1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 1994, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  26 package java.lang;
  28 import java.lang.ref.Reference;
  29 import java.lang.reflect.Field;
  30 import java.security.AccessController;
  31 import java.security.AccessControlContext;
  32 import java.security.Permission;
  33 import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
  34 import java.security.ProtectionDomain;
  35 import java.time.Duration;
  36 import java.util.Map;
  37 import java.util.HashMap;
  38 import java.util.Objects;
  39 import java.util.concurrent.ThreadFactory;
  40 import java.util.concurrent.StructureViolationException;
  41 import java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport;
  42 import jdk.internal.event.ThreadSleepEvent;
  43 import jdk.internal.misc.TerminatingThreadLocal;
  44 import jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe;
  45 import jdk.internal.misc.VM;
  46 import jdk.internal.reflect.CallerSensitive;
  47 import jdk.internal.reflect.Reflection;
  48 import jdk.internal.vm.Continuation;
  49 import jdk.internal.vm.ScopedValueContainer;
  50 import jdk.internal.vm.StackableScope;
  51 import jdk.internal.vm.ThreadContainer;
  52 import jdk.internal.vm.annotation.ForceInline;
  53 import jdk.internal.vm.annotation.Hidden;
  54 import jdk.internal.vm.annotation.IntrinsicCandidate;
  55 import jdk.internal.vm.annotation.Stable;
  56 import sun.nio.ch.Interruptible;
  57 import sun.security.util.SecurityConstants;
  58 import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS;
  59 import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS;
  61 /**
  62  * A <i>thread</i> is a thread of execution in a program. The Java
  63  * virtual machine allows an application to have multiple threads of
  64  * execution running concurrently.
  65  *
  66  * <p> {@code Thread} defines constructors and a {@link Builder} to create threads.
  67  * {@linkplain #start() Starting} a thread schedules it to execute its {@link #run() run}
  68  * method. The newly started thread executes concurrently with the thread that caused
  69  * it to start.
  70  *
  71  * <p> A thread <i>terminates</i> if either its {@code run} method completes normally,
  72  * or if its {@code run} method completes abruptly and the appropriate {@linkplain
  73  * Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler uncaught exception handler} completes normally or
  74  * abruptly. With no code left to run, the thread has completed execution. The
  75  * {@link #join() join} method can be used to wait for a thread to terminate.
  76  *
  77  * <p> Threads have a unique {@linkplain #threadId() identifier} and a {@linkplain
  78  * #getName() name}. The identifier is generated when a {@code Thread} is created
  79  * and cannot be changed. The thread name can be specified when creating a thread
  80  * or can be {@linkplain #setName(String) changed} at a later time.
  81  *
  82  * <p> Threads support {@link ThreadLocal} variables. These are variables that are
  83  * local to a thread, meaning a thread can have a copy of a variable that is set to
  84  * a value that is independent of the value set by other threads. {@code Thread} also
  85  * supports {@link InheritableThreadLocal} variables that are thread local variables
  86  * that are inherited at thread creation time from the parent {@code Thread}.
  87  * {@code Thread} supports a special inheritable thread local for the thread
  88  * {@linkplain #getContextClassLoader() context-class-loader}.
  89  *
  90  * <h2><a id="platform-threads">Platform threads</a></h2>
  91  * <p> {@code Thread} supports the creation of <i>platform threads</i> that are
  92  * typically mapped 1:1 to kernel threads scheduled by the operating system.
  93  * Platform threads will usually have a large stack and other resources that are
  94  * maintained by the operating system. Platforms threads are suitable for executing
  95  * all types of tasks but may be a limited resource.
  96  *
  97  * <p> Platform threads get an automatically generated thread name by default.
  98  *
  99  * <p> Platform threads are designated <i>daemon</i> or <i>non-daemon</i> threads.
 100  * When the Java virtual machine starts up, there is usually one non-daemon
 101  * thread (the thread that typically calls the application's {@code main} method).
 102  * The <a href="Runtime.html#shutdown">shutdown sequence</a> begins when all started
 103  * non-daemon threads have terminated. Unstarted non-daemon threads do not prevent
 104  * the shutdown sequence from beginning.
 105  *
 106  * <p> In addition to the daemon status, platform threads have a {@linkplain
 107  * #getPriority() thread priority} and are members of a {@linkplain ThreadGroup
 108  * thread group}.
 109  *
 110  * <h2><a id="virtual-threads">Virtual threads</a></h2>
 111  * <p> {@code Thread} also supports the creation of <i>virtual threads</i>.
 112  * Virtual threads are typically <i>user-mode threads</i> scheduled by the Java
 113  * runtime rather than the operating system. Virtual threads will typically require
 114  * few resources and a single Java virtual machine may support millions of virtual
 115  * threads. Virtual threads are suitable for executing tasks that spend most of
 116  * the time blocked, often waiting for I/O operations to complete. Virtual threads
 117  * are not intended for long running CPU intensive operations.
 118  *
 119  * <p> Virtual threads typically employ a small set of platform threads used as
 120  * <em>carrier threads</em>. Locking and I/O operations are examples of operations
 121  * where a carrier thread may be re-scheduled from one virtual thread to another.
 122  * Code executing in a virtual thread is not aware of the underlying carrier thread.
 123  * The {@linkplain Thread#currentThread()} method, used to obtain a reference
 124  * to the <i>current thread</i>, will always return the {@code Thread} object
 125  * for the virtual thread.
 126  *
 127  * <p> Virtual threads do not have a thread name by default. The {@link #getName()
 128  * getName} method returns the empty string if a thread name is not set.
 129  *
 130  * <p> Virtual threads are daemon threads and so do not prevent the
 131  * <a href="Runtime.html#shutdown">shutdown sequence</a> from beginning.
 132  * Virtual threads have a fixed {@linkplain #getPriority() thread priority}
 133  * that cannot be changed.
 134  *
 135  * <h2>Creating and starting threads</h2>
 136  *
 137  * <p> {@code Thread} defines public constructors for creating platform threads and
 138  * the {@link #start() start} method to schedule threads to execute. {@code Thread}
 139  * may be extended for customization and other advanced reasons although most
 140  * applications should have little need to do this.
 141  *
 142  * <p> {@code Thread} defines a {@link Builder} API for creating and starting both
 143  * platform and virtual threads. The following are examples that use the builder:
 144  * {@snippet :
 145  *   Runnable runnable = ...
 146  *
 147  *   // Start a daemon thread to run a task
 148  *   Thread thread = Thread.ofPlatform().daemon().start(runnable);
 149  *
 150  *   // Create an unstarted thread with name "duke", its start() method
 151  *   // must be invoked to schedule it to execute.
 152  *   Thread thread = Thread.ofPlatform().name("duke").unstarted(runnable);
 153  *
 154  *   // A ThreadFactory that creates daemon threads named "worker-0", "worker-1", ...
 155  *   ThreadFactory factory = Thread.ofPlatform().daemon().name("worker-", 0).factory();
 156  *
 157  *   // Start a virtual thread to run a task
 158  *   Thread thread = Thread.ofVirtual().start(runnable);
 159  *
 160  *   // A ThreadFactory that creates virtual threads
 161  *   ThreadFactory factory = Thread.ofVirtual().factory();
 162  * }
 163  *
 164  * <h2><a id="inheritance">Inheritance when creating threads</a></h2>
 165  * A {@code Thread} created with one of the public constructors inherits the daemon
 166  * status and thread priority from the parent thread at the time that the child {@code
 167  * Thread} is created. The {@linkplain ThreadGroup thread group} is also inherited when
 168  * not provided to the constructor (and not selected by the security manager).
 169  * When using a {@code Thread.Builder} to create a platform thread, the daemon status,
 170  * thread priority, and thread group (when not selected by the security manager) are
 171  * inherited when not set on the builder. As with the constructors, inheriting from the
 172  * parent thread is done when the child {@code Thread} is created.
 173  *
 174  * <p> A {@code Thread} inherits its initial values of {@linkplain InheritableThreadLocal
 175  * inheritable-thread-local} variables (including the context class loader) from
 176  * the parent thread values at the time that the child {@code Thread} is created.
 177  * The 5-param {@linkplain Thread#Thread(ThreadGroup, Runnable, String, long, boolean)
 178  * constructor} can be used to create a thread that does not inherit its initial
 179  * values from the constructing thread. When using a {@code Thread.Builder}, the
 180  * {@link Builder#inheritInheritableThreadLocals(boolean) inheritInheritableThreadLocals}
 181  * method can be used to select if the initial values are inherited.
 182  *
 183  * <p> Creating a platform thread {@linkplain AccessController#getContext() captures} the
 184  * {@linkplain AccessControlContext caller context} to limit the {@linkplain Permission
 185  * permissions} of the new thread when it executes code that performs a {@linkplain
 186  * AccessController#doPrivileged(PrivilegedAction) privileged action}. The captured
 187  * caller context is the new thread's "Inherited {@link AccessControlContext}". Creating
 188  * a virtual thread does not capture the caller context; virtual threads have no
 189  * permissions when executing code that performs a privileged action.
 190  *
 191  * <p> Unless otherwise specified, passing a {@code null} argument to a constructor
 192  * or method in this class will cause a {@link NullPointerException} to be thrown.
 193  *
 194  * @implNote
 195  * In the JDK Reference Implementation, the virtual thread scheduler may be configured
 196  * with the following system properties:
 197  * <table class="striped">
 198  * <caption style="display:none">System properties</caption>
 199  *   <thead>
 200  *   <tr>
 201  *     <th scope="col">System property</th>
 202  *     <th scope="col">Description</th>
 203  *   </tr>
 204  *   </thead>
 205  *   <tbody>
 206  *   <tr>
 207  *     <th scope="row">
 208  *       {@systemProperty jdk.virtualThreadScheduler.parallelism}
 209  *     </th>
 210  *     <td> The number of platform threads available for scheduling virtual
 211  *       threads. It defaults to the number of available processors. </td>
 212  *   </tr>
 213  *   <tr>
 214  *     <th scope="row">
 215  *       {@systemProperty jdk.virtualThreadScheduler.maxPoolSize}
 216  *     </th>
 217  *     <td> The maximum number of platform threads available to the scheduler.
 218  *       It defaults to 256. </td>
 219  *   </tr>
 220  *   </tbody>
 221  * </table>
 222  *
 223  * @since   1.0
 224  */
 225 public class Thread implements Runnable {
 226     /* Make sure registerNatives is the first thing <clinit> does. */
 227     private static native void registerNatives();
 228     static {
 229         registerNatives();
 230     }
 232     /*
 233      * Reserved for exclusive use by the JVM. Cannot be moved to the FieldHolder
 234      * as it needs to be set by the VM for JNI attaching threads, before executing
 235      * the constructor that will create the FieldHolder. The historically named
 236      * `eetop` holds the address of the underlying VM JavaThread, and is set to
 237      * non-zero when the thread is started, and reset to zero when the thread terminates.
 238      * A non-zero value indicates this thread isAlive().
 239      */
 240     private volatile long eetop;
 242     // thread id
 243     private final long tid;
 245     // thread name
 246     private volatile String name;
 248     // interrupt status (read/written by VM)
 249     volatile boolean interrupted;
 251     // context ClassLoader
 252     private volatile ClassLoader contextClassLoader;
 254     // inherited AccessControlContext, this could be moved to FieldHolder
 255     @SuppressWarnings("removal")
 256     private AccessControlContext inheritedAccessControlContext;
 258     // Additional fields for platform threads.
 259     // All fields, except task, are accessed directly by the VM.
 260     private static class FieldHolder {
 261         final ThreadGroup group;
 262         final Runnable task;
 263         final long stackSize;
 264         volatile int priority;
 265         volatile boolean daemon;
 266         volatile int threadStatus;
 268         FieldHolder(ThreadGroup group,
 269                     Runnable task,
 270                     long stackSize,
 271                     int priority,
 272                     boolean daemon) {
 273             this.group = group;
 274             this.task = task;
 275             this.stackSize = stackSize;
 276             this.priority = priority;
 277             if (daemon)
 278                 this.daemon = true;
 279         }
 280     }
 281     private final FieldHolder holder;
 283     /*
 284      * ThreadLocal values pertaining to this thread. This map is maintained
 285      * by the ThreadLocal class.
 286      */
 287     ThreadLocal.ThreadLocalMap threadLocals;
 289     /*
 290      * InheritableThreadLocal values pertaining to this thread. This map is
 291      * maintained by the InheritableThreadLocal class.
 292      */
 293     ThreadLocal.ThreadLocalMap inheritableThreadLocals;
 295     /*
 296      * Scoped value bindings are maintained by the ScopedValue class.
 297      */
 298     private Object scopedValueBindings;
 300     // Special value to indicate this is a newly-created Thread
 301     // Note that his must match the declaration in ScopedValue.
 302     private static final Object NEW_THREAD_BINDINGS = Thread.class;
 304     static Object scopedValueBindings() {
 305         return currentThread().scopedValueBindings;
 306     }
 308     static void setScopedValueBindings(Object bindings) {
 309         currentThread().scopedValueBindings = bindings;
 310     }
 312     /**
 313      * Search the stack for the most recent scoped-value bindings.
 314      */
 315     @IntrinsicCandidate
 316     static native Object findScopedValueBindings();
 318     /**
 319      * Inherit the scoped-value bindings from the given container.
 320      * Invoked when starting a thread.
 321      */
 322     void inheritScopedValueBindings(ThreadContainer container) {
 323         ScopedValueContainer.BindingsSnapshot snapshot;
 324         if (container.owner() != null
 325                 && (snapshot = container.scopedValueBindings()) != null) {
 327             // bindings established for running/calling an operation
 328             Object bindings = snapshot.scopedValueBindings();
 329             if (currentThread().scopedValueBindings != bindings) {
 330                 throw new StructureViolationException("Scoped value bindings have changed");
 331             }
 333             this.scopedValueBindings = bindings;
 334         }
 335     }
 337     /*
 338      * Lock object for thread interrupt.
 339      */
 340     final Object interruptLock = new Object();
 342     /**
 343      * The argument supplied to the current call to
 344      * java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.park.
 345      * Set by (private) java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.setBlocker
 346      * Accessed using java.util.concurrent.locks.LockSupport.getBlocker
 347      */
 348     private volatile Object parkBlocker;
 350     /* The object in which this thread is blocked in an interruptible I/O
 351      * operation, if any.  The blocker's interrupt method should be invoked
 352      * after setting this thread's interrupt status.
 353      */
 354     private Interruptible nioBlocker;
 356     Interruptible nioBlocker() {
 357         //assert Thread.holdsLock(interruptLock);
 358         return nioBlocker;
 359     }
 361     /* Set the blocker field; invoked via jdk.internal.access.SharedSecrets
 362      * from java.nio code
 363      */
 364     void blockedOn(Interruptible b) {
 365         //assert Thread.currentThread() == this;
 366         synchronized (interruptLock) {
 367             nioBlocker = b;
 368         }
 369     }
 371     /**
 372      * The minimum priority that a thread can have.
 373      */
 374     public static final int MIN_PRIORITY = 1;
 376     /**
 377      * The default priority that is assigned to a thread.
 378      */
 379     public static final int NORM_PRIORITY = 5;
 381     /**
 382      * The maximum priority that a thread can have.
 383      */
 384     public static final int MAX_PRIORITY = 10;
 386     /*
 387      * Current inner-most continuation.
 388      */
 389     private Continuation cont;
 391     /**
 392      * Returns the current continuation.
 393      */
 394     Continuation getContinuation() {
 395         return cont;
 396     }
 398     /**
 399      * Sets the current continuation.
 400      */
 401     void setContinuation(Continuation cont) {
 402         this.cont = cont;
 403     }
 405     /**
 406      * Returns the Thread object for the current platform thread. If the
 407      * current thread is a virtual thread then this method returns the carrier.
 408      */
 409     @IntrinsicCandidate
 410     static native Thread currentCarrierThread();
 412     /**
 413      * Returns the Thread object for the current thread.
 414      * @return  the current thread
 415      */
 416     @IntrinsicCandidate
 417     public static native Thread currentThread();
 419     /**
 420      * Sets the Thread object to be returned by Thread.currentThread().
 421      */
 422     @IntrinsicCandidate
 423     native void setCurrentThread(Thread thread);
 425     // ScopedValue support:
 427     @IntrinsicCandidate
 428     static native Object[] scopedValueCache();
 430     @IntrinsicCandidate
 431     static native void setScopedValueCache(Object[] cache);
 433     @IntrinsicCandidate
 434     static native void ensureMaterializedForStackWalk(Object o);
 436     /**
 437      * A hint to the scheduler that the current thread is willing to yield
 438      * its current use of a processor. The scheduler is free to ignore this
 439      * hint.
 440      *
 441      * <p> Yield is a heuristic attempt to improve relative progression
 442      * between threads that would otherwise over-utilise a CPU. Its use
 443      * should be combined with detailed profiling and benchmarking to
 444      * ensure that it actually has the desired effect.
 445      *
 446      * <p> It is rarely appropriate to use this method. It may be useful
 447      * for debugging or testing purposes, where it may help to reproduce
 448      * bugs due to race conditions. It may also be useful when designing
 449      * concurrency control constructs such as the ones in the
 450      * {@link java.util.concurrent.locks} package.
 451      */
 452     public static void yield() {
 453         if (currentThread() instanceof VirtualThread vthread) {
 454             vthread.tryYield();
 455         } else {
 456             yield0();
 457         }
 458     }
 460     private static native void yield0();
 462     /**
 463      * Called before sleeping to create a jdk.ThreadSleep event.
 464      */
 465     private static ThreadSleepEvent beforeSleep(long nanos) {
 466         ThreadSleepEvent event = null;
 467         if (ThreadSleepEvent.isTurnedOn()) {
 468             try {
 469                 event = new ThreadSleepEvent();
 470                 event.time = nanos;
 471                 event.begin();
 472             } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) {
 473                 event = null;
 474             }
 475         }
 476         return event;
 477     }
 479     /**
 480      * Called after sleeping to commit the jdk.ThreadSleep event.
 481      */
 482     private static void afterSleep(ThreadSleepEvent event) {
 483         if (event != null) {
 484             try {
 485                 event.commit();
 486             } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) {
 487                 // ignore
 488             }
 489         }
 490     }
 492     /**
 493      * Sleep for the specified number of nanoseconds, subject to the precision
 494      * and accuracy of system timers and schedulers.
 495      */
 496     private static void sleepNanos(long nanos) throws InterruptedException {
 497         ThreadSleepEvent event = beforeSleep(nanos);
 498         try {
 499             if (currentThread() instanceof VirtualThread vthread) {
 500                 vthread.sleepNanos(nanos);
 501             } else {
 502                 sleepNanos0(nanos);
 503             }
 504         } finally {
 505             afterSleep(event);
 506         }
 507     }
 509     private static native void sleepNanos0(long nanos) throws InterruptedException;
 511     /**
 512      * Causes the currently executing thread to sleep (temporarily cease
 513      * execution) for the specified number of milliseconds, subject to
 514      * the precision and accuracy of system timers and schedulers. The thread
 515      * does not lose ownership of any monitors.
 516      *
 517      * @param  millis
 518      *         the length of time to sleep in milliseconds
 519      *
 520      * @throws  IllegalArgumentException
 521      *          if the value of {@code millis} is negative
 522      *
 523      * @throws  InterruptedException
 524      *          if any thread has interrupted the current thread. The
 525      *          <i>interrupted status</i> of the current thread is
 526      *          cleared when this exception is thrown.
 527      */
 528     public static void sleep(long millis) throws InterruptedException {
 529         if (millis < 0) {
 530             throw new IllegalArgumentException("timeout value is negative");
 531         }
 532         long nanos = MILLISECONDS.toNanos(millis);
 533         sleepNanos(nanos);
 534     }
 536     /**
 537      * Causes the currently executing thread to sleep (temporarily cease
 538      * execution) for the specified number of milliseconds plus the specified
 539      * number of nanoseconds, subject to the precision and accuracy of system
 540      * timers and schedulers. The thread does not lose ownership of any
 541      * monitors.
 542      *
 543      * @param  millis
 544      *         the length of time to sleep in milliseconds
 545      *
 546      * @param  nanos
 547      *         {@code 0-999999} additional nanoseconds to sleep
 548      *
 549      * @throws  IllegalArgumentException
 550      *          if the value of {@code millis} is negative, or the value of
 551      *          {@code nanos} is not in the range {@code 0-999999}
 552      *
 553      * @throws  InterruptedException
 554      *          if any thread has interrupted the current thread. The
 555      *          <i>interrupted status</i> of the current thread is
 556      *          cleared when this exception is thrown.
 557      */
 558     public static void sleep(long millis, int nanos) throws InterruptedException {
 559         if (millis < 0) {
 560             throw new IllegalArgumentException("timeout value is negative");
 561         }
 563         if (nanos < 0 || nanos > 999999) {
 564             throw new IllegalArgumentException("nanosecond timeout value out of range");
 565         }
 567         // total sleep time, in nanoseconds
 568         long totalNanos = MILLISECONDS.toNanos(millis);
 569         totalNanos += Math.min(Long.MAX_VALUE - totalNanos, nanos);
 570         sleepNanos(totalNanos);
 571     }
 573     /**
 574      * Causes the currently executing thread to sleep (temporarily cease
 575      * execution) for the specified duration, subject to the precision and
 576      * accuracy of system timers and schedulers. This method is a no-op if
 577      * the duration is {@linkplain Duration#isNegative() negative}.
 578      *
 579      * @param  duration
 580      *         the duration to sleep
 581      *
 582      * @throws  InterruptedException
 583      *          if the current thread is interrupted while sleeping. The
 584      *          <i>interrupted status</i> of the current thread is
 585      *          cleared when this exception is thrown.
 586      *
 587      * @since 19
 588      */
 589     public static void sleep(Duration duration) throws InterruptedException {
 590         long nanos = NANOSECONDS.convert(duration);  // MAX_VALUE if > 292 years
 591         if (nanos < 0) {
 592             return;
 593         }
 594         sleepNanos(nanos);
 595     }
 597     /**
 598      * Indicates that the caller is momentarily unable to progress, until the
 599      * occurrence of one or more actions on the part of other activities. By
 600      * invoking this method within each iteration of a spin-wait loop construct,
 601      * the calling thread indicates to the runtime that it is busy-waiting.
 602      * The runtime may take action to improve the performance of invoking
 603      * spin-wait loop constructions.
 604      *
 605      * @apiNote
 606      * As an example consider a method in a class that spins in a loop until
 607      * some flag is set outside of that method. A call to the {@code onSpinWait}
 608      * method should be placed inside the spin loop.
 609      * {@snippet :
 610      *     class EventHandler {
 611      *         volatile boolean eventNotificationNotReceived;
 612      *         void waitForEventAndHandleIt() {
 613      *             while ( eventNotificationNotReceived ) {
 614      *                 Thread.onSpinWait();
 615      *             }
 616      *             readAndProcessEvent();
 617      *         }
 618      *
 619      *         void readAndProcessEvent() {
 620      *             // Read event from some source and process it
 621      *              . . .
 622      *         }
 623      *     }
 624      * }
 625      * <p>
 626      * The code above would remain correct even if the {@code onSpinWait}
 627      * method was not called at all. However on some architectures the Java
 628      * Virtual Machine may issue the processor instructions to address such
 629      * code patterns in a more beneficial way.
 630      *
 631      * @since 9
 632      */
 633     @IntrinsicCandidate
 634     public static void onSpinWait() {}
 636     /**
 637      * Characteristic value signifying that initial values for {@link
 638      * InheritableThreadLocal inheritable-thread-locals} are not inherited from
 639      * the constructing thread.
 640      * See Thread initialization.
 641      */
 642     static final int NO_INHERIT_THREAD_LOCALS = 1 << 2;
 644     /**
 645      * Helper class to generate thread identifiers. The identifiers start at
 646      * 2 as this class cannot be used during early startup to generate the
 647      * identifier for the primordial thread. The counter is off-heap and
 648      * shared with the VM to allow it assign thread identifiers to non-Java
 649      * threads.
 650      * See Thread initialization.
 651      */
 652     private static class ThreadIdentifiers {
 653         private static final Unsafe U;
 654         private static final long NEXT_TID_OFFSET;
 655         static {
 656             U = Unsafe.getUnsafe();
 657             NEXT_TID_OFFSET = Thread.getNextThreadIdOffset();
 658         }
 659         static long next() {
 660             return U.getAndAddLong(null, NEXT_TID_OFFSET, 1);
 661         }
 662     }
 664     /**
 665      * Returns the context class loader to inherit from the parent thread.
 666      * See Thread initialization.
 667      */
 668     private static ClassLoader contextClassLoader(Thread parent) {
 669         @SuppressWarnings("removal")
 670         SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
 671         if (sm == null || isCCLOverridden(parent.getClass())) {
 672             return parent.getContextClassLoader();
 673         } else {
 674             // skip call to getContextClassLoader
 675             return parent.contextClassLoader;
 676         }
 677     }
 679     /**
 680      * Initializes a platform Thread.
 681      *
 682      * @param g the Thread group, can be null
 683      * @param name the name of the new Thread
 684      * @param characteristics thread characteristics
 685      * @param task the object whose run() method gets called
 686      * @param stackSize the desired stack size for the new thread, or
 687      *        zero to indicate that this parameter is to be ignored.
 688      * @param acc the AccessControlContext to inherit, or
 689      *        AccessController.getContext() if null
 690      */
 691     @SuppressWarnings("removal")
 692     Thread(ThreadGroup g, String name, int characteristics, Runnable task,
 693            long stackSize, AccessControlContext acc) {
 695         Thread parent = currentThread();
 696         boolean attached = (parent == this);   // primordial or JNI attached
 698         if (attached) {
 699             if (g == null) {
 700                 throw new InternalError("group cannot be null when attaching");
 701             }
 702             this.holder = new FieldHolder(g, task, stackSize, NORM_PRIORITY, false);
 703         } else {
 704             SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
 705             if (g == null) {
 706                 // the security manager can choose the thread group
 707                 if (sm != null) {
 708                     g = sm.getThreadGroup();
 709                 }
 711                 // default to current thread's group
 712                 if (g == null) {
 713                     g = parent.getThreadGroup();
 714                 }
 715             }
 717             // permission checks when creating a child Thread
 718             if (sm != null) {
 719                 sm.checkAccess(g);
 720                 if (isCCLOverridden(getClass())) {
 721                     sm.checkPermission(SecurityConstants.SUBCLASS_IMPLEMENTATION_PERMISSION);
 722                 }
 723             }
 725             int priority = Math.min(parent.getPriority(), g.getMaxPriority());
 726             this.holder = new FieldHolder(g, task, stackSize, priority, parent.isDaemon());
 727         }
 729         if (attached && VM.initLevel() < 1) {
 730             this.tid = 3;  // primordial thread
 731         } else {
 732             this.tid = ThreadIdentifiers.next();
 733         }
 735         this.name = (name != null) ? name : genThreadName();
 737         if (acc != null) {
 738             this.inheritedAccessControlContext = acc;
 739         } else {
 740             this.inheritedAccessControlContext = AccessController.getContext();
 741         }
 743         // thread locals
 744         if (!attached) {
 745             if ((characteristics & NO_INHERIT_THREAD_LOCALS) == 0) {
 746                 ThreadLocal.ThreadLocalMap parentMap = parent.inheritableThreadLocals;
 747                 if (parentMap != null && parentMap.size() > 0) {
 748                     this.inheritableThreadLocals = ThreadLocal.createInheritedMap(parentMap);
 749                 }
 750                 if (VM.isBooted()) {
 751                     this.contextClassLoader = contextClassLoader(parent);
 752                 }
 753             } else if (VM.isBooted()) {
 754                 // default CCL to the system class loader when not inheriting
 755                 this.contextClassLoader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
 756             }
 757         }
 759         // special value to indicate this is a newly-created Thread
 760         // Note that his must match the declaration in ScopedValue.
 761         this.scopedValueBindings = NEW_THREAD_BINDINGS;
 762     }
 764     /**
 765      * Initializes a virtual Thread.
 766      *
 767      * @param name thread name, can be null
 768      * @param characteristics thread characteristics
 769      * @param bound true when bound to an OS thread
 770      */
 771     Thread(String name, int characteristics, boolean bound) {
 772         this.tid = ThreadIdentifiers.next();
 773         this.name = (name != null) ? name : "";
 774         this.inheritedAccessControlContext = Constants.NO_PERMISSIONS_ACC;
 776         // thread locals
 777         if ((characteristics & NO_INHERIT_THREAD_LOCALS) == 0) {
 778             Thread parent = currentThread();
 779             ThreadLocal.ThreadLocalMap parentMap = parent.inheritableThreadLocals;
 780             if (parentMap != null && parentMap.size() > 0) {
 781                 this.inheritableThreadLocals = ThreadLocal.createInheritedMap(parentMap);
 782             }
 783             this.contextClassLoader = contextClassLoader(parent);
 784         } else {
 785             // default CCL to the system class loader when not inheriting
 786             this.contextClassLoader = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader();
 787         }
 789         // special value to indicate this is a newly-created Thread
 790         this.scopedValueBindings = NEW_THREAD_BINDINGS;
 792         // create a FieldHolder object, needed when bound to an OS thread
 793         if (bound) {
 794             ThreadGroup g = Constants.VTHREAD_GROUP;
 795             int pri = NORM_PRIORITY;
 796             this.holder = new FieldHolder(g, null, -1, pri, true);
 797         } else {
 798             this.holder = null;
 799         }
 800     }
 802     /**
 803      * Returns a builder for creating a platform {@code Thread} or {@code ThreadFactory}
 804      * that creates platform threads.
 805      *
 806      * <p> <a id="ofplatform-security"><b>Interaction with security manager when
 807      * creating platform threads</b></a>
 808      * <p> Creating a platform thread when there is a security manager set will
 809      * invoke the security manager's {@link SecurityManager#checkAccess(ThreadGroup)
 810      * checkAccess(ThreadGroup)} method with the thread's thread group.
 811      * If the thread group has not been set with the {@link
 812      * Builder.OfPlatform#group(ThreadGroup) OfPlatform.group} method then the
 813      * security manager's {@link SecurityManager#getThreadGroup() getThreadGroup}
 814      * method will be invoked first to select the thread group. If the security
 815      * manager {@code getThreadGroup} method returns {@code null} then the thread
 816      * group of the constructing thread is used.
 817      *
 818      * @apiNote The following are examples using the builder:
 819      * {@snippet :
 820      *   // Start a daemon thread to run a task
 821      *   Thread thread = Thread.ofPlatform().daemon().start(runnable);
 822      *
 823      *   // Create an unstarted thread with name "duke", its start() method
 824      *   // must be invoked to schedule it to execute.
 825      *   Thread thread = Thread.ofPlatform().name("duke").unstarted(runnable);
 826      *
 827      *   // A ThreadFactory that creates daemon threads named "worker-0", "worker-1", ...
 828      *   ThreadFactory factory = Thread.ofPlatform().daemon().name("worker-", 0).factory();
 829      * }
 830      *
 831      * @return A builder for creating {@code Thread} or {@code ThreadFactory} objects.
 832      * @since 21
 833      */
 834     public static Builder.OfPlatform ofPlatform() {
 835         return new ThreadBuilders.PlatformThreadBuilder();
 836     }
 838     /**
 839      * Returns a builder for creating a virtual {@code Thread} or {@code ThreadFactory}
 840      * that creates virtual threads.
 841      *
 842      * @apiNote The following are examples using the builder:
 843      * {@snippet :
 844      *   // Start a virtual thread to run a task.
 845      *   Thread thread = Thread.ofVirtual().start(runnable);
 846      *
 847      *   // A ThreadFactory that creates virtual threads
 848      *   ThreadFactory factory = Thread.ofVirtual().factory();
 849      * }
 850      *
 851      * @return A builder for creating {@code Thread} or {@code ThreadFactory} objects.
 852      * @since 21
 853      */
 854     public static Builder.OfVirtual ofVirtual() {
 855         return new ThreadBuilders.VirtualThreadBuilder();
 856     }
 858     /**
 859      * A builder for {@link Thread} and {@link ThreadFactory} objects.
 860      *
 861      * <p> {@code Builder} defines methods to set {@code Thread} properties such
 862      * as the thread {@link #name(String) name}. This includes properties that would
 863      * otherwise be <a href="Thread.html#inheritance">inherited</a>. Once set, a
 864      * {@code Thread} or {@code ThreadFactory} is created with the following methods:
 865      *
 866      * <ul>
 867      *     <li> The {@linkplain #unstarted(Runnable) unstarted} method creates a new
 868      *          <em>unstarted</em> {@code Thread} to run a task. The {@code Thread}'s
 869      *          {@link Thread#start() start} method must be invoked to schedule the
 870      *          thread to execute.
 871      *     <li> The {@linkplain #start(Runnable) start} method creates a new {@code
 872      *          Thread} to run a task and schedules the thread to execute.
 873      *     <li> The {@linkplain #factory() factory} method creates a {@code ThreadFactory}.
 874      * </ul>
 875      *
 876      * <p> A {@code Thread.Builder} is not thread safe. The {@code ThreadFactory}
 877      * returned by the builder's {@code factory()} method is thread safe.
 878      *
 879      * <p> Unless otherwise specified, passing a null argument to a method in
 880      * this interface causes a {@code NullPointerException} to be thrown.
 881      *
 882      * @see Thread#ofPlatform()
 883      * @see Thread#ofVirtual()
 884      * @since 21
 885      */
 886     public sealed interface Builder
 887             permits Builder.OfPlatform, Builder.OfVirtual {
 889         /**
 890          * Sets the thread name.
 891          * @param name thread name
 892          * @return this builder
 893          */
 894         Builder name(String name);
 896         /**
 897          * Sets the thread name to be the concatenation of a string prefix and
 898          * the string representation of a counter value. The counter's initial
 899          * value is {@code start}. It is incremented after a {@code Thread} is
 900          * created with this builder so that the next thread is named with
 901          * the new counter value. A {@code ThreadFactory} created with this
 902          * builder is seeded with the current value of the counter. The {@code
 903          * ThreadFactory} increments its copy of the counter after {@link
 904          * ThreadFactory#newThread(Runnable) newThread} is used to create a
 905          * {@code Thread}.
 906          *
 907          * @apiNote
 908          * The following example creates a builder that is invoked twice to start
 909          * two threads named "{@code worker-0}" and "{@code worker-1}".
 910          * {@snippet :
 911          *   Thread.Builder builder = Thread.ofPlatform().name("worker-", 0);
 912          *   Thread t1 = builder.start(task1);   // name "worker-0"
 913          *   Thread t2 = builder.start(task2);   // name "worker-1"
 914          * }
 915          *
 916          * @param prefix thread name prefix
 917          * @param start the starting value of the counter
 918          * @return this builder
 919          * @throws IllegalArgumentException if start is negative
 920          */
 921         Builder name(String prefix, long start);
 923         /**
 924          * Sets whether the thread inherits the initial values of {@linkplain
 925          * InheritableThreadLocal inheritable-thread-local} variables from the
 926          * constructing thread. The default is to inherit.
 927          *
 928          * @param inherit {@code true} to inherit, {@code false} to not inherit
 929          * @return this builder
 930          */
 931         Builder inheritInheritableThreadLocals(boolean inherit);
 933         /**
 934          * Sets the uncaught exception handler.
 935          * @param ueh uncaught exception handler
 936          * @return this builder
 937          */
 938         Builder uncaughtExceptionHandler(UncaughtExceptionHandler ueh);
 940         /**
 941          * Creates a new {@code Thread} from the current state of the builder to
 942          * run the given task. The {@code Thread}'s {@link Thread#start() start}
 943          * method must be invoked to schedule the thread to execute.
 944          *
 945          * @param task the object to run when the thread executes
 946          * @return a new unstarted Thread
 947          * @throws SecurityException if denied by the security manager
 948          *         (See <a href="Thread.html#ofplatform-security">Interaction with
 949          *         security manager when creating platform threads</a>)
 950          *
 951          * @see <a href="Thread.html#inheritance">Inheritance when creating threads</a>
 952          */
 953         Thread unstarted(Runnable task);
 955         /**
 956          * Creates a new {@code Thread} from the current state of the builder and
 957          * schedules it to execute.
 958          *
 959          * @param task the object to run when the thread executes
 960          * @return a new started Thread
 961          * @throws SecurityException if denied by the security manager
 962          *         (See <a href="Thread.html#ofplatform-security">Interaction with
 963          *         security manager when creating platform threads</a>)
 964          *
 965          * @see <a href="Thread.html#inheritance">Inheritance when creating threads</a>
 966          */
 967         Thread start(Runnable task);
 969         /**
 970          * Returns a {@code ThreadFactory} to create threads from the current
 971          * state of the builder. The returned thread factory is safe for use by
 972          * multiple concurrent threads.
 973          *
 974          * @return a thread factory to create threads
 975          */
 976         ThreadFactory factory();
 978         /**
 979          * A builder for creating a platform {@link Thread} or {@link ThreadFactory}
 980          * that creates platform threads.
 981          *
 982          * <p> Unless otherwise specified, passing a null argument to a method in
 983          * this interface causes a {@code NullPointerException} to be thrown.
 984          *
 985          * @see Thread#ofPlatform()
 986          * @since 21
 987          */
 988         sealed interface OfPlatform extends Builder
 989                 permits ThreadBuilders.PlatformThreadBuilder {
 991             @Override OfPlatform name(String name);
 993             /**
 994              * @throws IllegalArgumentException {@inheritDoc}
 995              */
 996             @Override OfPlatform name(String prefix, long start);
 998             @Override OfPlatform inheritInheritableThreadLocals(boolean inherit);
 999             @Override OfPlatform uncaughtExceptionHandler(UncaughtExceptionHandler ueh);
1001             /**
1002              * Sets the thread group.
1003              * @param group the thread group
1004              * @return this builder
1005              */
1006             OfPlatform group(ThreadGroup group);
1008             /**
1009              * Sets the daemon status.
1010              * @param on {@code true} to create daemon threads
1011              * @return this builder
1012              */
1013             OfPlatform daemon(boolean on);
1015             /**
1016              * Sets the daemon status to {@code true}.
1017              * @implSpec The default implementation invokes {@linkplain #daemon(boolean)} with
1018              * a value of {@code true}.
1019              * @return this builder
1020              */
1021             default OfPlatform daemon() {
1022                 return daemon(true);
1023             }
1025             /**
1026              * Sets the thread priority.
1027              * @param priority priority
1028              * @return this builder
1029              * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the priority is less than
1030              *        {@link Thread#MIN_PRIORITY} or greater than {@link Thread#MAX_PRIORITY}
1031              */
1032             OfPlatform priority(int priority);
1034             /**
1035              * Sets the desired stack size.
1036              *
1037              * <p> The stack size is the approximate number of bytes of address space
1038              * that the Java virtual machine is to allocate for the thread's stack. The
1039              * effect is highly platform dependent and the Java virtual machine is free
1040              * to treat the {@code stackSize} parameter as a "suggestion". If the value
1041              * is unreasonably low for the platform then a platform specific minimum
1042              * may be used. If the value is unreasonably high then a platform specific
1043              * maximum may be used. A value of zero is always ignored.
1044              *
1045              * @param stackSize the desired stack size
1046              * @return this builder
1047              * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the stack size is negative
1048              */
1049             OfPlatform stackSize(long stackSize);
1050         }
1052         /**
1053          * A builder for creating a virtual {@link Thread} or {@link ThreadFactory}
1054          * that creates virtual threads.
1055          *
1056          * <p> Unless otherwise specified, passing a null argument to a method in
1057          * this interface causes a {@code NullPointerException} to be thrown.
1058          *
1059          * @see Thread#ofVirtual()
1060          * @since 21
1061          */
1062         sealed interface OfVirtual extends Builder
1063                 permits ThreadBuilders.VirtualThreadBuilder {
1065             @Override OfVirtual name(String name);
1067             /**
1068              * @throws IllegalArgumentException {@inheritDoc}
1069              */
1070             @Override OfVirtual name(String prefix, long start);
1072             @Override OfVirtual inheritInheritableThreadLocals(boolean inherit);
1073             @Override OfVirtual uncaughtExceptionHandler(UncaughtExceptionHandler ueh);
1074         }
1075     }
1077     /**
1078      * Throws CloneNotSupportedException as a Thread can not be meaningfully
1079      * cloned. Construct a new Thread instead.
1080      *
1081      * @throws  CloneNotSupportedException
1082      *          always
1083      */
1084     @Override
1085     protected Object clone() throws CloneNotSupportedException {
1086         throw new CloneNotSupportedException();
1087     }
1089     /**
1090      * Helper class for auto-numbering platform threads. The numbers start at
1091      * 0 and are separate from the thread identifier for historical reasons.
1092      */
1093     private static class ThreadNumbering {
1094         private static final Unsafe U;
1095         private static final Object NEXT_BASE;
1096         private static final long NEXT_OFFSET;
1097         static {
1098             U = Unsafe.getUnsafe();
1099             try {
1100                 Field nextField = ThreadNumbering.class.getDeclaredField("next");
1101                 NEXT_BASE = U.staticFieldBase(nextField);
1102                 NEXT_OFFSET = U.staticFieldOffset(nextField);
1103             } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
1104                 throw new ExceptionInInitializerError(e);
1105             }
1106         }
1107         private static volatile int next;
1108         static int next() {
1109             return U.getAndAddInt(NEXT_BASE, NEXT_OFFSET, 1);
1110         }
1111     }
1113     /**
1114      * Generates a thread name of the form {@code Thread-<n>}.
1115      */
1116     static String genThreadName() {
1117         return "Thread-" + ThreadNumbering.next();
1118     }
1120     /**
1121      * Throws NullPointerException if the name is null. Avoids use of
1122      * Objects.requireNonNull in early startup.
1123      */
1124     private static String checkName(String name) {
1125         if (name == null)
1126             throw new NullPointerException("'name' is null");
1127         return name;
1128     }
1130     /**
1131      * Initializes a new platform {@code Thread}. This constructor has the same
1132      * effect as {@linkplain #Thread(ThreadGroup,Runnable,String) Thread}
1133      * {@code (null, null, gname)}, where {@code gname} is a newly generated
1134      * name. Automatically generated names are of the form
1135      * {@code "Thread-"+}<i>n</i>, where <i>n</i> is an integer.
1136      *
1137      * <p> This constructor is only useful when extending {@code Thread} to
1138      * override the {@link #run()} method.
1139      *
1140      * @see <a href="#inheritance">Inheritance when creating threads</a>
1141      */
1142     public Thread() {
1143         this(null, null, 0, null, 0, null);
1144     }
1146     /**
1147      * Initializes a new platform {@code Thread}. This constructor has the same
1148      * effect as {@linkplain #Thread(ThreadGroup,Runnable,String) Thread}
1149      * {@code (null, task, gname)}, where {@code gname} is a newly generated
1150      * name. Automatically generated names are of the form
1151      * {@code "Thread-"+}<i>n</i>, where <i>n</i> is an integer.
1152      *
1153      * <p> For a non-null task, invoking this constructor directly is equivalent to:
1154      * <pre>{@code Thread.ofPlatform().unstarted(task); }</pre>
1155      *
1156      * @param  task
1157      *         the object whose {@code run} method is invoked when this thread
1158      *         is started. If {@code null}, this classes {@code run} method does
1159      *         nothing.
1160      *
1161      * @see <a href="#inheritance">Inheritance when creating threads</a>
1162      */
1163     public Thread(Runnable task) {
1164         this(null, null, 0, task, 0, null);
1165     }
1167     /**
1168      * Creates a new Thread that inherits the given AccessControlContext
1169      * but thread-local variables are not inherited.
1170      * This is not a public constructor.
1171      */
1172     Thread(Runnable task, @SuppressWarnings("removal") AccessControlContext acc) {
1173         this(null, null, 0, task, 0, acc);
1174     }
1176     /**
1177      * Initializes a new platform {@code Thread}. This constructor has the same
1178      * effect as {@linkplain #Thread(ThreadGroup,Runnable,String) Thread}
1179      * {@code (group, task, gname)}, where {@code gname} is a newly generated
1180      * name. Automatically generated names are of the form
1181      * {@code "Thread-"+}<i>n</i>, where <i>n</i> is an integer.
1182      *
1183      * <p> For a non-null group and task, invoking this constructor directly is
1184      * equivalent to:
1185      * <pre>{@code Thread.ofPlatform().group(group).unstarted(task); }</pre>
1186      *
1187      * @param  group
1188      *         the thread group. If {@code null} and there is a security
1189      *         manager, the group is determined by {@linkplain
1190      *         SecurityManager#getThreadGroup SecurityManager.getThreadGroup()}.
1191      *         If there is not a security manager or {@code
1192      *         SecurityManager.getThreadGroup()} returns {@code null}, the group
1193      *         is set to the current thread's thread group.
1194      *
1195      * @param  task
1196      *         the object whose {@code run} method is invoked when this thread
1197      *         is started. If {@code null}, this thread's run method is invoked.
1198      *
1199      * @throws  SecurityException
1200      *          if the current thread cannot create a thread in the specified
1201      *          thread group
1202      *
1203      * @see <a href="#inheritance">Inheritance when creating threads</a>
1204      */
1205     public Thread(ThreadGroup group, Runnable task) {
1206         this(group, null, 0, task, 0, null);
1207     }
1209     /**
1210      * Initializes a new platform {@code Thread}. This constructor has the same
1211      * effect as {@linkplain #Thread(ThreadGroup,Runnable,String) Thread}
1212      * {@code (null, null, name)}.
1213      *
1214      * <p> This constructor is only useful when extending {@code Thread} to
1215      * override the {@link #run()} method.
1216      *
1217      * @param   name
1218      *          the name of the new thread
1219      *
1220      * @see <a href="#inheritance">Inheritance when creating threads</a>
1221      */
1222     public Thread(String name) {
1223         this(null, checkName(name), 0, null, 0, null);
1224     }
1226     /**
1227      * Initializes a new platform {@code Thread}. This constructor has the same
1228      * effect as {@linkplain #Thread(ThreadGroup,Runnable,String) Thread}
1229      * {@code (group, null, name)}.
1230      *
1231      * <p> This constructor is only useful when extending {@code Thread} to
1232      * override the {@link #run()} method.
1233      *
1234      * @param  group
1235      *         the thread group. If {@code null} and there is a security
1236      *         manager, the group is determined by {@linkplain
1237      *         SecurityManager#getThreadGroup SecurityManager.getThreadGroup()}.
1238      *         If there is not a security manager or {@code
1239      *         SecurityManager.getThreadGroup()} returns {@code null}, the group
1240      *         is set to the current thread's thread group.
1241      *
1242      * @param  name
1243      *         the name of the new thread
1244      *
1245      * @throws  SecurityException
1246      *          if the current thread cannot create a thread in the specified
1247      *          thread group
1248      *
1249      * @see <a href="#inheritance">Inheritance when creating threads</a>
1250      */
1251     public Thread(ThreadGroup group, String name) {
1252         this(group, checkName(name), 0, null, 0, null);
1253     }
1255     /**
1256      * Initializes a new platform {@code Thread}. This constructor has the same
1257      * effect as {@linkplain #Thread(ThreadGroup,Runnable,String) Thread}
1258      * {@code (null, task, name)}.
1259      *
1260      * <p> For a non-null task and name, invoking this constructor directly is
1261      * equivalent to:
1262      * <pre>{@code Thread.ofPlatform().name(name).unstarted(task); }</pre>
1263      *
1264      * @param  task
1265      *         the object whose {@code run} method is invoked when this thread
1266      *         is started. If {@code null}, this thread's run method is invoked.
1267      *
1268      * @param  name
1269      *         the name of the new thread
1270      *
1271      * @see <a href="#inheritance">Inheritance when creating threads</a>
1272      */
1273     public Thread(Runnable task, String name) {
1274         this(null, checkName(name), 0, task, 0, null);
1275     }
1277     /**
1278      * Initializes a new platform {@code Thread} so that it has {@code task}
1279      * as its run object, has the specified {@code name} as its name,
1280      * and belongs to the thread group referred to by {@code group}.
1281      *
1282      * <p>If there is a security manager, its
1283      * {@link SecurityManager#checkAccess(ThreadGroup) checkAccess}
1284      * method is invoked with the ThreadGroup as its argument.
1285      *
1286      * <p>In addition, its {@code checkPermission} method is invoked with
1287      * the {@code RuntimePermission("enableContextClassLoaderOverride")}
1288      * permission when invoked directly or indirectly by the constructor
1289      * of a subclass which overrides the {@code getContextClassLoader}
1290      * or {@code setContextClassLoader} methods.
1291      *
1292      * <p>The priority of the newly created thread is the smaller of
1293      * priority of the thread creating it and the maximum permitted
1294      * priority of the thread group. The method {@linkplain #setPriority
1295      * setPriority} may be used to change the priority to a new value.
1296      *
1297      * <p>The newly created thread is initially marked as being a daemon
1298      * thread if and only if the thread creating it is currently marked
1299      * as a daemon thread. The method {@linkplain #setDaemon setDaemon}
1300      * may be used to change whether or not a thread is a daemon.
1301      *
1302      * <p>For a non-null group, task, and name, invoking this constructor directly
1303      * is equivalent to:
1304      * <pre>{@code Thread.ofPlatform().group(group).name(name).unstarted(task); }</pre>
1305      *
1306      * @param  group
1307      *         the thread group. If {@code null} and there is a security
1308      *         manager, the group is determined by {@linkplain
1309      *         SecurityManager#getThreadGroup SecurityManager.getThreadGroup()}.
1310      *         If there is not a security manager or {@code
1311      *         SecurityManager.getThreadGroup()} returns {@code null}, the group
1312      *         is set to the current thread's thread group.
1313      *
1314      * @param  task
1315      *         the object whose {@code run} method is invoked when this thread
1316      *         is started. If {@code null}, this thread's run method is invoked.
1317      *
1318      * @param  name
1319      *         the name of the new thread
1320      *
1321      * @throws  SecurityException
1322      *          if the current thread cannot create a thread in the specified
1323      *          thread group or cannot override the context class loader methods.
1324      *
1325      * @see <a href="#inheritance">Inheritance when creating threads</a>
1326      */
1327     public Thread(ThreadGroup group, Runnable task, String name) {
1328         this(group, checkName(name), 0, task, 0, null);
1329     }
1331     /**
1332      * Initializes a new platform {@code Thread} so that it has {@code task}
1333      * as its run object, has the specified {@code name} as its name,
1334      * and belongs to the thread group referred to by {@code group}, and has
1335      * the specified <i>stack size</i>.
1336      *
1337      * <p>This constructor is identical to {@link
1338      * #Thread(ThreadGroup,Runnable,String)} with the exception of the fact
1339      * that it allows the thread stack size to be specified.  The stack size
1340      * is the approximate number of bytes of address space that the virtual
1341      * machine is to allocate for this thread's stack.  <b>The effect of the
1342      * {@code stackSize} parameter, if any, is highly platform dependent.</b>
1343      *
1344      * <p>On some platforms, specifying a higher value for the
1345      * {@code stackSize} parameter may allow a thread to achieve greater
1346      * recursion depth before throwing a {@link StackOverflowError}.
1347      * Similarly, specifying a lower value may allow a greater number of
1348      * threads to exist concurrently without throwing an {@link
1349      * OutOfMemoryError} (or other internal error).  The details of
1350      * the relationship between the value of the {@code stackSize} parameter
1351      * and the maximum recursion depth and concurrency level are
1352      * platform-dependent.  <b>On some platforms, the value of the
1353      * {@code stackSize} parameter may have no effect whatsoever.</b>
1354      *
1355      * <p>The virtual machine is free to treat the {@code stackSize}
1356      * parameter as a suggestion.  If the specified value is unreasonably low
1357      * for the platform, the virtual machine may instead use some
1358      * platform-specific minimum value; if the specified value is unreasonably
1359      * high, the virtual machine may instead use some platform-specific
1360      * maximum.  Likewise, the virtual machine is free to round the specified
1361      * value up or down as it sees fit (or to ignore it completely).
1362      *
1363      * <p>Specifying a value of zero for the {@code stackSize} parameter will
1364      * cause this constructor to behave exactly like the
1365      * {@code Thread(ThreadGroup, Runnable, String)} constructor.
1366      *
1367      * <p><i>Due to the platform-dependent nature of the behavior of this
1368      * constructor, extreme care should be exercised in its use.
1369      * The thread stack size necessary to perform a given computation will
1370      * likely vary from one JRE implementation to another.  In light of this
1371      * variation, careful tuning of the stack size parameter may be required,
1372      * and the tuning may need to be repeated for each JRE implementation on
1373      * which an application is to run.</i>
1374      *
1375      * <p>Implementation note: Java platform implementers are encouraged to
1376      * document their implementation's behavior with respect to the
1377      * {@code stackSize} parameter.
1378      *
1379      * <p>For a non-null group, task, and name, invoking this constructor directly
1380      * is equivalent to:
1381      * <pre>{@code Thread.ofPlatform().group(group).name(name).stackSize(stackSize).unstarted(task); }</pre>
1382      *
1383      * @param  group
1384      *         the thread group. If {@code null} and there is a security
1385      *         manager, the group is determined by {@linkplain
1386      *         SecurityManager#getThreadGroup SecurityManager.getThreadGroup()}.
1387      *         If there is not a security manager or {@code
1388      *         SecurityManager.getThreadGroup()} returns {@code null}, the group
1389      *         is set to the current thread's thread group.
1390      *
1391      * @param  task
1392      *         the object whose {@code run} method is invoked when this thread
1393      *         is started. If {@code null}, this thread's run method is invoked.
1394      *
1395      * @param  name
1396      *         the name of the new thread
1397      *
1398      * @param  stackSize
1399      *         the desired stack size for the new thread, or zero to indicate
1400      *         that this parameter is to be ignored.
1401      *
1402      * @throws  SecurityException
1403      *          if the current thread cannot create a thread in the specified
1404      *          thread group
1405      *
1406      * @since 1.4
1407      * @see <a href="#inheritance">Inheritance when creating threads</a>
1408      */
1409     public Thread(ThreadGroup group, Runnable task, String name, long stackSize) {
1410         this(group, checkName(name), 0, task, stackSize, null);
1411     }
1413     /**
1414      * Initializes a new platform {@code Thread} so that it has {@code task}
1415      * as its run object, has the specified {@code name} as its name,
1416      * belongs to the thread group referred to by {@code group}, has
1417      * the specified {@code stackSize}, and inherits initial values for
1418      * {@linkplain InheritableThreadLocal inheritable thread-local} variables
1419      * if {@code inheritThreadLocals} is {@code true}.
1420      *
1421      * <p> This constructor is identical to {@link
1422      * #Thread(ThreadGroup,Runnable,String,long)} with the added ability to
1423      * suppress, or not, the inheriting of initial values for inheritable
1424      * thread-local variables from the constructing thread. This allows for
1425      * finer grain control over inheritable thread-locals. Care must be taken
1426      * when passing a value of {@code false} for {@code inheritThreadLocals},
1427      * as it may lead to unexpected behavior if the new thread executes code
1428      * that expects a specific thread-local value to be inherited.
1429      *
1430      * <p> Specifying a value of {@code true} for the {@code inheritThreadLocals}
1431      * parameter will cause this constructor to behave exactly like the
1432      * {@code Thread(ThreadGroup, Runnable, String, long)} constructor.
1433      *
1434      * <p> For a non-null group, task, and name, invoking this constructor directly
1435      * is equivalent to:
1436      * <pre>{@code Thread.ofPlatform()
1437      *      .group(group)
1438      *      .name(name)
1439      *      .stackSize(stackSize)
1440      *      .inheritInheritableThreadLocals(inheritInheritableThreadLocals)
1441      *      .unstarted(task); }</pre>
1442      *
1443      * @param  group
1444      *         the thread group. If {@code null} and there is a security
1445      *         manager, the group is determined by {@linkplain
1446      *         SecurityManager#getThreadGroup SecurityManager.getThreadGroup()}.
1447      *         If there is not a security manager or {@code
1448      *         SecurityManager.getThreadGroup()} returns {@code null}, the group
1449      *         is set to the current thread's thread group.
1450      *
1451      * @param  task
1452      *         the object whose {@code run} method is invoked when this thread
1453      *         is started. If {@code null}, this thread's run method is invoked.
1454      *
1455      * @param  name
1456      *         the name of the new thread
1457      *
1458      * @param  stackSize
1459      *         the desired stack size for the new thread, or zero to indicate
1460      *         that this parameter is to be ignored
1461      *
1462      * @param  inheritInheritableThreadLocals
1463      *         if {@code true}, inherit initial values for inheritable
1464      *         thread-locals from the constructing thread, otherwise no initial
1465      *         values are inherited
1466      *
1467      * @throws  SecurityException
1468      *          if the current thread cannot create a thread in the specified
1469      *          thread group
1470      *
1471      * @since 9
1472      * @see <a href="#inheritance">Inheritance when creating threads</a>
1473      */
1474     public Thread(ThreadGroup group, Runnable task, String name,
1475                   long stackSize, boolean inheritInheritableThreadLocals) {
1476         this(group, checkName(name),
1477                 (inheritInheritableThreadLocals ? 0 : NO_INHERIT_THREAD_LOCALS),
1478                 task, stackSize, null);
1479     }
1481     /**
1482      * Creates a virtual thread to execute a task and schedules it to execute.
1483      *
1484      * <p> This method is equivalent to:
1485      * <pre>{@code Thread.ofVirtual().start(task); }</pre>
1486      *
1487      * @param task the object to run when the thread executes
1488      * @return a new, and started, virtual thread
1489      * @see <a href="#inheritance">Inheritance when creating threads</a>
1490      * @since 21
1491      */
1492     public static Thread startVirtualThread(Runnable task) {
1493         Objects.requireNonNull(task);
1494         var thread = ThreadBuilders.newVirtualThread(null, null, 0, task);
1495         thread.start();
1496         return thread;
1497     }
1499     /**
1500      * Returns {@code true} if this thread is a virtual thread. A virtual thread
1501      * is scheduled by the Java virtual machine rather than the operating system.
1502      *
1503      * @return {@code true} if this thread is a virtual thread
1504      *
1505      * @since 21
1506      */
1507     public final boolean isVirtual() {
1508         return (this instanceof BaseVirtualThread);
1509     }
1511     /**
1512      * Schedules this thread to begin execution. The thread will execute
1513      * independently of the current thread.
1514      *
1515      * <p> A thread can be started at most once. In particular, a thread can not
1516      * be restarted after it has terminated.
1517      *
1518      * @throws IllegalThreadStateException if the thread was already started
1519      */
1520     public void start() {
1521         synchronized (this) {
1522             // zero status corresponds to state "NEW".
1523             if (holder.threadStatus != 0)
1524                 throw new IllegalThreadStateException();
1525             start0();
1526         }
1527     }
1529     /**
1530      * Schedules this thread to begin execution in the given thread container.
1531      * @throws IllegalStateException if the container is shutdown or closed
1532      * @throws IllegalThreadStateException if the thread has already been started
1533      */
1534     void start(ThreadContainer container) {
1535         synchronized (this) {
1536             // zero status corresponds to state "NEW".
1537             if (holder.threadStatus != 0)
1538                 throw new IllegalThreadStateException();
1540             // bind thread to container
1541             if (this.container != null)
1542                 throw new IllegalThreadStateException();
1543             setThreadContainer(container);
1545             // start thread
1546             boolean started = false;
1547             container.onStart(this);  // may throw
1548             try {
1549                 // scoped values may be inherited
1550                 inheritScopedValueBindings(container);
1552                 start0();
1553                 started = true;
1554             } finally {
1555                 if (!started) {
1556                     container.onExit(this);
1557                 }
1558             }
1559         }
1560     }
1562     private native void start0();
1564     /**
1565      * This method is run by the thread when it executes. Subclasses of {@code
1566      * Thread} may override this method.
1567      *
1568      * <p> This method is not intended to be invoked directly. If this thread is a
1569      * platform thread created with a {@link Runnable} task then invoking this method
1570      * will invoke the task's {@code run} method. If this thread is a virtual thread
1571      * then invoking this method directly does nothing.
1572      *
1573      * @implSpec The default implementation executes the {@link Runnable} task that
1574      * the {@code Thread} was created with. If the thread was created without a task
1575      * then this method does nothing.
1576      */
1577     @Override
1578     public void run() {
1579         Runnable task = holder.task;
1580         if (task != null) {
1581             Object bindings = scopedValueBindings();
1582             runWith(bindings, task);
1583         }
1584     }
1586     /**
1587      * The VM recognizes this method as special, so any changes to the
1588      * name or signature require corresponding changes in
1589      * JVM_FindScopedValueBindings().
1590      */
1591     @Hidden
1592     @ForceInline
1593     final void runWith(Object bindings, Runnable op) {
1594         ensureMaterializedForStackWalk(bindings);
1595         op.run();
1596         Reference.reachabilityFence(bindings);
1597     }
1599     /**
1600      * Null out reference after Thread termination.
1601      */
1602     void clearReferences() {
1603         threadLocals = null;
1604         inheritableThreadLocals = null;
1605         inheritedAccessControlContext = null;
1606         if (uncaughtExceptionHandler != null)
1607             uncaughtExceptionHandler = null;
1608         if (nioBlocker != null)
1609             nioBlocker = null;
1610     }
1612     /**
1613      * This method is called by the VM to give a Thread
1614      * a chance to clean up before it actually exits.
1615      */
1616     private void exit() {
1617         try {
1618             // pop any remaining scopes from the stack, this may block
1619             if (headStackableScopes != null) {
1620                 StackableScope.popAll();
1621             }
1622         } finally {
1623             // notify container that thread is exiting
1624             ThreadContainer container = threadContainer();
1625             if (container != null) {
1626                 container.onExit(this);
1627             }
1628         }
1630         try {
1631             if (threadLocals != null && TerminatingThreadLocal.REGISTRY.isPresent()) {
1632                 TerminatingThreadLocal.threadTerminated();
1633             }
1634         } finally {
1635             clearReferences();
1636         }
1637     }
1639     /**
1640      * Throws {@code UnsupportedOperationException}.
1641      *
1642      * @throws  UnsupportedOperationException always
1643      *
1644      * @deprecated This method was originally specified to "stop" a victim
1645      *       thread by causing the victim thread to throw a {@link ThreadDeath}.
1646      *       It was inherently unsafe. Stopping a thread caused it to unlock
1647      *       all of the monitors that it had locked (as a natural consequence
1648      *       of the {@code ThreadDeath} exception propagating up the stack). If
1649      *       any of the objects previously protected by these monitors were in
1650      *       an inconsistent state, the damaged objects became visible to
1651      *       other threads, potentially resulting in arbitrary behavior.
1652      *       Usages of {@code stop} should be replaced by code that simply
1653      *       modifies some variable to indicate that the target thread should
1654      *       stop running.  The target thread should check this variable
1655      *       regularly, and return from its run method in an orderly fashion
1656      *       if the variable indicates that it is to stop running.  If the
1657      *       target thread waits for long periods (on a condition variable,
1658      *       for example), the {@code interrupt} method should be used to
1659      *       interrupt the wait.
1660      *       For more information, see
1661      *       <a href="{@docRoot}/java.base/java/lang/doc-files/threadPrimitiveDeprecation.html">Why
1662      *       is Thread.stop deprecated and the ability to stop a thread removed?</a>.
1663      */
1664     @Deprecated(since="1.2", forRemoval=true)
1665     public final void stop() {
1666         throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
1667     }
1669     /**
1670      * Interrupts this thread.
1671      *
1672      * <p> Unless the current thread is interrupting itself, which is
1673      * always permitted, the {@link #checkAccess() checkAccess} method
1674      * of this thread is invoked, which may cause a {@link
1675      * SecurityException} to be thrown.
1676      *
1677      * <p> If this thread is blocked in an invocation of the {@link
1678      * Object#wait() wait()}, {@link Object#wait(long) wait(long)}, or {@link
1679      * Object#wait(long, int) wait(long, int)} methods of the {@link Object}
1680      * class, or of the {@link #join()}, {@link #join(long)}, {@link
1681      * #join(long, int)}, {@link #sleep(long)}, or {@link #sleep(long, int)}
1682      * methods of this class, then its interrupt status will be cleared and it
1683      * will receive an {@link InterruptedException}.
1684      *
1685      * <p> If this thread is blocked in an I/O operation upon an {@link
1686      * java.nio.channels.InterruptibleChannel InterruptibleChannel}
1687      * then the channel will be closed, the thread's interrupt
1688      * status will be set, and the thread will receive a {@link
1689      * java.nio.channels.ClosedByInterruptException}.
1690      *
1691      * <p> If this thread is blocked in a {@link java.nio.channels.Selector}
1692      * then the thread's interrupt status will be set and it will return
1693      * immediately from the selection operation, possibly with a non-zero
1694      * value, just as if the selector's {@link
1695      * java.nio.channels.Selector#wakeup wakeup} method were invoked.
1696      *
1697      * <p> If none of the previous conditions hold then this thread's interrupt
1698      * status will be set. </p>
1699      *
1700      * <p> Interrupting a thread that is not alive need not have any effect.
1701      *
1702      * @implNote In the JDK Reference Implementation, interruption of a thread
1703      * that is not alive still records that the interrupt request was made and
1704      * will report it via {@link #interrupted()} and {@link #isInterrupted()}.
1705      *
1706      * @throws  SecurityException
1707      *          if the current thread cannot modify this thread
1708      */
1709     public void interrupt() {
1710         if (this != Thread.currentThread()) {
1711             checkAccess();
1712         }
1714         // Setting the interrupt status must be done before reading nioBlocker.
1715         interrupted = true;
1716         interrupt0();  // inform VM of interrupt
1718         // thread may be blocked in an I/O operation
1719         if (this != Thread.currentThread()) {
1720             Interruptible blocker;
1721             synchronized (interruptLock) {
1722                 blocker = nioBlocker;
1723                 if (blocker != null) {
1724                     blocker.interrupt(this);
1725                 }
1726             }
1727             if (blocker != null) {
1728                 blocker.postInterrupt();
1729             }
1730         }
1731     }
1733     /**
1734      * Tests whether the current thread has been interrupted.  The
1735      * <i>interrupted status</i> of the thread is cleared by this method.  In
1736      * other words, if this method were to be called twice in succession, the
1737      * second call would return false (unless the current thread were
1738      * interrupted again, after the first call had cleared its interrupted
1739      * status and before the second call had examined it).
1740      *
1741      * @return  {@code true} if the current thread has been interrupted;
1742      *          {@code false} otherwise.
1743      * @see #isInterrupted()
1744      */
1745     public static boolean interrupted() {
1746         return currentThread().getAndClearInterrupt();
1747     }
1749     /**
1750      * Tests whether this thread has been interrupted.  The <i>interrupted
1751      * status</i> of the thread is unaffected by this method.
1752      *
1753      * @return  {@code true} if this thread has been interrupted;
1754      *          {@code false} otherwise.
1755      * @see     #interrupted()
1756      */
1757     public boolean isInterrupted() {
1758         return interrupted;
1759     }
1761     final void setInterrupt() {
1762         // assert Thread.currentCarrierThread() == this;
1763         if (!interrupted) {
1764             interrupted = true;
1765             interrupt0();  // inform VM of interrupt
1766         }
1767     }
1769     final void clearInterrupt() {
1770         // assert Thread.currentCarrierThread() == this;
1771         if (interrupted) {
1772             interrupted = false;
1773             clearInterruptEvent();
1774         }
1775     }
1777     boolean getAndClearInterrupt() {
1778         boolean oldValue = interrupted;
1779         // We may have been interrupted the moment after we read the field,
1780         // so only clear the field if we saw that it was set and will return
1781         // true; otherwise we could lose an interrupt.
1782         if (oldValue) {
1783             interrupted = false;
1784             clearInterruptEvent();
1785         }
1786         return oldValue;
1787     }
1789     /**
1790      * Tests if this thread is alive. A thread is alive if it has
1791      * been started and has not yet terminated.
1792      *
1793      * @return  {@code true} if this thread is alive;
1794      *          {@code false} otherwise.
1795      */
1796     public final boolean isAlive() {
1797         return alive();
1798     }
1800     /**
1801      * Returns true if this thread is alive.
1802      * This method is non-final so it can be overridden.
1803      */
1804     boolean alive() {
1805         return eetop != 0;
1806     }
1808     /**
1809      * Changes the priority of this thread.
1810      *
1811      * For platform threads, the priority is set to the smaller of the specified
1812      * {@code newPriority} and the maximum permitted priority of the thread's
1813      * {@linkplain ThreadGroup thread group}.
1814      *
1815      * The priority of a virtual thread is always {@link Thread#NORM_PRIORITY}
1816      * and {@code newPriority} is ignored.
1817      *
1818      * @param newPriority the new thread priority
1819      * @throws  IllegalArgumentException if the priority is not in the
1820      *          range {@code MIN_PRIORITY} to {@code MAX_PRIORITY}.
1821      * @throws  SecurityException
1822      *          if {@link #checkAccess} determines that the current
1823      *          thread cannot modify this thread
1824      * @see #setPriority(int)
1825      * @see ThreadGroup#getMaxPriority()
1826      */
1827     public final void setPriority(int newPriority) {
1828         checkAccess();
1829         if (newPriority > MAX_PRIORITY || newPriority < MIN_PRIORITY) {
1830             throw new IllegalArgumentException();
1831         }
1832         if (!isVirtual()) {
1833             priority(newPriority);
1834         }
1835     }
1837     void priority(int newPriority) {
1838         ThreadGroup g = holder.group;
1839         if (g != null) {
1840             int maxPriority = g.getMaxPriority();
1841             if (newPriority > maxPriority) {
1842                 newPriority = maxPriority;
1843             }
1844             setPriority0(holder.priority = newPriority);
1845         }
1846     }
1848     /**
1849      * Returns this thread's priority.
1850      *
1851      * <p> The priority of a virtual thread is always {@link Thread#NORM_PRIORITY}.
1852      *
1853      * @return  this thread's priority.
1854      * @see     #setPriority
1855      */
1856     public final int getPriority() {
1857         if (isVirtual()) {
1858             return Thread.NORM_PRIORITY;
1859         } else {
1860             return holder.priority;
1861         }
1862     }
1864     /**
1865      * Changes the name of this thread to be equal to the argument {@code name}.
1866      * <p>
1867      * First the {@code checkAccess} method of this thread is called
1868      * with no arguments. This may result in throwing a
1869      * {@code SecurityException}.
1870      *
1871      * @implNote In the JDK Reference Implementation, if this thread is the
1872      * current thread, and it's a platform thread that was not attached to the
1873      * VM with the Java Native Interface
1874      * <a href="{@docRoot}/../specs/jni/invocation.html#attachcurrentthread">
1875      * AttachCurrentThread</a> function, then this method will set the operating
1876      * system thread name. This may be useful for debugging and troubleshooting
1877      * purposes.
1878      *
1879      * @param      name   the new name for this thread.
1880      * @throws     SecurityException  if the current thread cannot modify this
1881      *             thread.
1882      *
1883      * @spec jni/index.html Java Native Interface Specification
1884      * @see        #getName
1885      * @see        #checkAccess()
1886      */
1887     public final synchronized void setName(String name) {
1888         checkAccess();
1889         if (name == null) {
1890             throw new NullPointerException("name cannot be null");
1891         }
1892         this.name = name;
1893         if (!isVirtual() && Thread.currentThread() == this) {
1894             setNativeName(name);
1895         }
1896     }
1898     /**
1899      * Returns this thread's name.
1900      *
1901      * @return  this thread's name.
1902      * @see     #setName(String)
1903      */
1904     public final String getName() {
1905         return name;
1906     }
1908     /**
1909      * Returns the thread's thread group or {@code null} if the thread has
1910      * terminated.
1911      *
1912      * <p> The thread group returned for a virtual thread is the special
1913      * <a href="ThreadGroup.html#virtualthreadgroup"><em>ThreadGroup for
1914      * virtual threads</em></a>.
1915      *
1916      * @return  this thread's thread group or {@code null}
1917      */
1918     public final ThreadGroup getThreadGroup() {
1919         if (isTerminated()) {
1920             return null;
1921         } else {
1922             return isVirtual() ? virtualThreadGroup() : holder.group;
1923         }
1924     }
1926     /**
1927      * Returns an estimate of the number of {@linkplain #isAlive() live}
1928      * platform threads in the current thread's thread group and its subgroups.
1929      * Virtual threads are not included in the estimate.
1930      *
1931      * <p> The value returned is only an estimate because the number of
1932      * threads may change dynamically while this method traverses internal
1933      * data structures, and might be affected by the presence of certain
1934      * system threads. This method is intended primarily for debugging
1935      * and monitoring purposes.
1936      *
1937      * @return  an estimate of the number of live platform threads in the
1938      *          current thread's thread group and in any other thread group
1939      *          that has the current thread's thread group as an ancestor
1940      */
1941     public static int activeCount() {
1942         return currentThread().getThreadGroup().activeCount();
1943     }
1945     /**
1946      * Copies into the specified array every {@linkplain #isAlive() live}
1947      * platform thread in the current thread's thread group and its subgroups.
1948      * This method simply invokes the {@link java.lang.ThreadGroup#enumerate(Thread[])}
1949      * method of the current thread's thread group. Virtual threads are
1950      * not enumerated by this method.
1951      *
1952      * <p> An application might use the {@linkplain #activeCount activeCount}
1953      * method to get an estimate of how big the array should be, however
1954      * <i>if the array is too short to hold all the threads, the extra threads
1955      * are silently ignored.</i>  If it is critical to obtain every live
1956      * thread in the current thread's thread group and its subgroups, the
1957      * invoker should verify that the returned int value is strictly less
1958      * than the length of {@code tarray}.
1959      *
1960      * <p> Due to the inherent race condition in this method, it is recommended
1961      * that the method only be used for debugging and monitoring purposes.
1962      *
1963      * @param  tarray
1964      *         an array into which to put the list of threads
1965      *
1966      * @return  the number of threads put into the array
1967      *
1968      * @throws  SecurityException
1969      *          if {@link java.lang.ThreadGroup#checkAccess} determines that
1970      *          the current thread cannot access its thread group
1971      */
1972     public static int enumerate(Thread[] tarray) {
1973         return currentThread().getThreadGroup().enumerate(tarray);
1974     }
1976     /**
1977      * Waits at most {@code millis} milliseconds for this thread to terminate.
1978      * A timeout of {@code 0} means to wait forever.
1979      * This method returns immediately, without waiting, if the thread has not
1980      * been {@link #start() started}.
1981      *
1982      * @implNote
1983      * For platform threads, the implementation uses a loop of {@code this.wait}
1984      * calls conditioned on {@code this.isAlive}. As a thread terminates the
1985      * {@code this.notifyAll} method is invoked. It is recommended that
1986      * applications not use {@code wait}, {@code notify}, or
1987      * {@code notifyAll} on {@code Thread} instances.
1988      *
1989      * @param  millis
1990      *         the time to wait in milliseconds
1991      *
1992      * @throws  IllegalArgumentException
1993      *          if the value of {@code millis} is negative
1994      *
1995      * @throws  InterruptedException
1996      *          if any thread has interrupted the current thread. The
1997      *          <i>interrupted status</i> of the current thread is
1998      *          cleared when this exception is thrown.
1999      */
2000     public final void join(long millis) throws InterruptedException {
2001         if (millis < 0)
2002             throw new IllegalArgumentException("timeout value is negative");
2004         if (this instanceof VirtualThread vthread) {
2005             if (isAlive()) {
2006                 long nanos = MILLISECONDS.toNanos(millis);
2007                 vthread.joinNanos(nanos);
2008             }
2009             return;
2010         }
2012         synchronized (this) {
2013             if (millis > 0) {
2014                 if (isAlive()) {
2015                     final long startTime = System.nanoTime();
2016                     long delay = millis;
2017                     do {
2018                         wait(delay);
2019                     } while (isAlive() && (delay = millis -
2020                              NANOSECONDS.toMillis(System.nanoTime() - startTime)) > 0);
2021                 }
2022             } else {
2023                 while (isAlive()) {
2024                     wait(0);
2025                 }
2026             }
2027         }
2028     }
2030     /**
2031      * Waits at most {@code millis} milliseconds plus
2032      * {@code nanos} nanoseconds for this thread to terminate.
2033      * If both arguments are {@code 0}, it means to wait forever.
2034      * This method returns immediately, without waiting, if the thread has not
2035      * been {@link #start() started}.
2036      *
2037      * @implNote
2038      * For platform threads, the implementation uses a loop of {@code this.wait}
2039      * calls conditioned on {@code this.isAlive}. As a thread terminates the
2040      * {@code this.notifyAll} method is invoked. It is recommended that
2041      * applications not use {@code wait}, {@code notify}, or
2042      * {@code notifyAll} on {@code Thread} instances.
2043      *
2044      * @param  millis
2045      *         the time to wait in milliseconds
2046      *
2047      * @param  nanos
2048      *         {@code 0-999999} additional nanoseconds to wait
2049      *
2050      * @throws  IllegalArgumentException
2051      *          if the value of {@code millis} is negative, or the value
2052      *          of {@code nanos} is not in the range {@code 0-999999}
2053      *
2054      * @throws  InterruptedException
2055      *          if any thread has interrupted the current thread. The
2056      *          <i>interrupted status</i> of the current thread is
2057      *          cleared when this exception is thrown.
2058      */
2059     public final void join(long millis, int nanos) throws InterruptedException {
2060         if (millis < 0) {
2061             throw new IllegalArgumentException("timeout value is negative");
2062         }
2064         if (nanos < 0 || nanos > 999999) {
2065             throw new IllegalArgumentException("nanosecond timeout value out of range");
2066         }
2068         if (this instanceof VirtualThread vthread) {
2069             if (isAlive()) {
2070                 // convert arguments to a total in nanoseconds
2071                 long totalNanos = MILLISECONDS.toNanos(millis);
2072                 totalNanos += Math.min(Long.MAX_VALUE - totalNanos, nanos);
2073                 vthread.joinNanos(totalNanos);
2074             }
2075             return;
2076         }
2078         if (nanos > 0 && millis < Long.MAX_VALUE) {
2079             millis++;
2080         }
2081         join(millis);
2082     }
2084     /**
2085      * Waits for this thread to terminate.
2086      *
2087      * <p> An invocation of this method behaves in exactly the same
2088      * way as the invocation
2089      *
2090      * <blockquote>
2091      * {@linkplain #join(long) join}{@code (0)}
2092      * </blockquote>
2093      *
2094      * @throws  InterruptedException
2095      *          if any thread has interrupted the current thread. The
2096      *          <i>interrupted status</i> of the current thread is
2097      *          cleared when this exception is thrown.
2098      */
2099     public final void join() throws InterruptedException {
2100         join(0);
2101     }
2103     /**
2104      * Waits for this thread to terminate for up to the given waiting duration.
2105      *
2106      * <p> This method does not wait if the duration to wait is less than or
2107      * equal to zero. In this case, the method just tests if the thread has
2108      * terminated.
2109      *
2110      * @param   duration
2111      *          the maximum duration to wait
2112      *
2113      * @return  {@code true} if the thread has terminated, {@code false} if the
2114      *          thread has not terminated
2115      *
2116      * @throws  InterruptedException
2117      *          if the current thread is interrupted while waiting.
2118      *          The <i>interrupted status</i> of the current thread is cleared
2119      *          when this exception is thrown.
2120      *
2121      * @throws  IllegalThreadStateException
2122      *          if this thread has not been started.
2123      *
2124      * @since 19
2125      */
2126     public final boolean join(Duration duration) throws InterruptedException {
2127         long nanos = NANOSECONDS.convert(duration); // MAX_VALUE if > 292 years
2129         Thread.State state = threadState();
2130         if (state == State.NEW)
2131             throw new IllegalThreadStateException("Thread not started");
2132         if (state == State.TERMINATED)
2133             return true;
2134         if (nanos <= 0)
2135             return false;
2137         if (this instanceof VirtualThread vthread) {
2138             return vthread.joinNanos(nanos);
2139         }
2141         // convert to milliseconds
2142         long millis = MILLISECONDS.convert(nanos, NANOSECONDS);
2143         if (nanos > NANOSECONDS.convert(millis, MILLISECONDS)) {
2144             millis += 1L;
2145         }
2146         join(millis);
2147         return isTerminated();
2148     }
2150     /**
2151      * Prints a stack trace of the current thread to the standard error stream.
2152      * This method is useful for debugging.
2153      */
2154     public static void dumpStack() {
2155         new Exception("Stack trace").printStackTrace();
2156     }
2158     /**
2159      * Marks this thread as either a <i>daemon</i> or <i>non-daemon</i> thread.
2160      * The <a href="Runtime.html#shutdown">shutdown sequence</a> begins when all
2161      * started non-daemon threads have terminated.
2162      *
2163      * <p> The daemon status of a virtual thread is always {@code true} and cannot be
2164      * changed by this method to {@code false}.
2165      *
2166      * <p> This method must be invoked before the thread is started. The behavior
2167      * of this method when the thread has terminated is not specified.
2168      *
2169      * @param  on
2170      *         if {@code true}, marks this thread as a daemon thread
2171      *
2172      * @throws  IllegalArgumentException
2173      *          if this is a virtual thread and {@code on} is false
2174      * @throws  IllegalThreadStateException
2175      *          if this thread is {@linkplain #isAlive alive}
2176      * @throws  SecurityException
2177      *          if {@link #checkAccess} determines that the current
2178      *          thread cannot modify this thread
2179      */
2180     public final void setDaemon(boolean on) {
2181         checkAccess();
2182         if (isVirtual() && !on)
2183             throw new IllegalArgumentException("'false' not legal for virtual threads");
2184         if (isAlive())
2185             throw new IllegalThreadStateException();
2186         if (!isVirtual())
2187             daemon(on);
2188     }
2190     void daemon(boolean on) {
2191         holder.daemon = on;
2192     }
2194     /**
2195      * Tests if this thread is a daemon thread.
2196      * The daemon status of a virtual thread is always {@code true}.
2197      *
2198      * @return  {@code true} if this thread is a daemon thread;
2199      *          {@code false} otherwise.
2200      * @see     #setDaemon(boolean)
2201      */
2202     public final boolean isDaemon() {
2203         if (isVirtual()) {
2204             return true;
2205         } else {
2206             return holder.daemon;
2207         }
2208     }
2210     /**
2211      * Determines if the currently running thread has permission to
2212      * modify this thread.
2213      * <p>
2214      * If there is a security manager, its {@code checkAccess} method
2215      * is called with this thread as its argument. This may result in
2216      * throwing a {@code SecurityException}.
2217      *
2218      * @throws  SecurityException  if the current thread is not allowed to
2219      *          access this thread.
2220      * @see        SecurityManager#checkAccess(Thread)
2221      * @deprecated This method is only useful in conjunction with
2222      *       {@linkplain SecurityManager the Security Manager}, which is
2223      *       deprecated and subject to removal in a future release.
2224      *       Consequently, this method is also deprecated and subject to
2225      *       removal. There is no replacement for the Security Manager or this
2226      *       method.
2227      */
2228     @Deprecated(since="17", forRemoval=true)
2229     public final void checkAccess() {
2230         @SuppressWarnings("removal")
2231         SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();
2232         if (security != null) {
2233             security.checkAccess(this);
2234         }
2235     }
2237     /**
2238      * Returns a string representation of this thread. The string representation
2239      * will usually include the thread's {@linkplain #threadId() identifier} and
2240      * name. The default implementation for platform threads includes the thread's
2241      * identifier, name, priority, and the name of the thread group.
2242      *
2243      * @return  a string representation of this thread.
2244      */
2245     public String toString() {
2246         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Thread[#");
2247         sb.append(threadId());
2248         sb.append(",");
2249         sb.append(getName());
2250         sb.append(",");
2251         sb.append(getPriority());
2252         sb.append(",");
2253         ThreadGroup group = getThreadGroup();
2254         if (group != null)
2255             sb.append(group.getName());
2256         sb.append("]");
2257         return sb.toString();
2258     }
2260     /**
2261      * Returns the context {@code ClassLoader} for this thread.
2262      * The context {@code ClassLoader} may be set by the creator of the thread
2263      * for use by code running in this thread when loading classes and resources.
2264      * If not {@linkplain #setContextClassLoader set}, the default is to inherit
2265      * the context class loader from the parent thread.
2266      *
2267      * <p> The context {@code ClassLoader} of the primordial thread is typically
2268      * set to the class loader used to load the application.
2269      *
2270      * @return  the context {@code ClassLoader} for this thread, or {@code null}
2271      *          indicating the system class loader (or, failing that, the
2272      *          bootstrap class loader)
2273      *
2274      * @throws  SecurityException
2275      *          if a security manager is present, and the caller's class loader
2276      *          is not {@code null} and is not the same as or an ancestor of the
2277      *          context class loader, and the caller does not have the
2278      *          {@link RuntimePermission}{@code ("getClassLoader")}
2279      *
2280      * @since 1.2
2281      */
2282     @CallerSensitive
2283     public ClassLoader getContextClassLoader() {
2284         ClassLoader cl = this.contextClassLoader;
2285         if (cl == null)
2286             return null;
2287         @SuppressWarnings("removal")
2288         SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
2289         if (sm != null) {
2290             Class<?> caller = Reflection.getCallerClass();
2291             ClassLoader.checkClassLoaderPermission(cl, caller);
2292         }
2293         return cl;
2294     }
2296     /**
2297      * Sets the context {@code ClassLoader} for this thread.
2298      *
2299      * <p> The context {@code ClassLoader} may be set by the creator of the thread
2300      * for use by code running in this thread when loading classes and resources.
2301      *
2302      * <p> If a security manager is present, its {@link
2303      * SecurityManager#checkPermission(java.security.Permission) checkPermission}
2304      * method is invoked with a {@link RuntimePermission RuntimePermission}{@code
2305      * ("setContextClassLoader")} permission to see if setting the context
2306      * ClassLoader is permitted.
2307      *
2308      * @param  cl
2309      *         the context ClassLoader for this Thread, or null  indicating the
2310      *         system class loader (or, failing that, the bootstrap class loader)
2311      *
2312      * @throws  SecurityException
2313      *          if the current thread cannot set the context ClassLoader
2314      *
2315      * @since 1.2
2316      */
2317     public void setContextClassLoader(ClassLoader cl) {
2318         @SuppressWarnings("removal")
2319         SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
2320         if (sm != null) {
2321             sm.checkPermission(new RuntimePermission("setContextClassLoader"));
2322         }
2323         contextClassLoader = cl;
2324     }
2326     /**
2327      * Returns {@code true} if and only if the current thread holds the
2328      * monitor lock on the specified object.
2329      *
2330      * <p>This method is designed to allow a program to assert that
2331      * the current thread already holds a specified lock:
2332      * <pre>
2333      *     assert Thread.holdsLock(obj);
2334      * </pre>
2335      *
2336      * @param  obj the object on which to test lock ownership
2337      * @return {@code true} if the current thread holds the monitor lock on
2338      *         the specified object.
2339      * @since 1.4
2340      */
2341     public static native boolean holdsLock(Object obj);
2343     private static final StackTraceElement[] EMPTY_STACK_TRACE
2344         = new StackTraceElement[0];
2346     /**
2347      * Returns an array of stack trace elements representing the stack dump
2348      * of this thread.  This method will return a zero-length array if
2349      * this thread has not started, has started but has not yet been
2350      * scheduled to run by the system, or has terminated.
2351      * If the returned array is of non-zero length then the first element of
2352      * the array represents the top of the stack, which is the most recent
2353      * method invocation in the sequence.  The last element of the array
2354      * represents the bottom of the stack, which is the least recent method
2355      * invocation in the sequence.
2356      *
2357      * <p>If there is a security manager, and this thread is not
2358      * the current thread, then the security manager's
2359      * {@code checkPermission} method is called with a
2360      * {@code RuntimePermission("getStackTrace")} permission
2361      * to see if it's ok to get the stack trace.
2362      *
2363      * <p>Some virtual machines may, under some circumstances, omit one
2364      * or more stack frames from the stack trace.  In the extreme case,
2365      * a virtual machine that has no stack trace information concerning
2366      * this thread is permitted to return a zero-length array from this
2367      * method.
2368      *
2369      * @return an array of {@code StackTraceElement},
2370      * each represents one stack frame.
2371      *
2372      * @throws SecurityException
2373      *        if a security manager exists and its
2374      *        {@code checkPermission} method doesn't allow
2375      *        getting the stack trace of thread.
2376      * @see Throwable#getStackTrace
2377      *
2378      * @since 1.5
2379      */
2380     public StackTraceElement[] getStackTrace() {
2381         if (this != Thread.currentThread()) {
2382             // check for getStackTrace permission
2383             @SuppressWarnings("removal")
2384             SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();
2385             if (security != null) {
2386                 security.checkPermission(SecurityConstants.GET_STACK_TRACE_PERMISSION);
2387             }
2388             // optimization so we do not call into the vm for threads that
2389             // have not yet started or have terminated
2390             if (!isAlive()) {
2391                 return EMPTY_STACK_TRACE;
2392             }
2393             StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = asyncGetStackTrace();
2394             return (stackTrace != null) ? stackTrace : EMPTY_STACK_TRACE;
2395         } else {
2396             return (new Exception()).getStackTrace();
2397         }
2398     }
2400     /**
2401      * Returns an array of stack trace elements representing the stack dump of
2402      * this thread. Returns null if the stack trace cannot be obtained. In
2403      * the default implementation, null is returned if the thread is a virtual
2404      * thread that is not mounted or the thread is a platform thread that has
2405      * terminated.
2406      */
2407     StackTraceElement[] asyncGetStackTrace() {
2408         Object stackTrace = getStackTrace0();
2409         if (stackTrace == null) {
2410             return null;
2411         }
2412         StackTraceElement[] stes = (StackTraceElement[]) stackTrace;
2413         if (stes.length == 0) {
2414             return null;
2415         } else {
2416             return StackTraceElement.of(stes);
2417         }
2418     }
2420     private native Object getStackTrace0();
2422     /**
2423      * Returns a map of stack traces for all live platform threads. The map
2424      * does not include virtual threads.
2425      * The map keys are threads and each map value is an array of
2426      * {@code StackTraceElement} that represents the stack dump
2427      * of the corresponding {@code Thread}.
2428      * The returned stack traces are in the format specified for
2429      * the {@link #getStackTrace getStackTrace} method.
2430      *
2431      * <p>The threads may be executing while this method is called.
2432      * The stack trace of each thread only represents a snapshot and
2433      * each stack trace may be obtained at different time.  A zero-length
2434      * array will be returned in the map value if the virtual machine has
2435      * no stack trace information about a thread.
2436      *
2437      * <p>If there is a security manager, then the security manager's
2438      * {@code checkPermission} method is called with a
2439      * {@code RuntimePermission("getStackTrace")} permission as well as
2440      * {@code RuntimePermission("modifyThreadGroup")} permission
2441      * to see if it is ok to get the stack trace of all threads.
2442      *
2443      * @return a {@code Map} from {@code Thread} to an array of
2444      * {@code StackTraceElement} that represents the stack trace of
2445      * the corresponding thread.
2446      *
2447      * @throws SecurityException
2448      *        if a security manager exists and its
2449      *        {@code checkPermission} method doesn't allow
2450      *        getting the stack trace of thread.
2451      * @see #getStackTrace
2452      * @see Throwable#getStackTrace
2453      *
2454      * @since 1.5
2455      */
2456     public static Map<Thread, StackTraceElement[]> getAllStackTraces() {
2457         // check for getStackTrace permission
2458         @SuppressWarnings("removal")
2459         SecurityManager security = System.getSecurityManager();
2460         if (security != null) {
2461             security.checkPermission(SecurityConstants.GET_STACK_TRACE_PERMISSION);
2462             security.checkPermission(SecurityConstants.MODIFY_THREADGROUP_PERMISSION);
2463         }
2465         // Get a snapshot of the list of all threads
2466         Thread[] threads = getThreads();
2467         StackTraceElement[][] traces = dumpThreads(threads);
2468         Map<Thread, StackTraceElement[]> m = HashMap.newHashMap(threads.length);
2469         for (int i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) {
2470             StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = traces[i];
2471             if (stackTrace != null) {
2472                 m.put(threads[i], stackTrace);
2473             }
2474             // else terminated so we don't put it in the map
2475         }
2476         return m;
2477     }
2479     /** cache of subclass security audit results */
2480     private static class Caches {
2481         /** cache of subclass security audit results */
2482         static final ClassValue<Boolean> subclassAudits =
2483             new ClassValue<>() {
2484                 @Override
2485                 protected Boolean computeValue(Class<?> type) {
2486                     return auditSubclass(type);
2487                 }
2488             };
2489     }
2491     /**
2492      * Verifies that this (possibly subclass) instance can be constructed
2493      * without violating security constraints: the subclass must not override
2494      * security-sensitive non-final methods, or else the
2495      * "enableContextClassLoaderOverride" RuntimePermission is checked.
2496      */
2497     private static boolean isCCLOverridden(Class<?> cl) {
2498         if (cl == Thread.class)
2499             return false;
2501         return Caches.subclassAudits.get(cl);
2502     }
2504     /**
2505      * Performs reflective checks on given subclass to verify that it doesn't
2506      * override security-sensitive non-final methods.  Returns true if the
2507      * subclass overrides any of the methods, false otherwise.
2508      */
2509     private static boolean auditSubclass(final Class<?> subcl) {
2510         @SuppressWarnings("removal")
2511         Boolean result = AccessController.doPrivileged(
2512             new PrivilegedAction<>() {
2513                 public Boolean run() {
2514                     for (Class<?> cl = subcl;
2515                          cl != Thread.class;
2516                          cl = cl.getSuperclass())
2517                     {
2518                         try {
2519                             cl.getDeclaredMethod("getContextClassLoader", new Class<?>[0]);
2520                             return Boolean.TRUE;
2521                         } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
2522                         }
2523                         try {
2524                             Class<?>[] params = {ClassLoader.class};
2525                             cl.getDeclaredMethod("setContextClassLoader", params);
2526                             return Boolean.TRUE;
2527                         } catch (NoSuchMethodException ex) {
2528                         }
2529                     }
2530                     return Boolean.FALSE;
2531                 }
2532             }
2533         );
2534         return result.booleanValue();
2535     }
2537     /**
2538      * Return an array of all live threads.
2539      */
2540     static Thread[] getAllThreads() {
2541         return getThreads();
2542     }
2544     private static native StackTraceElement[][] dumpThreads(Thread[] threads);
2545     private static native Thread[] getThreads();
2547     /**
2548      * Returns the identifier of this Thread.  The thread ID is a positive
2549      * {@code long} number generated when this thread was created.
2550      * The thread ID is unique and remains unchanged during its lifetime.
2551      *
2552      * @return this thread's ID
2553      *
2554      * @deprecated This method is not final and may be overridden to return a
2555      * value that is not the thread ID. Use {@link #threadId()} instead.
2556      *
2557      * @since 1.5
2558      */
2559     @Deprecated(since="19")
2560     public long getId() {
2561         return threadId();
2562     }
2564     /**
2565      * Returns the identifier of this Thread.  The thread ID is a positive
2566      * {@code long} number generated when this thread was created.
2567      * The thread ID is unique and remains unchanged during its lifetime.
2568      *
2569      * @return this thread's ID
2570      * @since 19
2571      */
2572     public final long threadId() {
2573         return tid;
2574     }
2576     /**
2577      * A thread state.  A thread can be in one of the following states:
2578      * <ul>
2579      * <li>{@link #NEW}<br>
2580      *     A thread that has not yet started is in this state.
2581      *     </li>
2582      * <li>{@link #RUNNABLE}<br>
2583      *     A thread executing in the Java virtual machine is in this state.
2584      *     </li>
2585      * <li>{@link #BLOCKED}<br>
2586      *     A thread that is blocked waiting for a monitor lock
2587      *     is in this state.
2588      *     </li>
2589      * <li>{@link #WAITING}<br>
2590      *     A thread that is waiting indefinitely for another thread to
2591      *     perform a particular action is in this state.
2592      *     </li>
2593      * <li>{@link #TIMED_WAITING}<br>
2594      *     A thread that is waiting for another thread to perform an action
2595      *     for up to a specified waiting time is in this state.
2596      *     </li>
2597      * <li>{@link #TERMINATED}<br>
2598      *     A thread that has exited is in this state.
2599      *     </li>
2600      * </ul>
2601      *
2602      * <p>
2603      * A thread can be in only one state at a given point in time.
2604      * These states are virtual machine states which do not reflect
2605      * any operating system thread states.
2606      *
2607      * @since   1.5
2608      * @see #getState
2609      */
2610     public enum State {
2611         /**
2612          * Thread state for a thread which has not yet started.
2613          */
2614         NEW,
2616         /**
2617          * Thread state for a runnable thread.  A thread in the runnable
2618          * state is executing in the Java virtual machine but it may
2619          * be waiting for other resources from the operating system
2620          * such as processor.
2621          */
2622         RUNNABLE,
2624         /**
2625          * Thread state for a thread blocked waiting for a monitor lock.
2626          * A thread in the blocked state is waiting for a monitor lock
2627          * to enter a synchronized block/method or
2628          * reenter a synchronized block/method after calling
2629          * {@link Object#wait() Object.wait}.
2630          */
2631         BLOCKED,
2633         /**
2634          * Thread state for a waiting thread.
2635          * A thread is in the waiting state due to calling one of the
2636          * following methods:
2637          * <ul>
2638          *   <li>{@link Object#wait() Object.wait} with no timeout</li>
2639          *   <li>{@link #join() Thread.join} with no timeout</li>
2640          *   <li>{@link LockSupport#park() LockSupport.park}</li>
2641          * </ul>
2642          *
2643          * <p>A thread in the waiting state is waiting for another thread to
2644          * perform a particular action.
2645          *
2646          * For example, a thread that has called {@code Object.wait()}
2647          * on an object is waiting for another thread to call
2648          * {@code Object.notify()} or {@code Object.notifyAll()} on
2649          * that object. A thread that has called {@code Thread.join()}
2650          * is waiting for a specified thread to terminate.
2651          */
2652         WAITING,
2654         /**
2655          * Thread state for a waiting thread with a specified waiting time.
2656          * A thread is in the timed waiting state due to calling one of
2657          * the following methods with a specified positive waiting time:
2658          * <ul>
2659          *   <li>{@link #sleep Thread.sleep}</li>
2660          *   <li>{@link Object#wait(long) Object.wait} with timeout</li>
2661          *   <li>{@link #join(long) Thread.join} with timeout</li>
2662          *   <li>{@link LockSupport#parkNanos LockSupport.parkNanos}</li>
2663          *   <li>{@link LockSupport#parkUntil LockSupport.parkUntil}</li>
2664          * </ul>
2665          */
2666         TIMED_WAITING,
2668         /**
2669          * Thread state for a terminated thread.
2670          * The thread has completed execution.
2671          */
2672         TERMINATED;
2673     }
2675     /**
2676      * Returns the state of this thread.
2677      * This method is designed for use in monitoring of the system state,
2678      * not for synchronization control.
2679      *
2680      * @return this thread's state.
2681      * @since 1.5
2682      */
2683     public State getState() {
2684         return threadState();
2685     }
2687     /**
2688      * Returns the state of this thread.
2689      * This method can be used instead of getState as getState is not final and
2690      * so can be overridden to run arbitrary code.
2691      */
2692     State threadState() {
2693         return jdk.internal.misc.VM.toThreadState(holder.threadStatus);
2694     }
2696     /**
2697      * Returns true if the thread has terminated.
2698      */
2699     boolean isTerminated() {
2700         return threadState() == State.TERMINATED;
2701     }
2703     /**
2704      * Interface for handlers invoked when a {@code Thread} abruptly
2705      * terminates due to an uncaught exception.
2706      * <p>When a thread is about to terminate due to an uncaught exception
2707      * the Java Virtual Machine will query the thread for its
2708      * {@code UncaughtExceptionHandler} using
2709      * {@link #getUncaughtExceptionHandler} and will invoke the handler's
2710      * {@code uncaughtException} method, passing the thread and the
2711      * exception as arguments.
2712      * If a thread has not had its {@code UncaughtExceptionHandler}
2713      * explicitly set, then its {@code ThreadGroup} object acts as its
2714      * {@code UncaughtExceptionHandler}. If the {@code ThreadGroup} object
2715      * has no
2716      * special requirements for dealing with the exception, it can forward
2717      * the invocation to the {@linkplain #getDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler
2718      * default uncaught exception handler}.
2719      *
2720      * @see #setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler
2721      * @see #setUncaughtExceptionHandler
2722      * @see ThreadGroup#uncaughtException
2723      * @since 1.5
2724      */
2725     @FunctionalInterface
2726     public interface UncaughtExceptionHandler {
2727         /**
2728          * Method invoked when the given thread terminates due to the
2729          * given uncaught exception.
2730          * <p>Any exception thrown by this method will be ignored by the
2731          * Java Virtual Machine.
2732          * @param t the thread
2733          * @param e the exception
2734          */
2735         void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e);
2736     }
2738     // null unless explicitly set
2739     private volatile UncaughtExceptionHandler uncaughtExceptionHandler;
2741     // null unless explicitly set
2742     private static volatile UncaughtExceptionHandler defaultUncaughtExceptionHandler;
2744     /**
2745      * Set the default handler invoked when a thread abruptly terminates
2746      * due to an uncaught exception, and no other handler has been defined
2747      * for that thread.
2748      *
2749      * <p>Uncaught exception handling is controlled first by the thread, then
2750      * by the thread's {@link ThreadGroup} object and finally by the default
2751      * uncaught exception handler. If the thread does not have an explicit
2752      * uncaught exception handler set, and the thread's thread group
2753      * (including parent thread groups)  does not specialize its
2754      * {@code uncaughtException} method, then the default handler's
2755      * {@code uncaughtException} method will be invoked.
2756      * <p>By setting the default uncaught exception handler, an application
2757      * can change the way in which uncaught exceptions are handled (such as
2758      * logging to a specific device, or file) for those threads that would
2759      * already accept whatever &quot;default&quot; behavior the system
2760      * provided.
2761      *
2762      * <p>Note that the default uncaught exception handler should not usually
2763      * defer to the thread's {@code ThreadGroup} object, as that could cause
2764      * infinite recursion.
2765      *
2766      * @param ueh the object to use as the default uncaught exception handler.
2767      * If {@code null} then there is no default handler.
2768      *
2769      * @throws SecurityException if a security manager is present and it denies
2770      *         {@link RuntimePermission}{@code ("setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler")}
2771      *
2772      * @see #setUncaughtExceptionHandler
2773      * @see #getUncaughtExceptionHandler
2774      * @see ThreadGroup#uncaughtException
2775      * @since 1.5
2776      */
2777     public static void setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(UncaughtExceptionHandler ueh) {
2778         @SuppressWarnings("removal")
2779         SecurityManager sm = System.getSecurityManager();
2780         if (sm != null) {
2781             sm.checkPermission(
2782                 new RuntimePermission("setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler"));
2783         }
2784         defaultUncaughtExceptionHandler = ueh;
2785     }
2787     /**
2788      * Returns the default handler invoked when a thread abruptly terminates
2789      * due to an uncaught exception. If the returned value is {@code null},
2790      * there is no default.
2791      * @since 1.5
2792      * @see #setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler
2793      * @return the default uncaught exception handler for all threads
2794      */
2795     public static UncaughtExceptionHandler getDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(){
2796         return defaultUncaughtExceptionHandler;
2797     }
2799     /**
2800      * Returns the handler invoked when this thread abruptly terminates
2801      * due to an uncaught exception. If this thread has not had an
2802      * uncaught exception handler explicitly set then this thread's
2803      * {@code ThreadGroup} object is returned, unless this thread
2804      * has terminated, in which case {@code null} is returned.
2805      * @since 1.5
2806      * @return the uncaught exception handler for this thread
2807      */
2808     public UncaughtExceptionHandler getUncaughtExceptionHandler() {
2809         if (isTerminated()) {
2810             // uncaughtExceptionHandler may be set to null after thread terminates
2811             return null;
2812         } else {
2813             UncaughtExceptionHandler ueh = uncaughtExceptionHandler;
2814             return (ueh != null) ? ueh : getThreadGroup();
2815         }
2816     }
2818     /**
2819      * Set the handler invoked when this thread abruptly terminates
2820      * due to an uncaught exception.
2821      * <p>A thread can take full control of how it responds to uncaught
2822      * exceptions by having its uncaught exception handler explicitly set.
2823      * If no such handler is set then the thread's {@code ThreadGroup}
2824      * object acts as its handler.
2825      * @param ueh the object to use as this thread's uncaught exception
2826      * handler. If {@code null} then this thread has no explicit handler.
2827      * @throws  SecurityException  if the current thread is not allowed to
2828      *          modify this thread.
2829      * @see #setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler
2830      * @see ThreadGroup#uncaughtException
2831      * @since 1.5
2832      */
2833     public void setUncaughtExceptionHandler(UncaughtExceptionHandler ueh) {
2834         checkAccess();
2835         uncaughtExceptionHandler(ueh);
2836     }
2838     void uncaughtExceptionHandler(UncaughtExceptionHandler ueh) {
2839         uncaughtExceptionHandler = ueh;
2840     }
2842     /**
2843      * Dispatch an uncaught exception to the handler. This method is
2844      * called when a thread terminates with an exception.
2845      */
2846     void dispatchUncaughtException(Throwable e) {
2847         getUncaughtExceptionHandler().uncaughtException(this, e);
2848     }
2850     /**
2851      * Holder class for constants.
2852      */
2853     @SuppressWarnings("removal")
2854     private static class Constants {
2855         // Thread group for virtual threads.
2856         static final ThreadGroup VTHREAD_GROUP;
2858         // AccessControlContext that doesn't support any permissions.
2859         @SuppressWarnings("removal")
2860         static final AccessControlContext NO_PERMISSIONS_ACC;
2862         static {
2863             var getThreadGroup  = new PrivilegedAction<ThreadGroup>() {
2864                 @Override
2865                 public ThreadGroup run() {
2866                     ThreadGroup parent = Thread.currentCarrierThread().getThreadGroup();
2867                     for (ThreadGroup p; (p = parent.getParent()) != null; )
2868                         parent = p;
2869                     return parent;
2870                 }
2871             };
2872             @SuppressWarnings("removal")
2873             ThreadGroup root = AccessController.doPrivileged(getThreadGroup);
2874             VTHREAD_GROUP = new ThreadGroup(root, "VirtualThreads", MAX_PRIORITY, false);
2876             NO_PERMISSIONS_ACC = new AccessControlContext(new ProtectionDomain[] {
2877                 new ProtectionDomain(null, null)
2878             });
2879         }
2880     }
2882     /**
2883      * Returns the special ThreadGroup for virtual threads.
2884      */
2885     static ThreadGroup virtualThreadGroup() {
2886         return Constants.VTHREAD_GROUP;
2887     }
2889     // The following three initially uninitialized fields are exclusively
2890     // managed by class java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom. These
2891     // fields are used to build the high-performance PRNGs in the
2892     // concurrent code.
2894     /** The current seed for a ThreadLocalRandom */
2895     long threadLocalRandomSeed;
2897     /** Probe hash value; nonzero if threadLocalRandomSeed initialized */
2898     int threadLocalRandomProbe;
2900     /** Secondary seed isolated from public ThreadLocalRandom sequence */
2901     int threadLocalRandomSecondarySeed;
2903     /** The thread container that this thread is in */
2904     private @Stable ThreadContainer container;
2905     ThreadContainer threadContainer() {
2906         return container;
2907     }
2908     void setThreadContainer(ThreadContainer container) {
2909         // assert this.container == null;
2910         this.container = container;
2911     }
2913     /** The top of this stack of stackable scopes owned by this thread */
2914     private volatile StackableScope headStackableScopes;
2915     StackableScope headStackableScopes() {
2916         return headStackableScopes;
2917     }
2918     static void setHeadStackableScope(StackableScope scope) {
2919         currentThread().headStackableScopes = scope;
2920     }
2922     /* Some private helper methods */
2923     private native void setPriority0(int newPriority);
2924     private native void interrupt0();
2925     private static native void clearInterruptEvent();
2926     private native void setNativeName(String name);
2928     // The address of the next thread identifier, see ThreadIdentifiers.
2929     private static native long getNextThreadIdOffset();
2930 }