< prev index next >


Print this page

 480   const int n = i * Interpreter::stackElementWords;
 481   return &(interpreter_frame_expression_stack()[n]);
 482 }
 484 jint frame::interpreter_frame_expression_stack_size() const {
 485   // Number of elements on the interpreter expression stack
 486   // Callers should span by stackElementWords
 487   int element_size = Interpreter::stackElementWords;
 488   size_t stack_size = 0;
 489   if (frame::interpreter_frame_expression_stack_direction() < 0) {
 490     stack_size = (interpreter_frame_expression_stack() -
 491                   interpreter_frame_tos_address() + 1)/element_size;
 492   } else {
 493     stack_size = (interpreter_frame_tos_address() -
 494                   interpreter_frame_expression_stack() + 1)/element_size;
 495   }
 496   assert(stack_size <= (size_t)max_jint, "stack size too big");
 497   return (jint)stack_size;
 498 }
 501 // (frame::interpreter_frame_sender_sp accessor is in frame_<arch>.cpp)
 503 const char* frame::print_name() const {
 504   if (is_native_frame())      return "Native";
 505   if (is_interpreted_frame()) return "Interpreted";
 506   if (is_compiled_frame()) {
 507     if (is_deoptimized_frame()) return "Deoptimized";
 508     return "Compiled";
 509   }
 510   if (sp() == nullptr)            return "Empty";
 511   return "C";
 512 }
 514 void frame::print_value_on(outputStream* st) const {
 515   NOT_PRODUCT(address begin = pc()-40;)
 516   NOT_PRODUCT(address end   = nullptr;)
 518   st->print("%s frame (sp=" INTPTR_FORMAT " unextended sp=" INTPTR_FORMAT, print_name(), p2i(sp()), p2i(unextended_sp()));
 519   if (sp() != nullptr)
 520     st->print(", fp=" INTPTR_FORMAT ", real_fp=" INTPTR_FORMAT ", pc=" INTPTR_FORMAT,

 560 #ifndef PRODUCT
 561   assert(is_interpreted_frame(), "Not an interpreted frame");
 562   jint i;
 563   for (i = 0; i < interpreter_frame_method()->max_locals(); i++ ) {
 564     intptr_t x = *interpreter_frame_local_at(i);
 565     st->print(" - local  [" INTPTR_FORMAT "]", x);
 566     st->fill_to(23);
 567     st->print_cr("; #%d", i);
 568   }
 569   for (i = interpreter_frame_expression_stack_size() - 1; i >= 0; --i ) {
 570     intptr_t x = *interpreter_frame_expression_stack_at(i);
 571     st->print(" - stack  [" INTPTR_FORMAT "]", x);
 572     st->fill_to(23);
 573     st->print_cr("; #%d", i);
 574   }
 575   // locks for synchronization
 576   for (BasicObjectLock* current = interpreter_frame_monitor_end();
 577        current < interpreter_frame_monitor_begin();
 578        current = next_monitor_in_interpreter_frame(current)) {
 579     st->print(" - obj    [%s", current->obj() == nullptr ? "null" : "");
 580     if (current->obj() != nullptr) current->obj()->print_value_on(st);

 581     st->print_cr("]");
 582     st->print(" - lock   [");
 583     current->lock()->print_on(st, current->obj());

 584     st->print_cr("]");
 585   }
 586   // monitor
 587   st->print_cr(" - monitor[" INTPTR_FORMAT "]", p2i(interpreter_frame_monitor_begin()));
 588   // bcp
 589   st->print(" - bcp    [" INTPTR_FORMAT "]", p2i(interpreter_frame_bcp()));
 590   st->fill_to(23);
 591   st->print_cr("; @%d", interpreter_frame_bci());
 592   // locals
 593   st->print_cr(" - locals [" INTPTR_FORMAT "]", p2i(interpreter_frame_local_at(0)));
 594   // method
 595   st->print(" - method [" INTPTR_FORMAT "]", p2i(interpreter_frame_method()));
 596   st->fill_to(23);
 597   st->print("; ");
 598   interpreter_frame_method()->print_name(st);
 599   st->cr();
 600 #endif
 601 }
 603 // Print whether the frame is in the VM or OS indicating a HotSpot problem.

1068 // check local reg_map for it being a callee-save register or argument
1069 // register, both of which are saved in the local frame.  If not found
1070 // there, it must be an in-stack argument of the caller.
1071 // Note: caller.sp() points to callee-arguments
1072 oop frame::retrieve_receiver(RegisterMap* reg_map) {
1073   frame caller = *this;
1075   // First consult the ADLC on where it puts parameter 0 for this signature.
1076   VMReg reg = SharedRuntime::name_for_receiver();
1077   oop* oop_adr = caller.oopmapreg_to_oop_location(reg, reg_map);
1078   if (oop_adr == nullptr) {
1079     guarantee(oop_adr != nullptr, "bad register save location");
1080     return nullptr;
1081   }
1082   oop r = *oop_adr;
1083   assert(Universe::heap()->is_in_or_null(r), "bad receiver: " INTPTR_FORMAT " (" INTX_FORMAT ")", p2i(r), p2i(r));
1084   return r;
1085 }
1088 BasicLock* frame::get_native_monitor() {
1089   nmethod* nm = (nmethod*)_cb;
1090   assert(_cb != nullptr && _cb->is_nmethod() && nm->method()->is_native(),
1091          "Should not call this unless it's a native nmethod");
1092   int byte_offset = in_bytes(nm->native_basic_lock_sp_offset());
1093   assert(byte_offset >= 0, "should not see invalid offset");
1094   return (BasicLock*) &sp()[byte_offset / wordSize];
1095 }
1097 oop frame::get_native_receiver() {
1098   nmethod* nm = (nmethod*)_cb;
1099   assert(_cb != nullptr && _cb->is_nmethod() && nm->method()->is_native(),
1100          "Should not call this unless it's a native nmethod");
1101   int byte_offset = in_bytes(nm->native_receiver_sp_offset());
1102   assert(byte_offset >= 0, "should not see invalid offset");
1103   oop owner = ((oop*) sp())[byte_offset / wordSize];
1104   assert( Universe::heap()->is_in(owner), "bad receiver" );
1105   return owner;
1106 }
1108 void frame::oops_entry_do(OopClosure* f, const RegisterMap* map) const {
1109   assert(map != nullptr, "map must be set");
1110   if (map->include_argument_oops()) {
1111     // must collect argument oops, as nobody else is doing it
1112     Thread *thread = Thread::current();
1113     methodHandle m (thread, entry_frame_call_wrapper()->callee_method());
1114     EntryFrameOopFinder finder(this, m->signature(), m->is_static());
1115     finder.arguments_do(f);
1116   }
1117   // Traverse the Handle Block saved in the entry frame

1323     intptr_t* p = (intptr_t*)_fr->oopmapreg_to_location(reg, _reg_map);
1324     if (p != nullptr && (((intptr_t)p & WordAlignmentMask) == 0)) {
1325       const char* type_name = nullptr;
1326       switch(type) {
1327         case OopMapValue::oop_value:          type_name = "oop";          break;
1328         case OopMapValue::narrowoop_value:    type_name = "narrow oop";   break;
1329         case OopMapValue::callee_saved_value: type_name = "callee-saved"; break;
1330         case OopMapValue::derived_oop_value:  type_name = "derived";      break;
1331         // case OopMapValue::live_value:         type_name = "live";         break;
1332         default: break;
1333       }
1334       if (type_name != nullptr) {
1335         _values.describe(_frame_no, p, err_msg("%s for #%d", type_name, _frame_no));
1336       }
1337     }
1338   }
1339 };
1341 // callers need a ResourceMark because of name_and_sig_as_C_string() usage,
1342 // RA allocated string is returned to the caller
1343 void frame::describe(FrameValues& values, int frame_no, const RegisterMap* reg_map) {
1344   // boundaries: sp and the 'real' frame pointer
1345   values.describe(-1, sp(), err_msg("sp for #%d", frame_no), 0);

1346   intptr_t* frame_pointer = real_fp(); // Note: may differ from fp()
1348   // print frame info at the highest boundary
1349   intptr_t* info_address = MAX2(sp(), frame_pointer);
1351   if (info_address != frame_pointer) {
1352     // print frame_pointer explicitly if not marked by the frame info
1353     values.describe(-1, frame_pointer, err_msg("frame pointer for #%d", frame_no), 1);
1354   }
1356   if (is_entry_frame() || is_compiled_frame() || is_interpreted_frame() || is_native_frame()) {
1357     // Label values common to most frames
1358     values.describe(-1, unextended_sp(), err_msg("unextended_sp for #%d", frame_no), 0);
1359   }
1361   if (is_interpreted_frame()) {
1362     Method* m = interpreter_frame_method();
1363     int bci = interpreter_frame_bci();
1364     InterpreterCodelet* desc = Interpreter::codelet_containing(pc());

1397     OopMapCache::compute_one_oop_map(methodHandle(Thread::current(), m), bci, &mask);
1398     intptr_t* tos = nullptr;
1399     // Report each stack element and mark as owned by this frame
1400     for (int e = 0; e < mask.expression_stack_size(); e++) {
1401       tos = MAX2(tos, interpreter_frame_expression_stack_at(e));
1402       values.describe(frame_no, interpreter_frame_expression_stack_at(e),
1403                       err_msg("stack %d", e), 1);
1404     }
1405     if (tos != nullptr) {
1406       values.describe(-1, tos, err_msg("expression stack for #%d", frame_no), 2);
1407     }
1409     if (reg_map != nullptr) {
1410       FrameValuesOopClosure oopsFn;
1411       oops_do(&oopsFn, nullptr, &oopsFn, reg_map);
1412       oopsFn.describe(values, frame_no);
1413     }
1414   } else if (is_entry_frame()) {
1415     // For now just label the frame
1416     values.describe(-1, info_address, err_msg("#%d entry frame", frame_no), 2);
1417   } else if (cb()->is_nmethod()) {
1418     // For now just label the frame
1419     nmethod* nm = cb()->as_nmethod();
1420     values.describe(-1, info_address,
1421                     FormatBuffer<1024>("#%d nmethod " INTPTR_FORMAT " for method J %s%s", frame_no,
1422                                        p2i(nm),
1423                                        nm->method()->name_and_sig_as_C_string(),
1424                                        (_deopt_state == is_deoptimized) ?
1425                                        " (deoptimized)" :
1426                                        ((_deopt_state == unknown) ? " (state unknown)" : "")),
1427                     3);
1429     { // mark arguments (see nmethod::print_nmethod_labels)
1430       Method* m = nm->method();
1432       int stack_slot_offset = nm->frame_size() * wordSize; // offset, in bytes, to caller sp
1433       int sizeargs = m->size_of_parameters();
1435       BasicType* sig_bt = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(BasicType, sizeargs);
1436       VMRegPair* regs   = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(VMRegPair, sizeargs);
1437       {

1500           int scvs_length = scvs != nullptr ? scvs->length() : 0;
1501           for (int i = 0; i < scvs_length; i++) {
1502             intptr_t* stack_address = (intptr_t*)StackValue::stack_value_address(this, reg_map, scvs->at(i));
1503             if (stack_address != nullptr) {
1504               values.describe(frame_no, stack_address, err_msg("stack %d for #%d (scope %d)", i, frame_no, scope_no), 1);
1505             }
1506           }
1507         }
1508       }
1510       FrameValuesOopClosure oopsFn;
1511       oops_do(&oopsFn, nullptr, &oopsFn, reg_map);
1512       oopsFn.describe(values, frame_no);
1514       if (oop_map() != nullptr) {
1515         FrameValuesOopMapClosure valuesFn(this, reg_map, values, frame_no);
1516         // also OopMapValue::live_value ??
1517         oop_map()->all_type_do(this, OopMapValue::callee_saved_value, &valuesFn);
1518       }
1519     }
1521     if (nm->method()->is_continuation_enter_intrinsic()) {
1522       ContinuationEntry* ce = Continuation::get_continuation_entry_for_entry_frame(reg_map->thread(), *this); // (ContinuationEntry*)unextended_sp();
1523       ce->describe(values, frame_no);
1524     }
1525   } else if (is_native_frame()) {
1526     // For now just label the frame
1527     nmethod* nm = cb()->as_nmethod_or_null();
1528     values.describe(-1, info_address,
1529                     FormatBuffer<1024>("#%d nmethod " INTPTR_FORMAT " for native method %s", frame_no,
1530                                        p2i(nm), nm->method()->name_and_sig_as_C_string()), 2);

1531   } else {
1532     // provide default info if not handled before
1533     char *info = (char *) "special frame";
1534     if ((_cb != nullptr) &&
1535         (_cb->name() != nullptr)) {
1536       info = (char *)_cb->name();
1537     }
1538     values.describe(-1, info_address, err_msg("#%d <%s>", frame_no, info), 2);
1539   }
1541   // platform dependent additional data
1542   describe_pd(values, frame_no);
1543 }
1545 #endif
1547 #ifndef PRODUCT
1549 void FrameValues::describe(int owner, intptr_t* location, const char* description, int priority) {
1550   FrameValue fv;

 480   const int n = i * Interpreter::stackElementWords;
 481   return &(interpreter_frame_expression_stack()[n]);
 482 }
 484 jint frame::interpreter_frame_expression_stack_size() const {
 485   // Number of elements on the interpreter expression stack
 486   // Callers should span by stackElementWords
 487   int element_size = Interpreter::stackElementWords;
 488   size_t stack_size = 0;
 489   if (frame::interpreter_frame_expression_stack_direction() < 0) {
 490     stack_size = (interpreter_frame_expression_stack() -
 491                   interpreter_frame_tos_address() + 1)/element_size;
 492   } else {
 493     stack_size = (interpreter_frame_tos_address() -
 494                   interpreter_frame_expression_stack() + 1)/element_size;
 495   }
 496   assert(stack_size <= (size_t)max_jint, "stack size too big");
 497   return (jint)stack_size;
 498 }

 500 // (frame::interpreter_frame_sender_sp accessor is in frame_<arch>.cpp)
 502 const char* frame::print_name() const {
 503   if (is_native_frame())      return "Native";
 504   if (is_interpreted_frame()) return "Interpreted";
 505   if (is_compiled_frame()) {
 506     if (is_deoptimized_frame()) return "Deoptimized";
 507     return "Compiled";
 508   }
 509   if (sp() == nullptr)            return "Empty";
 510   return "C";
 511 }
 513 void frame::print_value_on(outputStream* st) const {
 514   NOT_PRODUCT(address begin = pc()-40;)
 515   NOT_PRODUCT(address end   = nullptr;)
 517   st->print("%s frame (sp=" INTPTR_FORMAT " unextended sp=" INTPTR_FORMAT, print_name(), p2i(sp()), p2i(unextended_sp()));
 518   if (sp() != nullptr)
 519     st->print(", fp=" INTPTR_FORMAT ", real_fp=" INTPTR_FORMAT ", pc=" INTPTR_FORMAT,

 559 #ifndef PRODUCT
 560   assert(is_interpreted_frame(), "Not an interpreted frame");
 561   jint i;
 562   for (i = 0; i < interpreter_frame_method()->max_locals(); i++ ) {
 563     intptr_t x = *interpreter_frame_local_at(i);
 564     st->print(" - local  [" INTPTR_FORMAT "]", x);
 565     st->fill_to(23);
 566     st->print_cr("; #%d", i);
 567   }
 568   for (i = interpreter_frame_expression_stack_size() - 1; i >= 0; --i ) {
 569     intptr_t x = *interpreter_frame_expression_stack_at(i);
 570     st->print(" - stack  [" INTPTR_FORMAT "]", x);
 571     st->fill_to(23);
 572     st->print_cr("; #%d", i);
 573   }
 574   // locks for synchronization
 575   for (BasicObjectLock* current = interpreter_frame_monitor_end();
 576        current < interpreter_frame_monitor_begin();
 577        current = next_monitor_in_interpreter_frame(current)) {
 578     st->print(" - obj    [%s", current->obj() == nullptr ? "null" : "");
 579     oop obj = current->obj();
 580     if (obj != nullptr) {
 581       if (!is_heap_frame()) {
 582         obj->print_value_on(st);
 583       } else {
 584         // Might be an invalid oop. We don't have the
 585         // stackChunk to correct it so just print address.
 586         st->print(INTPTR_FORMAT, p2i(obj));
 587       }
 588     }
 589     st->print_cr("]");
 590     st->print(" - lock   [");
 591     if (!is_heap_frame()) {
 592       current->lock()->print_on(st, obj);
 593     }
 594     st->print_cr("]");
 595   }
 596   // monitor
 597   st->print_cr(" - monitor[" INTPTR_FORMAT "]", p2i(interpreter_frame_monitor_begin()));
 598   // bcp
 599   st->print(" - bcp    [" INTPTR_FORMAT "]", p2i(interpreter_frame_bcp()));
 600   st->fill_to(23);
 601   st->print_cr("; @%d", interpreter_frame_bci());
 602   // locals
 603   st->print_cr(" - locals [" INTPTR_FORMAT "]", p2i(interpreter_frame_local_at(0)));
 604   // method
 605   st->print(" - method [" INTPTR_FORMAT "]", p2i(interpreter_frame_method()));
 606   st->fill_to(23);
 607   st->print("; ");
 608   interpreter_frame_method()->print_name(st);
 609   st->cr();
 610 #endif
 611 }
 613 // Print whether the frame is in the VM or OS indicating a HotSpot problem.

1078 // check local reg_map for it being a callee-save register or argument
1079 // register, both of which are saved in the local frame.  If not found
1080 // there, it must be an in-stack argument of the caller.
1081 // Note: caller.sp() points to callee-arguments
1082 oop frame::retrieve_receiver(RegisterMap* reg_map) {
1083   frame caller = *this;
1085   // First consult the ADLC on where it puts parameter 0 for this signature.
1086   VMReg reg = SharedRuntime::name_for_receiver();
1087   oop* oop_adr = caller.oopmapreg_to_oop_location(reg, reg_map);
1088   if (oop_adr == nullptr) {
1089     guarantee(oop_adr != nullptr, "bad register save location");
1090     return nullptr;
1091   }
1092   oop r = *oop_adr;
1093   assert(Universe::heap()->is_in_or_null(r), "bad receiver: " INTPTR_FORMAT " (" INTX_FORMAT ")", p2i(r), p2i(r));
1094   return r;
1095 }
1098 BasicLock* frame::get_native_monitor() const {
1099   nmethod* nm = (nmethod*)_cb;
1100   assert(_cb != nullptr && _cb->is_nmethod() && nm->method()->is_native(),
1101          "Should not call this unless it's a native nmethod");
1102   int byte_offset = in_bytes(nm->native_basic_lock_sp_offset());
1103   assert(byte_offset >= 0, "should not see invalid offset");
1104   return (BasicLock*) &sp()[byte_offset / wordSize];
1105 }
1107 oop frame::get_native_receiver() const {
1108   nmethod* nm = (nmethod*)_cb;
1109   assert(_cb != nullptr && _cb->is_nmethod() && nm->method()->is_native(),
1110          "Should not call this unless it's a native nmethod");
1111   int byte_offset = in_bytes(nm->native_receiver_sp_offset());
1112   assert(byte_offset >= 0, "should not see invalid offset");
1113   oop owner = ((oop*) sp())[byte_offset / wordSize];
1114   assert( Universe::heap()->is_in(owner), "bad receiver" );
1115   return owner;
1116 }
1118 void frame::oops_entry_do(OopClosure* f, const RegisterMap* map) const {
1119   assert(map != nullptr, "map must be set");
1120   if (map->include_argument_oops()) {
1121     // must collect argument oops, as nobody else is doing it
1122     Thread *thread = Thread::current();
1123     methodHandle m (thread, entry_frame_call_wrapper()->callee_method());
1124     EntryFrameOopFinder finder(this, m->signature(), m->is_static());
1125     finder.arguments_do(f);
1126   }
1127   // Traverse the Handle Block saved in the entry frame

1333     intptr_t* p = (intptr_t*)_fr->oopmapreg_to_location(reg, _reg_map);
1334     if (p != nullptr && (((intptr_t)p & WordAlignmentMask) == 0)) {
1335       const char* type_name = nullptr;
1336       switch(type) {
1337         case OopMapValue::oop_value:          type_name = "oop";          break;
1338         case OopMapValue::narrowoop_value:    type_name = "narrow oop";   break;
1339         case OopMapValue::callee_saved_value: type_name = "callee-saved"; break;
1340         case OopMapValue::derived_oop_value:  type_name = "derived";      break;
1341         // case OopMapValue::live_value:         type_name = "live";         break;
1342         default: break;
1343       }
1344       if (type_name != nullptr) {
1345         _values.describe(_frame_no, p, err_msg("%s for #%d", type_name, _frame_no));
1346       }
1347     }
1348   }
1349 };
1351 // callers need a ResourceMark because of name_and_sig_as_C_string() usage,
1352 // RA allocated string is returned to the caller
1353 void frame::describe(FrameValues& values, int frame_no, const RegisterMap* reg_map, bool top) {
1354   // boundaries: sp and the 'real' frame pointer
1355   values.describe(-1, sp(), err_msg("sp for #%d", frame_no), 0);
1356   if (top) {
1357     values.describe(-1, sp() - 1, err_msg("sp[-1] for #%d", frame_no), 0);
1358     values.describe(-1, sp() - 2, err_msg("sp[-2] for #%d", frame_no), 0);
1359   }
1361   intptr_t* frame_pointer = real_fp(); // Note: may differ from fp()
1363   // print frame info at the highest boundary
1364   intptr_t* info_address = MAX2(sp(), frame_pointer);
1366   if (info_address != frame_pointer) {
1367     // print frame_pointer explicitly if not marked by the frame info
1368     values.describe(-1, frame_pointer, err_msg("frame pointer for #%d", frame_no), 1);
1369   }
1371   if (is_entry_frame() || is_compiled_frame() || is_interpreted_frame() || is_native_frame()) {
1372     // Label values common to most frames
1373     values.describe(-1, unextended_sp(), err_msg("unextended_sp for #%d", frame_no), 0);
1374   }
1376   if (is_interpreted_frame()) {
1377     Method* m = interpreter_frame_method();
1378     int bci = interpreter_frame_bci();
1379     InterpreterCodelet* desc = Interpreter::codelet_containing(pc());

1412     OopMapCache::compute_one_oop_map(methodHandle(Thread::current(), m), bci, &mask);
1413     intptr_t* tos = nullptr;
1414     // Report each stack element and mark as owned by this frame
1415     for (int e = 0; e < mask.expression_stack_size(); e++) {
1416       tos = MAX2(tos, interpreter_frame_expression_stack_at(e));
1417       values.describe(frame_no, interpreter_frame_expression_stack_at(e),
1418                       err_msg("stack %d", e), 1);
1419     }
1420     if (tos != nullptr) {
1421       values.describe(-1, tos, err_msg("expression stack for #%d", frame_no), 2);
1422     }
1424     if (reg_map != nullptr) {
1425       FrameValuesOopClosure oopsFn;
1426       oops_do(&oopsFn, nullptr, &oopsFn, reg_map);
1427       oopsFn.describe(values, frame_no);
1428     }
1429   } else if (is_entry_frame()) {
1430     // For now just label the frame
1431     values.describe(-1, info_address, err_msg("#%d entry frame", frame_no), 2);
1432   } else if (is_compiled_frame()) {
1433     // For now just label the frame
1434     nmethod* nm = cb()->as_nmethod();
1435     values.describe(-1, info_address,
1436                     FormatBuffer<1024>("#%d nmethod " INTPTR_FORMAT " for method J %s%s", frame_no,
1437                                        p2i(nm),
1438                                        nm->method()->name_and_sig_as_C_string(),
1439                                        (_deopt_state == is_deoptimized) ?
1440                                        " (deoptimized)" :
1441                                        ((_deopt_state == unknown) ? " (state unknown)" : "")),
1442                     3);
1444     { // mark arguments (see nmethod::print_nmethod_labels)
1445       Method* m = nm->method();
1447       int stack_slot_offset = nm->frame_size() * wordSize; // offset, in bytes, to caller sp
1448       int sizeargs = m->size_of_parameters();
1450       BasicType* sig_bt = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(BasicType, sizeargs);
1451       VMRegPair* regs   = NEW_RESOURCE_ARRAY(VMRegPair, sizeargs);
1452       {

1515           int scvs_length = scvs != nullptr ? scvs->length() : 0;
1516           for (int i = 0; i < scvs_length; i++) {
1517             intptr_t* stack_address = (intptr_t*)StackValue::stack_value_address(this, reg_map, scvs->at(i));
1518             if (stack_address != nullptr) {
1519               values.describe(frame_no, stack_address, err_msg("stack %d for #%d (scope %d)", i, frame_no, scope_no), 1);
1520             }
1521           }
1522         }
1523       }
1525       FrameValuesOopClosure oopsFn;
1526       oops_do(&oopsFn, nullptr, &oopsFn, reg_map);
1527       oopsFn.describe(values, frame_no);
1529       if (oop_map() != nullptr) {
1530         FrameValuesOopMapClosure valuesFn(this, reg_map, values, frame_no);
1531         // also OopMapValue::live_value ??
1532         oop_map()->all_type_do(this, OopMapValue::callee_saved_value, &valuesFn);
1533       }
1534     }

1535   } else if (is_native_frame()) {
1536     // For now just label the frame
1537     nmethod* nm = cb()->as_nmethod_or_null();
1538     values.describe(-1, info_address,
1539                     FormatBuffer<1024>("#%d nmethod " INTPTR_FORMAT " for native method %s", frame_no,
1540                                        p2i(nm), nm->method()->name_and_sig_as_C_string()), 2);
1541     if (nm->method()->is_continuation_enter_intrinsic()) {
1542       ContinuationEntry* ce = Continuation::get_continuation_entry_for_entry_frame(reg_map->thread(), *this); // (ContinuationEntry*)unextended_sp();
1543       ce->describe(values, frame_no);
1544     }
1545   } else {
1546     // provide default info if not handled before
1547     char *info = (char *) "special frame";
1548     if ((_cb != nullptr) &&
1549         (_cb->name() != nullptr)) {
1550       info = (char *)_cb->name();
1551     }
1552     values.describe(-1, info_address, err_msg("#%d <%s>", frame_no, info), 2);
1553   }
1555   // platform dependent additional data
1556   describe_pd(values, frame_no);
1557 }
1559 #endif
1561 #ifndef PRODUCT
1563 void FrameValues::describe(int owner, intptr_t* location, const char* description, int priority) {
1564   FrameValue fv;
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