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@@ -26,122 +26,48 @@
  #include "gc/shared/gcCause.hpp"
  #include "gc/shared/concurrentGCThread.hpp"
  #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahGC.hpp"
+ #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahGenerationType.hpp"
  #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahHeap.hpp"
  #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahPadding.hpp"
  #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahSharedVariables.hpp"
- #include "runtime/task.hpp"
- #include "utilities/ostream.hpp"
- // Periodic task is useful for doing asynchronous things that do not require (heap) locks,
- // or synchronization with other parts of collector. These could run even when ShenandoahConcurrentThread
- // is busy driving the GC cycle.
- class ShenandoahPeriodicTask : public PeriodicTask {
- private:
-   ShenandoahControlThread* _thread;
- public:
-   ShenandoahPeriodicTask(ShenandoahControlThread* thread) :
-           PeriodicTask(100), _thread(thread) {}
-   virtual void task();
- };
- // Periodic task to notify blocked paced waiters.
- class ShenandoahPeriodicPacerNotify : public PeriodicTask {
- public:
-   ShenandoahPeriodicPacerNotify() : PeriodicTask(PeriodicTask::min_interval) {}
-   virtual void task();
- };
- class ShenandoahControlThread: public ConcurrentGCThread {
+ class ShenandoahControlThread: public ShenandoahController {
    friend class VMStructs;
    typedef enum {
    } GCMode;
-   // While we could have a single lock for these, it may risk unblocking
-   // GC waiters when alloc failure GC cycle finishes. We want instead
-   // to make complete explicit cycle for for demanding customers.
-   Monitor _alloc_failure_waiters_lock;
-   Monitor _gc_waiters_lock;
-   ShenandoahPeriodicTask _periodic_task;
-   ShenandoahPeriodicPacerNotify _periodic_pacer_notify_task;
- public:
-   void run_service();
-   void stop_service();
- private:
    ShenandoahSharedFlag _gc_requested;
-   ShenandoahSharedFlag _alloc_failure_gc;
-   ShenandoahSharedFlag _graceful_shutdown;
-   ShenandoahSharedFlag _heap_changed;
-   ShenandoahSharedFlag _do_counters_update;
-   ShenandoahSharedFlag _force_counters_update;
    GCCause::Cause       _requested_gc_cause;
    ShenandoahGC::ShenandoahDegenPoint _degen_point;
-   shenandoah_padding(0);
-   volatile size_t _allocs_seen;
-   shenandoah_padding(1);
-   volatile size_t _gc_id;
-   shenandoah_padding(2);
+ public:
+   ShenandoahControlThread();
+   void run_service() override;
+   void stop_service() override;
+   void request_gc(GCCause::Cause cause) override;
+ private:
    bool check_cancellation_or_degen(ShenandoahGC::ShenandoahDegenPoint point);
    void service_concurrent_normal_cycle(GCCause::Cause cause);
    void service_stw_full_cycle(GCCause::Cause cause);
    void service_stw_degenerated_cycle(GCCause::Cause cause, ShenandoahGC::ShenandoahDegenPoint point);
-   void service_uncommit(double shrink_before, size_t shrink_until);
-   bool try_set_alloc_failure_gc();
-   void notify_alloc_failure_waiters();
-   bool is_alloc_failure_gc();
-   void reset_gc_id();
-   void update_gc_id();
-   size_t get_gc_id();
    void notify_gc_waiters();
    // Handle GC request.
    // Blocks until GC is over.
    void handle_requested_gc(GCCause::Cause cause);
-   bool is_explicit_gc(GCCause::Cause cause) const;
-   bool check_soft_max_changed() const;
- public:
-   // Constructor
-   ShenandoahControlThread();
-   ~ShenandoahControlThread();
-   // Handle allocation failure from normal allocation.
-   // Blocks until memory is available.
-   void handle_alloc_failure(ShenandoahAllocRequest& req);
-   // Handle allocation failure from evacuation path.
-   // Optionally blocks while collector is handling the failure.
-   void handle_alloc_failure_evac(size_t words);
-   void request_gc(GCCause::Cause cause);
-   void handle_counters_update();
-   void handle_force_counters_update();
-   void set_forced_counters_update(bool value);
-   void notify_heap_changed();
-   void pacing_notify_alloc(size_t words);
-   void start();
-   void prepare_for_graceful_shutdown();
-   bool in_graceful_shutdown();
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