1 class WrongBCIAfterMotion {
 2     static int counter;
 4     private int id;
 6     public WrongBCIAfterMotion(int id) {
 7         this.id = id;
 8     }
10     static void blackhole(Object obj) {
11     }
13     public static void main(String[] args) {
14         final int n = 300_000;
16         for (int i =0; i<n;++i) {
17         /*
18          * PEA moves AllocateNode from 8 to 24. however, there's memory side-effect in between.
19          * PEA is using the JVMState including bci=8.
20          * This is wrong under -XX:-UseTLAB and -XX:OptimizeALot.
21          *
22        8: new           #8                  // class WrongBCIAfterMotion
23       11: dup
24       12: getstatic     #14                 // Field counter:I
25       15: dup
26       16: iconst_1
27       17: iadd
28       18: putstatic     #14                 // Field counter:I
29       21: invokespecial #17                 // Method "<init>":(I)V
30       24: invokestatic  #20                 // Method blackhole:(Ljava/lang/Object;)V
31          */
32             blackhole(new WrongBCIAfterMotion(counter++));
33         }
35         if (counter != n) {
36             throw new RuntimeException("Wrong result");
37         }
38     }
39 }