preempt_entry;
+ }
  class ConfigResolve {
    static void resolve() { resolve_compressed(); }
    static void resolve_compressed() {

@@ -2694,10 +3072,11 @@
    template <bool use_compressed, typename BarrierSetT>
    static void resolve() {
      typedef Config<use_compressed ? oop_kind::NARROW : oop_kind::WIDE, BarrierSetT> SelectedConfigT;
      freeze_entry = (address)freeze<SelectedConfigT>;
+     freeze_preempt_entry = (address)SelectedConfigT::freeze_preempt;
      // If we wanted, we could templatize by kind and have three different thaw entries
      thaw_entry   = (address)thaw<SelectedConfigT>;
< prev index next >