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*** 1,8 ***
--- 1,9 ---
   * Copyright (c) 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
   * Copyright (c) 2013, 2021, Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved.
+  * Copyright Amazon.com Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
   * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
   * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 only, as
   * published by the Free Software Foundation.

*** 27,14 ***
  #include "gc/shared/markBitMap.hpp"
  #include "gc/shared/softRefPolicy.hpp"
  #include "gc/shared/collectedHeap.hpp"
- #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahAsserts.hpp"
  #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahAllocRequest.hpp"
  #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahLock.hpp"
  #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahEvacOOMHandler.hpp"
  #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahPadding.hpp"
  #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahSharedVariables.hpp"
  #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahUnload.hpp"
  #include "memory/metaspace.hpp"
  #include "services/memoryManager.hpp"
--- 28,20 ---
  #include "gc/shared/markBitMap.hpp"
  #include "gc/shared/softRefPolicy.hpp"
  #include "gc/shared/collectedHeap.hpp"
  #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahAllocRequest.hpp"
+ #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahAsserts.hpp"
+ #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahController.hpp"
  #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahLock.hpp"
  #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahEvacOOMHandler.hpp"
+ #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahEvacTracker.hpp"
+ #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahGenerationType.hpp"
+ #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahGenerationSizer.hpp"
+ #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahMmuTracker.hpp"
+ #include "gc/shenandoah/mode/shenandoahMode.hpp"
  #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahPadding.hpp"
  #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahSharedVariables.hpp"
  #include "gc/shenandoah/shenandoahUnload.hpp"
  #include "memory/metaspace.hpp"
  #include "services/memoryManager.hpp"

*** 42,13 ***
  #include "utilities/stack.hpp"
  class ConcurrentGCTimer;
  class ObjectIterateScanRootClosure;
  class ShenandoahCollectorPolicy;
- class ShenandoahControlThread;
  class ShenandoahGCSession;
  class ShenandoahGCStateResetter;
  class ShenandoahHeuristics;
  class ShenandoahMarkingContext;
  class ShenandoahMode;
  class ShenandoahPhaseTimings;
  class ShenandoahHeap;
--- 49,15 ---
  #include "utilities/stack.hpp"
  class ConcurrentGCTimer;
  class ObjectIterateScanRootClosure;
  class ShenandoahCollectorPolicy;
  class ShenandoahGCSession;
  class ShenandoahGCStateResetter;
+ class ShenandoahGeneration;
+ class ShenandoahYoungGeneration;
+ class ShenandoahOldGeneration;
  class ShenandoahHeuristics;
  class ShenandoahMarkingContext;
  class ShenandoahMode;
  class ShenandoahPhaseTimings;
  class ShenandoahHeap;

*** 121,26 ***
--- 130,63 ---
    friend class VMStructs;
    friend class ShenandoahGCSession;
    friend class ShenandoahGCStateResetter;
    friend class ShenandoahParallelObjectIterator;
    friend class ShenandoahSafepoint;
    // Supported GC
    friend class ShenandoahConcurrentGC;
+   friend class ShenandoahOldGC;
    friend class ShenandoahDegenGC;
    friend class ShenandoahFullGC;
    friend class ShenandoahUnload;
  // ---------- Locks that guard important data structures in Heap
    ShenandoahHeapLock _lock;
+   // Indicates the generation whose collection is in
+   // progress. Mutator threads aren't allowed to read
+   // this field.
+   ShenandoahGeneration* _gc_generation;
+   // This is set and cleared by only the VMThread
+   // at each STW pause (safepoint) to the value seen in
+   // _gc_generation. This allows the value to be always consistently
+   // seen by all mutators as well as all GC worker threads.
+   // In that sense, it's a stable snapshot of _gc_generation that is
+   // updated at each STW pause associated with a ShenandoahVMOp.
+   ShenandoahGeneration* _active_generation;
    ShenandoahHeapLock* lock() {
      return &_lock;
+   ShenandoahGeneration* gc_generation() const {
+     // We don't want this field read by a mutator thread
+     assert(!Thread::current()->is_Java_thread(), "Not allowed");
+     // value of _gc_generation field, see above
+     return _gc_generation;
+   }
+   ShenandoahGeneration* active_generation() const {
+     // value of _active_generation field, see above
+     return _active_generation;
+   }
+   // Set the _gc_generation field
+   void set_gc_generation(ShenandoahGeneration* generation);
+   // Copy the value in the _gc_generation field into
+   // the _active_generation field: can only be called at
+   // a safepoint by the VMThread.
+   void set_active_generation();
+   ShenandoahHeuristics* heuristics();
  // ---------- Initialization, termination, identification, printing routines
    static ShenandoahHeap* heap();

*** 149,12 ***
    ShenandoahHeap(ShenandoahCollectorPolicy* policy);
    jint initialize() override;
    void post_initialize() override;
    void initialize_mode();
!   void initialize_heuristics();
    void initialize_serviceability() override;
    void print_on(outputStream* st)              const override;
    void print_extended_on(outputStream *st)     const override;
    void print_tracing_info()                    const override;
--- 195,12 ---
    ShenandoahHeap(ShenandoahCollectorPolicy* policy);
    jint initialize() override;
    void post_initialize() override;
    void initialize_mode();
!   virtual void initialize_heuristics();
!   virtual void print_init_logger() const;
    void initialize_serviceability() override;
    void print_on(outputStream* st)              const override;
    void print_extended_on(outputStream *st)     const override;
    void print_tracing_info()                    const override;

*** 171,29 ***
  // ---------- Heap counters and metrics
!            size_t _initial_size;
!            size_t _minimum_size;
    volatile size_t _soft_max_size;
-   volatile size_t _used;
    volatile size_t _committed;
-   volatile size_t _bytes_allocated_since_gc_start;
!   void increase_used(size_t bytes);
!   void decrease_used(size_t bytes);
!   void set_used(size_t bytes);
    void increase_committed(size_t bytes);
    void decrease_committed(size_t bytes);
-   void increase_allocated(size_t bytes);
-   size_t bytes_allocated_since_gc_start();
    void reset_bytes_allocated_since_gc_start();
    size_t min_capacity()      const;
    size_t max_capacity()      const override;
    size_t soft_max_capacity() const;
--- 217,29 ---
  // ---------- Heap counters and metrics
!   size_t _initial_size;
!   size_t _minimum_size;
    volatile size_t _soft_max_size;
    volatile size_t _committed;
+   void increase_used(const ShenandoahAllocRequest& req);
!   void increase_used(ShenandoahGeneration* generation, size_t bytes);
!   void decrease_used(ShenandoahGeneration* generation, size_t bytes);
!   void increase_humongous_waste(ShenandoahGeneration* generation, size_t bytes);
+   void decrease_humongous_waste(ShenandoahGeneration* generation, size_t bytes);
    void increase_committed(size_t bytes);
    void decrease_committed(size_t bytes);
    void reset_bytes_allocated_since_gc_start();
    size_t min_capacity()      const;
    size_t max_capacity()      const override;
    size_t soft_max_capacity() const;

*** 202,17 ***
--- 248,28 ---
    size_t used()              const override;
    size_t committed()         const;
    void set_soft_max_capacity(size_t v);
+ // ---------- Periodic Tasks
+ //
+ private:
+   void notify_heap_changed();
+ public:
+   void set_forced_counters_update(bool value);
+   void handle_force_counters_update();
  // ---------- Workers handling
    uint _max_workers;
    ShenandoahWorkerThreads* _workers;
    ShenandoahWorkerThreads* _safepoint_workers;
+   virtual void initialize_controller();
    uint max_workers();
    void assert_gc_workers(uint nworker) NOT_DEBUG_RETURN;
    WorkerThreads* workers() const;

*** 225,27 ***
    MemRegion _heap_region;
    bool      _heap_region_special;
    size_t    _num_regions;
    ShenandoahHeapRegion** _regions;
!   ShenandoahRegionIterator _update_refs_iterator;
    inline HeapWord* base() const { return _heap_region.start(); }
    inline size_t num_regions() const { return _num_regions; }
    inline bool is_heap_region_special() { return _heap_region_special; }
!   inline ShenandoahHeapRegion* const heap_region_containing(const void* addr) const;
    inline size_t heap_region_index_containing(const void* addr) const;
!   inline ShenandoahHeapRegion* const get_region(size_t region_idx) const;
    void heap_region_iterate(ShenandoahHeapRegionClosure* blk) const;
    void parallel_heap_region_iterate(ShenandoahHeapRegionClosure* blk) const;
  // ---------- GC state machinery
  // GC state describes the important parts of collector state, that may be
  // used to make barrier selection decisions in the native and generated code.
  // Multiple bits can be set at once.
--- 282,29 ---
    MemRegion _heap_region;
    bool      _heap_region_special;
    size_t    _num_regions;
    ShenandoahHeapRegion** _regions;
!   uint8_t* _affiliations;       // Holds array of enum ShenandoahAffiliation, including FREE status in non-generational mode
    inline HeapWord* base() const { return _heap_region.start(); }
    inline size_t num_regions() const { return _num_regions; }
    inline bool is_heap_region_special() { return _heap_region_special; }
!   inline ShenandoahHeapRegion* heap_region_containing(const void* addr) const;
    inline size_t heap_region_index_containing(const void* addr) const;
!   inline ShenandoahHeapRegion* get_region(size_t region_idx) const;
    void heap_region_iterate(ShenandoahHeapRegionClosure* blk) const;
    void parallel_heap_region_iterate(ShenandoahHeapRegionClosure* blk) const;
+   inline ShenandoahMmuTracker* mmu_tracker() { return &_mmu_tracker; };
  // ---------- GC state machinery
  // GC state describes the important parts of collector state, that may be
  // used to make barrier selection decisions in the native and generated code.
  // Multiple bits can be set at once.

*** 257,40 ***
    enum GCStateBitPos {
      // Heap has forwarded objects: needs LRB barriers.
      // Heap is under marking: needs SATB barriers.
      MARKING_BITPOS    = 1,
      // Heap is under evacuation: needs LRB barriers. (Set together with HAS_FORWARDED)
      // Heap is under updating: needs no additional barriers.
      // Heap is under weak-reference/roots processing: needs weak-LRB barriers.
    enum GCState {
      STABLE        = 0,
      MARKING       = 1 << MARKING_BITPOS,
    bool _gc_state_changed;
    ShenandoahSharedBitmap _gc_state;
    ShenandoahSharedFlag   _degenerated_gc_in_progress;
    ShenandoahSharedFlag   _full_gc_in_progress;
    ShenandoahSharedFlag   _full_gc_move_in_progress;
-   ShenandoahSharedFlag   _progress_last_gc;
    ShenandoahSharedFlag   _concurrent_strong_root_in_progress;
    // This updates the singlular, global gc state. This must happen on a safepoint.
    void set_gc_state(uint mask, bool value);
    char gc_state() const;
--- 316,51 ---
    enum GCStateBitPos {
      // Heap has forwarded objects: needs LRB barriers.
      // Heap is under marking: needs SATB barriers.
+     // For generational mode, it means either young or old marking, or both.
      MARKING_BITPOS    = 1,
      // Heap is under evacuation: needs LRB barriers. (Set together with HAS_FORWARDED)
      // Heap is under updating: needs no additional barriers.
      // Heap is under weak-reference/roots processing: needs weak-LRB barriers.
+     // Young regions are under marking, need SATB barriers.
+     // Old regions are under marking, need SATB barriers.
    enum GCState {
      STABLE        = 0,
      MARKING       = 1 << MARKING_BITPOS,
    bool _gc_state_changed;
    ShenandoahSharedBitmap _gc_state;
+   ShenandoahSharedFlag   _heap_changed;
    ShenandoahSharedFlag   _degenerated_gc_in_progress;
    ShenandoahSharedFlag   _full_gc_in_progress;
    ShenandoahSharedFlag   _full_gc_move_in_progress;
    ShenandoahSharedFlag   _concurrent_strong_root_in_progress;
+   size_t _gc_no_progress_count;
    // This updates the singlular, global gc state. This must happen on a safepoint.
    void set_gc_state(uint mask, bool value);
    char gc_state() const;

*** 301,11 ***
    // This is public to support assertions that the state hasn't been changed off of
    // a safepoint and that any changes were propagated to java threads after the safepoint.
    bool has_gc_state_changed() const { return _gc_state_changed; }
!   void set_concurrent_mark_in_progress(bool in_progress);
    void set_evacuation_in_progress(bool in_progress);
    void set_update_refs_in_progress(bool in_progress);
    void set_degenerated_gc_in_progress(bool in_progress);
    void set_full_gc_in_progress(bool in_progress);
    void set_full_gc_move_in_progress(bool in_progress);
--- 371,18 ---
    // This is public to support assertions that the state hasn't been changed off of
    // a safepoint and that any changes were propagated to java threads after the safepoint.
    bool has_gc_state_changed() const { return _gc_state_changed; }
!   // Returns true if allocations have occurred in new regions or if regions have been
+   // uncommitted since the previous calls. This call will reset the flag to false.
+   bool has_changed() {
+     return _heap_changed.try_unset();
+   }
+   void set_concurrent_young_mark_in_progress(bool in_progress);
+   void set_concurrent_old_mark_in_progress(bool in_progress);
    void set_evacuation_in_progress(bool in_progress);
    void set_update_refs_in_progress(bool in_progress);
    void set_degenerated_gc_in_progress(bool in_progress);
    void set_full_gc_in_progress(bool in_progress);
    void set_full_gc_move_in_progress(bool in_progress);

*** 313,99 ***
    void set_concurrent_strong_root_in_progress(bool cond);
    void set_concurrent_weak_root_in_progress(bool cond);
    inline bool is_stable() const;
    inline bool is_idle() const;
    inline bool is_concurrent_mark_in_progress() const;
    inline bool is_update_refs_in_progress() const;
    inline bool is_evacuation_in_progress() const;
    inline bool is_degenerated_gc_in_progress() const;
    inline bool is_full_gc_in_progress() const;
    inline bool is_full_gc_move_in_progress() const;
    inline bool has_forwarded_objects() const;
    inline bool is_stw_gc_in_progress() const;
    inline bool is_concurrent_strong_root_in_progress() const;
    inline bool is_concurrent_weak_root_in_progress() const;
    enum CancelState {
      // Normal state. GC has not been cancelled and is open for cancellation.
      // Worker threads can suspend for safepoint.
      // GC has been cancelled. Worker threads can not suspend for
      // safepoint but must finish their work as soon as possible.
    ShenandoahSharedEnumFlag<CancelState> _cancelled_gc;
    bool try_cancel_gc();
    inline bool cancelled_gc() const;
    inline bool check_cancelled_gc_and_yield(bool sts_active = true);
!   inline void clear_cancelled_gc();
    void cancel_gc(GCCause::Cause cause);
!   // Elastic heap support
!   void entry_uncommit(double shrink_before, size_t shrink_until);
    void op_uncommit(double shrink_before, size_t shrink_until);
    // GC support
-   // Reset bitmap, prepare regions for new GC cycle
-   void prepare_gc();
-   void prepare_regions_and_collection_set(bool concurrent);
    // Evacuation
!   void evacuate_collection_set(bool concurrent);
    // Concurrent root processing
    void prepare_concurrent_roots();
    void finish_concurrent_roots();
    // Concurrent class unloading support
    void do_class_unloading();
    // Reference updating
    void prepare_update_heap_references(bool concurrent);
!   void update_heap_references(bool concurrent);
    // Final update region states
    void update_heap_region_states(bool concurrent);
!   void rebuild_free_set(bool concurrent);
    void rendezvous_threads();
    void recycle_trash();
!   void notify_gc_progress()    { _progress_last_gc.set();   }
!   void notify_gc_no_progress() { _progress_last_gc.unset(); }
  // Mark support
!   ShenandoahControlThread*   _control_thread;
    ShenandoahCollectorPolicy* _shenandoah_policy;
    ShenandoahMode*            _gc_mode;
-   ShenandoahHeuristics*      _heuristics;
    ShenandoahFreeSet*         _free_set;
    ShenandoahPacer*           _pacer;
    ShenandoahVerifier*        _verifier;
!   ShenandoahPhaseTimings*    _phase_timings;
-   ShenandoahControlThread*   control_thread()          { return _control_thread;    }
    ShenandoahCollectorPolicy* shenandoah_policy() const { return _shenandoah_policy; }
    ShenandoahMode*            mode()              const { return _gc_mode;           }
-   ShenandoahHeuristics*      heuristics()        const { return _heuristics;        }
    ShenandoahFreeSet*         free_set()          const { return _free_set;          }
    ShenandoahPacer*           pacer()             const { return _pacer;             }
    ShenandoahPhaseTimings*    phase_timings()     const { return _phase_timings;     }
    ShenandoahVerifier*        verifier();
  // ---------- VM subsystem bindings
--- 390,145 ---
    void set_concurrent_strong_root_in_progress(bool cond);
    void set_concurrent_weak_root_in_progress(bool cond);
    inline bool is_stable() const;
    inline bool is_idle() const;
    inline bool is_concurrent_mark_in_progress() const;
+   inline bool is_concurrent_young_mark_in_progress() const;
+   inline bool is_concurrent_old_mark_in_progress() const;
    inline bool is_update_refs_in_progress() const;
    inline bool is_evacuation_in_progress() const;
    inline bool is_degenerated_gc_in_progress() const;
    inline bool is_full_gc_in_progress() const;
    inline bool is_full_gc_move_in_progress() const;
    inline bool has_forwarded_objects() const;
    inline bool is_stw_gc_in_progress() const;
    inline bool is_concurrent_strong_root_in_progress() const;
    inline bool is_concurrent_weak_root_in_progress() const;
+   bool is_prepare_for_old_mark_in_progress() const;
+   void manage_satb_barrier(bool active);
    enum CancelState {
      // Normal state. GC has not been cancelled and is open for cancellation.
      // Worker threads can suspend for safepoint.
      // GC has been cancelled. Worker threads can not suspend for
      // safepoint but must finish their work as soon as possible.
+   double _cancel_requested_time;
    ShenandoahSharedEnumFlag<CancelState> _cancelled_gc;
+   // Returns true if cancel request was successfully communicated.
+   // Returns false if some other thread already communicated cancel
+   // request.  A true return value does not mean GC has been
+   // cancelled, only that the process of cancelling GC has begun.
    bool try_cancel_gc();
    inline bool cancelled_gc() const;
    inline bool check_cancelled_gc_and_yield(bool sts_active = true);
!   inline void clear_cancelled_gc(bool clear_oom_handler = true);
+   void cancel_concurrent_mark();
    void cancel_gc(GCCause::Cause cause);
!   // These will uncommit empty regions if heap::committed > shrink_until
!   // and there exists at least one region which was made empty before shrink_before.
+   void maybe_uncommit(double shrink_before, size_t shrink_until);
    void op_uncommit(double shrink_before, size_t shrink_until);
+   // Returns true if the soft maximum heap has been changed using management APIs.
+   bool check_soft_max_changed();
+ protected:
+   // This is shared between shConcurrentGC and shDegenerateGC so that degenerated
+   // GC can resume update refs from where the concurrent GC was cancelled. It is
+   // also used in shGenerationalHeap, which uses a different closure for update refs.
+   ShenandoahRegionIterator _update_refs_iterator;
    // GC support
    // Evacuation
!   virtual void evacuate_collection_set(bool concurrent);
    // Concurrent root processing
    void prepare_concurrent_roots();
    void finish_concurrent_roots();
    // Concurrent class unloading support
    void do_class_unloading();
    // Reference updating
    void prepare_update_heap_references(bool concurrent);
!   virtual void update_heap_references(bool concurrent);
    // Final update region states
    void update_heap_region_states(bool concurrent);
!   virtual void final_update_refs_update_region_states();
    void rendezvous_threads();
    void recycle_trash();
!   void rebuild_free_set(bool concurrent);
!   void notify_gc_progress();
+   void notify_gc_no_progress();
+   size_t get_gc_no_progress_count() const;
  // Mark support
!   ShenandoahGeneration*  _global_generation;
+ protected:
+   ShenandoahController*  _control_thread;
+   ShenandoahYoungGeneration* _young_generation;
+   ShenandoahOldGeneration*   _old_generation;
+ private:
    ShenandoahCollectorPolicy* _shenandoah_policy;
    ShenandoahMode*            _gc_mode;
    ShenandoahFreeSet*         _free_set;
    ShenandoahPacer*           _pacer;
    ShenandoahVerifier*        _verifier;
!   ShenandoahPhaseTimings*       _phase_timings;
!   ShenandoahMmuTracker          _mmu_tracker;
+   ShenandoahController*   control_thread() { return _control_thread; }
+   ShenandoahGeneration*      global_generation() const { return _global_generation; }
+   ShenandoahYoungGeneration* young_generation()  const {
+     assert(mode()->is_generational(), "Young generation requires generational mode");
+     return _young_generation;
+   }
+   ShenandoahOldGeneration*   old_generation()    const {
+     assert(mode()->is_generational(), "Old generation requires generational mode");
+     return _old_generation;
+   }
+   ShenandoahGeneration*      generation_for(ShenandoahAffiliation affiliation) const;
    ShenandoahCollectorPolicy* shenandoah_policy() const { return _shenandoah_policy; }
    ShenandoahMode*            mode()              const { return _gc_mode;           }
    ShenandoahFreeSet*         free_set()          const { return _free_set;          }
    ShenandoahPacer*           pacer()             const { return _pacer;             }
    ShenandoahPhaseTimings*    phase_timings()     const { return _phase_timings;     }
+   ShenandoahEvacOOMHandler*  oom_evac_handler()        { return &_oom_evac_handler; }
+   void on_cycle_start(GCCause::Cause cause, ShenandoahGeneration* generation);
+   void on_cycle_end(ShenandoahGeneration* generation);
    ShenandoahVerifier*        verifier();
  // ---------- VM subsystem bindings

*** 417,29 ***
    SoftRefPolicy                _soft_ref_policy;
    // For exporting to SA
    int                          _log_min_obj_alignment_in_bytes;
!   ShenandoahMonitoringSupport* monitoring_support()          { return _monitoring_support;    }
    GCMemoryManager* cycle_memory_manager()                    { return &_cycle_memory_manager; }
    GCMemoryManager* stw_memory_manager()                      { return &_stw_memory_manager;   }
    SoftRefPolicy* soft_ref_policy()                  override { return &_soft_ref_policy;      }
    GrowableArray<GCMemoryManager*> memory_managers() override;
    GrowableArray<MemoryPool*> memory_pools() override;
    MemoryUsage memory_usage() override;
    GCTracer* tracer();
    ConcurrentGCTimer* gc_timer() const;
- // ---------- Reference processing
- //
- private:
-   ShenandoahReferenceProcessor* const _ref_processor;
- public:
-   ShenandoahReferenceProcessor* ref_processor() { return _ref_processor; }
  // ---------- Class Unloading
    ShenandoahSharedFlag _unload_classes;
    ShenandoahUnload     _unloader;
--- 540,21 ---
    SoftRefPolicy                _soft_ref_policy;
    // For exporting to SA
    int                          _log_min_obj_alignment_in_bytes;
!   ShenandoahMonitoringSupport* monitoring_support() const    { return _monitoring_support;    }
    GCMemoryManager* cycle_memory_manager()                    { return &_cycle_memory_manager; }
    GCMemoryManager* stw_memory_manager()                      { return &_stw_memory_manager;   }
    SoftRefPolicy* soft_ref_policy()                  override { return &_soft_ref_policy;      }
    GrowableArray<GCMemoryManager*> memory_managers() override;
    GrowableArray<MemoryPool*> memory_pools() override;
    MemoryUsage memory_usage() override;
    GCTracer* tracer();
    ConcurrentGCTimer* gc_timer() const;
  // ---------- Class Unloading
    ShenandoahSharedFlag _unload_classes;
    ShenandoahUnload     _unloader;

*** 454,10 ***
--- 569,13 ---
    void stw_unload_classes(bool full_gc);
    void stw_process_weak_roots(bool full_gc);
    void stw_weak_refs(bool full_gc);
+   inline void assert_lock_for_affiliation(ShenandoahAffiliation orig_affiliation,
+                                           ShenandoahAffiliation new_affiliation);
    // Heap iteration support
    void scan_roots_for_iteration(ShenandoahScanObjectStack* oop_stack, ObjectIterateScanRootClosure* oops);
    bool prepare_aux_bitmap_for_iteration();
    void reclaim_aux_bitmap_for_iteration();

*** 467,11 ***
  // and can be stubbed out.
    bool is_maximal_no_gc() const override shenandoah_not_implemented_return(false);
!   bool is_in(const void* p) const override;
    bool requires_barriers(stackChunkOop obj) const override;
    MemRegion reserved_region() const { return _reserved; }
    bool is_in_reserved(const void* addr) const { return _reserved.contains(addr); }
--- 585,26 ---
  // and can be stubbed out.
    bool is_maximal_no_gc() const override shenandoah_not_implemented_return(false);
!   inline bool is_in(const void* p) const override;
+   // Returns true if the given oop belongs to a generation that is actively being collected.
+   inline bool is_in_active_generation(oop obj) const;
+   inline bool is_in_young(const void* p) const;
+   inline bool is_in_old(const void* p) const;
+   // Returns true iff the young generation is being collected and the given pointer
+   // is in the old generation. This is used to prevent the young collection from treating
+   // such an object as unreachable.
+   inline bool is_in_old_during_young_collection(oop obj) const;
+   inline ShenandoahAffiliation region_affiliation(const ShenandoahHeapRegion* r);
+   inline void set_affiliation(ShenandoahHeapRegion* r, ShenandoahAffiliation new_affiliation);
+   inline ShenandoahAffiliation region_affiliation(size_t index);
    bool requires_barriers(stackChunkOop obj) const override;
    MemRegion reserved_region() const { return _reserved; }
    bool is_in_reserved(const void* addr) const { return _reserved.contains(addr); }

*** 521,24 ***
    bool uses_stack_watermark_barrier() const override { return true; }
  // ---------- Allocation support
    HeapWord* allocate_memory_under_lock(ShenandoahAllocRequest& request, bool& in_new_region);
-   inline HeapWord* allocate_from_gclab(Thread* thread, size_t size);
    HeapWord* allocate_from_gclab_slow(Thread* thread, size_t size);
    HeapWord* allocate_new_gclab(size_t min_size, size_t word_size, size_t* actual_size);
    HeapWord* allocate_memory(ShenandoahAllocRequest& request);
    HeapWord* mem_allocate(size_t size, bool* what) override;
    MetaWord* satisfy_failed_metadata_allocation(ClassLoaderData* loader_data,
                                                 size_t size,
                                                 Metaspace::MetadataType mdtype) override;
!   void notify_mutator_alloc_words(size_t words, bool waste);
    HeapWord* allocate_new_tlab(size_t min_size, size_t requested_size, size_t* actual_size) override;
    size_t tlab_capacity(Thread *thr) const override;
    size_t unsafe_max_tlab_alloc(Thread *thread) const override;
    size_t max_tlab_size() const override;
--- 654,26 ---
    bool uses_stack_watermark_barrier() const override { return true; }
  // ---------- Allocation support
+ protected:
+   inline HeapWord* allocate_from_gclab(Thread* thread, size_t size);
    HeapWord* allocate_memory_under_lock(ShenandoahAllocRequest& request, bool& in_new_region);
    HeapWord* allocate_from_gclab_slow(Thread* thread, size_t size);
    HeapWord* allocate_new_gclab(size_t min_size, size_t word_size, size_t* actual_size);
    HeapWord* allocate_memory(ShenandoahAllocRequest& request);
    HeapWord* mem_allocate(size_t size, bool* what) override;
    MetaWord* satisfy_failed_metadata_allocation(ClassLoaderData* loader_data,
                                                 size_t size,
                                                 Metaspace::MetadataType mdtype) override;
!   void notify_mutator_alloc_words(size_t words, size_t waste);
    HeapWord* allocate_new_tlab(size_t min_size, size_t requested_size, size_t* actual_size) override;
    size_t tlab_capacity(Thread *thr) const override;
    size_t unsafe_max_tlab_alloc(Thread *thread) const override;
    size_t max_tlab_size() const override;

*** 572,24 ***
    ShenandoahLiveData** _liveness_cache;
    inline ShenandoahMarkingContext* complete_marking_context() const;
    inline ShenandoahMarkingContext* marking_context() const;
-   inline void mark_complete_marking_context();
-   inline void mark_incomplete_marking_context();
    template<class T>
    inline void marked_object_iterate(ShenandoahHeapRegion* region, T* cl);
    template<class T>
    inline void marked_object_iterate(ShenandoahHeapRegion* region, T* cl, HeapWord* limit);
    template<class T>
    inline void marked_object_oop_iterate(ShenandoahHeapRegion* region, T* cl, HeapWord* limit);
-   void reset_mark_bitmap();
    // SATB barriers hooks
    inline bool requires_marking(const void* entry) const;
    // Support for bitmap uncommits
    bool commit_bitmap_slice(ShenandoahHeapRegion *r);
--- 707,20 ---

*** 606,10 ***
--- 737,12 ---
    ShenandoahCollectionSet* _collection_set;
    ShenandoahEvacOOMHandler _oom_evac_handler;
+   oop try_evacuate_object(oop src, Thread* thread, ShenandoahHeapRegion* from_region, ShenandoahAffiliation target_gen);
    static address in_cset_fast_test_addr();
    ShenandoahCollectionSet* collection_set() const { return _collection_set; }

*** 617,13 ***
    inline bool in_collection_set(oop obj) const;
    // Checks if location is in the collection set. Can be interior pointer, not the oop itself.
    inline bool in_collection_set_loc(void* loc) const;
!   // Evacuates object src. Returns the evacuated object, either evacuated
    // by this thread, or by some other thread.
!   inline oop evacuate_object(oop src, Thread* thread);
    // Call before/after evacuation.
    inline void enter_evacuation(Thread* t);
    inline void leave_evacuation(Thread* t);
--- 750,13 ---
    inline bool in_collection_set(oop obj) const;
    // Checks if location is in the collection set. Can be interior pointer, not the oop itself.
    inline bool in_collection_set_loc(void* loc) const;
!   // Evacuates or promotes object src. Returns the evacuated object, either evacuated
    // by this thread, or by some other thread.
!   virtual oop evacuate_object(oop src, Thread* thread);
    // Call before/after evacuation.
    inline void enter_evacuation(Thread* t);
    inline void leave_evacuation(Thread* t);

*** 646,11 ***
    static inline void atomic_clear_oop(      oop* addr,       oop compare);
    static inline void atomic_clear_oop(narrowOop* addr,       oop compare);
    static inline void atomic_clear_oop(narrowOop* addr, narrowOop compare);
!   void trash_humongous_region_at(ShenandoahHeapRegion *r);
    void trash_cset_regions();
  // ---------- Testing helpers functions
--- 779,20 ---
    static inline void atomic_clear_oop(      oop* addr,       oop compare);
    static inline void atomic_clear_oop(narrowOop* addr,       oop compare);
    static inline void atomic_clear_oop(narrowOop* addr, narrowOop compare);
!   size_t trash_humongous_region_at(ShenandoahHeapRegion *r);
+   static inline void increase_object_age(oop obj, uint additional_age);
+   // Return the object's age, or a sentinel value when the age can't
+   // necessarily be determined because of concurrent locking by the
+   // mutator
+   static inline uint get_object_age(oop obj);
+   void log_heap_status(const char *msg) const;
    void trash_cset_regions();
  // ---------- Testing helpers functions
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