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*** 23,25 ***
   * @test id=default
   * @summary Verifies JVMTI StopThread support for virtual threads.
   * @requires vm.continuations
   * @run main/othervm/native -agentlib:StopThreadTest StopThreadTest
   * @test id=no-vmcontinuations
   * @summary Verifies JVMTI StopThread support for bound virtual threads.
!  * @run main/othervm/native -agentlib:StopThreadTest -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:-VMContinuations StopThreadTest
   * @test id=platform
   * @summary Verifies JVMTI StopThread support for platform threads.
   * @run main/othervm/native -agentlib:StopThreadTest StopThreadTest platform
  import java.lang.AssertionError;
   *     The test exercises the JVMTI function: StopThread(jthread).
   *     The test creates a new virtual or platform thread.
--- 23,29 ---
   * @test id=default
   * @summary Verifies JVMTI StopThread support for virtual threads.
   * @requires vm.continuations
+  * @library /test/lib
   * @run main/othervm/native -agentlib:StopThreadTest StopThreadTest
   * @test id=no-vmcontinuations
   * @summary Verifies JVMTI StopThread support for bound virtual threads.
!  * @library /test/lib
+  * @run main/othervm/native -agentlib:StopThreadTest -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:-VMContinuations -DboundVThread=true StopThreadTest
   * @test id=platform
   * @summary Verifies JVMTI StopThread support for platform threads.
+  * @library /test/lib
   * @run main/othervm/native -agentlib:StopThreadTest StopThreadTest platform
+ import jdk.test.lib.Platform;
  import java.lang.AssertionError;
   *     The test exercises the JVMTI function: StopThread(jthread).
   *     The test creates a new virtual or platform thread.

*** 51,11 ***
--- 55,13 ---
   *      - method C() that forces agent to send AssertionError exception to its own thread
   *     All cases are using JVMTI StopThread to send an AssertionError object.
  public class StopThreadTest {
      private static final String agentLib = "StopThreadTest";
+     static final boolean isBoundVThread = Boolean.getBoolean("boundVThread");
      static final int JVMTI_ERROR_NONE = 0;
+     static final int JVMTI_ERROR_OPAQUE_FRAME = 32;
      static final int THREAD_NOT_SUSPENDED = 13;
      static final int PASSED = 0;
      static final int FAILED = 2;
      static void log(String str) { System.out.println(str); }

*** 102,11 ***
              if (is_virtual) {
                  testTaskThread = Thread.ofVirtual().name("TestTaskThread").start(testTask);
              } else {
                  testTaskThread = Thread.ofPlatform().name("TestTaskThread").start(testTask);
!             TestTask.ensureAtPointA();
              if (is_virtual) { // this check is for virtual target thread only
                  log("\nMain #A.1: unsuspended");
                  retCode = stopThread(testTaskThread);
                  if (retCode != THREAD_NOT_SUSPENDED) {
--- 108,11 ---
              if (is_virtual) {
                  testTaskThread = Thread.ofVirtual().name("TestTaskThread").start(testTask);
              } else {
                  testTaskThread = Thread.ofPlatform().name("TestTaskThread").start(testTask);
!             TestTask.ensureAtPointA(testTaskThread);
              if (is_virtual) { // this check is for virtual target thread only
                  log("\nMain #A.1: unsuspended");
                  retCode = stopThread(testTaskThread);
                  if (retCode != THREAD_NOT_SUSPENDED) {

*** 117,14 ***
              log("\nMain #A.2: suspended");
              retCode = stopThread(testTaskThread);
!             if (retCode != JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) {
!                 throwFailed("Main #A.2: expected JVMTI_ERROR_NONE instead of: " + retCode);
              } else {
!                 log("Main #A.2: got expected JVMTI_ERROR_NONE");
          log("\nMain #B: method B() must be blocked in a breakpoint event handler");
--- 123,17 ---
              log("\nMain #A.2: suspended");
              retCode = stopThread(testTaskThread);
!             int expectedRetCode = (is_virtual && !isBoundVThread && (Platform.isX64() || Platform.isAArch64())) ? JVMTI_ERROR_OPAQUE_FRAME : JVMTI_ERROR_NONE;
!             String expectedRetCodeName = (is_virtual && !isBoundVThread && (Platform.isX64() || Platform.isAArch64())) ?
+             if (retCode != expectedRetCode) {
+                 throwFailed("Main #A.2: expected " + expectedRetCodeName + " instead of: " + retCode);
              } else {
!                 log("Main #A.2: got expected " + expectedRetCodeName);
          log("\nMain #B: method B() must be blocked in a breakpoint event handler");

*** 177,12 ***
              } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                  throw new RuntimeException("Interruption in TestTask.sleep: \n\t" + e);
!         static void ensureAtPointA() {
!             while (!atPointA) {
          // Ensure thread is finished.
--- 186,13 ---
              } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                  throw new RuntimeException("Interruption in TestTask.sleep: \n\t" + e);
!         static void ensureAtPointA(Thread vt) {
!             // wait while the thread state is not the expected one
+             while (vt.getState() != Thread.State.BLOCKED) {
          // Ensure thread is finished.

*** 201,11 ***
              } catch (AssertionError ex) {
                  log("TestTask.run: caught expected AssertionError from method A()");
                  seenExceptionFromA = true;
!             if (!seenExceptionFromA) {
                  StopThreadTest.setFailed("TestTask.run: expected AssertionError from method A()");
              sleep(1); // to cause yield
              boolean seenExceptionFromB = false;
--- 211,14 ---
              } catch (AssertionError ex) {
                  log("TestTask.run: caught expected AssertionError from method A()");
                  seenExceptionFromA = true;
!             if (!seenExceptionFromA
+                 && !(is_virtual
+                      && !isBoundVThread
+                      && (Platform.isX64() || (Platform.isAArch64())) )) {
                  StopThreadTest.setFailed("TestTask.run: expected AssertionError from method A()");
              sleep(1); // to cause yield
              boolean seenExceptionFromB = false;

*** 239,11 ***
          // StopThread is used to send an AssertionError object two times:
          //  - when not suspended: THREAD_NOT_SUSPENDED is expected
          //  - when suspended: JVMTI_ERROR_NONE is expected
          static void A() {
              log("TestTask.A: started");
-             atPointA = true;
              synchronized (lock) {
              log("TestTask.A: finished");
--- 252,10 ---
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