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*** 73,38 ***
   * {@snippet lang=java :
   *     // @link substring="newInstance" target="#newInstance" :
   *     private static final ScopedValue<String> NAME = ScopedValue.newInstance();
!  *     // @link substring="runWhere" target="#runWhere(ScopedValue, Object, Runnable)" :
!  *     ScopedValue.runWhere(NAME, "duke", () -> doSomething());
   * }
   * Code executed directly or indirectly by {@code doSomething}, with access to the field
   * {@code NAME}, can invoke {@code NAME.get()} to read the value "{@code duke}". {@code
   * NAME} is bound while executing the {@code run} method. It reverts to being unbound when
   * the {@code run} method completes.
!  * <p> The example using {@code runWhere} invokes a method that does not return a result.
!  * The {@link #callWhere(ScopedValue, Object, CallableOp) callWhere} method can be used
   * to invoke a method that returns a result.
!  * In addition, {@code ScopedValue} defines the {@link #where(ScopedValue, Object)} method
   * for cases where multiple mappings (of {@code ScopedValue} to value) are accumulated
   * in advance of calling a method with all {@code ScopedValue}s bound to their value.
   * <h2>Bindings are per-thread</h2>
!  * A {@code ScopedValue} binding to a value is per-thread. Invoking {@code xxxWhere}
   * executes a method with a {@code ScopedValue} bound to a value for the current thread.
   * The {@link #get() get} method returns the value bound for the current thread.
   * <p> In the example, if code executed by one thread invokes this:
   * {@snippet lang=java :
!  *     ScopedValue.runWhere(NAME, "duke1", () -> doSomething());
   * }
   * and code executed by another thread invokes:
   * {@snippet lang=java :
!  *     ScopedValue.runWhere(NAME, "duke2", () -> doSomething());
   * }
   * then code in {@code doSomething} (or any method that it calls) invoking {@code NAME.get()}
   * will read the value "{@code duke1}" or "{@code duke2}", depending on which thread is
   * executing.
--- 73,38 ---
   * {@snippet lang=java :
   *     // @link substring="newInstance" target="#newInstance" :
   *     private static final ScopedValue<String> NAME = ScopedValue.newInstance();
!  *     // @link substring="run" target="Carrier#run(Runnable)" :
!  *     ScopedValue.where(NAME, "duke").run(() -> doSomething());
   * }
   * Code executed directly or indirectly by {@code doSomething}, with access to the field
   * {@code NAME}, can invoke {@code NAME.get()} to read the value "{@code duke}". {@code
   * NAME} is bound while executing the {@code run} method. It reverts to being unbound when
   * the {@code run} method completes.
!  * <p> The example using {@code run} invokes a method that does not return a result.
!  * The {@link Carrier#call(CallableOp) call} method can be used
   * to invoke a method that returns a result.
!  * {@code ScopedValue} defines the {@link #where(ScopedValue, Object)} method
   * for cases where multiple mappings (of {@code ScopedValue} to value) are accumulated
   * in advance of calling a method with all {@code ScopedValue}s bound to their value.
   * <h2>Bindings are per-thread</h2>
!  * A {@code ScopedValue} binding to a value is per-thread. Invoking {@code run}
   * executes a method with a {@code ScopedValue} bound to a value for the current thread.
   * The {@link #get() get} method returns the value bound for the current thread.
   * <p> In the example, if code executed by one thread invokes this:
   * {@snippet lang=java :
!  *     ScopedValue.where(NAME, "duke1").run(() -> doSomething());
   * }
   * and code executed by another thread invokes:
   * {@snippet lang=java :
!  *     ScopedValue.where(NAME, "duke2").run(() -> doSomething());
   * }
   * then code in {@code doSomething} (or any method that it calls) invoking {@code NAME.get()}
   * will read the value "{@code duke1}" or "{@code duke2}", depending on which thread is
   * executing.

*** 127,11 ***
   * to its previous value.
   * <p> In the above example, suppose that code executed by {@code doSomething} binds
   * {@code NAME} to a new value with:
   * {@snippet lang=java :
!  *     ScopedValue.runWhere(NAME, "duchess", () -> doMore());
   * }
   * Code executed directly or indirectly by {@code doMore()} that invokes {@code
   * NAME.get()} will read the value "{@code duchess}". When {@code doMore()} completes
   * then the value of {@code NAME} reverts to "{@code duke}".
--- 127,11 ---
   * to its previous value.
   * <p> In the above example, suppose that code executed by {@code doSomething} binds
   * {@code NAME} to a new value with:
   * {@snippet lang=java :
!  *     ScopedValue.where(NAME, "duchess").run(() -> doMore());
   * }
   * Code executed directly or indirectly by {@code doMore()} that invokes {@code
   * NAME.get()} will read the value "{@code duchess}". When {@code doMore()} completes
   * then the value of {@code NAME} reverts to "{@code duke}".

*** 155,18 ***
   * "{@code duke}".
   * {@snippet lang=java :
   *     private static final ScopedValue<String> NAME = ScopedValue.newInstance();
!  *     ScopedValue.runWhere(NAME, "duke", () -> {
!  *         try (var scope = new StructuredTaskScope<String>()) {
!  *             scope.fork(() -> childTask1());
!  *             scope.fork(() -> childTask2());
!  *             scope.fork(() -> childTask3());
!  *             ...
   *          }
   *     });
   * }
   * <p> Unless otherwise specified, passing a {@code null} argument to a method in this
--- 155,23 ---
   * "{@code duke}".
   * {@snippet lang=java :
   *     private static final ScopedValue<String> NAME = ScopedValue.newInstance();
!  *     ScopedValue.where(NAME, "duke").run(() -> {
!  *         // @link substring="open" target="StructuredTaskScope#open()" :
+  *         try (var scope = StructuredTaskScope.open()) {
!  *              // @link substring="fork" target="StructuredTaskScope#fork(java.util.concurrent.Callable)" :
!  *              scope.fork(() -> childTask1());
!  *              scope.fork(() -> childTask2());
+  *              scope.fork(() -> childTask3());
!  *              // @link substring="join" target="StructuredTaskScope#join()" :
+  *              scope.join();
+  *
+  *              ..
   *          }
   *     });
   * }
   * <p> Unless otherwise specified, passing a {@code null} argument to a method in this

*** 407,11 ***
           * @param <R> the type of the result of the operation
           * @param <X> type of the exception thrown by the operation
           * @return the result
           * @throws StructureViolationException if a structure violation is detected
           * @throws X if {@code op} completes with an exception
-          * @see ScopedValue#callWhere(ScopedValue, Object, CallableOp)
           * @since 23
          public <R, X extends Throwable> R call(CallableOp<? extends R, X> op) throws X {
--- 412,10 ---

*** 456,11 ***
           * exception). In that case, the underlying construct of the {@code StructuredTaskScope}
           * is closed and {@link StructureViolationException} is thrown.
           * @param op the operation to run
           * @throws StructureViolationException if a structure violation is detected
-          * @see ScopedValue#runWhere(ScopedValue, Object, Runnable)
          public void run(Runnable op) {
              var prevSnapshot = scopedValueBindings();
--- 460,10 ---

*** 526,81 ***
      public static <T> Carrier where(ScopedValue<T> key, T value) {
          return Carrier.of(key, value);
-     /**
-      * Calls a value-returning operation with a {@code ScopedValue} bound to a value
-      * in the current thread. When the operation completes (normally or with an
-      * exception), the {@code ScopedValue} will revert to being unbound, or revert to
-      * its previous value when previously bound, in the current thread. If {@code op}
-      * completes with an exception then it propagated by this method.
-      *
-      * <p> Scoped values are intended to be used in a <em>structured manner</em>. If code
-      * invoked directly or indirectly by the operation creates a {@link StructuredTaskScope}
-      * but does not {@linkplain StructuredTaskScope#close() close} it, then it is detected
-      * as a <em>structure violation</em> when the operation completes (normally or with an
-      * exception). In that case, the underlying construct of the {@code StructuredTaskScope}
-      * is closed and {@link StructureViolationException} is thrown.
-      *
-      * @implNote
-      * This method is implemented to be equivalent to:
-      * {@snippet lang=java :
-      *     // @link substring="call" target="Carrier#call(CallableOp)" :
-      *     ScopedValue.where(key, value).call(op);
-      * }
-      *
-      *
-      *
-      * @param key the {@code ScopedValue} key
-      * @param value the value, can be {@code null}
-      * @param <T> the type of the value
-      * @param <R> the result type
-      * @param <X> type of the exception thrown by the operation
-      * @param op the operation to call
-      * @return the result
-      * @throws StructureViolationException if a structure violation is detected
-      * @throws X if the operation completes with an exception
-      * @since 23
-      */
-     public static <T, R, X extends Throwable> R callWhere(ScopedValue<T> key,
-                                                           T value,
-                                                           CallableOp<? extends R, X> op) throws X {
-         return where(key, value).call(op);
-     }
-     /**
-      * Run an operation with a {@code ScopedValue} bound to a value in the current
-      * thread. When the operation completes (normally or with an exception), the
-      * {@code ScopedValue} will revert to being unbound, or revert to its previous value
-      * when previously bound, in the current thread. If {@code op} completes with an
-      * exception then it propagated by this method.
-      *
-      * <p> Scoped values are intended to be used in a <em>structured manner</em>. If code
-      * invoked directly or indirectly by the operation creates a {@link StructuredTaskScope}
-      * but does not {@linkplain StructuredTaskScope#close() close} it, then it is detected
-      * as a <em>structure violation</em> when the operation completes (normally or with an
-      * exception). In that case, the underlying construct of the {@code StructuredTaskScope}
-      * is closed and {@link StructureViolationException} is thrown.
-      *
-      * @implNote
-      * This method is implemented to be equivalent to:
-      * {@snippet lang=java :
-      *     // @link substring="run" target="Carrier#run(Runnable)" :
-      *     ScopedValue.where(key, value).run(op);
-      * }
-      *
-      * @param key the {@code ScopedValue} key
-      * @param value the value, can be {@code null}
-      * @param <T> the type of the value
-      * @param op the operation to call
-      * @throws StructureViolationException if a structure violation is detected
-      */
-     public static <T> void runWhere(ScopedValue<T> key, T value, Runnable op) {
-         where(key, value).run(op);
-     }
      private ScopedValue() {
          this.hash = generateKey();
--- 529,10 ---
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