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@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
   * Copyright (c) 2016, 2021, Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+  * Copyright Amazon.com Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
   * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   * published by the Free Software Foundation.

@@ -22,48 +23,482 @@
  #include "precompiled.hpp"
  #include "gc/shared/tlab_globals.hpp"
+ #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahAffiliation.hpp"
+ #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahBarrierSet.hpp"
  #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahFreeSet.hpp"
  #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahHeap.inline.hpp"
  #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahHeapRegionSet.hpp"
  #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahMarkingContext.inline.hpp"
+ #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahOldGeneration.hpp"
+ #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahScanRemembered.inline.hpp"
+ #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahYoungGeneration.hpp"
  #include "logging/logStream.hpp"
  #include "memory/resourceArea.hpp"
  #include "runtime/orderAccess.hpp"
+ ShenandoahSetsOfFree::ShenandoahSetsOfFree(size_t max_regions, ShenandoahFreeSet* free_set) :
+     _max(max_regions),
+     _free_set(free_set),
+     _region_size_bytes(ShenandoahHeapRegion::region_size_bytes())
+ {
+   _membership = NEW_C_HEAP_ARRAY(ShenandoahFreeMemoryType, max_regions, mtGC);
+   clear_internal();
+ }
+ ShenandoahSetsOfFree::~ShenandoahSetsOfFree() {
+   FREE_C_HEAP_ARRAY(ShenandoahFreeMemoryType, _membership);
+ }
+ void ShenandoahSetsOfFree::clear_internal() {
+   for (size_t idx = 0; idx < _max; idx++) {
+     _membership[idx] = NotFree;
+   }
+   for (size_t idx = 0; idx < NumFreeSets; idx++) {
+     _leftmosts[idx] = _max;
+     _rightmosts[idx] = 0;
+     _leftmosts_empty[idx] = _max;
+     _rightmosts_empty[idx] = 0;
+     _capacity_of[idx] = 0;
+     _used_by[idx] = 0;
+   }
+   _left_to_right_bias[Mutator] = true;
+   _left_to_right_bias[Collector] = false;
+   _left_to_right_bias[OldCollector] = false;
+   _region_counts[Mutator] = 0;
+   _region_counts[Collector] = 0;
+   _region_counts[OldCollector] = 0;
+   _region_counts[NotFree] = _max;
+ }
+ void ShenandoahSetsOfFree::clear_all() {
+   clear_internal();
+ }
+ void ShenandoahSetsOfFree::increase_used(ShenandoahFreeMemoryType which_set, size_t bytes) {
+   assert (which_set > NotFree && which_set < NumFreeSets, "Set must correspond to a valid freeset");
+   _used_by[which_set] += bytes;
+   assert (_used_by[which_set] <= _capacity_of[which_set],
+           "Must not use (" SIZE_FORMAT ") more than capacity (" SIZE_FORMAT ") after increase by " SIZE_FORMAT,
+           _used_by[which_set], _capacity_of[which_set], bytes);
+ }
+ inline void ShenandoahSetsOfFree::shrink_bounds_if_touched(ShenandoahFreeMemoryType set, size_t idx) {
+   if (idx == _leftmosts[set]) {
+     while ((_leftmosts[set] < _max) && !in_free_set(_leftmosts[set], set)) {
+       _leftmosts[set]++;
+     }
+     if (_leftmosts_empty[set] < _leftmosts[set]) {
+       // This gets us closer to where we need to be; we'll scan further when leftmosts_empty is requested.
+       _leftmosts_empty[set] = _leftmosts[set];
+     }
+   }
+   if (idx == _rightmosts[set]) {
+     while (_rightmosts[set] > 0 && !in_free_set(_rightmosts[set], set)) {
+       _rightmosts[set]--;
+     }
+     if (_rightmosts_empty[set] > _rightmosts[set]) {
+       // This gets us closer to where we need to be; we'll scan further when rightmosts_empty is requested.
+       _rightmosts_empty[set] = _rightmosts[set];
+     }
+   }
+ }
+ inline void ShenandoahSetsOfFree::expand_bounds_maybe(ShenandoahFreeMemoryType set, size_t idx, size_t region_capacity) {
+   if (region_capacity == _region_size_bytes) {
+     if (_leftmosts_empty[set] > idx) {
+       _leftmosts_empty[set] = idx;
+     }
+     if (_rightmosts_empty[set] < idx) {
+       _rightmosts_empty[set] = idx;
+     }
+   }
+   if (_leftmosts[set] > idx) {
+     _leftmosts[set] = idx;
+   }
+   if (_rightmosts[set] < idx) {
+     _rightmosts[set] = idx;
+   }
+ }
+ void ShenandoahSetsOfFree::remove_from_free_sets(size_t idx) {
+   assert (idx < _max, "index is sane: " SIZE_FORMAT " < " SIZE_FORMAT, idx, _max);
+   ShenandoahFreeMemoryType orig_set = membership(idx);
+   assert (orig_set > NotFree && orig_set < NumFreeSets, "Cannot remove from free sets if not already free");
+   _membership[idx] = NotFree;
+   shrink_bounds_if_touched(orig_set, idx);
+   _region_counts[orig_set]--;
+   _region_counts[NotFree]++;
+ }
+ void ShenandoahSetsOfFree::make_free(size_t idx, ShenandoahFreeMemoryType which_set, size_t region_capacity) {
+   assert (idx < _max, "index is sane: " SIZE_FORMAT " < " SIZE_FORMAT, idx, _max);
+   assert (_membership[idx] == NotFree, "Cannot make free if already free");
+   assert (which_set > NotFree && which_set < NumFreeSets, "selected free set must be valid");
+   _membership[idx] = which_set;
+   _capacity_of[which_set] += region_capacity;
+   expand_bounds_maybe(which_set, idx, region_capacity);
+   _region_counts[NotFree]--;
+   _region_counts[which_set]++;
+ }
+ void ShenandoahSetsOfFree::move_to_set(size_t idx, ShenandoahFreeMemoryType new_set, size_t region_capacity) {
+   assert (idx < _max, "index is sane: " SIZE_FORMAT " < " SIZE_FORMAT, idx, _max);
+   assert ((new_set > NotFree) && (new_set < NumFreeSets), "New set must be valid");
+   ShenandoahFreeMemoryType orig_set = _membership[idx];
+   assert ((orig_set > NotFree) && (orig_set < NumFreeSets), "Cannot move free unless already free");
+   // Expected transitions:
+   //  During rebuild: Mutator => Collector
+   //                  Mutator empty => Collector
+   //  During flip_to_gc:
+   //                  Mutator empty => Collector
+   //                  Mutator empty => Old Collector
+   // At start of update refs:
+   //                  Collector => Mutator
+   //                  OldCollector Empty => Mutator
+   assert((region_capacity <= _region_size_bytes && ((orig_set == Mutator && new_set == Collector) || (orig_set == Collector && new_set == Mutator)))
+       || (region_capacity == _region_size_bytes && ((orig_set == Mutator && new_set == Collector) || (orig_set == OldCollector && new_set == Mutator) || new_set == OldCollector)),
+       "Unexpected movement between sets");
+   _membership[idx] = new_set;
+   _capacity_of[orig_set] -= region_capacity;
+   shrink_bounds_if_touched(orig_set, idx);
+   _capacity_of[new_set] += region_capacity;
+   expand_bounds_maybe(new_set, idx, region_capacity);
+   _region_counts[orig_set]--;
+   _region_counts[new_set]++;
+ }
+ inline ShenandoahFreeMemoryType ShenandoahSetsOfFree::membership(size_t idx) const {
+   assert (idx < _max, "index is sane: " SIZE_FORMAT " < " SIZE_FORMAT, idx, _max);
+   return _membership[idx];
+ }
+   // Returns true iff region idx is in the test_set free_set.  Before returning true, asserts that the free
+   // set is not empty.  Requires that test_set != NotFree or NumFreeSets.
+ inline bool ShenandoahSetsOfFree::in_free_set(size_t idx, ShenandoahFreeMemoryType test_set) const {
+   assert (idx < _max, "index is sane: " SIZE_FORMAT " < " SIZE_FORMAT, idx, _max);
+   if (_membership[idx] == test_set) {
+     assert (test_set == NotFree || _free_set->alloc_capacity(idx) > 0, "Free regions must have alloc capacity");
+     return true;
+   } else {
+     return false;
+   }
+ }
+ inline size_t ShenandoahSetsOfFree::leftmost(ShenandoahFreeMemoryType which_set) const {
+   assert (which_set > NotFree && which_set < NumFreeSets, "selected free set must be valid");
+   size_t idx = _leftmosts[which_set];
+   if (idx >= _max) {
+     return _max;
+   } else {
+     assert (in_free_set(idx, which_set), "left-most region must be free");
+     return idx;
+   }
+ }
+ inline size_t ShenandoahSetsOfFree::rightmost(ShenandoahFreeMemoryType which_set) const {
+   assert (which_set > NotFree && which_set < NumFreeSets, "selected free set must be valid");
+   size_t idx = _rightmosts[which_set];
+   assert ((_leftmosts[which_set] == _max) || in_free_set(idx, which_set), "right-most region must be free");
+   return idx;
+ }
+ inline bool ShenandoahSetsOfFree::is_empty(ShenandoahFreeMemoryType which_set) const {
+   assert (which_set > NotFree && which_set < NumFreeSets, "selected free set must be valid");
+   return (leftmost(which_set) > rightmost(which_set));
+ }
+ size_t ShenandoahSetsOfFree::leftmost_empty(ShenandoahFreeMemoryType which_set) {
+   assert (which_set > NotFree && which_set < NumFreeSets, "selected free set must be valid");
+   for (size_t idx = _leftmosts_empty[which_set]; idx < _max; idx++) {
+     if ((membership(idx) == which_set) && (_free_set->alloc_capacity(idx) == _region_size_bytes)) {
+       _leftmosts_empty[which_set] = idx;
+       return idx;
+     }
+   }
+   _leftmosts_empty[which_set] = _max;
+   _rightmosts_empty[which_set] = 0;
+   return _max;
+ }
+ inline size_t ShenandoahSetsOfFree::rightmost_empty(ShenandoahFreeMemoryType which_set) {
+   assert (which_set > NotFree && which_set < NumFreeSets, "selected free set must be valid");
+   for (intptr_t idx = _rightmosts_empty[which_set]; idx >= 0; idx--) {
+     if ((membership(idx) == which_set) && (_free_set->alloc_capacity(idx) == _region_size_bytes)) {
+       _rightmosts_empty[which_set] = idx;
+       return idx;
+     }
+   }
+   _leftmosts_empty[which_set] = _max;
+   _rightmosts_empty[which_set] = 0;
+   return 0;
+ }
+ inline bool ShenandoahSetsOfFree::alloc_from_left_bias(ShenandoahFreeMemoryType which_set) {
+   assert (which_set > NotFree && which_set < NumFreeSets, "selected free set must be valid");
+   return _left_to_right_bias[which_set];
+ }
+ void ShenandoahSetsOfFree::establish_alloc_bias(ShenandoahFreeMemoryType which_set) {
+   ShenandoahHeap* heap = ShenandoahHeap::heap();
+   shenandoah_assert_heaplocked();
+   assert (which_set > NotFree && which_set < NumFreeSets, "selected free set must be valid");
+   size_t middle = (_leftmosts[which_set] + _rightmosts[which_set]) / 2;
+   size_t available_in_first_half = 0;
+   size_t available_in_second_half = 0;
+   for (size_t index = _leftmosts[which_set]; index < middle; index++) {
+     if (in_free_set(index, which_set)) {
+       ShenandoahHeapRegion* r = heap->get_region(index);
+       available_in_first_half += r->free();
+     }
+   }
+   for (size_t index = middle; index <= _rightmosts[which_set]; index++) {
+     if (in_free_set(index, which_set)) {
+       ShenandoahHeapRegion* r = heap->get_region(index);
+       available_in_second_half += r->free();
+     }
+   }
+   // We desire to first consume the sparsely distributed regions in order that the remaining regions are densely packed.
+   // Densely packing regions reduces the effort to search for a region that has sufficient memory to satisfy a new allocation
+   // request.  Regions become sparsely distributed following a Full GC, which tends to slide all regions to the front of the
+   // heap rather than allowing survivor regions to remain at the high end of the heap where we intend for them to congregate.
+   // TODO: In the future, we may modify Full GC so that it slides old objects to the end of the heap and young objects to the
+   // front of the heap. If this is done, we can always search survivor Collector and OldCollector regions right to left.
+   _left_to_right_bias[which_set] = (available_in_second_half > available_in_first_half);
+ }
+ #ifdef ASSERT
+ void ShenandoahSetsOfFree::assert_bounds() {
+   size_t leftmosts[NumFreeSets];
+   size_t rightmosts[NumFreeSets];
+   size_t empty_leftmosts[NumFreeSets];
+   size_t empty_rightmosts[NumFreeSets];
+   for (int i = 0; i < NumFreeSets; i++) {
+     leftmosts[i] = _max;
+     empty_leftmosts[i] = _max;
+     rightmosts[i] = 0;
+     empty_rightmosts[i] = 0;
+   }
+   for (size_t i = 0; i < _max; i++) {
+     ShenandoahFreeMemoryType set = membership(i);
+     switch (set) {
+       case NotFree:
+         break;
+       case Mutator:
+       case Collector:
+       case OldCollector:
+       {
+         size_t capacity = _free_set->alloc_capacity(i);
+         bool is_empty = (capacity == _region_size_bytes);
+         assert(capacity > 0, "free regions must have allocation capacity");
+         if (i < leftmosts[set]) {
+           leftmosts[set] = i;
+         }
+         if (is_empty && (i < empty_leftmosts[set])) {
+           empty_leftmosts[set] = i;
+         }
+         if (i > rightmosts[set]) {
+           rightmosts[set] = i;
+         }
+         if (is_empty && (i > empty_rightmosts[set])) {
+           empty_rightmosts[set] = i;
+         }
+         break;
+       }
+       case NumFreeSets:
+       default:
+         ShouldNotReachHere();
+     }
+   }
+   // Performance invariants. Failing these would not break the free set, but performance would suffer.
+   assert (leftmost(Mutator) <= _max, "leftmost in bounds: "  SIZE_FORMAT " < " SIZE_FORMAT, leftmost(Mutator),  _max);
+   assert (rightmost(Mutator) < _max, "rightmost in bounds: "  SIZE_FORMAT " < " SIZE_FORMAT, rightmost(Mutator),  _max);
+   assert (leftmost(Mutator) == _max || in_free_set(leftmost(Mutator), Mutator),
+           "leftmost region should be free: " SIZE_FORMAT,  leftmost(Mutator));
+   assert (leftmost(Mutator) == _max || in_free_set(rightmost(Mutator), Mutator),
+           "rightmost region should be free: " SIZE_FORMAT, rightmost(Mutator));
+   // If Mutator set is empty, leftmosts will both equal max, rightmosts will both equal zero.  Likewise for empty region sets.
+   size_t beg_off = leftmosts[Mutator];
+   size_t end_off = rightmosts[Mutator];
+   assert (beg_off >= leftmost(Mutator),
+           "free regions before the leftmost: " SIZE_FORMAT ", bound " SIZE_FORMAT, beg_off, leftmost(Mutator));
+   assert (end_off <= rightmost(Mutator),
+           "free regions past the rightmost: " SIZE_FORMAT ", bound " SIZE_FORMAT,  end_off, rightmost(Mutator));
+   beg_off = empty_leftmosts[Mutator];
+   end_off = empty_rightmosts[Mutator];
+   assert (beg_off >= leftmost_empty(Mutator),
+           "free empty regions before the leftmost: " SIZE_FORMAT ", bound " SIZE_FORMAT, beg_off, leftmost_empty(Mutator));
+   assert (end_off <= rightmost_empty(Mutator),
+           "free empty regions past the rightmost: " SIZE_FORMAT ", bound " SIZE_FORMAT,  end_off, rightmost_empty(Mutator));
+   // Performance invariants. Failing these would not break the free set, but performance would suffer.
+   assert (leftmost(Collector) <= _max, "leftmost in bounds: "  SIZE_FORMAT " < " SIZE_FORMAT, leftmost(Collector),  _max);
+   assert (rightmost(Collector) < _max, "rightmost in bounds: "  SIZE_FORMAT " < " SIZE_FORMAT, rightmost(Collector),  _max);
+   assert (leftmost(Collector) == _max || in_free_set(leftmost(Collector), Collector),
+           "leftmost region should be free: " SIZE_FORMAT,  leftmost(Collector));
+   assert (leftmost(Collector) == _max || in_free_set(rightmost(Collector), Collector),
+           "rightmost region should be free: " SIZE_FORMAT, rightmost(Collector));
+   // If Collector set is empty, leftmosts will both equal max, rightmosts will both equal zero.  Likewise for empty region sets.
+   beg_off = leftmosts[Collector];
+   end_off = rightmosts[Collector];
+   assert (beg_off >= leftmost(Collector),
+           "free regions before the leftmost: " SIZE_FORMAT ", bound " SIZE_FORMAT, beg_off, leftmost(Collector));
+   assert (end_off <= rightmost(Collector),
+           "free regions past the rightmost: " SIZE_FORMAT ", bound " SIZE_FORMAT,  end_off, rightmost(Collector));
+   beg_off = empty_leftmosts[Collector];
+   end_off = empty_rightmosts[Collector];
+   assert (beg_off >= leftmost_empty(Collector),
+           "free empty regions before the leftmost: " SIZE_FORMAT ", bound " SIZE_FORMAT, beg_off, leftmost_empty(Collector));
+   assert (end_off <= rightmost_empty(Collector),
+           "free empty regions past the rightmost: " SIZE_FORMAT ", bound " SIZE_FORMAT,  end_off, rightmost_empty(Collector));
+   // Performance invariants. Failing these would not break the free set, but performance would suffer.
+   assert (leftmost(OldCollector) <= _max, "leftmost in bounds: "  SIZE_FORMAT " < " SIZE_FORMAT, leftmost(OldCollector),  _max);
+   assert (rightmost(OldCollector) < _max, "rightmost in bounds: "  SIZE_FORMAT " < " SIZE_FORMAT, rightmost(OldCollector),  _max);
+   assert (leftmost(OldCollector) == _max || in_free_set(leftmost(OldCollector), OldCollector),
+           "leftmost region should be free: " SIZE_FORMAT,  leftmost(OldCollector));
+   assert (leftmost(OldCollector) == _max || in_free_set(rightmost(OldCollector), OldCollector),
+           "rightmost region should be free: " SIZE_FORMAT, rightmost(OldCollector));
+   // If OldCollector set is empty, leftmosts will both equal max, rightmosts will both equal zero.  Likewise for empty region sets.
+   beg_off = leftmosts[OldCollector];
+   end_off = rightmosts[OldCollector];
+   assert (beg_off >= leftmost(OldCollector),
+           "free regions before the leftmost: " SIZE_FORMAT ", bound " SIZE_FORMAT, beg_off, leftmost(OldCollector));
+   assert (end_off <= rightmost(OldCollector),
+           "free regions past the rightmost: " SIZE_FORMAT ", bound " SIZE_FORMAT,  end_off, rightmost(OldCollector));
+   beg_off = empty_leftmosts[OldCollector];
+   end_off = empty_rightmosts[OldCollector];
+   assert (beg_off >= leftmost_empty(OldCollector),
+           "free empty regions before the leftmost: " SIZE_FORMAT ", bound " SIZE_FORMAT, beg_off, leftmost_empty(OldCollector));
+   assert (end_off <= rightmost_empty(OldCollector),
+           "free empty regions past the rightmost: " SIZE_FORMAT ", bound " SIZE_FORMAT,  end_off, rightmost_empty(OldCollector));
+ }
+ #endif
  ShenandoahFreeSet::ShenandoahFreeSet(ShenandoahHeap* heap, size_t max_regions) :
-   _mutator_free_bitmap(max_regions, mtGC),
-   _collector_free_bitmap(max_regions, mtGC),
-   _max(max_regions)
+   _free_sets(max_regions, this)
- void ShenandoahFreeSet::increase_used(size_t num_bytes) {
+ // This allocates from a region within the old_collector_set.  If affiliation equals OLD, the allocation must be taken
+ // from a region that is_old().  Otherwise, affiliation should be FREE, in which case this will put a previously unaffiliated
+ // region into service.
+ HeapWord* ShenandoahFreeSet::allocate_old_with_affiliation(ShenandoahAffiliation affiliation,
+                                                            ShenandoahAllocRequest& req, bool& in_new_region) {
-   _used += num_bytes;
-   assert(_used <= _capacity, "must not use more than we have: used: " SIZE_FORMAT
-          ", capacity: " SIZE_FORMAT ", num_bytes: " SIZE_FORMAT, _used, _capacity, num_bytes);
+   size_t rightmost =
+     (affiliation == ShenandoahAffiliation::FREE)? _free_sets.rightmost_empty(OldCollector): _free_sets.rightmost(OldCollector);
+   size_t leftmost =
+     (affiliation == ShenandoahAffiliation::FREE)? _free_sets.leftmost_empty(OldCollector): _free_sets.leftmost(OldCollector);
+   if (_free_sets.alloc_from_left_bias(OldCollector)) {
+     // This mode picks up stragglers left by a full GC
+     for (size_t idx = leftmost; idx <= rightmost; idx++) {
+       if (_free_sets.in_free_set(idx, OldCollector)) {
+         ShenandoahHeapRegion* r = _heap->get_region(idx);
+         assert(r->is_trash() || !r->is_affiliated() || r->is_old(), "old_collector_set region has bad affiliation");
+         if (r->affiliation() == affiliation) {
+           HeapWord* result = try_allocate_in(r, req, in_new_region);
+           if (result != nullptr) {
+             return result;
+           }
+         }
+       }
+     }
+   } else {
+     // This mode picks up stragglers left by a previous concurrent GC
+     for (size_t count = rightmost + 1; count > leftmost; count--) {
+       // size_t is unsigned, need to dodge underflow when _leftmost = 0
+       size_t idx = count - 1;
+       if (_free_sets.in_free_set(idx, OldCollector)) {
+         ShenandoahHeapRegion* r = _heap->get_region(idx);
+         assert(r->is_trash() || !r->is_affiliated() || r->is_old(), "old_collector_set region has bad affiliation");
+         if (r->affiliation() == affiliation) {
+           HeapWord* result = try_allocate_in(r, req, in_new_region);
+           if (result != nullptr) {
+             return result;
+           }
+         }
+       }
+     }
+   }
+   return nullptr;
- bool ShenandoahFreeSet::is_mutator_free(size_t idx) const {
-   assert (idx < _max, "index is sane: " SIZE_FORMAT " < " SIZE_FORMAT " (left: " SIZE_FORMAT ", right: " SIZE_FORMAT ")",
-           idx, _max, _mutator_leftmost, _mutator_rightmost);
-   return _mutator_free_bitmap.at(idx);
+ void ShenandoahFreeSet::add_old_collector_free_region(ShenandoahHeapRegion* region) {
+   shenandoah_assert_heaplocked();
+   size_t plab_min_size_in_bytes = ShenandoahGenerationalHeap::heap()->plab_min_size() * HeapWordSize;
+   size_t idx = region->index();
+   size_t capacity = alloc_capacity(region);
+   assert(_free_sets.membership(idx) == NotFree, "Regions promoted in place should not be in any free set");
+   if (capacity >= plab_min_size_in_bytes) {
+     _free_sets.make_free(idx, OldCollector, capacity);
+     _heap->old_generation()->augment_promoted_reserve(capacity);
+   }
- bool ShenandoahFreeSet::is_collector_free(size_t idx) const {
-   assert (idx < _max, "index is sane: " SIZE_FORMAT " < " SIZE_FORMAT " (left: " SIZE_FORMAT ", right: " SIZE_FORMAT ")",
-           idx, _max, _collector_leftmost, _collector_rightmost);
-   return _collector_free_bitmap.at(idx);
+ HeapWord* ShenandoahFreeSet::allocate_with_affiliation(ShenandoahAffiliation affiliation,
+                                                        ShenandoahAllocRequest& req, bool& in_new_region) {
+   shenandoah_assert_heaplocked();
+   size_t rightmost =
+     (affiliation == ShenandoahAffiliation::FREE)? _free_sets.rightmost_empty(Collector): _free_sets.rightmost(Collector);
+   size_t leftmost =
+     (affiliation == ShenandoahAffiliation::FREE)? _free_sets.leftmost_empty(Collector): _free_sets.leftmost(Collector);
+   for (size_t c = rightmost + 1; c > leftmost; c--) {
+     // size_t is unsigned, need to dodge underflow when _leftmost = 0
+     size_t idx = c - 1;
+     if (_free_sets.in_free_set(idx, Collector)) {
+       ShenandoahHeapRegion* r = _heap->get_region(idx);
+       if (r->affiliation() == affiliation) {
+         HeapWord* result = try_allocate_in(r, req, in_new_region);
+         if (result != nullptr) {
+           return result;
+         }
+       }
+     }
+   }
+   log_debug(gc, free)("Could not allocate collector region with affiliation: %s for request " PTR_FORMAT,
+                       shenandoah_affiliation_name(affiliation), p2i(&req));
+   return nullptr;
  HeapWord* ShenandoahFreeSet::allocate_single(ShenandoahAllocRequest& req, bool& in_new_region) {
+   shenandoah_assert_heaplocked();
    // Scan the bitmap looking for a first fit.
    // Leftmost and rightmost bounds provide enough caching to walk bitmap efficiently. Normally,
    // we would find the region to allocate at right away.

@@ -72,204 +507,381 @@
    // of regions from the beginning most of the time.
    // Free set maintains mutator and collector views, and normally they allocate in their views only,
    // unless we special cases for stealing and mixed allocations.
+   // Overwrite with non-zero (non-NULL) values only if necessary for allocation bookkeeping.
+   bool allow_new_region = true;
+   if (_heap->mode()->is_generational()) {
+     switch (req.affiliation()) {
+       case ShenandoahAffiliation::OLD_GENERATION:
+         // Note: unsigned result from free_unaffiliated_regions() will never be less than zero, but it may equal zero.
+         if (_heap->old_generation()->free_unaffiliated_regions() <= 0) {
+           allow_new_region = false;
+         }
+         break;
+       case ShenandoahAffiliation::YOUNG_GENERATION:
+         // Note: unsigned result from free_unaffiliated_regions() will never be less than zero, but it may equal zero.
+         if (_heap->young_generation()->free_unaffiliated_regions() <= 0) {
+           allow_new_region = false;
+         }
+         break;
+       case ShenandoahAffiliation::FREE:
+         fatal("Should request affiliation");
+       default:
+         ShouldNotReachHere();
+         break;
+     }
+   }
    switch (req.type()) {
      case ShenandoahAllocRequest::_alloc_tlab:
      case ShenandoahAllocRequest::_alloc_shared: {
        // Try to allocate in the mutator view
-       for (size_t idx = _mutator_leftmost; idx <= _mutator_rightmost; idx++) {
-         if (is_mutator_free(idx)) {
-           HeapWord* result = try_allocate_in(_heap->get_region(idx), req, in_new_region);
-           if (result != nullptr) {
-             return result;
+       // Allocate within mutator free from high memory to low so as to preserve low memory for humongous allocations
+       if (!_free_sets.is_empty(Mutator)) {
+         // Use signed idx.  Otherwise, loop will never terminate.
+         int leftmost = (int) _free_sets.leftmost(Mutator);
+         for (int idx = (int) _free_sets.rightmost(Mutator); idx >= leftmost; idx--) {
+           ShenandoahHeapRegion* r = _heap->get_region(idx);
+           if (_free_sets.in_free_set(idx, Mutator) && (allow_new_region || r->is_affiliated())) {
+             // try_allocate_in() increases used if the allocation is successful.
+             HeapWord* result;
+             size_t min_size = (req.type() == ShenandoahAllocRequest::_alloc_tlab)? req.min_size(): req.size();
+             if ((alloc_capacity(r) >= min_size) && ((result = try_allocate_in(r, req, in_new_region)) != nullptr)) {
+               return result;
+             }
        // There is no recovery. Mutator does not touch collector view at all.
      case ShenandoahAllocRequest::_alloc_gclab:
-     case ShenandoahAllocRequest::_alloc_shared_gc: {
-       // size_t is unsigned, need to dodge underflow when _leftmost = 0
+       // GCLABs are for evacuation so we must be in evacuation phase.  If this allocation is successful, increment
+       // the relevant evac_expended rather than used value.
+     case ShenandoahAllocRequest::_alloc_plab:
+       // PLABs always reside in old-gen and are only allocated during evacuation phase.
-       // Fast-path: try to allocate in the collector view first
-       for (size_t c = _collector_rightmost + 1; c > _collector_leftmost; c--) {
-         size_t idx = c - 1;
-         if (is_collector_free(idx)) {
-           HeapWord* result = try_allocate_in(_heap->get_region(idx), req, in_new_region);
+     case ShenandoahAllocRequest::_alloc_shared_gc: {
+       if (!_heap->mode()->is_generational()) {
+         // size_t is unsigned, need to dodge underflow when _leftmost = 0
+         // Fast-path: try to allocate in the collector view first
+         for (size_t c = _free_sets.rightmost(Collector) + 1; c > _free_sets.leftmost(Collector); c--) {
+           size_t idx = c - 1;
+           if (_free_sets.in_free_set(idx, Collector)) {
+             HeapWord* result = try_allocate_in(_heap->get_region(idx), req, in_new_region);
+             if (result != nullptr) {
+               return result;
+             }
+           }
+         }
+       } else {
+         // First try to fit into a region that is already in use in the same generation.
+         HeapWord* result;
+         if (req.is_old()) {
+           result = allocate_old_with_affiliation(req.affiliation(), req, in_new_region);
+         } else {
+           result = allocate_with_affiliation(req.affiliation(), req, in_new_region);
+         }
+         if (result != nullptr) {
+           return result;
+         }
+         if (allow_new_region) {
+           // Then try a free region that is dedicated to GC allocations.
+           if (req.is_old()) {
+             result = allocate_old_with_affiliation(FREE, req, in_new_region);
+           } else {
+             result = allocate_with_affiliation(FREE, req, in_new_region);
+           }
            if (result != nullptr) {
              return result;
        // No dice. Can we borrow space from mutator view?
        if (!ShenandoahEvacReserveOverflow) {
          return nullptr;
-       // Try to steal the empty region from the mutator view
-       for (size_t c = _mutator_rightmost + 1; c > _mutator_leftmost; c--) {
-         size_t idx = c - 1;
-         if (is_mutator_free(idx)) {
-           ShenandoahHeapRegion* r = _heap->get_region(idx);
-           if (can_allocate_from(r)) {
-             flip_to_gc(r);
-             HeapWord *result = try_allocate_in(r, req, in_new_region);
-             if (result != nullptr) {
-               return result;
+       if (!allow_new_region && req.is_old() && (_heap->young_generation()->free_unaffiliated_regions() > 0)) {
+         // This allows us to flip a mutator region to old_collector
+         allow_new_region = true;
+       }
+       // We should expand old-gen if this can prevent an old-gen evacuation failure.  We don't care so much about
+       // promotion failures since they can be mitigated in a subsequent GC pass.  Would be nice to know if this
+       // allocation request is for evacuation or promotion.  Individual threads limit their use of PLAB memory for
+       // promotions, so we already have an assurance that any additional memory set aside for old-gen will be used
+       // only for old-gen evacuations.
+       // Also TODO:
+       // if (GC is idle (out of cycle) and mutator allocation fails and there is memory reserved in Collector
+       // or OldCollector sets, transfer a region of memory so that we can satisfy the allocation request, and
+       // immediately trigger the start of GC.  Is better to satisfy the allocation than to trigger out-of-cycle
+       // allocation failure (even if this means we have a little less memory to handle evacuations during the
+       // subsequent GC pass).
+       if (allow_new_region) {
+         // Try to steal an empty region from the mutator view.
+         for (size_t c = _free_sets.rightmost_empty(Mutator) + 1; c > _free_sets.leftmost_empty(Mutator); c--) {
+           size_t idx = c - 1;
+           if (_free_sets.in_free_set(idx, Mutator)) {
+             ShenandoahHeapRegion* r = _heap->get_region(idx);
+             if (can_allocate_from(r)) {
+               if (req.is_old()) {
+                 flip_to_old_gc(r);
+               } else {
+                 flip_to_gc(r);
+               }
+               HeapWord *result = try_allocate_in(r, req, in_new_region);
+               if (result != nullptr) {
+                 log_debug(gc, free)("Flipped region " SIZE_FORMAT " to gc for request: " PTR_FORMAT, idx, p2i(&req));
+                 return result;
+               }
        // No dice. Do not try to mix mutator and GC allocations, because
        // URWM moves due to GC allocations would expose unparsable mutator
        // allocations.
    return nullptr;
- HeapWord* ShenandoahFreeSet::try_allocate_in(ShenandoahHeapRegion* r, ShenandoahAllocRequest& req, bool& in_new_region) {
-   assert (!has_no_alloc_capacity(r), "Performance: should avoid full regions on this path: " SIZE_FORMAT, r->index());
+ // This work method takes an argument corresponding to the number of bytes
+ // free in a region, and returns the largest amount in heapwords that can be allocated
+ // such that both of the following conditions are satisfied:
+ //
+ // 1. it is a multiple of card size
+ // 2. any remaining shard may be filled with a filler object
+ //
+ // The idea is that the allocation starts and ends at card boundaries. Because
+ // a region ('s end) is card-aligned, the remainder shard that must be filled is
+ // at the start of the free space.
+ //
+ // This is merely a helper method to use for the purpose of such a calculation.
+ size_t get_usable_free_words(size_t free_bytes) {
+   // e.g. card_size is 512, card_shift is 9, min_fill_size() is 8
+   //      free is 514
+   //      usable_free is 512, which is decreased to 0
+   size_t usable_free = (free_bytes / CardTable::card_size()) << CardTable::card_shift();
+   assert(usable_free <= free_bytes, "Sanity check");
+   if ((free_bytes != usable_free) && (free_bytes - usable_free < ShenandoahHeap::min_fill_size() * HeapWordSize)) {
+     // After aligning to card multiples, the remainder would be smaller than
+     // the minimum filler object, so we'll need to take away another card's
+     // worth to construct a filler object.
+     if (usable_free >= CardTable::card_size()) {
+       usable_free -= CardTable::card_size();
+     } else {
+       assert(usable_free == 0, "usable_free is a multiple of card_size and card_size > min_fill_size");
+     }
+   }
+   return usable_free / HeapWordSize;
+ }
+ // Given a size argument, which is a multiple of card size, a request struct
+ // for a PLAB, and an old region, return a pointer to the allocated space for
+ // a PLAB which is card-aligned and where any remaining shard in the region
+ // has been suitably filled by a filler object.
+ // It is assumed (and assertion-checked) that such an allocation is always possible.
+ HeapWord* ShenandoahFreeSet::allocate_aligned_plab(size_t size, ShenandoahAllocRequest& req, ShenandoahHeapRegion* r) {
+   assert(_heap->mode()->is_generational(), "PLABs are only for generational mode");
+   assert(r->is_old(), "All PLABs reside in old-gen");
+   assert(!req.is_mutator_alloc(), "PLABs should not be allocated by mutators.");
+   assert(is_aligned(size, CardTable::card_size_in_words()), "Align by design");
+   HeapWord* result = r->allocate_aligned(size, req, CardTable::card_size());
+   assert(result != nullptr, "Allocation cannot fail");
+   assert(r->top() <= r->end(), "Allocation cannot span end of region");
+   assert(req.actual_size() == size, "Should not have needed to adjust size for PLAB.");
+   assert(is_aligned(result, CardTable::card_size_in_words()), "Align by design");
+   return result;
+ }
-   if (_heap->is_concurrent_weak_root_in_progress() &&
-       r->is_trash()) {
+ HeapWord* ShenandoahFreeSet::try_allocate_in(ShenandoahHeapRegion* r, ShenandoahAllocRequest& req, bool& in_new_region) {
+   assert (has_alloc_capacity(r), "Performance: should avoid full regions on this path: " SIZE_FORMAT, r->index());
+   if (_heap->is_concurrent_weak_root_in_progress() && r->is_trash()) {
      return nullptr;
+   if (!r->is_affiliated()) {
+     ShenandoahMarkingContext* const ctx = _heap->complete_marking_context();
+     r->set_affiliation(req.affiliation());
+     if (r->is_old()) {
+       // Any OLD region allocated during concurrent coalesce-and-fill does not need to be coalesced and filled because
+       // all objects allocated within this region are above TAMS (and thus are implicitly marked).  In case this is an
+       // OLD region and concurrent preparation for mixed evacuations visits this region before the start of the next
+       // old-gen concurrent mark (i.e. this region is allocated following the start of old-gen concurrent mark but before
+       // concurrent preparations for mixed evacuations are completed), we mark this region as not requiring any
+       // coalesce-and-fill processing.
+       r->end_preemptible_coalesce_and_fill();
+       _heap->old_generation()->clear_cards_for(r);
+     }
+     _heap->generation_for(r->affiliation())->increment_affiliated_region_count();
-   in_new_region = r->is_empty();
+     assert(ctx->top_at_mark_start(r) == r->bottom(), "Newly established allocation region starts with TAMS equal to bottom");
+     assert(ctx->is_bitmap_clear_range(ctx->top_bitmap(r), r->end()), "Bitmap above top_bitmap() must be clear");
+   } else if (r->affiliation() != req.affiliation()) {
+     assert(_heap->mode()->is_generational(), "Request for %s from %s region should only happen in generational mode.",
+            req.affiliation_name(), r->affiliation_name());
+     return nullptr;
+   }
+   in_new_region = r->is_empty();
    HeapWord* result = nullptr;
-   size_t size = req.size();
+   if (in_new_region) {
+     log_debug(gc, free)("Using new region (" SIZE_FORMAT ") for %s (" PTR_FORMAT ").",
+                        r->index(), ShenandoahAllocRequest::alloc_type_to_string(req.type()), p2i(&req));
+   }
+   // req.size() is in words, r->free() is in bytes.
    if (req.is_lab_alloc()) {
-     size_t free = align_down(r->free() >> LogHeapWordSize, MinObjAlignment);
-     if (size > free) {
-       size = free;
-     }
-     if (size >= req.min_size()) {
-       result = r->allocate(size, req.type());
-       assert (result != nullptr, "Allocation must succeed: free " SIZE_FORMAT ", actual " SIZE_FORMAT, free, size);
+     if (req.type() == ShenandoahAllocRequest::_alloc_plab) {
+       assert(_heap->mode()->is_generational(), "PLABs are only for generational mode");
+       assert(_free_sets.in_free_set(r->index(), OldCollector), "PLABS must be allocated in old_collector_free regions");
+       // Need to assure that plabs are aligned on multiple of card region.
+       // Since we have Elastic TLABs, align sizes up. They may be decreased to fit in the usable
+       // memory remaining in the region (which will also be aligned to cards).
+       size_t adjusted_size = align_up(req.size(), CardTable::card_size_in_words());
+       size_t adjusted_min_size = align_up(req.min_size(), CardTable::card_size_in_words());
+       size_t usable_free = get_usable_free_words(r->free());
+       if (adjusted_size > usable_free) {
+         adjusted_size = usable_free;
+       }
+       if (adjusted_size >= adjusted_min_size) {
+         result = allocate_aligned_plab(adjusted_size, req, r);
+       }
+       // Otherwise, leave result == nullptr because the adjusted size is smaller than min size.
+     } else {
+       // This is a GCLAB or a TLAB allocation
+       size_t adjusted_size = req.size();
+       size_t free = align_down(r->free() >> LogHeapWordSize, MinObjAlignment);
+       if (adjusted_size > free) {
+         adjusted_size = free;
+       }
+       if (adjusted_size >= req.min_size()) {
+         result = r->allocate(adjusted_size, req);
+         assert (result != nullptr, "Allocation must succeed: free " SIZE_FORMAT ", actual " SIZE_FORMAT, free, adjusted_size);
+         req.set_actual_size(adjusted_size);
+       } else {
+         log_trace(gc, free)("Failed to shrink TLAB or GCLAB request (" SIZE_FORMAT ") in region " SIZE_FORMAT " to " SIZE_FORMAT
+                            " because min_size() is " SIZE_FORMAT, req.size(), r->index(), adjusted_size, req.min_size());
+       }
    } else {
-     result = r->allocate(size, req.type());
+     size_t size = req.size();
+     result = r->allocate(size, req);
+     if (result != nullptr) {
+       // Record actual allocation size
+       req.set_actual_size(size);
+     }
+   ShenandoahGeneration* generation = _heap->generation_for(req.affiliation());
    if (result != nullptr) {
      // Allocation successful, bump stats:
      if (req.is_mutator_alloc()) {
-       increase_used(size * HeapWordSize);
-     }
-     // Record actual allocation size
-     req.set_actual_size(size);
-     if (req.is_gc_alloc()) {
+       assert(req.is_young(), "Mutator allocations always come from young generation.");
+       _free_sets.increase_used(Mutator, req.actual_size() * HeapWordSize);
+     } else {
+       assert(req.is_gc_alloc(), "Should be gc_alloc since req wasn't mutator alloc");
+       // For GC allocations, we advance update_watermark because the objects relocated into this memory during
+       // evacuation are not updated during evacuation.  For both young and old regions r, it is essential that all
+       // PLABs be made parsable at the end of evacuation.  This is enabled by retiring all plabs at end of evacuation.
+       // TODO: Making a PLAB parsable involves placing a filler object in its remnant memory but does not require
+       // that the PLAB be disabled for all future purposes.  We may want to introduce a new service to make the
+       // PLABs parsable while still allowing the PLAB to serve future allocation requests that arise during the
+       // next evacuation pass.
+       if (r->is_old()) {
+         assert(req.type() != ShenandoahAllocRequest::_alloc_gclab, "old-gen allocations use PLAB or shared allocation");
+         // for plabs, we'll sort the difference between evac and promotion usage when we retire the plab
+       }
-   if (result == nullptr || has_no_alloc_capacity(r)) {
-     // Region cannot afford this or future allocations. Retire it.
+   if (result == nullptr || alloc_capacity(r) < PLAB::min_size() * HeapWordSize) {
+     // Region cannot afford this and is likely to not afford future allocations. Retire it.
      // While this seems a bit harsh, especially in the case when this large allocation does not
-     // fit, but the next small one would, we are risking to inflate scan times when lots of
-     // almost-full regions precede the fully-empty region where we want allocate the entire TLAB.
-     // TODO: Record first fully-empty region, and use that for large allocations
+     // fit but the next small one would, we are risking to inflate scan times when lots of
+     // almost-full regions precede the fully-empty region where we want to allocate the entire TLAB.
      // Record the remainder as allocation waste
+     size_t idx = r->index();
      if (req.is_mutator_alloc()) {
        size_t waste = r->free();
        if (waste > 0) {
-         increase_used(waste);
-         _heap->notify_mutator_alloc_words(waste >> LogHeapWordSize, true);
+         _free_sets.increase_used(Mutator, waste);
+         // This one request could cause several regions to be "retired", so we must accumulate the waste
+         req.set_waste((waste >> LogHeapWordSize) + req.waste());
+       assert(_free_sets.membership(idx) == Mutator, "Must be mutator free: " SIZE_FORMAT, idx);
+     } else {
+       assert(_free_sets.membership(idx) == Collector || _free_sets.membership(idx) == OldCollector,
+              "Must be collector or old-collector free: " SIZE_FORMAT, idx);
-     size_t num = r->index();
-     _collector_free_bitmap.clear_bit(num);
-     _mutator_free_bitmap.clear_bit(num);
-     // Touched the bounds? Need to update:
-     if (touches_bounds(num)) {
-       adjust_bounds();
-     }
-     assert_bounds();
+     // This region is no longer considered free (in any set)
+     _free_sets.remove_from_free_sets(idx);
+     _free_sets.assert_bounds();
    return result;
- bool ShenandoahFreeSet::touches_bounds(size_t num) const {
-   return num == _collector_leftmost || num == _collector_rightmost || num == _mutator_leftmost || num == _mutator_rightmost;
- }
- void ShenandoahFreeSet::recompute_bounds() {
-   // Reset to the most pessimistic case:
-   _mutator_rightmost = _max - 1;
-   _mutator_leftmost = 0;
-   _collector_rightmost = _max - 1;
-   _collector_leftmost = 0;
-   // ...and adjust from there
-   adjust_bounds();
- }
- void ShenandoahFreeSet::adjust_bounds() {
-   // Rewind both mutator bounds until the next bit.
-   while (_mutator_leftmost < _max && !is_mutator_free(_mutator_leftmost)) {
-     _mutator_leftmost++;
-   }
-   while (_mutator_rightmost > 0 && !is_mutator_free(_mutator_rightmost)) {
-     _mutator_rightmost--;
-   }
-   // Rewind both collector bounds until the next bit.
-   while (_collector_leftmost < _max && !is_collector_free(_collector_leftmost)) {
-     _collector_leftmost++;
-   }
-   while (_collector_rightmost > 0 && !is_collector_free(_collector_rightmost)) {
-     _collector_rightmost--;
-   }
- }
  HeapWord* ShenandoahFreeSet::allocate_contiguous(ShenandoahAllocRequest& req) {
    size_t words_size = req.size();
    size_t num = ShenandoahHeapRegion::required_regions(words_size * HeapWordSize);
-   // No regions left to satisfy allocation, bye.
-   if (num > mutator_count()) {
-     return nullptr;
+   assert(req.is_young(), "Humongous regions always allocated in YOUNG");
+   ShenandoahGeneration* generation = _heap->generation_for(req.affiliation());
+   // Check if there are enough regions left to satisfy allocation.
+   if (_heap->mode()->is_generational()) {
+     size_t avail_young_regions = generation->free_unaffiliated_regions();
+     if (num > _free_sets.count(Mutator) || (num > avail_young_regions)) {
+       return nullptr;
+     }
+   } else {
+     if (num > _free_sets.count(Mutator)) {
+       return nullptr;
+     }
    // Find the continuous interval of $num regions, starting from $beg and ending in $end,
    // inclusive. Contiguous allocations are biased to the beginning.
-   size_t beg = _mutator_leftmost;
+   size_t beg = _free_sets.leftmost(Mutator);
    size_t end = beg;
    while (true) {
-     if (end >= _max) {
+     if (end >= _free_sets.max()) {
        // Hit the end, goodbye
        return nullptr;
      // If regions are not adjacent, then current [beg; end] is useless, and we may fast-forward.
      // If region is not completely free, the current [beg; end] is useless, and we may fast-forward.
-     if (!is_mutator_free(end) || !can_allocate_from(_heap->get_region(end))) {
+     if (!_free_sets.in_free_set(end, Mutator) || !can_allocate_from(_heap->get_region(end))) {
        beg = end;

@@ -280,10 +892,11 @@
    size_t remainder = words_size & ShenandoahHeapRegion::region_size_words_mask();
+   ShenandoahMarkingContext* const ctx = _heap->complete_marking_context();
    // Initialize regions:
    for (size_t i = beg; i <= end; i++) {
      ShenandoahHeapRegion* r = _heap->get_region(i);

@@ -303,54 +916,61 @@
        used_words = remainder;
      } else {
        used_words = ShenandoahHeapRegion::region_size_words();
+     r->set_affiliation(req.affiliation());
+     r->set_update_watermark(r->bottom());
      r->set_top(r->bottom() + used_words);
-     _mutator_free_bitmap.clear_bit(r->index());
+     // While individual regions report their true use, all humongous regions are marked used in the free set.
+     _free_sets.remove_from_free_sets(r->index());
+   generation->increase_affiliated_region_count(num);
-   // While individual regions report their true use, all humongous regions are
-   // marked used in the free set.
-   increase_used(ShenandoahHeapRegion::region_size_bytes() * num);
+   size_t total_humongous_size = ShenandoahHeapRegion::region_size_bytes() * num;
+   _free_sets.increase_used(Mutator, total_humongous_size);
+   _free_sets.assert_bounds();
+   req.set_actual_size(words_size);
    if (remainder != 0) {
-     // Record this remainder as allocation waste
-     _heap->notify_mutator_alloc_words(ShenandoahHeapRegion::region_size_words() - remainder, true);
+     req.set_waste(ShenandoahHeapRegion::region_size_words() - remainder);
-   // Allocated at left/rightmost? Move the bounds appropriately.
-   if (beg == _mutator_leftmost || end == _mutator_rightmost) {
-     adjust_bounds();
-   }
-   assert_bounds();
-   req.set_actual_size(words_size);
    return _heap->get_region(beg)->bottom();
- bool ShenandoahFreeSet::can_allocate_from(ShenandoahHeapRegion *r) {
+ // Returns true iff this region is entirely available, either because it is empty() or because it has been found to represent
+ // immediate trash and we'll be able to immediately recycle it.  Note that we cannot recycle immediate trash if
+ // concurrent weak root processing is in progress.
+ bool ShenandoahFreeSet::can_allocate_from(ShenandoahHeapRegion *r) const {
    return r->is_empty() || (r->is_trash() && !_heap->is_concurrent_weak_root_in_progress());
- size_t ShenandoahFreeSet::alloc_capacity(ShenandoahHeapRegion *r) {
+ bool ShenandoahFreeSet::can_allocate_from(size_t idx) const {
+   ShenandoahHeapRegion* r = _heap->get_region(idx);
+   return can_allocate_from(r);
+ }
+ size_t ShenandoahFreeSet::alloc_capacity(size_t idx) const {
+   ShenandoahHeapRegion* r = _heap->get_region(idx);
+   return alloc_capacity(r);
+ }
+ size_t ShenandoahFreeSet::alloc_capacity(ShenandoahHeapRegion *r) const {
    if (r->is_trash()) {
      // This would be recycled on allocation path
      return ShenandoahHeapRegion::region_size_bytes();
    } else {
      return r->free();
- bool ShenandoahFreeSet::has_no_alloc_capacity(ShenandoahHeapRegion *r) {
-   return alloc_capacity(r) == 0;
+ bool ShenandoahFreeSet::has_alloc_capacity(ShenandoahHeapRegion *r) const {
+   return alloc_capacity(r) > 0;
  void ShenandoahFreeSet::try_recycle_trashed(ShenandoahHeapRegion *r) {
    if (r->is_trash()) {
-     _heap->decrease_used(r->used());
  void ShenandoahFreeSet::recycle_trash() {

@@ -365,90 +985,423 @@
      SpinPause(); // allow allocators to take the lock
- void ShenandoahFreeSet::flip_to_gc(ShenandoahHeapRegion* r) {
+ void ShenandoahFreeSet::flip_to_old_gc(ShenandoahHeapRegion* r) {
    size_t idx = r->index();
-   assert(_mutator_free_bitmap.at(idx), "Should be in mutator view");
+   assert(_free_sets.in_free_set(idx, Mutator), "Should be in mutator view");
+   // Note: can_allocate_from(r) means r is entirely empty
    assert(can_allocate_from(r), "Should not be allocated");
-   _mutator_free_bitmap.clear_bit(idx);
-   _collector_free_bitmap.set_bit(idx);
-   _collector_leftmost = MIN2(idx, _collector_leftmost);
-   _collector_rightmost = MAX2(idx, _collector_rightmost);
+   ShenandoahGenerationalHeap* gen_heap = ShenandoahGenerationalHeap::cast(_heap);
+   size_t region_capacity = alloc_capacity(r);
+   _free_sets.move_to_set(idx, OldCollector, region_capacity);
+   _free_sets.assert_bounds();
+   _heap->old_generation()->augment_evacuation_reserve(region_capacity);
+   bool transferred = gen_heap->generation_sizer()->transfer_to_old(1);
+   if (!transferred) {
+     log_warning(gc, free)("Forcing transfer of " SIZE_FORMAT " to old reserve.", idx);
+     gen_heap->generation_sizer()->force_transfer_to_old(1);
+   }
+   // We do not ensure that the region is no longer trash, relying on try_allocate_in(), which always comes next,
+   // to recycle trash before attempting to allocate anything in the region.
+ }
+ void ShenandoahFreeSet::flip_to_gc(ShenandoahHeapRegion* r) {
+   size_t idx = r->index();
+   assert(_free_sets.in_free_set(idx, Mutator), "Should be in mutator view");
+   assert(can_allocate_from(r), "Should not be allocated");
-   _capacity -= alloc_capacity(r);
+   size_t region_capacity = alloc_capacity(r);
+   _free_sets.move_to_set(idx, Collector, region_capacity);
+   _free_sets.assert_bounds();
-   if (touches_bounds(idx)) {
-     adjust_bounds();
-   }
-   assert_bounds();
+   // We do not ensure that the region is no longer trash, relying on try_allocate_in(), which always comes next,
+   // to recycle trash before attempting to allocate anything in the region.
  void ShenandoahFreeSet::clear() {
  void ShenandoahFreeSet::clear_internal() {
-   _mutator_free_bitmap.clear();
-   _collector_free_bitmap.clear();
-   _mutator_leftmost = _max;
-   _mutator_rightmost = 0;
-   _collector_leftmost = _max;
-   _collector_rightmost = 0;
-   _capacity = 0;
-   _used = 0;
+   _free_sets.clear_all();
- void ShenandoahFreeSet::rebuild() {
-   shenandoah_assert_heaplocked();
-   clear();
+ // This function places all is_old() regions that have allocation capacity into the old_collector set.  It places
+ // all other regions (not is_old()) that have allocation capacity into the mutator_set.  Subsequently, we will
+ // move some of the mutator regions into the collector set or old_collector set with the intent of packing
+ // old_collector memory into the highest (rightmost) addresses of the heap and the collector memory into the
+ // next highest addresses of the heap, with mutator memory consuming the lowest addresses of the heap.
+ void ShenandoahFreeSet::find_regions_with_alloc_capacity(size_t &young_cset_regions, size_t &old_cset_regions,
+                                                          size_t &first_old_region, size_t &last_old_region,
+                                                          size_t &old_region_count) {
+   first_old_region = _heap->num_regions();
+   last_old_region = 0;
+   old_region_count = 0;
+   old_cset_regions = 0;
+   young_cset_regions = 0;
    for (size_t idx = 0; idx < _heap->num_regions(); idx++) {
      ShenandoahHeapRegion* region = _heap->get_region(idx);
+     if (region->is_trash()) {
+       // Trashed regions represent regions that had been in the collection set but have not yet been "cleaned up".
+       if (region->is_old()) {
+         old_cset_regions++;
+       } else {
+         assert(region->is_young(), "Trashed region should be old or young");
+         young_cset_regions++;
+       }
+     } else if (region->is_old() && region->is_regular()) {
+       old_region_count++;
+       if (first_old_region > idx) {
+         first_old_region = idx;
+       }
+       last_old_region = idx;
+     }
      if (region->is_alloc_allowed() || region->is_trash()) {
-       assert(!region->is_cset(), "Shouldn't be adding those to the free set");
+       assert(!region->is_cset(), "Shouldn't be adding cset regions to the free set");
+       assert(_free_sets.in_free_set(idx, NotFree), "We are about to make region free; it should not be free already");
+       // Do not add regions that would almost surely fail allocation.  Note that PLAB::min_size() is typically less than ShenandoahGenerationalHeap::plab_min_size()
+       if (alloc_capacity(region) < PLAB::min_size() * HeapWordSize) continue;
+       if (region->is_old()) {
+         _free_sets.make_free(idx, OldCollector, alloc_capacity(region));
+         log_debug(gc, free)(
+           "  Adding Region " SIZE_FORMAT  " (Free: " SIZE_FORMAT "%s, Used: " SIZE_FORMAT "%s) to old collector set",
+           idx, byte_size_in_proper_unit(region->free()), proper_unit_for_byte_size(region->free()),
+           byte_size_in_proper_unit(region->used()), proper_unit_for_byte_size(region->used()));
+       } else {
+         _free_sets.make_free(idx, Mutator, alloc_capacity(region));
+         log_debug(gc, free)(
+           "  Adding Region " SIZE_FORMAT " (Free: " SIZE_FORMAT "%s, Used: " SIZE_FORMAT "%s) to mutator set",
+           idx, byte_size_in_proper_unit(region->free()), proper_unit_for_byte_size(region->free()),
+           byte_size_in_proper_unit(region->used()), proper_unit_for_byte_size(region->used()));
+       }
+     }
+   }
+ }
-       // Do not add regions that would surely fail allocation
-       if (has_no_alloc_capacity(region)) continue;
+ // Move no more than cset_regions from the existing Collector and OldCollector free sets to the Mutator free set.
+ // This is called from outside the heap lock.
+ void ShenandoahFreeSet::move_collector_sets_to_mutator(size_t max_xfer_regions) {
+   size_t region_size_bytes = ShenandoahHeapRegion::region_size_bytes();
+   size_t collector_empty_xfer = 0;
+   size_t collector_not_empty_xfer = 0;
+   size_t old_collector_empty_xfer = 0;
+   // Process empty regions within the Collector free set
+   if ((max_xfer_regions > 0) && (_free_sets.leftmost_empty(Collector) <= _free_sets.rightmost_empty(Collector))) {
+     ShenandoahHeapLocker locker(_heap->lock());
+     for (size_t idx = _free_sets.leftmost_empty(Collector);
+          (max_xfer_regions > 0) && (idx <= _free_sets.rightmost_empty(Collector)); idx++) {
+       if (_free_sets.in_free_set(idx, Collector) && can_allocate_from(idx)) {
+         _free_sets.move_to_set(idx, Mutator, region_size_bytes);
+         max_xfer_regions--;
+         collector_empty_xfer += region_size_bytes;
+       }
+     }
+   }
-       _capacity += alloc_capacity(region);
-       assert(_used <= _capacity, "must not use more than we have");
+   // Process empty regions within the OldCollector free set
+   size_t old_collector_regions = 0;
+   if ((max_xfer_regions > 0) && (_free_sets.leftmost_empty(OldCollector) <= _free_sets.rightmost_empty(OldCollector))) {
+     ShenandoahHeapLocker locker(_heap->lock());
+     for (size_t idx = _free_sets.leftmost_empty(OldCollector);
+          (max_xfer_regions > 0) && (idx <= _free_sets.rightmost_empty(OldCollector)); idx++) {
+       if (_free_sets.in_free_set(idx, OldCollector) && can_allocate_from(idx)) {
+         _free_sets.move_to_set(idx, Mutator, region_size_bytes);
+         max_xfer_regions--;
+         old_collector_empty_xfer += region_size_bytes;
+         old_collector_regions++;
+       }
+     }
+     if (old_collector_regions > 0) {
+       ShenandoahGenerationalHeap::cast(_heap)->generation_sizer()->transfer_to_young(old_collector_regions);
+     }
+   }
-       assert(!is_mutator_free(idx), "We are about to add it, it shouldn't be there already");
-       _mutator_free_bitmap.set_bit(idx);
+   // If there are any non-empty regions within Collector set, we can also move them to the Mutator free set
+   if ((max_xfer_regions > 0) && (_free_sets.leftmost(Collector) <= _free_sets.rightmost(Collector))) {
+     ShenandoahHeapLocker locker(_heap->lock());
+     for (size_t idx = _free_sets.leftmost(Collector); (max_xfer_regions > 0) && (idx <= _free_sets.rightmost(Collector)); idx++) {
+       size_t alloc_capacity = this->alloc_capacity(idx);
+       if (_free_sets.in_free_set(idx, Collector) && (alloc_capacity > 0)) {
+         _free_sets.move_to_set(idx, Mutator, alloc_capacity);
+         max_xfer_regions--;
+         collector_not_empty_xfer += alloc_capacity;
+       }
-   // Evac reserve: reserve trailing space for evacuations
-   size_t to_reserve = _heap->max_capacity() / 100 * ShenandoahEvacReserve;
-   size_t reserved = 0;
+   size_t collector_xfer = collector_empty_xfer + collector_not_empty_xfer;
+   size_t total_xfer = collector_xfer + old_collector_empty_xfer;
+   log_info(gc, free)("At start of update refs, moving " SIZE_FORMAT "%s to Mutator free set from Collector Reserve ("
+                      SIZE_FORMAT "%s) and from Old Collector Reserve (" SIZE_FORMAT "%s)",
+                      byte_size_in_proper_unit(total_xfer), proper_unit_for_byte_size(total_xfer),
+                      byte_size_in_proper_unit(collector_xfer), proper_unit_for_byte_size(collector_xfer),
+                      byte_size_in_proper_unit(old_collector_empty_xfer), proper_unit_for_byte_size(old_collector_empty_xfer));
+ }
-   for (size_t idx = _heap->num_regions() - 1; idx > 0; idx--) {
-     if (reserved >= to_reserve) break;
-     ShenandoahHeapRegion* region = _heap->get_region(idx);
-     if (_mutator_free_bitmap.at(idx) && can_allocate_from(region)) {
-       _mutator_free_bitmap.clear_bit(idx);
-       _collector_free_bitmap.set_bit(idx);
-       size_t ac = alloc_capacity(region);
-       _capacity -= ac;
-       reserved += ac;
+ // Overwrite arguments to represent the amount of memory in each generation that is about to be recycled
+ void ShenandoahFreeSet::prepare_to_rebuild(size_t &young_cset_regions, size_t &old_cset_regions,
+                                            size_t &first_old_region, size_t &last_old_region, size_t &old_region_count) {
+   shenandoah_assert_heaplocked();
+   // This resets all state information, removing all regions from all sets.
+   clear();
+   log_debug(gc, free)("Rebuilding FreeSet");
+   // This places regions that have alloc_capacity into the old_collector set if they identify as is_old() or the
+   // mutator set otherwise.
+   find_regions_with_alloc_capacity(young_cset_regions, old_cset_regions, first_old_region, last_old_region, old_region_count);
+ }
+ void ShenandoahFreeSet::rebuild(size_t young_cset_regions, size_t old_cset_regions, bool have_evacuation_reserves) {
+   shenandoah_assert_heaplocked();
+   size_t young_reserve(0), old_reserve(0);
+   if (!_heap->mode()->is_generational()) {
+     young_reserve = (_heap->max_capacity() / 100) * ShenandoahEvacReserve;
+     old_reserve = 0;
+   } else {
+     compute_young_and_old_reserves(young_cset_regions, old_cset_regions, have_evacuation_reserves,
+                                    young_reserve, old_reserve);
+   }
+   reserve_regions(young_reserve, old_reserve);
+   _free_sets.establish_alloc_bias(OldCollector);
+   _free_sets.assert_bounds();
+   log_status();
+ }
+ void ShenandoahFreeSet::compute_young_and_old_reserves(size_t young_cset_regions, size_t old_cset_regions, bool have_evacuation_reserves,
+                                                        size_t& young_reserve_result, size_t& old_reserve_result) const {
+   shenandoah_assert_generational();
+   const size_t region_size_bytes = ShenandoahHeapRegion::region_size_bytes();
+   ShenandoahOldGeneration* const old_generation = _heap->old_generation();
+   size_t old_available = old_generation->available();
+   size_t old_unaffiliated_regions = old_generation->free_unaffiliated_regions();
+   ShenandoahYoungGeneration* const young_generation = _heap->young_generation();
+   size_t young_capacity = young_generation->max_capacity();
+   size_t young_unaffiliated_regions = young_generation->free_unaffiliated_regions();
+   // Add in the regions we anticipate to be freed by evacuation of the collection set
+   old_unaffiliated_regions += old_cset_regions;
+   old_available += old_cset_regions * region_size_bytes;
+   young_unaffiliated_regions += young_cset_regions;
+   // Consult old-region balance to make adjustments to current generation capacities and availability.
+   // The generation region transfers take place after we rebuild.
+   const ssize_t old_region_balance = old_generation->get_region_balance();
+   if (old_region_balance != 0) {
+     if (old_region_balance > 0) {
+       assert(old_region_balance <= checked_cast<ssize_t>(old_unaffiliated_regions), "Cannot transfer regions that are affiliated");
+     } else {
+       assert(0 - old_region_balance <= checked_cast<ssize_t>(young_unaffiliated_regions), "Cannot transfer regions that are affiliated");
+     ssize_t xfer_bytes = old_region_balance * checked_cast<ssize_t>(region_size_bytes);
+     old_available -= xfer_bytes;
+     old_unaffiliated_regions -= old_region_balance;
+     young_capacity += xfer_bytes;
+     young_unaffiliated_regions += old_region_balance;
-   recompute_bounds();
-   assert_bounds();
+   // All allocations taken from the old collector set are performed by GC, generally using PLABs for both
+   // promotions and evacuations.  The partition between which old memory is reserved for evacuation and
+   // which is reserved for promotion is enforced using thread-local variables that prescribe intentions for
+   // each PLAB's available memory.
+   if (have_evacuation_reserves) {
+     // We are rebuilding at the end of final mark, having already established evacuation budgets for this GC pass.
+     const size_t promoted_reserve = old_generation->get_promoted_reserve();
+     const size_t old_evac_reserve = old_generation->get_evacuation_reserve();
+     young_reserve_result = young_generation->get_evacuation_reserve();
+     old_reserve_result = promoted_reserve + old_evac_reserve;
+     assert(old_reserve_result <= old_available,
+            "Cannot reserve (" SIZE_FORMAT " + " SIZE_FORMAT") more OLD than is available: " SIZE_FORMAT,
+            promoted_reserve, old_evac_reserve, old_available);
+   } else {
+     // We are rebuilding at end of GC, so we set aside budgets specified on command line (or defaults)
+     young_reserve_result = (young_capacity * ShenandoahEvacReserve) / 100;
+     // The auto-sizer has already made old-gen large enough to hold all anticipated evacuations and promotions.
+     // Affiliated old-gen regions are already in the OldCollector free set.  Add in the relevant number of
+     // unaffiliated regions.
+     old_reserve_result = old_available;
+   }
+   // Old available regions that have less than PLAB::min_size() of available memory are not placed into the OldCollector
+   // free set.  Because of this, old_available may not have enough memory to represent the intended reserve.  Adjust
+   // the reserve downward to account for this possibility. This loss is part of the reason why the original budget
+   // was adjusted with ShenandoahOldEvacWaste and ShenandoahOldPromoWaste multipliers.
+   if (old_reserve_result > _free_sets.capacity_of(OldCollector) + old_unaffiliated_regions * region_size_bytes) {
+     old_reserve_result = _free_sets.capacity_of(OldCollector) + old_unaffiliated_regions * region_size_bytes;
+   }
+   if (old_reserve_result > young_unaffiliated_regions * region_size_bytes) {
+     young_reserve_result = young_unaffiliated_regions * region_size_bytes;
+   }
+ }
+ // Having placed all regions that have allocation capacity into the mutator set if they identify as is_young()
+ // or into the old collector set if they identify as is_old(), move some of these regions from the mutator set
+ // into the collector set or old collector set in order to assure that the memory available for allocations within
+ // the collector set is at least to_reserve, and the memory available for allocations within the old collector set
+ // is at least to_reserve_old.
+ void ShenandoahFreeSet::reserve_regions(size_t to_reserve, size_t to_reserve_old) {
+   for (size_t i = _heap->num_regions(); i > 0; i--) {
+     size_t idx = i - 1;
+     ShenandoahHeapRegion* r = _heap->get_region(idx);
+     if (!_free_sets.in_free_set(idx, Mutator)) {
+       continue;
+     }
+     size_t ac = alloc_capacity(r);
+     assert (ac > 0, "Membership in free set implies has capacity");
+     assert (!r->is_old(), "mutator_is_free regions should not be affiliated OLD");
+     bool move_to_old = _free_sets.capacity_of(OldCollector) < to_reserve_old;
+     bool move_to_young = _free_sets.capacity_of(Collector) < to_reserve;
+     if (!move_to_old && !move_to_young) {
+       // We've satisfied both to_reserve and to_reserved_old
+       break;
+     }
+     if (move_to_old) {
+       if (r->is_trash() || !r->is_affiliated()) {
+         // OLD regions that have available memory are already in the old_collector free set
+         _free_sets.move_to_set(idx, OldCollector, ac);
+         log_debug(gc, free)("  Shifting region " SIZE_FORMAT " from mutator_free to old_collector_free", idx);
+         continue;
+       }
+     }
+     if (move_to_young) {
+       // Note: In a previous implementation, regions were only placed into the survivor space (collector_is_free) if
+       // they were entirely empty.  I'm not sure I understand the rationale for that.  That alternative behavior would
+       // tend to mix survivor objects with ephemeral objects, making it more difficult to reclaim the memory for the
+       // ephemeral objects.  It also delays aging of regions, causing promotion in place to be delayed.
+       _free_sets.move_to_set(idx, Collector, ac);
+       log_debug(gc)("  Shifting region " SIZE_FORMAT " from mutator_free to collector_free", idx);
+     }
+   }
+   if (LogTarget(Info, gc, free)::is_enabled()) {
+     size_t old_reserve = _free_sets.capacity_of(OldCollector);
+     if (old_reserve < to_reserve_old) {
+       log_info(gc, free)("Wanted " PROPERFMT " for old reserve, but only reserved: " PROPERFMT,
+                          PROPERFMTARGS(to_reserve_old), PROPERFMTARGS(old_reserve));
+     }
+     size_t young_reserve = _free_sets.capacity_of(Collector);
+     if (young_reserve < to_reserve) {
+       log_info(gc, free)("Wanted " PROPERFMT " for young reserve, but only reserved: " PROPERFMT,
+                          PROPERFMTARGS(to_reserve), PROPERFMTARGS(young_reserve));
+     }
+   }
  void ShenandoahFreeSet::log_status() {
-   LogTarget(Info, gc, ergo) lt;
+ #ifdef ASSERT
+   // Dump of the FreeSet details is only enabled if assertions are enabled
+   if (LogTarget(Debug, gc, free)::is_enabled()) {
+ #define BUFFER_SIZE 80
+     size_t retired_old = 0;
+     size_t retired_old_humongous = 0;
+     size_t retired_young = 0;
+     size_t retired_young_humongous = 0;
+     size_t region_size_bytes = ShenandoahHeapRegion::region_size_bytes();
+     size_t retired_young_waste = 0;
+     size_t retired_old_waste = 0;
+     size_t consumed_collector = 0;
+     size_t consumed_old_collector = 0;
+     size_t consumed_mutator = 0;
+     size_t available_old = 0;
+     size_t available_young = 0;
+     size_t available_mutator = 0;
+     size_t available_collector = 0;
+     size_t available_old_collector = 0;
+     char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];
+     for (uint i = 0; i < BUFFER_SIZE; i++) {
+       buffer[i] = '\0';
+     }
+     log_debug(gc, free)("FreeSet map legend:"
+                        " M:mutator_free C:collector_free O:old_collector_free"
+                        " H:humongous ~:retired old _:retired young");
+     log_debug(gc, free)(" mutator free range [" SIZE_FORMAT ".." SIZE_FORMAT "], "
+                        " collector free range [" SIZE_FORMAT ".." SIZE_FORMAT "], "
+                        "old collector free range [" SIZE_FORMAT ".." SIZE_FORMAT "] allocates from %s",
+                        _free_sets.leftmost(Mutator), _free_sets.rightmost(Mutator),
+                        _free_sets.leftmost(Collector), _free_sets.rightmost(Collector),
+                        _free_sets.leftmost(OldCollector), _free_sets.rightmost(OldCollector),
+                        _free_sets.alloc_from_left_bias(OldCollector)? "left to right": "right to left");
+     for (uint i = 0; i < _heap->num_regions(); i++) {
+       ShenandoahHeapRegion *r = _heap->get_region(i);
+       uint idx = i % 64;
+       if ((i != 0) && (idx == 0)) {
+         log_debug(gc, free)(" %6u: %s", i-64, buffer);
+       }
+       if (_free_sets.in_free_set(i, Mutator)) {
+         assert(!r->is_old(), "Old regions should not be in mutator_free set");
+         size_t capacity = alloc_capacity(r);
+         available_mutator += capacity;
+         consumed_mutator += region_size_bytes - capacity;
+         buffer[idx] = (capacity == region_size_bytes)? 'M': 'm';
+       } else if (_free_sets.in_free_set(i, Collector)) {
+         assert(!r->is_old(), "Old regions should not be in collector_free set");
+         size_t capacity = alloc_capacity(r);
+         available_collector += capacity;
+         consumed_collector += region_size_bytes - capacity;
+         buffer[idx] = (capacity == region_size_bytes)? 'C': 'c';
+       } else if (_free_sets.in_free_set(i, OldCollector)) {
+         size_t capacity = alloc_capacity(r);
+         available_old_collector += capacity;
+         consumed_old_collector += region_size_bytes - capacity;
+         buffer[idx] = (capacity == region_size_bytes)? 'O': 'o';
+       } else if (r->is_humongous()) {
+         if (r->is_old()) {
+           buffer[idx] = 'H';
+           retired_old_humongous += region_size_bytes;
+         } else {
+           buffer[idx] = 'h';
+           retired_young_humongous += region_size_bytes;
+         }
+       } else {
+         if (r->is_old()) {
+           buffer[idx] = '~';
+           retired_old_waste += alloc_capacity(r);
+           retired_old += region_size_bytes;
+         } else {
+           buffer[idx] = '_';
+           retired_young_waste += alloc_capacity(r);
+           retired_young += region_size_bytes;
+         }
+       }
+     }
+     uint remnant = _heap->num_regions() % 64;
+     if (remnant > 0) {
+       buffer[remnant] = '\0';
+     } else {
+       remnant = 64;
+     }
+     log_debug(gc, free)(" %6u: %s", (uint) (_heap->num_regions() - remnant), buffer);
+     size_t total_young = retired_young + retired_young_humongous;
+     size_t total_old = retired_old + retired_old_humongous;
+   }
+ #endif
+   LogTarget(Info, gc, free) lt;
    if (lt.is_enabled()) {
      ResourceMark rm;
      LogStream ls(lt);

@@ -459,39 +1412,39 @@
        size_t total_used = 0;
        size_t total_free = 0;
        size_t total_free_ext = 0;
-       for (size_t idx = _mutator_leftmost; idx <= _mutator_rightmost; idx++) {
-         if (is_mutator_free(idx)) {
+       for (size_t idx = _free_sets.leftmost(Mutator); idx <= _free_sets.rightmost(Mutator); idx++) {
+         if (_free_sets.in_free_set(idx, Mutator)) {
            ShenandoahHeapRegion *r = _heap->get_region(idx);
            size_t free = alloc_capacity(r);
            max = MAX2(max, free);
            if (r->is_empty()) {
              total_free_ext += free;
              if (last_idx + 1 == idx) {
              } else {
                empty_contig = 1;
            } else {
              empty_contig = 0;
            total_used += r->used();
            total_free += free;
            max_contig = MAX2(max_contig, empty_contig);
            last_idx = idx;
        size_t max_humongous = max_contig * ShenandoahHeapRegion::region_size_bytes();
        size_t free = capacity() - used();
+       assert(free == total_free, "Sum of free within mutator regions (" SIZE_FORMAT
+              ") should match mutator capacity (" SIZE_FORMAT ") minus mutator used (" SIZE_FORMAT ")",
+              total_free, capacity(), used());
        ls.print("Free: " SIZE_FORMAT "%s, Max: " SIZE_FORMAT "%s regular, " SIZE_FORMAT "%s humongous, ",
                 byte_size_in_proper_unit(total_free),    proper_unit_for_byte_size(total_free),
                 byte_size_in_proper_unit(max),           proper_unit_for_byte_size(max),
                 byte_size_in_proper_unit(max_humongous), proper_unit_for_byte_size(max_humongous)

@@ -504,48 +1457,73 @@
          frag_ext = 0;
        ls.print(SIZE_FORMAT "%% external, ", frag_ext);
        size_t frag_int;
-       if (mutator_count() > 0) {
-         frag_int = (100 * (total_used / mutator_count()) / ShenandoahHeapRegion::region_size_bytes());
+       if (_free_sets.count(Mutator) > 0) {
+         frag_int = (100 * (total_used / _free_sets.count(Mutator)) / ShenandoahHeapRegion::region_size_bytes());
        } else {
          frag_int = 0;
        ls.print(SIZE_FORMAT "%% internal; ", frag_int);
+       ls.print("Used: " SIZE_FORMAT "%s, Mutator Free: " SIZE_FORMAT,
+                byte_size_in_proper_unit(total_used), proper_unit_for_byte_size(total_used), _free_sets.count(Mutator));
        size_t max = 0;
        size_t total_free = 0;
+       size_t total_used = 0;
-       for (size_t idx = _collector_leftmost; idx <= _collector_rightmost; idx++) {
-         if (is_collector_free(idx)) {
+       for (size_t idx = _free_sets.leftmost(Collector); idx <= _free_sets.rightmost(Collector); idx++) {
+         if (_free_sets.in_free_set(idx, Collector)) {
            ShenandoahHeapRegion *r = _heap->get_region(idx);
            size_t free = alloc_capacity(r);
            max = MAX2(max, free);
            total_free += free;
+           total_used += r->used();
+       ls.print(" Collector Reserve: " SIZE_FORMAT "%s, Max: " SIZE_FORMAT "%s; Used: " SIZE_FORMAT "%s",
+                byte_size_in_proper_unit(total_free), proper_unit_for_byte_size(total_free),
+                byte_size_in_proper_unit(max),        proper_unit_for_byte_size(max),
+                byte_size_in_proper_unit(total_used), proper_unit_for_byte_size(total_used));
+     }
+     if (_heap->mode()->is_generational()) {
+       size_t max = 0;
+       size_t total_free = 0;
+       size_t total_used = 0;
-       ls.print_cr("Reserve: " SIZE_FORMAT "%s, Max: " SIZE_FORMAT "%s",
+       for (size_t idx = _free_sets.leftmost(OldCollector); idx <= _free_sets.rightmost(OldCollector); idx++) {
+         if (_free_sets.in_free_set(idx, OldCollector)) {
+           ShenandoahHeapRegion *r = _heap->get_region(idx);
+           size_t free = alloc_capacity(r);
+           max = MAX2(max, free);
+           total_free += free;
+           total_used += r->used();
+         }
+       }
+       ls.print_cr(" Old Collector Reserve: " SIZE_FORMAT "%s, Max: " SIZE_FORMAT "%s; Used: " SIZE_FORMAT "%s",
                    byte_size_in_proper_unit(total_free), proper_unit_for_byte_size(total_free),
-                   byte_size_in_proper_unit(max),        proper_unit_for_byte_size(max));
+                   byte_size_in_proper_unit(max),        proper_unit_for_byte_size(max),
+                   byte_size_in_proper_unit(total_used), proper_unit_for_byte_size(total_used));
  HeapWord* ShenandoahFreeSet::allocate(ShenandoahAllocRequest& req, bool& in_new_region) {
-   assert_bounds();
+   // Allocation request is known to satisfy all memory budgeting constraints.
    if (req.size() > ShenandoahHeapRegion::humongous_threshold_words()) {
      switch (req.type()) {
        case ShenandoahAllocRequest::_alloc_shared:
        case ShenandoahAllocRequest::_alloc_shared_gc:
          in_new_region = true;
          return allocate_contiguous(req);
+       case ShenandoahAllocRequest::_alloc_plab:
        case ShenandoahAllocRequest::_alloc_gclab:
        case ShenandoahAllocRequest::_alloc_tlab:
          in_new_region = false;
          assert(false, "Trying to allocate TLAB larger than the humongous threshold: " SIZE_FORMAT " > " SIZE_FORMAT,
                 req.size(), ShenandoahHeapRegion::humongous_threshold_words());

@@ -560,12 +1538,12 @@
  size_t ShenandoahFreeSet::unsafe_peek_free() const {
    // Deliberately not locked, this method is unsafe when free set is modified.
-   for (size_t index = _mutator_leftmost; index <= _mutator_rightmost; index++) {
-     if (index < _max && is_mutator_free(index)) {
+   for (size_t index = _free_sets.leftmost(Mutator); index <= _free_sets.rightmost(Mutator); index++) {
+     if (index < _free_sets.max() && _free_sets.in_free_set(index, Mutator)) {
        ShenandoahHeapRegion* r = _heap->get_region(index);
        if (r->free() >= MinTLABSize) {
          return r->free();

@@ -574,22 +1552,30 @@
    // It appears that no regions left
    return 0;
  void ShenandoahFreeSet::print_on(outputStream* out) const {
-   out->print_cr("Mutator Free Set: " SIZE_FORMAT "", mutator_count());
-   for (size_t index = _mutator_leftmost; index <= _mutator_rightmost; index++) {
-     if (is_mutator_free(index)) {
+   out->print_cr("Mutator Free Set: " SIZE_FORMAT "", _free_sets.count(Mutator));
+   for (size_t index = _free_sets.leftmost(Mutator); index <= _free_sets.rightmost(Mutator); index++) {
+     if (_free_sets.in_free_set(index, Mutator)) {
-   out->print_cr("Collector Free Set: " SIZE_FORMAT "", collector_count());
-   for (size_t index = _collector_leftmost; index <= _collector_rightmost; index++) {
-     if (is_collector_free(index)) {
+   out->print_cr("Collector Free Set: " SIZE_FORMAT "", _free_sets.count(Collector));
+   for (size_t index = _free_sets.leftmost(Collector); index <= _free_sets.rightmost(Collector); index++) {
+     if (_free_sets.in_free_set(index, Collector)) {
+   if (_heap->mode()->is_generational()) {
+     out->print_cr("Old Collector Free Set: " SIZE_FORMAT "", _free_sets.count(OldCollector));
+     for (size_t index = _free_sets.leftmost(OldCollector); index <= _free_sets.rightmost(OldCollector); index++) {
+       if (_free_sets.in_free_set(index, OldCollector)) {
+         _heap->get_region(index)->print_on(out);
+       }
+     }
+   }
   * Internal fragmentation metric: describes how fragmented the heap regions are.

@@ -614,12 +1600,12 @@
  double ShenandoahFreeSet::internal_fragmentation() {
    double squared = 0;
    double linear = 0;
    int count = 0;
-   for (size_t index = _mutator_leftmost; index <= _mutator_rightmost; index++) {
-     if (is_mutator_free(index)) {
+   for (size_t index = _free_sets.leftmost(Mutator); index <= _free_sets.rightmost(Mutator); index++) {
+     if (_free_sets.in_free_set(index, Mutator)) {
        ShenandoahHeapRegion* r = _heap->get_region(index);
        size_t used = r->used();
        squared += used * used;
        linear += used;

@@ -652,12 +1638,12 @@
    size_t max_contig = 0;
    size_t empty_contig = 0;
    size_t free = 0;
-   for (size_t index = _mutator_leftmost; index <= _mutator_rightmost; index++) {
-     if (is_mutator_free(index)) {
+   for (size_t index = _free_sets.leftmost(Mutator); index <= _free_sets.rightmost(Mutator); index++) {
+     if (_free_sets.in_free_set(index, Mutator)) {
        ShenandoahHeapRegion* r = _heap->get_region(index);
        if (r->is_empty()) {
          free += ShenandoahHeapRegion::region_size_bytes();
          if (last_idx + 1 == index) {

@@ -678,32 +1664,5 @@
    } else {
      return 0;
- #ifdef ASSERT
- void ShenandoahFreeSet::assert_bounds() const {
-   // Performance invariants. Failing these would not break the free set, but performance
-   // would suffer.
-   assert (_mutator_leftmost <= _max, "leftmost in bounds: "  SIZE_FORMAT " < " SIZE_FORMAT, _mutator_leftmost,  _max);
-   assert (_mutator_rightmost < _max, "rightmost in bounds: " SIZE_FORMAT " < " SIZE_FORMAT, _mutator_rightmost, _max);
-   assert (_mutator_leftmost == _max || is_mutator_free(_mutator_leftmost),  "leftmost region should be free: " SIZE_FORMAT,  _mutator_leftmost);
-   assert (_mutator_rightmost == 0   || is_mutator_free(_mutator_rightmost), "rightmost region should be free: " SIZE_FORMAT, _mutator_rightmost);
-   size_t beg_off = _mutator_free_bitmap.find_first_set_bit(0);
-   size_t end_off = _mutator_free_bitmap.find_first_set_bit(_mutator_rightmost + 1);
-   assert (beg_off >= _mutator_leftmost, "free regions before the leftmost: " SIZE_FORMAT ", bound " SIZE_FORMAT, beg_off, _mutator_leftmost);
-   assert (end_off == _max,      "free regions past the rightmost: " SIZE_FORMAT ", bound " SIZE_FORMAT,  end_off, _mutator_rightmost);
-   assert (_collector_leftmost <= _max, "leftmost in bounds: "  SIZE_FORMAT " < " SIZE_FORMAT, _collector_leftmost,  _max);
-   assert (_collector_rightmost < _max, "rightmost in bounds: " SIZE_FORMAT " < " SIZE_FORMAT, _collector_rightmost, _max);
-   assert (_collector_leftmost == _max || is_collector_free(_collector_leftmost),  "leftmost region should be free: " SIZE_FORMAT,  _collector_leftmost);
-   assert (_collector_rightmost == 0   || is_collector_free(_collector_rightmost), "rightmost region should be free: " SIZE_FORMAT, _collector_rightmost);
-   beg_off = _collector_free_bitmap.find_first_set_bit(0);
-   end_off = _collector_free_bitmap.find_first_set_bit(_collector_rightmost + 1);
-   assert (beg_off >= _collector_leftmost, "free regions before the leftmost: " SIZE_FORMAT ", bound " SIZE_FORMAT, beg_off, _collector_leftmost);
-   assert (end_off == _max,      "free regions past the rightmost: " SIZE_FORMAT ", bound " SIZE_FORMAT,  end_off, _collector_rightmost);
- }
- #endif
< prev index next >