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218 }
221 // The implementation of the following two methods was factorized into the
222 // class StackValue because it is also used from within deoptimization.cpp for
223 // rematerialization and relocking of non-escaping objects.
225 StackValue *compiledVFrame::create_stack_value(ScopeValue *sv) const {
226   stackChunkOop c = _reg_map.stack_chunk()();
227   int index = _reg_map.stack_chunk_index();
228   const_cast<RegisterMap*>(&_reg_map)->set_stack_chunk(_chunk());
230   StackValue* res = StackValue::create_stack_value(&_fr, register_map(), sv);
232   const_cast<RegisterMap*>(&_reg_map)->set_stack_chunk(c);
233   const_cast<RegisterMap*>(&_reg_map)->set_stack_chunk_index(index);
234   return res;
235 }
237 BasicLock* compiledVFrame::resolve_monitor_lock(Location location) const {
238   return StackValue::resolve_monitor_lock(&_fr, location);
239 }
242 GrowableArray<MonitorInfo*>* compiledVFrame::monitors() const {
243   // Natives has no scope
244   if (scope() == nullptr) {
245     nmethod* nm = code();
246     Method* method = nm->method();
247     assert(method->is_native(), "Expect a native method");
248     if (!method->is_synchronized()) {
249       return new GrowableArray<MonitorInfo*>(0);
250     }
251     // This monitor is not really needed but return it for now as it might be
252     // useful for stack traces and tools
253     GrowableArray<MonitorInfo*> *monitors = new GrowableArray<MonitorInfo*>(1);
254     // Casting away const
255     frame& fr = (frame&) _fr;
256     MonitorInfo* info = new MonitorInfo(
257         fr.get_native_receiver(), fr.get_native_monitor(), false, false);
258     monitors->push(info);

267     MonitorValue* mv = monitors->at(index);
268     ScopeValue*   ov = mv->owner();
269     StackValue *owner_sv = create_stack_value(ov); // it is an oop
270     if (ov->is_object() && owner_sv->obj_is_scalar_replaced()) { // The owner object was scalar replaced
271       assert(mv->eliminated(), "monitor should be eliminated for scalar replaced object");
272       // Put klass for scalar replaced object.
273       ScopeValue* kv = ((ObjectValue *)ov)->klass();
274       assert(kv->is_constant_oop(), "klass should be oop constant for scalar replaced object");
275       Handle k(Thread::current(), ((ConstantOopReadValue*)kv)->value()());
276       assert(java_lang_Class::is_instance(k()), "must be");
277       result->push(new MonitorInfo(k(), resolve_monitor_lock(mv->basic_lock()),
278                                    mv->eliminated(), true));
279     } else {
280       result->push(new MonitorInfo(owner_sv->get_obj()(), resolve_monitor_lock(mv->basic_lock()),
281                                    mv->eliminated(), false));
282     }
283   }
285   // Replace the original values with any stores that have been
286   // performed through compiledVFrame::update_monitors.

287   GrowableArrayView<jvmtiDeferredLocalVariableSet*>* list = JvmtiDeferredUpdates::deferred_locals(thread());
288   if (list != nullptr ) {
289     // In real life this never happens or is typically a single element search
290     for (int i = 0; i < list->length(); i++) {
291       if (list->at(i)->matches(this)) {
292         list->at(i)->update_monitors(result);
293         break;
294       }
295     }
296   }
298   return result;
299 }
302 compiledVFrame::compiledVFrame(const frame* fr, const RegisterMap* reg_map, JavaThread* thread, nmethod* nm)
303 : javaVFrame(fr, reg_map, thread) {
304   _scope  = nullptr;
305   _vframe_id = 0;
306   // Compiled method (native stub or Java code)

218 }
221 // The implementation of the following two methods was factorized into the
222 // class StackValue because it is also used from within deoptimization.cpp for
223 // rematerialization and relocking of non-escaping objects.
225 StackValue *compiledVFrame::create_stack_value(ScopeValue *sv) const {
226   stackChunkOop c = _reg_map.stack_chunk()();
227   int index = _reg_map.stack_chunk_index();
228   const_cast<RegisterMap*>(&_reg_map)->set_stack_chunk(_chunk());
230   StackValue* res = StackValue::create_stack_value(&_fr, register_map(), sv);
232   const_cast<RegisterMap*>(&_reg_map)->set_stack_chunk(c);
233   const_cast<RegisterMap*>(&_reg_map)->set_stack_chunk_index(index);
234   return res;
235 }
237 BasicLock* compiledVFrame::resolve_monitor_lock(Location location) const {
238   return StackValue::resolve_monitor_lock(stack_chunk() == nullptr ? _fr : stack_chunk()->derelativize(_fr), location);
239 }
242 GrowableArray<MonitorInfo*>* compiledVFrame::monitors() const {
243   // Natives has no scope
244   if (scope() == nullptr) {
245     nmethod* nm = code();
246     Method* method = nm->method();
247     assert(method->is_native(), "Expect a native method");
248     if (!method->is_synchronized()) {
249       return new GrowableArray<MonitorInfo*>(0);
250     }
251     // This monitor is not really needed but return it for now as it might be
252     // useful for stack traces and tools
253     GrowableArray<MonitorInfo*> *monitors = new GrowableArray<MonitorInfo*>(1);
254     // Casting away const
255     frame& fr = (frame&) _fr;
256     MonitorInfo* info = new MonitorInfo(
257         fr.get_native_receiver(), fr.get_native_monitor(), false, false);
258     monitors->push(info);

267     MonitorValue* mv = monitors->at(index);
268     ScopeValue*   ov = mv->owner();
269     StackValue *owner_sv = create_stack_value(ov); // it is an oop
270     if (ov->is_object() && owner_sv->obj_is_scalar_replaced()) { // The owner object was scalar replaced
271       assert(mv->eliminated(), "monitor should be eliminated for scalar replaced object");
272       // Put klass for scalar replaced object.
273       ScopeValue* kv = ((ObjectValue *)ov)->klass();
274       assert(kv->is_constant_oop(), "klass should be oop constant for scalar replaced object");
275       Handle k(Thread::current(), ((ConstantOopReadValue*)kv)->value()());
276       assert(java_lang_Class::is_instance(k()), "must be");
277       result->push(new MonitorInfo(k(), resolve_monitor_lock(mv->basic_lock()),
278                                    mv->eliminated(), true));
279     } else {
280       result->push(new MonitorInfo(owner_sv->get_obj()(), resolve_monitor_lock(mv->basic_lock()),
281                                    mv->eliminated(), false));
282     }
283   }
285   // Replace the original values with any stores that have been
286   // performed through compiledVFrame::update_monitors.
287   if (thread() == nullptr) return result; // Unmounted continuations have no thread so nothing to do.
288   GrowableArrayView<jvmtiDeferredLocalVariableSet*>* list = JvmtiDeferredUpdates::deferred_locals(thread());
289   if (list != nullptr ) {
290     // In real life this never happens or is typically a single element search
291     for (int i = 0; i < list->length(); i++) {
292       if (list->at(i)->matches(this)) {
293         list->at(i)->update_monitors(result);
294         break;
295       }
296     }
297   }
299   return result;
300 }
303 compiledVFrame::compiledVFrame(const frame* fr, const RegisterMap* reg_map, JavaThread* thread, nmethod* nm)
304 : javaVFrame(fr, reg_map, thread) {
305   _scope  = nullptr;
306   _vframe_id = 0;
307   // Compiled method (native stub or Java code)
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