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@@ -12640,10 +12640,36 @@
    format %{ "# TLS is in R15" %}
    ins_encode( /*empty encoding*/ );
+ instruct rdtsc(rax_RegL dst, rdx_RegL tmp) %{
+   match(Set dst (Timestamp));
+   effect(DEF dst, KILL tmp);
+   format %{ "RDTSC" %}
+   ins_encode %{
+     __ rdtsc();
+     __ shlptr(rdx, 32);
+     __ orptr(rax, rdx);
+   %}
+   ins_pipe(ialu_reg_reg);
+ %}
+ instruct rdtscp(rax_RegL dst, rdx_RegL tmp, rcx_RegL dead) %{
+   match(Set dst (TimestampSerial));
+   effect(DEF dst, KILL tmp, KILL dead);
+   format %{ "RDTSCP" %}
+   ins_encode %{
+     __ rdtscp();
+     __ shlptr(rdx, 32);
+     __ orptr(rax, rdx);
+   %}
+   ins_pipe(ialu_reg_reg);
+ %}
  //----------PEEPHOLE RULES-----------------------------------------------------
  // These must follow all instruction definitions as they use the names
  // defined in the instructions definitions.
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