1 /*
   2  * Copyright (c) 2018, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   4  *
   5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   7  * published by the Free Software Foundation.  Oracle designates this
   8  * particular file as subject to the "Classpath" exception as provided
   9  * by Oracle in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code.
  10  *
  11  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
  12  * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  13  * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
  14  * version 2 for more details (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that
  15  * accompanied this code).
  16  *
  17  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License version
  18  * 2 along with this work; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
  19  * Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
  20  *
  21  * Please contact Oracle, 500 Oracle Parkway, Redwood Shores, CA 94065 USA
  22  * or visit www.oracle.com if you need additional information or have any
  23  * questions.
  24  */
  25 package java.lang;
  27 import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
  28 import java.security.AccessController;
  29 import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
  30 import java.util.Arrays;
  31 import java.util.Locale;
  32 import java.util.Objects;
  33 import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
  34 import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
  35 import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
  36 import java.util.concurrent.Executors;
  37 import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool;
  38 import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory;
  39 import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinTask;
  40 import java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinWorkerThread;
  41 import java.util.concurrent.Future;
  42 import java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException;
  43 import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledExecutorService;
  44 import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor;
  45 import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
  46 import java.util.stream.Stream;
  47 import jdk.internal.event.VirtualThreadEndEvent;
  48 import jdk.internal.event.VirtualThreadStartEvent;
  49 import jdk.internal.event.VirtualThreadSubmitFailedEvent;
  50 import jdk.internal.misc.CarrierThread;
  51 import jdk.internal.misc.InnocuousThread;
  52 import jdk.internal.misc.Unsafe;
  53 import jdk.internal.vm.Continuation;
  54 import jdk.internal.vm.ContinuationScope;
  55 import jdk.internal.vm.StackableScope;
  56 import jdk.internal.vm.ThreadContainer;
  57 import jdk.internal.vm.ThreadContainers;
  58 import jdk.internal.vm.annotation.ChangesCurrentThread;
  59 import jdk.internal.vm.annotation.Hidden;
  60 import jdk.internal.vm.annotation.IntrinsicCandidate;
  61 import jdk.internal.vm.annotation.JvmtiMountTransition;
  62 import jdk.internal.vm.annotation.ReservedStackAccess;
  63 import sun.nio.ch.Interruptible;
  64 import sun.security.action.GetPropertyAction;
  65 import static java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.*;
  67 /**
  68  * A thread that is scheduled by the Java virtual machine rather than the operating system.
  69  */
  70 final class VirtualThread extends BaseVirtualThread {
  71     private static final Unsafe U = Unsafe.getUnsafe();
  72     private static final ContinuationScope VTHREAD_SCOPE = new ContinuationScope("VirtualThreads");
  73     private static final Executor DEFAULT_SCHEDULER = createDefaultScheduler();
  74     private static final ScheduledExecutorService[] DELAYED_TASK_SCHEDULERS = createDelayedTaskSchedulers();
  76     private static final long STATE = U.objectFieldOffset(VirtualThread.class, "state");
  77     private static final long PARK_PERMIT = U.objectFieldOffset(VirtualThread.class, "parkPermit");
  78     private static final long CARRIER_THREAD = U.objectFieldOffset(VirtualThread.class, "carrierThread");
  79     private static final long TERMINATION = U.objectFieldOffset(VirtualThread.class, "termination");
  80     private static final long ON_WAITING_LIST = U.objectFieldOffset(VirtualThread.class, "onWaitingList");
  82     // scheduler and continuation
  83     private final Executor scheduler;
  84     private final Continuation cont;
  85     private final Runnable runContinuation;
  87     // virtual thread state, accessed by VM
  88     private volatile int state;
  90     /*
  91      * Virtual thread state transitions:
  92      *
  93      *      NEW -> STARTED         // Thread.start, schedule to run
  94      *  STARTED -> TERMINATED      // failed to start
  95      *  STARTED -> RUNNING         // first run
  96      *  RUNNING -> TERMINATED      // done
  97      *
  98      *  RUNNING -> PARKING         // Thread parking with LockSupport.park
  99      *  PARKING -> PARKED          // cont.yield successful, parked indefinitely
 100      *  PARKING -> PINNED          // cont.yield failed, parked indefinitely on carrier
 101      *   PARKED -> UNPARKED        // unparked, may be scheduled to continue
 102      *   PINNED -> RUNNING         // unparked, continue execution on same carrier
 103      * UNPARKED -> RUNNING         // continue execution after park
 104      *
 105      *       RUNNING -> TIMED_PARKING   // Thread parking with LockSupport.parkNanos
 106      * TIMED_PARKING -> TIMED_PARKED    // cont.yield successful, timed-parked
 107      * TIMED_PARKING -> TIMED_PINNED    // cont.yield failed, timed-parked on carrier
 108      *  TIMED_PARKED -> UNPARKED        // unparked, may be scheduled to continue
 109      *  TIMED_PINNED -> RUNNING         // unparked, continue execution on same carrier
 110      *
 111      *   RUNNING -> BLOCKING       // blocking on monitor enter
 112      *  BLOCKING -> BLOCKED        // blocked on monitor enter
 113      *   BLOCKED -> UNBLOCKED      // unblocked, may be scheduled to continue
 114      * UNBLOCKED -> RUNNING        // continue execution after blocked on monitor enter
 115      *
 116      *   RUNNING -> WAITING        // transitional state during wait on monitor
 117      *   WAITING -> WAITED         // waiting on monitor
 118      *    WAITED -> BLOCKED        // notified, waiting to be unblocked by monitor owner
 119      *    WAITED -> UNBLOCKED      // timed-out/interrupted
 120      *
 121      *       RUNNING -> TIMED_WAITING   // transition state during timed-waiting on monitor
 122      * TIMED_WAITING -> TIMED_WAITED    // timed-waiting on monitor
 123      *  TIMED_WAITED -> BLOCKED         // notified, waiting to be unblocked by monitor owner
 124      *  TIMED_WAITED -> UNBLOCKED       // timed-out/interrupted
 125      *
 126      *  RUNNING -> YIELDING        // Thread.yield
 127      * YIELDING -> YIELDED         // cont.yield successful, may be scheduled to continue
 128      * YIELDING -> RUNNING         // cont.yield failed
 129      *  YIELDED -> RUNNING         // continue execution after Thread.yield
 130      */
 131     private static final int NEW      = 0;
 132     private static final int STARTED  = 1;
 133     private static final int RUNNING  = 2;     // runnable-mounted
 135     // untimed and timed parking
 136     private static final int PARKING       = 3;
 137     private static final int PARKED        = 4;     // unmounted
 138     private static final int PINNED        = 5;     // mounted
 139     private static final int TIMED_PARKING = 6;
 140     private static final int TIMED_PARKED  = 7;     // unmounted
 141     private static final int TIMED_PINNED  = 8;     // mounted
 142     private static final int UNPARKED      = 9;     // unmounted but runnable
 144     // Thread.yield
 145     private static final int YIELDING = 10;
 146     private static final int YIELDED  = 11;         // unmounted but runnable
 148     // monitor enter
 149     private static final int BLOCKING  = 12;
 150     private static final int BLOCKED   = 13;        // unmounted
 151     private static final int UNBLOCKED = 14;        // unmounted but runnable
 153     // monitor wait/timed-wait
 154     private static final int WAITING       = 15;
 155     private static final int WAIT          = 16;    // waiting in Object.wait
 156     private static final int TIMED_WAITING = 17;
 157     private static final int TIMED_WAIT    = 18;    // waiting in timed-Object.wait
 159     private static final int TERMINATED = 99;  // final state
 161     // can be suspended from scheduling when unmounted
 162     private static final int SUSPENDED = 1 << 8;
 164     // parking permit made available by LockSupport.unpark
 165     private volatile boolean parkPermit;
 167     // blocking permit made available by unblocker thread when another thread exits monitor
 168     private volatile boolean blockPermit;
 170     // true when on the list of virtual threads waiting to be unblocked
 171     private volatile boolean onWaitingList;
 173     // next virtual thread on the list of virtual threads waiting to be unblocked
 174     private volatile VirtualThread next;
 176     // notified by Object.notify/notifyAll while waiting in Object.wait
 177     private volatile boolean notified;
 179     // timed-wait support
 180     private long waitTimeout;
 181     private byte timedWaitNonce;
 182     private volatile Future<?> waitTimeoutTask;
 184     // carrier thread when mounted, accessed by VM
 185     private volatile Thread carrierThread;
 187     // termination object when joining, created lazily if needed
 188     private volatile CountDownLatch termination;
 190     /**
 191      * Returns the default scheduler.
 192      */
 193     static Executor defaultScheduler() {
 194         return DEFAULT_SCHEDULER;
 195     }
 197     /**
 198      * Returns a stream of the delayed task schedulers used to support timed operations.
 199      */
 200     static Stream<ScheduledExecutorService> delayedTaskSchedulers() {
 201         return Arrays.stream(DELAYED_TASK_SCHEDULERS);
 202     }
 204     /**
 205      * Returns the continuation scope used for virtual threads.
 206      */
 207     static ContinuationScope continuationScope() {
 208         return VTHREAD_SCOPE;
 209     }
 211     /**
 212      * Creates a new {@code VirtualThread} to run the given task with the given
 213      * scheduler. If the given scheduler is {@code null} and the current thread
 214      * is a platform thread then the newly created virtual thread will use the
 215      * default scheduler. If given scheduler is {@code null} and the current
 216      * thread is a virtual thread then the current thread's scheduler is used.
 217      *
 218      * @param scheduler the scheduler or null
 219      * @param name thread name
 220      * @param characteristics characteristics
 221      * @param task the task to execute
 222      */
 223     VirtualThread(Executor scheduler, String name, int characteristics, Runnable task) {
 224         super(name, characteristics, /*bound*/ false);
 225         Objects.requireNonNull(task);
 227         // choose scheduler if not specified
 228         if (scheduler == null) {
 229             Thread parent = Thread.currentThread();
 230             if (parent instanceof VirtualThread vparent) {
 231                 scheduler = vparent.scheduler;
 232             } else {
 233                 scheduler = DEFAULT_SCHEDULER;
 234             }
 235         }
 237         this.scheduler = scheduler;
 238         this.cont = new VThreadContinuation(this, task);
 239         this.runContinuation = this::runContinuation;
 240     }
 242     /**
 243      * The continuation that a virtual thread executes.
 244      */
 245     private static class VThreadContinuation extends Continuation {
 246         VThreadContinuation(VirtualThread vthread, Runnable task) {
 247             super(VTHREAD_SCOPE, wrap(vthread, task));
 248         }
 249         @Override
 250         protected void onPinned(Continuation.Pinned reason) {
 251             // emit JFR event
 252             virtualThreadPinnedEvent(reason.reasonCode(), reason.reasonString());
 253         }
 254         private static Runnable wrap(VirtualThread vthread, Runnable task) {
 255             return new Runnable() {
 256                 @Hidden
 257                 public void run() {
 258                     vthread.run(task);
 259                 }
 260             };
 261         }
 262     }
 264     /**
 265      * jdk.VirtualThreadPinned is emitted by HotSpot VM when pinned. Call into VM to
 266      * emit event to avoid having a JFR event in Java with the same name (but different ID)
 267      * to events emitted by the VM.
 268      */
 269     private static native void virtualThreadPinnedEvent(int reason, String reasonString);
 271     /**
 272      * Runs or continues execution on the current thread. The virtual thread is mounted
 273      * on the current thread before the task runs or continues. It unmounts when the
 274      * task completes or yields.
 275      */
 276     @ChangesCurrentThread // allow mount/unmount to be inlined
 277     private void runContinuation() {
 278         // the carrier must be a platform thread
 279         if (Thread.currentThread().isVirtual()) {
 280             throw new WrongThreadException();
 281         }
 283         // set state to RUNNING
 284         int initialState = state();
 285         if (initialState == STARTED || initialState == UNPARKED
 286                 || initialState == UNBLOCKED || initialState == YIELDED) {
 287             // newly started or continue after parking/blocking/Thread.yield
 288             if (!compareAndSetState(initialState, RUNNING)) {
 289                 return;
 290             }
 291             // consume permit when continuing after parking or blocking
 292             if (initialState == UNPARKED) {
 293                 setParkPermit(false);
 294             } if (initialState == UNBLOCKED) {
 295                 blockPermit = false;
 296             }
 297         } else {
 298             // not runnable
 299             return;
 300         }
 302         mount();
 303         try {
 304             cont.run();
 305         } finally {
 306             unmount();
 307             if (cont.isDone()) {
 308                 afterDone();
 309             } else {
 310                 afterYield();
 311             }
 312         }
 313     }
 315     /**
 316      * Submits the runContinuation task to the scheduler. For the default scheduler,
 317      * and calling it on a worker thread, the task will be pushed to the local queue,
 318      * otherwise it will be pushed to an external submission queue.
 319      * @param scheduler the scheduler
 320      * @param retryOnOOME true to retry indefinitely if OutOfMemoryError is thrown
 321      * @throws RejectedExecutionException
 322      */
 323     @ChangesCurrentThread
 324     private void submitRunContinuation(Executor scheduler, boolean retryOnOOME) {
 325         boolean done = false;
 326         while (!done) {
 327             try {
 328                 // Pin the continuation to prevent the virtual thread from unmounting
 329                 // when submitting a task. For the default scheduler this ensures that
 330                 // the carrier doesn't change when pushing a task. For other schedulers
 331                 // it avoids deadlock that could arise due to carriers and virtual
 332                 // threads contending for a lock.
 333                 if (currentThread().isVirtual()) {
 334                     Continuation.pin();
 335                     try {
 336                         scheduler.execute(runContinuation);
 337                     } finally {
 338                         Continuation.unpin();
 339                     }
 340                 } else {
 341                     scheduler.execute(runContinuation);
 342                 }
 343                 done = true;
 344             } catch (RejectedExecutionException ree) {
 345                 submitFailed(ree);
 346                 throw ree;
 347             } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) {
 348                 if (retryOnOOME) {
 349                     U.park(false, 100_000_000); // 100ms
 350                 } else {
 351                     throw e;
 352                 }
 353             }
 354         }
 355     }
 357     /**
 358      * Submits the runContinuation task to given scheduler with a lazy submit.
 359      * If OutOfMemoryError is thrown then the submit will be retried until it succeeds.
 360      * @throws RejectedExecutionException
 361      * @see ForkJoinPool#lazySubmit(ForkJoinTask)
 362      */
 363     private void lazySubmitRunContinuation(ForkJoinPool pool) {
 364         assert Thread.currentThread() instanceof CarrierThread;
 365         try {
 366             pool.lazySubmit(ForkJoinTask.adapt(runContinuation));
 367         } catch (RejectedExecutionException ree) {
 368             submitFailed(ree);
 369             throw ree;
 370         } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) {
 371             submitRunContinuation(pool, true);
 372         }
 373     }
 375     /**
 376      * Submits the runContinuation task to the given scheduler as an external submit.
 377      * If OutOfMemoryError is thrown then the submit will be retried until it succeeds.
 378      * @throws RejectedExecutionException
 379      * @see ForkJoinPool#externalSubmit(ForkJoinTask)
 380      */
 381     private void externalSubmitRunContinuation(ForkJoinPool pool) {
 382         assert Thread.currentThread() instanceof CarrierThread;
 383         try {
 384             pool.externalSubmit(ForkJoinTask.adapt(runContinuation));
 385         } catch (RejectedExecutionException ree) {
 386             submitFailed(ree);
 387             throw ree;
 388         } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) {
 389             submitRunContinuation(pool, true);
 390         }
 391     }
 393     /**
 394      * Submits the runContinuation task to the scheduler. For the default scheduler,
 395      * and calling it on a worker thread, the task will be pushed to the local queue,
 396      * otherwise it will be pushed to an external submission queue.
 397      * If OutOfMemoryError is thrown then the submit will be retried until it succeeds.
 398      * @throws RejectedExecutionException
 399      */
 400     private void submitRunContinuation() {
 401         submitRunContinuation(scheduler, true);
 402     }
 404     /**
 405      * Submits the runContinuation task to the scheduler. For the default scheduler, and
 406      * calling it a virtual thread that uses the default scheduler, the task will be
 407      * pushed to an external submission queue. This method may throw OutOfMemoryError.
 408      * @throws RejectedExecutionException
 409      * @throws OutOfMemoryError
 410      */
 411     private void externalSubmitRunContinuationOrThrow() {
 412         if (scheduler == DEFAULT_SCHEDULER && currentCarrierThread() instanceof CarrierThread ct) {
 413             try {
 414                 ct.getPool().externalSubmit(ForkJoinTask.adapt(runContinuation));
 415             } catch (RejectedExecutionException ree) {
 416                 submitFailed(ree);
 417                 throw ree;
 418             }
 419         } else {
 420             submitRunContinuation(scheduler, false);
 421         }
 422     }
 424     /**
 425      * If enabled, emits a JFR VirtualThreadSubmitFailedEvent.
 426      */
 427     private void submitFailed(RejectedExecutionException ree) {
 428         var event = new VirtualThreadSubmitFailedEvent();
 429         if (event.isEnabled()) {
 430             event.javaThreadId = threadId();
 431             event.exceptionMessage = ree.getMessage();
 432             event.commit();
 433         }
 434     }
 436     /**
 437      * Runs a task in the context of this virtual thread.
 438      */
 439     private void run(Runnable task) {
 440         assert Thread.currentThread() == this && state == RUNNING;
 442         // notify JVMTI, may post VirtualThreadStart event
 443         notifyJvmtiStart();
 445         // emit JFR event if enabled
 446         if (VirtualThreadStartEvent.isTurnedOn()) {
 447             var event = new VirtualThreadStartEvent();
 448             event.javaThreadId = threadId();
 449             event.commit();
 450         }
 452         Object bindings = Thread.scopedValueBindings();
 453         try {
 454             runWith(bindings, task);
 455         } catch (Throwable exc) {
 456             dispatchUncaughtException(exc);
 457         } finally {
 458             try {
 459                 // pop any remaining scopes from the stack, this may block
 460                 StackableScope.popAll();
 462                 // emit JFR event if enabled
 463                 if (VirtualThreadEndEvent.isTurnedOn()) {
 464                     var event = new VirtualThreadEndEvent();
 465                     event.javaThreadId = threadId();
 466                     event.commit();
 467                 }
 469             } finally {
 470                 // notify JVMTI, may post VirtualThreadEnd event
 471                 notifyJvmtiEnd();
 472             }
 473         }
 474     }
 476     /**
 477      * Mounts this virtual thread onto the current platform thread. On
 478      * return, the current thread is the virtual thread.
 479      */
 480     @ChangesCurrentThread
 481     @ReservedStackAccess
 482     private void mount() {
 483         // notify JVMTI before mount
 484         notifyJvmtiMount(/*hide*/true);
 486         // sets the carrier thread
 487         Thread carrier = Thread.currentCarrierThread();
 488         setCarrierThread(carrier);
 490         // sync up carrier thread interrupt status if needed
 491         if (interrupted) {
 492             carrier.setInterrupt();
 493         } else if (carrier.isInterrupted()) {
 494             synchronized (interruptLock) {
 495                 // need to recheck interrupt status
 496                 if (!interrupted) {
 497                     carrier.clearInterrupt();
 498                 }
 499             }
 500         }
 502         // set Thread.currentThread() to return this virtual thread
 503         carrier.setCurrentThread(this);
 504     }
 506     /**
 507      * Unmounts this virtual thread from the carrier. On return, the
 508      * current thread is the current platform thread.
 509      */
 510     @ChangesCurrentThread
 511     @ReservedStackAccess
 512     private void unmount() {
 513         assert !Thread.holdsLock(interruptLock);
 515         // set Thread.currentThread() to return the platform thread
 516         Thread carrier = this.carrierThread;
 517         carrier.setCurrentThread(carrier);
 519         // break connection to carrier thread, synchronized with interrupt
 520         synchronized (interruptLock) {
 521             setCarrierThread(null);
 522         }
 523         carrier.clearInterrupt();
 525         // notify JVMTI after unmount
 526         notifyJvmtiUnmount(/*hide*/false);
 527     }
 529     /**
 530      * Sets the current thread to the current carrier thread.
 531      */
 532     @ChangesCurrentThread
 533     @JvmtiMountTransition
 534     private void switchToCarrierThread() {
 535         notifyJvmtiHideFrames(true);
 536         Thread carrier = this.carrierThread;
 537         assert Thread.currentThread() == this
 538                 && carrier == Thread.currentCarrierThread();
 539         carrier.setCurrentThread(carrier);
 540         Thread.setCurrentLockId(this.threadId()); // keep lock ID of virtual thread
 541     }
 543     /**
 544      * Sets the current thread to the given virtual thread.
 545      */
 546     @ChangesCurrentThread
 547     @JvmtiMountTransition
 548     private static void switchToVirtualThread(VirtualThread vthread) {
 549         Thread carrier = vthread.carrierThread;
 550         assert carrier == Thread.currentCarrierThread();
 551         carrier.setCurrentThread(vthread);
 552         notifyJvmtiHideFrames(false);
 553     }
 555     /**
 556      * Executes the given value returning task on the current carrier thread.
 557      */
 558     @ChangesCurrentThread
 559     <V> V executeOnCarrierThread(Callable<V> task) throws Exception {
 560         assert Thread.currentThread() == this;
 561         switchToCarrierThread();
 562         try {
 563             return task.call();
 564         } finally {
 565             switchToVirtualThread(this);
 566         }
 567      }
 569     /**
 570      * Invokes Continuation.yield, notifying JVMTI (if enabled) to hide frames until
 571      * the continuation continues.
 572      */
 573     @Hidden
 574     private boolean yieldContinuation() {
 575         notifyJvmtiUnmount(/*hide*/true);
 576         try {
 577             return Continuation.yield(VTHREAD_SCOPE);
 578         } finally {
 579             notifyJvmtiMount(/*hide*/false);
 580         }
 581     }
 583     /**
 584      * Invoked after the continuation yields. If parking then it sets the state
 585      * and also re-submits the task to continue if unparked while parking.
 586      * If yielding due to Thread.yield then it just submits the task to continue.
 587      */
 588     private void afterYield() {
 589         assert carrierThread == null;
 591         // re-adjust parallelism if the virtual thread yielded when compensating
 592         if (currentThread() instanceof CarrierThread ct) {
 593             ct.endBlocking();
 594         }
 596         int s = state();
 598         // LockSupport.park/parkNanos
 599         if (s == PARKING || s == TIMED_PARKING) {
 600             int newState = (s == PARKING) ? PARKED : TIMED_PARKED;
 601             setState(newState);
 603             // may have been unparked while parking
 604             if (parkPermit && compareAndSetState(newState, UNPARKED)) {
 605                 // lazy submit to continue on the current carrier if possible
 606                 if (currentThread() instanceof CarrierThread ct && ct.getQueuedTaskCount() == 0) {
 607                     lazySubmitRunContinuation(ct.getPool());
 608                 } else {
 609                     submitRunContinuation();
 610                 }
 611             }
 612             return;
 613         }
 615         // Thread.yield
 616         if (s == YIELDING) {
 617             setState(YIELDED);
 619             // external submit if there are no tasks in the local task queue
 620             if (currentThread() instanceof CarrierThread ct && ct.getQueuedTaskCount() == 0) {
 621                 externalSubmitRunContinuation(ct.getPool());
 622             } else {
 623                 submitRunContinuation();
 624             }
 625             return;
 626         }
 628         // blocking on monitorenter
 629         if (s == BLOCKING) {
 630             setState(BLOCKED);
 632             // may have been unblocked while blocking
 633             if (blockPermit && compareAndSetState(BLOCKED, UNBLOCKED)) {
 634                 submitRunContinuation();
 635             }
 636             return;
 637         }
 639         // Object.wait
 640         if (s == WAITING || s == TIMED_WAITING) {
 641             byte nonce;
 642             int newState;
 643             if (s == WAITING) {
 644                 nonce = 0;  // not used
 645                 setState(newState = WAIT);
 646             } else {
 647                 // synchronize with timeout task (previous timed-wait may be running)
 648                 synchronized (timedWaitLock()) {
 649                     nonce = ++timedWaitNonce;
 650                     setState(newState = TIMED_WAIT);
 651                 }
 652             }
 654             // may have been notified while in transition to wait state
 655             if (notified && compareAndSetState(newState, BLOCKED)) {
 656                 // may have even been unblocked already
 657                 if (blockPermit && compareAndSetState(BLOCKED, UNBLOCKED)) {
 658                     submitRunContinuation();
 659                 }
 660                 return;
 661             }
 663             // may have been interrupted while in transition to wait state
 664             if (interrupted && compareAndSetState(newState, UNBLOCKED)) {
 665                 submitRunContinuation();
 666                 return;
 667             }
 669             // schedule wakeup
 670             if (newState == TIMED_WAIT) {
 671                 assert waitTimeout > 0;
 672                 waitTimeoutTask = schedule(() -> waitTimeoutExpired(nonce), waitTimeout, MILLISECONDS);
 673             }
 674             return;
 675         }
 677         assert false;
 678     }
 680     /**
 681      * Invoked after the continuation completes.
 682      */
 683     private void afterDone() {
 684         afterDone(true);
 685     }
 687     /**
 688      * Invoked after the continuation completes (or start failed). Sets the thread
 689      * state to TERMINATED and notifies anyone waiting for the thread to terminate.
 690      *
 691      * @param notifyContainer true if its container should be notified
 692      */
 693     private void afterDone(boolean notifyContainer) {
 694         assert carrierThread == null;
 695         setState(TERMINATED);
 697         // notify anyone waiting for this virtual thread to terminate
 698         CountDownLatch termination = this.termination;
 699         if (termination != null) {
 700             assert termination.getCount() == 1;
 701             termination.countDown();
 702         }
 704         // notify container
 705         if (notifyContainer) {
 706             threadContainer().onExit(this);
 707         }
 709         // clear references to thread locals
 710         clearReferences();
 711     }
 713     /**
 714      * Schedules this {@code VirtualThread} to execute.
 715      *
 716      * @throws IllegalStateException if the container is shutdown or closed
 717      * @throws IllegalThreadStateException if the thread has already been started
 718      * @throws RejectedExecutionException if the scheduler cannot accept a task
 719      */
 720     @Override
 721     void start(ThreadContainer container) {
 722         if (!compareAndSetState(NEW, STARTED)) {
 723             throw new IllegalThreadStateException("Already started");
 724         }
 726         // bind thread to container
 727         assert threadContainer() == null;
 728         setThreadContainer(container);
 730         // start thread
 731         boolean addedToContainer = false;
 732         boolean started = false;
 733         try {
 734             container.onStart(this);  // may throw
 735             addedToContainer = true;
 737             // scoped values may be inherited
 738             inheritScopedValueBindings(container);
 740             // submit task to run thread, using externalSubmit if possible
 741             externalSubmitRunContinuationOrThrow();
 742             started = true;
 743         } finally {
 744             if (!started) {
 745                 afterDone(addedToContainer);
 746             }
 747         }
 748     }
 750     @Override
 751     public void start() {
 752         start(ThreadContainers.root());
 753     }
 755     @Override
 756     public void run() {
 757         // do nothing
 758     }
 760     /**
 761      * Parks until unparked or interrupted. If already unparked then the parking
 762      * permit is consumed and this method completes immediately (meaning it doesn't
 763      * yield). It also completes immediately if the interrupt status is set.
 764      */
 765     @Override
 766     void park() {
 767         assert Thread.currentThread() == this;
 769         // complete immediately if parking permit available or interrupted
 770         if (getAndSetParkPermit(false) || interrupted)
 771             return;
 773         // park the thread
 774         boolean yielded = false;
 775         setState(PARKING);
 776         try {
 777             yielded = yieldContinuation();
 778         } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) {
 779             // park on carrier
 780         } finally {
 781             assert (Thread.currentThread() == this) && (yielded == (state() == RUNNING));
 782             if (!yielded) {
 783                 assert state() == PARKING;
 784                 setState(RUNNING);
 785             }
 786         }
 788         // park on the carrier thread when pinned
 789         if (!yielded) {
 790             parkOnCarrierThread(false, 0);
 791         }
 792     }
 794     /**
 795      * Parks up to the given waiting time or until unparked or interrupted.
 796      * If already unparked then the parking permit is consumed and this method
 797      * completes immediately (meaning it doesn't yield). It also completes immediately
 798      * if the interrupt status is set or the waiting time is {@code <= 0}.
 799      *
 800      * @param nanos the maximum number of nanoseconds to wait.
 801      */
 802     @Override
 803     void parkNanos(long nanos) {
 804         assert Thread.currentThread() == this;
 806         // complete immediately if parking permit available or interrupted
 807         if (getAndSetParkPermit(false) || interrupted)
 808             return;
 810         // park the thread for the waiting time
 811         if (nanos > 0) {
 812             long startTime = System.nanoTime();
 814             boolean yielded = false;
 815             Future<?> unparker = null;
 816             try {
 817                  unparker = scheduleUnpark(nanos);
 818             } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) {
 819                 // park on carrier
 820             }
 821             if (unparker != null) {
 822                 setState(TIMED_PARKING);
 823                 try {
 824                     yielded = yieldContinuation();
 825                 } catch (OutOfMemoryError e) {
 826                     // park on carrier
 827                 } finally {
 828                     assert (Thread.currentThread() == this) && (yielded == (state() == RUNNING));
 829                     if (!yielded) {
 830                         assert state() == TIMED_PARKING;
 831                         setState(RUNNING);
 832                     }
 833                     cancel(unparker);
 834                 }
 835             }
 837             // park on carrier thread for remaining time when pinned (or OOME)
 838             if (!yielded) {
 839                 long remainingNanos = nanos - (System.nanoTime() - startTime);
 840                 parkOnCarrierThread(true, remainingNanos);
 841             }
 842         }
 843     }
 845     /**
 846      * Parks the current carrier thread up to the given waiting time or until
 847      * unparked or interrupted. If the virtual thread is interrupted then the
 848      * interrupt status will be propagated to the carrier thread.
 849      * @param timed true for a timed park, false for untimed
 850      * @param nanos the waiting time in nanoseconds
 851      */
 852     private void parkOnCarrierThread(boolean timed, long nanos) {
 853         assert state() == RUNNING;
 855         setState(timed ? TIMED_PINNED : PINNED);
 856         try {
 857             if (!parkPermit) {
 858                 if (!timed) {
 859                     U.park(false, 0);
 860                 } else if (nanos > 0) {
 861                     U.park(false, nanos);
 862                 }
 863             }
 864         } finally {
 865             setState(RUNNING);
 866         }
 868         // consume parking permit
 869         setParkPermit(false);
 870     }
 872     /**
 873      * Invoked by parkNanos to schedule this virtual thread to be unparked after
 874      * a given delay.
 875      */
 876     @ChangesCurrentThread
 877     private Future<?> scheduleUnpark(long nanos) {
 878         assert Thread.currentThread() == this;
 879         // need to switch to current carrier thread to avoid nested parking
 880         switchToCarrierThread();
 881         try {
 882             return schedule(this::unpark, nanos, NANOSECONDS);
 883         } finally {
 884             switchToVirtualThread(this);
 885         }
 886     }
 888     /**
 889      * Invoked by parkNanos to cancel the unpark timer.
 890      */
 891     @ChangesCurrentThread
 892     private void cancel(Future<?> future) {
 893         assert Thread.currentThread() == this;
 894         if (!future.isDone()) {
 895             // need to switch to current carrier thread to avoid nested parking
 896             switchToCarrierThread();
 897             try {
 898                 future.cancel(false);
 899             } finally {
 900                 switchToVirtualThread(this);
 901             }
 902         }
 903     }
 905     /**
 906      * Re-enables this virtual thread for scheduling. If this virtual thread is parked
 907      * then its task is scheduled to continue, otherwise its next call to {@code park} or
 908      * {@linkplain #parkNanos(long) parkNanos} is guaranteed not to block.
 909      * @throws RejectedExecutionException if the scheduler cannot accept a task
 910      */
 911     @Override
 912     void unpark() {
 913         if (!getAndSetParkPermit(true) && currentThread() != this) {
 914             int s = state();
 916             // unparked while parked
 917             if ((s == PARKED || s == TIMED_PARKED) && compareAndSetState(s, UNPARKED)) {
 918                 submitRunContinuation();
 919                 return;
 920             }
 922             // unparked while parked when pinned
 923             if (s == PINNED || s == TIMED_PINNED) {
 924                 // unpark carrier thread when pinned
 925                 disableSuspendAndPreempt();
 926                 try {
 927                     synchronized (carrierThreadAccessLock()) {
 928                         Thread carrier = carrierThread;
 929                         if (carrier != null && ((s = state()) == PINNED || s == TIMED_PINNED)) {
 930                             U.unpark(carrier);
 931                         }
 932                     }
 933                 } finally {
 934                     enableSuspendAndPreempt();
 935                 }
 936                 return;
 937             }
 938         }
 939     }
 941     /**
 942      * Invoked by unblocker thread to unblock this virtual thread.
 943      */
 944     private void unblock() {
 945         assert !Thread.currentThread().isVirtual();
 946         blockPermit = true;
 947         if (state() == BLOCKED && compareAndSetState(BLOCKED, UNBLOCKED)) {
 948             submitRunContinuation();
 949         }
 950     }
 952     /**
 953      * Invoked by timer thread when wait timeout for virtual thread has expired.
 954      * If the virtual thread is in timed-wait then this method will unblock the thread
 955      * and submit its task so that it continues and attempts to reenter the monitor.
 956      * This method does nothing if the thread has been woken by notify or interrupt.
 957      */
 958     private void waitTimeoutExpired(byte nounce) {
 959         assert !Thread.currentThread().isVirtual();
 960         for (;;) {
 961             boolean unblocked = false;
 962             synchronized (timedWaitLock()) {
 963                 if (nounce != timedWaitNonce) {
 964                     // this timeout task is for a past timed-wait
 965                     return;
 966                 }
 967                 int s = state();
 968                 if (s == TIMED_WAIT) {
 969                     unblocked = compareAndSetState(TIMED_WAIT, UNBLOCKED);
 970                 } else if (s != (TIMED_WAIT | SUSPENDED)) {
 971                     // notified or interrupted, no longer waiting
 972                     return;
 973                 }
 974             }
 975             if (unblocked) {
 976                 submitRunContinuation();
 977                 return;
 978             }
 979             // need to retry when thread is suspended in time-wait
 980             Thread.yield();
 981         }
 982     }
 984     /**
 985      * Invoked by Object.wait to cancel the wait timer.
 986      */
 987     void cancelWaitTimeout() {
 988         assert Thread.currentThread() == this;
 989         Future<?> timeoutTask = this.waitTimeoutTask;
 990         if (timeoutTask != null) {
 991             // Pin the continuation to prevent the virtual thread from unmounting
 992             // when there is contention removing the task. This avoids deadlock that
 993             // could arise due to carriers and virtual threads contending for a
 994             // lock on the delay queue.
 995             Continuation.pin();
 996             try {
 997                 timeoutTask.cancel(false);
 998             } finally {
 999                 Continuation.unpin();
1000             }
1001         }
1002     }
1004     /**
1005      * Attempts to yield the current virtual thread (Thread.yield).
1006      */
1007     void tryYield() {
1008         assert Thread.currentThread() == this;
1009         setState(YIELDING);
1010         boolean yielded = false;
1011         try {
1012             yielded = yieldContinuation();  // may throw
1013         } finally {
1014             assert (Thread.currentThread() == this) && (yielded == (state() == RUNNING));
1015             if (!yielded) {
1016                 assert state() == YIELDING;
1017                 setState(RUNNING);
1018             }
1019         }
1020     }
1022     /**
1023      * Sleep the current thread for the given sleep time (in nanoseconds). If
1024      * nanos is 0 then the thread will attempt to yield.
1025      *
1026      * @implNote This implementation parks the thread for the given sleeping time
1027      * and will therefore be observed in PARKED state during the sleep. Parking
1028      * will consume the parking permit so this method makes available the parking
1029      * permit after the sleep. This may be observed as a spurious, but benign,
1030      * wakeup when the thread subsequently attempts to park.
1031      *
1032      * @param nanos the maximum number of nanoseconds to sleep
1033      * @throws InterruptedException if interrupted while sleeping
1034      */
1035     void sleepNanos(long nanos) throws InterruptedException {
1036         assert Thread.currentThread() == this && nanos >= 0;
1037         if (getAndClearInterrupt())
1038             throw new InterruptedException();
1039         if (nanos == 0) {
1040             tryYield();
1041         } else {
1042             // park for the sleep time
1043             try {
1044                 long remainingNanos = nanos;
1045                 long startNanos = System.nanoTime();
1046                 while (remainingNanos > 0) {
1047                     parkNanos(remainingNanos);
1048                     if (getAndClearInterrupt()) {
1049                         throw new InterruptedException();
1050                     }
1051                     remainingNanos = nanos - (System.nanoTime() - startNanos);
1052                 }
1053             } finally {
1054                 // may have been unparked while sleeping
1055                 setParkPermit(true);
1056             }
1057         }
1058     }
1060     /**
1061      * Waits up to {@code nanos} nanoseconds for this virtual thread to terminate.
1062      * A timeout of {@code 0} means to wait forever.
1063      *
1064      * @throws InterruptedException if interrupted while waiting
1065      * @return true if the thread has terminated
1066      */
1067     boolean joinNanos(long nanos) throws InterruptedException {
1068         if (state() == TERMINATED)
1069             return true;
1071         // ensure termination object exists, then re-check state
1072         CountDownLatch termination = getTermination();
1073         if (state() == TERMINATED)
1074             return true;
1076         // wait for virtual thread to terminate
1077         if (nanos == 0) {
1078             termination.await();
1079         } else {
1080             boolean terminated = termination.await(nanos, NANOSECONDS);
1081             if (!terminated) {
1082                 // waiting time elapsed
1083                 return false;
1084             }
1085         }
1086         assert state() == TERMINATED;
1087         return true;
1088     }
1090     @Override
1091     void blockedOn(Interruptible b) {
1092         disableSuspendAndPreempt();
1093         try {
1094             super.blockedOn(b);
1095         } finally {
1096             enableSuspendAndPreempt();
1097         }
1098     }
1100     @Override
1101     @SuppressWarnings("removal")
1102     public void interrupt() {
1103         if (Thread.currentThread() != this) {
1104             checkAccess();
1106             // if current thread is a virtual thread then prevent it from being
1107             // suspended or unmounted when entering or holding interruptLock
1108             Interruptible blocker;
1109             disableSuspendAndPreempt();
1110             try {
1111                 synchronized (interruptLock) {
1112                     interrupted = true;
1113                     blocker = nioBlocker();
1114                     if (blocker != null) {
1115                         blocker.interrupt(this);
1116                     }
1118                     // interrupt carrier thread if mounted
1119                     Thread carrier = carrierThread;
1120                     if (carrier != null) carrier.setInterrupt();
1121                 }
1122             } finally {
1123                 enableSuspendAndPreempt();
1124             }
1126             // notify blocker after releasing interruptLock
1127             if (blocker != null) {
1128                 blocker.postInterrupt();
1129             }
1131             // make available parking permit, unpark thread if parked
1132             unpark();
1134             // if thread is waiting in Object.wait then schedule to try to reenter
1135             int s = state();
1136             if ((s == WAIT || s == TIMED_WAIT) && compareAndSetState(s, UNBLOCKED)) {
1137                 submitRunContinuation();
1138             }
1140         } else {
1141             interrupted = true;
1142             carrierThread.setInterrupt();
1143             setParkPermit(true);
1144         }
1145     }
1147     @Override
1148     public boolean isInterrupted() {
1149         return interrupted;
1150     }
1152     @Override
1153     boolean getAndClearInterrupt() {
1154         assert Thread.currentThread() == this;
1155         boolean oldValue = interrupted;
1156         if (oldValue) {
1157             disableSuspendAndPreempt();
1158             try {
1159                 synchronized (interruptLock) {
1160                     interrupted = false;
1161                     carrierThread.clearInterrupt();
1162                 }
1163             } finally {
1164                 enableSuspendAndPreempt();
1165             }
1166         }
1167         return oldValue;
1168     }
1170     @Override
1171     Thread.State threadState() {
1172         int s = state();
1173         switch (s & ~SUSPENDED) {
1174             case NEW:
1175                 return Thread.State.NEW;
1176             case STARTED:
1177                 // return NEW if thread container not yet set
1178                 if (threadContainer() == null) {
1179                     return Thread.State.NEW;
1180                 } else {
1181                     return Thread.State.RUNNABLE;
1182                 }
1183             case UNPARKED:
1184             case UNBLOCKED:
1185             case YIELDED:
1186                 // runnable, not mounted
1187                 return Thread.State.RUNNABLE;
1188             case RUNNING:
1189                 // if mounted then return state of carrier thread
1190                 if (Thread.currentThread() != this) {
1191                     disableSuspendAndPreempt();
1192                     try {
1193                         synchronized (carrierThreadAccessLock()) {
1194                             Thread carrierThread = this.carrierThread;
1195                             if (carrierThread != null) {
1196                                 return carrierThread.threadState();
1197                             }
1198                         }
1199                     } finally {
1200                         enableSuspendAndPreempt();
1201                     }
1202                 }
1203                 // runnable, mounted
1204                 return Thread.State.RUNNABLE;
1205             case PARKING:
1206             case TIMED_PARKING:
1207             case BLOCKING:
1208             case WAITING:
1209             case TIMED_WAITING:
1210             case YIELDING:
1211                 // runnable, in transition
1212                 return Thread.State.RUNNABLE;
1213             case PARKED:
1214             case PINNED:
1215             case WAIT:
1216                 return Thread.State.WAITING;
1217             case TIMED_PARKED:
1218             case TIMED_PINNED:
1219             case TIMED_WAIT:
1220                 return Thread.State.TIMED_WAITING;
1221             case BLOCKED:
1222                 return Thread.State.BLOCKED;
1223             case TERMINATED:
1224                 return Thread.State.TERMINATED;
1225             default:
1226                 throw new InternalError();
1227         }
1228     }
1230     @Override
1231     boolean alive() {
1232         int s = state;
1233         return (s != NEW && s != TERMINATED);
1234     }
1236     @Override
1237     boolean isTerminated() {
1238         return (state == TERMINATED);
1239     }
1241     @Override
1242     StackTraceElement[] asyncGetStackTrace() {
1243         StackTraceElement[] stackTrace;
1244         do {
1245             stackTrace = (carrierThread != null)
1246                     ? super.asyncGetStackTrace()  // mounted
1247                     : tryGetStackTrace();         // unmounted
1248             if (stackTrace == null) {
1249                 Thread.yield();
1250             }
1251         } while (stackTrace == null);
1252         return stackTrace;
1253     }
1255     /**
1256      * Returns the stack trace for this virtual thread if it is unmounted.
1257      * Returns null if the thread is mounted or in transition.
1258      */
1259     private StackTraceElement[] tryGetStackTrace() {
1260         int initialState = state() & ~SUSPENDED;
1261         switch (initialState) {
1262             case NEW, STARTED, TERMINATED -> {
1263                 return new StackTraceElement[0];  // unmounted, empty stack
1264             }
1265             case RUNNING, PINNED, TIMED_PINNED -> {
1266                 return null;   // mounted
1267             }
1268             case PARKED, TIMED_PARKED, BLOCKED, WAIT, TIMED_WAIT -> {
1269                 // unmounted, not runnable
1270             }
1271             case UNPARKED, UNBLOCKED, YIELDED -> {
1272                 // unmounted, runnable
1273             }
1275                 return null;  // in transition
1276             }
1277             default -> throw new InternalError("" + initialState);
1278         }
1280         // thread is unmounted, prevent it from continuing
1281         int suspendedState = initialState | SUSPENDED;
1282         if (!compareAndSetState(initialState, suspendedState)) {
1283             return null;
1284         }
1286         // get stack trace and restore state
1287         StackTraceElement[] stack;
1288         try {
1289             stack = cont.getStackTrace();
1290         } finally {
1291             assert state == suspendedState;
1292             setState(initialState);
1293         }
1294         boolean resubmit = switch (initialState) {
1295             case UNPARKED, UNBLOCKED, YIELDED -> {
1296                 // resubmit as task may have run while suspended
1297                 yield true;
1298             }
1299             case PARKED, TIMED_PARKED -> {
1300                 // resubmit if unparked while suspended
1301                 yield parkPermit && compareAndSetState(initialState, UNPARKED);
1302             }
1303             case BLOCKED -> {
1304                 // resubmit if unblocked while suspended
1305                 yield blockPermit && compareAndSetState(BLOCKED, UNBLOCKED);
1306             }
1307             case WAIT, TIMED_WAIT -> {
1308                 // resubmit if notified or interrupted while waiting (Object.wait)
1309                 // waitTimeoutExpired will retry if the timed expired when suspended
1310                 yield (notified || interrupted) && compareAndSetState(initialState, UNBLOCKED);
1311             }
1312             default -> throw new InternalError();
1313         };
1314         if (resubmit) {
1315             submitRunContinuation();
1316         }
1317         return stack;
1318     }
1320     @Override
1321     public String toString() {
1322         StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("VirtualThread[#");
1323         sb.append(threadId());
1324         String name = getName();
1325         if (!name.isEmpty()) {
1326             sb.append(",");
1327             sb.append(name);
1328         }
1329         sb.append("]/");
1331         // add the carrier state and thread name when mounted
1332         boolean mounted;
1333         if (Thread.currentThread() == this) {
1334             mounted = appendCarrierInfo(sb);
1335         } else {
1336             disableSuspendAndPreempt();
1337             try {
1338                 synchronized (carrierThreadAccessLock()) {
1339                     mounted = appendCarrierInfo(sb);
1340                 }
1341             } finally {
1342                 enableSuspendAndPreempt();
1343             }
1344         }
1346         // add virtual thread state when not mounted
1347         if (!mounted) {
1348             String stateAsString = threadState().toString();
1349             sb.append(stateAsString.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT));
1350         }
1352         return sb.toString();
1353     }
1355     /**
1356      * Appends the carrier state and thread name to the string buffer if mounted.
1357      * @return true if mounted, false if not mounted
1358      */
1359     private boolean appendCarrierInfo(StringBuilder sb) {
1360         assert Thread.currentThread() == this || Thread.holdsLock(carrierThreadAccessLock());
1361         Thread carrier = carrierThread;
1362         if (carrier != null) {
1363             String stateAsString = carrier.threadState().toString();
1364             sb.append(stateAsString.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT));
1365             sb.append('@');
1366             sb.append(carrier.getName());
1367             return true;
1368         } else {
1369             return false;
1370         }
1371     }
1373     @Override
1374     public int hashCode() {
1375         return (int) threadId();
1376     }
1378     @Override
1379     public boolean equals(Object obj) {
1380         return obj == this;
1381     }
1383     /**
1384      * Returns the termination object, creating it if needed.
1385      */
1386     private CountDownLatch getTermination() {
1387         CountDownLatch termination = this.termination;
1388         if (termination == null) {
1389             termination = new CountDownLatch(1);
1390             if (!U.compareAndSetReference(this, TERMINATION, null, termination)) {
1391                 termination = this.termination;
1392             }
1393         }
1394         return termination;
1395     }
1397     /**
1398      * Returns the lock object to synchronize on when accessing carrierThread.
1399      * The lock prevents carrierThread from being reset to null during unmount.
1400      */
1401     private Object carrierThreadAccessLock() {
1402         // return interruptLock as unmount has to coordinate with interrupt
1403         return interruptLock;
1404     }
1406     /**
1407      * Returns a lock object to coordinating timed-wait setup and timeout handling.
1408      */
1409     private Object timedWaitLock() {
1410         // use this object for now to avoid the overhead of introducing another lock
1411         return runContinuation;
1412     }
1414     /**
1415      * Disallow the current thread be suspended or preempted.
1416      */
1417     private void disableSuspendAndPreempt() {
1418         notifyJvmtiDisableSuspend(true);
1419         Continuation.pin();
1420     }
1422     /**
1423      * Allow the current thread be suspended or preempted.
1424      */
1425     private void enableSuspendAndPreempt() {
1426         Continuation.unpin();
1427         notifyJvmtiDisableSuspend(false);
1428     }
1430     // -- wrappers for get/set of state, parking permit, and carrier thread --
1432     private int state() {
1433         return state;  // volatile read
1434     }
1436     private void setState(int newValue) {
1437         state = newValue;  // volatile write
1438     }
1440     private boolean compareAndSetState(int expectedValue, int newValue) {
1441         return U.compareAndSetInt(this, STATE, expectedValue, newValue);
1442     }
1444     private boolean compareAndSetOnWaitingList(boolean expectedValue, boolean newValue) {
1445         return U.compareAndSetBoolean(this, ON_WAITING_LIST, expectedValue, newValue);
1446     }
1448     private void setParkPermit(boolean newValue) {
1449         if (parkPermit != newValue) {
1450             parkPermit = newValue;
1451         }
1452     }
1454     private boolean getAndSetParkPermit(boolean newValue) {
1455         if (parkPermit != newValue) {
1456             return U.getAndSetBoolean(this, PARK_PERMIT, newValue);
1457         } else {
1458             return newValue;
1459         }
1460     }
1462     private void setCarrierThread(Thread carrier) {
1463         // U.putReferenceRelease(this, CARRIER_THREAD, carrier);
1464         this.carrierThread = carrier;
1465     }
1467     // -- JVM TI support --
1469     @IntrinsicCandidate
1470     @JvmtiMountTransition
1471     private native void notifyJvmtiStart();
1473     @IntrinsicCandidate
1474     @JvmtiMountTransition
1475     private native void notifyJvmtiEnd();
1477     @IntrinsicCandidate
1478     @JvmtiMountTransition
1479     private native void notifyJvmtiMount(boolean hide);
1481     @IntrinsicCandidate
1482     @JvmtiMountTransition
1483     private native void notifyJvmtiUnmount(boolean hide);
1485     @IntrinsicCandidate
1486     @JvmtiMountTransition
1487     private static native void notifyJvmtiHideFrames(boolean hide);
1489     @IntrinsicCandidate
1490     private static native void notifyJvmtiDisableSuspend(boolean enter);
1492     private static native void registerNatives();
1493     static {
1494         registerNatives();
1496         // ensure VTHREAD_GROUP is created, may be accessed by JVMTI
1497         var group = Thread.virtualThreadGroup();
1498     }
1500     /**
1501      * Creates the default scheduler.
1502      * If the system property {@code jdk.virtualThreadScheduler.implClass} is set then
1503      * its value is the name of a class that implements java.util.concurrent.Executor.
1504      * The class is public in an exported package, has a public no-arg constructor,
1505      * and is visible to the system class loader.
1506      * If the system property is not set then the default scheduler will be a
1507      * ForkJoinPool instance.
1508      */
1509     private static Executor createDefaultScheduler() {
1510         String propName = "jdk.virtualThreadScheduler.implClass";
1511         String propValue = GetPropertyAction.privilegedGetProperty(propName);
1512         if (propValue != null) {
1513             try {
1514                 Class<?> clazz = Class.forName(propValue, true,
1515                         ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader());
1516                 Constructor<?> ctor = clazz.getConstructor();
1517                 var scheduler = (Executor) ctor.newInstance();
1518                 System.err.println("""
1519                     WARNING: Using custom scheduler, this is an experimental feature.""");
1520                 return scheduler;
1521             } catch (Exception ex) {
1522                 throw new Error(ex);
1523             }
1524         } else {
1525             return createDefaultForkJoinPoolScheduler();
1526         }
1527     }
1529     /**
1530      * Creates the default ForkJoinPool scheduler.
1531      */
1532     @SuppressWarnings("removal")
1533     private static ForkJoinPool createDefaultForkJoinPoolScheduler() {
1534         ForkJoinWorkerThreadFactory factory = pool -> {
1535             PrivilegedAction<ForkJoinWorkerThread> pa = () -> new CarrierThread(pool);
1536             return AccessController.doPrivileged(pa);
1537         };
1538         PrivilegedAction<ForkJoinPool> pa = () -> {
1539             int parallelism, maxPoolSize, minRunnable;
1540             String parallelismValue = System.getProperty("jdk.virtualThreadScheduler.parallelism");
1541             String maxPoolSizeValue = System.getProperty("jdk.virtualThreadScheduler.maxPoolSize");
1542             String minRunnableValue = System.getProperty("jdk.virtualThreadScheduler.minRunnable");
1543             if (parallelismValue != null) {
1544                 parallelism = Integer.parseInt(parallelismValue);
1545             } else {
1546                 parallelism = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
1547             }
1548             if (maxPoolSizeValue != null) {
1549                 maxPoolSize = Integer.parseInt(maxPoolSizeValue);
1550                 parallelism = Integer.min(parallelism, maxPoolSize);
1551             } else {
1552                 maxPoolSize = Integer.max(parallelism, 256);
1553             }
1554             if (minRunnableValue != null) {
1555                 minRunnable = Integer.parseInt(minRunnableValue);
1556             } else {
1557                 minRunnable = Integer.max(parallelism / 2, 1);
1558             }
1559             Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler handler = (t, e) -> { };
1560             boolean asyncMode = true; // FIFO
1561             return new ForkJoinPool(parallelism, factory, handler, asyncMode,
1562                          0, maxPoolSize, minRunnable, pool -> true, 30, SECONDS);
1563         };
1564         return AccessController.doPrivileged(pa);
1565     }
1567     /**
1568      * Schedule a runnable task to run after a delay.
1569      */
1570     private static Future<?> schedule(Runnable command, long delay, TimeUnit unit) {
1571         long tid = Thread.currentThread().threadId();
1572         int index = (int) tid & (DELAYED_TASK_SCHEDULERS.length - 1);
1573         return DELAYED_TASK_SCHEDULERS[index].schedule(command, delay, unit);
1574     }
1576     /**
1577      * Creates the ScheduledThreadPoolExecutors used to execute delayed tasks.
1578      */
1579     private static ScheduledExecutorService[] createDelayedTaskSchedulers() {
1580         String propName = "jdk.virtualThreadScheduler.timerQueues";
1581         String propValue = GetPropertyAction.privilegedGetProperty(propName);
1582         int queueCount;
1583         if (propValue != null) {
1584             queueCount = Integer.parseInt(propValue);
1585             if (queueCount != Integer.highestOneBit(queueCount)) {
1586                 throw new RuntimeException("Value of " + propName + " must be power of 2");
1587             }
1588         } else {
1589             int ncpus = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors();
1590             queueCount = Math.max(Integer.highestOneBit(ncpus / 4), 1);
1591         }
1592         var schedulers = new ScheduledExecutorService[queueCount];
1593         for (int i = 0; i < queueCount; i++) {
1594             ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor stpe = (ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor)
1595                 Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1, task -> {
1596                     Thread t = InnocuousThread.newThread("VirtualThread-unparker", task);
1597                     t.setDaemon(true);
1598                     return t;
1599                 });
1600             stpe.setRemoveOnCancelPolicy(true);
1601             schedulers[i] = stpe;
1602         }
1603         return schedulers;
1604     }
1606     /**
1607      * Schedule virtual threads that are ready to be scheduled after they blocked on
1608      * monitor enter.
1609      */
1610     private static void unblockVirtualThreads() {
1611         while (true) {
1612             VirtualThread vthread = takeVirtualThreadListToUnblock();
1613             while (vthread != null) {
1614                 assert vthread.onWaitingList;
1615                 VirtualThread nextThread = vthread.next;
1617                 // remove from list and unblock
1618                 vthread.next = null;
1619                 boolean changed = vthread.compareAndSetOnWaitingList(true, false);
1620                 assert changed;
1621                 vthread.unblock();
1623                 vthread = nextThread;
1624             }
1625         }
1626     }
1628     /**
1629      * Retrieves the list of virtual threads that are waiting to be unblocked, waiting
1630      * if necessary until a list of one or more threads becomes available.
1631      */
1632     private static native VirtualThread takeVirtualThreadListToUnblock();
1634     static {
1635         var unblocker = InnocuousThread.newThread("VirtualThread-unblocker",
1636                 VirtualThread::unblockVirtualThreads);
1637         unblocker.setDaemon(true);
1638         unblocker.start();
1639     }
1640 }