< prev index next > src/java.base/share/classes/java/util/concurrent/StructuredTaskScope.java
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import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.lang.invoke.VarHandle;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
import java.time.Duration;
! import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.Objects;
- import java.util.Optional;
- import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import jdk.internal.javac.PreviewFeature;
import jdk.internal.misc.ThreadFlock;
import jdk.internal.invoke.MhUtil;
! * A basic API for <em>structured concurrency</em>. {@code StructuredTaskScope} supports
! * cases where a task splits into several concurrent subtasks, and where the subtasks must
* complete before the main task continues. A {@code StructuredTaskScope} can be used to
* ensure that the lifetime of a concurrent operation is confined by a <em>syntax block</em>,
* just like that of a sequential operation in structured programming.
! * <h2>Basic operation</h2>
! * A {@code StructuredTaskScope} is created with one of its public constructors. It defines
! * the {@link #fork(Callable) fork} method to start a thread to execute a subtask, the {@link
! * #join() join} method to wait for all subtasks to finish, and the {@link #close() close}
! * method to close the task scope. The API is intended to be used with the {@code
! * try-with-resources} statement. The intention is that code in the try <em>block</em>
! * uses the {@code fork} method to fork threads to execute the subtasks, wait for the
- * subtasks to finish with the {@code join} method, and then <em>process the results</em>.
- * A call to the {@code fork} method returns a {@link Subtask Subtask} to representing
- * the <em>forked subtask</em>. Once {@code join} is called, the {@code Subtask} can be
- * used to get the result completed successfully, or the exception if the subtask failed.
* {@snippet lang=java :
! * Callable<String> task1 = ...
! * Callable<Integer> task2 = ...
! * try (var scope = new StructuredTaskScope<Object>()) {
! * Subtask<String> subtask1 = scope.fork(task1); // @highlight substring="fork"
! * Subtask<Integer> subtask2 = scope.fork(task2); // @highlight substring="fork"
! * scope.join(); // @highlight substring="join"
! * ... process results/exceptions ...
! *
- * } // close // @highlight substring="close"
* }
- * <p> The following example forks a collection of homogeneous subtasks, waits for all of
- * them to complete with the {@code join} method, and uses the {@link Subtask.State
- * Subtask.State} to partition the subtasks into a set of the subtasks that completed
- * successfully and another for the subtasks that failed.
- * {@snippet lang=java :
- * List<Callable<String>> callables = ...
! * try (var scope = new StructuredTaskScope<String>()) {
! * List<Subtask<String>> subtasks = callables.stream().map(scope::fork).toList();
! * scope.join();
! * Map<Boolean, Set<Subtask<String>>> map = subtasks.stream()
! * .collect(Collectors.partitioningBy(h -> h.state() == Subtask.State.SUCCESS,
! * Collectors.toSet()));
! * } // close
! * }
! * <p> To ensure correct usage, the {@code join} and {@code close} methods may only be
! * invoked by the <em>owner</em> (the thread that opened/created the task scope), and the
- * {@code close} method throws an exception after closing if the owner did not invoke the
- * {@code join} method after forking.
! * <p> {@code StructuredTaskScope} defines the {@link #shutdown() shutdown} method to shut
! * down a task scope without closing it. The {@code shutdown()} method <em>cancels</em> all
! * unfinished subtasks by {@linkplain Thread#interrupt() interrupting} the threads. It
! * prevents new threads from starting in the task scope. If the owner is waiting in the
! * {@code join} method then it will wakeup.
! * <p> Shutdown is used for <em>short-circuiting</em> and allow subclasses to implement
! * <em>policy</em> that does not require all subtasks to finish.
! * <h2>Subclasses with policies for common cases</h2>
! * Two subclasses of {@code StructuredTaskScope} are defined to implement policy for
! * common cases:
! * <ol>
! * <li> {@link ShutdownOnSuccess ShutdownOnSuccess} captures the result of the first
! * subtask to complete successfully. Once captured, it shuts down the task scope to
! * interrupt unfinished threads and wakeup the owner. This class is intended for cases
! * where the result of any subtask will do ("invoke any") and where there is no need to
! * wait for results of other unfinished subtasks. It defines methods to get the first
! * result or throw an exception if all subtasks fail.
- * <li> {@link ShutdownOnFailure ShutdownOnFailure} captures the exception of the first
- * subtask to fail. Once captured, it shuts down the task scope to interrupt unfinished
- * threads and wakeup the owner. This class is intended for cases where the results of all
- * subtasks are required ("invoke all"); if any subtask fails then the results of other
- * unfinished subtasks are no longer needed. If defines methods to throw an exception if
- * any of the subtasks fail.
- * </ol>
! * <p> The following are two examples that use the two classes. In both cases, a pair of
! * subtasks are forked to fetch resources from two URL locations "left" and "right". The
! * first example creates a ShutdownOnSuccess object to capture the result of the first
! * subtask to complete successfully, cancelling the other by way of shutting down the task
- * scope. The main task waits in {@code join} until either subtask completes with a result
- * or both subtasks fail. It invokes {@link ShutdownOnSuccess#result(Function)
- * result(Function)} method to get the captured result. If both subtasks fail then this
- * method throws a {@code WebApplicationException} with the exception from one of the
- * subtasks as the cause.
* {@snippet lang=java :
! * try (var scope = new StructuredTaskScope.ShutdownOnSuccess<String>()) {
! * scope.fork(() -> fetch(left));
- * scope.fork(() -> fetch(right));
! * scope.join();
! * // @link regex="result(?=\()" target="ShutdownOnSuccess#result" :
! * String result = scope.result(e -> new WebApplicationException(e));
! * ...
- * }
* }
! * The second example creates a ShutdownOnFailure object to capture the exception of the
! * first subtask to fail, cancelling the other by way of shutting down the task scope. The
! * main task waits in {@link #joinUntil(Instant)} until both subtasks complete with a
- * result, either fails, or a deadline is reached. It invokes {@link
- * ShutdownOnFailure#throwIfFailed(Function) throwIfFailed(Function)} to throw an exception
- * if either subtask fails. This method is a no-op if both subtasks complete successfully.
- * The example uses {@link Supplier#get()} to get the result of each subtask. Using
- * {@code Supplier} instead of {@code Subtask} is preferred for common cases where the
- * object returned by fork is only used to get the result of a subtask that completed
- * successfully.
- * {@snippet lang=java :
- * Instant deadline = ...
! * try (var scope = new StructuredTaskScope.ShutdownOnFailure()) {
! * Supplier<String> supplier1 = scope.fork(() -> query(left));
- * Supplier<String> supplier2 = scope.fork(() -> query(right));
! * scope.joinUntil(deadline);
! * // @link substring="throwIfFailed" target="ShutdownOnFailure#throwIfFailed" :
! * scope.throwIfFailed(e -> new WebApplicationException(e));
! * // both subtasks completed successfully
! * String result = Stream.of(supplier1, supplier2)
! * .map(Supplier::get)
! * .collect(Collectors.joining(", ", "{ ", " }"));
! * ...
! * }
! * }
! * <h2>Extending StructuredTaskScope</h2>
! * {@code StructuredTaskScope} can be extended, and the {@link #handleComplete(Subtask)
- * handleComplete} method overridden, to implement policies other than those implemented
- * by {@code ShutdownOnSuccess} and {@code ShutdownOnFailure}. A subclass may, for example,
- * collect the results of subtasks that complete successfully and ignore subtasks that
- * fail. It may collect exceptions when subtasks fail. It may invoke the {@link #shutdown()
- * shutdown} method to shut down and cause {@link #join() join} to wakeup when some
- * condition arises.
! * <p> A subclass will typically define methods to make available results, state, or other
! * outcome to code that executes after the {@code join} method. A subclass that collects
- * results and ignores subtasks that fail may define a method that returns the results.
- * A subclass that implements a policy to shut down when a subtask fails may define a
- * method to get the exception of the first subtask to fail.
! * <p> The following is an example of a simple {@code StructuredTaskScope} implementation
! * that collects homogenous subtasks that complete successfully. It defines the method
! * "{@code completedSuccessfully()}" that the main task can invoke after it joins.
* {@snippet lang=java :
! * class CollectingScope<T> extends StructuredTaskScope<T> {
- * private final Queue<Subtask<? extends T>> subtasks = new LinkedTransferQueue<>();
! * @Override
! * protected void handleComplete(Subtask<? extends T> subtask) {
! * if (subtask.state() == Subtask.State.SUCCESS) {
! * subtasks.add(subtask);
- * }
- * }
! * @Override
! * public CollectingScope<T> join() throws InterruptedException {
- * super.join();
- * return this;
- * }
! * public Stream<Subtask<? extends T>> completedSuccessfully() {
! * // @link substring="ensureOwnerAndJoined" target="ensureOwnerAndJoined" :
! * super.ensureOwnerAndJoined();
! * return subtasks.stream();
! * }
- * }
* }
- * <p> The implementations of the {@code completedSuccessfully()} method in the example
- * invokes {@link #ensureOwnerAndJoined()} to ensure that the method can only be invoked
- * by the owner thread and only after it has joined.
! * <h2><a id="TreeStructure">Tree structure</a></h2>
! * Task scopes form a tree where parent-child relations are established implicitly when
! * opening a new task scope:
! * <ul>
! * <li> A parent-child relation is established when a thread started in a task scope
! * opens its own task scope. A thread started in task scope "A" that opens task scope
! * "B" establishes a parent-child relation where task scope "A" is the parent of task
! * scope "B".
! * <li> A parent-child relation is established with nesting. If a thread opens task
! * scope "B", then opens task scope "C" (before it closes "B"), then the enclosing task
! * scope "B" is the parent of the nested task scope "C".
! * </ul>
! * The <i>descendants</i> of a task scope are the child task scopes that it is a parent
! * of, plus the descendants of the child task scopes, recursively.
! * <p> The tree structure supports:
! * <ul>
- * <li> Inheritance of {@linkplain ScopedValue scoped values} across threads.
- * <li> Confinement checks. The phrase "threads contained in the task scope" in method
- * descriptions means threads started in the task scope or descendant scopes.
- * </ul>
! * <p> The following example demonstrates the inheritance of a scoped value. A scoped
! * value {@code USERNAME} is bound to the value "{@code duke}". A {@code StructuredTaskScope}
! * is created and its {@code fork} method invoked to start a thread to execute {@code
! * childTask}. The thread inherits the scoped value <em>bindings</em> captured when
! * creating the task scope. The code in {@code childTask} uses the value of the scoped
! * value and so reads the value "{@code duke}".
* {@snippet lang=java :
* private static final ScopedValue<String> USERNAME = ScopedValue.newInstance();
! * // @link substring="runWhere" target="ScopedValue#runWhere(ScopedValue, Object, Runnable)" :
! * ScopedValue.runWhere(USERNAME, "duke", () -> {
- * try (var scope = new StructuredTaskScope<String>()) {
! * scope.fork(() -> childTask()); // @highlight substring="fork"
- * ...
- * }
- * });
! * ...
! * String childTask() {
! * // @link substring="get" target="ScopedValue#get()" :
! * String name = USERNAME.get(); // "duke"
! * ...
! * }
* }
! * <p> {@code StructuredTaskScope} does not define APIs that exposes the tree structure
! * at this time.
! * <p> Unless otherwise specified, passing a {@code null} argument to a constructor
! * or method in this class will cause a {@link NullPointerException} to be thrown.
* <h2>Memory consistency effects</h2>
! * <p> Actions in the owner thread of, or a thread contained in, the task scope prior to
* {@linkplain #fork forking} of a subtask
* <a href="{@docRoot}/java.base/java/util/concurrent/package-summary.html#MemoryVisibility">
! * <i>happen-before</i></a> any actions taken by that subtask, which in turn <i>happen-before</i>
! * the subtask result is {@linkplain Subtask#get() retrieved} or <i>happen-before</i> any
- * actions taken in a thread after {@linkplain #join() joining} of the task scope.
! * @jls 17.4.5 Happens-before Order
* @param <T> the result type of tasks executed in the task scope
* @since 21
@PreviewFeature(feature = PreviewFeature.Feature.STRUCTURED_CONCURRENCY)
! public class StructuredTaskScope<T> implements AutoCloseable {
! private final ThreadFactory factory;
private final ThreadFlock flock;
- private final ReentrantLock shutdownLock = new ReentrantLock();
! // states: OPEN -> SHUTDOWN -> CLOSED
! private static final int OPEN = 0; // initial state
! private static final int SHUTDOWN = 1;
! private static final int CLOSED = 2;
! // state: set to SHUTDOWN by any thread, set to CLOSED by owner, read by any thread
! private volatile int state;
! // Counters to support checking that the task scope owner joins before processing
! // results and attempts join before closing the task scope. These counters are
! // accessed only by the owner thread.
! private int forkRound; // incremented when the first subtask is forked after join
- private int lastJoinAttempted; // set to the current fork round when join is attempted
- private int lastJoinCompleted; // set to the current fork round when join completes
! * Represents a subtask forked with {@link #fork(Callable)}.
* @param <T> the result type
* @since 21
@PreviewFeature(feature = PreviewFeature.Feature.STRUCTURED_CONCURRENCY)
public sealed interface Subtask<T> extends Supplier<T> permits SubtaskImpl {
- /**
- * {@return the value returning task provided to the {@code fork} method}
- *
- * @apiNote Task objects with unique identity may be used for correlation by
- * implementations of {@link #handleComplete(Subtask) handleComplete}.
- */
- Callable<? extends T> task();
* Represents the state of a subtask.
* @see Subtask#state()
* @since 21
@PreviewFeature(feature = PreviewFeature.Feature.STRUCTURED_CONCURRENCY)
enum State {
* The subtask result or exception is not available. This state indicates that
! * the subtask was forked but has not completed, it completed after the task
! * scope was {@linkplain #shutdown() shut down}, or it was forked after the
! * task scope was shut down.
! * The subtask completed successfully with a result. The {@link Subtask#get()
! * Subtask.get()} method can be used to obtain the result. This is a terminal
- * state.
* The subtask failed with an exception. The {@link Subtask#exception()
! * Subtask.exception()} method can be used to obtain the exception. This is a
* terminal state.
! * {@return the state of the subtask}
State state();
! * Returns the result of the subtask.
! * <p> To ensure correct usage, if the scope owner {@linkplain #fork(Callable) forks}
! * a subtask, then it must join (with {@link #join() join} or {@link #joinUntil(Instant)
! * joinUntil}) before it can obtain the result of the subtask.
* @return the possibly-null result
* @throws IllegalStateException if the subtask has not completed, did not complete
! * successfully, or the current thread is the task scope owner and did not join
! * after forking
* @see State#SUCCESS
T get();
! * {@return the exception thrown by the subtask}
! * <p> To ensure correct usage, if the scope owner {@linkplain #fork(Callable) forks}
! * a subtask, then it must join (with {@link #join() join} or {@link #joinUntil(Instant)
! * joinUntil}) before it can obtain the exception thrown by the subtask.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the subtask has not completed, completed with
! * a result, or the current thread is the task scope owner and did not join after
! * forking
* @see State#FAILED
Throwable exception();
! * Creates a structured task scope with the given name and thread factory. The task
! * scope is optionally named for the purposes of monitoring and management. The thread
! * factory is used to {@link ThreadFactory#newThread(Runnable) create} threads when
! * subtasks are {@linkplain #fork(Callable) forked}. The task scope is owned by the
! * current thread.
! * <p> Construction captures the current thread's {@linkplain ScopedValue scoped value}
! * bindings for inheritance by threads started in the task scope. The
! * <a href="#TreeStructure">Tree Structure</a> section in the class description details
! * how parent-child relations are established implicitly for the purpose of inheritance
! * of scoped value bindings.
! * @param name the name of the task scope, can be null
! * @param factory the thread factory
! @SuppressWarnings("this-escape")
! public StructuredTaskScope(String name, ThreadFactory factory) {
! this.factory = Objects.requireNonNull(factory, "'factory' is null");
! if (name == null)
! name = Objects.toIdentityString(this);
! this.flock = ThreadFlock.open(name);
! * Creates an unnamed structured task scope that creates virtual threads. The task
! * scope is owned by the current thread.
! * @implSpec This constructor is equivalent to invoking the 2-arg constructor with a
- * name of {@code null} and a thread factory that creates virtual threads.
! public StructuredTaskScope() {
! this(null, Thread.ofVirtual().factory());
! }
! private IllegalStateException newIllegalStateExceptionScopeClosed() {
! return new IllegalStateException("Task scope is closed");
! }
! private IllegalStateException newIllegalStateExceptionNoJoin() {
! return new IllegalStateException("Owner did not join after forking subtasks");
! * Throws IllegalStateException if the scope is closed, returning the state if not
! * closed.
! private int ensureOpen() {
! int s = state;
! if (s == CLOSED)
! throw newIllegalStateExceptionScopeClosed();
- return s;
- }
! /**
! * Throws WrongThreadException if the current thread is not the owner.
! */
! private void ensureOwner() {
! if (Thread.currentThread() != flock.owner())
! throw new WrongThreadException("Current thread not owner");
! * Throws WrongThreadException if the current thread is not the owner
! * or a thread contained in the tree.
! private void ensureOwnerOrContainsThread() {
! Thread currentThread = Thread.currentThread();
! if (currentThread != flock.owner() && !flock.containsThread(currentThread))
! throw new WrongThreadException("Current thread not owner or thread in the tree");
! * Throws IllegalStateException if the current thread is the owner, and the owner did
! * not join after forking a subtask in the given fork round.
! private void ensureJoinedIfOwner(int round) {
! if (Thread.currentThread() == flock.owner() && (round > lastJoinCompleted)) {
! throw newIllegalStateExceptionNoJoin();
! * Ensures that the current thread is the owner of this task scope and that it joined
! * (with {@link #join()} or {@link #joinUntil(Instant)}) after {@linkplain #fork(Callable)
! * forking} subtasks.
! * @apiNote This method can be used by subclasses that define methods to make available
! * results, state, or other outcome to code intended to execute after the join method.
! * @throws WrongThreadException if the current thread is not the task scope owner
! * @throws IllegalStateException if the task scope is open and task scope owner did
! * not join after forking
! protected final void ensureOwnerAndJoined() {
! ensureOwner();
- if (forkRound > lastJoinCompleted) {
- throw newIllegalStateExceptionNoJoin();
- }
! * Invoked by a subtask when it completes successfully or fails in this task scope.
! * This method is not invoked if a subtask completes after the task scope is
! * {@linkplain #shutdown() shut down}.
! * @implSpec The default implementation throws {@code NullPointerException} if the
! * subtask is {@code null}. It throws {@link IllegalArgumentException} if the subtask
! * has not completed.
! * @apiNote The {@code handleComplete} method should be thread safe. It may be
! * invoked by several threads concurrently.
! * @param subtask the subtask
! * @throws IllegalArgumentException if called with a subtask that has not completed
! protected void handleComplete(Subtask<? extends T> subtask) {
! if (subtask.state() == Subtask.State.UNAVAILABLE)
- throw new IllegalArgumentException();
* Starts a new thread in this task scope to execute a value-returning task, thus
! * creating a <em>subtask</em> of this task scope.
! *
! * <p> The value-returning task is provided to this method as a {@link Callable}, the
- * thread executes the task's {@link Callable#call() call} method. The thread is
- * created with the task scope's {@link ThreadFactory}. It inherits the current thread's
- * {@linkplain ScopedValue scoped value} bindings. The bindings must match the bindings
- * captured when the task scope was created.
- *
- * <p> This method returns a {@link Subtask Subtask} to represent the <em>forked
- * subtask</em>. The {@code Subtask} object can be used to obtain the result when
- * the subtask completes successfully, or the exception when the subtask fails. To
- * ensure correct usage, the {@link Subtask#get() get()} and {@link Subtask#exception()
- * exception()} methods may only be called by the task scope owner after it has waited
- * for all threads to finish with the {@link #join() join} or {@link #joinUntil(Instant)}
- * methods. When the subtask completes, the thread invokes the {@link
- * #handleComplete(Subtask) handleComplete} method to consume the completed subtask.
- * If the task scope is {@linkplain #shutdown() shut down} before the subtask completes
- * then the {@code handleComplete} method will not be invoked.
! * <p> If this task scope is {@linkplain #shutdown() shutdown} (or in the process of
! * shutting down) then the subtask will not run and the {@code handleComplete} method
! * will not be invoked.
! * <p> This method may only be invoked by the task scope owner or threads contained
! * in the task scope.
! * @implSpec This method may be overridden for customization purposes, wrapping tasks
- * for example. If overridden, the subclass must invoke {@code super.fork} to start a
- * new thread in this task scope.
* @param task the value-returning task for the thread to execute
* @param <U> the result type
* @return the subtask
! * @throws IllegalStateException if this task scope is closed
! * @throws WrongThreadException if the current thread is not the task scope owner or a
! * thread contained in the task scope
* @throws StructureViolationException if the current scoped value bindings are not
* the same as when the task scope was created
* @throws RejectedExecutionException if the thread factory rejected creating a
* thread to run the subtask
public <U extends T> Subtask<U> fork(Callable<? extends U> task) {
! Objects.requireNonNull(task, "'task' is null");
! int s = ensureOpen(); // throws ISE if closed
! // when forked by the owner, the subtask is forked in the current or next round
! int round = -1;
! if (Thread.currentThread() == flock.owner()) {
! round = forkRound;
! if (forkRound == lastJoinCompleted) {
! // new round if first fork after join
- round++;
- }
! SubtaskImpl<U> subtask = new SubtaskImpl<>(this, task, round);
- if (s < SHUTDOWN) {
// create thread to run task
! Thread thread = factory.newThread(subtask);
if (thread == null) {
throw new RejectedExecutionException("Rejected by thread factory");
// attempt to start the thread
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles;
import java.lang.invoke.VarHandle;
import java.security.AccessController;
import java.security.PrivilegedAction;
import java.time.Duration;
! import java.util.ArrayList;
+ import java.util.List;
+ import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.function.Function;
+ import java.util.function.Predicate;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
+ import java.util.stream.Stream;
import jdk.internal.javac.PreviewFeature;
+ import jdk.internal.misc.InnocuousThread;
import jdk.internal.misc.ThreadFlock;
import jdk.internal.invoke.MhUtil;
! * An API for <em>structured concurrency</em>. {@code StructuredTaskScope} supports cases
! * where a main task splits into several concurrent subtasks, and where the subtasks must
* complete before the main task continues. A {@code StructuredTaskScope} can be used to
* ensure that the lifetime of a concurrent operation is confined by a <em>syntax block</em>,
* just like that of a sequential operation in structured programming.
! * <p> {@code StructuredTaskScope} defines the static method {@link #open() open} to open
+ * a new {@code StructuredTaskScope} and the {@link #close() close} method to close it.
+ * The API is designed to be used with the {@code try-with-resources} statement where
+ * the {@code StructuredTaskScope} is opened as a resource and then closed automatically.
+ * The code in the block uses the {@link #fork(Callable) fork} method to fork subtasks.
+ * After forking, it uses the {@link #join() join} method to wait for all subtasks to
+ * finish (or some other outcome) as a single operation. Forking a subtask starts a new
+ * {@link Thread} to run the subtask. The thread executing the main task does not continue
+ * beyond the {@code close} method until all threads started to execute subtasks have finished.
+ * To ensure correct usage, the {@code fork}, {@code join} and {@code close} methods may
+ * only be invoked by the <em>owner thread</em> (the thread that opened the {@code
+ * StructuredTaskScope}), the {@code fork} method may not be called after {@code join},
+ * the {@code join} method may only be invoked once, and the {@code close} method throws
+ * an exception after closing if the owner did not invoke the {@code join} method after
+ * forking subtasks.
! * <p> As a first example, consider a main task that splits into two subtasks to concurrently
! * fetch resources from two URL locations "left" and "right". Both subtasks may complete
! * successfully, one subtask may succeed and the other may fail, or both subtasks may
! * fail. The main task in this example is interested in the successful result from both
! * subtasks. It waits in the {@link #join() join} method for both subtasks to complete
! * successfully or for either subtask to fail.
* {@snippet lang=java :
! * // @link substring="open" target="#open()" :
! * try (var scope = StructuredTaskScope.open()) {
! * // @link substring="fork" target="#fork(Callable)" :
+ * Subtask<String> subtask1 = scope.fork(() -> query(left));
+ * Subtask<Integer> subtask2 = scope.fork(() -> query(right));
! * // throws if either subtask fails
! * scope.join(); // @link substring="join" target="#join()"
! * // both subtasks completed successfully
+ * // @link substring="get" target="Subtask#get()" :
+ * return new MyResult(subtask1.get(), subtask2.get());
! * // @link substring="close" target="#close()" :
! * } // close
* }
! * <p> If both subtasks complete successfully then the {@code join} method completes
+ * normally and the main task uses the {@link Subtask#get() Subtask.get()} method to get
+ * the result of each subtask. If one of the subtasks fails then the other subtask is
+ * cancelled (this will interrupt the thread executing the other subtask) and the {@code
+ * join} method throws {@link FailedException} with the exception from the failed subtask
+ * as the {@linkplain Throwable#getCause() cause}.
! * <p> In the example, the subtasks produce results of different types ({@code String} and
+ * {@code Integer}). In other cases the subtasks may all produce results of the same type.
+ * If the example had used {@code StructuredTaskScope.<String>open()} then it could
+ * only be used to fork subtasks that return a {@code String} result.
! * <h2>Joiners</h2>
! * <p> In the example above, the main task fails if any subtask fails. If all subtasks
! * succeed then the {@code join} method completes normally. Other policy and outcome is
! * supported by creating a {@code StructuredTaskScope} with a {@link Joiner} that
+ * implements the desired policy. A {@code Joiner} handles subtask completion and produces
+ * the outcome for the {@link #join() join} method. In the example above, {@code join}
+ * returns {@code null}. Depending on the {@code Joiner}, {@code join} may return a
+ * result, a stream of elements, or some other object. The {@code Joiner} interface defines
+ * factory methods to create {@code Joiner}s for some common cases.
! * <p> A {@code Joiner} may <a id="CancelExecution"><em>cancel execution</em></a> (sometimes
! * called "short-circuiting") when some condition is reached that does not require the
+ * result of subtasks that are still executing. Cancelling execution prevents new threads
+ * from being started to execute further subtasks, {@linkplain Thread#interrupt() interrupts}
+ * the threads executing subtasks that have not completed, and causes the {@code join}
+ * method to wakeup with the outcome (result or exception). In the above example, the
+ * outcome is that {@code join} completes with a result of {@code null} when all subtasks
+ * succeed. It cancels execution if any of the subtasks fail, throwing the exception from
+ * the first subtask that fails. Other {@code Joiner} implementations may return an object
+ * instead of {@code null} and may cancel execution or throw based on some other policy.
+ *
+ * <p> To allow for cancelling execution, subtasks must be coded so that they
+ * finish as soon as possible when interrupted. Subtasks that do not respond to interrupt,
+ * e.g. block on methods that are not interruptible, may delay the closing of a task scope
+ * indefinitely. The {@link #close() close} method always waits for threads executing
+ * subtasks to finish, even if execution is cancelled, so execution cannot continue beyond
+ * the {@code close} method until the interrupted threads finish.
+ *
+ * <p> Now consider another example that also splits into two subtasks. In this example,
+ * each subtask produces a {@code String} result and the main task is only interested in
+ * the result from the first subtask to complete successfully. The example uses {@link
+ * Joiner#anySuccessfulResultOrThrow() Joiner.anySuccessfulResultOrThrow()} to
+ * create a {@code Joiner} that makes available the result of the first subtask to
+ * complete successfully. The type parameter in the example is "{@code String}" so that
+ * only subtasks that return a {@code String} can be forked.
+ * {@snippet lang=java :
+ * // @link substring="open" target="#open(Policy)" :
+ * try (var scope = StructuredTaskScope.open(Joiner.<String>anySuccessfulResultOrThrow())) {
+ *
+ * scope.fork(callable1);
+ * scope.fork(callable2);
! * // throws if both subtasks fail
! * String firstResult = scope.join();
! * }
! * }
! *
! * <p> In the example, the main task forks the two subtasks, then waits in the {@code
! * join} method for either subtask to complete successfully or for both subtasks to fail.
+ * If one of the subtasks completes successfully then the {@code Joiner} causes the other
+ * subtask to be cancelled (this will interrupt the thread executing the subtask), and
+ * the {@code join} method returns the result from the successful subtask. Cancelling the
+ * other subtask avoids the main task waiting for a result that it doesn't care about. If
+ * both subtasks fail then the {@code join} method throws {@link FailedException} with the
+ * exception from one of the subtasks as the {@linkplain Throwable#getCause() cause}.
! * <p> Whether code uses the {@code Subtask} returned from {@code fork} will depend on
! * the {@code Joiner} and usage. Some {@code Joiner} implementations are suited to subtasks
+ * that return results of the same type and where the {@code join} method returns a result
+ * for the main task to use. Code that forks subtasks that return results of different
+ * types, and uses a {@code Joiner} such as {@code Joiner.awaitAllSuccessfulOrThrow()} that
+ * does not return a result, will use {@link Subtask#get() Subtask.get()} after joining.
! * <h2>Exception handling</h2>
! * <p> A {@code StructuredTaskScope} is opened with a {@link Joiner Joiner} that
! * handles subtask completion and produces the outcome for the {@link #join() join} method.
! * In some cases, the outcome will be a result, in other cases it will be an exception.
! * If the outcome is an exception then the {@code join} method throws {@link
! * FailedException} with the exception as the {@linkplain Throwable#getCause()
! * cause}. For many {@code Joiner} implementations, the exception will be an exception
! * thrown by a subtask that failed. In the case of {@link Joiner#allSuccessfulOrThrow()
! * allSuccessfulOrThrow} and {@link Joiner#awaitAllSuccessfulOrThrow() awaitAllSuccessfulOrThrow}
! * for example, the exception is from the first subtask to fail.
! * <p> Many of the details for how exceptions are handled will depend on usage. In some
! * cases it may be useful to add a {@code catch} block to catch {@code FailedException}.
! * The exception handling may use {@code instanceof} with pattern matching to handle
! * specific causes.
* {@snippet lang=java :
! * try (var scope = StructuredTaskScope.open()) {
! * ..
! * } catch (StructuredTaskScope.FailedException e) {
! * Throwable cause = e.getCause();
! * switch (cause) {
+ * case IOException ioe -> ..
+ * default -> ..
+ * }
! * }
* }
! * In other cases it may not be useful to catch {@code FailedException} but instead leave
! * it to propagate to the configured {@linkplain Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler uncaught
! * exception handler} for logging purposes.
! * <p> For cases where a specific exception triggers the use of a default result then it
+ * may be more appropriate to handle this in the subtask itself rather than the subtask
+ * failing and code in the main task handling the exception.
! * <h2>Configuration</h2>
! * A {@code StructuredTaskScope} is opened with {@linkplain Config configuration} that
+ * consists of a {@link ThreadFactory} to create threads, an optional name for monitoring
+ * and management purposes, and an optional timeout.
! * <p> The {@link #open()} and {@link #open(Joiner)} methods create a {@code StructuredTaskScope}
! * with the <a id="DefaultConfiguration"> <em>default configuration</em></a>. The default
+ * configuration has a {@code ThreadFactory} that creates unnamed
+ * <a href="{@docRoot}/java.base/java/lang/Thread.html#virtual-threads">virtual threads</a>,
+ * is unnamed for monitoring and management purposes, and has no timeout.
! * <p> The 2-arg {@link #open(Joiner, Function) open} method can be used to create a
! * {@code StructuredTaskScope} that uses a different {@code ThreadFactory}, has a name for
! * the purposes of monitoring and management, or has a timeout that cancels execution if
! * the timeout expires before or while waiting for subtasks to complete. The {@code open}
+ * method is called with a {@linkplain Function function} that is applied to the default
+ * configuration and returns a {@link Config Config} for the {@code StructuredTaskScope}
+ * under construction.
! * <p> The following example opens a new {@code StructuredTaskScope} with a {@code
! * ThreadFactory} that creates virtual threads {@linkplain Thread#setName(String) named}
! * "duke-0", "duke-1" ...
+ * {@snippet lang = java:
+ * // @link substring="name" target="Thread.Builder#name(String, long)" :
+ * ThreadFactory factory = Thread.ofVirtual().name("duke-", 0).factory();
+ *
+ * // @link substring="withThreadFactory" target="Config#withThreadFactory(ThreadFactory)" :
+ * try (var scope = StructuredTaskScope.open(joiner, cf -> cf.withThreadFactory(factory))) {
! * scope.fork( .. ); // runs in a virtual thread with name "duke-0"
+ * scope.fork( .. ); // runs in a virtual thread with name "duke-1"
! * scope.join();
! * }
! *}
! * <p> A second example sets a timeout, represented by a {@link Duration}. The timeout
! * starts when the new task scope is opened. If the timeout expires before the {@code join}
! * method has completed then <a href="#CancelExecution">execution is cancelled</a>. This
+ * interrupts the threads executing the two subtasks and causes the {@link #join() join}
+ * method to throw {@link TimeoutException}.
* {@snippet lang=java :
! * Duration timeout = Duration.ofSeconds(10);
! * // @link substring="allSuccessfulOrThrow" target="Joiner#allSuccessfulOrThrow()" :
! * try (var scope = StructuredTaskScope.open(Joiner.<String>allSuccessfulOrThrow(),
! * // @link substring="withTimeout" target="Config#withTimeout(Duration)" :
! * cf -> cf.withTimeout(timeout))) {
! * scope.fork(callable1);
! * scope.fork(callable2);
! * List<String> result = scope.join()
! * .map(Subtask::get)
! * .toList();
! *
! * }
* }
! * <h2>Inheritance of scoped value bindings</h2>
+ *
+ * {@link ScopedValue} supports the execution of a method with a {@code ScopedValue} bound
+ * to a value for the bounded period of execution of the method by the <em>current thread</em>.
+ * It allows a value to be safely and efficiently shared to methods without using method
+ * parameters.
! * <p> When used in conjunction with a {@code StructuredTaskScope}, a {@code ScopedValue}
! * can also safely and efficiently share a value to methods executed by subtasks forked
! * in the task scope. When a {@code ScopedValue} object is bound to a value in the thread
! * executing the main task then that binding is inherited by the threads created to
! * execute the subtasks. The thread executing the main task does not continue beyond the
! * {@link #close() close} method until all threads executing the subtasks have finished.
! * This ensures that the {@code ScopedValue} is not reverted to being {@linkplain
! * ScopedValue#isBound() unbound} (or its previous value) while subtasks are executing.
! * In addition to providing a safe and efficient means to inherit a value into subtasks,
! * the inheritance allows sequential code using {@code ScopedValue} be refactored to use
! * structured concurrency.
! * <p> To ensure correctness, opening a new {@code StructuredTaskScope} captures the
! * current thread's scoped value bindings. These are the scoped values bindings that are
+ * inherited by the threads created to execute subtasks in the task scope. Forking a
+ * subtask checks that the bindings in effect at the time that the subtask is forked
+ * match the bindings when the {@code StructuredTaskScope} was created. This check ensures
+ * that a subtask does not inherit a binding that is reverted in the main task before the
+ * subtask has completed.
! * <p> A {@code ScopedValue} that is shared across threads requires that the value be an
! * immutable object or for all access to the value to be appropriately synchronized.
! * <p> The following example demonstrates the inheritance of scoped value bindings. The
! * scoped value USERNAME is bound to the value "duke" for the bounded period of a lambda
! * expression by the thread executing it. The code in the block opens a {@code
! * StructuredTaskScope} and forks two subtasks, it then waits in the {@code join} method
! * and aggregates the results from both subtasks. If code executed by the threads
! * running subtask1 and subtask2 uses {@link ScopedValue#get()}, to get the value of
+ * USERNAME, then value "duke" will be returned.
* {@snippet lang=java :
+ * // @link substring="newInstance" target="ScopedValue#newInstance()" :
* private static final ScopedValue<String> USERNAME = ScopedValue.newInstance();
! * // @link substring="callWhere" target="ScopedValue#where" :
! * MyResult result = ScopedValue.where(USERNAME, "duke").call(() -> {
! * try (var scope = StructuredTaskScope.open()) {
! * Subtask<String> subtask1 = scope.fork( .. ); // inherits binding
+ * Subtask<Integer> subtask2 = scope.fork( .. ); // inherits binding
! * scope.join();
! * return new MyResult(subtask1.get(), subtask2.get());
! * }
! *
! * });
* }
! * <p> A scoped value inherited into a subtask may be
! * <a href="{@docRoot}/java.base/java/lang/ScopedValues.html#rebind">rebound</a> to a new
+ * value in the subtask for the bounded execution of some method executed in the subtask.
+ * When the method completes, the value of the {@code ScopedValue} reverts to its previous
+ * value, the value inherited from the thread executing the main task.
! * <p> A subtask may execute code that itself opens a new {@code StructuredTaskScope}.
! * A main task executing in thread T1 opens a {@code StructuredTaskScope} and forks a
+ * subtask that runs in thread T2. The scoped value bindings captured when T1 opens the
+ * task scope are inherited into T2. The subtask (in thread T2) executes code that opens a
+ * new {@code StructuredTaskScope} and forks a subtask that runs in thread T3. The scoped
+ * value bindings captured when T2 opens the task scope are inherited into T3. These
+ * include (or may be the same) as the bindings that were inherited from T1. In effect,
+ * scoped values are inherited into a tree of subtasks, not just one level of subtask.
* <h2>Memory consistency effects</h2>
! * <p> Actions in the owner thread of a {@code StructuredTaskScope} prior to
* {@linkplain #fork forking} of a subtask
* <a href="{@docRoot}/java.base/java/util/concurrent/package-summary.html#MemoryVisibility">
! * <i>happen-before</i></a> any actions taken by that subtask, which in turn
! * <i>happen-before</i> the subtask result is {@linkplain Subtask#get() retrieved}.
! * <h2>General exceptions</h2>
+ *
+ * <p> Unless otherwise specified, passing a {@code null} argument to a method in this
+ * class will cause a {@link NullPointerException} to be thrown.
* @param <T> the result type of tasks executed in the task scope
+ * @param <R> the type of the result returned by the join method
+ *
+ * @jls 17.4.5 Happens-before Order
* @since 21
@PreviewFeature(feature = PreviewFeature.Feature.STRUCTURED_CONCURRENCY)
! public class StructuredTaskScope<T, R> implements AutoCloseable {
! private static final VarHandle CANCELLED;
+ static {
+ MethodHandles.Lookup l = MethodHandles.lookup();
+ CANCELLED = MhUtil.findVarHandle(l, "cancelled", boolean.class);
+ }
+ private final Joiner<? super T, ? extends R> joiner;
+ private final ThreadFactory threadFactory;
private final ThreadFlock flock;
! // state, only accessed by owner thread
! private static final int ST_NEW = 0;
! private static final int ST_FORKED = 1; // subtasks forked, need to join
! private static final int ST_JOIN_STARTED = 2; // join started, can no longer fork
+ private static final int ST_JOIN_COMPLETED = 3; // join completed
+ private static final int ST_CLOSED = 4; // closed
+ private int state;
+ // timer task, only accessed by owner thread
+ private Future<?> timerTask;
+ // set or read by any thread
+ private volatile boolean cancelled;
+ // set by the timer thread, read by the owner thread
+ private volatile boolean timeoutExpired;
+ /**
+ * Throws WrongThreadException if the current thread is not the owner thread.
+ */
+ private void ensureOwner() {
+ if (Thread.currentThread() != flock.owner()) {
+ throw new WrongThreadException("Current thread not owner");
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Throws IllegalStateException if already joined or task scope is closed.
+ */
+ private void ensureNotJoined() {
+ assert Thread.currentThread() == flock.owner();
+ if (state > ST_FORKED) {
+ throw new IllegalStateException("Already joined or task scope is closed");
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Throws IllegalStateException if invoked by the owner thread and the owner thread
+ * has not joined.
+ */
+ private void ensureJoinedIfOwner() {
+ if (Thread.currentThread() == flock.owner() && state <= ST_JOIN_STARTED) {
+ throw new IllegalStateException("join not called");
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Interrupts all threads in this task scope, except the current thread.
+ */
+ private void implInterruptAll() {
+ flock.threads()
+ .filter(t -> t != Thread.currentThread())
+ .forEach(t -> {
+ try {
+ t.interrupt();
+ } catch (Throwable ignore) { }
+ });
+ }
+ @SuppressWarnings("removal")
+ private void interruptAll() {
+ if (System.getSecurityManager() == null) {
+ implInterruptAll();
+ } else {
+ PrivilegedAction<Void> pa = () -> {
+ implInterruptAll();
+ return null;
+ };
+ AccessController.doPrivileged(pa);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Cancel exception if not already cancelled.
+ */
+ private void cancelExecution() {
+ if (!cancelled && CANCELLED.compareAndSet(this, false, true)) {
+ // prevent new threads from starting
+ flock.shutdown();
+ // interrupt all unfinished threads
+ interruptAll();
+ // wakeup join
+ flock.wakeup();
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Schedules a task to cancel execution on timeout.
+ */
+ private void scheduleTimeout(Duration timeout) {
+ assert Thread.currentThread() == flock.owner() && timerTask == null;
+ timerTask = TimerSupport.schedule(timeout, () -> {
+ if (!cancelled) {
+ timeoutExpired = true;
+ cancelExecution();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ /**
+ * Cancels the timer task if set.
+ */
+ private void cancelTimeout() {
+ assert Thread.currentThread() == flock.owner();
+ if (timerTask != null) {
+ timerTask.cancel(false);
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Invoked by the thread for a subtask when the subtask completes before execution
+ * was cancelled.
+ */
+ private void onComplete(SubtaskImpl<? extends T> subtask) {
+ assert subtask.state() != Subtask.State.UNAVAILABLE;
+ if (joiner.onComplete(subtask)) {
+ cancelExecution();
+ }
+ }
! /**
! * Initialize a new StructuredTaskScope.
+ */
+ @SuppressWarnings("this-escape")
+ private StructuredTaskScope(Joiner<? super T, ? extends R> joiner,
+ ThreadFactory threadFactory,
+ String name) {
+ this.joiner = joiner;
+ this.threadFactory = threadFactory;
! if (name == null)
! name = Objects.toIdentityString(this);
! this.flock = ThreadFlock.open(name);
! }
! * Represents a subtask forked with {@link #fork(Callable)} or {@link #fork(Runnable)}.
+ *
+ * <p> Code that forks subtasks can use the {@link #get() get()} method after {@linkplain
+ * #join() joining} to obtain the result of a subtask that completed successfully. It
+ * can use the {@link #exception()} method to obtain the exception thrown by a subtask
+ * that failed.
+ *
* @param <T> the result type
* @since 21
@PreviewFeature(feature = PreviewFeature.Feature.STRUCTURED_CONCURRENCY)
public sealed interface Subtask<T> extends Supplier<T> permits SubtaskImpl {
* Represents the state of a subtask.
* @see Subtask#state()
* @since 21
@PreviewFeature(feature = PreviewFeature.Feature.STRUCTURED_CONCURRENCY)
enum State {
* The subtask result or exception is not available. This state indicates that
! * the subtask was forked but has not completed, it completed after execution
! * was cancelled, or it was forked after execution was cancelled (in which
! * case a thread was not created to execute the subtask).
! * The subtask completed successfully. The {@link Subtask#get() Subtask.get()}
! * method can be used to get the result. This is a terminal state.
* The subtask failed with an exception. The {@link Subtask#exception()
! * Subtask.exception()} method can be used to get the exception. This is a
* terminal state.
! * {@return the subtask state}
State state();
! * Returns the result of this subtask if it completed successfully. If
+ * {@linkplain #fork(Callable) forked} to execute a value-returning task then the
+ * result from the {@link Callable#call() call} method is returned. If
+ * {@linkplain #fork(Runnable) forked} to execute a task that does not return a
+ * result then {@code null} is returned.
! * <p> Code executing in the scope owner thread can use this method to get the
! * result of a successful subtask only after it has {@linkplain #join() joined}.
! *
+ * <p> Code executing in the {@code Joiner} {@link Joiner#onComplete(Subtask)
+ * onComplete} method should test that the {@linkplain #state() subtask state} is
+ * {@link State#SUCCESS SUCCESS} before using this method to get the result.
* @return the possibly-null result
* @throws IllegalStateException if the subtask has not completed, did not complete
! * successfully, or the current thread is the task scope owner invoking this
! * method before {@linkplain #join() joining}
* @see State#SUCCESS
T get();
! * {@return the exception thrown by this subtask if it failed} If
+ * {@linkplain #fork(Callable) forked} to execute a value-returning task then
+ * the exception thrown by the {@link Callable#call() call} method is returned.
+ * If {@linkplain #fork(Runnable) forked} to execute a task that does not return
+ * a result then the exception thrown by the {@link Runnable#run() run} method is
+ * returned.
+ *
+ * <p> Code executing in the scope owner thread can use this method to get the
+ * exception thrown by a failed subtask only after it has {@linkplain #join() joined}.
! * <p> Code executing in a {@code Joiner} {@link Joiner#onComplete(Subtask)
! * onComplete} method should test that the {@linkplain #state() subtask state} is
! * {@link State#FAILED FAILED} before using this method to get the exception.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the subtask has not completed, completed with
! * a result, or the current thread is the task scope owner invoking this method
! * before {@linkplain #join() joining}
* @see State#FAILED
Throwable exception();
! * An object used with a {@link StructuredTaskScope} to handle subtask completion
! * and produce the result for a main task waiting in the {@link #join() join} method
! * for subtasks to complete.
! *
! * <p> Joiner defines static methods to create {@code Joiner} objects for common cases:
+ * <ul>
+ * <li> {@link #allSuccessfulOrThrow() allSuccessfulOrThrow()} creates a {@code Joiner}
+ * that yields a stream of the completed subtasks for {@code join} to return when
+ * all subtasks complete successfully. It cancels execution and causes {@code join}
+ * to throw if any subtask fails.
+ * <li> {@link #anySuccessfulResultOrThrow() anySuccessfulResultOrThrow()} creates a
+ * {@code Joiner} that yields the result of the first subtask to succeed. It cancels
+ * execution and causes {@code join} to throw if all subtasks fail.
+ * <li> {@link #awaitAllSuccessfulOrThrow() awaitAllSuccessfulOrThrow()} creates a
+ * {@code Joiner} that waits for all successful subtasks. It cancels execution and
+ * causes {@code join} to throw if any subtask fails.
+ * <li> {@link #awaitAll() awaitAll()} creates a {@code Joiner} that waits for all
+ * subtasks. It does not cancel execution or cause {@code join} to throw.
+ * </ul>
! * <p> In addition to the methods to create {@code Joiner} objects for common cases,
! * the {@link #allUntil(Predicate) allUntil(Predicate)} method is defined to create a
! * {@code Joiner} that yields a stream of all subtasks. It is created with a {@link
! * Predicate Predicate} that determines if execution should continue or be cancelled.
! * This {@code Joiner} can be built upon to create custom policies that cancel
+ * execution based on some condition.
! * <p> More advanced policies can be developed by implementing the {@code Joiner}
! * interface. The {@link #onFork(Subtask)} method is invoked when subtasks are forked.
+ * The {@link #onComplete(Subtask)} method is invoked when subtasks complete with a
+ * result or exception. These methods return a {@code boolean} to indicate if execution
+ * should be cancelled. These methods can be used to collect subtasks, results, or
+ * exceptions, and control when to cancel execution. The {@link #result()} method
+ * must be implemented to produce the result (or exception) for the {@code join}
+ * method.
+ *
+ * <p> Unless otherwise specified, passing a {@code null} argument to a method
+ * in this class will cause a {@link NullPointerException} to be thrown.
+ *
+ * @implSpec Implementations of this interface must be thread safe. The {@link
+ * #onComplete(Subtask)} method defined by this interface may be invoked by several
+ * threads concurrently.
+ *
+ * @apiNote It is very important that a new {@code Joiner} object is created for each
+ * {@code StructuredTaskScope}. {@code Joiner} objects should never be shared with
+ * different task scopes or re-used after a task is closed.
+ *
+ * <p> Designing a {@code Joiner} should take into account the code at the use-site
+ * where the results from the {@link StructuredTaskScope#join() join} method are
+ * processed. It should be clear what the {@code Joiner} does vs. the application
+ * code at the use-site. In general, the {@code Joiner} implementation is not the
+ * place to code "business logic". A {@code Joiner} should be designed to be as
+ * general purpose as possible.
+ *
+ * @param <T> the result type of tasks executed in the task scope
+ * @param <R> the type of results returned by the join method
+ * @since 24
+ * @see #open(Joiner)
! @PreviewFeature(feature = PreviewFeature.Feature.STRUCTURED_CONCURRENCY)
! @FunctionalInterface
! public interface Joiner<T, R> {
! /**
! * Invoked by {@link #fork(Callable) fork(Callable)} and {@link #fork(Runnable)
+ * fork(Runnable)} when forking a subtask. The method is invoked from the task
+ * owner thread. The method is invoked before a thread is created to run the
+ * subtask.
+ *
+ * @implSpec The default implementation throws {@code NullPointerException} if the
+ * subtask is {@code null}. It throws {@code IllegalArgumentException} if the
+ * subtask is not in the {@link Subtask.State#UNAVAILABLE UNAVAILABLE} state, it
+ * otherwise returns {@code false}.
+ *
+ * @apiNote This method is invoked by the {@code fork} methods. It should not be
+ * invoked directly.
+ *
+ * @param subtask the subtask
+ * @return {@code true} to cancel execution
+ */
+ default boolean onFork(Subtask<? extends T> subtask) {
+ if (subtask.state() != Subtask.State.UNAVAILABLE) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException();
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Invoked by the thread started to execute a subtask after the subtask completes
+ * successfully or fails with an exception. This method is not invoked if a
+ * subtask completes after execution has been cancelled.
+ *
+ * @implSpec The default implementation throws {@code NullPointerException} if the
+ * subtask is {@code null}. It throws {@code IllegalArgumentException} if the
+ * subtask is not in the {@link Subtask.State#SUCCESS SUCCESS} or {@link
+ * Subtask.State#FAILED FAILED} state, it otherwise returns {@code false}.
+ *
+ * @apiNote This method is invoked by subtasks when they complete. It should not
+ * be invoked directly.
+ *
+ * @param subtask the subtask
+ * @return {@code true} to cancel execution
+ */
+ default boolean onComplete(Subtask<? extends T> subtask) {
+ if (subtask.state() == Subtask.State.UNAVAILABLE) {
+ throw new IllegalArgumentException();
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Invoked by {@link #join()} to produce the result (or exception) after waiting
+ * for all subtasks to complete or execution to be cancelled. The result from this
+ * method is returned by the {@code join} method. If this method throws, then
+ * {@code join} throws {@link FailedException} with the exception thrown by
+ * this method as the cause.
+ *
+ * <p> In normal usage, this method will be called at most once by the {@code join}
+ * method to produce the result (or exception). The behavior of this method when
+ * invoked directly, and invoked more than once, is not specified. Where possible,
+ * an implementation should return an equal result (or throw the same exception)
+ * on second or subsequent calls to produce the outcome.
+ *
+ * @apiNote This method is invoked by the {@code join} method. It should not be
+ * invoked directly.
+ *
+ * @return the result
+ * @throws Throwable the exception
+ */
+ R result() throws Throwable;
+ /**
+ * {@return a new Joiner object that yields a stream of all subtasks when all
+ * subtasks complete successfully}
+ * This method throws, and <a href="StructuredTaskScope.html#CancelExecution">
+ * execution is cancelled</a>, if any subtask fails.
+ *
+ * <p> If all subtasks complete successfully, the joiner's {@link Joiner#result()}
+ * method returns a stream of all subtasks in the order that they were forked.
+ * If any subtask failed then the {@code result} method throws the exception from
+ * the first subtask to fail.
+ *
+ * @apiNote Joiners returned by this method are suited to cases where all subtasks
+ * return a result of the same type. Joiners returned by {@link
+ * #awaitAllSuccessfulOrThrow()} are suited to cases where the subtasks return
+ * results of different types.
+ *
+ * @param <T> the result type of subtasks
+ */
+ static <T> Joiner<T, Stream<Subtask<T>>> allSuccessfulOrThrow() {
+ return new AllSuccessful<>();
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@return a new Joiner object that yields the result of any subtask that
+ * completed successfully}
+ * This method throws, and <a href="StructuredTaskScope.html#CancelExecution">
+ * execution is cancelled</a>, if all subtasks fail.
+ *
+ * <p> The joiner's {@link Joiner#result()} method returns the result of a subtask
+ * that completed successfully. If all subtasks fail then the {@code result} method
+ * throws the exception from one of the failed subtasks. The {@code result} method
+ * throws {@code NoSuchElementException} if no subtasks were forked.
+ *
+ * @param <T> the result type of subtasks
+ */
+ static <T> Joiner<T, T> anySuccessfulResultOrThrow() {
+ return new AnySuccessful<>();
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@return a new Joiner object that waits for subtasks to complete successfully}
+ * This method throws, and <a href="StructuredTaskScope.html#CancelExecution">
+ * execution is cancelled</a>, if any subtask fails.
+ *
+ * <p> The joiner's {@link Joiner#result() result} method returns {@code null}
+ * if all subtasks complete successfully, or throws the exception from the first
+ * subtask to fail.
+ *
+ * @apiNote Joiners returned by this method are suited to cases where subtasks
+ * return results of different types. Joiners returned by {@link #allSuccessfulOrThrow()}
+ * are suited to cases where the subtasks return a result of the same type.
+ *
+ * @param <T> the result type of subtasks
+ */
+ static <T> Joiner<T, Void> awaitAllSuccessfulOrThrow() {
+ return new AwaitSuccessful<>();
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@return a new Joiner object that waits for all subtasks to complete}
+ * This method does not cancel execution if a subtask fails.
+ *
+ * <p> The joiner's {@link Joiner#result() result} method returns {@code null}.
+ *
+ * @apiNote This Joiner can be useful for cases where subtasks make use of
+ * <em>side-effects</em> rather than return results or fail with exceptions.
+ * The {@link #fork(Runnable) fork(Runnable)} method can be used to fork subtasks
+ * that do not return a result.
+ *
+ * @param <T> the result type of subtasks
+ */
+ static <T> Joiner<T, Void> awaitAll() {
+ // ensure that new Joiner object is returned
+ return new Joiner<T, Void>() {
+ @Override
+ public Void result() {
+ return null;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ /**
+ * {@return a new Joiner object that yields a stream of all subtasks when all
+ * subtasks complete or <a href="StructuredTaskScope.html#CancelExecution">
+ * execution is cancelled</a> by a predicate}
+ *
+ * <p> The joiner's {@link Joiner#onComplete(Subtask)} method invokes the
+ * predicate's {@link Predicate#test(Object) test} method with the subtask that
+ * completed successfully or failed with an exception. If the {@code test} method
+ * returns {@code true} then <a href="StructuredTaskScope.html#CancelExecution">
+ * execution is cancelled</a>. The {@code test} method must be thread safe as it
+ * may be invoked concurrently from several threads.
+ *
+ * <p> The joiner's {@link #result()} method returns the stream of all subtasks,
+ * in fork order. The stream may contain subtasks that have completed
+ * (in {@link Subtask.State#SUCCESS SUCCESS} or {@link Subtask.State#FAILED FAILED}
+ * state) or subtasks in the {@link Subtask.State#UNAVAILABLE UNAVAILABLE} state
+ * if execution was cancelled before all subtasks were forked or completed.
+ *
+ * <p> The following example uses this method to create a {@code Joiner} that
+ * <a href="StructuredTaskScope.html#CancelExecution">cancels execution</a> when
+ * two or more subtasks fail.
+ * {@snippet lang=java :
+ * class CancelAfterTwoFailures<T> implements Predicate<Subtask<? extends T>> {
+ * private final AtomicInteger failedCount = new AtomicInteger();
+ * @Override
+ * public boolean test(Subtask<? extends T> subtask) {
+ * return subtask.state() == Subtask.State.FAILED
+ * && failedCount.incrementAndGet() >= 2;
+ * }
+ * }
+ *
+ * var joiner = Joiner.all(new CancelAfterTwoFailures<String>());
+ * }
+ *
+ * @param isDone the predicate to evaluate completed subtasks
+ * @param <T> the result type of subtasks
+ */
+ static <T> Joiner<T, Stream<Subtask<T>>> allUntil(Predicate<Subtask<? extends T>> isDone) {
+ return new AllSubtasks<>(isDone);
+ }
! * Represents the configuration for a {@code StructuredTaskScope}.
! *
+ * <p> The configuration for a {@code StructuredTaskScope} consists of a {@link
+ * ThreadFactory} to create threads, an optional name for the purposes of monitoring
+ * and management, and an optional timeout.
+ *
+ * <p> Creating a {@code StructuredTaskScope} with {@link #open()} or {@link #open(Joiner)}
+ * uses the <a href="StructuredTaskScope.html#DefaultConfiguration">default
+ * configuration</a>. The default configuration consists of a thread factory that
+ * creates unnamed <a href="{@docRoot}/java.base/java/lang/Thread.html#virtual-threads">
+ * virtual threads</a>, no name for monitoring and management purposes, and no timeout.
+ *
+ * <p> Creating a {@code StructuredTaskScope} with its 2-arg {@link #open(Joiner, Function)
+ * open} method allows a different configuration to be used. The function specified
+ * to the {@code open} method is applied to the default configuration and returns the
+ * configuration for the {@code StructuredTaskScope} under construction. The function
+ * can use the {@code with-} prefixed methods defined here to specify the components
+ * of the configuration to use.
+ *
+ * <p> Unless otherwise specified, passing a {@code null} argument to a method
+ * in this class will cause a {@link NullPointerException} to be thrown.
! * @since 24
! @PreviewFeature(feature = PreviewFeature.Feature.STRUCTURED_CONCURRENCY)
! public sealed interface Config permits ConfigImpl {
! /**
+ * {@return a new {@code Config} object with the given thread factory}
+ * The other components are the same as this object. The thread factory is used by
+ * a task scope to create threads when {@linkplain #fork(Callable) forking} subtasks.
+ * @param threadFactory the thread factory
+ *
+ * @apiNote The thread factory will typically create
+ * <a href="{@docRoot}/java.base/java/lang/Thread.html#virtual-threads">virtual threads</a>,
+ * maybe with names for monitoring purposes, an {@linkplain Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler
+ * uncaught exception handler}, or other properties configured.
+ *
+ * @see #fork(Callable)
+ */
+ Config withThreadFactory(ThreadFactory threadFactory);
! /**
! * {@return a new {@code Config} object with the given name}
! * The other components are the same as this object. A task scope is optionally
+ * named for the purposes of monitoring and management.
+ * @param name the name
+ * @see StructuredTaskScope#toString()
+ */
+ Config withName(String name);
! /**
! * {@return a new {@code Config} object with the given timeout}
+ * The other components are the same as this object.
+ * @param timeout the timeout
+ *
+ * @apiNote Applications using deadlines, expressed as an {@link java.time.Instant},
+ * can use {@link Duration#between Duration.between(Instant.now(), deadline)} to
+ * compute the timeout for this method.
+ *
+ * @see #join()
+ */
+ Config withTimeout(Duration timeout);
! * Exception thrown by {@link #join()} when the outcome is an exception rather than a
! * result.
+ *
+ * @since 24
! @PreviewFeature(feature = PreviewFeature.Feature.STRUCTURED_CONCURRENCY)
! public static class FailedException extends RuntimeException {
! @java.io.Serial
! static final long serialVersionUID = -1533055100078459923L;
! /**
! * Constructs a {@code FailedException} with the specified cause.
! *
! * @param cause the cause, can be {@code null}
! */
! public FailedException(Throwable cause) {
+ super(cause);
+ }
! * Exception thrown by {@link #join()} if the task scope was created a timeout and
! * the timeout expired before or while waiting in {@code join}.
+ *
+ * @since 24
+ * @see Config#withTimeout(Duration)
! @PreviewFeature(feature = PreviewFeature.Feature.STRUCTURED_CONCURRENCY)
! public static class TimeoutException extends RuntimeException {
! @java.io.Serial
! static final long serialVersionUID = 705788143955048766L;
+ /**
+ * Constructs a {@code TimeoutException} with no detail message.
+ */
+ public TimeoutException() { }
! * Opens a new structured task scope to use the given {@code Joiner} object and with
! * configuration that is the result of applying the given function to the
+ * <a href="#DefaultConfiguration">default configuration</a>.
+ *
+ * <p> The {@code configFunction} is called with the default configuration and returns
+ * the configuration for the new structured task scope. The function may, for example,
+ * set the {@linkplain Config#withThreadFactory(ThreadFactory) ThreadFactory} or set
+ * a {@linkplain Config#withTimeout(Duration) timeout}.
+ *
+ * <p> If a {@code ThreadFactory} is set then its {@link ThreadFactory#newThread(Runnable)
+ * newThread} method will be called to create threads when {@linkplain #fork(Callable)
+ * forking} subtasks in this task scope. If a {@code ThreadFactory} is not set then
+ * forking subtasks will create an unnamed virtual thread for each subtask.
+ *
+ * <p> If a {@linkplain Config#withTimeout(Duration) timeout} is set then it starts
+ * when the task scope is opened. If the timeout expires before the task scope has
+ * {@linkplain #join() joined} then execution is cancelled and the {@code join} method
+ * throws {@link TimeoutException}.
+ *
+ * <p> The new task scope is owned by the current thread. Only code executing in this
+ * thread can {@linkplain #fork(Callable) fork}, {@linkplain #join() join}, or
+ * {@linkplain #close close} the task scope.
+ *
+ * <p> Construction captures the current thread's {@linkplain ScopedValue scoped
+ * value} bindings for inheritance by threads started in the task scope.
+ *
+ * @param joiner the joiner
+ * @param configFunction a function to produce the configuration
+ * @return a new task scope
+ * @param <T> the result type of tasks executed in the task scope
+ * @param <R> the type of the result returned by the join method
+ * @since 24
! public static <T, R> StructuredTaskScope<T, R> open(Joiner<? super T, ? extends R> joiner,
! Function<Config, Config> configFunction) {
! Objects.requireNonNull(joiner);
+ var config = (ConfigImpl) configFunction.apply(ConfigImpl.defaultConfig());
+ var scope = new StructuredTaskScope<T, R>(joiner, config.threadFactory(), config.name());
+ // schedule timeout
+ Duration timeout = config.timeout();
+ if (timeout != null) {
+ boolean scheduled = false;
+ try {
+ scope.scheduleTimeout(timeout);
+ scheduled = true;
+ } finally {
+ if (!scheduled) {
+ scope.close(); // pop if scheduling timeout failed
+ }
+ }
+ return scope;
! * Opens a new structured task scope to use the given {@code Joiner} object. The
! * task scope is created with the <a href="#DefaultConfiguration">default configuration</a>.
! * The default configuration has a {@code ThreadFactory} that creates unnamed
+ * <a href="{@docRoot}/java.base/java/lang/Thread.html#virtual-threads">virtual threads</a>,
+ * is unnamed for monitoring and management purposes, and has no timeout.
! * @implSpec
! * This factory method is equivalent to invoking the 2-arg open method with the given
+ * joiner and the {@linkplain Function#identity() identity function}.
! * @param joiner the joiner
! * @return a new task scope
! * @param <T> the result type of tasks executed in the task scope
+ * @param <R> the type of the result returned by the join method
+ * @since 24
! public static <T, R> StructuredTaskScope<T, R> open(Joiner<? super T, ? extends R> joiner) {
! return open(joiner, Function.identity());
! * Opens a new structured task scope that can be used to fork subtasks that return
! * results of any type. The {@link #join()} method waits for all subtasks to succeed
! * or any subtask to fail.
! * <p> The {@code join} method returns {@code null} if all subtasks complete successfully.
! * It throws {@link FailedException} if any subtask fails, with the exception from
! * the first subtask to fail as the cause.
! * <p> The task scope is created with the <a href="#DefaultConfiguration">default
! * configuration</a>. The default configuration has a {@code ThreadFactory} that creates
+ * unnamed <a href="{@docRoot}/java.base/java/lang/Thread.html#virtual-threads">virtual
+ * threads</a>, is unnamed for monitoring and management purposes, and has no timeout.
! * @implSpec
+ * This factory method is equivalent to invoking the 2-arg open method with a joiner
+ * created with {@link Joiner#awaitAllSuccessfulOrThrow() awaitAllSuccessfulOrThrow()}
+ * and the {@linkplain Function#identity() identity function}.
! * @param <T> the result type of subtasks
+ * @return a new task scope
+ * @since 24
! public static <T> StructuredTaskScope<T, Void> open() {
! return open(Joiner.awaitAllSuccessfulOrThrow(), Function.identity());
* Starts a new thread in this task scope to execute a value-returning task, thus
! * creating a <em>subtask</em>. The value-returning task is provided to this method
! * as a {@link Callable}, the thread executes the task's {@link Callable#call() call}
! * method.
! * <p> This method first creates a {@link Subtask Subtask} to represent the <em>forked
! * subtask</em>. It invokes the joiner's {@link Joiner#onFork(Subtask) onFork} method
! * with the {@code Subtask} object. If the {@code onFork} completes with an exception
+ * or error then it is propagated by the {@code fork} method. If execution is
+ * {@linkplain #isCancelled() cancelled}, or {@code onFork} returns {@code true} to
+ * cancel execution, then this method returns the {@code Subtask} (in the {@link
+ * Subtask.State#UNAVAILABLE UNAVAILABLE} state) without creating a thread to execute
+ * the subtask. If execution is not cancelled then a thread is created with the
+ * {@link ThreadFactory} configured when the task scope was created, and the thread is
+ * started. Forking a subtask inherits the current thread's {@linkplain ScopedValue
+ * scoped value} bindings. The bindings must match the bindings captured when the
+ * task scope was opened. If the subtask completes (successfully or with an exception)
+ * before execution is cancelled, then the thread invokes the joiner's
+ * {@link Joiner#onComplete(Subtask) onComplete} method with subtask in the
+ * {@link Subtask.State#SUCCESS SUCCESS} or {@link Subtask.State#FAILED FAILED} state.
! * <p> This method returns the {@link Subtask Subtask} object. In some usages, this
! * object may be used to get its result. In other cases it may be used for correlation
+ * or just discarded. To ensure correct usage, the {@link Subtask#get() Subtask.get()}
+ * method may only be called by the task scope owner to get the result after it has
+ * waited for subtasks to complete with the {@link #join() join} method and the subtask
+ * completed successfully. Similarly, the {@link Subtask#exception() Subtask.exception()}
+ * method may only be called by the task scope owner after it has joined and the subtask
+ * failed. If execution was cancelled before the subtask was forked, or before it
+ * completes, then neither method can be used to obtain the outcome.
! * <p> This method may only be invoked by the task scope owner.
* @param task the value-returning task for the thread to execute
* @param <U> the result type
* @return the subtask
! * @throws WrongThreadException if the current thread is not the task scope owner
! * @throws IllegalStateException if the owner has already {@linkplain #join() joined}
! * or the task scope is closed
* @throws StructureViolationException if the current scoped value bindings are not
* the same as when the task scope was created
* @throws RejectedExecutionException if the thread factory rejected creating a
* thread to run the subtask
public <U extends T> Subtask<U> fork(Callable<? extends U> task) {
! Objects.requireNonNull(task);
! ensureOwner();
! ensureNotJoined();
! var subtask = new SubtaskImpl<U>(this, task);
! // notify joiner, even if cancelled
! if (joiner.onFork(subtask)) {
! cancelExecution();
! if (!cancelled) {
// create thread to run task
! Thread thread = threadFactory.newThread(subtask);
if (thread == null) {
throw new RejectedExecutionException("Rejected by thread factory");
// attempt to start the thread
// shutdown by another thread, or underlying flock is shutdown due
// to unstructured use
! // force owner to join if this is the first fork in the round
! if (Thread.currentThread() == flock.owner() && round > forkRound) {
- forkRound = round;
- }
- // return forked subtask or a subtask that did not run
return subtask;
! * Wait for all threads to finish or the task scope to shut down.
! */
- private void implJoin(Duration timeout)
- throws InterruptedException, TimeoutException
- {
- ensureOwner();
- lastJoinAttempted = forkRound;
- int s = ensureOpen(); // throws ISE if closed
- if (s == OPEN) {
- // wait for all threads, wakeup, interrupt, or timeout
- if (timeout != null) {
- flock.awaitAll(timeout);
- } else {
- flock.awaitAll();
- }
- }
- lastJoinCompleted = forkRound;
- }
- /**
- * Wait for all subtasks started in this task scope to finish or the task scope to
- * shut down.
- *
- * <p> This method waits for all subtasks by waiting for all threads {@linkplain
- * #fork(Callable) started} in this task scope to finish execution. It stops waiting
- * when all threads finish, the task scope is {@linkplain #shutdown() shut down}, or
- * the current thread is {@linkplain Thread#interrupt() interrupted}.
- *
- * <p> This method may only be invoked by the task scope owner.
! * @implSpec This method may be overridden for customization purposes or to return a
! * more specific return type. If overridden, the subclass must invoke {@code
! * super.join} to ensure that the method waits for threads in this task scope to
- * finish.
! * @return this task scope
! * @throws IllegalStateException if this task scope is closed
* @throws WrongThreadException if the current thread is not the task scope owner
! * @throws InterruptedException if interrupted while waiting
! public StructuredTaskScope<T> join() throws InterruptedException {
! try {
! implJoin(null);
- } catch (TimeoutException e) {
- throw new InternalError();
- }
- return this;
! * Wait for all subtasks started in this task scope to finish or the task scope to
! * shut down, up to the given deadline.
* <p> This method waits for all subtasks by waiting for all threads {@linkplain
* #fork(Callable) started} in this task scope to finish execution. It stops waiting
! * when all threads finish, the task scope is {@linkplain #shutdown() shut down}, the
! * deadline is reached, or the current thread is {@linkplain Thread#interrupt()
! * interrupted}.
! *
- * <p> This method may only be invoked by the task scope owner.
! * @implSpec This method may be overridden for customization purposes or to return a
- * more specific return type. If overridden, the subclass must invoke {@code
- * super.joinUntil} to ensure that the method waits for threads in this task scope to
- * finish.
! * @param deadline the deadline
- * @return this task scope
- * @throws IllegalStateException if this task scope is closed
* @throws WrongThreadException if the current thread is not the task scope owner
* @throws InterruptedException if interrupted while waiting
- * @throws TimeoutException if the deadline is reached while waiting
- */
- public StructuredTaskScope<T> joinUntil(Instant deadline)
- throws InterruptedException, TimeoutException
- {
- Duration timeout = Duration.between(Instant.now(), deadline);
- implJoin(timeout);
- return this;
- }
- /**
- * Interrupt all unfinished threads.
! private void implInterruptAll() {
! flock.threads()
! .filter(t -> t != Thread.currentThread())
- .forEach(t -> {
- try {
- t.interrupt();
- } catch (Throwable ignore) { }
- });
- }
! @SuppressWarnings("removal")
! private void interruptAll() {
- if (System.getSecurityManager() == null) {
- implInterruptAll();
- } else {
- PrivilegedAction<Void> pa = () -> {
- implInterruptAll();
- return null;
- };
- AccessController.doPrivileged(pa);
- }
- }
! /**
! * Shutdown the task scope if not already shutdown. Return true if this method
- * shutdowns the task scope, false if already shutdown.
- */
- private boolean implShutdown() {
- shutdownLock.lock();
- try {
- if (state < SHUTDOWN) {
- // prevent new threads from starting
- flock.shutdown();
! // set status before interrupting tasks
! state = SHUTDOWN;
! // interrupt all unfinished threads
! interruptAll();
! return true;
! } else {
! // already shutdown
! return false;
! }
- } finally {
- shutdownLock.unlock();
! * Shut down this task scope without closing it. Shutting down a task scope prevents
! * new threads from starting, interrupts all unfinished threads, and causes the
- * {@link #join() join} method to wakeup. Shutdown is useful for cases where the
- * results of unfinished subtasks are no longer needed. It will typically be called
- * by the {@link #handleComplete(Subtask)} implementation of a subclass that
- * implements a policy to discard unfinished tasks once some outcome is reached.
- *
- * <p> More specifically, this method:
- * <ul>
- * <li> {@linkplain Thread#interrupt() Interrupts} all unfinished threads in the
- * task scope (except the current thread).
- * <li> Wakes up the task scope owner if it is waiting in {@link #join()} or {@link
- * #joinUntil(Instant)}. If the task scope owner is not waiting then its next call to
- * {@code join} or {@code joinUntil} will return immediately.
- * </ul>
- *
- * <p> The {@linkplain Subtask.State state} of unfinished subtasks that complete at
- * around the time that the task scope is shutdown is not defined. A subtask that
- * completes successfully with a result, or fails with an exception, at around
- * the time that the task scope is shutdown may or may not <i>transition</i> to a
- * terminal state.
! * <p> This method may only be invoked by the task scope owner or threads contained
! * in the task scope.
! * @implSpec This method may be overridden for customization purposes. If overridden,
! * the subclass must invoke {@code super.shutdown} to ensure that the method shuts
! * down the task scope.
! * @apiNote
- * There may be threads that have not finished because they are executing code that
- * did not respond (or respond promptly) to thread interrupt. This method does not wait
- * for these threads. When the owner invokes the {@link #close() close} method
- * to close the task scope then it will wait for the remaining threads to finish.
- *
- * @throws IllegalStateException if this task scope is closed
- * @throws WrongThreadException if the current thread is not the task scope owner or
- * a thread contained in the task scope
- * @see #isShutdown()
! public void shutdown() {
! ensureOwnerOrContainsThread();
- int s = ensureOpen(); // throws ISE if closed
- if (s < SHUTDOWN && implShutdown())
- flock.wakeup();
- }
- /**
- * {@return true if this task scope is shutdown, otherwise false}
- * @see #shutdown()
- */
- public final boolean isShutdown() {
- return state >= SHUTDOWN;
* Closes this task scope.
! * <p> This method first shuts down the task scope (as if by invoking the {@link
! * #shutdown() shutdown} method). It then waits for the threads executing any
! * unfinished tasks to finish. If interrupted, this method will continue to wait for
! * the threads to finish before completing with the interrupt status set.
* <p> This method may only be invoked by the task scope owner. If the task scope
* is already closed then the task scope owner invoking this method has no effect.
* <p> A {@code StructuredTaskScope} is intended to be used in a <em>structured
// shutdown by another thread, or underlying flock is shutdown due
// to unstructured use
! // force owner to join
! state = ST_FORKED;
return subtask;
! * Starts a new thread in this task scope to execute a task that does not return a
! * result, creating a <em>subtask</em>.
! * <p> This method works exactly the same as {@link #fork(Callable)} except that
! * the task is provided to this method as a {@link Runnable}, the thread executes
! * the task's {@link Runnable#run() run} method, and its result is {@code null}.
! * @param task the task for the thread to execute
! * @return the subtask
* @throws WrongThreadException if the current thread is not the task scope owner
! * @throws IllegalStateException if the owner has already {@linkplain #join() joined}
+ * or the task scope is closed
+ * @throws StructureViolationException if the current scoped value bindings are not
+ * the same as when the task scope was created
+ * @throws RejectedExecutionException if the thread factory rejected creating a
+ * thread to run the subtask
+ * @since 24
! public Subtask<? extends T> fork(Runnable task) {
! Objects.requireNonNull(task);
! return fork(() -> { task.run(); return null; });
! * Waits for all subtasks started in this task scope to complete or execution to be
! * cancelled. If a {@linkplain Config#withTimeout(Duration) timeout} has been set
+ * then execution will be cancelled if the timeout expires before or while waiting.
+ * Once finished waiting, the {@code Joiner}'s {@link Joiner#result() result} method
+ * is invoked to get the result or throw an exception. If the {@code result} method
+ * throws then this method throws {@code FailedException} with the exception thrown
+ * by the {@code result()} method as the cause.
* <p> This method waits for all subtasks by waiting for all threads {@linkplain
* #fork(Callable) started} in this task scope to finish execution. It stops waiting
! * when all threads finish, the {@code Joiner}'s {@link Joiner#onFork(Subtask)
! * onFork} or {@link Joiner#onComplete(Subtask) onComplete} returns {@code true}
! * to cancel execution, the timeout (if set) expires, or the current thread is
! * {@linkplain Thread#interrupt() interrupted}.
! * <p> This method may only be invoked by the task scope owner, and only once.
! * @return the {@link Joiner#result() result}
* @throws WrongThreadException if the current thread is not the task scope owner
+ * @throws IllegalStateException if already joined or this task scope is closed
+ * @throws FailedException if the <i>outcome</i> is an exception, thrown with the
+ * exception from {@link Joiner#result() Joiner.result()} as the cause
+ * @throws TimeoutException if a timeout is set and the timeout expires before or
+ * while waiting
* @throws InterruptedException if interrupted while waiting
! public R join() throws InterruptedException {
! ensureOwner();
! ensureNotJoined();
! // join started
! state = ST_JOIN_STARTED;
! // wait for all subtasks, execution to be cancelled, or interrupt
! flock.awaitAll();
! // throw if timeout expired
! if (timeoutExpired) {
+ throw new TimeoutException();
+ }
+ cancelTimeout();
! // all subtasks completed or cancelled
! // invoke joiner to get result
! try {
! return joiner.result();
! } catch (Throwable e) {
! throw new FailedException(e);
! * {@return {@code true} if <a href="#CancelExecution">execution is cancelled</a>,
! * or in the process of being cancelled, otherwise {@code false}}
! * <p> Cancelling execution prevents new threads from starting in the task scope and
! * {@linkplain Thread#interrupt() interrupts} threads executing unfinished subtasks.
+ * It may take some time before the interrupted threads finish execution; this
+ * method may return {@code true} before all threads have been interrupted or before
+ * all threads have finished.
! * @apiNote A main task with a lengthy "forking phase" (the code that executes before
! * the main task invokes {@link #join() join}) may use this method to avoid doing work
! * in cases where execution was cancelled by the completion of a previously forked
+ * subtask or timeout.
! * @since 24
! public boolean isCancelled() {
! return cancelled;
* Closes this task scope.
! * <p> This method first <a href="#CancelExecution">cancels execution</a>, if not
! * already cancelled. This interrupts the threads executing unfinished subtasks. This
! * method then waits for all threads to finish. If interrupted while waiting then it
! * will continue to wait until the threads finish, before completing with the interrupt
+ * status set.
* <p> This method may only be invoked by the task scope owner. If the task scope
* is already closed then the task scope owner invoking this method has no effect.
* <p> A {@code StructuredTaskScope} is intended to be used in a <em>structured
* termination will cause the underlying construct of each of its open tasks scopes to
* be closed. Closing is performed in the reverse order that the task scopes were
* created in. Thread termination may therefore be delayed when the task scope owner
* has to wait for threads forked in these task scopes to finish.
- * @implSpec This method may be overridden for customization purposes. If overridden,
- * the subclass must invoke {@code super.close} to close the task scope.
- *
* @throws IllegalStateException thrown after closing the task scope if the task scope
* owner did not attempt to join after forking
* @throws WrongThreadException if the current thread is not the task scope owner
* @throws StructureViolationException if a structure violation was detected
public void close() {
int s = state;
! if (s == CLOSED)
try {
- if (s < SHUTDOWN)
- implShutdown();
} finally {
! state = CLOSED;
! // throw ISE if the owner didn't attempt to join after forking
! if (forkRound > lastJoinAttempted) {
! lastJoinCompleted = forkRound;
- throw newIllegalStateExceptionNoJoin();
public String toString() {
! String name = flock.name();
- return switch (state) {
- case OPEN -> name;
- case SHUTDOWN -> name + "/shutdown";
- case CLOSED -> name + "/closed";
- default -> throw new InternalError();
- };
* Subtask implementation, runs the task specified to the fork method.
* termination will cause the underlying construct of each of its open tasks scopes to
* be closed. Closing is performed in the reverse order that the task scopes were
* created in. Thread termination may therefore be delayed when the task scope owner
* has to wait for threads forked in these task scopes to finish.
* @throws IllegalStateException thrown after closing the task scope if the task scope
* owner did not attempt to join after forking
* @throws WrongThreadException if the current thread is not the task scope owner
* @throws StructureViolationException if a structure violation was detected
public void close() {
int s = state;
! if (s == ST_CLOSED) {
+ }
+ // cancel execution if join did not complete
+ if (s < ST_JOIN_COMPLETED) {
+ cancelExecution();
+ cancelTimeout();
+ }
+ // wait for stragglers
try {
} finally {
! state = ST_CLOSED;
! // throw ISE if the owner didn't join after forking
! if (s == ST_FORKED) {
! throw new IllegalStateException("Owner did not join after forking");
+ /**
+ * {@inheritDoc} If a {@link Config#withName(String) name} for monitoring and
+ * monitoring purposes has been set then the string representation includes the name.
+ */
public String toString() {
! return flock.name();
* Subtask implementation, runs the task specified to the fork method.
AltResult(Subtask.State state) {
this(state, null);
! private final StructuredTaskScope<? super T> scope;
private final Callable<? extends T> task;
- private final int round;
private volatile Object result;
! SubtaskImpl(StructuredTaskScope<? super T> scope,
- Callable<? extends T> task,
- int round) {
this.scope = scope;
this.task = task;
- this.round = round;
public void run() {
T result = null;
AltResult(Subtask.State state) {
this(state, null);
! private final StructuredTaskScope<? super T, ?> scope;
private final Callable<? extends T> task;
private volatile Object result;
! SubtaskImpl(StructuredTaskScope<? super T, ?> scope, Callable<? extends T> task) {
this.scope = scope;
this.task = task;
public void run() {
T result = null;
result = task.call();
} catch (Throwable e) {
ex = e;
! // nothing to do if task scope is shutdown
! if (scope.isShutdown())
! // capture result or exception, invoke handleComplete
if (ex == null) {
this.result = (result != null) ? result : RESULT_NULL;
} else {
this.result = new AltResult(State.FAILED, ex);
! scope.handleComplete(this);
- }
- @Override
- public Callable<? extends T> task() {
- return task;
public Subtask.State state() {
Object result = this.result;
result = task.call();
} catch (Throwable e) {
ex = e;
! // nothing to do if task scope is cancelled
! if (scope.isCancelled())
! // set result/exception and invoke onComplete
if (ex == null) {
this.result = (result != null) ? result : RESULT_NULL;
} else {
this.result = new AltResult(State.FAILED, ex);
! scope.onComplete(this);
public Subtask.State state() {
Object result = this.result;
} else {
return State.SUCCESS;
public T get() {
! scope.ensureJoinedIfOwner(round);
Object result = this.result;
if (result instanceof AltResult) {
if (result == RESULT_NULL) return null;
} else if (result != null) {
} else {
return State.SUCCESS;
public T get() {
! scope.ensureJoinedIfOwner();
Object result = this.result;
if (result instanceof AltResult) {
if (result == RESULT_NULL) return null;
} else if (result != null) {
"Result is unavailable or subtask did not complete successfully");
public Throwable exception() {
! scope.ensureJoinedIfOwner(round);
Object result = this.result;
if (result instanceof AltResult alt && alt.state() == State.FAILED) {
return alt.exception();
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Result is unavailable or subtask did not complete successfully");
public Throwable exception() {
! scope.ensureJoinedIfOwner();
Object result = this.result;
if (result instanceof AltResult alt && alt.state() == State.FAILED) {
return alt.exception();
throw new IllegalStateException(
return Objects.toIdentityString(this) + stateAsString;
! * A {@code StructuredTaskScope} that captures the result of the first subtask to
! * complete {@linkplain Subtask.State#SUCCESS successfully}. Once captured, it
- * {@linkplain #shutdown() shuts down} the task scope to interrupt unfinished threads
- * and wakeup the task scope owner. The policy implemented by this class is intended
- * for cases where the result of any subtask will do ("invoke any") and where the
- * results of other unfinished subtasks are no longer needed.
- *
- * <p> Unless otherwise specified, passing a {@code null} argument to a method
- * in this class will cause a {@link NullPointerException} to be thrown.
- *
- * @apiNote This class implements a policy to shut down the task scope when a subtask
- * completes successfully. There shouldn't be any need to directly shut down the task
- * scope with the {@link #shutdown() shutdown} method.
- *
- * @param <T> the result type
- * @since 21
! @PreviewFeature(feature = PreviewFeature.Feature.STRUCTURED_CONCURRENCY)
- public static final class ShutdownOnSuccess<T> extends StructuredTaskScope<T> {
- private static final Object RESULT_NULL = new Object();
- private static final VarHandle FIRST_RESULT;
private static final VarHandle FIRST_EXCEPTION;
static {
MethodHandles.Lookup l = MethodHandles.lookup();
- FIRST_RESULT = MhUtil.findVarHandle(l, "firstResult", Object.class);
FIRST_EXCEPTION = MhUtil.findVarHandle(l, "firstException", Throwable.class);
- private volatile Object firstResult;
private volatile Throwable firstException;
! /**
! * Constructs a new {@code ShutdownOnSuccess} with the given name and thread factory.
! * The task scope is optionally named for the purposes of monitoring and management.
! * The thread factory is used to {@link ThreadFactory#newThread(Runnable) create}
! * threads when subtasks are {@linkplain #fork(Callable) forked}. The task scope
! * is owned by the current thread.
! *
! * <p> Construction captures the current thread's {@linkplain ScopedValue scoped
! * value} bindings for inheritance by threads started in the task scope. The
- * <a href="#TreeStructure">Tree Structure</a> section in the class description
- * details how parent-child relations are established implicitly for the purpose
- * of inheritance of scoped value bindings.
- *
- * @param name the name of the task scope, can be null
- * @param factory the thread factory
- */
- public ShutdownOnSuccess(String name, ThreadFactory factory) {
- super(name, factory);
! /**
! * Constructs a new unnamed {@code ShutdownOnSuccess} that creates virtual threads.
! *
! * @implSpec This constructor is equivalent to invoking the 2-arg constructor with
! * a name of {@code null} and a thread factory that creates virtual threads.
- */
- public ShutdownOnSuccess() {
- this(null, Thread.ofVirtual().factory());
! protected void handleComplete(Subtask<? extends T> subtask) {
! if (firstResult != null) {
! // already captured a result
! return;
! if (subtask.state() == Subtask.State.SUCCESS) {
! // task succeeded
! T result = subtask.get();
! Object r = (result != null) ? result : RESULT_NULL;
! if (FIRST_RESULT.compareAndSet(this, null, r)) {
! super.shutdown();
! }
! } else if (firstException == null) {
! // capture the exception thrown by the first subtask that failed
! FIRST_EXCEPTION.compareAndSet(this, null, subtask.exception());
! }
- /**
- * Wait for a subtask started in this task scope to complete {@linkplain
- * Subtask.State#SUCCESS successfully} or all subtasks to complete.
- *
- * <p> This method waits for all subtasks by waiting for all threads {@linkplain
- * #fork(Callable) started} in this task scope to finish execution. It stops waiting
- * when all threads finish, a subtask completes successfully, or the current
- * thread is {@linkplain Thread#interrupt() interrupted}. It also stops waiting
- * if the {@link #shutdown() shutdown} method is invoked directly to shut down
- * this task scope.
- *
- * <p> This method may only be invoked by the task scope owner.
- *
- * @throws IllegalStateException {@inheritDoc}
- * @throws WrongThreadException {@inheritDoc}
- */
! public ShutdownOnSuccess<T> join() throws InterruptedException {
! super.join();
! return this;
- /**
- * Wait for a subtask started in this task scope to complete {@linkplain
- * Subtask.State#SUCCESS successfully} or all subtasks to complete, up to the
- * given deadline.
- *
- * <p> This method waits for all subtasks by waiting for all threads {@linkplain
- * #fork(Callable) started} in this task scope to finish execution. It stops waiting
- * when all threads finish, a subtask completes successfully, the deadline is
- * reached, or the current thread is {@linkplain Thread#interrupt() interrupted}.
- * It also stops waiting if the {@link #shutdown() shutdown} method is invoked
- * directly to shut down this task scope.
- *
- * <p> This method may only be invoked by the task scope owner.
- *
- * @throws IllegalStateException {@inheritDoc}
- * @throws WrongThreadException {@inheritDoc}
- */
! public ShutdownOnSuccess<T> joinUntil(Instant deadline)
! throws InterruptedException, TimeoutException
! {
! super.joinUntil(deadline);
! return this;
! /**
! * {@return the result of the first subtask that completed {@linkplain
! * Subtask.State#SUCCESS successfully}}
! *
! * <p> When no subtask completed successfully, but a subtask {@linkplain
! * Subtask.State#FAILED failed} then {@code ExecutionException} is thrown with
! * the subtask's exception as the {@linkplain Throwable#getCause() cause}.
! *
! * @throws ExecutionException if no subtasks completed successfully but at least
- * one subtask failed
- * @throws IllegalStateException if no subtasks completed or the task scope owner
- * did not join after forking
- * @throws WrongThreadException if the current thread is not the task scope owner
- */
- public T result() throws ExecutionException {
- return result(ExecutionException::new);
! /**
! * Returns the result of the first subtask that completed {@linkplain
! * Subtask.State#SUCCESS successfully}, otherwise throws an exception produced
! * by the given exception supplying function.
! *
! * <p> When no subtask completed successfully, but a subtask {@linkplain
- * Subtask.State#FAILED failed}, then the exception supplying function is invoked
- * with subtask's exception.
- *
- * @param esf the exception supplying function
- * @param <X> type of the exception to be thrown
- * @return the result of the first subtask that completed with a result
- *
- * @throws X if no subtasks completed successfully but at least one subtask failed
- * @throws IllegalStateException if no subtasks completed or the task scope owner
- * did not join after forking
- * @throws WrongThreadException if the current thread is not the task scope owner
- */
- public <X extends Throwable> T result(Function<Throwable, ? extends X> esf) throws X {
- Objects.requireNonNull(esf);
- ensureOwnerAndJoined();
- Object result = firstResult;
- if (result == RESULT_NULL) {
- return null;
- } else if (result != null) {
- @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
- T r = (T) result;
- return r;
- }
! Throwable exception = firstException;
! if (exception != null) {
! X ex = esf.apply(exception);
! Objects.requireNonNull(ex, "esf returned null");
throw ex;
- throw new IllegalStateException("No completed subtasks");
! * A {@code StructuredTaskScope} that captures the exception of the first subtask to
- * {@linkplain Subtask.State#FAILED fail}. Once captured, it {@linkplain #shutdown()
- * shuts down} the task scope to interrupt unfinished threads and wakeup the task
- * scope owner. The policy implemented by this class is intended for cases where the
- * results for all subtasks are required ("invoke all"); if any subtask fails then the
- * results of other unfinished subtasks are no longer needed.
- *
- * <p> Unless otherwise specified, passing a {@code null} argument to a method
- * in this class will cause a {@link NullPointerException} to be thrown.
- *
- * @apiNote This class implements a policy to shut down the task scope when a subtask
- * fails. There shouldn't be any need to directly shut down the task scope with the
- * {@link #shutdown() shutdown} method.
- *
- * @since 21
! @PreviewFeature(feature = PreviewFeature.Feature.STRUCTURED_CONCURRENCY)
! public static final class ShutdownOnFailure extends StructuredTaskScope<Object> {
! private static final VarHandle FIRST_EXCEPTION =
! MhUtil.findVarHandle(MethodHandles.lookup(), "firstException", Throwable.class);
- private volatile Throwable firstException;
! /**
! * Constructs a new {@code ShutdownOnFailure} with the given name and thread factory.
- * The task scope is optionally named for the purposes of monitoring and management.
- * The thread factory is used to {@link ThreadFactory#newThread(Runnable) create}
- * threads when subtasks are {@linkplain #fork(Callable) forked}. The task scope
- * is owned by the current thread.
- *
- * <p> Construction captures the current thread's {@linkplain ScopedValue scoped
- * value} bindings for inheritance by threads started in the task scope. The
- * <a href="#TreeStructure">Tree Structure</a> section in the class description
- * details how parent-child relations are established implicitly for the purpose
- * of inheritance of scoped value bindings.
- *
- * @param name the name of the task scope, can be null
- * @param factory the thread factory
- */
- public ShutdownOnFailure(String name, ThreadFactory factory) {
- super(name, factory);
! /**
! * Constructs a new unnamed {@code ShutdownOnFailure} that creates virtual threads.
! *
! * @implSpec This constructor is equivalent to invoking the 2-arg constructor with
! * a name of {@code null} and a thread factory that creates virtual threads.
! */
- public ShutdownOnFailure() {
- this(null, Thread.ofVirtual().factory());
! protected void handleComplete(Subtask<?> subtask) {
! if (subtask.state() == Subtask.State.FAILED
- && firstException == null
- && FIRST_EXCEPTION.compareAndSet(this, null, subtask.exception())) {
- super.shutdown();
- }
- /**
- * Wait for all subtasks started in this task scope to complete or for a subtask
- * to {@linkplain Subtask.State#FAILED fail}.
- *
- * <p> This method waits for all subtasks by waiting for all threads {@linkplain
- * #fork(Callable) started} in this task scope to finish execution. It stops waiting
- * when all threads finish, a subtask fails, or the current thread is {@linkplain
- * Thread#interrupt() interrupted}. It also stops waiting if the {@link #shutdown()
- * shutdown} method is invoked directly to shut down this task scope.
- *
- * <p> This method may only be invoked by the task scope owner.
- *
- * @throws IllegalStateException {@inheritDoc}
- * @throws WrongThreadException {@inheritDoc}
- */
! public ShutdownOnFailure join() throws InterruptedException {
! super.join();
! return this;
- /**
- * Wait for all subtasks started in this task scope to complete or for a subtask
- * to {@linkplain Subtask.State#FAILED fail}, up to the given deadline.
- *
- * <p> This method waits for all subtasks by waiting for all threads {@linkplain
- * #fork(Callable) started} in this task scope to finish execution. It stops waiting
- * when all threads finish, a subtask fails, the deadline is reached, or the current
- * thread is {@linkplain Thread#interrupt() interrupted}. It also stops waiting
- * if the {@link #shutdown() shutdown} method is invoked directly to shut down
- * this task scope.
- *
- * <p> This method may only be invoked by the task scope owner.
- *
- * @throws IllegalStateException {@inheritDoc}
- * @throws WrongThreadException {@inheritDoc}
- */
! public ShutdownOnFailure joinUntil(Instant deadline)
! throws InterruptedException, TimeoutException
- {
- super.joinUntil(deadline);
- return this;
! /**
! * Returns the exception of the first subtask that {@linkplain Subtask.State#FAILED
! * failed}. If no subtasks failed then an empty {@code Optional} is returned.
- *
- * @return the exception for the first subtask to fail or an empty optional if no
- * subtasks failed
- *
- * @throws WrongThreadException if the current thread is not the task scope owner
- * @throws IllegalStateException if the task scope owner did not join after forking
- */
- public Optional<Throwable> exception() {
- ensureOwnerAndJoined();
- return Optional.ofNullable(firstException);
! /**
! * Throws if a subtask {@linkplain Subtask.State#FAILED failed}.
! * If any subtask failed with an exception then {@code ExecutionException} is
- * thrown with the exception of the first subtask to fail as the {@linkplain
- * Throwable#getCause() cause}. This method does nothing if no subtasks failed.
- *
- * @throws ExecutionException if a subtask failed
- * @throws WrongThreadException if the current thread is not the task scope owner
- * @throws IllegalStateException if the task scope owner did not join after forking
- */
- public void throwIfFailed() throws ExecutionException {
- throwIfFailed(ExecutionException::new);
! /**
! * Throws the exception produced by the given exception supplying function if a
! * subtask {@linkplain Subtask.State#FAILED failed}. If any subtask failed with
! * an exception then the function is invoked with the exception of the first
! * subtask to fail. The exception returned by the function is thrown. This method
! * does nothing if no subtasks failed.
! *
! * @param esf the exception supplying function
! * @param <X> type of the exception to be thrown
! *
! * @throws X produced by the exception supplying function
! * @throws WrongThreadException if the current thread is not the task scope owner
! * @throws IllegalStateException if the task scope owner did not join after forking
! */
! public <X extends Throwable>
! void throwIfFailed(Function<Throwable, ? extends X> esf) throws X {
! ensureOwnerAndJoined();
! Objects.requireNonNull(esf);
! Throwable exception = firstException;
- if (exception != null) {
- X ex = esf.apply(exception);
- Objects.requireNonNull(ex, "esf returned null");
- throw ex;
- }
return Objects.toIdentityString(this) + stateAsString;
! * A joiner that returns a stream of all subtasks when all subtasks complete
! * successfully. If any subtask fails then execution is cancelled.
! private static final class AllSuccessful<T> implements Joiner<T, Stream<Subtask<T>>> {
private static final VarHandle FIRST_EXCEPTION;
static {
MethodHandles.Lookup l = MethodHandles.lookup();
FIRST_EXCEPTION = MhUtil.findVarHandle(l, "firstException", Throwable.class);
private volatile Throwable firstException;
! // list of forked subtasks, only accessed by owner thread
! private final List<Subtask<T>> subtasks = new ArrayList<>();
! @Override
! public boolean onFork(Subtask<? extends T> subtask) {
! @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
! var tmp = (Subtask<T>) Objects.requireNonNull(subtask);
! subtasks.add(tmp);
! return false;
! @Override
! public boolean onComplete(Subtask<? extends T> subtask) {
! return (subtask.state() == Subtask.State.FAILED)
! && (firstException == null)
! && FIRST_EXCEPTION.compareAndSet(this, null, subtask.exception());
! public Stream<Subtask<T>> result() throws Throwable {
! Throwable ex = firstException;
! if (ex != null) {
! throw ex;
+ } else {
+ return subtasks.stream();
+ }
+ }
! /**
! * A joiner that returns the result of the first subtask to complete successfully.
! * If any subtask completes successfully then execution is cancelled.
! */
! private static final class AnySuccessful<T> implements Joiner<T, T> {
! private static final VarHandle FIRST_SUCCESS;
! private static final VarHandle FIRST_EXCEPTION;
! static {
! MethodHandles.Lookup l = MethodHandles.lookup();
! FIRST_SUCCESS = MhUtil.findVarHandle(l, "firstSuccess", Subtask.class);
! FIRST_EXCEPTION = MhUtil.findVarHandle(l, "firstException", Throwable.class);
+ private volatile Subtask<T> firstSuccess;
+ private volatile Throwable firstException;
! public boolean onComplete(Subtask<? extends T> subtask) {
! Objects.requireNonNull(subtask);
! if (firstSuccess == null) {
+ if (subtask.state() == Subtask.State.SUCCESS) {
+ // capture the first subtask that completes successfully
+ return FIRST_SUCCESS.compareAndSet(this, null, subtask);
+ } else if (firstException == null) {
+ // capture the exception thrown by the first task to fail
+ FIRST_EXCEPTION.compareAndSet(this, null, subtask.exception());
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
! public T result() throws Throwable {
! Subtask<T> firstSuccess = this.firstSuccess;
! if (firstSuccess != null) {
! return firstSuccess.get();
! }
+ Throwable firstException = this.firstException;
+ if (firstException != null) {
+ throw firstException;
+ } else {
+ throw new NoSuchElementException("No subtasks completed");
+ }
+ }
! /**
! * A joiner that that waits for all successful subtasks. If any subtask fails the
! * execution is cancelled.
! */
! private static final class AwaitSuccessful<T> implements Joiner<T, Void> {
! private static final VarHandle FIRST_EXCEPTION;
! static {
! MethodHandles.Lookup l = MethodHandles.lookup();
! FIRST_EXCEPTION = MhUtil.findVarHandle(l, "firstException", Throwable.class);
+ private volatile Throwable firstException;
! @Override
! public boolean onComplete(Subtask<? extends T> subtask) {
! return (subtask.state() == Subtask.State.FAILED)
! && (firstException == null)
! && FIRST_EXCEPTION.compareAndSet(this, null, subtask.exception());
! }
! @Override
! public Void result() throws Throwable {
! Throwable ex = firstException;
! if (ex != null) {
throw ex;
+ } else {
+ return null;
! * A joiner that returns a stream of all subtasks.
! private static class AllSubtasks<T> implements Joiner<T, Stream<Subtask<T>>> {
! private final Predicate<Subtask<? extends T>> isDone;
! // list of forked subtasks, only accessed by owner thread
! private final List<Subtask<T>> subtasks = new ArrayList<>();
! AllSubtasks(Predicate<Subtask<? extends T>> isDone) {
! this.isDone = Objects.requireNonNull(isDone);
! @Override
! public boolean onFork(Subtask<? extends T> subtask) {
! @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
! var tmp = (Subtask<T>) Objects.requireNonNull(subtask);
! subtasks.add(tmp);
! return false;
! public boolean onComplete(Subtask<? extends T> subtask) {
! return isDone.test(Objects.requireNonNull(subtask));
! public Stream<Subtask<T>> result() {
! return subtasks.stream();
! }
+ }
+ /**
+ * Implementation of Config.
+ */
+ private record ConfigImpl(ThreadFactory threadFactory,
+ String name,
+ Duration timeout) implements Config {
+ static Config defaultConfig() {
+ return new ConfigImpl(Thread.ofVirtual().factory(), null, null);
! public Config withThreadFactory(ThreadFactory threadFactory) {
! return new ConfigImpl(Objects.requireNonNull(threadFactory), name, timeout);
! @Override
! public Config withName(String name) {
! return new ConfigImpl(threadFactory, Objects.requireNonNull(name), timeout);
! @Override
! public Config withTimeout(Duration timeout) {
! return new ConfigImpl(threadFactory, name, Objects.requireNonNull(timeout));
+ }
! /**
! * Used to schedule a task to cancel execution when a timeout expires.
! */
! private static class TimerSupport {
! private static final ScheduledExecutorService DELAYED_TASK_SCHEDULER;
! static {
! ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor stpe = (ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor)
! Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1, task -> {
! Thread t = InnocuousThread.newThread("StructuredTaskScope-Timer", task);
! t.setDaemon(true);
! return t;
! });
! stpe.setRemoveOnCancelPolicy(true);
! }
! static Future<?> schedule(Duration timeout, Runnable task) {
! long nanos = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.convert(timeout);
! return DELAYED_TASK_SCHEDULER.schedule(task, nanos, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS);
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