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*** 359,11 ***
      if (LockingMode == LM_LIGHTWEIGHT && mon == nullptr) {
        // Racing with inflation/deflation go slow path
        return false;
      assert(mon->object() == oop(obj), "invariant");
!     if (mon->owner() != current) return false;  // slow-path for IMS exception
      if (mon->first_waiter() != nullptr) {
        // We have one or more waiters. Since this is an inflated monitor
        // that we own, we can transfer one or more threads from the waitset
        // to the entrylist here and now, avoiding the slow-path.
--- 359,11 ---
      if (LockingMode == LM_LIGHTWEIGHT && mon == nullptr) {
        // Racing with inflation/deflation go slow path
        return false;
      assert(mon->object() == oop(obj), "invariant");
!     if (!mon->has_owner(current)) return false;  // slow-path for IMS exception
      if (mon->first_waiter() != nullptr) {
        // We have one or more waiters. Since this is an inflated monitor
        // that we own, we can transfer one or more threads from the waitset
        // to the entrylist here and now, avoiding the slow-path.

*** 422,18 ***
      // the ObjectMonitor busy by setting the owner below. If we detect
      // that race we just bail out to the slow-path here.
      if (m->object_peek() == nullptr) {
        return false;
-     JavaThread* const owner = static_cast<JavaThread*>(m->owner_raw());
      // Lock contention and Transactional Lock Elision (TLE) diagnostics
      // and observability
      // Case: light contention possibly amenable to TLE
      // Case: TLE inimical operations such as nested/recursive synchronization
!     if (owner == current) {
        return true;
--- 422,17 ---
      // the ObjectMonitor busy by setting the owner below. If we detect
      // that race we just bail out to the slow-path here.
      if (m->object_peek() == nullptr) {
        return false;
      // Lock contention and Transactional Lock Elision (TLE) diagnostics
      // and observability
      // Case: light contention possibly amenable to TLE
      // Case: TLE inimical operations such as nested/recursive synchronization
!     if (m->has_owner(current)) {
        return true;

*** 446,11 ***
      // stack-locking in the object's header, the second check is for
      // recursive stack-locking in the displaced header in the BasicLock,
      // and last are the inflated Java Monitor (ObjectMonitor) checks.
!     if (owner == nullptr && m->try_set_owner_from(nullptr, current) == nullptr) {
        assert(m->_recursions == 0, "invariant");
        return true;
--- 445,11 ---
      // stack-locking in the object's header, the second check is for
      // recursive stack-locking in the displaced header in the BasicLock,
      // and last are the inflated Java Monitor (ObjectMonitor) checks.
!     if (!m->has_owner() && m->try_set_owner(current)) {
        assert(m->_recursions == 0, "invariant");
        return true;

*** 656,18 ***
    // We have to take the slow-path of possible inflation and then exit.
    // The ObjectMonitor* can't be async deflated until ownership is
    // dropped inside exit() and the ObjectMonitor* must be !is_busy().
    ObjectMonitor* monitor = inflate(current, object, inflate_cause_vm_internal);
!   assert(!monitor->is_owner_anonymous(), "must not be");
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // JNI locks on java objects
  // NOTE: must use heavy weight monitor to handle jni monitor enter
  void ObjectSynchronizer::jni_enter(Handle obj, JavaThread* current) {
    if (obj->klass()->is_value_based()) {
      handle_sync_on_value_based_class(obj, current);
    // the current locking is from JNI instead of Java code
--- 655,22 ---
    // We have to take the slow-path of possible inflation and then exit.
    // The ObjectMonitor* can't be async deflated until ownership is
    // dropped inside exit() and the ObjectMonitor* must be !is_busy().
    ObjectMonitor* monitor = inflate(current, object, inflate_cause_vm_internal);
!   assert(!monitor->has_anonymous_owner(), "must not be");
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // JNI locks on java objects
  // NOTE: must use heavy weight monitor to handle jni monitor enter
  void ObjectSynchronizer::jni_enter(Handle obj, JavaThread* current) {
+   // Top native frames in the stack will not be seen if we attempt
+   // preemption, since we start walking from the last Java anchor.
+   NoPreemptMark npm(current);
    if (obj->klass()->is_value_based()) {
      handle_sync_on_value_based_class(obj, current);
    // the current locking is from JNI instead of Java code

*** 715,11 ***
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Internal VM locks on java objects
  // standard constructor, allows locking failures
! ObjectLocker::ObjectLocker(Handle obj, JavaThread* thread) {
    _thread = thread;
    _obj = obj;
    if (_obj() != nullptr) {
--- 718,11 ---
  // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // Internal VM locks on java objects
  // standard constructor, allows locking failures
! ObjectLocker::ObjectLocker(Handle obj, JavaThread* thread) : _npm(thread) {
    _thread = thread;
    _obj = obj;
    if (_obj() != nullptr) {

*** 1163,11 ***
    markWord mark = read_stable_mark(obj);
    if (LockingMode == LM_LEGACY && mark.has_locker()) {
      // stack-locked so header points into owner's stack.
      // owning_thread_from_monitor_owner() may also return null here:
!     return Threads::owning_thread_from_monitor_owner(t_list, (address) mark.locker());
    if (LockingMode == LM_LIGHTWEIGHT && mark.is_fast_locked()) {
      // fast-locked so get owner from the object.
      // owning_thread_from_object() may also return null here:
--- 1166,11 ---
    markWord mark = read_stable_mark(obj);
    if (LockingMode == LM_LEGACY && mark.has_locker()) {
      // stack-locked so header points into owner's stack.
      // owning_thread_from_monitor_owner() may also return null here:
!     return Threads::owning_thread_from_stacklock(t_list, (address) mark.locker());
    if (LockingMode == LM_LIGHTWEIGHT && mark.is_fast_locked()) {
      // fast-locked so get owner from the object.
      // owning_thread_from_object() may also return null here:

*** 1227,28 ***
      // target thread is suspended or when the target thread is
      // operating on itself. The current closures in use today are
      // only interested in an owned ObjectMonitor and ownership
      // cannot be dropped under the calling contexts so the
      // ObjectMonitor cannot be async deflated.
!     if (monitor->has_owner() && filter(monitor->owner_raw())) {
        assert(!monitor->is_being_async_deflated(), "Owned monitors should not be deflating");
  // Iterate ObjectMonitors where the owner == thread; this does NOT include
  // ObjectMonitors where owner is set to a stack-lock address in thread.
  void ObjectSynchronizer::owned_monitors_iterate(MonitorClosure* closure, JavaThread* thread) {
!   auto thread_filter = [&](void* owner) { return owner == thread; };
    return owned_monitors_iterate_filtered(closure, thread_filter);
  // Iterate ObjectMonitors owned by any thread.
  void ObjectSynchronizer::owned_monitors_iterate(MonitorClosure* closure) {
!   auto all_filter = [&](void* owner) { return true; };
    return owned_monitors_iterate_filtered(closure, all_filter);
  static bool monitors_used_above_threshold(MonitorList* list) {
    if (MonitorUsedDeflationThreshold == 0) {  // disabled case is easy
--- 1230,35 ---
      // target thread is suspended or when the target thread is
      // operating on itself. The current closures in use today are
      // only interested in an owned ObjectMonitor and ownership
      // cannot be dropped under the calling contexts so the
      // ObjectMonitor cannot be async deflated.
!     if (monitor->has_owner() && filter(monitor)) {
        assert(!monitor->is_being_async_deflated(), "Owned monitors should not be deflating");
  // Iterate ObjectMonitors where the owner == thread; this does NOT include
  // ObjectMonitors where owner is set to a stack-lock address in thread.
  void ObjectSynchronizer::owned_monitors_iterate(MonitorClosure* closure, JavaThread* thread) {
!   int64_t key = ObjectMonitor::owner_from(thread);
+   auto thread_filter = [&](ObjectMonitor* monitor) { return monitor->owner() == key; };
+   return owned_monitors_iterate_filtered(closure, thread_filter);
+ }
+ void ObjectSynchronizer::owned_monitors_iterate(MonitorClosure* closure, oop vthread) {
+   int64_t key = ObjectMonitor::owner_from(vthread);
+   auto thread_filter = [&](ObjectMonitor* monitor) { return monitor->owner() == key; };
    return owned_monitors_iterate_filtered(closure, thread_filter);
  // Iterate ObjectMonitors owned by any thread.
  void ObjectSynchronizer::owned_monitors_iterate(MonitorClosure* closure) {
!   auto all_filter = [&](ObjectMonitor* monitor) { return true; };
    return owned_monitors_iterate_filtered(closure, all_filter);
  static bool monitors_used_above_threshold(MonitorList* list) {
    if (MonitorUsedDeflationThreshold == 0) {  // disabled case is easy

*** 1416,38 ***
  ObjectMonitor* ObjectSynchronizer::inflate(Thread* current, oop obj, const InflateCause cause) {
    assert(current == Thread::current(), "must be");
    assert(LockingMode != LM_LIGHTWEIGHT, "only inflate through enter");
!   return inflate_impl(obj, cause);
  ObjectMonitor* ObjectSynchronizer::inflate_for(JavaThread* thread, oop obj, const InflateCause cause) {
    assert(thread == Thread::current() || thread->is_obj_deopt_suspend(), "must be");
    assert(LockingMode != LM_LIGHTWEIGHT, "LM_LIGHTWEIGHT cannot use inflate_for");
!   return inflate_impl(obj, cause);
! ObjectMonitor* ObjectSynchronizer::inflate_impl(oop object, const InflateCause cause) {
    assert(LockingMode != LM_LIGHTWEIGHT, "LM_LIGHTWEIGHT cannot use inflate_impl");
    EventJavaMonitorInflate event;
    for (;;) {
      const markWord mark = object->mark_acquire();
      // The mark can be in one of the following states:
!     // *  inflated     - Just return it.
      // *  stack-locked - Coerce it to inflated from stack-locked.
      // *  INFLATING    - Busy wait for conversion from stack-locked to
      //                   inflated.
      // *  unlocked     - Aggressively inflate the object.
      // CASE: inflated
      if (mark.has_monitor()) {
        ObjectMonitor* inf = mark.monitor();
        markWord dmw = inf->header();
        assert(dmw.is_neutral(), "invariant: header=" INTPTR_FORMAT, dmw.value());
        return inf;
      // CASE: inflation in progress - inflating over a stack-lock.
      // Some other thread is converting from stack-locked to inflated.
--- 1426,53 ---
  ObjectMonitor* ObjectSynchronizer::inflate(Thread* current, oop obj, const InflateCause cause) {
    assert(current == Thread::current(), "must be");
    assert(LockingMode != LM_LIGHTWEIGHT, "only inflate through enter");
!   return inflate_impl(current->is_Java_thread() ? JavaThread::cast(current) : nullptr, obj, cause);
  ObjectMonitor* ObjectSynchronizer::inflate_for(JavaThread* thread, oop obj, const InflateCause cause) {
    assert(thread == Thread::current() || thread->is_obj_deopt_suspend(), "must be");
    assert(LockingMode != LM_LIGHTWEIGHT, "LM_LIGHTWEIGHT cannot use inflate_for");
!   return inflate_impl(thread, obj, cause);
! ObjectMonitor* ObjectSynchronizer::inflate_impl(JavaThread* locking_thread, oop object, const InflateCause cause) {
+   // The JavaThread* locking_thread requires that the locking_thread == Thread::current() or
+   // is suspended throughout the call by some other mechanism.
+   // The thread might be nullptr when called from a non JavaThread. (As may still be
+   // the case from FastHashCode). However it is only important for correctness that the
+   // thread is set when called from ObjectSynchronizer::enter from the owning thread,
+   // ObjectSynchronizer::enter_for from any thread, or ObjectSynchronizer::exit.
    assert(LockingMode != LM_LIGHTWEIGHT, "LM_LIGHTWEIGHT cannot use inflate_impl");
    EventJavaMonitorInflate event;
    for (;;) {
      const markWord mark = object->mark_acquire();
      // The mark can be in one of the following states:
!     // *  inflated     - If the ObjectMonitor owner is anonymous and the
+     //                   locking_thread owns the object lock, then we
+     //                   make the locking_thread the ObjectMonitor owner.
      // *  stack-locked - Coerce it to inflated from stack-locked.
      // *  INFLATING    - Busy wait for conversion from stack-locked to
      //                   inflated.
      // *  unlocked     - Aggressively inflate the object.
      // CASE: inflated
      if (mark.has_monitor()) {
        ObjectMonitor* inf = mark.monitor();
        markWord dmw = inf->header();
        assert(dmw.is_neutral(), "invariant: header=" INTPTR_FORMAT, dmw.value());
+       if (inf->has_anonymous_owner() && locking_thread != nullptr) {
+         assert(LockingMode == LM_LEGACY, "invariant");
+         if (locking_thread->is_lock_owned((address)inf->stack_locker())) {
+           inf->set_stack_locker(nullptr);
+           inf->set_owner_from_anonymous(locking_thread);
+         }
+       }
        return inf;
      // CASE: inflation in progress - inflating over a stack-lock.
      // Some other thread is converting from stack-locked to inflated.

*** 1520,16 ***
        assert(dmw.is_neutral(), "invariant: header=" INTPTR_FORMAT, dmw.value());
        // Setup monitor fields to proper values -- prepare the monitor
-       // Optimization: if the mark.locker stack address is associated
-       // with this thread we could simply set m->_owner = current.
        // Note that a thread can inflate an object
        // that it has stack-locked -- as might happen in wait() -- directly
        // with CAS.  That is, we can avoid the xchg-nullptr .... ST idiom.
!       m->set_owner_from(nullptr, mark.locker());
        // TODO-FIXME: assert BasicLock->dhw != 0.
        // Must preserve store ordering. The monitor state must
        // be stable at the time of publishing the monitor address.
        guarantee(object->mark() == markWord::INFLATING(), "invariant");
--- 1545,21 ---
        assert(dmw.is_neutral(), "invariant: header=" INTPTR_FORMAT, dmw.value());
        // Setup monitor fields to proper values -- prepare the monitor
        // Note that a thread can inflate an object
        // that it has stack-locked -- as might happen in wait() -- directly
        // with CAS.  That is, we can avoid the xchg-nullptr .... ST idiom.
!       if (locking_thread != nullptr && locking_thread->is_lock_owned((address)mark.locker())) {
+         m->set_owner(locking_thread);
+       } else {
+         // Use ANONYMOUS_OWNER to indicate that the owner is the BasicLock on the stack,
+         // and set the stack locker field in the monitor.
+         m->set_stack_locker(mark.locker());
+         m->set_anonymous_owner();
+       }
        // TODO-FIXME: assert BasicLock->dhw != 0.
        // Must preserve store ordering. The monitor state must
        // be stable at the time of publishing the monitor address.
        guarantee(object->mark() == markWord::INFLATING(), "invariant");

*** 2048,11 ***
        if (is_interesting(monitor)) {
          const oop obj = monitor->object_peek();
          const intptr_t hash = UseObjectMonitorTable ? monitor->hash() : monitor->header().hash();
          ResourceMark rm;
          out->print(INTPTR_FORMAT "  %d%d%d  " INTPTR_FORMAT "  %s", p2i(monitor),
!                    monitor->is_busy(), hash != 0, monitor->owner() != nullptr,
                     p2i(obj), obj == nullptr ? "" : obj->klass()->external_name());
          if (monitor->is_busy()) {
            out->print(" (%s)", monitor->is_busy_to_string(&ss));
--- 2078,11 ---
        if (is_interesting(monitor)) {
          const oop obj = monitor->object_peek();
          const intptr_t hash = UseObjectMonitorTable ? monitor->hash() : monitor->header().hash();
          ResourceMark rm;
          out->print(INTPTR_FORMAT "  %d%d%d  " INTPTR_FORMAT "  %s", p2i(monitor),
!                    monitor->is_busy(), hash != 0, monitor->has_owner(),
                     p2i(obj), obj == nullptr ? "" : obj->klass()->external_name());
          if (monitor->is_busy()) {
            out->print(" (%s)", monitor->is_busy_to_string(&ss));
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